
My Daughter’s Pajama Party

Dreamy sunlight flooded the chair where I dozed in peaceful contemplation, a book laying open on my lap. I had always been ambivalent about my own birthday. When my daughter Shae asked if she could have a pajama party on Saturday night, the night of my birthday, I was mostly relieved. I wasn’t going to schedule any parties for myself, and was mostly looking forward to a quiet evening of brandy and catching up on some of my books. Now I would have to do so with the company of two extra shrieking teenage girls in the house. It was alright. I had a big house and could go to my study if I wanted some peace. Muted thumping from the downstairs bedroom marked Shae’s activities.

She was probably dancing to that Beyonce video that she was obsessed with. Some part of me had expected Shae to surprise me with some new lingerie or a dance routine like she usually did on special occasions, modelling outfits or showing off dance moves that she had practiced after seeing them on TV. She obsessively studied every fashion show and music video that she could get her hands on. It’s hard to believe how seductively she could sway her hips or shake her ass, but my sweet daughter definitely had talent. She adored the modelling prep school I had got her into, but I’d have to find some real dance classes for her, so she could focus some of that boundless energy that teenage girls seemed to always have.

A smile was growing on my face, drawn by daydreams of being her captive audience. It didn’t take much. Just a shy request, and a few fluttered eyelashes, and my daughter could usually drag me away from work or watching the game. Every new outfit had to undergo the Daddy Test before she found it acceptable, a lengthy trial of incessant demands about whether it looked ok on her hips or if the necklace matched the skirt or whether she should wear her hair up or down with it. Luckily, no real critique was required on my part; I didn’t have Shae’s talent for fashion. I could just smile and nod, enjoying the sweet sight of her perfect sexy body trying on five different panties to figure out which one went with her bra.

Dance routines were an exercise in agonizing restraint. My daughter would dance and jiggle to the heavy beat of whichever song had captivated her, swirling hips and rolling shoulders in seductive spirals while I was stuck on the couch, bound by solemn oath that I wouldn’t move until she was done. She knew every possible way to tease me, coaxing her Daddy to raging hardness like it was a gift, and it was a harrowing race to let Shae finish the routine she wanted to show me before I gave in and bent her over to rail her from behind. Memories played in languid waves as I drowsed in the sun, warm thoughts of the girl I loved: taking her out to eat or to the movies, walking by the river.

Dancing, snuggling in bed, or just the proud thrill of seeing her dressed up and ready for school in the morning. The music had stopped. Maybe I should go to our bedroom and say hi, but I was so comfortable under the golden blanket of sunlight. I’d rest my eyes just a few minutes longer… Piercing squeals startled me awake, sending the book toppling to the floor. Gleeful shrieking heralded the arrival of Shae’s friends in the front yard. Was it 6 already?

I trudged down the stairs sleepily, sure that a herd of bison was thundering in my front door. The stampede turned out to be just be just my daughter and two other girls, sleeping bags and packs slung over their shoulders, tromping and screeching noisily with Shae in the foyer about something that had happened at school that day. “Hey Daddy!” yelled Shae, as though I had never taught her about the concept of an indoor voice. Her arms whipped around my midsection in a violent hug and she introduced me to her friends. “Hi Mr. Watts!” shrieked the taller girl. “You remember me from school? I’m Alexis.” Alexis was a sweetheart with an round, earnest face and straight auburn hair that glowed in the reflection of the evening sun.

I had met the girl at Shae’s recent PTA meeting, along with her mother, who I remember hadn’t been very pleased with something. The girl was two classes ahead of Shae, and I saw that she hadn’t had the chance to change after getting picked up from school: she was still in the checkered skirt, leggings, and white blouse of her school’s dress. “Hi Alexis. Good to see you again,” I smiled warmly. The other girl, jubilant moments earlier, huddled shyly after seeing me. Shae poked me harshly in the leg and suddenly I remembered Sophie, the girl that was sometimes talking to Shae when I picked my daughter up from school. “Hi Sophie. We’re having macaroni and cheese tonight. I hear it’s your favorite.” The girl blushed and delivered a timid hello. She was younger than Shae, a small brunette in a modest pink dress, wavy hair held back by a plain headband. Introductions were scarcely concluded when the trio burst from the foyer into the living room to unload and talk about girl stuff. I wanted to finish some paperwork before relaxing again, so I left them to it.

