Mutual Assurance
Mutual Assurance
Sex Story Author: | starrynight |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "I know it might be scary for you, losing your Virginity. You're probably worried it might hurt and you might |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity |
Mutual Assurance
An original story by Starrynight.
Kate and her sister, Lydia, were meeting for their weekly meeting in one of their regular Cafes. With full time jobs, managing the house, and taking care of their kids, they both cherished these weekly get togethers. It was during these times that they could vent and gossip, a glass of wine in hand, and no one around to judge them.
Kate was already sitting, a glass of Chardonnay in her hand and a plate of edamame on the table, when her older sister walked in. Kate was wearing a black pencil skirt, a loose red blouse that showed just a hint of cleavage, and a pair of low black heels. Kate waved to her sister, looking at her gray pant suit, and smiled at her as she walked over, her high crème colored heels clicking as she walked.
“Hi sis.” Lydia said cheerfully and leaned down, hugging her younger sister before taking the seat across from her. “What’s this?” Lydia asked her sister, pointing to the bowl full of greens on the table.
“I’m trying to eat healthy this week” Kate said and took a sip from her glass.
“You can eat healthy all you want, but we can’t break tradition” Lydia said with a smirk and signaled for a waiter who quickly came over. “Hi, I’ll take a glass of whatever she’s having,” Lydia said, pointing to Kate’s glass, “and a side of mixed fries” she added with a smile, giving Kate another smirk.
“No problem” the waiter said kindly and walked away.
“I’m gonna be fat someday because of you” Kate said to her sister with a chuckle.
“If I can take the extra calories, you definitely can” Lydia told her younger sister and smiled. Both women were in great shape, with curves you can expect from women at their age. Lydia was a bit curvier than her younger sister who frequented the gym more often, but they were both undoubtedly good-looking women.
“Oh, stop it,” Kate said flattered and hit her sister’s hand playfully “so, what’s up?” she asked.
“You won’t believe what happened to me at work yesterday?” Lydia said to her sister and paused to thank the waitress who placed her wine on the table. She took a sip of the wine and started telling her sister the infuriating story. After that, it was Kate’s turn to tell some story, and for the next hour they just chatted, like only sisters can, sipping their wine and nibling on their fries happily.
“Did I tell you about Zoe?” Kate asked her sister when they were both nearing the end of their second glass of wine.
“No, what about Zoe?” Lydia asked her sister intrigued.
“You won’t believe what I found out?” Kate said with a guilty look on her face, taking another sip from her wine. She leaned closer into her sister and looked into her eyes as she spoke, “So apparently, my daughter is still a virgin” Kate told her sister in a hushed tone.
“What? How do you know? Did she actually tell you?” Lydia asked her sister with surprise.
“No. I went with her to the gynecologist for a standard checkup, he told me after, without her hearing.” Kate confided in her sister with a guilty smile.
“Wow, that’s quite a surprise, I mean, Zoe is gorgeous” Lydia said, thinking of her petite niece, “Wait, didn’t she have a serious boyfriend?” Lydia asked.
“Yeah, they broke up a few weeks ago.” Kate said then lowered her tone, leaning in “apparently, he was gay” she said and straightened back as her sister’s eyes widened.
“No!” Lydia said shocked “How did I not hear about this until now?” she asked.
“I myself only found out last week. She just burst out crying at dinner one night and wouldn’t tell me why. After I pushed her, she told me about it, but made me promise not to tell anyone.” Kate explained.
“Good job doing that” Lydia said sarcastically.
“Oh, you don’t count” Kate said, taking another sip from her nearly empty glass.
“Thanks sis, I love you too” Lydia said and giggled. “So, are you relieved that she is still a virgin?” Lydia asked.
“Not really. She’s at an age where I think she herself is not comfortable with it. Also, guys at that age expect sex from girls they are dating as a given already.” Kate said looking worried. “What about Adam, how’s he doing?” Kate asked changing the subject.
