
My Husband, My Slave

Sophie is a high powered executive who makes decisions that impact the lives of her staff and community every day. When her husband, John, has some problems she does what comes naturally, deciding what is best for both of them. This is a four-part story.


I think it would be best if I begin at the beginning—back before all this happened–with an introduction of who we are and why I’m telling this story. I’m Sophie—actually Sophia, but I’ve always thought that was much too formal and much too old fashioned. I was, after all, named for my maternal grandmother, I suspect because she was really loaded. She’d inherited millions from my grandfather who was invested heavily in real estate and railroads back when railroads were king. I’m now 34 years old, 5’9” tall, and weigh only two pounds more than when I graduated college—127 pounds. I’m tall and slender with shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes, measuring 34B, 25, 34, and I stay in good shape by either using our company gym or working out at home. I’m an extremely successful executive—a senior vice president–with an international corporation that specializes in developing commercial and industrial real estate even though I don’t need the money. I now own all my grandfather’s investments—millions and millions in blue chip stocks and bonds.

I’m now thrilled to be very happily married to John Masters, 36, an even six feet, and 160 pounds although I wasn’t always. John had created more problems with his insane juvenile and utterly irresponsible behavior than I could count. He worked for one of our competitors as a mediocre account executive. John hated his job and his boss even more. Now that you have the background I can continue with my story of how I worked to turn my immature and sexually selfish husband into my excellent slave and loyal dedicated companion. It all began about a month after my thirtieth birthday.


I had just brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. I turned to kiss my husband John good-night and fell to the pillow, my back facing John as it did every night. It wasn’t long before I felt his hard cock sticking between my ass cheeks, my nightgown pushed up over my hips.

John’s hand reached around my body, coming under my breast. “Whaddya say, Sophie? I’m really randy tonight.”

“I just showered, John. If we make love I’ll leak all night and you know how much I hate that.”

“C’mon, baby my balls are aching.”

“Why don’t you just jerk it? That’ll take the edge off. You can do it right here; I won’t mind. Wipe up with a hankie like you usually do.” I lifted John’s hand from my body and returned my head to the pillow.

“Geez, Sophie—I really need it; please!”

I lay there for a few minutes before rolling over. “I’ll do it, but you have to agree to clean me up after.”

“No problem…it won’t take me but a minute to run into the bathroom for a nice warm washcloth. I’ll wipe you down good.”

“No, John—you don’t understand. No washcloth can reach inside of me. You’ll have to use your tongue and I’ll expect you to scoop every last drop out of my puss.”

“Sophie, that’s disgusting.”

“Is it? Wouldn’t you just love it if I swallowed? Why should I do something that you refuse to do?”


“There are no ‘buts,’ John. If you want it badly enough it won’t be an issue. Either way is okay with me.” I rolled over again, a wry smile on my unseen face. It was almost five minutes later that I heard John sigh.


“Fine, lie on your back; I’ll take the top.” It was a position I’d find myself in more and more often from now on. Damn! I should have thought of this a long time ago. I rose up to straddle John’s hard cock and a minute later it was seated within my core. I’d say “deep” but there were inches in there he’d never touch. Reaching back I could feel how full his balls were. This was going to be even more fun than I would have dreamed possible. Massaging his sac I began to rock and grind my clit into John’s abdomen. John met every movement with a strong one of his own. I knew he’d cum quickly.

John had never been a great lover. His cock was a bit too small for my liking even though I knew I was tight. I had lived with that for six years—our entire married life, but a bigger problem was John’s tendency for premature ejaculation. It was rare that John could last more than three minutes only to leave me frustrated every time. After sex—it surely didn’t meet my definition of “making love”—he’d fall deeply asleep in minutes while I fingered my clit furiously to reach the orgasm he had denied me.

Sure enough, John came suddenly and without warning. I could feel him gush into me and I helped him empty those swollen balls with my persistent massage. Without waiting I moved forward quickly. “Don’t even think of going back on your promise. If you do it might be months before we have sex again.” Looking down in the dim light I could see the defeat in his face. Moving quickly, my thighs locked against his head. “You’d better get started and while you’re there you might think of giving me an orgasm, too.”

John was tentative, but that was to be expected. It was a cold day in hell that he ever gave my needs any consideration. In spite of all the sexual problems I did love John and I’d love him even more in the coming months once I’d put all my plans into effect. I squatted down to bring my cunt lips into contact with his mouth. I could feel his tongue touch and lick my labia first then force its way deep into me. After about five minutes it was so good I could feel the eruption coming. His cock had warmed me up. Now his tongue would finish the job. “Don’t you dare stop, John–I’m almost there…almost there…OOOOOH…AHHHHH!” I could feel my ejaculate soak my crotch. “Keep going, John; you’ve done a good job so far now you just have to lick me clean. This is all my juice; I think you’ve taken care of all of yours.” I rolled off a few minutes later, feeling better about my life than I had in a long time.

