
My Endearing Angels: Part 2

Very long continuation of My Endearing Angels by Rightinthe. It’s quite long so feel free to pause after certain scenes. Below is a ‘what happened before’, but I highly recommend to read part 1 if you haven’t yet. Hope you’ll have a good read!

What happened before:
The story is about a man named Daniel and his twin daughters Alice and Emma. Alice is the smart and responsible blonde and also the more serious of the two. Emma is the frolic and playful girl who tries to get what she wants in every situation. She’s also the lead athlete at her school. Both girls are of average height and have brown eyes. Emma is more tanned than Alice though. The girls have grown up without their mother. She left early in their childhood. Growing up with only their father, they developed a certain closeness to him, which eventually leads to various situations. Eventually Daniel ends up kissing his daughters at a party and fucking another girl named Lara. Lara is a primary-school teacher and a few years older than the 18 year old Alice and Emma. After his daughters learn about the activities of their dad, they end up confronting him. They demand to sleep next to him and then, without warning, kiss their dad. Unable to resist any more Daniel succumbs to his desires and takes both his daughter then and there.
The next morning arrives and everyone is in a good mood, but then the front door bell rings. It’s Kate, the girl who had abandoned Daniel and the twins years ago…

THE STORY (part 2)


“Daniel I-” she replied unfazed by my rage.

“What are you doing here? I don’t know how you got our address but you better have a damn good reason to step foot here,” I said still trembling with rage.

“Who is she?” Emma asked softly.

“No one. Go see your sister.” I brushed her away because I didn’t feel like explaining at that very moment.

“Is she-” Emma muttered. I could hear her voice quiver with emotion. She probably already knew who she was. Her mother’s physique almost hadn’t changed spite all those years. The only difference about her was the hardened look on her face, the glassiness in her eyes and the normal clothes that she was wearing.

After a few months nobody had expected she would ever return to us. She had left us when we needed her the most and hadn’t cared to contact us afterwards. Just a flash and she had been gone. I had asked myself countless of times why she had made the decisions she made. I had loved her so much and now she stood in my doorway once again, but only twelve years too late.

Emma’s eyes narrowed, a crease forming above her eyebrows. “You bitch!” Emma spat out, realizing who stood before her.

“Emma!” I snatched her away from the door and placed her at the foot of the stairway.

“Go see your sister, now!” I bellowed. I understood her reaction completely, but right now I didn’t have time to deal with everyone’s wave of emotions. I would tend to her later.

“What’s going on dad?” Alice called from upstairs.

“Nothing, honey!” I shouted as reply. I turned towards Emma again: “Emma, go upstairs.”

Emma gritted her teeth in anger and reluctantly stamped upstairs. It surprised me she didn’t throw a tantrum.

Finally alone I let out a big sigh. After recollecting myself I returned towards the door.

“She’s become a beautiful woman,” the woman in the door said smiling.

“What are you doing here, Kate?” I asked with hidden anger this time.

“I wanted to see you and my children again,” she said softly, her gaze avoiding mine.

“Well you’re too damn late. They aren’t children anymore and you certainly have no rights in calling them ‘your kids’,” I clenched my fist in an attempt to stop myself from freaking out again.

“I-I meant to come earlier but-” she was almost sobbing now.

“But what? What possible reason could you have had to leave us for twelve years?” My voice rose a pitch.

“I-I was sitting in prison,” she stated with a hardened face.

“Wa-what?” Her words struck me with surprise and drained my face of its color. “Prison?”

“Yes…” she glared at her feet, obviously uncomfortable talking about it. Her hands were nervously playing with each other.

“What happened?” I suddenly didn’t feel as angry anymore.

“I fucked up…” She was on the verge of tears. What the hell was going on?

“Tell me what happened,” I pressed on.

“Who’s that?” A loud voice assaulted my ears. I patiently closed my eyes and turned around to face my other daughter.

“Alice, please go back upstairs,” I implored, but somehow I knew Alice wouldn’t just back down.

