My daughters dildo
My daughters dildo
Sex Story Author: | Happyhead100 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Her panties were next to me on my bed. I was tempted to wrap them around my morning hard-on and |
Sex Story Category: | Coercion |
Sex Story Tags: | Coercion, Fantasy, First Time, Incest, Masturbation, Reluctance, Teen, Voyeurism |
This is not my story, it’s a great story which is why I’m posting it here. Oh, and it’s a long one with more to come, and apologies for not breaking it down into chapters.
Written by DirtyMindedMom
Being a single father has many challenges, especially when you have a daughter. Nicole’s mom has been out of the picture since right after her first birthday, so it’s been just the two of us for the past sixteen years. It wasn’t easy early on, but I managed to provide a stable home and raise a pretty good kid . I admit she was somewhat of a tomboy, but she was healthy and happy, did well in school, and the two of us got along great. Unfortunately, this didn’t mean I was at all prepared for puberty.
It was something I’d avoided thinking about, but before I knew it there she was. My little girl was becoming a woman before I was ready. It fell to me to have “The Talk” with her. It took me a week to work up the nerve and to figure out what I was going to say. I was as uncomfortable as I could be when I first sat her down, but Nicole’s natural curiosity and her open personality made what could have been a painfully awkward conversation into a special moment that actually brought us closer together.
Then, of course, came the other stuff. I tried to make it seem as normal as I could, but a father taking his daughter bra shopping for the first time makes for an unusual day at the mall. This pales in comparison, however, to having to explain about tampons and all the things that go along with that whole monthly song and dance. And teaching a son to shave his face is one thing, but, trust me, teaching your daughter to shave her legs is something else entirely.
You might think I’d made it over the toughest hurdles of parenting a young girl through the journey into womanhood, and so did I, until my beautiful 18-year-old daughter came to me one day with an unexpected request.
“Daddy, I need you to help me with something.” She always
reverted to calling me “Daddy” when she wanted something from me, mainly because it always worked.
“I just gave you your allowance two days ago.”
“It’s not that. You know how I broke up with Steven last month, right?” She sat down on the arm of my easy chair. I hit the pause button on the remote so I wouldn’t miss anything that the Avengers were up to. “Well,” she continued, “I decided that with school, and getting ready for college, and soccer that I don’t really have time for a boyfriend right now.”
“I love that plan,” I said and meant it.
She gave me a pinch on the arm. “Listen, I’m serious about this. I don’t want a boyfriend, but that means I still have a problem.”
“And that problem is…?”
My daughter shifted uncomfortably next to me. “Okay, first of all, you know I’m not a virgin anymore, right?”
Whoa! The conversation had taken an unexpected turn. I suddenly had no idea where she was going with this.
“I wasn’t entirely sure, but, okay, now I know.”
“God, Daddy, don’t look so horrified. It’s not like I’m a total slut, or anything. It was only Steven.” She bit her lip and looked away as a slight flush colored her cheeks. “A lot.”
Just what every father wants to hear. Then it dawned on me what she was leading up to.
“Oh, God, you’re pregnant.”
“No!” She smacked me on the shoulder. “Give me a little more credit than that. I’m on the pill and we always used condoms.”
“How long have you been on the pill?”
“I don’t know, like a year. Anyway, that’s not the point.”
I was relieved and somewhat hurt at the same time. “What is the point?”
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but I really liked having sex.” She was right, I didn’t want to hear it. “And I really, really miss it.”
I covered my ears and closed my eyes. Maybe this was just a bad dream and I would wake up any second. Nicole pulled my hands away.
“Daddy, stop it. I’m trying to tell you that I’m really horny and I need your help.”
“I can’t hear you!” I tried to clap my hands back over my ears, but she held my wrists firm.
“Shut up and stop being such a baby,” she scolded me with a laugh. “So since I don’t want a boyfriend, and I don’t want to get desperate and start hooking up with random guys, I need you to buy me something.”
“A one-way ticket to a convent?”
“Trust me, if I didn’t have to ask you I wouldn’t, but I need you to buy me a dildo.”
“Huh?” I’d heard her, but it wasn’t registering.
“A dildo, Daddy. You know? Like a fake dick.”
“I know what a dildo is. But…but why…”
She gave me one of her patented “how could you be so stupid” looks. “Why do you think?” Nicole was still holding onto my wrists and I was suddenly aware of how close she was. “This is more embarrassing for me than it is for you, Daddy, but I don’t know what else to do. I can’t really explain it, but now that I’ve had sex with a boy it feels like something is missing when I do it by myself.”
