My Amazing Mason 7
My Amazing Mason 7
Sex Story Author: | Pussyeeter |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Do you wanna fuck her again?" Janell asked. "So bad." He sighed while he moved his hips. "Is |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Romance |
The next morning I woke up and when I did, I realized that everything that happened the night before was not a dream, which was amazing because I didn’t want it to be. I smiled and when I moved my leg, I felt his dick and I started to get really really horny again and I started to want more of him. So I got up and brushed my teeth so I didn’t have morning breath, then I went and got some mints from my purse and went back to him. I woke him up and made him eat a few mints and then I got on his dick and made slow and sweet love to my man, so yeah, we had morning sex and he let me be in control again. After that we got up and we took another shower together where we made love again, only I let him control me. So we had sex like, I don’t know, four or five times total! I think it’s funny that I hated sex and you all know why, to having sex again and all of sudden not being able to get enough of Mason at all. I loved sex now and I loved it even more since I was having sex with the love of my life! He was so gentle and so loving too, so it made sex so so far beyond anything I ever imagined.
After we made love in the shower, we finished washing each other really good and dried off and got dressed and stuff. I loved that I could be all naked and get dressed in front of him because I didn’t feel self conscious about myself anymore because of him. He made me feel so so beautiful but not just because he kept telling me that I was beautiful, but because of how he looked at me, how he touched me, how he talked to me, and how he kissed me. I did his hair for him, but I didn’t want to make him look like a girl, I still put his hair in a man bun because he looked sexy like that, but he didn’t look like a girl. I mean, he obviously looked like a man because he had that sexy sexy hot and yummy body, and had a beard and mustache and stuff, but still, you get what I’m saying. I just put a t shirt and panties on and he took me to the kitchen and had me sit before he gave me the longest, most passionate slow and gentle kiss ever. God I loved how he kissed and I love how he tasted!
“I love you.” He said while the room spun like crazy.
“I love you too, oh my god I love you.” I whispered before I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him the same way he kissed me.
“I think it’s safe to say that I changed your perception of sex, am I right?” He asked after we stopped kissing.
“Oh yeah, I love it now thanks to you baby.” I sighed while our lips brushed.
“I told you I was better.” He said giving me the chills.
“Better is an understatement.” I said with a giggle.
“Sex with you was by far the best I have ever had.” He said while he stared in my eyes and held my head up by my chin.
“You mean to tell me that of all of the sex you’ve had, I was the best?” I asked with the worlds biggest smile.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He said.
“How?” I asked.
“Because I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life.” He said making me start crying.
“I’ve always loved you more than I have loved anyone, always.” I said while he wiped my tears.
“We are meant meant to be together, we are suppose to be, I’m convinced of that.” He said making me cry even more.
“Mom kept telling me that even before I left the order.” I said.
“She told me the same thing when she called me the day I transferred you. She told me everything that she told you and it made perfect sense. We loved each other and we were going to get married, then I was taken away and things happened that brought us back together more than one time. The best part of it all is that we were still madly in love with each other.” He said.
“She was right all along, we are so going to get married.” I said before I could stop myself.
“Yes we are, I want to be your husband and I want to be with you, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.” He said making me cry even more.
“Oh my god I love you so much.” I said while I wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him.
“I love you, now, we can start planning our marriage now if you want, but I still wanna do the whole proposal thing, I want it to be perfect.” He said.
“How are you going to propose?” I asked.
“I can’t tell you that.” He said with a grin.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because, it’s suppose to be a surprise.” He said.
“Well, I already know you’re going to do it.” I said.
“Yes you do, but you don’t know how or when.” He said.
“That’s true.” I said.
“Besides, we still need time to get your dress and all of that stuff, plus I have to get you some rings.” He said with a smile.
“You don’t have to do that.” I said.
“Oh yes, yes I do and I want to so that’s what I’m going to do and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” He said while he smiled and acted like a kid before he kissed me.