“I gotta tell you, I’m worried about him.” Lydia said. “He’s always in his room playing video games either alone or with friends. He has never had a girlfriend and barely goes out. I’m sure he’s still a virgin too.” Lydia said morosely, finishing her glass with a final gulp.
“Really, I’m surprised you’re so sure. Adam is pretty cute” Kate said with a twinkle in her eye that was not appropriate for an aunt when talking about her nephew.
“Trust me, he is. It was much different with his older brother when he was at home. He constantly had girls over and it was clear what he was doing with them, but Adam is nothing like that. I wish he would find a nice girl, even just to take his virginity. I think it would really help his confidence.” Lydia said and finished with a tired sigh.
Kate listened to her older sister and her mind started racing. She took in what her sister just said, and when a thought popped into her head, she just blurted it aloud. “What about Zoe?” she asked her sister.
“What about her?” Lydia asked confused.
“What if we get her and…Adam, together?” Kate asked, gaining confidence in her idea.
“You mean like a date?” Lydia asked, looking at her sister like she was crazy.
“No, not a date,” Kate said and lowered her voice “they’re cousins, they can’t be a couple.”
“So, what do you mean by get them together?” Lydia asked still confused.
“I mean, maybe they could help each other out” Kate said raising her eyebrows, the innuendo clear in her voice.
“Oh god, you can’t be serious.” Lydia said disgusted.
“Why not? We agree they both need to get laid, they’re both good-looking, and this can help them both out.” Kate explained.
“Kate, they’re cousins” Lydia whispered with an edge in her voice.
“So? They’re not getting married or having children, it will just be sex.” Kate answered back. “You know, it’s not even illegal for cousins to get married in this state.” she stated.
“How the hell do you even know that?” Lydia asked her sister with amusement.
“I heard it on some radio talk show on my way to work. They we’re interviewing a married couple who were cousins, letting them tell their story.” she explained and looked at her older sister, who for the first time started thinking about it seriously.
“How would we even go about doing something like that. Just throw them in a room and toss in a pack of condoms?” Lydia asked, the thought amusing her. She looked at her sister and they started giggling.
“No, we talk to them about it like adults and maybe even guide them through it.” Kate said casually.
“Guide them through it?” Lydia asked shocked “You mean you actually want to be with them as they’re doing it?” she asked incredulous.
“Yeah, maybe. I’m not sure I can handle knowing my little girl is losing her virginity in the other room and just sitting there waiting.” Kate said, looking worked up.
“Even if they do agree. There is no way they will be willing to have sex if you’re there.” Lydia told her sister.
“I’m pretty sure Zoe will be okay with it, and regarding Adam, I think you’re underestimating the power of a horny virgin teenage boy’s hormones.” she said with a grin.
“No way I’m leaving you alone with my son while he’s having sex with your daughter.” Lydia said angrily.
“Then be there too” Kate said like it was obvious.
“What?” Lydia stuttered, blushing. “You want both of us to be there with them while they have sex?”
“Yeah, why not. I’m sure they can benefit from both of us being with them.” Kate said.
“And you think Adam will be willing to have sex with his cousin with both his aunt and his mom present?” she asked her sister.
Kate looked at her older sister, and just shrugged. “Only one way to find out” she said with an evil little smile.
“You’re really serious about it, aren’t you?” Lydia asked, looking straight into her sister’s eyes as she nodded. “I can’t believe I’m actually considering this.” Lydia said shaking her head.
“Hey, you know it’s probably the best thing for both of them?” Kate said sincerely.
“Yeah, maybe. But seeing my son naked, watching him as he has sex for the first time, and with his cousin no less. You have to admit it’s fucked up.” Lydia told her sister, almost whispering. “It really doesn’t bother you to see your daughter lose her virginity in front of you, to watch her as she’s being penetrated by your nephew, her cousin?”
“Of course, it will bother me,” Kate said loudly then lowered her voice, “but at least I will be there to make sure he is gentle with her. I can make sure she enjoys it and knows what to expect. It’s much better than the alternative if you ask me.”