Was my sweet little daughter honestly saying what I thought she was saying?
“I don’t…um…what…ah…” I was completely failing on every level. I had to get it together.
“I thought that maybe if I had a dildo it would feel more like I was having sex with a boy, and I would be able to concentrate on school stuff better instead of being so horny all the time.”
“That all sounds very reasonable, my darling little princess, but you have to admit this isn’t the sort of thing a father ever wants to hear from his daughter.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. I could feel the softness of one of her breasts pressed against my shoulder. I tried to ignore it, but failed. “It’s not like I have a mom around to ask for help with this kind of stuff. Even if you at least had a girlfriend, I could talk to her.”
“Let’s not go there right now.” She must be serious if she was playing the mom card.
“Come on, Daddy, you were the one who taught me about the birds and the bees and all that stuff. You knew I wasn’t going to be a virgin forever. I’m not a little girl anymore.” She toyed with my hair as she spoke, fixing it the way she liked. This was exactly the kind of intimate contact I was afraid of at that moment. “You’re the one who taught me that sex is a beautiful thing, and that masturbating was a natural part of growing up. You also always told me that I could come to you if I had any questions or problems about sex, so here I am.”
I’d always related sex to my daughter in a very abstract way, but this was real. As a father I knew I had to do everything I could to help her, but as a man I couldn’t control my physical response to the thought of my nubile daughter being so desperately horny that she had to ask me for a dildo to masturbate with. I did my best to not think about my growing erection and prayed it would go away before she noticed.
“You’re right,” I conceded. “It’s hard for me to accept that my sweet little girl has somehow grown into a sexy little woman. Go get my wallet.”
“Oh, Daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She kissed me on the cheek with each thank you and ran off with a happy squeal.
I took the opportunity to try to tuck my hard-on away so that it wouldn’t be obvious. What kind of a dad was I? It was bad enough that I was paying for my daughter to buy sex toys, but to get an erection over the whole thing was just plain wrong.
“I’ve been doing some research.” Nicole was back quicker than I expected, leaving me only half tucked.
She placed her laptop on my lap. I was relieved at first because it hid the highly inappropriate bulge in my pants, but then I saw what was on the screen: an array of candy-colored dildos and vibrators!
“This site has the best selection, good prices, and free shipping.” She settled back down onto the arm of my chair and leaned in close against me so we could both see the computer screen. Damn, she smelled good.
“How about I give you my credit card and you can get whatever you want.”
“No, you have to help me pick out the right one. I never had a dildo before, I don’t know what to get.”
“I never had a dildo before either. How am I supposed to know what you need?”
“Because you know everything, Daddy.” She reached over and used the touchpad to scroll down the webpage. Her hand was unknowingly hovering just inches above my semi-erect cock. “Okay, so the first thing I have to figure out is if I want just a plain dildo or one that vibrates. What do you think?”
“I guess it depends on if you want to, um…or if you’d rather, ah…” I squirmed uncomfortably.
“C’mon, Daddy, don’t be such a prude. Just say what you’re trying to say. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about.” I took a deep breath and decided to do as she asked and speak directly despite every instinct telling me not to. “Here goes. I suppose the plain dildos would be good for orgasms from penetration, while the vibrators can also stimulate the clitoris.”
Nicole giggled and kissed my cheek. “You don’t have to be all technical. You can just say clit.” She leaned forward to get a closer look at the screen, placing a hand on my thigh to support herself. “I heard vibrators can make you less sensitive.”
“Are you planning on using it five times a day?”
“At least five, but probably more.” She said this with a straight face. When my jaw dropped she broke into a laugh and punched me in the arm. “Just because I’m horny doesn’t make me a complete sex freak, Daddy. I plan on using it the normal amount. Maybe three or four times a week. Probably more at first, but then just every other day, or so.”
Visions of my darling daughter sprawled out on her bed with her legs spread having sex with her new toy sprang uninvited into my head. I wanted to be the cool dad and support my girl, but this was going to ruin me as a father.
“As long as you use it in moderation I don’t think you’ll need to worry about your sensitivity.”