“Is that…” she paused before she accumulated enough courage to finish her sentence, “Is that mom?”

My silent response was enough for her to understand.

“M-mom?” Alice slowly approached the door, her face already contorted with a variety of feelings.

“Alice…” Seeing my daughter tear up like that in front of me made me lose a piece of my masculinity. Unable to react to her I just let her pass.

“A-Alice, you’ve grown so tall,” Kate herself was now also sniveling vehemently.

“Mooooom!” Alice ran up and threw her arms around Kate’s neck. They both cried their eyes out while doing nothing more than just holding one another. Somehow the little tear droplets didn’t suite Kate. She had a rigid and cold aura hanging around her. The obvious change from her girly younger self to a rigid and torn-looking woman only made me sadder.

I didn’t want to break down myself so I swiftly averted my eyes of the drama. That was when I saw Emma standing there on the stairs. Besides the tears in her eyes there was mostly fury. With a gaze that I’ve never seen from her in my entire life she glanced at her mother.

After Alice and Kate finally let go of each other I directed myself towards Kate again. Our talk had to wait, the girls come first. The whole house was in disarray because of Kate.

“I-I can’t believe… I need to sit down…” This was insane. I couldn’t fully comprehend the situation… I had to think.

“I-I understand,” she sobbed and turned around to leave.

“No, you are not going anywhere,” I quickly reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Despite my anger, I had now a desire to know what had caused her to leave. I was curious to what had happened.

“We’ll talk inside,” I pulled her and Alice into the hallway and closed the door.

Sheepishly she advanced further into our hallway. As she hung her coat next to mine a familiar feeling embraced my heart.

“Alice, Emma, I would appreciate it if you would give us some time to talk.” I knew it was a hard thing to ask, they must’ve been full of questions too, but I wanted to hear the story first. If I were to break down, then they wouldn’t have to witness that. Without saying another word the girls slowly went upstairs. Both were still too shocked to object.

I swallowed heavily before opening the door to the living room. We made our way in and locked eyes for a moment.

“Eh… Want anything to drink?” This was so awkward… She was like a stranger to me now…

“Water, please” she replied as polite as she could.

I gave her a slight nod. When I came back from the kitchen I got her and myself a large glass of water. With that taken care of I sat myself down on the couch. She kept standing awkwardly, her arms swinging along her body. Although her rigid appearance had disturbed me a little, it were habits like these that showed me glimpses of the old Kate. I gestured her to sit down on the chair in front of me.

“So tell me, what has happened in your life?” I asked. The prison she had mentioned before had me worried.

“Eeh where to start?” She smiled sadly.

“I think it is best to start at the beginning,” I said totally serious.

“Yes, of course. As you probably already know I had some difficulty in establishing my own limits.” I nodded at her words. Difficulty was definitely an understatement though. She basically had no limits at the time. Suddenly an unpleasant question made its way into my mind.

“Did you cheat on me when we were still together?” I asked fearing the answer.

“No, I did not,” she stated firmly.

“So you didn’t leave because you found somebody else?”


“I mean you might as well admit it. It’s been so long I-”

“Dan, I never cheated on you!” She said upset this time. “I never meant to leave you but…”

“But what?”

“A few weeks before the night that I didn’t return home I got involved into something I should’ve left alone.” Her voice was filled with suppressed pain.

“What do you mean?” I leaned forward in interest.

“I wouldn’t have agreed to it, if it weren’t for my friend… She told me he could be trusted,” as she spoke her eyes teared up.

“O god, what did you do?” I brushed my hands through my hair.

“I was so stupid, Dan, but I needed the drugs. My body craved for it,” she shook her head in disapproval of her younger self. “But he wasn’t who he said he was. Instead of just selling me the stuff I needed he got me involved into a big cocaine scam.”

“Jeesh,” a million scenarios filled my head.

