My Gorgeous Cousin Bailey — Part 2
My Gorgeous Cousin Bailey — Part 2
Sex Story Author: | HornySAWriter |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I could also feel the growing wetness seeping through her thing shorts from her excited pussy. I had |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Romance, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Hello. I realize that leaving the previous part of this story where I did may have annoyed some of you, my readers. For that I apologize. I hope you will find this part of the story more satisfying. Also, I apologize that it’s a little later than I said it would be. Thank you, and enjoy!
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Something woke me up. At first I had no idea what it was, and was in that horrible stage of suddenly waking up from sleep when you have no idea where you are or what time it is. I cast my gaze around the room, and realized that I was still in Bailey’s room. Shit! Why hadn’t she woken me? Now I was lying in my cousin’s bed, and looking at the clock on her bedside table, I had been doing so for about two hours.
The room was dark, and Bailey seemed to be asleep. However, her laptop was on the window couch, the screen tilted slightly down but not closed. I saw that the screensaver was on, which meant that it could only have been put there about ten or fifteen minutes ago. So, unless Bailey was one of those people who could fall asleep REALLY fast, she was probably still awake. Then I thought to myself, that must have been what woke me up, Bailey moving around. But I still wondered to myself, why on Earth has she not asked me to leave yet?
Then, the ceiling was illuminated by the light of Bailey’s phone receiving a text. And when she reached over to check her phone, any doubts I might have had about her being awake or not suddenly vanished. This was starting to worry me. I was under the covers of my cousin’s bed, my flaming hot, sexy fifteen-year-old cousin. She was also under the covers, and if I could recall, not wearing much clothing. You see, her choice of pajamas for the sleepover had been a tight tank top with no bra or anything underneath, and tight, spandex-like booty shorts. These, by the way, had no underwear underneath them. I knew because I had sneaked a peek while she was changing.
Oh, and if you’re wondering why I was sleeping over with my cousin when nobody else was home, you’ll have to go back and read Part 1 of my story. To put it simply, it wasn’t in essence that weird. But I was certainly starting to worry now. Mostly about myself.
Ever since I had witnessed, without her knowledge (I think), Bailey masturbating completely in the nude earlier that week, I had been struggling with my feelings about her. I mean, we were like really good friends, only related. We had always had an easy relationship, and had always gotten along well. I was thankful for this, because I knew for a fact that many of my friends and other people I knew were not fortunate enough to have good relationships with extended family like their cousins. So yes, she was my cousin, and felt maybe a little more like a sister than a cousin. But I had been battling with the fact that I was starting to think of her in a very sexual way.
This wasn’t helped by the fact that I had never really had a girlfriend before, or done anything very sexual besides groping with a girl. So, I was really inexperienced, both with girls physically and mentally. The way they thought just confused me so much, but I don’t think that changed with experience, haha. Anyway, I was very confused, and reluctant to leave the bed. Not because I wanted to stay, although if she wasn’t my cousin I definitely would have, but because I really didn’t want a confrontation. Yes, she had not told me to leave, but if she actually had seen me watching her earlier that week, this would be the perfect opportunity for her to freak out on me about it.
Then I thought to myself: CHRIS, SHE’S YOUR FUCKING COUSIN MAN! GET OUT OF HERE! My conscience was right, sleeping in the same bed as my cousin was wrong, even if it had been harmless so far.
Therefore, I began to try and work up the courage to just leave. I would have to hope that she would let me go, and not confront me at all. Before I could do anything, however, I heard her whisper.
“Chris? Chris, psst! Are you awake?”
I wanted to reply and say “yes,” but for some reason, I just pretended to be asleep.
Still nothing from me. What was wrong with me?
She slowly turned over, and I closed my eyes, attempting to breath as if I were asleep. This was made difficult by my pounding heartbeat. She reached out her hand and lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I didn’t react. Then she poked me, a little harder than before. Nothing. Finally, she moved her hand to my cheek and poked me. Still nothing. What was I doing? And what the fuck was she doing?! Was she checking to see that I was really asleep? What could she possibly be doing that for?
My answer soon came. Bailey had turned back over onto her right side, facing away from me. I was also on my right side, facing her back, and had been the entire time this had been going on. I was deathly terrified of letting her know I was awake now, because she would then wonder why I had pretended to not be just moments ago. What had I gotten myself into here?
Then, all thoughts left my mind as I focused on one, shocking event. She had scooted back, so much that her hair was almost touching my nose. I could feel her feet, covered in warm socks, brush against my legs. She wasn’t yet so close that any other part of her was touching me though.
My surprise and shock only increased as her left hand reached behind her, and found my groin. Holy shit!! What was happening? Her hand began stroking my dick through my sweatpants that I had worn as PJs. It was only semi-hard at that moment, but was getting harder by the second. Her breathing was quickening ever so slightly, and I was starting to feel scared. Is she going to try and fuck me?! Oh how I would love to take her, shove my hard member deep inside her. But I couldn’t participate in incest. It was so wrong in so many ways. But I couldn’t do anything, I was paralyzed. I couldn’t let her know I was awake. And honestly, I thought, what was really the harm in this happening? She obviously wanted something to happen, and as long as it didn’t progress to actual penetration, why the hell not?! I wanted it, deep down, and she obviously also did. My mind a little less troubled, I relaxed a bit and just went with it. I was still pretending to be asleep though.
By this time I was rock hard, and there was no way she wasn’t noticing that. My theory was confirmed as she pulled her hand away. Oh god, please don’t let that be it. Thankfully, it was far from over. She now scooted back even more, closing the few inches that had been separating us. Now she was pressed right against me. Her lovely-smelling hair was pressed up against my nose, her back was pressed to my chest, her feet were flat against my shins, and her ass was pressed right against my groin. She wiggled a bit, and my dick slid forward, nestled now right between her gorgeous ass cheeks, but just below so it was actually also touching the bottom of her pussy. The only thing separating us was my sweatpants, and a layer of thing spandex.
I can’t honestly describe the feeling of knowing that my dick was between my own cousin’s legs, touching both her incredible ass and her young pussy at the same time. The bliss only heightened as she reached back with both hands, pulling my sweatpants down to my knees. I heard her silently gasp as my dick, now uncovered and completely free, slid back where it had just been.
The material of her booty shorts was so thing that I could actually feel the contours of her ass cheeks against my skin, and the delicate folds of her pussy against my tip.
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