My life with Steph
My life with Steph
Sex Story Author: | Dazultra61 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | As I lowered her she tugged and my shorts began to come down. ‘Stop, leave go or my shorts will |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Male / Female Teens, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Teen Male/Teen Female, Young |
We lay for a while not knowing for how long or even what time it was. The sun was still high in the sky so I guessed it was about one o’clock or shortly after. I looked at Steph, she appeared to be asleep a contented look on her face and her mouth turned up at the edges in a half smile. She opened her eyes as if sensing I was watching her, she has an uncanny ability to do this, as if she was reading my thoughts.
‘We should be getting back.’ She said.
‘Yeah I was thinking that myself, I don’t know how long we’ve been away but I bet your mothers starting to wonder where we are.’
‘Aye she’ll not be happy if we’re late for dinner.’
I kissed her once more before freeing my arm from beneath her, I retrieved our clothes from the fields and we hurriedly got dressed.
‘Jesus your back’s a mess.’ She said to me ‘Does it hurt?’
‘No, well not yet anyway.’
‘I’ve scratched it pretty badly, I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t worry about it, it was worth it.’ I reassured her.
I helped her clean herself of grass and bits of debris from the ground and we recovered the cycles
‘I think it’d be a good idea to nip into the cemetery and use the standpipe to get some of the muck out of my knees and elbows.’ I suggested.
‘Yeah, you could do with a bit of a scrub.’ She replied.
As we walked around to the entrance I said we should have an excuse ready in case her mother went of on one if we were late.
‘How about we tell her I got a puncture and we had to start walking back from the coast, then after a few miles or so another cyclist helped us fix the tyre?’
‘Yeah, that’ll do. Steph replied.
Excuses ready and cleaned up as best we could we headed back.
Steph’s mum was a bit miffed but only because she’d had to set the table and prepare the dinner herself, she seemed to accept our excuse as we weren’t really all that late anyway.
‘You’d better go and get washed up.’ She said to me ‘You look like you’ve had quite a ride, you’re pretty sweaty.’
I grinned and thought to myself ‘You don’t know how right you are!’
I went up to the bathroom and as I reached for the door it opened and Karen came out.
‘Ughh! You’re all sweaty; did you have a long ride?’
‘Yes.’ I said grinning again. ‘A Long hard ride.’
‘Where did you go?’
‘OH! We went all the way.’
‘Eh?’ She said with a puzzled look.
‘To the coast I mean, all the way to the coast.’ She obviously doesn’t understand innuendo.
She gave me a second glance as I walked into the bathroom; I don’t think she was as convinced as her mother.
‘Ooh look you’ve got a big scratch on your leg.’
‘There.’ She pointed and placed her finger on the back of my left thigh and traced a line up and around the inside toward my arse. I think she would have followed it all the way if I hadn’t stepped out of reach. She had a smirk on her face that convinced me she thought we’d been up to something else.
We had dinner and I stayed a short while longer, leaving for home at about 4:30. I had work on Monday and needed a good bath and a relaxing drink.
The next couple of weeks were filled with the normal stuff, work, going out at the weekend nothing spectacular apart from worry, I was petrified in case Steph was pregnant, she wasn’t due a period until two weeks after we’d done it. I was a wreck until she finally had a show. I begged her to go on the pill but she was scared her mam would find them. I said better that then get pregnant. She said we’d have to take other precautions i.e. condoms, which I wasn’t happy about cause I can’t stand using them, selfish bastard.
I was talking to Steph at work and she mentioned her parents wanted her to look after Karen the following Saturday night. They were going to an anniversary party in Morpeth and wouldn’t be home till quite late, probably the early hours of the morning. The two boys were on a football coaching weekend and would be gone from Friday evening until Sunday tea time.
‘I’ve told mum we had planned to go to the pictures but that you wouldn’t mind cancelling.’
‘We haven’t arranged top go to the pictures. ‘I Said.
‘I know silly, I just thought I’d say it so she’d be sympathetic for spoiling our plans.’
‘Why?’ I said puzzled.
‘Because I suggested you could stay over, if she didn’t mind.’
‘Ahhh I see, naughty girl, what have you got in mind I wonder?’
‘I’ll get Karen to bed by about nine then we’ll have a few hours to ourselves before they get home.’
‘I like the way you’re thinking girl, I like the way you’re thinking, I’d better bring a packet of three then eh!’
‘THREE! You wish!’ She laughed.
‘OK brilliant, when will I come over?’
‘Anytime you want really, whatever suits.’
‘OK, I’ll give you a ring when I’m on my way just so you know.’
Saturday came and it was another lovely day, I set of for Steph’s at 11:30 and it was already getting quite warm. I was really looking forward to some time alone with her, especially in comfort. I rang her from a callbox in town to tell her I’d be on the 12:20 bus so I’d be there for 1 o’clock.
