

Sorry it took so long to get this done and there are some grammar problem’s but hear it is. I will repost this when I fix all the grammar problems in the mean time hope you like it as it is.

Part 1
Please note this is a continuation of my little Hitchhiker, but starts off slow – very slow, the first few chapters are setting the scene.
I arrived at work that Monday to uproar. People were rushing around like headless chickens! I got to my cubical and noticed that Bob’s door – my door is always open! – Was firmly closed and the blinds drawn.
I looked to my co-worker, Adam, and mouthed ‘What’s going on?’
He looked at me, “Head office! That is what! Somebody’s put a bee up their ass and now they are swarming all over the place – The Auditors are going through Bob’s books looking at everything.
“Shit! Where’s that going to leave us?” I asked. However, Adam just shrugged his shoulders. I spent the rest of the morning shifting through some paperwork, and thinking about Tania and Janet. With any luck, they would be on the plane back to America to carry on with their lives.
In the afternoon Bob finally appeared from his office, along with a couple of police officers and a man in a gray suit. It seems that Bob’s dreams of retiring rich may have hit a snag.
Which left us all wondering who was the poor bastard who would be taking over Bob’s shoes, But we carried on as per normal, although I did find myself fielding several enquiries from staff – to be honest many of which they could have worked out for themselves, but I didn’t want to disappoint them.
By the end of the day I was so tired that I almost missed the announcement that we would have to attend a staff meeting on Tuesday, all I wanted to do was to go home and drop onto my bed.
The phone rang as I entered the house I answered it.
“You don’t sound well daddy John!” Tania ‘s welcomed voice came to my ears.
“I’m sorry Tania, it’s just that it’s been a hectic day, but never mind that, I thought you were going back to America today.” I said glad to hear her voice anyway.
“Oh mummy wanted to do some sightseeing – she took me to the London Dungeon, it was smashing, all the bodies and the chains . . . I enjoyed it so much!” I could almost picture her wanting to try some of the chains herself. “And we ate lunch at the Blood and Guts café – you should have come with us.” She added.
I smiled, “I would have liked to Tania, but I don’t think my bosses would have let me.” I could hear her yawn it must have been a long day for her as well.
“I know daddy John, oops, here’s mummy.” Then a faint “It’s for you . . .” as the phone was handed to Janet.
“Hello? Who’s that?” Janet asked cautiously.
“Hello Janet, I take it you didn’t ask Tania to phone.” I said, dropping Tania into trouble immediately.
“Hello John – no I didn’t. However, she did miss you today, so I suppose I should not be too angry with her. You sound tired.” It was a quick change of subject . . . but then I suppose it did echo in my voice.
“Oh just some added fun and games at work, we’re going through a hectic time at the moment.” I said.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Janet asked sounding all concerned.
“No, it’s just boring work stuff, you wouldn’t be interested. So Tania liked looking around the dungeon then?” I could change the subject with the best of them.
Janet laughed, “Oh yes, she enjoyed the trial and having to travel through traitors gate, I had to stop her from looking too hard at the exhibits, just in case she started to criticize them!” She paused for a moment, as if debating with herself about something but then she finished by saying, “I’m sorry John there’s a lot I’ve got to do, I’ll see you again sometime.”
“That’s fine Janet, I know you’ve got to pack and arrange to return to America, I hope Tania doesn’t wear you out too soon. Bye.” I fixed myself something to eat, the remainder of the care package that Sonja had left. I did consider drowning my sorrows in whisky again, but contented myself with watching the idiot box for a couple of hours before stopping for the day.
I arrived at work, early for a change. If I were going to get the sack then I would at least go fighting.
I noticed a large car in the visitor’s space. The windows were dark so I could not see if anyone was in the vehicle.
I entered the building and took the lift to the third floor, finding my desk and sitting behind it. I tried to concentrate on the work, but no sooner had I picked up my pen I was putting it down and walking with the rest of the herd to the meeting room.
“If I can have your attention pleases . . . Thank you!” That was Clive Mortimer the Chief Executive Officer of our branch of the company. “Now as you know, there’s been a small problem in the development area.” There was a small amount of catcalling at that, as we knew that Bob had a bit of help from higher up and Clive was the chief suspect. “We are expecting a representative from Head Office to arrive today and start interviewing for Bob’s replacement, so please give him all the help you can. We’ll be starting at 11 O’clock.”
We ambled back to our pens feeling like sheep about to shorn of their fleece. I pitied the poor sod that inherited us. At eleven O’clock the phones started to ring, calling the sacrificial lambs to their slaughter.
Adam returned after his calling, he looked slightly shell-shocked, “My god!” He said, “She’s a right one, looks so nice but then . . . pure ice-queen, she’d put the white witch to shame.” Adam always had a thing about Narnia (you know The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?).
“Who’s that?” I asked him – any information about the enemy is useful.
“That person from head office, it’s not a he it’s a she, asks a lot of questions and she knows her stuff, but BOY! Her attitude, it stinks!” Adam said, and he was being polite!
Just then, my phone rang, I picked it up – “Mr. err . . . Archer, will you come to the meeting room.” The person hung up, rather abruptly I thought but I got up and made my way to the meeting room. I knocked on the door . . . “Come!” ‘Great!’ I thought ‘not even come in, just COME!’ but I entered the room.
The person was sitting in a swivel chair; its back was towards me. I approached the table and stood there, I was willing to wait. “So Mr. Archer, why do you think you should be in charge here.” The woman said, but I was beginning to recognize the voice.
“I don’t know if I do want to be in charge, not if I have to report to some self-important American who thinks she can boss everyone about . . . Janet!” I said smiling as I spoke the last.
“There you are mummy! I told you it wouldn’t work.” Tania ‘s voice came from behind me; I turned, only to get hit in the stomach by the flying young girl.
Janet, for it was her, turned the chair round, she was also smiling. “It’s good to see you as well John.” She said. “You know I think I’ve found the right person for this position.” She added.
I shook my head, “Who? Me No way The person to control this crowd needs 4 hands, one to hold the chair, the other to hold the machine gun and two to have whips in them, I’m not the one to do it.” I told her.
She tapped the file she was holding, “This says differently. It seems that yesterday there was a minor problem with some chips, and you directed the team to the problem without even thinking about it.”
“Yes, but it was an obvious fault, they just hadn’t tested it through correctly that was all, and anyway they did the work, all I did was point them in the direction.” I said,
“That’s what we need, a coordinator who knows what he’s doing. I have been going through our files, your name keeps coming up in our systems, and when you are involved, the systems have a lower failure rate. But for some reason your predecessor failed to promote you as he should have.” Janet said.
“Of course he didn’t, because it would have lost him money.” I said emphasizing the ‘him’ part.
“Plus there’s the other aspect of you, your ability of keeping your mouth shut, it’s the thing we need from a manager.” Janet said.
“We need. Do you mean the company needs? Or am I missing something?” I asked Janet who looked at Tania who giggled.
“John? You don’t really know who I am, do you?” Janet asked and Tania just looked at me without giving clues.
“Not really, I mean I know you are Janet Jones and that you’re quite high up in the company . . .” I began but then Tania started to giggle away. “ . . . Very high up?” I queried, and Janet nodded her head.
“Mummy’s the owner of the company at home.” Tania said.
“Well I’m the majority shareholder of the parent company.” Janet said . . . This time I sat down in shock.
“I don’t remember seeing your name on the board, and I’m certain that the parent company’s address isn’t that Funiculaireville place.” I said
Janet smiled, “Oh daddy started the company in New York State, it’s just when he met my mother while he was in Funiculaireville that he settled down there, I inherited his share of the company when he died, and I’m not mentioned on the board, except as J.A. Williams, my maiden name.” I thought about it and yes, J.A. Williams was one of the senior members of the board.
“I see,” I said and turned to Tania, “And why didn’t you say anything when I was talking about where I worked?” I asked her.
“But daddy John! I don’t know all the places that mummy owns, and anyway you were the one who told her, not me!” Tania defended herself from my accusation. However, I picked her up and placed her over my knees anyway.
“Mr. Archer do you think this is the best way to conduct yourself during an interview?” Janet said in an authoritative voice.
“Maybe not, but what a way to get fired!” I said and, flipping Tania ‘s skirt up to reveal her naked backside, I brought my hand down three times on her flesh. ” Tania how dare . . . you come here . . . without your knickers on!” I said to the flushed-faced girl.
“I’m sorry daddy John, but how did you know?” Tania said. As I rubbed my hand over her slit,
“I’ve learnt about you Tania, you’d go naked to school if you thought you’d get away with it.” I stopped fingering the girl and set her onto the ground on unsteady legs. I then turned to Janet, “I suppose I told you everything about Bob, and that explains about the audit check yesterday?”
She gave a sheepish nod, “I’m afraid so John, when I heard on the audio where you worked and what was happening I ordered an immediate check. I also suggested that we try to find a replacement . . . which was you.” She reached out a hand to me, “Welcome to upper management John.”
I looked up to the ceiling “Why me lord? What did I do wrong?” I said to the air, but I accepted her hand and shook it.
Janet just smiled at me, “Why John didn’t you know? No good deed ever goes unpunished!”
Part 2
Over the next, few weeks’ life, for me, was hectic. I was shown how to running the department for real instead of just being a cog in the wheels. I wished that Janet had chosen someone else for the job, but then after a bit everything just seemed to ‘click’ into place, and started to run smoothly.
Then I received a letter from Social Services, it appears that on checking their databases I was on the list that showed I was a risk to children by accident, after looking in to it they have cleared me and they apologized for any inconvenience that this had caused me (!)
I was tempted to tell them exactly what it had cost me, my daughter, my life and nearly my sanity. However, how can you write that in a letter . . . without it bursting into flames?
I finally settled on a simple reply stating that I had received their letter and had passed it onto my solicitor who would be ensuring that the local police are informed; I later found out that he also applied to the Social Services for damages caused by their defamation of my name. Therefore, I was going to be fairly comfortable off.
I did hear from Tania and Janet during that time, they had returned to America . . . It was strange to hear from them during my evenings knowing they were just finishing breakfast and getting ready for work or school. One piece was memorable.
“I thought about what you said that day at your place.” Tania told me one day giggling.
“What was that?” I asked . . . well we had discussed several things while she was with me.
“About going to school without clothes” Tania said still giggling, “Well we’re doing historical people today . . . and I’m going as Lady Go diva!” She burst into laughter completely and then Janet came onto the line.
“Hello John, I’ve checked with the school and they’re okay with her doing this, but she doesn’t know she’s going to have to stay like that all day.” I could hear a gasp and then more laughter from Tania as this sunk in.
“I hope you’ve got a horse for her to ride?” I asked.
“Oh yes a nice little filly, well trained and suitable.” Janet said also with a lilt in her voice
“Good at least one of them will be!” I said dryly which caused Janet to laugh aloud; I heard Tania asking what was so funny, after Janet told her, she gave an indignant ‘humph’ and must have taken hold of the phone.
“Daddy John! That is not nice! I can be good as well!”
“There’s no need to get on your high horse about it, by the way how high is your horse?” I asked her my humor coming out
“It’s just the right size . . . like you!” Tania said giggling, “Why don’t you come over here to find out?”
” Tania!” I heard Janet saying – although she was laughing away as she said it. “Apologize to John and then hand me the phone!”
“Sorry daddy John.” Said Tania, but from the lilt in her voice, I did not think she meant it.
“That’s alright Miss Knickers.” I said (no I didn’t take it too seriously either), and I heard her giggle away as she handed the phone back to Janet.
“I don’t know who’s worse, you or her?” Janet said
“She is,” I said while hearing ‘he is!’ over the phone from Tania. That night I went to bed with a smile on my face and dreaming of being Peeping Tom.
After a month more, everything was running smoothly, we had established a routine of synchronization with America of our data as well as instituting off-site saves of our databases, so that if the building burnt down we’d be able to save up to the previous two days.
