
My Evil (Ex-) Wife

CHAPTER 1 “Oh, shit,” I thought, “I’m really in for it. She’s caught me again.” I had just showered after dinner and my hand automatically went down to my cock. I pulled my hand from my shorts and waited for the storm to hit. Instead, my wife Eileen walked into the den and sat opposite me. “We definitely have to talk and I want you to be completely honest with me. Will you do that?” I admit I was confused. She hated when I played with myself. I expected a real tongue-lashing—I’d received several over the past month. Why was she being so nice? “Okay, what do you want to know?” “How often do you play with yourself?” I sighed, “Every day.” “When and how long?” This was getting embarrassing. “Okay, virtually every morning for at least a half hour before getting out of bed; again after my shower for as long as I feel like it, most anytime I’m idle in the evening, and again when I get into bed.” “So…at least an hour every day?” “Yeah, probably more. It itches sometimes. I just don’t seem to be able to control it.” “I have to agree with that and it could get really embarrassing. Remember last week when Patricia came in with me after bridge on Saturday afternoon? I saw you and she would have, too if I didn’t distract her. It’s out of hand.” “Okay, I agree, but I don’t know what to do about it.” “I have a suggestion, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.” “What?” I was already skeptical. “A…male…chastity….” “I’m not wearing a fucking chastity belt. Talk about embarrassing…everybody will be able to see it through my slacks and shirt, and what about when I want to go to the pool or beach? Forget it!” “You didn’t let me finish. Not a chastity belt, a chastity cage. It fits around your cock and balls so only you and I will even know it’s there.” “Great…sounds really great; I’m being sarcastic in case you didn’t realize.” “I did realize and it’s pretty much what I expected. How about if I promise to let you out twice a week for relief—once with me and once for you to masturbate? That way we’ll both get what we want. I won’t have to see you playing with your penis and you’ll still have enough sexual activity to be satisfied. It could be the best of both worlds.” “I don’t know. I guess I could use some help, but I’m not so sure about this.” “Why don’t we look on the internet and see if we can find something we can agree on? Would you at least do that for me?” There are times when I hate how sweet my wife can be and this was one of them. I was backed into a corner—either say no and get myself ready for a real argument every time she catches me, and believe me, she will. She’ll be on the lookout if I don’t go along. The alternative is to follow her lead and…God only knows what. I chicken out and agree, thinking it’s the lesser of two evils. She takes my hand and we go to the computer where she’s already on line. We go to Bing and type in “cock cage.” We researched a few vendors and truthfully, I was terrified at what I saw and read, but I could see Eileen’s enthusiasm. I knew that I’d pay for a refusal for months into the future. I gave up and agreed eventually to try—that’s all, just to try—the CB 6000. I made sure she fully understood that I wasn’t committing to anything. “Eileen, I am willing to try it, that’s all. T…R…Y, but I’m not committing to it. I have no idea how this will work out so don’t get upset if it doesn’t.” “I understand, Michael. You don’t have to repeat it five hundred times, but I really do appreciate your willingness to address the problem. Maybe you’d like me to show you how much I do appreciate it.” I knew what she was doing—reinforcing the decision by giving me some good sex—but it wasn’t going to work. I’d been down this road before. I’d take the sex—I’m not an idiot—but that alone wouldn’t change my mind about trying this…thing…this monstrosity. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I stood still while she stripped out of her clothes, enjoying the show. We’ve been married for about ten years and she still had a really good body with nice tits—firm and high—and a nice round butt. My only complaint was her pubic hair. She refused to do anything with it, even trim it back, so I was reluctant to eat her pussy. I enjoyed the taste, but I absolutely hated getting hairs stuck between my teeth. She laughed when she saw that I was still dressed. “Playing hard to get? Is that it? I know you’re concerned. I understand that. It’ll be fine. You’ll see.” She moved up to me, jamming those fine tits into my chest as she reached down to handle my package. “Hmmm, I see someone is eager, even if you aren’t.” “I’m eager for this…not so much for the other.” “You worry too much. C’mon, I need this and I’m still going to need it when you’re wearing it. I’m going to go out of my way to make it pleasant for you. You’ll see.” Somehow, I wasn’t all that reassured, but I did want to fuck my wife so I joined her on the bed. We kissed, our tongues dancing back and forth as we shared saliva between our mouths. I loved the sensation of her soft plump lips against mine. I reached down between her legs. Her cunt was oozing juice, but then so was my cock. The head was covered in slippery pre-cum and hard as a rock. Eileen groaned and pushed me onto my back as she climbed over my body. Eileen hovered for almost a minute, rubbing my cock into her slit, before slowly sinking onto me. I watched, amazed, as my cock disappeared into her body. Slowly she began to rock, driving her hot clit into my abdomen. I rose to meet her with every thrust. Our pace quickened as our passion rose and soon we were humping wildly. I knew she was getting close several minutes later when her breathing became erratic and she began to chirp like a chipmunk, a sure sign she was ready to cum. I drove into her harder and faster, lifting her from the bed every time until I grunted like a boar, spewing hot white semen into her again and again until I could go no more. Fortunately, my orgasm was almost always a trigger for her. She opened her mouth for a long silent scream before collapsing onto my chest. I rubbed my hands over her ass and back while we recovered. She raised her head after several minutes and asked, “Think you could handle that every week? I think knowing that you’ll need my key will make me even hotter for you.” “Yes, I could definitely handle that, but, no, I’m still not convinced about the other. But, you are right—time will tell.” I kissed her and extricated myself from her grip. I still had some paper work to do before tomorrow. CHAPTER 2 I pretty much forgot about the cock cage for the next week or so. I was even better at keeping my hands out of my groin. Of course, I was praying that the damned thing would get lost in the mail. Unfortunately, that only seemed to happen with checks for my mortgage and credit card bills. I walked in exhausted after a long day in court almost two weeks later to find the package on the kitchen counter. Eileen was there, too and to her credit she didn’t gloat or smile. All she said were two words, “it’s time.” I nodded glumly to agree. I changed out of my suit and washed my cock and balls carefully before returning to the kitchen naked. I took out the parts and tried to read the instructions. They looked as though they’d been written by some guy in China where they don’t have any tenses. Eventually, I made sense of them and had it placed around my cock and balls. All that was needed was the lock. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Eileen stepped forward after I had stood there for several minutes. She removed the lock from my hands and placed it onto the cage, snapping it shut. She kissed my cheek and ran a silver chain through the keys, placing them around her neck. She hugged me again, kissed me, and told me to dress. We were going out for dinner. We drove to a favorite Italian restaurant and I felt so self-conscious as though everyone could see the prison around my penis, but nobody said anything or acted as though they knew. I understood why Eileen wanted to eat out. She wanted to rebuild my self-esteem. I felt better when we drove home and even better the following morning. On Wednesday evening I asked if I could masturbate, but Eileen had a better idea—we fucked like kids, so eager were we to explore each other’s body. I thought I’d masturbate on Sunday, but once again she made delicious love to me. I was beginning to think this actually could be the best of both worlds. We probably fucked seventy-five percent of the time with no rhyme or reason why or when. It all depended on Eileen’s mood that day. That’s the way things went for almost six months—and then everything changed. I had a critical meeting on a class-action suit the following morning and was having difficulty falling asleep. I got up at 12:45 and Eileen rolled over to ask me what was wrong. “I’m having trouble falling asleep. I’m going to take some sleeping pills.” “Oh…okay,” she replied as the rolled over and returned to sleep. I woke to the alarm the following morning and tumbled out of bed to the bathroom. Halfway there I realized something was wrong. I had run my hands down my pajama shorts and found my cock encased in metal, not the polycarbonate I was expecting. I ran to the bathroom and dropped my shorts. Fuck! The thing was made of stainless steel and I couldn’t find a lock. Looking even closer I could see some things that looked like bolts pushing down against my cock, squeezing it into the tube. There was no retaining ring, but there was a thick stainless strap that went tightly around my balls. I pulled up my shorts and went back to the bedroom. That’s when I first realized that Eileen wasn’t there. “EILEEN! EILEEN!” I screamed her name as I tore through the house. I found a note on the refrigerator when I reached there. “Michael,” it read, “if I know you you’re screaming and ranting like a maniac right now which is why I’m not at home. You need to calm down and relax. No harm is going to come to you, but there are going to be a few changes. I will tell you about them tonight when you come home, but ONLY if you are calm and respectful to me. Don’t bother to look for the key—it’s not there. I’ve placed it into a safe deposit box in another bank that only I can retrieve until I have made other arrangements. “As I said, there will be a few changes, but nothing you can’t handle. I will explain tonight. Love, Eileen.” Eileen was smarter than I gave her credit for. I probably would have killed her if she were here now. There was nothing I could do, but get dressed and go to work. I couldn’t wait for tonight to let her know what I thought—of this and of her. I staggered in after a long and hard day around six that evening. Eileen was sitting and relaxing in the living room when I walked in. If looks could kill she would have been dead. “I see you haven’t calmed down yet.” “Calmed down, Eileen? What the hell do you expect? Did I agree to wear this? Where’s the key?” “In our closet. Go ahead and look for it. I’m sure you’ll know where it is immediately.” I stomped off to the bedroom. I walked into the closet and stopped. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She’d had a safe installed during the day. I tried to pull it out, but it was obviously bolted to the floor. I returned to the living room defeated. “That’s better; would you like a glass of wine?” “No, thank you. Why are you doing this? You’ve betrayed me with this.” “I won’t even consider answering the idea of betraying you. I prefer to look at it as being true to myself. I’ve been doing a lot of reading recently and I’ve learned that I have acquired an extremely valuable asset.” “And what would that be?” “Why, my cock, of course.” “What do you mean…your cock?” “Well, it used to be yours, but now it’s mine. I control it. I own it. I control you because of it. I own you. It’s that simple.” “Eileen, what the hell are you talking about?” “I’ll let you get away with that because I’m sure you’re upset and still have to get used to the idea of this. However, if I hear anything like that after tonight, there will be trouble. Okay, here goes—we have been married for almost ten and a half years. During that time I have done all the house cleaning. I’m tired of it. I’m not doing any more.” “I’ve told you many times we could hire a cleaning service. We can easily afford it so what’s the big deal?” “We’re not hiring a cleaning service. We already have one—you.” “Eileen, are you kidding? I already work at least ten hours a day and I’m usually exhausted by the time I get home. You don’t do housework anywhere near that long. That just isn’t fair.” “I know it’s not fair, but if you ever want to cum again you’ll do what I tell you. Every night when you come home I will have a list of chores for you. I will expect you to have them completed before dinner. We’ll eat a bit later than in the past to accommodate you. Your time will be your own after dinner.” “You’re crazy.” I walked back to the bedroom and changed into my jeans then I walked out to my workbench in the garage to see if I could get this damned thing off my body. Eileen pulled up a chair and watched. “Surely, you don’t think I’d buy something cheap that you could break the first day, do you? Go ahead–see if you can get out.” I looked at the damned thing.

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