Earlier at Steph’s
‘Mam! I’m going in the garden to sunbathe; Darren’s going to ring when he’s on his way.’ Steph called to her mother.
‘All right I’ll let you know when he does.’ Her mother replied.
‘Mam can I get my pool out?’ Asked Karen.
‘Ask Stephanie if she can reach it, it’s in the shed.’
Steph had the keys to the shed so she could get the step ladders out as she sunbathed on the shed roof. ‘I can’t reach it, its right at the back behind the bikes and everything, if you wait till Darren gets here he’ll be able to climb over and get it.’
‘Aww, how long will he be?’
‘He shouldn’t be long, he’ll ring soon.’
‘Can I go and meet him off the bus?’
‘Yes, but check with mam first.’
‘OK, I’ll go and ask then go get changed ready for the pool.’
Karen raced off to ask, while she was away Steph climbed onto the roof with a towel and book and her sun tan lotion, ready for a peaceful afternoon. She wore a black bikini with a broken gold thread running through it. Just as she settled down the phone rang.
‘It’s Darren.” Her mother shouted “He’s on his way now.’
‘OK.’ Steph answered.
Karen was soon back dressed in a navy blue one piece swimsuit with a pair of white denim shorts and a pair of flip flops.
‘Darren’s on his way now, he’ll be off the bus at about ten to one.’ Steph told her.
‘I know mam told me, she said it was ok to go meet him.’ Karen paced around impatiently until it was 12:45. ‘I’m away now Steph.’
‘Okay, straight there mind.’
‘I will.’
As the bus pulled into the stop Darren could see Karen waiting, she waved furiously, he could tell she was excited about something, but then again she almost always was. She ran and hugged him as he stepped off the bus.
‘Whoa! What’s this? Have I got a new girlfriend, has Steph bombed me out?’
‘If you want I’ll be your girlfriend, can I?’
‘Well only when Steph’s not here, don’t tell her mind.’
‘I need a kiss then, you always give Steph a kiss when you see her.’
‘OK come here.’
He bent to kiss her on the cheek, but she insisted he kiss her on the lips as that’s what boyfriend and girlfriends do. She pursed her lips in the way that young girls do and he quickly gave her a kiss.
‘That wasn’t a very good one.’ She moaned.
‘OK let’s try again.’ He said and this time gave her a longer but still brief kiss. ‘Better that time?’
‘Much better.’ She said with a smile. ‘Will you get my pool out and help me fill it please?’ Karen asked him.
‘Yeah sure, why not, it’s going to be a scorcher, matter of fact I might even get in with you.’
‘You can if you want there’s plenty of room. Have you brought some trunks or shorts with you?’
‘Yup, I’ve got some shorts in my bag.’
‘Goody.’ She grinned at him.
‘Will you give me a piggy back home?’ She asked.
‘Climb up on the wall then and jump on my back.’ Karen did so delighted.
‘Yeeha!’ She yelled ‘I’m gonna ride you like a cowgirl.’ She said as they set off. Darren grinned to himself; her innuendo meant nothing to her. As he turned into the pathway that led to the back of the house he caught sight of Steph on the shed roof, even from here he could clearly make out her curves. She lay on her front with her head up, she was reading a book but Darren found it hard to keep his eyes of the graceful hillock that was her firm young arse clad in black. As they neared the gate Steph looked up and raised her sunglasses. ‘Hi.’ She said smiling down at him.
‘Hi, emm how you going to get down from there after I’ve taken those steps away?’
‘You just dare!’
‘What do you reckon Karen?’
‘If you leave her up there then I could be your girlfriend all the time couldn’t I.’
‘Yes that’s a thought; I better let her get down in that case.’
‘Ooohh that’s nasty.’ Said Karen.
‘Just kidding pet.’
I said hello to Jean (their mum) and took my bag into the house; Karen slid of my back and made straight for the shed. ‘I’ll get the hose ready.’ She yelled.
‘OK I’ll just get changed then I’ll be out.’
We had the pool up in no time’ it was a large vinyl rectangle with an aluminium frame that slotted together. ‘This is going to take a bit longer to fill than I thought.’ I said to Karen.
‘We don’t need to fill it right to the top you know, I’m not bothered about actually swimming. I just want to lie down and keep cool.’
‘Okay just leave the hose over the edge and I’ll turn on the tap.’ I walked to the top of the garden to the outside tap and connected the hose. ‘Ready!’ I called to Karen.
‘Yes, turn it on now.’
As I walked back to the pool Karen was removing her shorts, she was bent forward with her back to me and I couldn’t help noticing her bathing costume cut deep into the crease of her little arse, it didn’t look as skinny and the tight material seemed to mould it into roundness, as she stood straight she prised a finger under the cloth and ran it round the leg easing the swimsuit out of her bum.
‘This bathers too tight.’ She moaned.