“Good, then I’ll get one that vibrates so I can use it on my clit.” She seemed to be deliberately using provocative language. She was probably having fun torturing me like this. “Now we have to figure out what shape would be good. They have all kinds of weird ones like this.” She clicked on one that had a bulbous end and a corkscrew shaft, then another that was a series of increasingly large spherical bulges. “And then they have all these that are in the shape of a penis.” She clicked back and selected one of the lifelike replicas.
I couldn’t get over the fact that I was sitting in my living room looking at a collection of huge dongs with my daughter. It was insane, but I didn’t want to admit that there was a part of me that was beginning to enjoy it. Especially one very specific part of me.
“I suppose they both have their advantages,” I offered lamely. “Some of them look like they’ve been engineered to get the job done, but evolution is a pretty good engineer herself.”
“Okay, Mr. Science Channel, what I think you’re saying is a penis one would be better.”
“I don’t know for sure, but you can’t go too far wrong with a proven design.”
She thought about it as she clicked around on a few more of the space-age vibrators. “That’s a good point. I know what it feels like to have a cock…oops, sorry, I mean a penis inside me, but I don’t know what it would feel like to stick one of these other things in my vajay-jay. Too bad we can’t test drive them before deciding.”
The way she kept saying “we” was driving me crazy. And by that I mean crazy in a good way that was very bad. She was, either consciously or unconsciously, making me a sort of partner in her private sex life. That was someplace that no father was supposed to be. Maybe it was a mistake not to get remarried so Nicole could have had a mother figure to guide her through these sorts of situations.
“When it comes to dildos, I think they have to stick to a ‘you try it, you buy it’ policy.” We both chuckled nervously at my not quite funny joke. “How about that one?” I asked, pointing to a random penis-shaped vibrator.
“Hmm, too skinny. I want something with some girth to it, but not too crazy big, you know?” Something like this would be good, but I don’t know about the balls. What do you think?”
“About balls? I’m a fan.”
“Now you’re just making fun of me. This is a big decision, Daddy. I want to make sure I get the right one.”
“Alright, then, let’s see.” I clicked on one of the models with testicles included. “As far as a dildo goes, from what I can tell, the balls don’t really add much to the experience. Maybe they give you something to hold on to while you’re…you know. But I’d guess they’re more for aesthetic purposes than anything.”
“Hmmm.” My daughter mulled over the pros and cons. “I’m a fan of balls, too – real ones – but I don’t think we need them on my dildo.” She shifted on the arm of my chair and I noticed how warm she was next to me. “What’s the suction cup on the bottom for?”
“I don’t know. Maybe so you can stick it on the wall of the shower and go at it hands-free.”
“Interesting.” She seemed to be contemplating all the possibilities. “But, for now, all I need is one with the right business end.”
She went back to the main page displaying dozens of phallic sex toys. I could hear my daughter breathing close to my ear. She shifted again, and I noticed that she seemed to be squeezing her legs together rather tightly. I was so worried about controlling my own arousal I hadn’t stopped to consider that she might be getting turned on by all of this as well. I assumed this was nothing more than a virtual shopping trip for her, but I became distinctly aware that she might be as sexually charged up as me. I tried to push such thoughts out of my head.
“What do you think of that one?” I pointed and felt my arm brush against one of Nicole’s small breasts. Instead of pulling away, she leaned closer.
“I like it, but I’m not sure about the color. The flesh-colored ones look like they were cut off some poor guy. That freaks me out a little. Maybe something like this purple one.”
“Um, yeah, that looks like a good one.”
“These glass ones look pretty cool, too.” Nicole clicked to the next page and browsed through all the varied lengths, shapes, and sizes. “I bet those would feel nice even though they don’t vibrate.”
“Maybe, if you’re a good girl, Santa will bring you one this year.”
She laughed and gave me a playful shove with her body. The idea of buying my daughter a sex toy for Christmas sent an unseemly tingle through my balls. I had always prided myself on being a good and responsible father, but in the span of a few minutes all that was being placed in dire jeopardy.
Nicole went back to the previous page and clicked on the purple one. “I like the size of the head on this one, and the way it curves up a little at the end.”
“Is it, um…thick enough for you? Not too skinny?”
“No, it seems about right.” She licked her lips without being aware of it. “Let’s see…three speeds, water-resistant, two double-A batteries, and pleasure ribs. Mmm, hadn’t noticed those. What do you think, Daddy, do you like this one?”