I sighed with contentment. It had been a comfortable hour of lazily thumbing my favorite author’s new book up in the loft that overlooked the living room, lounging on the big, fluffy chair: the “Smooshy Chair”, as my daughter called it, a heavenly bed of fuzz in which you could pretty much sprawl any way you pleased and still be comfortable. I glanced down again into the living room where the girls had ended up after dinner. Alexis had switched into a set of tight-fitting purple pajamas covered in pink and blue swirls. She must have got them when she was younger because they seemed too small for her. The shirt clung to her chest, letting her cute midriff peep out from underneath, and the pants hugged her bottoms but barely extended past her knees.

I took a moment to appreciate her form: this sexy girl has developed some curves, and her pajamas were showing them off freely. She moved in graceful motions, with little of the awkwardness that sexy girls sometimes had. The long sweep of her hair was a tawny river spilling over her shoulders and streaming down to a perky little butt as she sat with her knees drawn up to her chest, chatting in conspiratorial whispers in a circle with the other girls. Sophie had donned petite yellow pajamas decorated with designs of tiny stars. She was bent forward, listening eagerly to what was apparently an animated contest to see if it was Alexis or Shae that could whisper in the loudest voice.

The topic of conversation wouldn’t have been a secret to anyone watching. Instead of changing into any of her myriad sets of pajamas, Shae had decided to show off a silky little chemise with pink accents and frilled straps. I remembered that when Shae had got it, she had wanted to make some adjustments before she was happy with it. She was trying her hand at clothing alterations and had modified the bottoms so that they divided in front. “It’s too tight to pull up when you want to do me Daddy. I’d have to take the whole thing off, but I want to leave it on for you because you said you like it.” So she had made a cut to the front of the skirt about a foot long and re-sewn the dividing line with a pretty pink fringe.

We tried it out that night, my daughter bouncing herself to orgasm on my cock while the bottoms of the seductive garment were able to glide freely around her hips. She declared the modifications a success. “But it’s so…well, *weird*”, mumbled Alexis, eyeing Shae up and down as she sat on the floor. The sheer material didn’t reveal everything, but it did give glimpses of quite a lot of my daughter’s luscious body. “It’s not weird!” Shae retorted. “I like it. It’s pretty. See? I did this part myself.” “Yeah…it is really pretty. I wish I had one,” Alexis said dreamily. “You couldn’t wear it to school”, whispered Sophie. “Of course not, dork! I don’t wear this to school. I wear it at home for Daddy.” “I’ll bet you would wear it to school if you could,” giggled Alexis. “She TOTALLY would.

Remember when she wore that short skirt and all the boys were looking?” Sophie and Alexis had teamed up, tittering uncontrollably. “You shut up!” Shae punctuated her order with a sudden ambush, swinging the big red frilly pillow from the couch down onto her friend’s head. Shrieks and counterattacks followed immediately, with the girls converting my living room into a violent battleground of pillow and couch-cushion artillery, swinging and laughing and slapping each other repeatedly. My living room had no shortage of pillows. Shae somehow had Alexis buried under the big green cushion, squishing her under her body weight while laughing and shrieking “take it back you! Take it back!”, until Sophie arrived as an unlikely ally, battering Shae over the head with the yellow end-cushion and giggling madly.

Eventually, their hellion energy spent on pillow warfare and a structurally unsound pillow fort, I made some popcorn for them and told Shae she could put on a movie. We had an on-demand ***********ion of pretty much anything we wanted, including porn, and I arched my eyebrow with interest from the loft as Shae chose a softcore film called “Little Bo Peep”. It was one we had watched a week earlier, starring a diminutive teen actress who played a shepherdess in search of her lost flock of sheep. A series of freak events kept her from being able to keep her clothes fully on at all times, with sudden wind gusts and curious animals somehow contriving to remove more and more of her outfit as she traveled the farmlands, asking burly farmhands if they could help her find her flock.

Shae liked it because she said the clothing was “funny the way it kept coming apart but stayed together”. I liked it for the plot, or at least, that was my story and I was sticking to it. The actress reminded me a lot of my sweet daughter. Girls are nothing else if not sexually curious. Their conversation turned to sex, or at least to something they had heard about called sex. Mostly it was a lot of giggling while hiding their heads under the pillows. “She keeps talking to that farmer. HEY! Do you think they’ll do IT?” “Dork, you don’t even know what IT is!” “Shut up! Neither do you!” “I do too! You’re a stupidface liar. At least I’ve been kissed by a boy.” “He licked your ear in gym class! That’s not a kiss.” “Ooooh I’ll bet she wants to do IT with him. It starts with the ears, you know.” Shae was rarely shy. Of course, she knew everything about sex, since I had taught it to her.