“Ok then.” I said after we stopped kissing.
“I knew you’d see it my way, I win.” He said like a kid making me laugh.
He made breakfast and we ate before my family came over to get ready to go to the lake. After they got there, Mason hooked the jet skies to moms car and his boat to his truck and while he was doing that, I took Janell to my baby’s room.
“So I couldn’t help but notice that your car has been here all night.” Janell said.
“Yeah, you did notice that because it was.” I said with the biggest smile ever.
“So did you sleep with him?” She asked.
“Yes.” I said while I giggled.
“Did you guys have sex?” She asked.
I couldn’t stop smiling at all and I could feel my face getting hot while I looked at her.
“You did didn’t you?” She asked.
“Yes we did.” I said making her get really really excited.
“No way! Are you serious?!” She asked.
“Yes I am, I came over when he got home from his meeting and we made love, then we took a shower together.” I said while she bounced on my mans bed.
“I’m so fucking jealous, so how many times did you guys have sex?” She asked.
“Once here, in the kitchen, in the living room, here and in the shower this morning.” I said.
“Five times, oh my god I hate you! So how was it?” She asked.
“Magical.” I said while I swooned.
“See? Sex isn’t as bad as you thought is it?” She asked.
“Especially since it was with him.” I said.
“What’s his dick like?” She asked.
“It’s huge, it’s really really long and really thick, he has a really beautiful dick.” I said while I started to breath kinda hard.
“You’re getting turned on right now.” She said.
“I can’t help it, he’s really amazing in bed.” I said.
“So did he give you an orgasms?” She asked.
“He gave me a lot of orgasms, a lot.” I said.
“I’m beginning to hate you more and more.” She said while she laughed.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because you have multiple orgasms and you get to have sex with the hottest and sexiest guy in the world.” She said.
“So you’re saying that you’re jealous?” I asked.
“Yeah I’m jealous.” She said while she laughed.
“It’s not just the sex with him though, you know that right?” I asked.
“Yes I do, you’ve been madly and head over heels in love with him since you were fourteen.” She said.
“And he’s been in love me too, he loves me the way I love him.” I said.
“See? You’re a lucky girl.” She said.
“Luckiest one I know. We are already talking about getting married.” I said while I smiled so big it hurt.
“Are you serious?!” She asked.
“Yes I am.” I said while I smiled.
“Did you bring it up or did he?” She asked.
“I did, I just said that we are so going to get married.” I said.
“And he didn’t freak out?” She asked.
“No he didn’t, he just said that I was right and that he wants to be my husband and it’s all he’s ever wanted. And when he told me that, he didn’t even hesitate or anything.” I said.
“I wanna be your maid of honor.” She said.
“Of course you’re going to be my maid of honor.” I said.
“So have you guys already picked a day?” She asked.
“No, he wants to do the whole proposal thing so he wants to wait till that’s done before we pick a date.” I said.
“God I’m so jealous.” She said.
While we were talking I was putting my bikini on, which was kinda weird since it was the first one I ever wore. But Janell said that I should look sexy for my man so I could get laid again that night, so I wore the smallest booty shorts my boots and my hat. While I was getting ready, I started to give Janell every single detail of everything that I did to my sexy man, what he did to me and how amazing and beautiful it all was. I know she’s my sister and all, but we were really really close so yeah, I already knew that she was seeing some girl and a guy at the same time and no one else knew but me. Then again we experimented a lot together when we were way younger. Anyway, when I was done getting ready, Mason came in his room and looked right at me.
“Oh my god.” He said before he made a fist and bit his finger while he looked at me.
“Easy.” Janell said while she laughed.
“Oh my good god.” He said while he looked me up and down.
“Do you like my bikini?” I asked.
“Yeah, I do.” He said while he hugged me and slid his hand on my body.
“Fuck you look sexy.” He whispered in my ear.