That was when the bombshell dropped on me. Actually, it dropped on my ex-wife and her husband. I was in their fallout.
The first sign I had was a local new item – ‘Police have raided several local houses today, the reasons for this are not yet known, we expect more information soon’ I heard that but took no notice of it.
However, the next day I was disturbed at work. “I’m sorry sir, but there’s a Mrs. Atchison here who wishes to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment” That was my secretary Eileen.
“What company does she represent Eileen?” I asked – I had a desk full of paper and plans, which I was working on,
“Err . . . she says she’s from Social Services, and it’s important.” Came the reply.
I did not swear well not out loud. Therefore, they were disturbing me here now! I suppose they were going to say that they had made a mistake with the letter and I am still a menace to society! I looked at the clock; well at least I will have plenty of time to get my solicitor onto their backs when she was finished. “Alright Eileen, send her in . . . and come in as well, I may need you to take notes.” Eileen was quite a fast speedwriter.
Mrs. Atchison entered the room; she was not acting haughtily but seemed almost apologetic. I allowed her to sit down and Eileen sat behind her with pen and notepad in hand.
“Mr. Archer, I’m not sure how to approach this.” Mrs. Atchison started; there was an accent in her voice, a slightly familiar accent.
“Well if it to give an apology then I’m afraid that my solicitor is already taking steps against your department, I must admit I didn’t expect anyone to appear in order to make me stop . . .” I was saying, but then the look on her face made me stop. “But . . . that’s not why you’re here, is it?” I finished by saying.
She looked back at Eileen and then shook her head. “I’m afraid I’m new to this area, I understand there is a problem between yourself and our office but I don’t know what it is, I think that’s why they sent me to ask you this.” She said.
I looked at Eileen who was studying me, and a piece of music played itself in my head, “I keep on thinking of her day and night . . .”
“Pardon” Mrs. Atchison said I had not realized that I had spoken aloud.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Atchison, just something that came to me, I don’t know why.” I said.
She smiled slightly, “It sounded like a piece of ELO.” She said.
“It was, anyway Mrs. Atchison what is it you want to tell me.” I said without explaining.
“It concerns your daughter, err . . . Wendy.” She said and paused.
“She’s with her mother who took her to live with her boyfriend; I’m not allowed to see her.” I said flatly.
“Yes, well there is a problem at the moment, as her only relative we need to know if you’ll accept the responsibility of looking after her.” I must admit that my first answer was ‘huh?’ Mrs. Atchison repeated herself.
“I did hear what you said but I don’t understand. Why can’t her mother look after her?” I said, not knowing why I was delaying, this was my daughter, the one I had taken from me. I should have been shouting ‘YES, YES!’ but here I was asking questions.
“Well Wendy’s been taken into care after both her mother and step-father were arrested yesterday.” Mrs. Atchison explained, “We’ve tried to find any other relatives on your ex-wife’s side, but none of them wanted to accept her.”
I shook my head, “No, they didn’t like her either, for the first reason she marrying me, and then for leaving me.” I explained her family, like her, was strange to the extreme! “But I will take Wendy; I’m surprised that your department bothered to ask me.” I said.
“I must admit that the meeting was interesting.” Mrs. Atchison admitted, “But the chief said that we had to ask you.”
“And you were the one given the short straw.” I said making her smile,
“Yes, I must admit that you don’t appear to be the person I’ve read about in the files.” She said and then colored up, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” She looked back pointedly at Eileen who was still writing away furiously.
I took the hint. “I think that’s all I need Eileen, you wouldn’t mind getting some tea for Mrs. Atchison and myself would you?” I asked her.
She looked up and smiled, “Certainly Mr. Archer, milk and sugar?” She asked Mrs. Atchison.
“Milk and two sweeteners please, Miss . . .”
“Call me Eileen, I’ll be some minutes.” Eileen said.
“Call me Martha please Eileen.” Mrs. Atchison, Martha, said.
Eileen smiled and left the room, Martha turned back to me, “I have to tell you Mr. Archer that I’m an exchange operative, my previous office was in a town in America, you may have heard of it . . . it’s called . . .”
” Funiculaireville?” I said smiling – yes, I knew that accent was familiar. “How’s Janet?”
“You’re quick. I’m sorry to say that I don’t personally know Mrs. Jones, but we are aware of your . . . interaction with Tania.” She was smiling as she said this and so I understood that she was okay with my actions.
“So what’s the story about Wendy?” I asked her.
“There are some signs of abuse, it’s mainly mental but there is a degree of physical abuse as well.” She said watching me closely.
Anger flowed through me, and showed on my face, “How badly has she been abused?” I asked.
Martha shook her head, “I’m not certain, she doesn’t want to talk about it, we’ve have medical people examine her but she’s be beaten, there is evidence of anal penetration but she still has her hymen, for the life of me I don’t know why.” I knew I was shocked at her frankness but my heart went out to Wendy.”
“Where is she at the moment?” I asked Martha.
“She’s at the hospital still; we didn’t have anywhere to place her for the short time. If you wish to see her I can take you there now.” She told me, just then, Eileen entered the room carrying two cups, I was half tempted to drop everything and run to the hospital there and then, but I just could not . . . could I?
“Eileen, I’ve got to go, can you get Adam and Sam in here please.” I asked my secretary she nodded and went to the outer office.
Within minutes both Adam and Samantha Hopkins had arrived, Eileen sent them straight in, “I’m sorry to do this to you both but I’ve got a personal problem that’s just arisen, I need you both to cover for me.” I said. They both agreed that they would help me without questioning. I showed them the problem I had been working on, the direction I was thinking about going, and they left discussing it.
I then dialed Clive Mortimer, “Hi Clive, I’m going to need some time off I have a family emergency to deal with.”
“No way! We have got too much on our plate at the moment to let you just drop everything. You can’t go.” Clive said.
“I’m sorry you feel that way Clive, I had hoped that what I’ve done had helped the company, but now I need to . . .” But Clive interrupted me.
“Look Johnny the answer is NO. Got it N. O now how’s that problem we’ve sent you?” he asked. I hung up the phone.
“Let’s go.” I said to Martha and picked up my jacket. As we left my office I called to Eileen, “If Clive calls you don’t know where I am and you don’t know who I’m with . . . I doubt if I’ll be back.” I said as I walked into the lift.
As we descended Martha spoke, “I take it you’ve got troubles?” She asked.
“Well it appears that I’m not allowed to have personal problems, the company comes first.” I told her.
“And you are with me because . . .” She prompted.
“I’m with you because my daughter comes first. She needs me more than the company does, other people can do my job here, but only I can help my daughter.” I told her.
She nodded and smiled, “That’s what I was lead to believe, and do you expect any trouble when we get to reception?”
I thought for a moment. If Clive was the complete bastard that I thought he might be then I could expect our burly security people would try to stop me. I pressed the second floor button. “It could be that we’ll need to use the fire escape instead of the front door, do you have a car handy.” I asked her
“Yes, it’s in the back parking lot.” She said.
I felt like it was a television show as Martha and I broke the plastic restraining clip on the fire doors, hearing the alarm sound as we ran down the metal fire escape and then to the car park, jumping into her car and screeching off with security guards running behind us. We both laughed as we turned onto the main road.
“This is existing! Nobody told me that Social Services could be so exciting.” Martha said as we turned into the Hospital parking area.
I smiled ruefully, “I think I’ve just resigned from my job.” I said.
“Oh I don’t think we can allow that, I’ll see what I can do.” Martha confided to me and escorted me to the pediatric wards.
We arrived at the nurse’s desk and Martha introduced me as Wendy’s father, the nurse looked up surprised. “I’m sorry who did you say you were?” She asked, when Martha persisted the nurse directed us to a side-room.
We entered the room to find it was empty, and then the Sister in charge of the ward entered. Martha spoke up, “What’s wrong, I’ve identified myself and this gentleman, why haven’t we been taken to Wendy?” She asked.
I spoke up, “Is there something wrong with my daughter?” The Sister looked at me as if surprised I could speak.
“Not with your daughter as such, but with her knowledge of you.” She stated flatly.
“If it’s the rumor that I’m some type of pervert then I have to tell you . . .” I started but the Sister stopped me there and then.
“It’s not your personal life I’m on about, well in a way it is. Wendy is under the impression that you’re dead!” I looked at her open mouthed.
“I can assure you that I’m perfectly healthy, now why does Wendy think this?” I asked her.
The Sister shook her head, “I don’t know, but when we told her that her father was coming to pick her up she started to cry, we tried to tell her it wasn’t the man that her mother was living with and all she would say is ‘but daddy is dead!'” The Sister replied.
Martha took control. “I suggest you bring Wendy into this room and we’ll see how she reacts.” The sister looked slightly dubious about that but went away.
A nurse brought a young girl into the room and sat beside her, Martha smiled at Wendy, “Hello again Wendy, do you remember me?” She asked.
Wendy nodded and looked at me as if trying to decide who I was, she walked to me and then looked at my face, she was biting her lower lip as if trying to make up her mind.
“You look like my daddy did.” She said softly.
“I am your daddy Wendy.” I said, also quietly but she shook her head.
“You can’t be! Mummy told me that daddy was dead a long time ago.” She said in a decisive tone.
“But your mummy and I broke up several years ago.”
“No, mummy told me that you didn’t want to see us again, that was why you threw us out and we moved in with HIM!” There was a tone to that last piece.
“It wasn’t like that Wendy, but at the moment I’m sure you wouldn’t believe that.” I said, not forcibly I did not want to upset her.
She shook her head a sat down on a chair, not looking at anyone. I gave a worried glance at Martha who just shook her head slightly.
“But . . . but why would mummy? But mummy said . . . dad . . . daddy?” Wendy said looking at me confused. I nodded my head.
“Yes Wendy, I am your dad, I’ve been waiting to see you for so long, I’ve missed you darling.” I said – yes there were tears in my eyes.
“Why did you leave us?” Wendy asked me.
“I didn’t, your mother told me that she didn’t want to stay with me, she left me taking you with her.” I said, “Will you come back to me?” I asked her softly.
“Do you want me to? You won’t send me away again will you?” Wendy asked me through tear-laden eyes.
I got up from my seat and approached my daughter, I went down onto my knees so that my head was level with hers and I looked into her eyes. “Wendy I promise you that while I live you will not have to leave me, unless you wish to.” I said to her, while crossing my heart with a finger – something I had jokingly done when she had been with me.
She watched my hand rather than my face and then she smiled, “DADDY!” she said and threw her arms around my neck. Martha, who had been watching both of us, nodded her head.
“I’m satisfied that Wendy has accepted her father and will release her into his care.” She said formally, if you wouldn’t mind bringing Wendy’s clothes and I’ll have a word with the Sister in charge.” Martha said taking the nurse out of the room leaving me with my daughter.
Part 3
I sat in the room with my daughter. I was crying . . . she was crying and neither of us could speak, just holding on to each other. Finally, I felt Wendy starting to pull away from me, I could not stop her – not after all she had been through, I opened my arms.
“Why . . . why didn’t you try to get me back?” Wendy asked me, “Why did you let me stay there with HIM?”
I shook my head, “I did try Wendy, but you and your mother just vanished, I tried everywhere to find you, but what happened to your hair?” She used to have blonde hair but now she was dark haired.
“Mummy washes my hair with some dark colored shampoo every couple of weeks, she done that since forever . . . I don’t want that done to me ever more!” She said then she got a strange look in her face, “And I don’t want to take any of that medicine again, they didn’t give me any here but I didn’t mind.”
“What was it?” I asked – while inside I was seething ‘that was why I couldn’t find Wendy, she could have walked right pass me when she was younger, I was looking for my golden haired child’ was running through my head, but I tried to concentrate on her answer.
“It’s the medicine I have to take every night, it tastes strange and peppery. I asked the nurses here why I didn’t have it but they said that since it’s not on my chart I don’t have to have it . . . But mummy said I had to take it every night!” Wendy was confusedly saying.
