My Dear Sweet Slave: Chapter 3
My Dear Sweet Slave: Chapter 3
Sex Story Author: | Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Holly wanted to scream, the pleasure it was filling her with was literally on the verge of orgasmic! She wanted |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Consensual Sex, Discipline, Domination/submission, Erotica, Fantasm, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Romance, Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Toys |
Chapter Three
“Just a tad bit more,” Isaac said.
Holly lowered the gallon bottle of milk over the bowl of Raisin Bran, letting a small white splash soak down under the brown flakes.
“Perfect, just like that. Now, onto Cheerios…”
It was an interesting scene taking place in Isaac’s kitchen; it was like he and Holly were preparing a buffet. Isaac had originally started out simply trying to list things Holly could cook for breakfast and dinner, but with a sudden drive of perfectionism, Holly became incredibly needy for meticulously precise instructions on how everything had to be done. Isaac had told her he didn’t really care how she cooked, but afraid of leaving her master unsatisfied, she wanted to closely examine every meal as to his personal preference. She needed something to strive for, something she could consider perfect in which to base her work on. They had already gone over toast, hash browns, breakfast sausages, pancakes, eggs (of all types), and bacon, and were now in the area of cereal. It would be annoying if it weren’t so adorable.
Unfortunately, Isaac found his day off once again taken from him. He and Holly spent the entire day in the kitchen, either cooking food or scrubbing dishes so that they could make more food. He would have to remember to give Donna a big thank you for the large Tupperware set she gave him as a Christmas bonus the year before. He now had a week’s worth of breakfast waiting for him in the fridge. But to think, they still had to do dinners…
Isaac collapsed on his couch with a deep sigh. He was used to working hard and for long hours, but this was ridiculous. The sun had set and he had been cooking for about ten hours. He was halfway through Holly’s list of dinners she could possibly prepare for her beloved master. The only break he had taken today was driving to the grocery store to buy a small fortune worth of food. Ok, maybe having a slave wasn’t all fun and games and bondage…
Looking over, he saw her standing nearby, clutching herself with an adorable blush of shame. “Master, I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you today. Every time I try to be a proper slave, I just end up make problems for you.”
Aw shit, how the hell was he supposed to stay mad at a face like that?
“That’s fine, a master’s job is to take care of his slave, and that includes teaching her. You’re still settling in, I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
Holly then kneeled down and rested her chin on his knee like a dog seeing her owner eating. “Do you want to punish me? I’ll do anything to make up for today.”
Smiling, Isaac rubbed her on the top of her pretty little head. “Nah, it’s ok. Grab me the paper, I want to see the movie schedule. Let’s go out tonight.”
Holly grinned from ear to ear and rushed into the kitchen to find the morning paper.
‘Well, maybe a little punishment is in order…’
“Yes Mrs. Goldman, I KNOW your show is about to start.”
“You don’t understand! It’s the season finale!”
“Yes, you’ve told me that already!”
“Well aren’t you going to fix it?! I’m sitting in the dark!”
“Yes I’m going to fix it, but I can’t do it here with my bare hands! I need to get down to the basement and check the circuit breaker!”
“Wait, don’t leave!”
“Mrs. Goldman, I have to leave if you want me to fix your power!”
“But I—”
Donna forced the conversation into a hiatus by slamming the apartment door, letting her release a groan of annoyance out in the hall. Some times she REALLY hated her tenants.
‘Please don’t get me involved, please don’t get me involved, please don’t get me involved…’ Isaac thought desperately.
He and Holly had been crossing the corridor when Donna suddenly stepped out of the Goldman apartment. Seeing Donna for the first time, a peculiar gleam entered Holly’s eyes.
“So where are you kids heading?” she asked, spotting the couple like a T-rex catching movement.
“Out to a movie. Do you need me to pick up anything while I’m gone?”
Offer to help in a way that will let him escape, a perfect plan.
“No, I’m ok. Goldman’s apartment just lost power. It’s probably just a blown fuse. I can take care of it. If worst comes to worst, I’ll just let her watch her show on my TV. You two go on, enjoy yourselves.”
“Speaking of which, Donna, this is Holly. Holly, this is Donna, my landlady.”
Hearing her name spoken, Holly perked up out of what appeared to be some very deep daydreaming, even though she was focused entirely on Donna.
“So you’re Isaac’s girl on the side. As long as I’ve known him, he’s been married to the job. I never imagined him to be the kind of guy who would have an affair,” Donna joked, shaking Holly’s hand.
“Oh, uh… it’s nice to meet you.”
“So Isaac says that you’re staying with him now? Kids these days just keep moving faster and faster.”
