
My First Sex Part 1

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was just 17. Back then I made money by doing lawns, and some babysitting for family friends and some times I would house sit for other people. As it was a small town, people quickly learned that I was very reliable. It was in the middle of July and that summer was very hot. I think it was a Sunday, I really don’t recall. Late that evening my mom got a phone call from a friend. Her friend’s mother had gotten sick and was in the hospital in a city about 4 hours away. She and her husband had to go see her, their daughter Wendy did not want to go with them. I think most of her friends were on vacation, so she had no one to stay with. I had meet Wendy a year or two before at some town picnic. I did not remember much of what she looked like. I recall she seemed a bit spoiled. She had an older brother Rob who had graduated high school a year before, joined the Army, went to Vietnam and was killed his second day there. He was only 18.
Anyway it was not quite dark, so it must have been a bit after 9pm. I really did not want to do it, but mom insisted as she said. “Every one knows you’re reliable and good with kids. They would prefer that she wasn’t alone. Especially with this storm coming.”
Mom drove me over to their house which was about 5 miles away in the next town. I could see the storm clouds and lightning moving our way in the distance. You could tell that it was going to rain, by the smell. At the house Wendy’s dad met us at the door. Said hi to my mom, glanced at me smiled a little, and grunted hello, looked at my mom and said. “Thank you. Sue’s mother is really bad and may not make it.”
Sue came in and hugged my mom, looked at me and smiled. “Hi, Brian, gosh you have grown since last I saw you. Thanks for helping. My moms not doing very well. Wendy’s was a bit upset and is asleep in her room upstairs. I told her not to worry that you would be here. There is pop in the fridge, and snacks on the kitchen counter. I also made up the guest room.” She grabbed my hand and took me down the hall to show me the room. “This used to be Rob’s room we use it as a guest room now.” She said quietly.
Sue’s husband, I don’t recall ever hearing his name called from the living room. “Let’s go Sue, the bags are in the car and I still need to gas up.”
Mom hugged Sue and then came over and hugged me as she said. “Call if you need any help.” She walked out the door with Sue. Wendy’s dad turned to me, stuck out his hand and said thanks. Walked to the door, paused and looked towards my mom and Sue. He then turned around and started walking toward me. He had a slight frown and started reaching behind him. I recall backing up a bit and my eyes getting wide. “Young man, I expect you to be a gentleman. Upstairs is OFF LIMITS understood?” he growled that last part.
“uhh yes sir” I stammered.
“Here” he said. I flinched as he brought his other arm from behind him. He had his wallet. Opened it up and handed me a crisp $20 bill. “There is another one for you when we get back. Providing I don’t hear about any trouble. Understand?” again he growled the last part.
I just nodded my head and looked at the money and grinned. I only charged 5 dollars a day for house watching, now I was very glad I came.
“OK, I see you do. Be sure to lock up after us.” He said going out the door.
I felt a sigh of relief as he left. When I think back on it the guy had scared me. I had never been in their house before, so I did my usual run through the house to check windows and doors. I always did this when I house sat or was watching kids. In those days most people didn’t worry much about locking the house up or even having some one house sit. This house was quite big and the family must have had lots of money. There were lots of nice things. I could see why they wanted it to be locked up.
The house was a bit warm inside. In the kitchen there was a window open and air was coming in. It was cooling down outside and the air felt very fresh. I could smell the approaching storm, and hear distant thunder. At times the sky would light up faintly. I closed and locked the window.
I checked out the snacks and just grabbed a pop. Back in the family room I went over to the TV and turned it on. It came on with the sound blasting. It took a few moments to find the volume and turn it down. I noticed that they had cable. Back in those days’ only people with money could afford cable. There was also a remote control.
Cool, I had house sit for someone once before who had one for their TV. That one had wires, this one did not. I pushed a button, the channel changed. This is great I thought as I sat down and started flipping channels. I found a movie I hadn’t seen in a long time and started watching it. I must have dozed off, but it only seemed like a few minutes.
“CRACK” The sound of the thunder woke me up and I sat upright, trying to remember where I was at. The TV had snow on it and was making a load rushing noise. I took the remote and turned it off. I turned out the lights and started to head down the hall past the stairs.
“Hi Brian” I heard this small voice say. I jumped and looked around. I saw no one. I looked up and there was this girl standing halfway down the stairs. She laughed, “I didn’t mean to scare you, silly. The thunder woke me up and I heard the TV buzzing, so I was going to shut it off. My room is really hot, is the kitchen window closed? My dad keeps it open so the hot air can move out upstairs.”
I just kind of looked at her not reacting. This was not the Wendy I remembered from almost two years ago. She looked a lot older than 13. She looked like some of the girls my age. She had on thin cotton pajama’s that looked a bit small for her. They seemed to cling to here in the best parts. With the upstairs hall light I could see the outline of her body beneath her jams. It looked great. Her breasts were very developed but were not oversize for her. As she walked down the stairs and came toward me, I could see she was just a bit shorter than I was, and I was tall for my age. The top of her head was just past my chin. And she had very dark black hair almost down to the middle of her back.
