
My first experiences

My name is Tomas and I’m 27 years old now. But when this all happened I was just a kid. I still get hard when I think of these things and I sometimes dream of it, even wet dreams…

When we were kids, me and my one and a half year younger cousin often played together and spent much of our time with building “strongholds” in the nearby forest, fishing, camping and many other outdoor-activities. Because I lived in town and he in the small settlement atop the hills I often stayed over night when I visited him. My cousins family has a big house there and many animals, a dog, some cats, several chicken, gooses and doves, fishs and even a sheep. It isn’t a farm or something like that, it is just the normal way of life in the smaller settlements. They have no fields with grain or corn, only a meadow and some stables for the animals. They have a cherry tree, plum trees and a garden for vegetables and fruits (strawberries, blueberries and so on). It is a paradise for kids to play and explore, few cars, nearly no noise, just a peaceful and exciting environment.
In the house lived my cousin Steve, his sister Tamara (who is 6 years younger than me), my aunt Sharon (born 1962) and my uncle Adam (1950). Not to forget Freddy, the big and lazy german shepherd dog and Sherry the hyperactive cat. Of course, they still live there.

On our excursions we often played in the mud and near watersprings or at the creak in the woods. So needless to say that we and our clothings most of the time were grungy and stained. It didn’t matter to us, because it was great fun to carve spears and arrows or build barrages in the creek. Another funny hobby of us was to collect animals for our small private zoo, like ants, beetles, spiders and one time even a little harmless snake. We treated them good and after a while of watching them we gave them back to the wilds.

Of course not everyone was this pleased about our hobbies, or better said, about the dirt we brought home. My aunt always bitched at us and sent us into the bathroom.
This was the same procedure for years. We played, came home to my cousins house and were sent to take a bath, then have a meal and go to sleep finally. But when I was ten, this changed.

By this time I began reading sexual education reports, mainly because of the pictures in the youth magazines. Naked girls and boys were shown, and there was also an advisor about problems growing teenagers might have with sexuality. Even questions were answered, like “Is my penis too small?” or “My boyfriend wants me to lick his penis, have I to do this?”. My interest in these reports and specially in the pictures grew. Not only the naked girls… the boys fascinated me too. They all had something that I didn’t had: pubic hair. The girls had breasts, some big, some small cups, some with big teats, some with small hard nipples. And the boys had dicks in every size and form, some circumsized (like me), some not, some with trimmed pubic hair, some with a rightout bush, some even shaved. I wondered when my hair would start sprouting. I didn’t know by this time, that this moment was still far in the future, I was a late bloomer.

While reading and studyimg the magazines I realized my penis enlarged and grew hard each time something pleased me very much. And I began to pet it, I massaged it, and explored every little piece of it. One time there was a text about masturbation, and this was the first time I spanked the monkey. I did everything the text told me about it and soon I realized that feeling growing up in me, that was by far too good to stop massaging. When I came it was like an explosion, I reared up, knocked me around and moaned and gasped loudly. There was no “sperm” how the report called it. But the text also said, that every boy has his first ejaculation at a different time, some even at the age of fourteen. So, I didn’t mind. As I said before, everything came a little later to me, and my first real ejaculation happened when I was thirteen. And without doing a thing, while sleeping. But that’s a different story.

Severel weeks after that event I visited Steve again. And I took one magazine with me. Steve became nine years old one day before and we wanted to camp on my uncle’s meadow to celebrate his birthday. My present for him was a new carving knife (my mother bought it).
After we raised the tent and prepaired our sleeping places we left the fenced meadow and went to the forest just a few steps ahead. We collected wood for the campfire and, of course, again went to the creek to have a look at our barrage we built last time. Some other kids had destroyed it, and we had to rebulit it. It took about two hours until it was finished and repaired. Suddenly Steve stood up and went to a tree, not turning away from me. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his penis. I had seen his “friend” many times before, but this time I was fascinated by it. He wasn’t cut and although he was more than a year younger than me, it was as big as mine. I watched him peeing, better said I peeped. I didn’t want him to notice my views. Seeing him holding his penis with two fingers and slightly pulling back his foreskin until a tiny piece of glans was visible made my weenie stiffening. He peed a lot, so I had plenty of time to watch and get hard. I remembered our bathing times before, when we touched our genitals with our feet while adjoining in the tub. I wanted to touch his penis, to make it as hard and stiff as mine.
But then he zipped his jeans and rejoined me in work. I was glad that I wore jeans, too. Elsewise he might have seen the bulge in my trousers. I was ashamed to have done this and because it made me feel that way. But I forgot it only a few minutes later, when a fish swam down the creek and drew upon our attention.

In the evening, we went back to the tent, made a fire and sat outside on the meadow, listening to the sounds of the night. Owls, crickets, the crackling fire, some dog barks.
At about midnight we went into the tent. The fire had burned down and it was getting a little fresh from the wind. Inside the tent it was still warm, even hot. So we took of all our clothes except for the underwear. Nearly naked we sat in our sleeping rolls and began playing and old kids play: truth or dare! It was all about girls, girls we like, girls we like, who the cutest girl is, if we had kissed one and others like that. Again my penis began to grow, and this time there was no jeans to conceal it. I started to wrapp the sleeping roll more tight around me to hide my hard-on. By the time, this game became boring because none of us had the courage to choose “dare”. So we banished the option “truth”. It was my turn.
“I dare you to go outside and stay there for 5 minutes in the full moonlight wearing your slip only!” Steve said.
I didn’t want to stay up, because my erection was now fully grown and the bulge in my pants was enormous.
“Oh come on, that’s no dare.

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