“As soon as I realized what was going it was too late. Mistakenly I had used some of their stuff when they had offered it to me. There was no way out for me now. I was surrounded by men with dozen of weapons that demanded my cooperation on some serious business. It turned out that my ‘friend’ was in deep too. Fearing for my life I accepted every request they made. From transportation to,” the words got stuck into her throat.

“For fuck sake,” I whispered. My body felt lighter as if my soul was slowly leaking into the ground.

“Why did you wait more than a decade to tell me? Why didn’t you contact me? Why didn’t you speak to me Kate?” I shouted as threw my hands in the air in disbelieve.

“I couldn’t drag you or our children into my shit. There was nothing you could’ve done. We were still so young…”

“We could’ve called the police or ask our parents for help,” I snarled.

“Your parents would’ve done nothing, just like the police. Do you know what they do to rats? I’ve seen it Daniel… They forced me to do horrible things.”

“Holy fuck Kate,” I was pacing up and down while gulping down the entire glass of water.

“Is that why you eventually left? Is there any chance you’ve brought us in danger as well? I swear to god if you-“

“No! They won’t come for me. After all, I was merely a disposable pawn.”

“Then they decided to let you go?”

“No. I-I got caught red-handed.” Her voice shivered with regret as she recalls her past.
“The police found me with kilos of coke in my trunk. I was sentenced to 12 years in prison.”

I closed my eyes as I let her words sink in. I had never ever felt as miserable as at that moment. My stomach turned and twisted, my hands were moist, my nose was running and my knees had great trouble to keep me standing.

“Why… Why didn’t you tell us… why call and lie to me about everything? Why did you shut yourself off?” My voice was hoarse. The last time I had heard from her was in fact through a phone call. She had called me on my cellphone to tell me she had decided to burn all her bridges. According to her, it was better for her to start over somewhere else and just like that she left me and the kids hanging.

“I thought I deserved it, all of it. I was convinced that every misfortune that struck me was due to my own flaws. I was the one who wandered into that shithole for some cheap coke. I was the one partying while you fought for the future of our kids. I was ashamed, afraid and depressed. It was then that I decided to cut myself off entirely. The girls deserved better and so did you.”

“I-I honestly don’t know what to say.” It was just so much to take in all at once. I couldn’t hear another word or my head would explode.

“Y-you should talk to the girls now,” I wanted to escape into a dark corner to reflect on all of what she had said. “Emma and Alice, you can come down now!” I called.

Without the usual noise the girls came down the stairs and into the living room. “She wants to talk to you both now. Do you want me to stay?” I offered.

“We’ll be fine,” Emma said gruffly.

“Ok, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” The moment I left the room I could hear Emma burst out in anger. I let her express her feelings and strolled to my room.

When I found myself a comfortable place I began thinking.

There was of course the possibility that she had been lying about the entire thing, but her attitude and manner made me give her the benefit of the doubt. Besides, if she really had spent 12 years in prison, then she would no longer be an addict. Whether or not she had told the entire truth, I still found myself unable to forgive her. Despite the horrendous events she had experienced (hell I didn’t even want to think about the things she had to perform for the cartel) she still left me alone. She hadn’t trusted me enough to tell me anything. Relationships where there is no communication whatsoever are the ones that end up dead. I wondered what she was hoping to achieve by returning to us. Maybe she genuinely missed us and after 12 years of isolation and self-reflection she had decided to seek us out. It’s natural for a mother to see her children.

But now I had to make a difficult choice. What next? Obviously if either Emma or Alice wanted to keep seeing her, I wouldn’t rob them of the opportunity. As for me… I had no idea. Our connection had been completely severed and the stinging pain of losing her once was still lingering in the dark corners of my heart. To expose myself to that again would probably be a mistake. Not to mention the whole situation with Emma and Alice. I had poured half of my life into raising them. It felt like a cheat to see her walk into our lives with both our children already matured. Nevertheless prison must’ve been a lot worse for her. The hate I had against her for leaving me was fighting the pity and sorrow her story had just inflicted upon me. Eventually after beating my mind up a bit more I decided to follow my daughters in their decision.