I must have looked like an idiot as I stared at her. She walked right up to me, stuck out her hand and said “Nice to see you to.” as she grinned. I just kind of stared at her bright green eyes and stammered… “uhhh yeah same here, sorry about your gramma..” as I shook her hand. It was so soft and warm. Not cold and clammy like some hands on other girls. I could smell soap and some other smell that seemed like perfume but then I realized it was her natural sweat odor, most likely from being in her hot room. I did not think sweat could smell so good. I slowly inhaled it and could feel myself getting flushed, I don’t know if it was the smell or her looks but it was starting to get very hot in the room.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. “I wanted to see her, but I hate hospitals, I never saw her much anyway.” She walked past me toward the kitchen, I turned to follow her. I could see the outline of her perfect butt from the light over the stove. I almost ran into the door jamb as I stared at it.
“Ahh… You did close it didn’t you!” she stated as she unlocked the window and pushed it all the way up. As the air rushed in I could feel the coolness rush past me as I stood in the doorway. It helped wake me up a bit more. I think I was still drowsy from sleep or still in shock from seeing Wendy. I remembered a skinny kid with braces. Not any more. This was one fine looking girl. I got the feeling she knew it to.
She stood in front of the window and let the air move past her, she reached up and undid the top two buttons of her pj’s and opened it up a bit to let the air flow past her chest. She stood there for a moment as the air made her top bellow out and her hair flow back. She looked really good to me.
I shook my head to clear it and thought to myself, Get a grip, she is only 13. I remembered the look her dad had given me. No wonder he was scary. He knew how his daughter looked to boys.
She turned and sighed and walked toward me. I just kind of stood there and stared at her. I felt very warm and self conscious. “You know your blocking the door.” She said to me smiling.
“Uhh sorry….” I stammered as I stepped aside. She turned her head and smiled as she walked past me. As she went by, a burst of wind from the window caused her top to blow out. I looked down and saw almost all of her left naked breast except for the nipple. Once again I got a big whiff of her smell and could feel myself growing weak. I could now feel my penis moving a bit. This is going to be a long night I thought. I shook my head again to clear out the vision of her white firm breast as well as that smell.
Looking toward the open window, I stepped back into the doorway. I turned back and said to her. “Do you always keep this window open? Aren’t you worried someone will come in and steal all your stuff?
She was headed for the stairs when she turned around again, looking at me. She smiled and once again walked towards me. “You know your blocking the door…..again?” she stated. I felt like such a klutz as I stepped back into the kitchen and almost tripped on the rug. As she walked past me she turned and smiled. He bright green/blue eyes sparkled. I felt like she was parading in front of me.
“Come here and look silly….” She said pointing toward the window.
I slowly walked towards her and looked at the window. That instant a distant flash of lighting showed that the window had bars going across and down outside it. I didn’t recall seeing those when I had shut it before. No wonder she wasn’t worried.
Suddenly the window lit up again and almost at the same instant a gigantic crack and boom shook the whole house. She squealed and jumped towards me, almost falling. Without thinking I reached out and started to grab her shoulder to help steady her. At that moment she caught herself and turned towards me, and my hand landed square in the middle of her left boob. I jerked my hand back and stammered…”Uhh sorry, I thought you were falling.” I could feel myself turning red and in the low light I knew she could see it.
She laughed and said “Ohh..Don’t be so embarrassed, honest mistake. I am sure that isn’t the first tit you ever had the pleasure to feel up.” She turned and walked towards the door. I just stood there dumb founded with my mouth open. I had never heard a girl talk that way before. Boys yes, but not a girl. I had heard some of the older girls at school cuss a bit with shit and damn, but not quite like this.
Realizing I hadn’t said anything she turned and looked at me with a bit of a puzzled look on her face. We just looked at each other for a moment. I realized that my mouth was still open and my face was still red. “Ohhh my gosh…” she giggled “You haven’t have you. I bet your still a virgin aren’t you?”
She was grinning so big, that I could see almost all of her beautiful white teeth. The look on my face told it all. She stopped grinning when she noticed that I wasn’t laughing. She got a bit serious and said. “Look Brian, I am sorry; I really didn’t mean to embarrass you so much. You’re a good looking guy and I just figured you had girl friends and all that stuff.”
“Uhhh sure but we never really did anything, we are more friends than the boyfriend/girlfriend.” As I blurted it out I could feel my embarrassment going away a bit.
“Well, my brother Rob and his friends used to talk and stuff.” She said. She sounded a bit sad for a moment. She brightened up and looked at me with a secretive look. “I used to listen to them when they didn’t know I was around. They would talk about girls and stuff. Like who was hot, who they would like to fuck, that sort of stuff.” She smiled at the word fuck. I guess I had an odd look on my face.