“Sure.” I cleared my throat, becoming acutely aware that I was fully hard and feeling the need to do something about it. “That one looks like it’ll do the trick.”
She hung on my shoulder as I navigated through the ordering process, entered in my credit card number, and hit the submit button.
“Awesome! I can’t wait,” she chirped and threw her arms around my neck again. “Thanks for getting me my very own cock, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Enjoy it.”
“Oh, I will.” She kissed me several times on the cheek, grabbed her laptop, and dashed off to her bedroom. Luckily she was in such a rush that she didn’t notice the elongated bulge in my pants.
As soon as I heard Nicole’s bedroom door close, I hurried to my own room and pulled out my dick. I didn’t waste any time and immediately began beating off. It was wrong, and disgusting, but I couldn’t help myself. I was almost certain that my daughter was in her room at that very moment doing the very same thing. I tried not to picture her with her panties down around her ankles and her fingers buried in her sweet pussy, but there was no way to avoid it.
I could still feel the way she pressed her body against me. The warmth of her quick breaths on my neck. The soft touch of her breast against my arm. The sound of words like dildo and cock on her darling lips. My horny little girl.
My balls clenched and a fountain of cum erupted from my cock. I spurted all over the carpet and didn’t even care. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d cum so fast. I kept jerking myself, milking even more jizz from my aching balls. Fuck, that felt good. Too good. I was a revolting pig.
Nicole came to me for help because she trusted me. She relied on me solve a very personal problem, and here I was jacking off over it all like some kind of perverted schoolboy. She would be horrified to know that her own father was masturbating himself to thoughts of her playing with her pussy. I was beyond reproach.
I got a hand towel from the bathroom and wiped the tip of my dick clean. I couldn’t help but notice that I was still hard – an unusual post-orgasm condition at my age. I dabbed up what I could from the carpet, feeling increasingly humiliated by the biological evidence of my own depravity.
It was a moment of weakness. A one-time thing that wouldn’t happen again. I just needed to pull myself together, get my head screwed back on straight, and everything would simply go back to normal now that I had gotten that out of my system. That’s all there was to it.
Or so I thought.
It was a daily struggle to keep my thoughts in check around my daughter. Nicole would be innocently walking through the house in her usual shorts and t-shirt, and it felt to me like she was parading around in the sexiest lingerie I’d ever seen. The sight of her long, shapely bare legs set me off every time. I couldn’t stop noticing how the cotton fabric of her shirt would drape over her small, firm breasts. I could always tell when she wasn’t wearing a bra – not because of the bounce, but because her tits took on a different shape when they were unconfined. Even the way her pony-tail swayed when she moved had me thinking wildly inappropriate thoughts.
I suppressed these perverse mental transgressions as soon as I recognized what I was doing, and I fought to keep Nicole out of my mind whenever I jerked off (which seemed to be more frequently ever since our sex toy shopping spree). Part of the problem was that there was more to it than her physical sensuality.
I had a new awareness about my daughter that I’d never had before. Sure, I knew she liked boys and was dating. When she officially got a steady boyfriend I understood what went along with that. But, until she asked me for a dildo, it was all a vaguely abstract notion. Now it was real – very, very real. My daughter was masturbating. She had been penetrated. She obviously loved cock. She desperately wanted something hard in her pussy so she could have better orgasms. My girl had become a fully mature sexual creature. This added dimension made her more of a woman than I was prepared to deal with. And, as a woman, she became the target of the natural desires that go along with being a man. The fact that we were so close, and that I loved her so damned much, only seemed to intensify these illicit desires of mine.
She apparently had no idea the effect she was having on me. It wasn’t unusual for Nicole to traipse around the house in short-shorts or even panties. I hadn’t thought much about it before, but now it was a splendid form of torture.
I still couldn’t believe she’d actually come to me for help buying a dildo. Granted, she had a point that I was the only one for her to turn to for something like that, but it didn’t make it any less shocking. When I was her age I never would have uttered the word masturbation in front of my parents, much less openly admitted that I did it. kids today had a whole different attitude about it, as if it were as normal as brushing your teeth. I suppose it should be seen as a good thing. Or maybe it was just going to lead to trouble.
“It came! It’s here, it’s here!” Nicole came running into the living room with a plain cardboard box in her hands.
My heart immediately began beating faster. She plopped down on the floor at the foot of my chair and began tearing at the box. She wasn’t going to actually open it right in front of me, was she? Yes. Yes, she was. I hit the mute button and tried to calm myself.