Lydia stared at her sister as she thought it over. She could not deny her sister’s arguments were compelling. She knew that they would not be forcing them to do something they do not want to, they would just be giving them the opportunity if they wanted. “Fine, I’m in” Lydia said finally, barely believing what she just agreed to.
“Seriously?” Kate asked amazed.
“Yes!” Lydia said with a slight edge in her voice.
“Wow, okay then.” Kate said, still slightly taken aback by her sister agreeing to it.
The sisters agreed that they will do it the following weekend. Lydia’s husband was going fishing that weekend with friends and would not be home, and Zoe usually preferred staying the weekends at her mother’s house and not her father’s, Kate’s ex-husband. They decided that Lydia will have Kate and Zoe for dinner Friday night, and after dinner they will propose this to their children.
There was still plenty of daylight as Kate parked her car in her sister’s driveway. She stepped out of the car, wearing a short jeans skirt, a loose white blouse and black flats. She grabbed a bottle of white wine she brought with her from the back seat and waited for Zoe to get off her phone and out of the car. Zoe was wearing a striped shirt, a pair of tight light-colored jeans, and casual white sneakers. She was still on her phone as she stepped out of the car and put it in her back pocket only after her mother made a throat clearing sound. They walked over to the front door and rang the bell.
“Adam, could you get the door? That’s probably your aunt.” Lydia called to her son from the kitchen.
“Sure mom.” Adam called back and got off the couch. He was wearing a pair of plain jeans, a checkered blue and white shirt and was barefoot. His brown shaggy hair was messy as usual as he opened the door.
“Adam!” Kate called out cheerfully as her nephew opened the door.
“Hi aunt Kate.” Adam answered back with a shy smile. He leaned in to hug her, not missing the opportunity to feel her large luscious breasts against his chest and offered her his cheek to kiss like she always did. “Hey Zoe” he said, trying to sound cool, and smiled at her. Even though she was his cousin, he couldn’t ignore how hot she was. With her shoulder length auburn hair, pretty face, sexy body and tight ass, he found himself thinking about her often when he was alone in his room or in the shower.
“Hey” Zoe said back and returned his smile as she looked at her cousin. Even though he was kind of a nerd, she thought there was something cute about him. With their mothers being sisters and living close by, the would often spend time together and got along well. She moved her eyes away from him, and all three headed to the kitchen.
“Hey sis” Kate said cheerfully as she walked into the kitchen. Lydia was wearing an apron around a high cut white floral sundress with generous cleavage. She had sandals on, was wearing her hair into a high ponytail, and turned around to give her sister a big hug.
“Zoe!” Lydia called out excited and wrapped her arms around her favorite niece.
“Hey aunt Lydia” Zoe said with a giggle and blushed at the warm welcome she received from her aunt.
“I brought some wine” Kate said, showing her sister the bottle.
“Great, thanks. Go ahead and open it.” Lydia said, knowing they would both be needing it for what they had planned for later. Kate looked through the drawers until she found the opener and uncorked the bottle with a pop.
“Can I have some?” Zoe asked her mother who looked back at her with uncertainty.
“Yeah, alright” Kate finally said, and a wide smile spread across her daughter’s face.
“Mom, can I have some too?” Adam asked his mother, jumping at the opportunity.
“Since when do you drink wine?” Lydia asked her son surprised.
“Since tonight, if you let me.” He answered with a nervous smile.
“Okay, but only one glass” Lydia said sternly, and her son nodded with a victorious smile. “You’re corrupting my son” Lydia said to her sister as she grabbed four wine glasses.
“Isn’t that what aunts are for?” Kate said with a grin and Lydia chuckled.
“Go ahead and take a seat around the table, the food is ready.” Lydia said and waited for them to sit down before brining over the food.
Dinner was quite good. Lydia prepared Caesar salad, potato gratin and Japanese style oven-baked salmon. Throughout dinner, Kate and Lydia did most of the talking, leading the conversation while drinking the wine, and occasionally directing a question to one of their children. During the meal, Kate let Zoe have another glass and a half of wine, yet when Adam asked his mother, she reminded him kindly that she agreed only to one glass.