“Thanks.” I said before he took my hat off and kissed me right in front of Janell.
“You guys are really hot together and I don’t think you guys have had enough sex.” Janell said.
“Did you tell her?” My baby asked while he laughed.
“Yeah, I kinda did.” I said nervously.
“It’s ok Mason, if anything I’m jealous.” Janell said.
“Why are you jealous?” He asked.
“Five times? Five?” She asked.
“We can’t help ourselves.” I said while he pulled me against him.
“You two suck.” She said.
“Yes we do.” Mason said making us laugh.
“It’s true.” I said.
“I bet it is.” Janell said with a sarcastic grin.
“We are almost ready.” My man said before he kissed me again.
“God.” I sighed after we stopped kissing and he put my hat back on.
“Do I need to give you guys a few minutes?” Janell asked while she laughed.
“We’ll need more than just a few minutes.” Mason said while he walked out of his room.
“A lot more.” I said while I laughed,
We all went outside and watched my sexy man climb in his boat so we could help him get all of the life jackets on there and he had a ton of them. I couldn’t stop watching him and wishing that we were alone because he was making me really really want him again and he wasn’t doing anything to try.
“Uh, mom, why is dad here?” April asked making my Mason stand up and look at four men that were walking up his driveway.
“I’ll take care of this.” He said with his deep booming voice while he got out of his boat.
“I’m staying with you.” I said while I took his hand.
“Ok that’s fine.” He said while everyone else went into the garage and I slid my fingers between his so they could see me holding his hand.
“Can I help you?” He asked while my dad and two of my cousins, and my ex husbands brother, came walking up to us.
“We are with the police department and we’ve received…” My dad said not realizing who he was talking to.
“Police huh, do you have your credentials?” Mason asked with like, a whole bunch of authority.
“We don’t have to show you that sir.” Dad said.
“What’s your badge number and your name?” Mason asked.
“We ask the questions here not you.” My ex husbands brother said.
“Do you have a warrant to be here?” Mason asked while he held me so that he could protect me.
“Yes we do.” Dad said.
“I need to see that warrant.” Mason said.
“We don’t have to show you anything.” One of the men said.
“Actually, yes you do and unless you guys show me a warrant, I will be assuming that you are impersonating a police officer which happens to be a felony.” He said.
“We are police officers and we have a warrant to search your house.” He said.
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe that you’re police officers and here is why. I’ve been working in EMS in this city for a number of years and I happen to know all of the police officers here, and I’ve never seen you before.” Mason said.
“Well we are police officers.” Tims brother said.
“No you’re not, again I’ve been working on an ambulance for a long time and wether you believe or understand this or not I know what I’m talking about. Not only that but I know who you really are, so stop playing these stupid games or you’re going to end up in jail for impersonating a police officer tonight.” Mason said.
“Don’t you recognize him dad?” I asked.
“No I don’t and I don’t care who he is, you’re not going to have anything to do with him.” Dad said.
“Actually, yeah I am, in fact we are going to get married. I’m nineteen now so I’m an adult and I make my own decisions.” I said.
“No, that’s not how this works. You’re coming with us and you’re going to marry him.” Dad said while he pointed at my ex husbands brother while he reached for me.
“Don’t touch her.” Mason said while he blocked him.
“She’s coming with us.” Dad said.
“No I’m not, I’m staying here. You took him away from me once and you’re not doing it again.” I said.
“You’ve never courted him so you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dad said.
“I’m Tree and we were planning to get married before you and the highers took me away from her.” Mason said making dad just kinda freeze.
“I didn’t know it was you.” He said after he he and the other guys stood there staring in shock.
“Now you know, and now you know how I know you’re not the police, now what do you want?” He asked.
“She’s going to come back to the order and marry him.” Dad said.
“Well, you’re wrong because I’m not, I’m staying with Mason because we are in love and we are going to get married. You should probably know that we’ve been having sex already.” I said making the guys look all horrified and stuff.
