
My Beautiful Brianna 1.

This is a romance series, that being said, there is no sex in this chapter. Please keep that in mind. Sex doesn’t start until chapter 2.

Growing up my parents and I moved a lot. It kind of sucked to be honest. The thing that sucked the worst about it was the fact that I was held back a year in high school. I should have graduated a few months after I turned 18. That didn’t happen. Instead I was 18 when my senior year started.

It wasn’t all bad though. Reason being was that I got a head start in my chosen profession. During the Summer break I attended the academy and got my certifications. Once I had all of the needed certs, we ended up moving again. I was getting very tired of it. We moved on average of twice a year. And although I wasn’t sure, it seemed it happened when I started to find good friends and a girlfriend.

We moved to a small city and I got a part time job, and started volunteering for a local fire agency. I was excited as hell. They didn’t hire me part time since I hadn’t graduated high school yet. They knew I had a burning desire to do this and I was 18, so they helped out. They were also very impressed with the fact that I had already finished the required classes.

During the time I attended the academy, I had spent a lot of time and money getting tattoos between my studying sessions. I had saved enough money to save for school and my tats. My real father was Polynesian. My mom was as white as they come. I was very fascinated by everything I found out about the culture I was part of. I spent many many summers with my father in Hawaii and learned a lot about the culture and everything. All of my tattoos were all of family history and such.

When I started at the new high school to hopefully graduate this time, I was told to wear long sleeve shirts and jeans to cover the tats. I had poly tats on my chest, back, full sleeve on the right, half sleeve on the left, my family symbol down my entire right side and and tats on my legs. The chief of the dept I was a volunteer at, met with the school board and principle also. Basically the deal was made that I keep my pager on, and respond to structure fires, or anything major. Anything else I stayed in school. My teachers and principle thought it was awesome to have a firefighter attending school there. The school was 4 blocks long and my classes were all over. They had made quite a few parking spots for me to park in, so I could to get to my vehicle fast should I get paged.

My name is Adam, I am 6’1 and 200 pounds. Since I only had half poly in me I was still pretty white. I was perfectly ok with that. I didn’t play a lot of sports but I was in very good shape. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I started to work out when I was 14, and kept going. Now that I finally get to finish high school I was excited. If my mom and step dad were to move, I was planning to stay. I didn’t give a damn what they said. My resolve to stay no matter what only strengthened when I saw someone that just seemed to snatch my attention.

The first day of school, I was sitting in the schools foyer waiting for the class to start. As I sat there I looked up to see this girl walk In. She was a petite blonde girl. When I looked at her it seemed like the whole world disappeared. I got butterflies and my palms began to sweat. I could not believe how gorgeous this girl was! Oh my god, I thought as I looked at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She started to look my way and I looked away fast. I did see her look at me. It seemed as though she stared at me for a minute.

I started to see her around a lot and just couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. I’m sure you can relate. You see someone, and you can’t help but just look at them. There is just this thing about them that you can’t figure out. All you know is that they have captured your attention and it’s hard to forget them. Anytime they get near you, you get nervous, and you get butterflies in your stomach. The hair on the back of you neck stands up, but in a good way. Yeah, that’s what it was like with this girl. My good lord she was so damn beautiful! I was, for lack of a better word, mesmerized by her. The problem was, I was a nice guy. Guys like me get very nervous, and our balls seem to disappear around girls like her. I didn’t have the balls to even say hi. I was very intimidated by her beauty.

You see there are two types of women. Those that are gorgeous and know it, who guys fight to be with. Some guys are good ones, others, not so much. They are very popular with the male populous of the school and seem to be nice girls. They are the ones that go from one boyfriend to another then another. I’m not saying they’re sluts, I’m saying that they are just that beautiful and confident. That’s a really good thing. They are also the ones who end up with douche bags and are in on again off again relationships for years on end.

Then there are those like the girl that I really like. Their beauty alone can light up a dark room as they step in. The ones who are so gorgeous, yet don’t realize it. They are the ones who mostly attract the big douche bags. Those said douche bags tell them what they want to hear, and as soon as the douche gets what he wants, he shows his true colors. The thing that sucks ass is, nice guys like me are left alone because all men, including us are branded as assholes. And believe me, this girl had a hell of a lot of douche bags trying really hard to be with her. But for some reason she refused all of their advances. It was painful even for me just to watch how blatantly she rejected them. One of them called her a bitch and it took every bit of energy I had to keep from going over there and rearranging his face.