The initial commotion downstairs seemed to have calmed down tempting me to go to the kitchen. Just as I reached for the living-door’s doorknob Emma opened it from the other side.

“I just wanted to get you,” she appeared to have calmed down. There were marks of tears on her face and she still looked confused, but the fire in her eyes had lessened.

“Are you alright now?” I asked still concerned.

“I’m fine. We want you to join the conversation now,” Emma gestured me inside.

As I entered the living room I immediately noticed that Alice had also been crying. She sat curled up into the corner of the couch and was stroking her legs. Seeing her like this made me wish that Kate had just stayed away.

I placed myself next to Alice on the couch and laid my arm around her without saying a word. She appreciated the gesture and cuddled against me. Emma just sat herself down on the arm of the couch.

“What’ve you told them?” I asked Kate who was still shaking in her chair.

“Everything they wanted to know.”

I nodded. “Good.”

“We’ve discussed all kind of things. It was mostly just me talking though,” she produced a slight smile.

“That doesn’t surprise me,” I took a quick look at Emma before adding; “I think it’s time for us to eat lunch.” Neither of us had any interest in lunch, but I wanted Kate to leave for now. If this was going to work at all, it had to happen slowly. Her words needed time to seep into our minds.

Kate got the message and stood up from her chair. “If it’s possible I would like to visit again. I’d like to hear what has happened in your lives,” she mostly directed herself towards Alice and Emma. Alice responded with a vague smile, while Emma kept looking out of the window.

“That is for the girls to decide,” I glanced at Alice who in turn looked towards her sister.

“I-I don’t mind,” Emma stated with a grimace after thinking about it for a while.

“Then I don’t mind either,” I said.

Just as I had expected the girls wanted to talk to their mother again. I couldn’t blame them. The mother figure that had always been missing in their lives had finally returned. The girls made an appointment with Kate and in five minutes we were on our own again.
As soon as she left I let out a huge sigh and fiercely rubbed my eyes.

“I can’t fucking believe her,” Emma grumbled silently before running off to her room.

“What’s up with her? Did Kate do anything to her?” I asked the still shaking Alice.

“I-I don’t know…” Alice was in no state to have a healthy conversation.

“Hey,” I took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, “you should take a bath and relax for a while: get your thoughts straight. Take all the time you need. I’ll make sure that there’s something to eat when we’re all hungry again.”

She nodded as she pulled herself off the couch and gave me a tight hug.

“There, there, it’s all good now,” I gently patted her head.

“It’s so surreal,” Alice murmured into my chest.

“I know baby, I know.” I had no idea what Kate had told her exactly, so I refrained from bringing up anything about either the cartel or the prison.

“Come on now, fresh yourself up first and take a breather. We’ll talk later.” I gave her a slight push towards the stairs on her bum.

“O-okay,” she said timidly and with that she disappeared onto the stairs.

Now that I had dealt with Alice (at least for the moment) I went to pay a visit to Emma. She was clearly not amused by the situation. The door to her room was open and as I entered her domain I saw she was hiding her face into a pink pillow.

“Em, will you tell me what’s going on?” I leaned with my back against the wall.

“I don’t believe her dad,” her voice was so soft that I could barely distinguish her words.

“Don’t believe who?”

“Her. I-I don’t know… I just cannot force myself to trust her.”

“What do you mean?” I asked confused. Did she mean with trust to trust her to stay this time?

“Do you know how hard it was to watch all the other kids eagerly running towards their mother knowing that I had none? While all the other girls were telling stories about how great their mom was, I only wished my mom would return. I wished she would return, not just for me but also for you. Looking back I know you’ve been through a terrible depression because of her and I just came to hate her more and more for abandoning us like she did. And now… Now she comes here after all those years with a story that I regret listening to. I love you daddy and after finally connecting with you I don’t want her to show up and take you away from me; no matter what story she tells. I no longer care for a mother, she arrived too late. Now I just want you… I won’t let her take anything else from my life.”

I stood speechless. All I could do was stare at her with a gaping mouth.