“What was it for? Do you know?” I asked her.
But she shook her head, “Mummy never said, but she always made sure I took it while they both watched . . . it’s strange but HE always liked watching me take my medicine, he always laughed when I did.” She said.
“Didn’t the bottle have a label on it? Or did you ever see the bottle?” I asked feeling slightly edgy about the container that the ‘medicine’ had been in
“No . . . but it must have been kept in the bathroom, HE would bring out the medicine in its little cup, mummy would hand it to me and make me swallow it,” she made a face as she said that, then she added, “I tried to look for the bottle everywhere but I couldn’t find it.”
Just then, Martha and the nurse entered the room, carrying a suitcase. I turned to them, “Nurse was there any note regarding Wendy’s medication?” I asked her and held up my hand to stop Martha from asking any questions.
“No sir, we were puzzled as Wendy’s doctor didn’t know about any condition she might be suffering from, but then he hadn’t seen her for about nine months.” At my look she added, “I am Wendy’s nurse and had to check on her medical history.”
I quickly let Wendy tell Martha about the medicine she had to take and how it came to her, Martha’s eyes told me she had a good idea what the medicine was as well.
I could see the nurse getting out some clothes for Wendy and so I started to leave the room so that she could dress without my invading her privacy.
“Daddy please stay hears me!” Wendy cried out to me, rushing over and pulling on my arm.
I gently pulled away from her but stayed where I was, “But I shouldn’t be here while you dress,” I told her, “And Martha and the nurse will help you.” I added
“Please daddy!” Wendy pleaded and so I relented and sat back down on the chair. The nurse handed Wendy a pair of knickers which she put on under her nightdress, then she removed her nightdress to stand in the middle of the room, her arms were by her side, she didn’t have a curving body, but there were signs of her developing womanhood. She was watching me.
“Why are you doing that Wendy?” Martha carefully asked my daughter, but she was echoing my thoughts.
“Mummy told me that I had to show . . . stand like this when I was dressing, she said that HE wanted to make sure I was properly clothed.” Wendy said her eyes were starting to drip tears as she said that.
“Why that sick . . .” Martha said quietly, but then schooled herself. “Please get dressed Wendy.” She said gently as the nurse started handing Wendy her clothes.
Martha sat down beside me then she spoke just loud enough for me to hear, “You know what that ‘medicine’ was don’t you?” She asked me.
I nodded and kept my answer just as quiet, “Yes, what do you think he was playing at?”
“Well he got a kick out of it I supposed, we’ve tried asking Wendy about other aspects of her home life, but she’s not saying anything.” Martha told me, she took out a notepad and pen and started to write away.
“How are you going to get her to talk?” I asked Martha.
“Well we can’t use the thumbscrews and whips, so I’m afraid we’re relying on you to get her to open up. We do not know much about her home life, as I said she is still a virgin but there is some stretching of her anal tract that looks suspicious. Is it possible that you can spend time with her?” Martha asked me
I smiled, “Well after my little escapade at work I think I’ll have plenty of time to spend with Wendy.” I said.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got some pull and I should be able to help you.” Martha said smiling, and then, noticing that Wendy was now dressed she added, “Can I drop you off?”
I remembered that my car was still parked in the car-park at work, I wasn’t too sure if I’d be allowed to retrieve it, “If you don’t mind, but can we drive a bit slower this time, and I’ll need to buy Wendy some clothes, I think she needs to be brought out of herself.”
Martha looked at the slightly scared girl standing before us and nodded, “I know just the place.” She said and stood up. “Now then Wendy was there anything you needed to pick up from your home before your daddy take you to his?” She asked Wendy brightly.
Wendy looked at her and then at me, “I’m not going back to mummy?” She asked hesitatingly.
“I’m afraid not Wendy, your mother has a little problem at the moment and we don’t know when she’ll be able to have you, that was why you were here in the first place.” Martha said.
Wendy did not answer, but her expression spoke volumes. She came up to me and took my hand, “Let’s go daddy.” She said and pulled me to my feet; well I helped her of course.
I thanked the nurse for her attentiveness and said goodbye to the Sister, then Wendy, Martha and I stepped out of the ward and then the hospital itself.
We got to Martha’s car, she unlocked the doors and opened the back door for Wendy, who held back and kept hold of my arm. Martha looked at me and I nodded. I got into the back of the car and then Wendy followed me, sitting close to my as I did up my seat belt.
I managed, with some trouble, to tighten Wendy’s lap belt and then Martha started the engine. “You didn’t say if you needed anything from home.” Martha asked Wendy again,
“Well I’ll need my school stuff, but no, there’s nothing there I need.” Wendy said sounding sad.
“What? No dollies or anything like that?” I asked her gently.
“No, mummy said that grown girls didn’t need dollies.” Wendy said looking down and sounding sad.
“Well my little girl deserves lots of dollies!” I said and watched Wendy’s face light up and smile at me.
Martha drove first of all to a large house, Wendy seemed to shrink inside herself as we approached it, I held her hand reassuringly, “It’s alright Wendy, and they are not there.” I told her, she looked up at me and gave a weak smile.
Martha let herself in with a set of keys and Wendy took us to her bedroom, which is all it was, a room with a bed in it, dark colors, no toys were visible, there was a desk with books to one side, Martha opened a wardrobe which was empty! “Where are your clothes Wendy?” She asked, after Wendy had shown me which books she needed for school.
“In that bedroom there!” She said pointing to another room. We entered the room to find it was a bright colorful room, wardrobes line one wall with a dressing table and vanity mirror on the other, and there was a large television with video and DVD players, although where there should be tapes was an empty storage area.
Wendy pointed to a cupboard and we opened it to find children’s clothes, neatly set out, with school clothing on one side, skirts and dresses on the other, in between was a fabric shelving arrangement which held her knickers, vests and socks. On the floor were her shoes.
Martha picked up a large suitcase and opened it. “Which dresses do you want to take with you Wendy?” She asked, but Wendy had already gone to the uniforms and had taken them out, she found a couple of pairs of knickers and some socks, these she also put in the suitcase, then she closed it.
“But what about . . .?” Martha started to ask but Wendy cut her off.
“Because He’s touched them, he couldn’t keep his hands off them when they were on the hangers or . . . on me!” She said, “I have to have my school clothes . . . or else I’d leave them as well!” she added.
“Don’t worry about that Wendy. We’ll go shopping for some new clothes.” I said and she looked at me and smiled.
Martha drove us into town and we parked near the shops, Wendy seemed a bit low as we entered the first shop, which catered for young and trendy girls, I asked her what was wrong? “I’ve never chosen my own clothes before . . . I don’t know what to do.” She said her face going red with shame.
I called over a sales assistant and told her that I wanted my daughter, Wendy beamed as I said that, to be dressed completely as a young girl should be. I then added, she is a young girl not a young woman yet . . . but a couple of young woman type clothes would be nice as well.
“How much did you want to spend?” The assistant, whose name badges announce that she, was Trudy, asked.
I handed her my credit card, “Just see where that takes you.” I said and left them to it.
While Wendy and Trudy were going out of their way to bankrupting me, I sat watching them and talking to Martha.
“You noticed the missing tapes in the bedroom.” Martha asked me.
“I saw the gaps, what was there.” I said.
“Our friend the magistrate had a nice little collection of tapes, their titles were things like Schoolmaster’s delight, and Bringing up Baby . . . not the 1930’s film I hasten to add.” Martha said her face straight and unmoving.
“Oh! That might explain why he liked to watch a young girl dress and undress I suppose.” I said quietly.
Martha gave a small nod of her head, “But it also begs the question, what else might he have planned? Or if he succeeded in whatever his plans were?” She said.
“So how am I supposed to get her to tell me, she might be more scared of what I’m going to do to her if she does tell me?” I said
She nodded, “I know, all you can do is to offer her support, look I’ve made arrangements for Wendy to see . . . some-one, she has been successful in helping children face up to things. She the best in the area although . . .” She paused.
“Although What?” I prompted her.
“Well I would have liked her to have seen a friend of mine back home, she has . . . assistants that could coax anything out of a young girl,” She smiled as if in memory, “or a young girl out of anything.”
I smiled at her look, “Nice memories?” I asked her.
She looked at me, “Well their breasts were just the right . . .” Then she realized what I had said and blushed. “Oh . . . err . . . yes, very nice memories.” She said.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” I said to her.
Wendy, in the meantime, was running from display to display picking out tops and jeans. When I went to suggest some skirts and dresses Martha stopped me, “Let her have her way this time, she trying to rebel against the way she was forced to dress, let me have a word with that assistant, Trudy.” Martha said and left me to join the two.
Part 4
We left the shop with bags full of clothes including underwear and a couple of training bras which, much to Wendy’s embarrassment; Trudy took great delight in showing me.
We dropped the bags into Martha’s car, securely hidden in the boot, and then went to a Burger King for something to eat – Wendy’s choice as all her friends would talk about burgers and Wendy never seemed to get a chance to try one.
We did buy some dolls for Wendy and a special gift, which she wanted, before getting back to Martha’s car where Wendy made me sit beside her again, and she started taking an interest of where we were going.
As Martha’s car arrived in my road I looked at my daughter, holding onto the small teddy bear I had given her. She had looked at it and I knew from the look on her face that she wanted it . . . and so I brought it, you would have thought I had handed her a million pounds.
Then Wendy looked out of the window of the car, she was talking under her breath, “A large dog lived there . . . and a cat, a black cat, lived there” I thought back . . . yes there had been a dog and nearby a neighbor did have a black cat, she still had that cat, I smiled, I’d like to introduce Wendy to that neighbor.
When we got nearer to my house Wendy began to get agitated, I tapped on Martha’s seat to get her to stop a few doors away, Wendy looked at me puzzled, “We’re not there yet daddy!” She exclaimed in an accusing tone.
I smiled at her, “No darling not just yet.” I said and then Martha drove slowly forward, she was about to drive past my house when suddenly Wendy spoke again.
“Stop! Stop! You’re going too far!” She said . . . and she was right!
“How did you know where we lived?” I asked her.
She looked at me, with a strange look in her eyes, “I don no, it’s just that I used to dream of this house.” She said softly.
Martha backed up and parked outside my house, I opened the car door and got out, I made performance of taking my daughter out of the car and up to my door – just to show her off to the Wilson’s – she’d been cautioned about her actions against me.
I opened the front door, Wendy took a step inside and paused, “There are two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs,” She said, “Mine is to the left, first door?” I nodded, she ran up the stairs and entered the room, and I heard a scream and immediately dashed upstairs.
Wendy was sitting on the bed, a doll held tightly in her arms, “This was mine . . . mummy said you’d taken all my toys away and burnt them . . . that was the only time I ever hated you . . . but you . . . you . . . didn’t.” she said and started to cry.
I sat down beside her, “No Wendy, I couldn’t destroy any of your toys, I hoped that you’d return to get them back.” Now I had tears in my eyes and I held her.
Which was where Martha found us, she came to ask us for help bring in Wendy’s clothes, and she smiled at us. “Well I know that the Social Services are supposed to help its clients, but do you think you could help me.” She asked.
Wendy put the doll down and ran to Martha, she took a couple of bags and put them on the bed, opened them and started to pull out the clothes. “Hey, hold on, there’s more downstairs.” I said and was startled at her actions. She threw herself over the bed and raised her dress at the back. “What’s that for?” I asked her
“I made you angry, so you’ve got to smack me.” She said simply.
“No Wendy, darling, I wasn’t angry with you, I just wanted to . . .” I stopped and picked her up, hugging her. “Wendy, you are my daughter, I don’t expect you to be perfect . . . god knows I’m not, but I’d never hurt you, not in anger.” I told her.
She looked at me, my heart melted, “But there isn’t any other way.” She said simply, and looking in her eyes, I could see that she thought that was the truth.