“I haven’t seen you this excited except on Christmas morning.”
She stuck her tongue out at me and threw aside a wad of bubble wrap. Wide-eyed, she reverently lifted her new treasure out of the box. There it was…my daughter’s dildo.
It gleamed a neon purple beneath the clear plastic of the clamshell packaging. She turned it over in her hands like she couldn’t believe it was real. She looked up at me with a beaming smile, before trying to open it. The packaging wouldn’t yield to her eager fingers. She held it out to me.
“Daddy, I can’t get it open,” she whined plaintively.
I took the thing from her with a shaking hand while I pulled out my pocket knife. She was up on her knees and clapping her hands as I carefully cut away the stubborn plastic. I held the package open and Nicole snatched the sex toy from it. It wasn’t a picture on the computer anymore; it was definitely the real thing.
“Oh, wow,” she marveled. “It has a little bit of squishiness to it. Feel!” She held the cock-shaped toy out to me.
I gave it a tentative squeeze between my thumb and forefinger. “Nice…I guess.”
“Yeah, I thought it was going to be like hard plastic, but this is better.”
She ran her fingers over the head of the thing and gave it an experimental pinch. I just about had a heart attack when she then rubbed it against her cheek to feel what it was like on her skin. I was afraid she was going to start sucking on it right there in front of me, but thankfully she went back to inspecting it instead. She twisted the cap off the bottom.
“This is where the batteries go. Daddy, get me some batteries!”
I took the ones out of my remote and handed them to her. She fumbled with her new toy and after a few missed tries got the batteries installed. I noticed that her hands were shaking more than mine. Nicole fiddled with the controller. Her purple dick came to life and began buzzing.
She squealed with delight. “Oh my God, that feels so weird.” My daughter touched her sex toy to her cheek again, then ran it up along the top of her bare thigh. She reached out and touched my leg with it. I jerked away and she laughed at me. “Don’t be afraid, Daddy, it’s not a real penis!”
“I know, but still…”
She turned it up to the medium setting and her smile widened; at high speed her jaw dropped. She looked at me with incredulous glee. It looked like she wanted to say something, but held back knowing it would be too much to share with her father. She stepped the device back down until it was silent.
“I’m going to go try it!” She jumped up and gave me a big hug. “Thanks, Daddy, I love you so much!”
And with that she was running off to her bedroom. I heard her door close and a strange sensation ran through me. Despite all efforts to the contrary, I couldn’t help picturing my girl pulling her shorts down, jumping into bed, spreading her legs, and sliding her new toy into her sweet, young pussy. I tried to divert my attention and attempted to change the channel on the TV a few times before I realized there were no longer batteries in the remote. I got up to go find some replacements.
Instead of heading for the kitchen where I kept the spare batteries, I found myself softly making my way toward my daughter’s bedroom. I paused at the end of the hallway and listened. All was quiet. I crept closer. Once I was at her door I could hear it. That low, steady buzz. She was really doing it. My darling girl was on the other side of that door masturbating with her dildo.
My cock was rock solid in my pants. I was disgusted with myself. It was bad enough that I was violating her privacy, but then to also get a full-blown erection from it was simply reprehensible. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my cock out.
Leaning in closer I strained to hear more as I began stroking myself. I was lower than low, but I couldn’t stop myself. All I could think about was that big purple cock going in and out of my girl’s pussy. I wanted to see the look of pure delight on her face as she fucked herself. I wanted to see her nubile body writhing on her bed as she pleasured herself. I wanted to see the slick juices flowing from her little hole as she made herself cum.
The sound of a surprised “Oh!” came from the other side of the door. A tingle ran from my balls to my asshole. I told myself I had to walk away, but instead I stood there jacking my stiff cock with my pants down around my knees like a filthy pervert. I heard her again. It was a series of little moans that were building quickly toward something. My baby girl was making herself cum. It was really happening. And she was making it happen with the dildo her daddy bought her.
A jet of cum erupted from my cock and hit Nicole’s bedroom door. I quickly cupped my hand over my cockhead and caught the rest in my palm as my balls clenched and more jizz spewed out. I was cumming with my daughter. It was simply fantastic.
It was only a matter of seconds before I regained my senses. The flood of guilt and shame that had been suppressed while beating off quickly rose. Oh my God, what was wrong with me? I was standing outside my daughter’s bedroom with my pants down and a handful of my own semen. The buzzing sound stopped. She might come out any second.
