
My gorilla pimp

Jane has always found it difficult to relate to people. She was a very sickly baby and for most part of her pre school life missed out on playing with and getting used to other children. By the time she went to school, she felt a total stranger and would try her best to avoid contact with people. She never talked much before, and now, being forced to communicate with children she did not feel comfortable with, she developed a bad stutter and the teasing and humiliation made her withdraw even further. The only time she felt happy and comfortable with herself was while she was doing homework and learning, or playing with her pets.

Animals made Jane feel great. They appreciated her and she could relate to them. They also found it difficult communicating with humans, and was often at the mercy of humans sick sense of humor and mood swings. Like most people that stutter, Jane did not have any problems when talking to the animals, and she could really be herself and express how she felt, and how she hated being around people.

It came as no surprise to Janes parents when she announced that she wanted to study zoology after school, but they were really getting worried about the fact that Jane did not seem to worry about anything other than her studies and her animals. Right through school she never brought any friends home, let alone boyfriends, and fashion, makeup and clothes did not feature anywhere on her list of priorities. This was very surprising giving the fact that Jane had beautiful physical features, with a pretty face and very athletic body due to all the time she spend playing with the animals and horse riding, running around and walking for miles. Many a young boy would see her as an easy target and try his luck, but she did not pay any attention to any of them.

University was much of the same thing for Jane, study hard, spend as much time as possible with her animals, and avoid any unnecessary human contact. One guy managed to get to know Jane a lot more intimate than anyone else, and through him, most of the male students, and a good percentage of the females got to know her better than she was ever aware of. Johny was her next door nabour and got an idea one day to break into her apartment and install a secret webcam. To his absolute delight he found that the shy and quiet Jane they knew from campus was very entertaining once in the privacy of her own department. Clothes were really optional when the summer heat made her feel uncomfortable, and since she did not like anything artificial, including air conditioners, her clothes would come off very quickly. It didn’t take long for Johny to realize that he could make money with this, and so the website was born. The webcam got replaced with high definition miniature cameras which covered every room and every corner of the apartment. Johny was a hero, and soon everybody started betting on when they were going to see Jane playing with her private little parts, or even better, allow her pets to do this for her, but… although Jane had no problem parading around in the nude, she did not seem to have any sexual appetite. This did not make much of a difference to the popularity of the website, because Janes body was something to be admired. Students could not get enough of those perky little breasts, and pictures of her butt with her pussy peeping through between her legs sold like hot cakes. Jane even saw one of these photos once. One of the boys was showing off the latest addition to his collection to his friends when she walked passed his desk. She saw the lovely curves of a females behind, but not for one second did the thought occur to her that it was her own behind in the picture.

If her parents were hoping that she would come out of her shell now, they were sadly mistaken, and when Jane announced that she was taking a “chance of a lifetime” opportunity to go study gorillas in Africa, they just accepted it and wished her well.

The assignment in Africa could not have been better for Jane. She felt drawn to the majestic animals as if she was a long lost relative that just needed to learn the native tongue again. She was hundreds of miles from anything remotely resembling civilization, and the only contact she had with the outside world was through her satellite phone which she used to order supplies with. These supplies would be parachuted down to her from the coordinates she gives them, and she would only see humans once every six months when she asked for her work to be collected. Unbeknown to her, she was becoming one of the most respected scientists in her field back home from the articles and video footage she would send back. Nobody ever managed to get so close to a troop of wild gorillas ever, and the insight she gained from almost living with them and gaining their trust was second to none.