When they finished with the main course, Adam helped his mother clear the table, then sat down while she brought over the raspberry cheesecake she bought for dessert. All four ate the dessert with delight, Adam and Zoe not noticing how tense and nervous their mothers had turned, exchanging silent glances without the kids noticing. When they finished dessert, Lydia offered that they move to the living room, and while Adam and Zoe did just that, Kate helped her sister clear the table, seizing the opportunity to discuss their next steps.
Adam and Zoe were in the living room, chatting casually about school when their moms walked over from the kitchen and stood, looking at them with serious looks on their faces. “Guys, there is something we need to talk to you about.” Kate said in an even tone with a nervous look on her face.
“Okay, what?” Adam asked, confused and intrigued by the sudden change in his mom and aunt’s demeanor.
“I think it will be better if we talked about it in my bedroom.” Lydia said nervously and saw lost looks on the children’s faces.
“Talk about what?” Zoe asked with a slight defiance in her voice.
“Just come with us to your aunt and uncle’s bedroom and we’ll explain there.” Kate said sternly and Zoe got to her feet obediently. Adam followed her, rolling his eyes, and along with his cousin, followed his mom and aunt into his parents’ bedroom. When they entered the room, Kate slipped her shoes off, climbed onto the bed and sat on her knees, while Lydia sat on the edge of the bed.
“So, what’s going on?” Zoe asked. She was standing next to her cousin at the foot of the bed and tried to figure out what this is all about.
“Here’s the deal,” Kate started saying nervously, “we know you are both virgins…” Kate said, taking a pause and looking at her daughter and nephew as their eyes went wide.
“Why do think I’m a virgin?” Zoe squeaked nervously, her face turning red.
“Doctor Yung told me when I came with you to your last appointment.” Kate told her daughter who turned even redder and kept quiet. Zoe could feel Adam’s eyes on her and turned to look at him. He was also blushing, and quickly turned away when her eyes met his.
“So, we were thinking,” Lydia took over nervously “that you two could, maybe, help each other…with your first time.” Lydia said, choosing her words carefully as she studied Zoe and Adam, waiting for a response.
“You can’t be serious,” Zoe said almost choking after her aunt spoke, “you want us to…to…to have…sex?” she asked shocked. She turned to Adam just as he turned to her and they looked at each other absolutely stunned.
“Yes honey,” her mother answered in a leveled confident tone, “we think it will be good for you both to experience this now. And your aunt and I will be here the whole time to guide you through it.” Kate said gently.
“You what?” Adam burst out shocked.
“Your aunt and I think, that it will go much more smoothly if we’re here to guide you through your first time.” Lydia said to her son, trying to keep cool and calm even though she was extremely nervous about the whole thing.
Adam listened to his mom speak and stayed silent as he tried to take it all in. He couldn’t believe that his mother and aunt not only wanted him and his cousin to have sex but wanted to be there while they do. He would be lying if he said that he did not find the prospect of having sex with his hot cousin appealing, but having his mom and aunt watch him, was something else entirely. “Can’t we have sex without the two of you here?” Adam managed to ask quietly.
“No Adam honey, we don’t think that…” Kate started saying but was cut off by her daughter.
“Wait, you actually want us to have sex?” Zoe called out. She looked at Adam who turned a bright red.
“I don’t know, maybe” Adam said with a shrug. He hadn’t thought about the fact that his question would also be an admission that he wanted to have sex with Zoe. He was so embarrassed.
“Honey, of course Adam wants to have sex with you,” Kate said to her daughter casually. “Look how gorgeous you are. What normal guy wouldn’t?” she said and gave her daughter a reassuring smile. “What about you, what do you think about your cousin?” Kate asked her daughter.
“I don’t know” Zoe said shyly.
“Do you think he’s handsome?” Kate asked.
“Yeah, I guess he’s kind of cute” Zoe admitted nervously.
“So, what’s the problem?” Kate asked.
“We’re cousins, it weird!” Zoe said with a squeaky nervous voice.
“Having sex for the first time is always weird,” Lydia said, deciding to take over.
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