She had had first-class lessons in nearly every sexual experience from her Daddy. I smiled knowingly, thinking back over all the fun I’d had with my daughter. “No, shut up! GOD! Ok listen,” Shae was shouting down the other girls. “No, they don’t need sheep, dork! That’s just the movie. Sex is when a boy and girl love each other.” “But how would YOU know? Do you have a booooyfriend?” Hysterical giggling ensued from the Alexis/Sophie side of the pillow fort. “Listen, when a boy and girl love each other, they can have sex. Boy privates are called a ‘penis’ and it gets hard and he puts it in the girl’s vagina. It’s like when you’re boyfriend and girlfriend, you have sex. Or if you’re a husband and wife, you have sex. Or if you have a Daddy that loves you, you have sex.” Shae crossed her arms in triumph as she dispensed this wisdom.

“Wait, is your Daddy your boyfriend?” Both girls seemed bemused by this thought. “Pssh, silly, Daddies make GREAT boyfriends! Here let me show you!” I had stopped paying attention to my book a while ago as I eavesdropped on this fascinating conversation carried on in whispers loud enough to be heard on the other side of the world. “DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD” shrieked Shae from the general vicinity of the hallway. “Don’t yell sweetie,” I called back in a more reasonable tone. “What do you want?” “COME WATCH A MOVIE WITH US DADDY!” she yelled. After making another batch of popcorn, we trundled into the living room. I figured I would let Shae pick the movie again, since my clever little girl was clearly plotting something. She grabbed Alexis’ arm and pulled her down onto the 2-person loveseat, one of the few pieces of furniture in the room that had not been stripped of cushioning and overturned in the Great Pillow Battle of the early twentieth century. I took the big chair with the wide seat. This left Sophie standing alone, and I beckoned her over. “Come over here hon. There’s room for two.” I thought she might be too shy, but she climbed up and suddenly I had a wiggling little girl sharing the fuzzy seat with me.

I moved her around so she could sit on my lap comfortably while facing the TV, and used one of the many blankets to cover us. A tittering mound of fabric in the rough shape of Alexis was huddling on the couch next to Shae, having stolen all the blankets from their side. My daughter ignored her and used the remote to tick through the menu options, diving into a certain section and ***********ing a film that I really did not expect. It was my favorite movie, one Shae and I had watched several times. It had been very hard to get. I heard about it online, and made some efforts to track it down and have it shipped to us discreetly. It was a hardcore porno of amazingly high quality, probably shot for a private client with a wealthy budget.

I don’t think it had ever been distributed anywhere, and searches for the name of the credited director had always come up empty. It was a heavily romantic daddy/daughter roleplay, fantastically acted by a handsome hunk of a man around my age, and an stunningly gorgeous sexy girl . It only ran about an hour, but the depiction of this lovely girl and the man who was her Daddy was shockingly, intensely arousing, performed with such vivid enthusiasm and heartfelt passion that it made me wonder if they were actors at all. A heartfelt adoration sparkled in both of their eyes when they looked at each other, a genuine connection of the sort that is missing from most pornos.

The girl was a treasure, with a lithe, flawless body, wearing a heart-stopping smile through every act of love she offered. She squealed and wiggled, arched her back and pouted her lips, stripped and dressed and bounced and sucked with such a realistic passion and vigor that I always found myself hopelessly enthralled when I watched. If the film was showing a real relationship, that father was the luckiest man on Earth. I looked over at Shae, who was wearing a devious smile as she avoided my gaze. Well, second luckiest… While the film flowed gracefully through each scene of tantalizing seduction, we feasted on handfuls of fresh popcorn, spilling them carelessly on the floor and among the cushions. Sophie’s arms were too short to reach the bucket from her perch on my chest so I scooped small handfuls and held them for her, occasionally teasing her by popping kernels into the air and letting her catch them with her mouth.

Between mouthfuls, I rested my hands on her hips and massaged them in gentle circles, getting her comfortable. “So they’re boyfriend and girlfriend?” Alexis asked, spilling unpopped kernels as she gestured at the screen. “Yes, they’re a Daddy and his daughter,” Shae explained.

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