my daughter_(5)
my daughter_(5)
Sex Story Author: | horny bi-guy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I was definitely turned on thinking about sleeping with my hot daughter, but felt dirty, a dad should not think |
Sex Story Category: | Female/Female |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Female/Female, First Time, Incest, Male / Female Teens |
I have been married to my wife for 25 years. She was my high school sweetheart and is the mother of my children. We have 2 together.Mark, our oldest is 20 and has moved away to go to school on a lacrosse scholarship. Bethany is 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. She will be attending a university in the fall on a soccer scholarship. I am very proud of my kids and what they are turning out to be.
Bethany started developing around the age of 14. She was in that awkward stage of adolescence for what seemed like forever. She had mosquito bites for breast, but a firm round ass. Her hair was shoulder length and blond. She was always in great shape from playing sports and was always tan from about mid-May through September.
I was always very open with my children. They both knew that they could come to me for anything, at any time. I would get up and go, when ever they called, to get them from a bad situation, or if they had been at a party and gotten drunk. I was also the one that had ‘the talk’ with both of them. It was not out of the ordinary for either of my kids to come into the bathroom while I was showering or shaving. Nudity in our house was not seen as something to be ashamed of. But it was also very well known that private lives and public lives had to remain separate. They knew to respect me and follow my rules, and as a reward for being well behaved, they were allowed more freedom than most kids their age. They both knew the dangers of premarital sex, STDs and the sorts. It was my job as a parent to do my best to teach them right from wrong and hope that they made wise decisions. My kids told me everything that was going on in their lives, from sports and school to friendships and relationships.
By the time that Bethany had turned 16 she was a knock out. She still kept her natural blond hair shoulder length. She had blue eyes that would cut through your soul and her ass had filled in more. Her breasts, too, had grown from two little mosquito bites to very perky and firm C-cup. At 16, she weighed no more than 100 pounds, dripping wet. She was very fit and attractive, and she knew it.
It was one Saturday afternoon in April. She had not been 16 long. My wife was at work so it was up to me to make sure Bethany got to soccer practice on time. I had the day planned out. We would go to her practice, then from there I would take her to a nice lunch for some quality father/daughter time. After lunch I would take her home, tell her to get cleaned up for a surprise. That surprise was going to be a new car, of her choice.
When her practice was over she ran up to my truck and got in. I asked her where she wanted to go for lunch.
“Dairy Queen please!” she said. She always loved going there and getting a blizzard.
“OK! Buckle up.”
We walked into the restaurant, ordered our food and ice cream and sat in the corner booth, away from the rest of the people.
“So, tell me what has been going on in your life lately.” I said.
“Well, you know Lucas right, my ex-boyfriend?”
“Your ex?” I questioned “I thought the two of you were dating, you seemed to really like him.”
“Eh” she said as she shrugged her shoulders. “I thought I did until last Friday night.”
“Go on, what happened.” I said concerned. I knew that it was inevitable that both of my kids would have broken hearts at some point, but the thought of some dirt bag teenage boy breaking my baby girl’s heart infuriated me. She could tell.
“Relax daddy, let me tell you.” She said, in her normal soothing manner. “Last Friday night we were all hanging out at Riley’s house.” she started to explain.
Riley was exactly one month older than Bethany. She had an older brother that was 6 months younger than Mark. Her family lived on the same street as us since our kids were all born. My wife and I were very good friends with her parents, the kids were practically inseparable.
“Lucas came over to hang out with us,” she continued “And we were having a great time. We were dancing around like idiots to 80’s music, playing spin the bottle and truth or dare.”
“Sounds like a good time.” I said
“Yes it was. That is until Lucas took spin the bottle a little too far.” She looked around the Dairy Queen, “Can we get in the truck and drive around so we can talk more in private?”
“Sure thing.”
After we got out of the parking lot I started the conversation back up.
“What did you mean by he took it too far?”
“Well at first when he would kiss me, he would put his hands on my breast, on top of my shirt. No big deal right? Then he would work his hand up my shirt. Still ok with me. Then he got gutsy and worked his hand inside my bra. I was a little uncomfortable with it, but I let it go because I was worried he would break up with me if I stopped him. Besides, other than me and Riley, the rest of our girlfriends have at least had oral sex, some have gone all the way. I let him play with my boobs, hoping to fit in.”
“Baby girl, don’t ever compromise your comfort for what other people think. You do what you feel right. You go as far as you are comfortable with. You know the dangers, we have had this conversation. If you need me to take you to the doctor to get on birth con..” she stopped me mid-sentence.
“Daddy, let me finish first.”
“After we finished playing the games, we all sat in the basement to watch a movie. We had cut the lights off and Lucas and I were sharing a blanket. After everyone settled in to watch the movie, Lucas started to rub my leg. With each pass of his hand, he got higher and higher until we was lightly brushing my….privates. I did not stop him because again, I was nervous that he would break up with me. Also, it kinda felt funny, but in a good way. After he continued that for a few more minutes he changed hands and reached over to my inner thigh. I was really starting to get uncomfortable, so I told him to stop. He kept begging and persisting. He rubbed his hand further up my shorts and tried to get his fingers into my panties. I told him to stop again. He kept on and kept on. Finally I got up and sat on the floor next to Riley. Lucas got up and left. He texted me about 20 minutes later and said that if I was not gonna put out for him, I was not worth his time. So I told him to fuck off, I have more self-respect than to give myself to the first swinging dick that wants me. Sorry for my language daddy, but that is what happened. And I wanted you to know that. I don’t keep anything from you, but please don’t tell mom.”