“That’s not true.” Martha’s voice broke the link between us and brought our attention to her she was standing back in the doorway, “There are plenty of times when love can hurt or when you can be hurt with love, it feels painful but then you know that the person doing it, is doing it out of love for you.” There was a wistful look on her face as she said that.
“Mummy never said she loved me, she always shouted at me, ‘Don’t do that’, ‘Obey your betters!’, ‘Always smile when you undress for daddy!'” She said and then covered her mouth in fear.
“Your mother told you that.” Martha said quietly
Wendy hung her head, “I was never to say . . . mummy said I’d be taken away and locked up for years and years if I told anyone.” She said quietly
I picked her up and held her, “Mummy lied, you wouldn’t have been locked up, but mummy would have been. She was being bad when she told you those things.” I had to keep it simple for Wendy, but inside I was angry, angry with the woman I had married so long ago now, angry with the things she had made my daughter do, and angry with myself for letting it happen.
Martha did not say anything; she went downstairs leaving us alone.
When we had pulled ourselves together we went downstairs to retrieve the rest of the clothing and toys, Wendy was acting like a child again as she played with the dollies.
Martha pointed out to me that my answer phone – yes I could afford one now – was flashing away with several messages. I clicked on the play button and listened to them, they were all from one person and the general context of the messages was.
“Listen you ungrateful pile of horse-shit, you don’t just hang-up on me! When I give you an order, I expect you to do it! Well you have had your chance. I am getting Human Resources to send you your papers but I will guarantee you that you will not get a job anywhere near here! You’ve screwed with the wrong man!” Clive voice was rather high pitched when he reached that part.
I sat down, “Well that’s that. I will never get another job. What are my chances of getting family allowance?” I asked Martha.
“I’ve already told you don’t worry. You just concentrate on helping your daughter . . . but May I have that tape?” she pointed to the answer phone’s tape. I took it out and handed it to her, “Thank you. I think your boss may find he’s got some troubles coming.” She added smiling.
She checked on Wendy, making sure that she was happy here and settled in before she left, after handing me a card with her number on it, “If you have any questions or problems phone me.” She said before leaving.
It was an hour after Martha had left when I received a phone call. Expecting it to be Clive again I picked it up and almost snarled into the mouthpiece.
“Well I understand your feelings, I’d be like that at well!” It was Janet!
“Sorry Janet, I was expecting someone else.” I said
“He’s under company orders not to contact you again. We told him that you are on a month’s compassionate leave. Now I suggest you get to know your daughter, I understand she’s had a lot of problems in her life.” I looked at Wendy who was watching me.
“Well she’s just overwhelmed at the moment, I’m sure she’ll be fine.” I said smiling at Wendy, and then I realized something. “Janet, just what time is it there?” I asked her
“Oh, it’s quite early. I’d just gone to bed when I got called.” She said but her voice did not show any tiredness.
“I’m sorry I caused you all this trouble.” I said – I was actually concerned about her.
“It’s not just you John. I’ve checked back and we’ve lost too many good people from your area, all the indications are that there may be a vacancy in senior management . . .” Janet said.
“Not me Janet, but you might think about Adam in my section, he’s really good.” I said – I had too much on my plate to worry about doing Clive’s job.
“Hmm! Adam Batley . . . why not, Okay thanks John enjoys your vacation.” Janet said and hung up.
“What’s happening daddy?” Wendy asked me.
“Well darling it seems that I’ve still got a job and that I’m officially on holiday, so we have plenty of time to spend together.” I told Wendy who jumped with delight at this news.
Wendy would not leave my side as I stayed with her in our living room, I did not try to pry about her past life with her mother, we ate dinner and after that, I noticed that Wendy was yawning.
I looked at the clock, where had the time gone to I smiled at my daughter. “It’s time for bed Wendy.”
Almost immediately, she started to sob, before I could ask her what was wrong she moved into the center of the room and, keeping her head down, began to strip off. I did not know what to say but as she went to remove her dress, I told her to stop.
“Wendy, why are you undressing here, why haven’t you gone to your bedroom to undress and get ready for bed?” I asked her.
“But . . . this is how . . . mummy and . . . and He . . . told me . . . to get ready for bed.” She said.
“They made you undress in front of them. For how long?” I asked her.
“Since I was eight years old,” Wendy started to sob. I pulled her to me; she tensed up but then relaxed as she felt me stroking her hair.
“You don’t like doing that do you.” I asked her, she shook her head – not daring to speak her mind. “Then you don’t have to do that with me.” I told her.
She pulled back at looked at me. “Do you mean that daddy?” She asked me.
“Of course Wendy, I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t like doing, except school! I expect you to go there regardless.” I added smiling at her.
“Thank you daddy . . . but do I really have to go to school. I hate it.” She said with a slight smile on her face.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” I told her. Then I turned her towards the stairs. “Now go to your room and get ready for bed.” I told her.
“Will you be inspecting me like He did?” she asked me, fear showing in her face again.
“Not at all Wendy, I expect you to get into bed and go to sleep. But tomorrow I’d like to hear exactly how you were supposed to behave when you were with your mother and . . . that man.” I told her pushing her to the stairs.
She stopped before the first step, “But mummy said I was never to tell anyone about that!”
I nodded my head, “Because she didn’t want to get into trouble. I wouldn’t worry about that now Wendy – you’re with me now, not them.”
She smiled, “Thanks . . . daddy, goodnight.”
I kept smiling until I heard her door shut and then my face dropped. Having to undress in front of both of them Inspections by him, what had they been doing to my daughter? These thoughts were going over and over in my head.
I did not know what to do whom could I talk to? I started to pace up and down with worry, and then I remembered someone who might help. I checked my wallet and removed a card. Picking up the phone, I dialed the number on it – it was rather long.
“Mrs. Jones’s residence, who may I say is calling please?” The voice was a youth’s but the attitude was that of a servant.
“Is Janet there its John Archer calling.” I said.
“Thank you Mr. Archer, I’ll just enquire.” The young boy said and the phone started playing music.
“Good morning John.” Janet’s voice answered the phone then she paused, “Or rather good evening, it is still evening where you are, isn’t it? What is wrong? Didn’t we give you enough time off?” She asked with a laughing lilt in her voice.
“Hi Janet . . . I . . . I am worried about . . .” I could not even voice it.
“John. Sit down! Now take a deep breath. Okay now talk to me.” She directed me and I found myself following her instructions. I told her what Wendy had told me, the way she had acted while doing so.
“John, I don’t know what to suggest, I mean if you needed I’d get you here and have our people talk to her.” Janet said concern sounding in her voice.
“I don’t think I could afford that.” I said
“John you don’t need to worry, it can be part of the company’s package, all you’d have to do is to give me a call and I’ll arrange it.” Janet was speaking seriously now, all trace of amusement gone.
“Thank you Janet, but I hope I can get through this without needing help . . .” I said.
“Bullshit John. This is something for which you need all the help you can get. Remember I am always her for you at anytime, anytime at all. Tania asked me to do what I can, and don’t forget we owe you, and we always repay our debts.” with that she hung up.
“Well . . . thanks Janet. I think.” I said to the, now dead, phone.
I took one more look at the T.V., but it had been an eventful day and I was tired, I went upstairs and entered my bedroom but, remembering how Tania had surprised me, I wore a pair of jockey shorts as I climbed into my bed and close my eyes.
Part 5
I was dreaming.
Tania was in front of me, her eyes covered with a dark cloth. Her arms bent behind her and tied close to each other. Her legs crossed at the ankles and pulled out straight in front of her. Her forming breasts tightly bound with twine that made the flesh stand out into cone shaped points, the tips turning a dark color as the blood filled them
I was standing with a horsehair whip, was lightly flicking it over her breasts, and hearing her moan with each stroke. I pushed Tania onto her stomach, watching her dark hair as it passed across her face, and then I started to whip her backside with the horsehair.
I could hear her giggle as the blows landed and then I felt her hands on my cock, rubbing it up and down. I moved my body in reaction to her ministrations before a thought imposed on me – with her hands tied then how could she. The dream shattered. I opened my eyes, I was in my bed but a small hand was moving on me. I tried to stop her but it was too late. I came, spurting over my sheets and onto her hand.
Wendy, for who else could it have been, relaxed her hold on me and then brought her hand to her lips, tasting them. “Oh no . . . no . . . no . . . nonononono! It can’t be!” She exclaimed and jumped out of the bed, she ran from my room and into the bathroom.
I was out of my bed in an instant and rushed towards the bathroom where I could hear Wendy being sick. I tried the door it was unlocked. I opened it to see Wendy bent over the toilet and retching away.
“Wendy! It’s alright, there’s nothing wrong.” I said to her, holding her shoulders as she started to cry.
“I . . . I wanted you . . . you to be . . . be happy . . . with . . . with me.” She said.
“But Wendy I was always happy with you. Why would you think I wasn’t?” I asked her.
She sniffed, “I don no? But when you did that thing and I tasted that stuff . . . It was just the same as my medicine . . . I couldn’t help it . . . I just felt so . . . so sick . . . please don’t send me away . . . I’ll get used to it.” She started to beg.
“Wendy I won’t make you taste that again! But what made you think about doing what you did?” I asked her.
“Mummy . . . mummy said that men liked their tummy sticks rubbed. She was going to make me rub HIS when I was older . . . I suppose she meant when I started to bleed . . . But I don’t know what he meant when he said that?” Wendy said between sobs.
“When he said what?” I asked puzzled.
“Well HE said that he wouldn’t have me until I started to bleed.” Wendy told me.
I thought for some seconds, “Wendy, when you were at school did you have any of the sex educations lessons?” I asked her.
Wendy blushed and shook her head, “Oh no! Mummy said that it wasn’t right for schools to teach that and that she’d teach me all I needed to know when I was old enough.” Wendy said bowing her head, “All my friends would laugh and giggle when I asked them what they were talking about . . . they said I wouldn’t understand . . . and now I find that mummy’s been making me take . . . take his tummy stick stuff . . .” She started crying again. “HE knew and he was laughing at me!” She added.
I pulled her close to me, “He won’t be laughing at you again!” I promised her.
“He’s a bad man!” Wendy said
“Yes, yes he is . . . look Wendy it’s getting very late,” (Actually it was very early in the morning!), “now why don’t you return to your bed.” I gently said to her.
But Wendy shook her head, “Please daddy, I’m scared. Can’t I sleep with you?” She asked me.
I debated with myself, after that dream could I trust myself with Wendy in the same bed, but in the end I relented, “Alright Wendy you can, but no more playing with my penis.” I said
She gave a little smile and nodded, and then she asked me, “What’s a penis?”
I was slightly rocked but I managed to answer her, “That’s the proper name for . . .” I had to gather my thoughts to remember her name for it, “ . . . my tummy stick. It’s what men use to make women pregnant.” I said before I could stop myself.
“What’s pregnant?” Wendy asked.
“It’s when a woman is going to have a baby.” I said stepping deeper into a quagmire.
“Does that mean I’m going to have a baby” Wendy asked me panic settling into her voice.
I hugged her, “Oh no darling,” I quickly told her, “you can’t get pregnant by swallowing the man’s sperm.”
“What’s sperm?” Wendy then asked . . . I decided to put it off until tomorrow.
“Look I think I’ll better give you some lessons, but later, okay.” I said.
She yawned and nodded, I smile at her and took her hand, taking her into my bedroom . . . and so to sleep, although it was sometime before I could fall asleep with all the thoughts that were running through my head.
Sobbing behind me awaked me; I gently rolled over and looked at Wendy. She was shaking and crying. I gently shook her, she gave a start, and then, looking up at me, she smiled.
“Oh daddy, I thought it was all a dream and that mummy was going to be waking me up!” Wendy said.
“Well she isn’t but I think you’d better freshen up and get dressed.” I told her. She bit her lip and then got out of the bed, she quickly took off her nightdress and then ran out of the room.