This same girl had a hell of a lot of female friends. As the school year proceeded, I noticed that they started started to follow me around before and after school, at lunch time and some times between classes. At the time I didn’t know it was her, but one day before the “stalking” began I heard a very sweet little voice say “oh my god that’s him. He is so hot!” I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw her and all of her friends looking at me. I even had a couple of her friends come up to me out of no where and ask me what my name was.

During all of this, a new quarter in school had just started and I started my first hour class. My heart skipped a beat when I looked up and watched her walk in. The entire room lit up when she walked in. She sat next to me and my palms started to sweat. What the fuck, I thought. I’ve had plenty of girlfriends, but I have never, ever had a girl affect me like this.

She was about 4’9 and couldn’t have weighed more than 85 pounds. She had long blonde straight hair. She had big beautiful blue eyes. She had the cutest face I had ever seen in my life! She had a very nice athletic little body. She had pale white skin, and god did she smell good. As I sat there, I could see her staring at me through the corner of my eye. She just stared and Looked a way for a few seconds. I got even more nervous. I looked over at her and she smiled. I smiled back. So I decided to grow some balls.

“Hi, I’m Adam.” I said nervous as hell.

“Hi I’m Brianna.” She replied.

She extended her hand to me and I shook her hand. Her hand was tiny, and very soft. I noticed that she was shaking. She seemed nervous as hell. She had the sweetest little voice. She sounded like a little girl. I melted right there when she spoke. My god her smile was so beautiful! Is there anything about her that isn’t beautiful? I thought.

“So are you like, the firefighter guy that everyone is talking about?” She asked with a shaky nervous voice.

“Yeah I am.” I replied.

“Do you like doing that?” She asked.

“I love it.” I replied.

“So why are you here?, like, why are you still in high school?” She asked

“Oh god. It’s a long story. My mom and step dad move around too much. I didn’t get to graduate because of it. I’m determined to get my diploma. I don’t want a G.E.D.. I want my diploma.” I replied.

“That’s admirable, So the fire department is ok with you working for them?” She asked.

“Yes they are. This last Summer I went through the academy, and I applied and have been there since.” I replied nervous as hell, not believing that she was even talking to me.

“That’s like, really cool. All my friends want to meet you.” She said.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Well they just like firefighters”. She said.

We talked until class started. I found out that she was only 16 and she was a junior. She moved up a grade because she was very smart. The class was long and boring but sitting next to Brianna was making it well worth it. Once we got close to the end the teacher let us socialize. Brianna and I just started getting to know each other. But during class, I kept looking at her to admire her absolute beauty. When I wasn’t looking she would look over and stare for a few seconds. Many times during the class our eyes would meet and we would just smile. Once the class ended I started to walk out.

“Hey Adam, wait for me.” She said.

I turned around and she was walking up to me with a big smile. We walked down the hall together. My next class wasn’t that far away, and apparently neither was hers. We chatted the entire time we walked. I walked her to her next class and then went to mine. I could not concentrate. All I could think about was her, her gorgeous face, her hair, and her big blue eyes, her voice, and just how beautiful she was in general. That hour dragged on. I was hoping too see her again. Just before that second period started I just sat there thinking about Brianna. I had a girl to my right who was obviously popular.

“So I saw you with that little slut Brianna. Why are you taking to her anyway.” She asked.

“Woooooww. Do you even know her or even me for that matter?” I asked. With an astonished look on my face.

“No not really, but I know you’re to good for her. You should go out with someone like me” She said.

“Holy shit! Are you kidding me?!” I asked even more shocked by the nerve of this girl.

“No I’m not, look you’re like this mega hot guy, with a mega hot bod and yo….” She said as I interrupted her.

“Look you can stop right there. You were attractive until you opened your mouth, so I am going to make it easy for the both of us. I don’t know you and after today I have no desire to even try to. Brianna is my friend, if you don’t like it then, oh wait…who am I kidding…I don’t give a shit. Who I talk to is absolutely none of your concern. I don’t answer to you.” I said.

“Why are you being so rude?” She asked floored by my response, and looking like she was about to cry.