I was just about to fall asleep three nights later when John made advances again. “Fine, but you know what you have to do.” He was less reluctant this time so I rode him once again until his little wienie spurted and climbed up his body. He licked me to an incredible orgasm then finished cleaning up his mess. I kissed him deeply to encourage him then rolled over to a deep satisfied sleep.

Once I had broken down his barriers John became an avid cunt licker and cleaning me up became our routine even when we made love in the afternoon rather than the evening. We fucked two to three times a week and I was cumming every time, something that hadn’t occurred since we had wed. Three months later I was pretty sure he was ready for the next step. Surprisingly, John helped by giving me the opening I needed.

He was ranting when I came home from work that Thursday evening. John was always home before me. I could see that he had been drinking. He may have had his faults, but frequent abuse of alcohol wasn’t one of them. I sat silently, knowing that he’d eventually spill his guts. “I swear–that fucking idiot Hardman is driving me crazy. He hasn’t a clue and now he wants to revamp the entire department. I don’t know how much longer I can put up with it. I’d love to tell him off.”

“Why don’t you?”

“You know why—we need the money.” I had inherited before I had met John and saw no reason to tell him about my wealth. It was better that we both work, even though we struggled for the first three years. John would have squandered millions had he known of my inheritance. The investments were in an account he knew nothing about; the required reports sent to a post office box instead of our house.

“Suppose we didn’t.”

“Then I would; I’d give it to him good, but unfortunately I can’t. I’m stuck there.”

“I think I have good news for you, John. Last year you made about $45,000 while I made about sixty. I learned earlier this week that I was being considered and today that it was confirmed–I’m getting a fabulous promotion and a huge raise to $130,000, and…I’ll be eligible for a sizable bonus, too. I’m the new division manager—executive vice president for development. You can quit if you want to, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to disparage your boss. He has too many friends in the industry.” Truth be told, I’d gotten the raise and promotion almost a month ago. I was waiting for John to voice his discontent. I knew it wouldn’t take long. He hated his job and his boss even more. “You could quit and look for another job, or even stay home and take it easy for a while you wait for the right position.” I knew there would never be another job; John was sure to mouth off to his boss. Joseph Hardman was a well respected executive and was considered an expert in his field even though John had chafed under him. A negative recommendation from him would be the kiss of death. John might be able to work at McDonald’s, but he wouldn’t. Such a job would be beneath his dignity.

I didn’t mention it again; I didn’t have to. John phoned me at work the following Wednesday to tell me he had told Mr. Hardman where he could stick his job. I already knew that. Joseph had phoned me to ask if John was ill or having emotional problems. “Not that I know of, Joseph; why do you ask?”

“Because he just came in and read me the riot act. I swear I never heard such profanity. I would have fired him if he didn’t quit on the spot.”

“I’m truly sorry, Joseph. I don’t know what got into him. I do know that he has been feeling some stress lately, but that’s inexcusable. Thank you for your courtesy in phoning. I think I may leave early tonight to check up on him. I’ll be in touch.”

“I hope so and congratulations on your promotion. We may be competitors, but I do wish you luck. Somehow, I doubt you’ll need it.”

I thanked him again and sat back in my chair, a smug smile on my face until my secretary interrupted me. “Please call Philip and tell him I need to leave a little early tonight. I have a bit of a family emergency that I need to deal with.” I returned to my work, clearing a lot of paper from my desk before moving to the conference room for a meeting with several of my staff. I left half an hour early at 5:00 and was home thirty minutes later. John was there and he had been drinking again—this time in celebration.

“I did it, Soph; I told that bastard off!”

“Okay, but did you have to call him a ‘fucking fairy’ or tell him to ‘fuck himself?’ That was a trifle juvenile.” I continued when he gave me a look of surprise. “We may be competitors, but we do speak occasionally. He actually sounded worried about you.”

“Yeah…right; he only cares about himself. I think I’ll take a week off and then I’ll look for another job. There are usually ads in the Sunday paper and I can check online, too. I’m not worried.” Neither was I; John was in for a surprise.

He stayed home for the rest of the week and true to his word he did begin a job search the following Monday, cutting out almost a dozen ads from the newspaper. He was optimistic, but that didn’t last. Two weeks later he complained bitterly. “It’s just like that bastard to blackball me. One of the managers confided that he wanted to hire me, but couldn’t with such negative references.”

“I’m sure your tirade had a lot to do with that. I told you it was a juvenile thing to do. You could have been critical, but civilized.” I would have continued to tell him that he had brought this on himself, but decided not to. John may have been excitable, but he wasn’t an idiot—he could figure that out for himself. “Please, dear won’t you give me a hand with dinner?”

“Why can’t you do it?”

“I can, but since you’ve been home all day doing nothing I thought you might be willing to help. Frankly, I’m tired and all I want is a cup of tea and some toast.”
“Okay…what do you want me to do?” I set him at several tasks that he’d normally consider beneath him while I rustled up a salad and a steak. Afterwards, I asked for some help clearing and rinsing the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.

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