
Mother’s Milk_(1)

Mother’s Milk

Note: Not my story, but certainly one that I have for my
collection. It is a very interesting approach to a
seduction by a mother.

Jack pushed the door open with his foot awkwardly and
entered his house. Both his hands were occupied; he was
carrying with a large plastic bag of disposable diapers
in one hand and two bags of groceries precariously
balanced in other arm. Jack set the packages on the
kitchen table.

“Mom?” No answer.

He looked in her bedroom, and saw his mother cradling his
baby brother. A half-empty plastic bottle was lying near
her feet. Both mom and baby were fast asleep. The scene
looked so peaceful compared to night before when Bobby
kept them both up with his frantic crying. He tried to
help by preparing his bottle and bouncing the little
guy, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, his mom had
told him to go back to sleep because of the Chemistry
test he had tomorrow. Under protest he went back to bed
while Bobby still wailed. He thought he would have
trouble going to sleep but he must have gone out as soon
as his head hit the pillow.

Jack stood there for a moment in the soft light of the
bedroom. His mom must be exhausted – she was still awake
with Bobby went he got up this morning to go to school.
She was a strong person, someone who had more than her
shares of hardships in life but someone who rarely
complained. She was still a young woman, only 32, and
still young to be hopeful that happiness could still be
found in her life. With her sparkling eyes, golden blond
hair, and good figure men found her attractive. She had
no trouble finding suitors, but she always managed to
end up with the wrong guy.

He watched his mom as she dozed. She was beautiful even
without makeup and with mussed hair, and beautiful even
wearing an old yellow-print sun dress. Jack noticed that
the buttons in front of her dress were undone and a
large wet pink nipple was protruding.
Jack felt a sudden flash of shame and looked quickly
away. She had been trying to unsuccessfully to breast
feed Bobby again. Contrary to popular opinion it is not
at all uncommon for babies to have difficulties breast
feeding. Dr. Powers explained to Mom that many factors
may be to blame including the mother’s diet and level of
stress. Fortunately, almost all babies who have trouble
breast feeding have no problem feeding from a bottle.
Mom was heartbroken, feeling like a failure as a mother.
Bobby was doing fine with formula but Mom kept trying to
get him to nurse. Jack secretly found the idea of
breast feeding exciting. Since puberty he had the usual
teen-aged boy’s fascination with breasts. At 16 his
sexual experiences were confined to some groping in the
backseat of his car where a few times he had managed to
slip his hand into Sara Jo’s brassiere and feel the
softness underneath. When he attempted to remove her bra
she had protested, and the mood was broken. Sara Jo was
a little on the chubby-side but had a healthy bust line
that sent tongues wagging throughout high school.

Sara Jo was nothing compared to Jack’s own mother,
however. His mom had had a slender frame with large,
heavy breasts. Secretly, Jack had looked through the
laundry to find one of his mother’s brassiere. Feeling
both ashamed and excited Jack read the faded tag on his
mother’s brassiere – 38C. Hoping his mother would not
notice, Jack hid the brassiere under the frame of his
bed from which he would sometimes take it out to study
when alone. Jack, in his readings on his favorite
subject, learned that a women’s breasts could increase
up to two cup sizes during pregnancy; and, sure enough,
the new nursing bra his mother had purchased was an
incredible 38DD. Jack had wondered why size DD was used
instead of E, but he decided that this was yet another
of the many mystery’s privy only to women and unknowable
by men. **
At the time of her pregnancy Mom’s boyfriend Bill was
living with them. Bill was a crude man who would
periodically come home drunk and angry at the world.
When /Bill came home late one night he slapped Mom hard
across the face because dinner was cold. Jack tried to
intervene, but the bigger man threw him across the room.

“Please, Bill, leave Jack alone.” His mother screamed.
Jack felt dizzy and hurt but he got managed to get back
on his feet. He started toward Bill again.

“Jack, please.” his mother pleaded.

Bill ignored Jack, and pulled Mom toward the bedroom
roughly by the arm. His mother looked toward Jack with
a look of resignation.
“I’ll be OK, Jack. Please stay out of it.”, she whispered
to him painfully as Bill pulled her.

Bill slammed the bedroom door behind them, leaving Jack
standing outside feeling impotent and weak. Their voices
through the door were angry and loud at first. After a
few minutes the voices were softer, and Jack could hear
the familiar rhythmic creaking of his mother’s mattress.