“Does that bother you?” she said looking at me.
“Uhhhh what do you mean….?” I stammered back.
“Saying fuck.” She grinned “
“Not really,, I guess I never heard it coming from a girl before, especially not one as young as you.” I replied smiling. “Seems odd to hear it from someone who was a kid last time I saw them.”
She laughed. “I will be 14 next week, silly. I am practically already grown up. Here look at my tits.” As she put her hands under her boobs and lifted them up. Her top stretched a bit more and I could see the outlines of her nipples as the stuck out. They were erect, but at the time I did not know they could get hard. “They look pretty good….don’t they??” as she looked down and then looked at me with a bit of hesitation and concern on her face. “You do like to see tits……don’t you?”
“Uhhh yes I guess so,,,,, uhhh they look ok.” I stammered. I was turning red again and I could once again feel my penis moving a bit. This was going to get a bit more embarrassing if we didn’t change the subject.
“OK? What do you mean OK? She stated “Most girls my age don’t have these” as she hefted her tits once again. “Sorry…” as she dropped her hands and laughed. I was once again turning red.
Just then another flash and crackle hit the house. She laughed and squealed again. “I just love the sound of thunder. Let’s go upstairs; you can really see the lighting out my bedroom window. I think this is going to be a good one.”
“Uhhh… I don’t think so. Your dad said upstairs was off limits. I get the feeling that he would kill me.” my voice cracked as I said it. I felt very odd at that moment. She seemed so care free but I kept seeing the same vision of her dad looking at me.. “Understand?” I heard him say in my head.
“Oh don’t worry about daddy; he’s a big teddy bear.” She said “Besides they are 2 hours away by now. It’s perfectly OK, I am not going to tell him. Ohhh.. we need to get something to drink to take with us.”
I headed towards the fridge, and started to grab two Cokes. “No, silly not Coke get the orange juice. See that Tupperware container there..” she said and pointed. I did, it was almost full. I took it out. She walked towards a cupboard and took out two small juice glasses. I really wanted a Coke but didn’t argue. At this point I was not sure what I cared about. I felt a bit confused but went along anyway.
She set the glasses down, reached into another cupboard and pulled out a measuring cup. It was big and held 4 cups. She took the orange juice and poured the juice in until it was full. Some was left in the container which she then poured into the sink. I was a even more confused now and was looking at her a bit funny as I watched. She looked at me and smiled and laughed. “You’ll see.” She said as she poured the juice from the measuring cup back into the container. She snapped the lid closed and headed out of the kitchen into the dining room. “Grab the glasses.” She said over her shoulder.
Walking toward a tall cabinet with stained glass doors, she reached up and felt around on top of the cabinet for a moment. “Ahh here it is.” She exclaimed as she pulled down a key. Turned and smiled at me. I was still confused and it must have showed as she laughed and knelt down to one of the bottom doors that didn’t have any glass in it, she put the key in and turned. As it opened and I was able to see in, her odd actions all became clear. It was the booze cupboard. I had never seen that many bottles in a house before. It looked like the window of the local liquor store. I recognized several rums, scotches and other whiskeys that my parents had once in a while, usually around the holidays.
“Uhhh, where going to get in so much trouble. I don’t think so….” I said as I backed up a bit. I was getting uncomfortable and not liking where this was going. I wasn’t much of a drinker at the time. My friends and I would party a bit and drink some beer, but I never really got all that drunk or wasted on it. At least not back then. She pushed some of the bottles aside and grabbed an almost full bottle of vodka.
“Fat chance, my parents drink so much they never miss it most of the time. Rob taught me how to go easy. He used to do it all the time when he was here.” She said her voice getting lower. I could tell she was a bit sad again. She sat the orange juice down opened the lid and the vodka. Reaching underneath another shelf she brought out a small shot glass. “Here’s the trick…” she said. “Take 4 cups of juice and add 8 shots of vodka. That’s 4 shots for me and 4 shots for you. With our body weight, any more and we would be too drunk and things just wouldn’t be as much fun. You want to go watch the fireworks and have fun don’t you?” she turned and looked at me and smiled. I nodded slowly as she carefully measured out 8 shots and poured it into the juice. Handing me the bottle and shot glass, she said “Now take this back to the kitchen and pour in four shots of water. This is the first time for this bottle so it won’t water it down to much and my parent’s won’t notice. They usually only bring the vodka out for parties. This is almost once or twice every week, and never track how much gets used up. Rob taught me that….. as well as lots of other things.” She again turned and smiled at me. This was definitely turning into one of my better jobs I thought as I went and did what she said.
As I came back with the bottle she took it out of my hand, returned it to the cabinet and locked the door and put the key back. Turning to me she smiled again saying. “Now let’s go watch some fire works.” I got the glasses and followed her, as we approached the stairs and started up them. Her butt was in line with my head, I could see the light shining through her pj’s again and the form of her legs where they meet her bottom.

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