“I can’t marry her now, she’s been having premarital sex.” Tims brother said like he was all disappointed.
“Why would you do that Kaylee?” Dad asked while he looked at me.
“Because I love him, he loves me and we are going to get married.” I said.
“You’re not getting married to him.” Dad said.
“Actually yes I am and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You ruined my life once by taking him away from me and you’re not going to do it again.” I said.
“You’re going to come with us.” My ex’s brother said while he tried to grab my arm but Mason grabbed his arm and shoved it away from me.
“I said don’t touch her.” Mason said while he stood kinda in front of me to protect me.
“We’re just wasting our time, she’s a whore now anyway.” My ex’s brother said.
“Watch your fucking mouth. You’re going to let him talk about your own daughter like that? Are you fucking serious?!” Mason asked.
“She had premarital sex, so it’s the truth.” Dad said.
“You don’t ever talk about my girl like that ever again or I’ll rip your fucking face off and force feed it to these three fuckers.” Mason said while he was interrupted.
“Is that a threat?” My ex’s brother asked making my Mason walk up to him.
“It’s a promise not a threat, you will show her respect, now get off of my property.” Mason said.
“She’s coming with us.” My ex’s brother said while he grabbed my arm.
My man didn’t say anything to him while the brother tried to pull me with him, he just punched him right in the face, I can’t lie, it really turned me on when he did that, and I mean it really turned me on. He nocked the brother out with one punch and he fell back and hit his head on the driveway really hard. That was like, the sexiest and hottest thing I ever saw in my life, I almost wanted to just stay at his house instead of going to the lake and just have sex with him all day after that!
“We’re calling the police.” Dad said while my sisters and mom came out of the garage.
“Please do, and while you’re at it, explain to them how you’re impersonating a police officer and that you just attempted to kidnap her, not to mention that fact that you’re trespassing on private property.” Mason said while the brother started to wake up.
“What happened?” The brother asked while dad started to call 911.
“You tried to kidnap my girl and you got nocked the fuck out.” Mason said.
“Lets go guys.” Dad said after he hung his phone up.
After all of that, I almost dragged my Mason to his room and fucked him, but since my mom and sisters and brothers were all there, I didn’t.
“That was awesome!” April said.
“They are fucking stupid if they think they’re going to touch her and think I’m going to just let it happen. I think we are ready to hit the road, so let’s go have some fun.” Mason said.
We went to the lake and when we got there, I got to help my man unload his boat and then the jet skies. After that Janell and mom went to a camp site while April, me and a few of my other sisters rode the jet skis over to where they were. Well, we followed Mason because he was driving his boat but still. And driving his jet ski was so so much fun! After a little bit, a few of us got on his boat and he started to get the water skis and the inflatable thingies out. And while he was doing that, me and Janell went inside of the boat to explore it, and it was way way awesome! It had this really cool couch thingy, a small kitchen and bathroom and stuff in it! We even found a really nice bedroom in it and stuff, you could literally camp in his boat! We went back to the front and when we did, my gorgeous man came down and kissed me a few times while he held my chin. When we stopped kissing he took his shirt off, and oh my god! I looked at him and bit my pinkie nail and looked at Janell and she was stripping him with her eyes. She looked at me and saw me watching her so she came up to me.
“No wonder you fucked him five times last night, he’s sexy as fuck.” She whispered.
“I know right?” I whispered.
“I mean look at that body, god!” She whispered.
“You should see him when he’s naked.” I whispered.
“How big is his dick?” She asked.
“I don’t know but trust me, it’s not small at all. I could barely get it in me.” I whispered.
“You know I can hear you guys right, because I’m literally standing right here, as in, less than three feet from you.” Mason said while he laughed.
“Well its true, your dick isn’t small at all it’s really really thick and it’s heavy. My fingers don’t even reach all the way around it.” I said making Janell start breathing hard.