I scuttled away down the hall as quietly as I could, holding my pants up with one hand and my cum in the other as my erection bounced freely. If she knew what I’d done she’d never speak to me again. She trusted me and I’d betrayed her. There would be enough guys in the world trying to take advantage of her, the last thing she needed was for her dad to be one of them.
Once in the kitchen I cleaned myself up, got my pants back on, and resolved not to let that happen again. I fished a new pair of double-A’s out of the junk drawer and returned to my chair. It was almost half an hour before Nicole came flouncing in and collapsed onto the sofa. Her cheeks were rosy and she had a dreamy smile.
“Well, it works,” she reported with a shy giggle. “I definitely won’t be needing a boyfriend for a while.”
I still couldn’t believe she was talking to me this way, but I can’t honestly say I didn’t like it.
“I’m glad you’re happy, sweetheart.” I forced myself to stare at the TV and not ogle my daughter’s body.
After a few minutes she began fidgeting, then got up and headed for her bedroom again.
“Don’t overdo it on the first day, honey,” I warned her.
“Dad! I’m going to do my homework,” she insisted unconvincingly.
“Yeah, sure you are,” I teased. “Have fun.”
She gave me a sly smile that told me I was right before she hurried off to her room for another round with her new favorite toy.
I managed to control myself fairly well over the next week. It was torment during those times I suspected she was going at it, but I kept my distance and gave her the respect she deserved. I wasn’t able to keep my thoughts entirely in check, however. At night when I was trying to fall asleep I would imagine her humping away at her dildo in the next room. My cock would be hard in an instant and I had to jerk off to the sick images filling my head. I kept telling myself it was a passing phase and that things would go back to normal soon. And they might have if it wasn’t for my maddeningly uninhibited daughter.
I shuffled into the bathroom one morning and stopped dead in my tracks. Nicole’s dildo was lying there on the vanity next to the sink. Had she washed it and left it behind? Or had she been using it in here? It somehow looked bigger than I remembered. My heart thumped. That thing had been inside my daughter’s pussy. Many times. I couldn’t help but wonder what it smelled like. Maybe if she hadn’t washed it I could just take a little sniff. She would never–
“Hey, Daddy, have you seen my dildo? Oops, there it is.” She brushed past me in her panties and bra and grabbed her toy. “Don’t want to lose you,” she said to it and gave it a kiss.
“I hope you’re not bringing that thing to school with you,” I joked.
“Not today,” she quipped back. Her eyes flicked downward for a quick second. She gave me one of her sly smiles and closed the bathroom door as she left.
I looked down to see that there was a tent forming in my pajama bottoms. That little vixen was going to be the death of me. I whacked off in the shower like a horny teenager. By the time I was finished, Nicole had left for school. I went to her bedroom and pushed her door open.
The smell of the body spray she had put on before leaving was still strong in the air. Lying there on her bed was the dildo. She didn’t even make any effort to hide it. I was once again amazed at how open kids were about this sort of thing these days. I felt like a complete scumbag, but I couldn’t help picking it up and giving it a quick sniff. It smelled of hand soap and latex. She must have washed it. It was embarrassing how disappointed I was.
I laid the toy back down where I had found it, but couldn’t bring myself to leave. I dropped my towel and grabbed my prick. I was standing over the bed where my little girl played with herself. This was the spot where she would make herself cum. My dick was stiff in a matter of seconds.
“You’re a horny little thing, aren’t you, Nicole?” I said this out loud and felt like a fool. “You like fucking the toy Daddy bought you.” I beat my cock harder. “You love masturbating that hot little pussy of yours, don’t you?” I grabbed my balls and kept jacking my shaft for all I was worth. “You horny fucking slut! You beautiful horny little fucking slut!”
I barely had the presence of mind to catch my cum before I spurted it all over her bed clothes. I dropped to my knees and groaned as I milked my cock once again into my hand like a degenerate pervert. A couple weeks earlier I would have never entertained such deviant thoughts, but now it was just about all I could think of. I had to get myself together for the sake of my daughter. I know I wasn’t the best father there was, but I was better than this.
It was only a matter of days before I was tested again. It was Friday night and I was in my chair watching TV after a busy week at work. My brain was fried, and after a couple of beers I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.
