
My First Encounter With A Vampire

I still remember how it all happened. It was one of the moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind.
I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me right, Georgia. There were a string of murders that had happened and strange things I guess had been going on. My boss figured if I got a really good story that maybe we could start selling our papers to bigger cities.
I had just arrived in Mystic Falls, a small town in Georgia. The kind of town where everybody knows everyone. There was a nice cool breeze and you could hear the leaves scraping against the pavement as the wind brushed them against the ground. The leaves had already started changing colors. It seemed like this town was built back in the 1800’s. You could still see all the old buildings still standing. It really was a beautiful town. But there was just something about this town, I just couldn’t figure out what yet.
I went to go check in to the local hotel. I was walking down the street looking at all of the tiny shops, I could smell pie as I was walking and taking in all of the scenery, I didn’t see what was in front of me. “Oh, my gosh I am so sorry!” I accidentally ran right into a young man. He looked about twenty-five. He had dark black hair that was somewhat shaggy that laid lazily on his head. His dark eyes could pierce through anything. He was in a black leather jacket with a matching black top underneath. Dark blue jeans with a pair of sleek black shoes. “Oh it’s quite all right. I wasn’t paying attention either, do forgive me.” His voice was almost hypnotizing. Dark and low, it made me want to know him. I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. “You aren’t from around here,” he said with a quizzical look on his face. “Oh I uhm, I.. I oh I am from Washington. I am here to write an article.” I could barely talk, I was so taken by him. What was it about him that made him seem so powerful? “An article? On our town? What is so intriguing about our town that they would send you all this way?” His face was smooth as he talked. “Oh just, well the recent murders. My boss wants me to cover that story, he seems to think we can expand our customers with this story.” His face changed as I said this. “Oh yes, quite tragic. Did you hear what actually happened to them though? What the cause of death was?” My chest was beating fast, I could hardly think. “Well tomorrow I am supposed to go and talk to the coroner.” He simply looked at me and nodded. He opened his mouth to speak again. “Well do forgive me but I must be on my way. Perhaps I will see you again sometime soon.” I looked away because I could feel my face was all flustered. “Yes perhaps..” As I turned around I realized that he was gone. I sighed and kept walking towards my destination. I checked into my hotel and retired for the day. Tomorrow was going to be quite a long day for me and I needed my rest.
Today was the day. I was going to head to the coroner’s office and then go talk to the police. I needed to get this article finished. I had a dream about that guy last night. I wish I could have gotten his name. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. In my dream, I was walking along a beach and he just kept following me from behind. All I could see was his eyes though. I shook the thoughts out of my head and continued along my way. I needed to concentrate. I saw the office out of the corner of my eye.. I walked into the building and looked around. It was a dim lit and looked very sulky. A plump little man popped out from around the corner. “Yes may I help you?” He looked really tired and sounded like it too. “Yes, I am Jessica. I was sent down here from Washington.” “Oh yes, you are here to do the article, all right follow me.” He turned the corner and I hurried to keep up with him. “I hope you have a strong stomach.” He opened the doors into the morgue and I followed. There were bodies all lined up on the tables. My stomach started to knot up. “Okay well biggest details are that there are wounds in the neck and the body is drained of blood.” I gave him a weird look. “What do you mean drained of blood?” “Well there is no more blood in the body and the only open wounds on the body are the two holes in the neck.” I looked at the bodies and I could see the holes he was talking about.
It seemed like hours before I finally got out of there. I decided that I would talk to the police tomorrow. I was tired and worn out. I just, I can’t believe what I had heard about those bodies. Drained? Of all their blood? What had happened to all the blood? Who could do such a thing? My mind was racing. I needed to calm down and relax. I decided to hit up the town bar. I debated whether or not I should go back to the hotel and change, but then I decided what I was wearing was just fine. I was in tight blue jeans with a brown top and a light white coat. I walked into the bar a little tiny place called the mystic grill. I could use a drink. I sat on a stool right up front. “Can I get you something?” The bartender asked me. “Rum on the rocks please.” I took a look around the bar while waiting for my drink. “It’s good to see you again.” I turned around. It was him. The mystery man I dreamt about. He was wearing the same striking outfit that he pulled off yesterday, but a different colored shirt. It was white and matched his dark colored pants. “Hey, I was hoping to run into you again!” I said it before I could think and I could feel my face turn red. I didn’t want him to know that I had been thinking about him. He let out a tiny laugh, “Oh don’t worry I was hoping to run into you too.” He sat down next to me and ordered a drink. “How about a toast?” He said looking right into my eyes. “Sure, a toast to what?” I said, my chest started pounding again. “Hmm, how about a toast to, you.” He took a sip of his drink. I followed and took a gulp of mine. I let out a tiny giggle. “Why a toast to me?” He smiled, “Well we don’t get many visitors in our town, especially beautiful ones like you.” I could feel my face blushing even more. “How about we get out of here and go for a walk?” I smiled and replied, “I would love to.” He held out his hand and I reached out to meet my hand with his. “By the way, my name is Damon.” Damon, what a name. “I’m..” “Jessica right?” Before I could even finish he answered for me. “Yes, how did you know that though?” I was curious how he knew my name. “Well when you live in such a small town news travels fast.” He let out a laugh and continued laughing.

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