“Apparently the sex you guys had last night was amazing because when girls have amazing sex we talk about it.” Janell said.
“And trust me, it was amazing like, oh my god! I had so so many orgasms like, massive and amazing orgasms. He ate me out and everything.” I said making Janell kinda moan.
“Did you give him a blow job?” Janell asked.
“I gave him a lot of them.” I said while I looked to see that he was getting really hard for me again.
“So, big cock, lots of orgasms and stuff, sounds like you had a lot of sexy fun last night.” Janell said.
“I’m a squirter, he makes squirt and pass out, he’s that good, god I’m getting horny just thinking about it.” I kinda whimpered.
“So he’s a master in bed huh?” Janell asked.
“Oh yeah, he is.” I sighed.
“You’re face is all red, look at you! You’re all wet for him now aren’t you?” Janell asked.
“Mmmhhmm.” I said while I bit my lip and nodded my head yes.
“Hello, still here.” Mason said while he laughed.
“So have you ever measured it?” Janell asked while she looked at my man.
“Nope, but my ex did.” He said.
“How big is it?” I asked making him look at me with a grin, almost like he wanted me again.
“You know, we had sex all night remember?” Mason asked before he kissed me.
“I wanna know what the measuring thingy said.” I said after we stopped kissing.
“I won’t tell anyone I promise.” Janell said.
“I know, it’s just that it’s a little awkward talking about it with my girlfriends sister right here.” He said.
“You already know how close we are baby so either way I’m going to tell her so you might as well just say it.” I said making his bump start growing.
“Over seven, well, it’s a few centimeters short of eight.” He said while he looked in my eyes.
“Inches?!” Janell asked.
“I believe it, he’s way bigger than my ex, way bigger.” I said.
“Your family is right outside that door, they don’t need to know.” Mason said while he laughed.
“I wanna see.” Janell said.
“Sorry, it’s all hers.” Mason said while he pointed at me.
“I don’t believe you then.” Janell said.
“I do, I had him in me all night.” I said.
“I don’t believe you either.” Janell said.
“You just wanna see his dick.” I said while I giggled.
“I wanna see if it’s really as big as you both say it is.” She said while her face started to turn red.
“Can I just show her?” I asked while I looked at my baby.
“It’s up to you, like I said, it’s all yours.” He said.
“So if it’s all mine, do I get to show her?” I asked.
“What ever you want baby.” He said making me start gushing in my shorts and bikini bottoms.
“Come here.” I said while I pulled him to me by his waist band.
“I gotta get him all hard for you.” I said while I looked at Janell who was staring at his bump.
“I can’t believe you’re actually going to let me see it.” Janell said.
“You said yourself, you don’t believe us.” Mason said.
“Yeah, so now we have to show you.” I said while I started rubbing his dick and squeezing it.
“Well hurry, I wanna see if you’re telling the truth.” She said.
“Ready?” I asked while my mans amazing dick started to throb.
“Yes.” Janell said.
“Look.” I said while I pulled my mans shorts down and pulled his dick out.
“Holy sssshhhhit, he shaves too, fuck.” Janell moaned.
“Do you believe us now?” Mason asked making Janell nod her head yes while she stared at his huge sexy dick.
“This was in me all night.” I sighed.
“You have the hottest cock I’ve ever seen, oh my god.” Janell said while she looked at him with slanted eye brows.
“Watch this.” I said while I wrapped my fingers around his thickness and showed her how my fingers wouldn’t reach all the way around him.
I couldn’t help myself at all, I just pulled his fore skin down and up again so that I was slowly jerking him off.
“I fucking hate you so bad.” Janell whimpered while she touched herself a little.
“I have a real man.” I said before I looked up at my man and kissed his beautiful and perfect cock a few times.
“I wish I had a real man like him.” Janell whimpered.
“If we don’t stop we aren’t going to make it out of here.” Mason said.
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