Nicole came home from her night out, making a flurry of noise as she bounced from one room to the next singing an off-tune version of whatever the latest hit pop song was on the radio.
“How was the movie?” I called to her.
“Sucked! But there was a fight in the theater, so that was cool.” She poked her head into the living room. “Whatcha watchin’?”
“ESPN highlights.”
“Let’s watch a movie or something. Wanna?”
I never pass up a chance to spend time with my daughter, especially when it’s her idea. “Sure.”
“Cool!” She headed off to her bedroom, then I heard her getting drinks and snacks in the kitchen. She came back in her PJs and bare feet, her hair up in a cute ponytail. She set a glass of Coke down on the end table next to me and dropped a bag of cheese doodles in my lap (which she knows are my favorite). She flopped onto the sofa with her drink and a bag of potato chips. She had stolen the remote at some point during all this, navigated to the onDemand menu, and selected a movie that was more expensive than it had any right to be.
I was able to stay conscious for the first twenty minutes, then I apparently drifted off.
There was a buzzing sound. I was dreaming about Nicole using her toy again. I had to stop doing that. The sound persisted no matter how hard I tried to put it out of my mind. Wait. It wasn’t in my mind. I wasn’t asl**p. The sound was in the room with me. Impossible.
I opened my eyes. The movie was still playing. Nicole was on the sofa in her pajamas staring absently at the screen. She had her dildo in her hand and was lightly playing it over her crotch. Her feet were up on the sofa, her knees apart, and she was massaging her pussy through her pajama bottoms with her vibrator. This had to be a dream.
Her eyes flicked to me and she noticed I was awake.
“Oops!” She quickly closed her legs and turned off the toy. “I thought you were asl**p.”
“I was but…” I was half in reality and half out. “I should probably go to bed so you can be alone…”
“No, you don’t have to go,” she said quickly. “I’ll save that for later.” She put the dildo on the coffee table. “I was just…you know.” She shrugged, begging me with her eyes to stay up with her.
I certainly wasn’t sl**py any longer. Even though I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around what I had just seen, my cock understood it all perfectly. I was certain the bulge in my pants wouldn’t be noticeable in the dark, and I almost didn’t care if it was.
With a swig of Coke, and a mouthful of doodles, I tried to catch up with the inane plot of the movie. I couldn’t stop sneaking glances at my daughter. It was hard to tell with the pattern on her PJs, but I thought I could see her nipples poking up. I noticed that she was sneaking glances at me when I wasn’t looking. What the hell was going on here?
“Daddy, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
“It’s something personal.”
“I’m listening.”
“When was the last time you were with a woman?”
Not a question I was expecting. “Ah…let’s see. I went on some dates a while back, but nothing serious.”
“I know about that,” she said. “What I mean is how long has it been since you were WITH a woman?”
“You mean sex?”
“Duh! Yes, of course, sex.” She ran her hand along the length of her ponytail and it was just about the sexiest thing she could have done at that moment. “C’mon, you can tell me.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, young lady, but it’s been a few years. A lot of years, actually.”
“So…what do you do?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think about it.”
“But don’t you get, you know…horny?”
If I was smart I would have ended this conversation before I got myself into trouble.
“I suppose I do, just like anyone else.” I couldn’t help glancing at the sex toy lying between us.
“So what do you do about it?”
I had a feeling I knew what she was trying to get me to say, but wasn’t certain. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, do you…” Nicole held the fingers of one hand in a circle and moved them up and down suggestively.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She was a bold little thing, I had to give her that.
“I don’t know if this is something we should be discussing.”
“Don’t be such a poop. Everybody does it.”
“If you already know that, then why are you asking me if I do?”
“Don’t know.” She’d lost all interest in the movie. “Something I’ve been kind of thinking about lately, that’s all.”
I worried that maybe she could see the bulge my hard cock was making. Part of me wanted her to see it.
“If you have to hear it, then…yes, I do get horny and I do masturbate.”
Her eyes lit up when I said the last word. “A lot?”
“Not as much as you.”
My daughter smiled and gave her ponytail another stroke. What she didn’t do was deny it.
“I love the toy you got me,” she said, picking it up and hugging it to her chest. “So, would you say you jerk off like every day?”
I had to laugh. She wasn’t going to let up. And I had to confess I enjoyed hearing her talking like that. My erection strained against my pants.
“Not every day.” I wasn’t sure how honest I wanted to be with her about this. “But close.”
