
My Favorite Babysitter Ever

My AMAZING babysitter and I have some “play-time”!!

My Favorite Babysitter Ever

My name is Andy, I am 5’11”, have sapphire eyes, and technically I am sixteen because I still got a few months to go. This great, and True Story, happened when I was 13 and just starting
to understand the addiction to the pleasures of Masturbation. When I was little, around six or seven, I was too short for my age and my mom put me on hormonal treatment. I grew taller
and so did something else. My penis, when I measured it when I turned ten, was about eight and a half inches. My best friend loved it, but, that is for another time.
When I turned eleven, however, Mom took me off the pills because she later saw that it was pulling a double whopper (no pun intended) on me, I quickly grew to 4’3″. I was
still short for my age but Mom would have none of what was happening down below. Whenever I got an erection, she would see it and tell me that it looks like I need to go
to the bathroom. In that same year, when I started middle school, Mom got promoted to head RN and had to hire a babysitter to watch me for her new schedule. Anna, my new babysitter, was beautiful.
She had brown hair with blonde highlights, was about a foot and a half taller than me, had the purest emerald eyes and was about to turn eighteen. I knew this because when my Mom laid her resume on
the table and walked away, she was born the same day I was. I could tell immediately Mom loved her and soon so did I. She would have a suprise for me today and so our story begans….

It was midsummer, and unseasonably mild temperature for a day such as today. Mom got a call around 9:32 am, waking both of us up. While she talked medical mumbo-jumbo, I got made my bed and
went to the bathroom to knock the dew of the old daffodill. I made myself some toast and started the coffee for Mom. Wilst the toasting was nearing golden-brown prefection, I poured myself a
mug full of OJ. After my morning routine was nearing completion, Mom came out with her usual stressed out face on. She said, “Good Morning, Sweetie,” kissed me on the head, and waited for the person
on the phone to stop talking. While waiting, she thanked me for making coffee and sat beside me at the dining room table. She asked me, “Honey, is it okay with you if I go in to see what they so want with me?”
I nodded and in reply asked a question of my own, “Could Anna watch me again?” She gave the same notion of agreement and said to the person on the phone, “I will be right in about in hour, Okay?” She got up, kissed me
on my forehead and said walking back into her bedroom, “I’m sorry, honey,” and when she made it to her destination, she closed the door. We lived about a half an hour out of the hustle and bustle of the city with
plenty of wooded area for me to explore. She came out with a towel on her shoulder and went into the bathroom, and less than a minute later I heard the shower start. I know Mom meant well, after all being married to a real
asshole that couldn’t keep his hands off of anybody (including me) had dragged her to become a great single parent with all the stress attached.

In less than ten minutes later, the shower stopped and the stress mask she was wearing just a few minutes ago seemed to have rinsed off. Even without makeup she looked great. She picked up the phone and said, “I’ll call Anna to see if she would care
to watch you until I get back,” I replied with an enthusiastic thank you. She flashed the smile that could light up the entire city and I smiled right on back. She went again to her bedroom and finished titivating. I walked into our
den and grabbed my book, Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident. I was finishing the eighth chapter when Mom came out happier and beautiful as usual. She said, “Anna says she doesn’t have anything to do because all her pals are away somewhere
and is coming and she’s fifteen minutes away, but, I have to go, Sweetie, OK?”

I asked, “When are going to get back?”
“I will call or if I am really swamped, about midnight or one thirty, but, I want you in bed before eleven, OK?”
“Don’t give me that depressed look, it won’t work on me this time.

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