“She already took most of my childhood. I will not let her take my adulthood as well.”

Then, as if I hadn’t been startled enough that day, Emma launched herself off the bed and slammed her lips to mine. It was a short, but powerful kiss.

“Emma…” My throat hurt as I spoke her name.

Emma’s deep brown eyes were looking up a bit so they aligned right with my own.

“You’re mine,” she whispered before pressing her warm lips against mine again.

Most of the time the heat of your blood gets lost to you, but Emma’s kiss sent heat traveling through all my arteries and veins. I had barely a window to react before she delved her tongue into my mouth. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled my body closer against hers. We stood there for a while, exploring and playing with each other’s tongues before Emma backed off.

I wanted nothing more than to press things a little further, but I was simply too confused.

“What’re you-” I couldn’t finish my sentence, for Emma had placed her hand on my crotch and was softly tingling my package through the thin fiber of my pants.

“Show me you’re still mine, daddy,” Emma gave me a dominant but sexy look. I felt my heart racing and my mind going numb. However, this wasn’t the time to-


With a strong drag Emma had shoved my pants onto my ankles. My dick stood like a castle in the air; full with anticipation. Emma then quickly undid herself of her skirt, leaving only her panties and tights on. She then moved forward to help me remove my shirt causing my heart to flutter inside my chest. This was just so unbearably hot. My mind gave a sigh as I succumbed to my libido. If this kind of reassurance was what Emma needed, I would only be too glad to give it to her.

“Emma, you know both you and Alice are irreplaceable to me,” I paused before adding, “I mean just look at that ass.” I joked, giving her a soft squeeze on the ass.

“You perv,” Emma smiled as she spun around to show off her ass. When she bent forward it looked like her tights would rip at any moment.

“Holy shit,” I murmured in awe. My cock was so hard I prayed it wouldn’t explode.

Emma was a huge tease and she was well aware of it. She slowly pushed her ass against my member before grinding up against it.

“You like that?” She asked genuinely curious.

“Yes, very much.” I knew that Alice was only a few doors away, but my mind had set its priorities onto Emma. Alice was taking a bath anyway.

“In fact, let me show you how important you are to me.” I squatted down and leveled my face with her ass. Although her pussy was still covered by her panties and tights, I could clearly sense her distinctive smell already. Not caring about a piece of fabric I ripped her tights open.

“Daddy!” Emma shrieked, “I just bought those…”

“Don’t worry about it,” I simply told her as I swept her red panties aside revealing her dripping pussy.

“W-what are you doing?” Emma asked nervously.

“You smell delicious,” I smirked, “I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells.”

“Oh,” her plain but cute reply made me melt. She knew perfectly well what I was going to do. After all, she had done it to Alice before.

Her labia were slightly swollen and her small but sensitive clit stood out, almost begging for me to lick it. I inhaled sharply through my nose, gathering as much of her scent as possible. Her aroma was intoxicating and provoked my hunger like no other.
When my mouth filled up with saliva I figured it a good idea to transfer some of it to her.

I stuck out my tongue and slowly let it run up her slit. My hands were on both her cheeks, spreading her open for better examination. The pink cave behind her swollen succulent lips gaped at me happily as I made my way to her clit.

“O god,” Emma gasped as I flicked my tongue against her most sensitive knob.

Not comfortable with my position I took hold of her ass and dragged us both to the ground. We were now positioned in a typical 69 stance: Emma lying on top of me with her alluring jewels hovering above my face, whilst my own genitals almost poked hers.

Wanting to get another taste I dipped my tongue inside her. Her abundant love juices swiftly found their way into my mouth. Her taste was incredible. It was like heaven had descended to earth. Only an angel would be able to produce the liquid that emanated from the small gap in between her legs. I needed more, much more. I took her clit into my mouth and nibbled on it. Emma let out a satisfied moan and pushed her bottom further down allowing me to get a better hold of her womanhood.