I took a second and just admired my daughter. She was so beautiful and so innocent, but she was also good hearted and very smart. I was proud of her.
“First of all, Bethany, don’t apologize for your language. I don’t care if you cuss, just be lady-like in front of other adults, your mother included. Secondly, I am so very proud of you for standing your ground and not letting Lucas touch you where you did not want to be touched. You are a special girl and are worth more than just an easy lay for a guy. I am not telling you to wait until you are married, that is unrealistic, but I am telling you to wait until you are absolutely sure and ready before you spread your legs. Lastly, baby girl, I am glad that you are comfortable enough with me to tell me these things. It makes me happy that you are so open and willing to talk to me. I am here for you, for anything, any time. And your secrets are always safe with me. I love you.”
“I love you too daddy. But I want to correct you on something.”
“Whats that?”
“Well, it is not that I did not WANT to be touched, because I did, I DO. I just did not want him to be the one to touch me. I want to be touched by someone that I know loves me, not just some guy that is looking to get laid.”
“That is very admirable, darling. Just be patient, that guy will come along. And when he does, take my word for it, you will be most happy that you waited.”
I pulled the truck into a parking spot at a near-by park. It was a warm day so I rolled the windows down and shut off the engine. After a few moments of silence, Bethany spoke up.
“Yes baby?”
“I know someone now who loves me, who is very handsome and who, I am sure, would touch me like no one else in the world could. This guy is the only guy that I would ever want touching me.”
“Well tell me, who is it? Why don’t you try to talk to him and let him know how you feel. Take things slowly and see where it goes?”
“Daddy, that guy is….” there was a long, nervous pause “..You.”
I was baffled. Admittedly I was turned on, but I knew that this is a line that I could not cross.
“Wow, I-I’m flattered baby. But surely you are not serious…”
“Yes Daddy, I am. I have heard the way you make mom moan in the bed. I have spied on you two having sex and can see that you know how to please the woman you love. I don’t need to put on my make up in the bathroom when you are in the shower, but I love watching you through the shower doors. I want you to be the first to touch me to be my first everything.”
“Bethany. You know that’s not possible.”
“Why daddy? Am I not pretty enough?” she got teary-eyed.
“No baby, just the opposite. You are stunning. You are very, very attractive.”
“So whats the problem?”
“Well for starters you are only 16, family or not, if someone finds out about it, I would go to jail. Secondly, you are my daughter, incest is illegal. Bethany, if I could do it and get away with it, I would. But risking my freedom, risking losing you and Mark and your mother, its not worth it.”
I could see the disappointment in her eyes. She looked crushed. She just sat in the passenger seat of my truck and stared down at her feet.
“Bethany, you do understand where I am coming from don’t you?” I asked her.
“Yes daddy, but I just want you to be the one. The thought of allowing anyone else to touch me is weird. I don’t think I will be able to fully give myself to anyone until I have fully given myself to you.”
I thought for a few seconds. I stared at my beautiful daughter. She was sexy as hell, even if she was my daughter. The thought of being her first had my cock semi-hard in my shorts. I had an idea…
“Bethany, I will tell you what. If you promise me that you will remain a virgin, untouched until you are 18, I promise to be your first once you are ‘of age.'”
“Ahh… ok dad, but that is so long from now.”
“Its only 2 years baby. And you never know, you may find a guy that knocks your socks off by then.”
“Doubt that. But ok, you have a deal.”
I thought to myself, “Whew, dodged a bullet there!” I was sure that by the time she was 18, she would have forgotten about the deal.
The next 2 years seemed to fly by. Her visits to the bathroom while I was showering went from her putting on make up to her sitting on the toilet and talking to me. When it was just the two of us, she would walk around in next to nothing. Sometimes she would be in a sports bra and thong. Sometimes it would be a waist length t-shirt, with obviously teased, hard nipples poking through and no panties. There were a few times she would walk around topless and once or twice she called me into her room when she was naked.
On the weekends, when my wife would be out shopping or at work, Bethany would come and sit on my lap, knowingly tease me, then giggle and leave. When she would hug me, her hugs became tighter and lingered longer. In public, she still kissed me on the cheek, but when we were behind closed doors, she insisted on kissing on the lips. Never with tongue though.
Over those two years we still had our normal conversations. She told me all about the guys that wanted to date her, sleep with her or fool around. She told me that her standard answer was “No. I need to concentrate on soccer and school work. I don’t have time for boys.”
She had also told me that her and Riley had made a promise to each other to stay pure. They did not want boys and sex to ruin their friendship. They were practically sisters and kept each other accountable.
I was so proud of her, but worried that I was actually going to have to live up to my end of the deal.
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