A few months later Mom had discovered that she was
pregnant. Bill acted happy and said they would now get
married; but he didn’t come home the next evening. Mom
tried repeatedly to call Bill at work, but Bill just hung
up on Mom when he heard Mom’s voice. Mom was, of course,
broken-hearted. She had dealt with men running out on
her before, but this time she was pregnant. Jack’s own
father had also left shortly after Jack was born but at
least he and Mom had been married. Mom broke down and
sobbed in Jack’s arms. Jack told his Mom not to worry.

They didn’t need anyone else. He would be the man of
house. And Jack did help take care of his Mom. He took
over cleaning the house and doing the grocery shopping,
and even had gotten a part-time job at the local
fast-food joint to help supplement their income. When
his Mom enrolled in Lamaze classes at the local
hospital, Jack volunteered to be his mom’s coach but
Mom’s younger sister, Aunt Jane, said it wasn’t proper
and took his place as coach. **

Some women look overwrought when pregnant, showing the
weight of the demands pregnancy places on their bodies.
Other women bloom like flowers, glowing with the
radiance of the life growing within them. Mom was in the
latter category. Her face was positively beaming with
the promise of life, and her slender figure blossomed
into Rubenesque proportions with Mom’s already large
breasts became heavier and fuller.

Most of Mom’s Lamaze training became useless because some
complications arose and a Cesarean had to be performed.
He was forced to stay outside in the Waiting Room while
Aunt Jane with Mom in the delivery room. He was
overjoyed the nurse announced that he now had a healthy
baby brother, 9 pounds 7 ounces. The nurse led him into
the hospital room where his mother laid dreamily in the
bed holding the little baby. He kissed Mom on the
forehead and held his sleepy baby brother cautiously.

“Meet your new baby brother, Robert Joseph – Bobby.” she
announced proudly.

His mom unbuttoned the top few buttons her nightgown.
Casually, she reached in, and an enormous white breast
capped with a glistening pink nipple flopped out.

“Uhhh, Mom. Do you want me to leave?” he said nervously.

He averted his eyes quickly, but he kept finding his eyes
drawn back where he would steal quick peeks of his
mother’s bare breast. He rarely saw his mother’s breasts
except for quick glances when she would lean over in a
low-cut nightgown. He was actually shocked – and excited
– at his mother’s sudden casual display of nudity in
front of him.

“Don’t be silly, Jack. I’m going to try to get Bobby to
She took Bobby to her nipple. Bobby mouth was against the
nipple but he didn’t suck. She lifted her heavy breast
to position it better, and a thin white liquid squirted
in the air from the top of his mom’s nipple. Jack was

“I hope he’s hungry – I’ve been uncomfortable lately
since I started lactating.” Jack just nodded nervously
and tried to look away. She tried to coax little Bobby
to nurse, but he just looked bewildered with his
unfocused eyes. At one point some of the drippings of
Mom’s milk got on Bobby’s lips but he still didn’t get
the hint.

“He’s probably still tired. I try later.”

She put Bobby back into the hospital bassinet where he
immediately fell asleep.

“The doctor says I should be ready to go home the day
after tomorrow.”

She held Jack’s hand warmly.

“Thanks, Jack, for all the help you’ve given me. I know
that this hasn’t been the best of times for you.”

“It hasn’t been the best of times for you either Mom, but
I’ll always be there for you, Mom.” he said tenderly.

“Jack!” she was smiling mischievously, “you’re staring
at me!”, Jack looked away ashamed from his Mom’s bare
breast. Mom pushed her exposed breast safely back into
the folds of her nightgown.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Jack.”, she said warmly as she
unhurriedly re-buttoned her nightgown. “I certainly know
from personal experience about the fascination of
teen-aged boys with breasts”, she laughed. He was hot
with embarrassment but his mother held his hand

“Breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world.
Please don’t be embarrassed when I’m nursing Bobby, OK?”

“OK, Mom.” He hung his head down. He crossed his legs
slightly to hide his erection, and prayed to God that
she didn’t see that!

She woke up, smiling when she saw him standing over

“Rough day, eh, Mom?”

She rubbed her eyes. “Yeah. He didn’t calm down until
after you left this morning. I tried again to get him to
nurse but I had no luck.” she said sadly.

He took Bobby from her and placed him in his cradle in
the nursery.

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