Emma never liked one-sided benefits and deftly removed my trousers and boxers in one go. My cock erupted from its captivity with an incredible force. The newfound freedom was short lived however, because as soon as my cock appeared Emma had enfolded it with her mouth. A low grunt slipped from my lips as she gently tapped the head with her tongue. Her shy tongue movements soon transformed into fierce swirls and twists. She took me further inside her throat and pushed her hand down along my shaft. After letting it rest there for a while she let my dick slide back into her mouth again, her hand gliding upwards my now wet shaft. Just like that she repeated the process, her head bobbing up and down.

Now that my mouth was busy sucking on her clit I brought in additional arms, seeking to return the favor. Without hesitation I pushed a finger into her, eliciting another entrancing moan.

“Daddy, it’s… it’s so good,” Emma purred to my efforts.

Spurred on by her reaction I began thrusting my finger in and out of her. Occasionally, I would put the drenched finger in my mouth to experience the bliss of her taste again. When her pussy had adjusted to my finger I slipped in an additional one. She was breathing faster and faster smearing her warm breath all across my cock.

“I’m going to come,” Emma hummed with my cock still in her mouth. The vibrations of her voice ignited my own orgasm, causing me to erupt inside her mouth without warning. She gulped down my semen with no repulsion whatsoever before she herself could no longer resist. While my cock was still in her mouth, Emma’s juices smothered my face. She came with an incredible sexy moan, her ass fiercely mounted on my face.

It was like an eternity passed before Emma gave me some comfortable breathing space again.

“Holy fuck Emma,” I said delighted, “that was amazing.”

Still panting Emma stood up. I followed her example.

“If you think it’s already over, you’re horribly wrong.” Emma’s lustful eyes lurked at my cock, which was still hard and dripping wet. “It seems like you’re also not done yet,” Emma pressed her slender body against mine. “Want a taste of ya cum?” She was biting her lip mischievously.

“Nah, yours did the job,” I smiled not too eager to taste my own semen.

She gave me a soft kiss along my neck and pushed me to the ground again.

“Well, I have other lips left that do want a taste,” she chortled. She slid her hands towards my cock before placing herself upon it.
“Emma, shouldn’t we talk about-” An involuntary grunt interrupted my sentence. Emma had already taken me inside and her body was now clasping around my cock as if it would die without it. My breath got robbed from my mouth the moment she began moving up and down. Sliding down along the shaft of my cock her pussy sucked me in completely. The pleasure she transmitted through my body hit me right at my core.

“You’re so freaking tight it’s making my mind stir,” I managed to state out of breath.

“This is the first time where it’s just us. I-I want you to remember it,” she replied with a devious grin stretched across her face. Not allowing me time to respond she bent forward, encouraging me to caress her perky breasts. Happy to accept her invitation I set upon the feast before me. My tongue discovered every inch of her breasts, but found out that the area surrounding her nipple was the best place to be.

“Fuck, daddy,” Emma mumbled with her eyes closed. She was riding me with amazing determination. Either she was just insanely horny or she really wanted to prove a point to me. It was probably both. She must’ve wanted to convince me to keep having sex with her instead of maybe Kate. Silly girl, like I would voluntarily chose to stop.

“At the pace you’re going I’m not lasting long,” I huffed as she passionately bounced her ass up and down.

“Don’t worry, you can make me come whenever so… Let’s come together?” She asked a bit shy but confident for my answer.
“For fuck’s sake Emma, why are you so damn hot and tight at the same time?” Even though I had already come moments before, I felt my limit approaching fast. Giving up to my aggressive desire I tightly held Emma in place as I took over control. Emma gripped my shoulders to keep balance as I plunged my dick into her over and over again.

“Shit, I’m coming!” I roared as I drove my cock balls-deep into her soaking pussy. Emma was entering her own orgasm causing her inside to clutch firmly around my cock.

I exploded into her with a grunt and Emma immediately lost herself into her orgasm. Trembling with pleasure she collapsed on my chest. My dick still rested inside her but was robbed of all its flaming energy. With a blob it escaped her heavenly prison.

