My College Years – Part 1
My College Years – Part 1
Sex Story Author: | Sexy Megan |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Then if you decide to be my close friend; we will cross that bridge. He arranged to pick me |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Threesome, True Story |
I guess I should start with my first day of college so I can lay the groundwork.
I applied to five different colleges and got five acceptance letters back. My grades where very good and my SAT scores were as well. I could have gone to a much better school than I did, but my Father’s pocket was my main concern.
I decided on a well known state university that will remain anonymous. Needless to say it was a large school that was then well known for partying. Believe it or not I was the only one who did not know this at the time.
My parents followed me to the university in my Dad’s truck. Thank God it didn’t rain that day because most of my stuff was in the back.
We were met by the usual upperclassmen on arrival and they showed us to my dorm room. Dad was instantly upset because it was coed. The girl who showed us around explained we are segregated.
“Girls are on one floor and guys on the other. We don’t stop guys from visiting girls or vice versa, but at least we don’t shower together” she laughed.
That didn’t really make my Dad feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Fortunately noticing some of the football players moving in took his mind off it; my Dad is such a sports freak.
My parents stuck around until after lunch; then I told them “I should probably unpack and walk around campus to find out where things are”.
I received a stern lecture from Dad that “You are here for an education; and need to keep your eyes on the ball”. My Dad always says things like “You need to keep your eyes on the ball”, like I really know what the fuck that means.
“I will” I smiled.
Mom started crying and then I started crying, my Dad was sighing because we were crying; it all went to hell. We finally gave hugs and kisses and I saw some water welling up in Dads eyes.
“I will call every night; and come home on weekends as much as I can”.
I had no intentions of going home on weekends; holidays were enough. I didn’t need to tell them that though.
“I mean shit; Dad is a dictator; I am free now”.
My parents left so I started to unpack. I knew my roommate’s name was Sandy, although she was nowhere to be seen. She had apparently come the day before because her side of the room was already prim and proper.
“From the looks of things she might be a little too tidy for my taste”. I thought.
Somehow I had been put into the jock dorm. I think it was because I was so late accepting the schools offer. I was done with track running; my times would not have earned me a spot on this team anyway. I still ran every morning though not for competition; it was so I could eat pizza and not feel guilty.
The room was larger than I thought it would be having two beds, a sink and a place for a microwave and dishes.
“Good I can heat up my stockpile of oodles of noodles and won’t even have to leave the room”.
There was only one closet though and I was hoping my roommate had left me some room. I gathered about four things together to hang up and was struggling to hold them; when I saw it.
“Oh fuck this can’t be!”
There in my closet; in MY closet, was a perfectly pressed and shiny new cheerleader’s outfit.
“What have I done to God to deserve this”?
“Great I am rooming with a snobby, slutty, whore of a cheerleader”. Have I ever told you that I hate cheerleaders? After careful thought I considered that I could be wrong.
“She might be a nice girl; not a snob who will try to steal any guy she sees me with. Yeah and maybe I will win the fucking lottery too”.
I unpacked my stuff, made my bed and put out my girly necessities before leaving to explore the campus. Every place I went had an upperclassman there to greet me and tell me where I was; and why I needed to know where I was.
I was hoping to meet someone who knew the ropes and show me around, but I never; and had to flounder about by myself. I made my way to the library and the upperclassman there seemed pretty popular.
Girls were flocking around this guy; I tried to walk past him and go into the building when he grabbed me by the arm.
“Hi, my name is Bill.”
Little did I know at the time, but I was shaking the hand of the man that would change my life forever. He would shatter all the foundations that my parents spent eighteen years trying to instill in to me.
I instantly didn’t like him; a guy that has so many women fawning over him has to be fake or a pretentious pig. I smiled at him as I shook his hand; then quickly dismissed him from my mind.
After spending the whole afternoon walking the campus I was hungry so I went to the dining hall. I was quite impressed; there was everything you could think of and most importantly they made a good slice.
I bought a slice of pizza and sat down by myself. A girl asked if she could join me. We introduced ourselves and had one of those chats where you don’t actually say anything. The only thing I found noteworthy was the name of a cute professor that was sitting on the far wall.
I was pretty excited when I found out he would be one of my teachers. It didn’t take long before it was getting dark and I politely said I should make my way back to the dorm.
While walking I was thinking about the cute professor. He was young and I wondered if there were a lot like him. Before I knew it I was back at the dorm.
My mind reverted again to the fact “I am now a roommate of a cheerleader”.
I truly hoped that she was ugly, but a very nice person. When I walked into my room she was there folding some clothes; my spirits sank. This girl was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. I instantly felt inferior and somewhat ugly. She was a tall blonde with a much bigger chest than mine.
When I stepped into the room she turned and smiled “Megan”.
“Yes, and you must be Sandy”.
We shook hands and she went on a tirade about how nice it was here; and how happy she was that I was her roommate.
I figured she was nervous; “I mean why would she be happy that I was her roommate; other than the fact that I wasn’t any threat to her?”
As it turned out Sandy was really nice; a constant talker though and she told me her whole life story. I was happy she was doing all the talking; it took the awkwardness out of our first meeting.
“I have been a cheerleader all through high school. Our team won the elite tournament. I am really proud to have been selected to be on the squad here”.
I did not tell her how I felt about the whole cheerleading thing; I just smiled. She talked until after midnight, but I didn’t have any other place to go so I didn’t mind.
About a week passed and I met a few people to chat with at lunch and off times. I was not being invited to the many parties that were happening around campus; so I was starting to feel a little down.
“Am I coming off as a snob, do I seem unapproachable, fuck am I ugly?
That is what was going through my mind when I stopped by my room to get an algebra book. I opened the door and Sandy was there with a friend.
I froze for a second; “Am I interrupting anything”?
“Not at all” she smiled.
Her friend was the guy from the library the one who seemed so popular. I thought it figures that this guy is hanging out with Sandy; she is gorgeous after all. I moved to my footlocker and grabbed the algebra book.
“Megan, right” he put his hand out and I took it.
“Yes and you are?
He seemed a little taken aback that I had not remembered his name.
“Oh yes I remember now I met you outside the library”.
“Are you off to algebra class”?
“Not yet class is not for two more hours. I was hoping I could find a nice comfortable spot on the green to study; preferably with a latte”.
“Great I’ll join you my classes are done for the day”.
I thought to myself this guy is pretentious; I have not invited him. I looked over at Sandy. “Would you like to come too”?
“I have to get to class you two go on”.
We walked off campus to the local coffee shop and I ordered my latte; he ordered a regular cup of coffee. He told me about the parties he had been to and asked if I had been to any.
“I am new here and, well, I haven’t been invited.”
He laughed saying “You will be waiting a long time if you want invites; just show up nobody cares. Unless it is an invite frat only; all parties are open to everyone”.
We sat down under a big elm tree; he told me he was a sophomore in a 5 year program. He was not sure if he would spend all his time here; or transfer to another school.
“Will Sandy be upset if you go to another school”?
He laughed “Are you fishing to see if me and Sandy are in a relationship”?
I replied a little too quickly; “No, no, I just thought how close you were sitting next to her on the bed”.
He laughed again; I liked his laugh it was genuine.
“No I am too young to be in any type of serious relationship; I just have friends. Some friends being closer than others” he said with a sly smile. “Then others are just friends like Sandy. I am friends with her brother; he is a senior here.
I nodded in acknowledgement.
“I tell you what; I will give you your first invitation even though you do not really need one”.
“Will we be going as friends or close friends? I asked with my own sly smile.
He laughed once again; “Why don’t we start off as friends.
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