Life in the jungle would have been almost impossible for any human being, let alone a sexy young girl, but Jane was able to adapt much like her beloved animals. Since she wasn’t aware of her almost celebrity status back home, and the fact that she would probably get anything she asked for, she would be too afraid to request much personal stuff in fear that the expensive equipment she asks for would not be granted. When her clothes started getting old and torn, she simply stopped wearing them, and would eventually live in nothing more than just something wrapped around her hips, basically just to protect her butt when she sat down. She was blissfully unaware what a heavenly picture she was moving around tracking the gorillas. Her body was now toned like a gymnast, and her skin a beautiful golden brown from indirect sun under the vast jungle canopy. Her breasts would make any women green of envy, every man hunger with lust, and every artist grab his brush to paint a portrait of those perfect curves. Her nipples stick proudly directly ahead, and she would sometimes get a strange pleasurable feeling when a leave or twig accidentally brushed against them. She would however not spend too much time examining this feeling, her overwhelming desire to learn more about the gorillas smothering any hint of sexuality. She has always been blessed with virtually no body hair, and as she moved around the jungle navigating the many obstacles you would catch a glimpse of the cutest little pussy any man, or women, can imagine. The outer lips were almost too thick compared to the size of her body, and when she stood upright, they would fold over her virgina, completely hiding the delicate folds of flesh inside. It would just be her clitoris that kept on popping out like a naughty gorilla baby wanting to explore the world. When Jane squatted down for a pee, she would use two fingers to open the outer lips, revealing a sight that any man would probably give his right arm for. Pulling the outer lips apart was like watching a bud open into a beautiful flower. It was as if the inside folds of delicate flesh were under huge pressure and popped out as soon as the restraints were removed. Once or twice a grass stem would brush against the hood covering her clitoris, or the virgin skin around her pussy hole, and this would send a shudder through her tiny body, but that is as far as she would allow herself to go before it was back to business and the serious scientist in her took command again.

Jane was now 24 years old, and she woke up on this particular morning with a strange feeling that something terrible was going to happen. By the time she reached the troop of gorillas it was all over. She realized with shock that one of the females was killed by a predator and cried when she stood next to the bloodied remains. She knew the female had a baby, and she would find him a few hours later hiding from the rest of the angry males. He had nobody to protect him now, and would soon die from either a predator, or one of the gorilla males that would see him as a future rival. His life was going to end soon either way, and Jane could simply not bear the thought of leaving this helpless little thing as he cowered between the vegetation, his whole body shaking, staring at her with big frightened eyes. That night was the most horrible night Jane had in her entire life, the little gorilla was still a very tiny baby, and could not eat any solid food. Nothing Jane tried would make him eat or drink, and she watched the life slowly leaving his body. He would still look at her with those big eyes, but she wasn’t sure if he could still register what was going on around him. When she cuddled him he would eagerly lift his head expecting his mothers nipple, but he would still refuse to eat. Two days went by, and all she was able to do is force water down his throat. Her heart was torn in threads, she would give anything to help the little thing survive. She finally fell asleep from sheer exhaustion, and had terrible dreams about starving animals. She woke up, her whole body tingling, and she felt an overwhelmingly pleasurable feeling like nothing she had ever experienced, and it was with shock and amazement that she discovered the little gorilla was sucking on her breast. She did not realize this immediately, maybe the sensations she was experiencing made her mind a bit fuzzy, but her overwhelming desire to help the baby gorilla caused her body to lactate, and her juice was eagerly sucked out and consumed.

Jane couldn’t stop herself from lifting the baby gorilla and moving him to her other breast. The feeling was just so good that she could not resist the temptation to feel him sucking the other nipple. She felt a funny warm feeling in her pussy and looked around guiltily even though she new there was nobody around. Jane new that some women experienced orgasms when they breast fed their babies, but she never thought the feeling could be this good. For the next few weeks, little Jack (this is what she decided to name him), would have no problem getting a bite to eat since his adopted mother was just too eager to put a nipple in his mouth.

Little Jack grew up far too quickly and soon, too soon for Janes liking, he did not want to suck her nipples anymore would eat solid foods in tead. Jack grew up to be a strong young teenager, and getting interested in much more than just the birds and the bees. Jane new that he would never be able to join the troop again, he was bound to be a loner for the rest of his life, and any attempt to get anywhere near any of the females would mean a certain and brutal death. Jane often thought that she may have done him the greatest injustice by not allowing him to die as a baby, and would feel very guilty when she saw him looking up to listen to the noises coming from the troop not too far away.

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