“Holy fuck Emma I’m fucking exhausted.” I took a deep breath. My heart was still racing inside of me.

Emma didn’t respond. Instead she cleaned up the left over cum and cuddled up next to me. While we were in the comfort of our embrace we heard Alice leave her bath.

“O shit,” I sprung up as fast as my dick had done when Emma had touched it with her tongue.

“What’s wrong?” Emma was still lying on the ground. “We don’t have to be afraid of Alice.”

“I don’t want her to see us. I don’t think that will help her at the moment. She might want to have sex too just to keep up with you.”

“And that’s bad caaause?” Emma drawled while standing up.

“It’s bad ‘cause I’m tired as fuck. However, that is not the main issue here. She’s genuinely upset and affected by the sudden return of her mother. I know you’re not interested in her at all, but I reckon it’s entirely different for Alice,” I said. “It’s not wise to course her towards actions that won’t help her situation.”

“I-I’m not sure I understand. She loves you just like I do,” Emma said timidly.

“I know that, of course I know that. Nevertheless, Alice has to indicate on her own what she wants from me. I don’t want her to rush towards decisions will that make her even sadder in the end.”

“Okay,” Emma nodded.

“I’ll put on some clothes. You should get yourself into the shower and clean yourself. Don’t make it too long. I want to have a shower too.”

Emma gave me another nod before I snatched my clothes of the floor and hurried towards my own room. There I listened as silent as the night to the girls’ conversation in the hall.

“Hey, are you alright?” I heard Emma ask.

“I’m okay, thanks. Are you going to take a shower? And where is dad?” Alice immediately asked.

Fuck! As if struck by lightning I rushed into my clothes.

“Yes I’m going take a shower. As for dad he’s in his room.”

“Okay. I’ll leave him be then. Got to do some homework anyway.”

“Seems like a good idea. I will help you when I’m done.” The footsteps of Emma faded away as those of Alice came closer.

Just when I thought Alice was heading for my room she turned into her own and shut the door. Relieved I dumped myself on my bed. I knew fully well that Alice would expect me to come by, but I had to take a shower first.

Emma held true to her word and was done showering in less than ten minutes, which was an absolute record for her. When I heard her talk to Alice I sneaked out of my room and into the shower.
The warm spray of water cleansed my body as well as my mind and when I was eventually finished showering I felt extremely refreshed.

I headed straight for the girls’ room and knocked.

“Come in!” Alice shouted.

I opened the door and let myself in. The sight was a familiar one. Alice was doing both her and Emma’s homework, while Emma herself was nowhere to be found.

“I see you’re alone again.” I sighed. Alice was sitting at her desk in her pink pajamas.

“Dad, can I tell you something?” Alice expression stood serious.


“I’m… I’m afraid,” Alice spoke softly.

“A-Afraid?” That was the least emotion I thought she would bear.

“I’m afraid of her disapproving of…” She paused and glared up to me, her big brown eyes hiding behind a shy curtain of blond hair. “I’m afraid she won’t approve of us.”

“With ‘she’ being your mother?”

“Yes… But I-I still want to get to know her…”

“I see,” I frowned, “I’m sure she wants to get to know you too.” Did Alice intent on telling Kate?

“It’s weird. I know Emma doesn’t really care for her, because although she tries to hide it from me, I can still see the disgust hiding in her eyes when she looks at her. I want to be angry at mom too, but I can’t help but feel happy when I see her.”

“Awh you, stop being so silly! Why would you want to force yourself to be angry? Anger isn’t a good emotion anyway.” I put my hand on her shoulder.

“I guess you’re right,” she gave me a slight smile. “And no worry, I’ll just keep quiet about us.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” I produced a faint laugh. I hated it when the secrecy of our situation came up. It confronted me with the immoral side of this all.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about all this, you know?” Alice stood up from her homework and turned to face me. “It’s not how it should be.”

“I know, we discussed that before…” I gulped. This wasn’t the conversation I wanted to have with her.