“Well I just aged out of an orphanage and had nowhere to go. I was so lucky to meet Ma-Isaac, he offered me his home when I had nowhere to go,” she said sweetly, momentarily stumbling in calling Isaac her master.
“Well you certainly found yourself a good man. Just make sure you take equally good care of him.”
Holly’s face lit up and she even bowed her head. “Yes, I will!”
“And Isaac, you take good care of her!”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
After walking away and leaving Donna’s range of hearing, Isaac turned to Holly. She had a strange smile on her face and was even blushing. Wait, was her mouth watering?
“What’s with you?”
“They’re huge,” she said dreamily.
“What are?”
“Her breasts, they’re the biggest I’ve ever seen.”
Isaac then realized that that was the look of pure perversion. “Uh… ok…”
“There were two girls at my orphanage, twins. They had big breasts just like mine. They loved to rub them in my face but I loved it even more than they did. To be smothered by those soft, luscious gifts from God… it was orgasmic.”
“Wipe your chin, you’re drooling.”
Isaac and Holly were standing in line at the theater from their first date, counting the seconds until the movie would start. The theater was almost never packed like this, but it was the premier of a big summer blockbuster. Holly was clutching Isaac’s arm tightly, holding onto him for support while her legs threatened to buckle under her. Her face was flushed and glossy with sweat.
“Master… please…” she begged, speaking as softly as possible.
“Holly, I thought we agreed; all teaching requires some form of discipline. This isn’t a reward for today, this is punishment,” he whispered with a smug grin.
In his pocket he held a small pink remote with a dial. Watching her out of the corner of his eye, Isaac slowly pushed up the dial from 1 to 2. A shudder ran up Holly’s spine, brought on by the small rotor in her pussy increasing in the power of its vibrations. He had seen the toy in Holly’s suitcase when she was unpacking, realizing it was probably a memento or farewell gift from her sisters at the orphanage. The tiny vibrator was battery powered, with a wire leading to the battery case and receiver for the remote signal. The receiver was secured to Holly’s leg by a rubber strap going around her thigh.
“But Master, there are people around.”
“Exactly. They call this a shaming punishment. You’re just going to have to hold it together until we get into the theater,” he replied while cranking it up to 3.
Isaac had read up on this while researching BDSM play. Just as Holly was working hard to prove herself as a proper slave, he had to prove himself as a deserving master. In all honesty, he was just as nervous as she was, terrified of their game being discovered, and the look on her face, while erotic in a sense, was concerning.
Holly struggled to stay on her feet, feeling like a robot with all of its screws and bolts being shaken loose. She had thought it strange when Master told her to wear a skirt to the movies, but when he whipped out the rotor in the truck, she realized it was so that she wouldn’t completely soak her pants from her unwanted arousal. But her panties were already damp, and if her biological lubrication started to run down her legs, people would surely notice.
Taking another two steps forward in the line, Isaac pushed up the rotor to the fourth level, causing Holly to begin shuddering like the plastic bean in her pussy. She was gasping for air and hanging onto him for dear life. They were next in line, just after this next family of two parents and their three kids. Oh please, hurry up! For the love of God, HURRY UP!
“Pull it together,” Isaac whispered as the family moved off to the concession stand.
As he and Holly stepped forward to the ticket counter, he cranked up the rotor to 5. Holly struggled to stand up straight and close her mouth. Oh god, the cashier could totally tell what was happening! He had to! It was so obvious! Maintaining her composure felt all but impossible. The waves of pleasure rolling through her body, normally a welcomed blessing, were now a horrible burden.
Isaac ordered two tickets and Holly was filled with relief. Finally, they could go into the theater and have the cover of darkness and background noise. To her horror, Isaac pulled her over to the concession stand, all while bringing the rotor to level 6. Standing by the counter, Isaac purposefully took his time in making his decision. To Holly, every second that passed by felt like an hour.
He could see it on her face, her anguish. But maybe this was just a façade? Maybe she was more turned on than ever? Considering her level of masochism, she must have been having the time of her life. Hell, getting whipped and choked was her idea of a massage! He naturally wanted to stop, but the website said a master couldn’t be lenient. He had to see it through to the end right along with her. He couldn’t ruin her fun.
“I think I’ll have the milk duds. What about you, honey?” Isaac asked, speaking to the cashier and to Holly teasingly. Holly forced herself to swallow her tongue. She had to remain strong!
“Oh, uh, I don’t want anything,” she stammered.
“Add a bag of m&ms to it,” Isaac told the cashier.
As Isaac paid for the candy with one hand, he used his other hand to push up the rotor intensity even higher, up to 7.
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