“I do it pretty much every day. Even back when I was dating Steven, I did it all the time. Do you think I’m weird?”
“Well, you are weird, but not because of that.” I was trying to keep things light so she wouldn’t know that she was driving me wild with lust.
“I worry that I’m addicted to it sometimes.” She contemplated the dildo she was holding. “I bet you jerked off a lot when you were my age.”
“I suppose I did. Although it wasn’t something I could talk about with my parents.” I was only making a half-hearted attempt to steer the conversation back into safe waters.
“I’m glad we can talk about this kind of stuff,” she said and lay back on the sofa. “It’s good that we don’t have to make a big secret out of it. Don’t you think?”
“I guess. Communication is always important.” I was too distracted by what my daughter was doing to think straight.
She was holding the dildo with one hand so that the base of it rested low on her belly. With her other hand she was running her fingers over its contours with a loving touch. I watched as my mouth went dry and my breathing quickened. She lightly wrapped her hand around it and began stroking it up and down.
“It must be cool to be a guy and have a penis,” she mused. “To have this big powerful thing that you can just grab onto whenever you want. Is that what if feels like, Daddy?”
Why was she doing this to me? I never envisioned my sweet, innocent daughter as a seductive temptress, but that’s what she surely was. Did she even know what she was doing? Did she have any idea what effect she was having on me? God have mercy on my wretched soul.
“I never really thought about it like that, but…yeah, I guess it’s pretty cool.” I swallowed hard, but my mouth was still dry. “But being a woman has its advantages, too.”
She waggled the dildo like she had a cock of her own and thought about what I’d said. “I do like being a girl,” she conceded and ran a hand up her leg and down the inside of her thigh. She was getting dangerously close to crossing the line. “Do you ever wish I was a boy instead?”
“Never,” I told her quite honestly. “I can’t imagine my life without you, sweetheart. I couldn’t have wished for a better daughter.”
She didn’t respond, but I knew she liked hearing me say that. And I meant every word of it. Nicole was the reason I got out of bed in morning. She was the reason I had the courage to go on when my marriage had fallen apart only two years after it had started. She was my whole world. I lived to give her everything she wanted.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m being weird tonight.” She tapped the tip of her toy cock against her chin as she tried to think of what to say next. “I just feel like I can talk to you about anything and you’d understand. My friends would all think I was a freak if I told them half the stuff I was feeling sometimes.”
She looked over at me for confirmation that I was on her side. All I could do was smile at the sight of her big eyes gleaming across the darkened room at me. Nothing in the world was as precious to me as that girl, and nothing ever would be.
“You’ll never be a freak to me, no matter what you’re thinking or feeling. I love you just for being you.”
“I love you, too, Daddy.” She kissed the tip of the cock, seemingly without being aware of the juxtaposition of her words with her actions.
She abruptly got up from the sofa and came over to my chair. I shifted in an effort to conceal my hard-on. She hugged me around the neck and kissed me on the cheek.
“This movie kind of stinks.” She tapped her dildo against her tummy provocatively. “I’m going to go to my room and masturbate, then get to sleep. How about you?”
“The same, I guess.”
That got a big grin out of her.
“Cool.” She took one more lingering glance at my crotch before turning to go. “Have fun with that, Daddy.”
I heard the sound of her vibrator buzzing as soon as she left the room. She was definitely teasing me deliberately. I heard her bedroom door close and didn’t even bother waiting. I pulled my cock out of my pants and began jerking off like a man possessed. It was only a matter of about a minute before I was spraying fat gobs of jizz all over my shirt.
Being open with your children about sex was one thing, but this was getting ridiculous. I didn’t know what kind of game Nicole was playing, but I couldn’t let her get the better of me like this. I was the responsible adult. I needed to keep my responses under control. Just because she was curious, and exploring the boundaries of our relationship, was no excuse for me to give into my basest cravings. She was my daughter, and that’s all it could ever be.
I decided to go to bed before I was tempted to do anything stupid. As I approached my bedroom door I noticed something lying on the floor in the hallway. It was a pair of my daughter’s panties. I picked them up. They were still warm. And moist.
She must have dropped them by accident. But why had she taken them off in the hallway instead of in her bedroom? Deep down I knew the answer, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it. It was just an accident. I pressed the pink cotton fabric to my nose and breathed her in.
A simple, meaningless, accident…
Nicole was awake before me the next morning, which was unusual.
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