I watched her disappearing naked backside, why she had done that I had no idea. I shook my head and got out of my bed and went to start dressing, while I was putting my trousers on I could hear the toilet flush followed, a few seconds later by the sight of Wendy as she rushed into my bedroom again, she was still naked. She threw herself forward onto my bed. “I’m ready daddy.” She said in a cold tone.
I was confused, “Ready? Ready for what?” I asked her.
“For you to check that I’ve cleaned myself properly.” She said simply, I could see tears showing in her eyes. I pulled the blanket from the bed and covered her.
“I’m sorry Wendy, but that’s not what daddies do!” I told her gently.
“It’s because you don’t love me isn’t it daddy? You don’t want me and so you’re going to send me back, please don’t send me back daddy, I’ll do whatever you want only please don’t send me back.” She was now crying and holding tight to me.
“Wendy I’m not going to send you back, now don’t worry about that.” I told her.
“But . . . but I complained to mummy the other day and then I was taken away from them, I’m scared that I’ll be taken away from you as well.” She said in a sobbing voice.
I turned her over and held her. “No Wendy, that wasn’t why they took you away from your mother and that man!” I said trying to calm her down.
She sobbed, “Yes it was! I did not do what they told me and I was taken away. It must have been my fault! I did it!” She said and pulled out from my arms to rush into her bedroom.
I followed her; she had thrown herself onto her bed and was crying away, I held onto her shoulders, aware of the touch of her flesh under my hands. “Wendy. You did nothing wrong I promise you, now get dressed and I’ll make us breakfast.”
She looked back at me, “You don’t want to watch me dress?” She asked me.
I shook my head, “No darling, you need some privacy.” I told her and went back to my bedroom to finish dressing.
I managed to get downstairs and started cooking the breakfast. “Come and get it!” I shouted upstairs . . . but was met with silence, “Wendy?” I called, worried I ran up the stairs to where Wendy was standing in the middle of her room. She had some leather straps in her hands, something I recognized from when Tania had stayed with me.
“Is this why you don’t like me?” Wendy asked in a small voice.
“What are you saying Wendy? I love you are my daughter. You’re my reason for living.” I told her.
“No you didn’t! That is why you got these, just like mummy did! You just want to hurt me! That’s why you’ve got these ready for me!” She said throwing the cuffs to me.
I shook my head, “No Wendy, I never got them for you, I’d never treat my daughter like that . . .” I wanted to say more, but she stopped me.
“And that’s why you don’t like me . . . if you did you’d make sure I was doing things correctly!” She said.
I was puzzled . . . what was Wendy telling me? She wanted to be made to do things. Had she been so . . . so . . . brainwashed? She could not really want me to tie her down. I definitely needed help.
Wendy did arrive to eat her breakfast, but I was watching her, trying to make up my mind as to what to do . . . a strange, perverse, part of my mind was picturing her tied up on the bed with me whipping her. Another part of me wanted to take her away from the city, somewhere where she would be happier. In addition, one more part wanted my daughter back as I remembered her . . . but that was impossible!
“Okay Wendy, what do you want to do?” I asked her when she had finished eating; she looked at me in surprise.
“You mean even after I shouted at you, you still want me.” She asked
“Of course I do! You don’t stop being my daughter just because you disagree with me, oh no my darling Wendy you are stuck with me!” I said smiling at her to show I was not angry with her.
“But why did you get those leather things?” She asked me. Then I found myself talking to my daughter about Tania, how she got into my car and then a corner of my heart. I told her, nearly, everything. The part I missed out was the last few hours that Janet and I were with her.
“So these were Tania ‘s.” Wendy said, “What was she like?” I started to describe Tania but Wendy interrupted again, “No! What type of girl was she like? Could I talk to her?”
“I . . . err, well . . .” I checked my watch it would be late there, but perhaps . . . I picked up the phone and dialed.
“Mrs. Jones’s residence may I help you?” It was the same youth’s voice.
“It’s John Archer here . . .” I was going to say that I was sorry to phone so late but the youth did not let me.
“Yes sir, I’ll pass you onto Mrs. Jones now.” Then there was the burst of music in my ear.
“Hello John, still having problems?” Janet said.
“Yes and no, Wendy is here with me now, she’d like to talk to Tania, and she’s found some of Tania ‘s things here.” I said, completely forgetting my manners about the time.
Janet laughed aloud, “Ah, so she knows about Tania does she?” In addition, I heard a girlish giggle sound as well. “Very well John, here’s Tania.”
“Hello daddy John, how are you?” Tania said.
“I’m fine you little minx, I supposed you’re naked again?” I asked her feeling, more than seeing, Wendy’s eyes widen at that.
“Course I am! Who’s ever heard of going to bed dressed?” Tania replied.
“People do it all the time.” I said softly.
“Not the one’s I know . . . you should see our slumber parties.” I could swear I heard her grin.
“I’m not sure I should, I might get ideas.” I said smiling but then stopped Tania ‘s answering by saying, “I want you to talk to my daughter.” then I handed the phone to Wendy.
“H . . . hello?” Wendy said and I could hear the squeal that came from the earpiece from where I was standing.
Wendy listened to the phone for a minute and then looked at me with a strange expression on her face, “Daddy, Tania asks if you’ll leave the room please.” I nodded and went to the door, as I closed it I heard Wendy say, “He’s gone.”
I sat in the living room, trying to read a book but the occasional ‘No!’ or ‘You’re kidding!’ would intrude, I never realized how infuriating or aggravating it was to hear just one side of a phone conversation.
Finally, there was the ‘ping’ of the phone being replaced on the hook and Wendy slowly entered the room, there was a strange look on her face.
“You tied her up. Even with her mother there you did that to her?” She accused me.
“What did I do?” I asked her.
“You . . . you put your tummy . . . penis . . . into her cunny? Why?” Wendy asked.
I tried to think of an excuse, how can I tell my 10 year old daughter that this relatively unknown girl had asked me to! In addition, that her mother gently held her as I did it “Well you see Wendy . . .” I started but she spoke again.
“Was that what mummy was going to let HIM do to me? Even if I didn’t want him to?” Then another thought struck her. “What if she’s going to have a baby, Will you make her have it?”
I shook my head, “No Wendy, Tania ‘s too young to have children, and I don’t suppose she’s even had a period yet.” I said keeping a straight face . . . but then the thought struck me, what if Tania was.
“What’s school got to do with it?” Wendy asked, “Do you have to be in school to have a baby?”
“Of course not! A period is nothing to do with schools.” I said and realized that I would have to give Wendy a quick idea about reproduction at least. “Look lets sit down here and I’ll explain.” Then I quickly went through the basics.
“So a woman has all the eggs in her and the man has the seed, squirm, inside him? Then he pushes his tummy stick . . . penis, inside her for the squirm to find the egg. What if it hits many eggs do they all make babies?” Wendy asked.
“It’s sperm Wendy, not squirm. And the mummy doesn’t have all the eggs in the place at the same time, only once a month.” I told her, “And the body won’t let the sperm go further than it should.” I explained.
“But does that egg stay there all the time? Won’t it go bad like the ones at the supermarket?” Wendy asked me
I tried not to laugh at her question, it was quite a good one, “Oh no, you see after some time the body clears out the egg and the place where it stays, it gets washed away through a woman’s cunny, it’s red in color and that’s why people think they’re bleeding. But it’s just the body getting rid of the unused egg.” I said, simplifying the whole thing.
“Bleeding . . . so when he said ‘when she bleeds’ he meant when I got rid of my first egg,” Wendy said, being slightly quicker than I was “HE wanted to do that to me . . . but only when I could . . . HE wanted me to have babies!” She said anger was showing in his voice, “Daddy can I talk to somebody, I’ve got to tell them something.” She was looking at me and I could tell there was determination in her eyes.
I looked for the card that Martha had given me – it was still early in the morning so I went to the phone and dialed her mobile number.
Martha answered on a rather crackly line, which told me she was using her mobile in the car. “It’s John Argent, can you come here as soon as possible?” I asked her.
“Okay John, I’ll phone in and will be with you soon.” She said before hanging up. (Perversely I did wonder if she hit anything while talking to me).
“Alright Wendy, Martha will be here soon, is there anything you want to do?” I asked her.
“Just hold me daddy.” Wendy said and held up her arms to me, I reached down and pulled her into my lap, she started to sob away whilst I held her.
Part 6
Martha arrived and had been brought into the living room. She sat down in an easy chair whilst I sat on the settee and Wendy sat beside me. Martha smiled at us, “Now John from your call I think this is important.” She said.
I nodded, “I’m not sure what to say . . . but last night I found Wendy was masturbating me . . .” I started to explain but Wendy broke in with
“I did it, I did it. ‘Cause I did not want daddy to make me leave him. I was only doing what mummy told me to do!” At Martha’s look she explained, “Mummy told me that men liked girls who would rub their tummy sticks.”
“I see Wendy . . . so you did that to please your daddy, just like you’ve been taught. How did your mummy teach you?” She asked gently while taking notes.
Wendy shrugged, “She had something . . . I think it was a model of a tummy stick . . . I mean penis.” Wendy looked at me and blushed.
“I found out that Wendy knows a little about sexual matters but not enough, so I’ve been giving her some lessons about sex.” At Martha’s look I added, “Only the names of things and how woman’s reproduction works, that was after she’d tasted my sperm from her hand last night . . . she was scared that she’d be having babies.” I explained the last without smiling, I was too worried that Martha would disapprove and remove Wendy from me.
“And what did you find out last night, Wendy?” Martha asked.
Wendy seemed to shrink into herself and then she grabbed hold of my arm, “That . . . that medicine . . . mummy made me take . . . was the same . . . same taste . . . as my . . . daddy’s squirm . . . sperm!” She amended quickly but she was gulping back tears as she spoke.
“How did you manage to taste your daddy’s sperm?” Martha asked her gently.
Wendy glanced at me before speaking, I nodded encouragingly, she swallowed before speaking, “I had some of it on my hand and I sucked it to clean it off . . . that is when I . . . I” She started to sob again.
“She ran from my bedroom into the bathroom, I found her being sick into the toilet.” I told Martha quietly.
Martha got up and sat beside Wendy, holding her as well. “It wasn’t the taste that upset you, was it.” She said gently but Wendy did not answer. Martha gently pulled Wendy onto her lap and held her close. “I know what it’s like to taste a father’s seed.”
Wendy pulled away from her to look at me, I could not read the expression on her face, but I shook my head, “Not me she didn’t!” I said.
Martha laughed, “Oh no my dear, I meant my father.”
Wendy looked at her this time, “Your father made you . . .”
But Martha shook her head, “No, I snuck into his bed one morning and took him in my mouth, it was a surprise for both of us . . . me because of all the seed I had to swallow and him, well he thought it was my mother, until he started to choke me.”
I could see the look on Wendy’s face, almost calculating, “Err, Martha I think you should stop there . . . you’re giving Wendy too much to think about.” I said.
“Nonsense John, I’m trying to tell Wendy that, whatever it was that her mother and step-father were doing to her isn’t something to be ashamed of, that I can understand and won’t be angry with anything she says.” Martha said to me in her ‘let me explain to a child’ tone.
Wendy gave a small smile at that but then her face clouded over again, “Daddy I am sorry but . . . do you mind if . . . I do love you but . . .” She faltered over what she was trying to say.
“Wendy I’m your father, I’ve seen you naked on several occasions and the last time was this morning, but you’re saying that you don’t want to embarrass me and would like me to stay away while you talk to Martha? Is that what you’re trying to say?” I asked her gently.
She blushed but nodded her head, “please daddy?” She said quietly.
I looked at Martha who nodded her head, “Why don’t you go for a walk, it’s a sunny day and it might help your color.” She said to me. I nodded and kissed Wendy, before getting up and leaving the two together.
++++ The following is taken from the transcript of Martha Atchison, current assignment – John and Wendy Archer! Investigate and assess for integration into Funiculaireville population – current cover British Social Services (exchange agent).