“What, it’s ok for you to be rude to someone you don’t even know, but no one can be rude to you?” I asked

She rolled her eyes and did the typical valley girl throat thing.
“What ever, you’re not good enough for me anyway.” She said.

“I’m perfectly ok with that. And I would appreciate it if you would pretend that I don’t exists.” I replied.

“Your an asshole.” She quipped.

“Yes…yes I am.” I replied.

What I didn’t realize was, Brianna’s best friend was sitting right behind me. Another thing that I didn’t realize was that she had been texting Brianna telling her everything that happened. Then class started, but I had a hell of a time paying attention to the teacher. Guess why. After what seemed like hours the bell finally rang. I got really really nervous. As I stood up and turned around there was a cute little red head standing there.

“Hi I am Jessica. I’m Brianna’s best friend.” She said.

“I’m Adam, I just met Brianna today.” I said while chuckling.

“Trust me, I know who you are.” She said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yep! Look I’m really not trying to like, ruin anything, and I hope this doesn’t scare you. But, she really really likes you…like…a lot.” She said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Ever since the day she first saw you. She has been like, obsessed with you. She has been like..really bummed because she didn’t think you would ever noticed her.” She said.

“Wow, that’s awesome,” I said with a a big smile.

“Wait..what? Hold on, you like her too don’t you?” She asked.

“Yeah I do, I like her a lot.” I replied.

“Oh my god! Really?!”‘she asked.

“Really.” I replied.

She squealed and jumped up and down. “You’re not lying are you. You better not be lying.” She said.

“I’m not lying, I promise you. I really like her a lot. She is soooo beautiful! I’ve liked her since I first saw her.” I replied.

“This is so exciting!! You better not hurt her. She is an amazing person.” She said.

“I will do all I can to make her happy.” I said.

“You are definitely approved by me!” She said.

“Ok, uhhh thanks.” I said as I laughed.

We walked out of the room and my heart almost stopped. She was standing there with her big gorgeous smile. She was waiting for me. Jessica ran up to her and hugged her. Brianna looked at me with great confusion.

“I’ll leave you with your boyfriend.” She said as she walked off.

“I am so sorry.” Brianna said to me.

“It’s perfectly ok.” I said.

She smiled warmly and we started to walk down the hall. I was amazed at how many jealous female eyes were looking at her. She walked me to my truck and I just stood there not knowing what to do. This girl had turned me into a bumbling idiot. That’s how gorgeous she was.

“Well I have to walk to the other side of the building, my next class is over there.” She said.

“I have to go that way anyway, why don’t I just give you a ride.” I said.

“Wait, you drive from one side to the other?” She asked.

“Yeah, I have to keep my truck close by just in case there is a call.” I said.

“So that’s how you get from one side of the school to the other so fast.” She said.

“Yep. Sure is, so do you want a ride?” I asked.

“Ok. Yeah I do.” She replied.

I am an old fashioned kind of person. I was taught a lot of things by my real father one of which was how to treat a woman. I opened the door for her setting my alarm off. I turned it off and we both just laughed. I was still nervous as hell around her. Once I got in the truck and started driving to my other parking spot, she started looking at all of the switches and the radio.

“What’s all of this?” She asked.

“It’s for the reds and siren.” I replied.

“Oh cool!” She replied.

“Where are the lights?” She asked.

“They are all on the outside. I have some on the side, front, back and top.” I replied.

By then we were approaching my next designated parking spot, which happened to be right next to the cafeteria. I walked her to her class then went to mine. Lunch was next and she and her friends sat with me. Brianna’s arm kept brushing against mine making me feel warm. She kept looking up at me. At one point I looked at her and she was mouthing the words, oh my god, while pointing at me. Her friends just looked at us and smiled.

A few weeks passed by and me and Brianna had grown far more comfortable around each other. I still got nervous around her for some reason, but it wasn’t as bad. We had also become inseparable at that point as well. She still looked at me the same way she did the day we actually met. She seemed to have her hands on me all the time, which I absolutely loved. We were eating lunch at our usual table.

“You should just tell him Bri.” Jessica said.

All of her friends agreed with Jessica urging her to tell me something. She just blushed bright red and looked up at me.

“I will, but not until we are alone.” She said.

“Ok, good enough, c’mon girls. Brianna and her boyfriend need some alone time.” Jessica said.

They walked off and left us alone at the table.

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