
my cum hungry cheerleader

escapades of a horny man pt3

Well, I’m back. After getting a lot of good reviews it has encouraged me to continue to write about some of the more interesting things that have happened in my life. Things that I felt were great and telling you some of the embarrassing things as well. You know as well as I do that we are all strange people at times and we do some real strange shit in the heat of the moment – things that we normally wouldn’t do or even consider.

So, for those of you who missed part two let me clue you in. After watching my young female cousin (Hailey) fuck my buddy (Rob) and jerking off while watching them. The story ended up that the following night I was lucky enough to be writhing between her tight thighs. Like I said, incest is nothing that we would normally pursue. We might sit and day-dream about some sick shit about cousins, aunts and for some of you, your daughters, but actually performing out those fantasies that is something completely different. Then when a tiny pink pussy is thrown right in front of your face; and are told that you can treat it like a fuck toy, sometimes all bets are off and you just go for it and hope for the best.

So let’s move on.

After my cousins’ wedding I was in a real hurry to get out of Denver and get to Las Vegas. I had never been there and was looking forward to gambling and losing a little money take in some shows and go to some of the go-go joints that I had heard about. After leaving my kissing cousin in Denver I was free to move on too much bigger more embarrassing fuck ups. Now, they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Arriving in Vegas we both Rob and I couldn’t believe how hot it was. I mean we were just in Denver just a few short hours ago where it was still winter. It took me a little time to get acclimated to the hot weather but not Rob. He was down at the pool not more than twenty minutes after checking in and pouring a bottle of baby oil over the top of his head down over his whole body. I on the other hand being fair skinned was hiding under a pool umbrella sucking down a lot of brews.

Now, being around Rob has its plusses and minuses. One of the minuses is that if you spot a babe and you want to make a move for the pussy Rob better not be around. Being that he’s a model the women act just like guys do, they go for the better looking guy first which of course leaves out us ordinary guys to their cast offs.

For about a week or so we stayed at the hotel and checked out different types of jobs and apartments and try to get a general feel for Vegas. Finding jobs was not going to be a problem and sharing an apartment for at least a year that also wasn’t going to be a problem. The rents are cheap the apartments were spacious and most importantly a lot of hot women trying to get into show business. There were as we found a lot of disappointed young ladies in Vegas trying to get into one show or other who traveled from all parts of the country and the world for that matter.

Now, playing to these ladies problems and giving them a shoulder to cry on and buying some cosmopolitans led to a few young ladies getting drunk and ending up with a load of cum on their faces or a nice sticky blast in their mouths. All in all Vegas had some definite possibilities but there was one other place that we both wanted to check out and that was San Diego.

Before leaving in a few days we wanted to party and fuck as many women who were on vacation as we could. I was in Rob’s hotel room waiting for him to prune his hair or whatever the hell he was doing in the bathroom and I just happened to pick up a phonebook. I started out by just thumbing through it to bide my time until the prince was ready to go out to the clubs. Now, I know this is ridiculous waiting for a guy but if you got as much pussy as I did because of him, you would be waiting just like I was.

Then it happened I noticed something in the phonebook that seemed quite odd. Now, normally the letter, S, is the largest part of any dictionary or even phonebook but not in Vegas. The letter, E, for escort, was the largest. I of course was now staring at the many pictures of young ladies willing to meet you and do dirty nasty things to you for a donation of some dead Presidents. I said, “Hey, Rob have you ever been with a prostitute or escort before?”

“Nah, man – how ‘bout you?”

I said, “No, but I wonder what its like?” Then the light bulb went off above my head. Now, I’m not the brightest bulb out there but sometimes, bad ideas seem to be good at the time you hatch them. Here you have a sure thing with Rob that you are probably going to get laid. If I stay patient and just hang back a little and let my bud do all the work. Don’t say the wrong thing or act like and ass I should get laid but here was the great idea.

I popped my head in the bathroom and said, “Look, there are these famous cathouses just outside the city. These places cater to the real rich and famous. Movie stars and rock stars there must be some world-class pussy out there for guys like that to go to those places. I even watched on HBO that some porno stars work at these places. Could you imagine being lucky enough to fuck a real porno star? What do you think should we check it out?”

To my surprise Rob spun around and said, “You know what, let’s go check it out at least. Look if we don’t like it we can always get back here and get some hoochie pussy in one of the clubs.”

So, after talking to one of the valets at the hotel, he marked on our map several places to check out, and then we were on our way. He was real cool he told us about two place that he had been before where the women are supposed to be knockouts and we would pay a little more but it is worth every dime you put out. Now, I never paid for pussy before but that is because I didn’t know where to look.

We drove and drove out of the city it seemed like we were on our way back to Philly but then we saw our little sign on the side of the road just as the guy told us and we pulled in. I don’t know what I was really expecting but when they say cathouse this place was just a little bigger than a normal house. We got the gate and just before I pushed the doorbell I turned and said, “Well, its not too late to turn around and go back – Ah shit – fuck it – what the hell we only live once right?”

Rob said, “Look we didn’t drive all the way out here not to get laid and just turn around like a bunch of pussies and run back to town with our tails between our legs. Push the fuckin’ button and lets get some pussy.”

I pushed the button and here we were led right into the den of iniquity.

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