“Alright Wendy, now don’t worry about the microphone, it’s just to allow me to get your words down correctly later. Just to make this official this is Martha Atchison, talking to Wendy Archer, the time is 09:22 on Tuesday.”(Full date withheld) “Now Wendy you were going to tell me about your mother . . .”
“Are you sure daddy’s gone?”
“I’m sure Wendy, he shut the front door and I saw him cross the road, now don’t worry there’s only the two of us here.”
“Well, I’m not sure where to start? I mean mummy always told me that daddy threw us out and she had to move in with . . . with him.”
“You mean your step-father?” – (note there is evidence of an affair between Diana Archer and Michael Thomas from before her wedding to John Archer).
“Yes . . . him. Anyway, he has always had his eyes on me, as if I was worth eating or something and he always had to touch me. Whenever I was near him he had to hold me, touch me . . . I hated him.”
“Where did he touch you? On the arms, legs, face? I’m sorry Wendy I have to know exactly.”
“Well, he would touch my arms to pull me closer to him, and then he’d rub my legs. I had to stand still and let him do that, when I tried to pull away from him mummy smacked me and tell me I was an ungrateful bitch. Then she would make me stand in front of him and let him touch me. He would move his hands all over my body, it made my skin crawl when he touched it.”
“I’m sorry Wendy but where did he touch you, I have to know exactly.”
“ . . .On my botty and around the front . . . you know the cunny. He used to push his finger into my botty as well.”
“Did anything else happen while he was doing that.”
“No, he just had that stupid look on his face, as if he’d done something clever.”
“What else happened to you, John said something about your step-father checking you?”
“I had to wipe my botty clean every time I used the toilet, and then he would check that I had, and if it wasn’t clean enough he’d push his finger into my mouth.”
“Why did you let him do that?”
“I had to, before mummy used to put ropes on my wrists and then tie me to the bed. She would tie my legs as well so I could not kick them . . . once I managed to kick him but mummy held my legs while he smacked me. After some time I learnt not to move, but he still hurt me . . . mummy then started to use something to make me relax so that he could check deeper.”
“Did you like letting him do that to you?”
“No! He wasn’t nice he kept on saying things like ‘pity she doesn’t bleed yet’ and ‘in a year’s time she’ll be ready for something bigger’ and ‘she’ll be a perfect little cunt’ I don’t understand what he meant but he’d start laughing.” (Sounds of Wendy crying)
“That’s alright Wendy, now when I went to your step-father’s house I noticed that your clothes were in your mother’s and your step-father’s bedroom, why was this?”
“Well mummy told me that since they brought the clothes it was only right that they made sure the clothes were clean, if the clothes were clean then I had to be clean, and the only way they could make sure was if I put the clothes on after washing. And since he’d be checking then it was only proper that I dressed in their room while they watched and made sure I didn’t make them dirty.”
“I see, but what happened when you went to bed?”
“I would have to undress and then wash myself before putting on my nightdress . . . I was never allowed to wear pajamas.”
“And this was also while they were watching?”
“Of course, they had to make sure I was nice and clean!”
“And during the night?”
“Well mummy would make sure I was tied loosely enough to sleep, but he would have to check that I wasn’t wetting the bed, I used to but they kept me sleeping in the bed until I learnt not to.”
“How could they keep you in a wet bed?”
“Oh mummy would hold me down while he tied me onto the bed, but I couldn’t wear my night dress then or else I’d get it even wetter.”
“So your mother would remove the nightdress.”
“No, he had to, so I could learn that ‘he was the most important person in my life’ and I had to obey him.” +++ note the last was recited as if learnt by heart +++
“Did you like him doing that?”
“No I didn’t, it was the way his eyes would look at me, he told mummy that I was going to be a lovely little cunt – I didn’t know what that means but I don’t think it’s a nice thing!”
“I don’t think so either, did your mummy smack you often?”
“She did it every night, sometimes with her hand . . . but lately she’d been using a stick. And then he’d put his tummy stick into my botty . . . and hurt me, but mummy told me not to be a cry baby.”
“Why did she tell you that?”
“He would show me how mummy let him do it, she was smiling as he pushed his tummy stick into her cunny and botty.”
“Did you try to look away?”
“I was told not to, mummy would have smacked my on my cunny and that hurts”
“Has she smacked you there before?”
“Only once when I tried to scratch him when he was touching me, I don’t want her to do that again!”
“I’ll make sure she won’t – How do you feel about your real daddy, I understand that your mummy said he was dead?”
“She told me that daddy had thrown us out, he didn’t want us to stay with him anymore. Then she said that daddy wanted to do nasty stuff to me and she stopped him, and that was why he threw us out . . . she told me it was his fault . . . then when I was eight she said that daddy was dead and was in hell where he would stay . . . but then she said he might come back from hell and get me if I didn’t do what she told me.”
“She told you that your daddy was dead, but would punish you if you disobeyed her?”
“Or didn’t do what HE told me to do!”
“And that’s when it got worse?”
“Yes . . . mummy would smack me and then HE would start on me . . . HE would . . . would . . .” +++ note Wendy Archer is crying at this stage, it was decided by Miss Atchison to stop at that point + + + interview ended.
I opened the door to find Wendy crying on Martha’s lap. She looked at me and ran to me wrapping her arms around my waist. “Oh daddy . . . daddy . . . I didn’t believe her honest I didn’t, you wouldn’t do anything to me . . . I’d do anything to stay with you . . . anything!”
Martha shook her head, “It’s a disturbing start . . . I think there’s more to come, but she’s going to need expert attention . . . it’s not something we’ve got on this side of the world. If I can get permission would you mind traveling . . . somewhere?”
I looked at Martha, weighing up her words and the ones she said yesterday “Would that possibly be the same person you spoke about?” She nodded. “And would this have anything to do with Janet Jones suggestions?”
“No, I understand that you have been offered a chance to spend some time with Janet and Amanda, and a normal family life may help Wendy get over her past few years.” I admit my eyebrows were raised when she mentioned a normal family life, but I let it pass.
“You realize that if I do go to . . . that place, I’ll be out of the jurisdiction of the British Social Services.” I asked her
“I’m sure that we can get Family Services to take over the care of this case, and ensure that nothing . . . inappropriate happens to Wendy while she’s away.” Martha said.
“But I’d have to get visas and passports, which would take time, I don’t think I’d be able . . .” But I stopped when Martha smiled.
“Oh I think that you’ll find there are ways and means. I’ll come back this afternoon, but I think that we need to have a picture of you, young lady.” Martha reached into her bag, produced a Polaroid camera, and focused on Wendy’s face. “No, don’t smile; you’re supposed to look stupid on one of these!” She said which made Wendy laugh. “Now you’ve ruined that one! I’ll have to let your father have this one.” She was smiling as she said that so Wendy did not think she was moaning at her. “Now think of going to school and taking math.” Wendy made a face, which Martha clicked the camera at, “Perfect!” she added.
“You don’t like math.” I asked Wendy.
“Well, its okay . . . but I prefer P.E. (Physical Education – Gymnastics)” Wendy said and went into a back arch before either of us could stop her. When she righted herself we both clapped our hands, she blushed and curtseyed to us. “Thank you.” She said
“Well, you’re certainly supple enough, can you bend yourself double?” Martha asked her.
“Oh that’s easy!” Wendy said and placed her legs on the ground and then bent backwards and placed her hands behind her so that they were almost next to her legs.
“Hold it!” Martha said and then surprised both of us by taking out some padded cuffs and attached Wendy’s left wrist and ankle together and then did the same with Wendy’s right wrist and ankle.
“No, please let me go, I though you were different from mummy! Don’t hurt me please!” Wendy started to cry out, but I noticed that she did not raise her voice too loud.
“Don’t be so daft young lady . . . Now let’s get your clothes off shall we?” Martha said while looking at me.
I looked at her asking ‘what the hell are you playing at?’ with my eyes she smiled at me and gestured to the doorway, I followed her out leaving my daughter bent over backwards.
“What are you doing?” I asked Martha, putting in words what I had been thinking.
“All her life she been tied down and hurt. She equates bondage with only pain! I think she needs to learn the pleasure that can be given while tied up. And you are the only person she’ll trust to give her that!”
Martha took me to the kitchen and found out some scissors. She clipped then together a couple of times before nodding. “Yes, these should do!” She said triumphantly and smiled at me, “Shall we return to your victim?” She asked.
“MY VICTIM? But this is your idea.” I said
“Yes, so the Social Services are giving you their approval to give your daughter pleasure where she’s only found pain . . . You know you can do it. Trust me that’s what she needs.” Martha said as she directed me back to the living room where my daughter was struggling in her bondage.
“Daddy what are you going to do?” She asked me.
“Be quiet child, your father is going to deal with you as you should be dealt with!” Martha said but softly so as not to scare Wendy.
I looked at the window and thought for a few minutes, I could picture the Wilson’s having a field day if they peered past the net-curtain that was in place there, it was possible for them to do that . . . so the living room was out of the question. No, it would have to be elsewhere.
“Wendy if you were to be attacked where would you prefer down here or somewhere upstairs?” I asked her, at first she looked shocked at my question – well I’m not surprised, I was shocked by asking it in the first place – and then she realized that this was something out of her usual punishment.
“Could you take me upstairs to your bedroom, please Daddy John.” She said softly – I really had to find out what she and Tania had talked about,
So I picked up my bound daughter and held her in my arms, she managed to rest her head on my shoulder as I carried her up the stairs and into my bedroom, Martha entered first and closed the curtains, after looking out of the window first, at my questioning look she smiled at me.
“Just so that they think it you and me in here!” She winked.
I gently tickled Wendy as I landed her on my bed making her giggle as she re-assumed her position. “I think you’d better prepare yourself for the worst day of your life.” I sternly said to my daughter.
“Oh John you do not mean you are going to . . .” Martha said, her voice sounding frightened.
“She deserves it! She admitted that my wife has abused her backside, it’s only fair that I should work on her front!” I said sounding angry.
Wendy started to shake now, she was trying to picture what I was going to do to her, but she was soon to find out.
Part 7
I reached out and touched my daughter’s chest, lightly dragging my fingernails over her skin, feeling the mounds of her forming breasts buds, causing Wendy to shudder with the strange sensations.
“Painful?” I asked her, but she shook her head, “Good! Then I’ll carry on.” However, I was mindful that her current position would soon get painful on her shoulders and legs. I leant over her and looked into her eyes, she looked slightly scared but had realized that this was not how she had been treated before.
I began to tickle her on her ribs, making her giggle as I progressed, then she started to laugh, finally she gasped out, “Please . . . no more . . . I’m going to wet myself!”
I stopped at that point and returned to rubbing her breasts, feeling them start to get erect under my touch. She started to moan slightly and then, “OW! My arms are hurting me.” Wendy said. I glanced at Martha, who had been watching me all the time, who approached and quickly released Wendy’s arms and legs.
“Don’t move young lady, we’ll put you into the position.” Martha said gruffly as she pulled Wendy’s legs out to fasten them to the bottom corners of the bed before pulling Wendy’s arms to the headboard. This caused my daughter to strain again, but now in a flattened position. Martha quickly kissed Wendy on the mouth and whispered something in her ears, before moving away from the bed. She then handed me a pastry brush – you know wooden handle and long bristles – I held this up to Wendy’s eyes and waggled it.
“Now which end should I use on you?” I asked her smiling as I showed her the hard end suggestively bringing it down onto her neck, rubbing it over her flesh before turning it around and bringing the brush end into play, whipping it over her, still stiff, cones of breast flesh.
Wendy had tensed up when I started, but soon the actions of the light brush on her sensitive flesh soon worked its magic on her, and she started to pant as the strange, to her, sensations began to build up inside her. I could see her skin darkening as the blood started to show itself and, just when I thought she would explode, Martha stopped me.