“My head was filled with so many questions. They had been tormenting my mind for quite a while, but then after that one night I was so happy and fulfilled that I ditched all those irritating questions. It seemed like I had finally made a decision, but when mom returned I felt the anxiety once again. Then something strange happened. I was listening to the radio on my mobile and this one song came up. It connected so strongly to it that I want you to hear it.”
Alice pressed a button on her computer and a song began playing across her speakers.
“It’s mainly about the lyrics so,” Alice remarked.
“Okay,” I sat myself down and listened to her song.

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can’t help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can’t help falling in love with you?

I recognized the song as ‘can’t help falling in love’, but the singer didn’t ring any bells. It was probably a modern cover.

While the song was still playing, Alice walked over to me seductively.
“You see, I just can’t help it,” she looked down upon me sitting in the chair, “I simply can’t stop loving you.”

She dropped herself onto my lap. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice you and Emma going at it?”

“I-I… what?” I was at a loss for words.

“There was a huge gap in her tights daddy,” Alice laughed. “You’re actually quite the pervert, aren’t you?” As if to prove her point she flicked my already semi-erected cock. I had told Emma moments before that I was tired, but all my energy had reemerged from the shower.

“I don’t mind if you are, since I can be quite naughty too,” she added gleefully.

“Don’t you want to talk more about your mother?” It had appeared to me that she was a bit overcome. Were the girls just trying to avoid serious talk?

“Right now I want this more.” This time she firmly grabbed my hard-on and squeezed it a little. “I need distraction.”

“Come on Alice,” I said a bit doubtful. I wondered whether she was doing this because she didn’t want to lose to Emma. This was totally unlike her.

“I-I feel strangely hot. Normally Emma would help me in this situation, but since you’re here now,” she leered at my still covered cock. Drool almost fell from her lips and her body twisted full unrest upon mine.

“Okay, spill it. What kind of bath-soap did you use?” I gave her a playful grin.

“Kuh. It’s nothing strange. Why can’t you help me like you helped Emma?” She pouted cutely.

I chuckled and gently brought her head closer in an embrace.

“You know you will always be my precious girl right?” I whispered into her ear.

Satisfied with my reaction she wrapped her arms around my neck. “So you will help me?”

Her eyes looked at me pleadingly as she bit her lip. Once again she stood before me as a woman full of desire.
“Please?” Her sweet voice echoed with shivers through my spine.
“Of course,” I gave her a mild kiss on the lips.

Already deeply aroused, she didn’t settle for the mere touch of our lips. She parted my lips with her tongue and stuck it deep into my mouth. Her arms were still tightly enclosed around my neck as she pushed her whole body against mine. The two mounds on her torso pressed my back harshly into the chair. Alice’s crotch swayed seductively against mine.

My cock reacted like a flower in springtime and begged me to release it from its captivity. The bulge forming in my pants was almost embarrassingly obvious. Alice was on aggressive mode and probed every corner of my mouth with her curious tongue. While she was focused on licking my entire mouth I sneakily moved my hands upon her ass.

Alice opened her shiny brown eyes, clearly aware of what my hands were doing. Encouraged by my hands, she shoved further forwards and positioned herself around my member.

From all the kissing Alice’s strength started to escape. She withdrew the arms around my neck and broke our kiss. Her face was brushed slightly red and she was panting like she had just done an entire workout.

“You’re so cute,” I pronounced honestly. The pink pajamas that tightly enveloped her entire body outlined her physique perfectly and emphasized her cuteness.

“You look great too,” Alice said shyly.

I laughed a little before I slammed my arms around her and pushed us both to the ground.

“Owha!” Alice little shriek of surprise pierced through my ears. With a soft bump I landed on top of her. Alice giggled at my clumsiness and spread her legs before me.

“What are you going to do?” She asked innocently.

I gently slipped my hand inside her loose trousers and brushed the dainty crevice hiding beneath her panties.

She moaned softly in response and firmly grabbed my hand to keep me from pulling away.

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