‘Haven’t you got another one?’ I asked her.
‘Yes but mum’s got them all packed away for our holidays. This is my school one I’ll be getting a new one for next term.
The six weeks school holidays started soon and the family were going away for two weeks to a holiday camp. Steph said she didn’t want to go because she’d miss me but it had all been booked before we met. I said it didn’t make much difference because there’s no way her mother would let her stay home alone, not with a horny hormone fuelled teenager sniffing round her daughter. I’d decided to take the week before they went and a few days after they came back as holidays but I wasn’t going anywhere, in fact I had no plans to do anything at all. I would be at a loss without Steph and most of my mates would be either away or at work.
I grabbed a folding deckchair from the garden shed and set it where I could watch Karen playing in her pool. I began to remove my t-shirt then thought better of it, I still had red marks from where Steph raked my back and shoulders and I didn’t want Karen or her mother asking awkward questions so I just settled down to read the morning paper. Steph’s voice interrupted my reading, she spoke louder than her usual speaking tone, she did this when she wanted as many people to hear what she was saying without making it obvious. ‘The pervert over the road is twitching his curtains again.’
‘What?’ I said as I looked up to where her head was just visible over the edge of the shed roof.
‘Him over the road man, he’s always staring from behind the net curtains in the bedroom, thinks I don’t know he’s there, friggin dirty old pervert.’ I glanced over to the house opposite but couldn’t see anyone. I thought to myself that I would do exactly the same thing if a gorgeous semi -naked teenager was displaying herself outside my bedroom window; in fact I’d be doing a lot more than just watching. The fellow she meant lived with his wife and daughter; he was in his late fifties and a bit fat, I conjured up a mental picture of him furiously bashing the bishop in his daughter’s bedroom while watching Steph and then his daughter walking in on him just as he shot his load all over the nets. I smiled to myself and went back to reading my paper. ‘Dirty old man better not be watching me.’ Said Karen and I smiled again. ‘I don’t think so pet.’ I thought to myself. I checked the level of the water in the pool and asked Karen if she had enough. ‘Not yet, when it goes over my bellybutton there’ll be enough.’ She was sitting with her back against the side and I could see another couple of inches would do it. I noticed the cold water had made her nipples erect and this actually made the slight swelling of her chest look more pronounced, I couldn’t help looking down at her groin where the swimsuit framed her young pussy. The shape of her vulva was clearly apparent with a crease where the swimsuit cut into her cunt. I glanced back up at the bedroom window opposite and communicated telepathically with the old guy. ‘You and me both pal eh!’ The curtain moved just as I looked. Sure enough Steph was right. The pool eventually had enough water and I turned the tap off. While I was near the kitchen I said to Jean. ‘I’m going to nip down to the shop for a few cans of beer, do you need anything while I’m there?’
‘Oh yes please Darren you can get me a loaf of bread if you don’t mind.’
‘Not at all, won’t be long.’ As I walked back down the garden path I asked the girls the same thing.
‘No thanks.’ They said as one. When I reached the pool Karen was lying against the side with her arms outstretched, head tilted to the sky and eyes closed. I couldn’t resist and scooped up a handful of water as I passed and splashed her face.
‘Arrrrrgggghh.’ She cried out as I ran for the gate. ‘Just you wait! I’ll get you for that.’ I laughed at her from the safety of the opposite side of the fence. The shop wasn’t too far so it didn’t take me long. When I got back Karen was still in the pool but she ignored me as I walked past. I gave Jean the loaf and put my beer in the fridge to cool; I thought I’d give it half an hour then it should be ok, nothing worse than warm beer on a hot day and nothing better than a cold one. I made my way back to my seat, my newspaper wasn’t where I’d left it’ I looked up at Steph and said. ‘Have you got my paper?’
‘No, but Karen’s got something for you.’ I turned to look at Karen and received a pail of water full in the face, before I could react another hit me from above. I just stood dripping wet. I made as if I wasn’t concerned and pretended I was going for a towel, Steph and Karen were in fits of laughter as I stepped onto the garden path, Karen was bent over giggling so she didn’t see me as I jumped into the pool and grabbed her from behind, left arm around her waist and right to sweep her legs up. In an instant she was upside down screaming as I began to lower her headfirst into the water. ‘Arrrghh no, no, please Darren no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry honest I’m sorry.’
‘Too late for that, you’re going to get dunked.’ She laughed and giggled while trying to plead for mercy but I ignored her and slowly began to lower her down. She grabbed at my legs to try and arrest her descent, her arms wrapped around my thighs and she clutched the legs of my shorts. She squeezed herself against me and I was conscious of the pressure against my penis if it hadn’t been all so innocent I might have thought more about it at the time and would probably have gotten a hard on, especially as I was holding her by the hips upside down and had an unobstructed view of her tight little arse.
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