“NO! Please daddy, don’t stop!” Wendy cried out while trying to force her body to follow me. I looked at Martha who shook her head.
“Young lady are you asking your father to torture you.” Martha asked Wendy.
“Yes . . . no . . . it’s not . . . daddy please, I need . . . something.” Wendy called out.
“What is it you need?” Martha asked her.
“I don’t know! Mummy never did this to me! Please what do you want me to say?” Wendy cried out. However, Martha just smiled and beckoned me out of the room, leaving Wendy still tied to the bed in frustration.
We closed the door behind us, Martha was almost laughing as we did. “Why did you make me stop?” I asked her.
“She knows there’s more to this than your own pleasure! Remember she’s only known people using her for their fun, by stopping just before she finds her plateau it will make her crave more.” Martha explained.
“And what do you suggest for the next step?” I asked.
“Well I’d suggest you used you imagination, I’ve got things to do . . . have fun!” Before I could say another word, she was gone. Leaving me to return to my daughter,
I returned to Wendy, who was watching the door for Martha to enter. “No, my darling daughter. It’s just you and me, and with you like that I can do anything!” I gave, what I hoped was, a maniacal laugh.
“Oh please daddy, don’t hurt me, I’ll be a good girl I promise.” Wendy said, but there was a smile on her lips and a look in her eyes the belied her words.
I ran my hand from her chest down her stomach and onto the slit between her legs, lightly tapping it with my spread fingers, at first she didn’t take any real notice and then I felt her getting slightly damp and her breathing was getting faster, I looked for, and found, the small pea sized lump that was her clit and concentrated on that.
Wendy’s hips began to move under my attentions, she started to really pant away, and so, remembering Martha’s advice, I pulled away from her body. “NO! NO not again, please can’t you keep on doing that?” Wendy cried out.
“You’re telling me to carry on. Who’s the one in charge?” I asked her, while thinking ‘yes, just who is the one in charge here?’
“Please daddy, I need it!” Wendy said almost in tears.
“Okay then her it comes!” I said and lowered my head down to my daughter’s body and licked her breast, hearing her moan with pleasure as I did so. My hands were busy as I was doing this, one I had on her other breast and the other hand was moving over her clit and slit. I decided that this time I would give her what she needed.
I moved my mouth from its perch on Wendy’s breast, smiling as I heard her gasp, as I gently bit on the tip. Then she moaned as I touched her slit with my tongue, gently prizing open the folds of her flesh and licking on her from the bottom to the top of her slit before hitting her clit, which was now larger than she had ever had it before.
I nibbled on her clit until she started to go rigid with the pleasure that was coursing though her body. “Oh daddy, daddy it’s so . . . so . . . daddy!” Then her body went limp, I quickly pulled away from her.
Wendy was flat out; I could tell she was breathing, as her chest was moving. I placed an ear to her heart, it was fast . . . but beating.
I ran to the bathroom and rinsed out a flannel with cold water, wringing it out and running back to my bedroom, gently bathing Wendy’s forehead with it and then wiping her body off, removing the sweat that she had generated.
“Oh! What was that?” Wendy said . . . followed by “I want more!” in a low voice.
“That Wendy is what is known as an orgasm, when a woman gets excited she finds that her body will react and that is an orgasm. How did you like it?” I asked her smiling.
“Oh daddy, it was great! I never knew that was there! Why did mummy not show me this? I would have let her do anything if she had . . . But I suppose HE didn’t want it!” She babbled on and then she stopped and looked up at me. “Daddy? Do you . . . I mean do men have organisms as well?” She asked.
I sat down on the bed beside her and gently stroked her body with my hand. “Yes darling, but when we cum it’s a bit messier than girls.” Wendy thought about it and then looked towards my lap.
“Daddy . . . last night . . . when I rubbed your tummy st . . . penis that stuff that came out? Was that your organism?”
I laughed, “It’s called an orgasm, and yes, that was what happens. The act causes the pleasure sensors in the brain to trigger and so the man, or boy, feels good when it happens.”
“Did Amanda feel good when you did it to her?” Wendy asked.
I was surprised by the slight change in subject. “I don’t know, I think she liked it, but I did do several different things to her.” I said.
“Can you do them to me?” Wendy asked in excitement, I must admit that a part of me was doing back flips and then my brain had to intervene.
“I’m not sure darling, it’s not really right for a father to tie up and abuse his daughter.” I said feeling a part of me having its mouth drop open.
“But what if I asked you to do it?” Wendy asked.
“It doesn’t matter what you might want, the law here says that I can’t touch you sexually.” I said ‘can’t we shut him up?’ several parts of my body was saying.
“But Mrs. Martha was here – doesn’t that mean its okay?” Wendy reasoned.
I shook my head, “I’m not sure what Martha is doing, but I think we can trust her.” I said, not noticing my hands as they moved over Wendy’s body.
Wendy, however, did and moved as far as she could, she moaned – making me look at her, she was biting her lips in an effort not to say anything. Following her last (or first) orgasm, she quickly gave herself up to the sensations.
I was caught in a quandary, should I continue or stop? I was weak and carried on with my ‘abuse’ of Wendy, hearing her moan in ecstasy was strangely making me feel good.
Just before she came I quickly kissed her on the mouth, feeling her start to suck the breath out of me as she climaxed, she broke the kiss and smiled at me, “That was nice daddy, but it wasn’t like the last one, why?” She said.
“The last time I was sucking on your clit, this time it was just your breasts, there is a difference . . . not much but its there.” I told her.
“Oh dad, it doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s you doing it!” Wendy said and then her expression changed. “Oh dad, I need to go to the loo, real bad!” She said.
I went to release her hands but then found a problem . . . “Err, Wendy I don’t have a key. If you can hold on I’ll get a pan for you . . .” But stopped as Wendy started to laugh.
“It’s under my pillow, Martha told me not to tell you until I had to!” She said smiling.
“Why you . . . I’ve a good mind to leave you like that!” I said threateningly.
“No you won’t!” Wendy said mockingly.
“And why not?” I asked.
“Because it your bed I’ll be wetting!” Wendy said sweetly.
“Well yes, there is that, so I suppose I’d better let you free.” I said retrieving the key and fitting it into the lock of the cuffs.
I managed to undo the last one and Wendy jumped off the bed and staggered to the bathroom.
She came back a few minutes later and stood by my bed biting her lip. “Daddy, do you want to inspect me . . . Please.” She said extending the please.
I could see from the look in her eyes and relented. “Alright Wendy, but this time my way . . . Stand in the center of the room, legs apart and bent over, grab your knees with your hands.” I instructed her, she quickly took up the position, as I would set out.
I walked around her, noting that her head was at a particular height. I patted her cheek and then went to her derrière again I patted a cheek. “Now Wendy, you used the toilet just now?” I asked her.
“Yes daddy, and I did wipe myself.” She responded.
“Now how clean are you? And don’t forget if it’s dirty then you’ll get the taste of it in your mouth!” I said.
“I’m sure I’m clean daddy.” She said but the tone of her voice was not apologetic.
I passed one hand beneath her body, touching her flat stomach and then pulling back so that I could feel her slit with my palm, this meant that her clit was within reach of my fingers and I started to agitate it with them.
My other hand then rested lightly on her backside, I could feel moistness on the hand beneath her and so I cupped it and brought it away from her, dipping my fingers in the dew that was in the hand, I oiled up my digits. I then returned to her slit with the first hand and started masturbating her; she went to move her hands.
“Remain in position Wendy, I haven’t check you properly yet!” I said in a stern tone.
“Sorry daddy.” Wendy said and kept still. Using the lubrication she’d provided I placed a finger on he anus, and then gently pushed it in, while with my other hand I started to agitate her clit again, I felt her relax as she tried to lose herself in the pleasure I was giving her, I pushed my finger deep into her without hearing a word from her.
I pulled my finger back slightly and then pushed it home again, “What . . . but that didn’t hurt!” Wendy said as she felt me move inside her, “When HE does it, it always hurt!” She added.
I gave a few more back and forth movements before removing my finger completely. “Well you see Wendy, I made sure that you were distracted before I inspected you, that’s why.” I said and explained totally, what I had done.
“So why didn’t HE and mummy do that? I wouldn’t have minded them having me stay with them if they’d been nice.” She told me
“Some people don’t realize what they can achieve, and so they lose so much.” I said to her, realizing that I had gained more than my ex-wife would ever know.
I asked Wendy to dress and we went out to look at the shops, it seems that Wendy hadn’t been allowed to stop and look in shops, she had to follow her mother and could only dream about running around looking for herself, I indulged her in this.
She convinced me to buy a video, Peter Pan, and she smiled at me as we walked home, “I wanted to see the film at the cinema but they didn’t want to go there.” She said.
“Well we’ll have to bring the cinema to home then!” I said.
“Oh can we?” She asked me and so I found myself buying a large bottle of coke and a lot of microwave popcorn.
We returned home and I started to heat up the popcorn while Wendy put the tape into the video player – I supposed it would have be easier with a DVD but I hadn’t gotten around to getting one.
The film was cued up and just waited for the popcorn to start filling the bags. I poured out large measures of coke and put them on the table. The Microwave started to give popping sounds as the kernels started to expand.
We were seated on the settee – I was seated Wendy was lying down with her head in my lap, and the film was running. Peter had managed to grab hold of his shadow but could not get it to stick to his feet and the girl looked over her bed at him and asked why he was crying.
“What’s her name?” Wendy asked me, I picked up the cover and read the back.
“It’s Rachel Hurd-Wood.” I told her.
“No, her name in the film?” Wendy said in an exasperated tone.
I realized what she was getting at, “I’m not sure Wendy darling, but I’ll look it up for you.” I said
Wendy smiled at me as she realized I’d seen through her little gag, “Are you sure you’re not Captain Hook?” She asked me
“I don’t think so, because he’s in the film, I’m the one sitting here are you my captive?” I asked her rubbing her torso with one hand. Wendy giggled. I then held up the cover again, “Ah! Here it is Wendy darling, her name is Wendy Darling, is that what you wanted to know Wendy darling?”
Wendy giggled. I contented myself with feeding her with popcorn. It was a very nice scene, myself with my daughter, laughing at . . . nothing in particular and having fun.
We were deeply immersed in the film when the doorbell rang. I gently moved Wendy’s head and got up to open the door and to admit Martha.
She smiled at me, “Start packing, you’ve got a plane to catch.” She said.
Part 8
I do not know about you, but being inside a plane reminds me of a sardine tin, the only trouble is that we do not have the key on the outside.
The reason I am so cranky is that I have been inside this tin, sorry plane, for over six hours now and there is only so much you can do, legally, in such a thing.
It was a rush, but I managed to pack some clothing, I did try to ask Martha about this but she just shook her head. “No time to explain, just enough to get ready.” Wendy remained in the living room watching the film while I did all the packing.
The company had done us proud. A car picked us up from my house and drove us directly to the Airport; we waited in the VIP lounge for the flight and traveled to the gate by an oversized golf cart.
The stewardess’s, or cabin crew, welcomed us aboard and we were shown to our seats in the first class section, Wendy found that she was sitting by the window and took great delight in looking out of it.
When the plane took off, however, she was holding tightly to my hands as the seat tilted back. I must admit that I was scared as well. My feelings were not helped by the talk about emergency exits and life jackets either; I started to think about sitting with the black box – at least that was always found!
We were lucky enough that the seats had small screens in them; Wendy watched some pop music thing, while I tried to sleep. However, there were some other kids who I assumed were illegitimate as they kept shouting to the cabin crew ‘Don’t you know who our parents are’ as well as expecting service all the time.
At one point, a couple of these kids looked over the seat at Wendy, “Hey come on, we’re going to wreck a toilet!” One boy said, but Wendy shook her head and held on to me, “Oh, so you’re a goody two-shoes are you?” He asked her mockingly.
“No, I know I’m loved enough by my daddy that he wants me with him!” Wendy said looking at me and smiling.
Almost disgusted the leader shook his head, “Come on guys, she’s no fun anyway!” then the mob in training turned away. I smiled at Wendy and kissed her head.
The brats were rounded up and placed in their seats with a couple of burly bodyguards at either end of the aisle. The rest of the trip was uneventful, noisy but that was all.
I was about the clime the wall when we landed in America, again Wendy held onto my hand again as the wheels touched down. We stayed in our seats until the plane was nearly empty, before getting out and disembarking. We thanked the flight attendant’s for their attentions and I was told that Wendy had been a lovely exception to their normal younger passengers, and from watching the brats being escorted away, I could understand their feelings.
When we entered the immigration area I saw a familiar figure standing behind one of the officers, she smiled at us and waved us over, while speaking to the officer, he looked at my passport and the one that Martha had supplied for Wendy, glanced back at Sonja – for it was her, and then passed us through to her.
“Hello Sonja, this is my daughter Wendy. Wendy this is special agent Sonja Jones . . .” I paused for a moment, “I don’t suppose you’re any relation to Janet Jones and Tania?” I asked her.
She smiled, “Afraid not, actually I’m an orphan, so we were just handed out names on a rotational basis.”
“I’m sorry.” I said not really knowing what to say about that.
“I’m not, I’ve felt really at home since I was accepted there, if you know what I mean.” Sonja said smiling then she turned to Wendy, “How do you do Wendy, I’m pleased to meet you.”
Wendy went to hold back but then smiled at Sonja, “Thank you. Are you a real FBI person, with a badge and gun and everything?” She asked.
Sonja smiled and removed a flat wallet from her pocket and opened it up for Wendy to look at, she then opened her jacket to show Wendy a holster containing a pistol. “I can’t take it out to show you, too many nervous people around here. Now if you’ll follow me there’s a plane ready for you.”
“But what about our luggage?” I asked slightly concerned.
“Don’t worry about that, it’s been re-directed” Sonja re-assured me but I remembered an old advert for British Airways which was – breakfast in London, Lunch in New York, Luggage in Hong Kong! (This last having been added by hand). However, I kept quiet.
We were rushed to the small jet, there was one flight attendant on the flight, the seats where spacious and there was only another family already seated. Abe Wilkinson introduced his wife Joyce and their 11-year-old son, Jonathan. “You folks moving to . . . err … to” Abe asked uncertain as to what to say.
“Oh no, just getting some relaxation, my daughter needs a change of scenery.” I said smiling.
“Is she spending time at the Hotel?” Joyce asked and then carried on speaking, “We’ve got Jonathan into their tennis group. We hear they have a wonderful training routine.” She added.
“Oh really, is he interested in tennis?” I asked just to be sociable.
“Well to tell you the truth, he’s been a bit slack in his lessons, and we felt he needed the inspiration.” Joyce said.
“Do you know much about the town?” Abe asked me.
“Nothing at all, it’s just that a friend of mine has invited us both to visit her and we’ve taken her up on the offer.” I said just then the flight attendant arrived with a meal for us and soft drinks (or soda’s I suppose I should say) for the children.
The food was surprisingly quite good and was finished off in quick order, Wendy and Jonathan was shown a games console and started to play something I didn’t recognize while Abe and Joyce sat with me and we talked.
It seems that Abe was into real estate – or a realtor, as he called himself. And Joyce was into everything that there was, church functions, PTA you name it she was part of it. The trouble was they didn’t seen to have enough time for there son, and he was looked after by a succession of tutors. I think that was where his main problems stemmed from, but I was too British to tell them that!
A chime drew our attention to a light flashing and the flight attendant came out and asked us to fasten our seat belts as there was some turbulence expected. Wendy came over to me and sat beside me holding my arm. The plane gave a shudder and there was a bang. The lights went out and then I felt my stomach drop as the plane went down. Then . . .
I could not see anything, people were moving my arms and legs I could feel them but for some reason I could not speak. I heard a woman speaking,
“Well there’s no problem there, he’s healthy and the count is good.” She was saying but then another female voice spoke up.
“Doctor, there’s a change to the heartbeat . . . I think he’s awake!”
“Mr. Argent? John? Don’t worry there was a slight problem with the plane you were in, but everyone is fine, Wendy’s perfectly alright, just asleep so you don’t need to be concerned about her.” Her voice started to fade away as I drifted off again, but at least I could relax, Wendy was okay. However, I did hear something. “What the hell happened how did he . . .”
When I came to, I was laying in a bed, a nurse sitting beside me smiled at me, “Hello John. Are you thirsty? I’m Mary.”
“Where’s Wendy?” I croaked out – for some reason my throat was sore.
Mary handed me a drink with a straw, I gratefully sucked on it and moistened my throat, and I repeated my question. Mary gave a comforting gesture, “She’s in the next bed sleeping.” I was told.
I raised myself up and looked in the direction indicated. There on the bed sleeping peacefully was my daughter. I fell back – ‘why was I so tired?’ I wondered to myself but at the moment, I could not do anything about it. Mary seemed to understand my feelings as she made me more comfortable.
“Don’t worry about anything at the moment, you’re recovering from lack of oxygen, it was lucky that the pilot was able to get the plane down so quickly after the plane was hit.” She said.
“Hit, by what” I asked but Mary shook her head
“We haven’t been told, but it was a surprise start to the Wilkinson’s holiday, but they weren’t as badly affected.” Mary said but I started to drift off before she finished speaking.
A kiss on my cheek awoke me – sort of like sleeping beauty, I suppose – and I found Tania standing beside me. “Hello daddy John, are you feeling better?” She asked me and yes, I had to admit that I did feel fine. “Is that Wendy, she looks pretty.” Tania said looking over at my daughter.
“Yes, she does.” I said and went to get up, only to stop when I realized that I wasn’t even wearing a hospital gown, Tania giggled at my predicament I just looked at her, “Young lady you will get me a gown to wear, preferably one that doesn’t tie up at the back.” I said gravely.
“Yes daddy John.” Tania said and ran into another door that I had not noticed before. Coming out a few minutes later with a dressing gown, which, when I put it on, came to just above my knees – but it was better than nothing,
“Thank you.” I said and put it on. I then moved my feet out of the bed and, pulling the gown around me, stepped out of the bed and moved to Wendy’s bed. I reached out to her and gently stroked her hair. She sighed and turned, her eyes opening and seeing me.
“Daddy! You are all right . . . I am so glad. I didn’t know what had happened but the nurse said you were okay and I was okay and . . . and I was so scared.” Wendy said, before she noticed Tania standing behind me, “Hello, who are you?” She asked.
“I’m Tania, remember we spoke on the telephone. How are you feeling?” Tania asked.
Wendy jumped out of the bed, she was dressed the same way I had been, and hugged Tania, “I’m fine, but why are you here?” she asked.
Tania smiled, “Mummy said I could come over and see if daddy John was awake and ready for us.” She said.
I smiled because I had noticed something, and I gave a discrete cough. ” Tania, haven’t you forgotten something?” I asked her
She turned to me with a small smile on her lips. “Like what daddy John?” She asked. I sat down on the bed pulling her to me and over my lap, flipping over the skirt she was wearing to reveal bare flesh beneath,
“Like . . . not . . . wearing . . . any . . . underwear?” I said, punctuating each word with a smack on her behind. I heard a squeak of alarm from Wendy who moved back into her bed.
“But Wendy’s not wearing anything and you haven’t told her off!” Tania said logically.
“Because Wendy was put into bed like that, she couldn’t make the choice.” I said. However, Wendy made a slight face, as if saying ‘why should she get all the fun?’ so I decided to act, “But you’re right she shouldn’t have got out of the bed!” I cocked my finger at Wendy to join me.
She got out of her bed and stood in front of me, “But daddy, you said yourself I had no clothes to wear so it’s different.” She said but I could see the smile on her face and the sparkling of her eyes.
“That’s no excuse is it young lady.” I said and pulled her over my legs, I gave her six smacks, so that she did not feel slighted by Tania ‘s punishment. “Now what do you say?” I asked her.
She rubbed her backside and then she looked at me smiling, “Thank you daddy, I’ll try to behave.” She said and jumped back into her bed, pulling the sheets around her.
Tania just stared at her, “You mean you don’t mind him hitting you like that?” She asked Wendy.
Wendy shook her head, “Oh no, daddy loves me that’s why he doesn’t really like to hit me, I have to tell him its okay.” She said
Tania looked at me, “I didn’t hear her ask you. How did she?” She asked me.
I smiled, “That’s for me to know. But I’m beginning to understand my daughter now.” I said looking at Wendy who just smiled back at me.
Just then the door opened to admit a young woman wearing a pink and white costume, she seemed surprised to see me up and about. “Mr. Archer would you please return to bed.” She said.
I do not know why but I smiled at her and said, “Only if you’ll join me.” She looked at Tania and Wendy and returned my smile.
“I don’t think I’d better. The doctor’s on her way and she might not like it.” She said – but she did not refuse my advances! “Now if you’ll hand me your dressing gown I’ll hang it back up.” She held out her hand to me.
I was conscious of three pairs of eyes on me as I undid the cord holding the gown close, I gave a mental shrug and took off the garment, leaving me naked in front of two pre-teenaged girls and this young lady, she licked her lips as she looked at me and smiled, “Mummy warned me of men like you.” She said, “I must thank her one day!” She added with a smile.
Tania giggled at my expression and pointedly looked at my bed, I took the hint and got into the bed, the ‘candy-striper’ returned and tucked in the sheets, she then checked Wendy’s sheets and arranged them as well.
Just in time as the door opened and a white coated woman entered the room, she looked at me and nodded. “Ah, good you’re both awake. You’ll be happy to hear that we can’t find any serious problems after your mishap and I think we’ll be able to release you soon.” She looked at Wendy. “Now I found you are still a virgin, I take it you wish to remain so while you’re here?”
Wendy looked at me confused and so I spoke up. “My daughter is rather naïve about such things, her mother kept her uninformed about such things.”
The doctor looked slightly bemused with my answer and looked through her notes again. “Oh! I see. Well it might be better if you wear this.” Then she handed Wendy a pendant.
Wendy looked at it uncertain of what to do with it, but Tania quickly went to her and placed the pendant on Wendy’s neck, fastening it behind her. The doctor nodded and then turned to me, “That pendant tells everyone that Wendy cannot engage in sexual congress with anyone, it is her decision as to who can approach her. I hope you won’t force her either.”
“I can assure you doctor I have no intention of forcing my daughter at all.” I said.
“I do understand Mr. Archer, but as you are a visitor here you should be aware that we are slightly un-inhibited about such matters, and many of our children are taught in sexual matters at an early age. All you should know is that if any of them are wearing the pendant it is a strict case of leave well alone.” The doctor told me.
“I think I’d better stay here then, before I make a mistake.” I said.
However, the doctor shook her head, “You won’t and anyway Tania here will be able to help you as will her mother. There’s nothing more I have to tell you except for one final thing, Welcome to Funiculaireville.”
Part 9
It was a bright sunny day as we walked from the Hospital into the town, our clothing did not show any signs of wear and tear from the incident, in fact, I am sure they had been washed and ironed.
My next surprise was when I went to pay for the hospital treatment. “That’s alright Mr. Archer, it’s been paid for by the county, and after all it was their plane that had the problem.” A smiling nurse told me.
I thanked the young ‘candy-striper’, whose name was Abigail, for her attentions to Wendy and myself, she smiled and handed me a card with her name and address on it. “Mummy’s working until 6, but I’m off at 4. If you’re serious give me a call.” I must have had my mouth open as she said that because Tania shook my arm.
“Well say something daddy John.” She said to me and I stammered out a reply, which seemed to satisfy Abigail because she blew me a kiss as she left. – I really was going to have to ask someone about this!
I must admit to being in a slight daze as we walked out of the hospital, I glanced back at it; a modest 2-story building and then I took in the rest of the area.

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