Mother’s Milk Chapter 1 : At the Cabin
Mother’s Milk Chapter 1 : At the Cabin
Sex Story Author: | Dapper Dan |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Wayne had never really thought of his mother like that until he saw her nursing Marie one day. Then he |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Lactation, Male / Older Female |
The heavy, pouring rain came down in sheets, making visibility almost impossible. Wayne struggled to see out the window of his Jeep Cherokee. His mother, Krista, sat in the other bucket seat, peering out through the suffocating deluge of water. Every few moments, Krista turned and looked out the rear window for a few seconds before looking back to the front.
“I hope they’re okay,” she mumbled.”
Oh, they’ll be fine,” Wayne told her, hoping that he was right.
Wayne’s whole family was driving up to their cabin in the mountains for a mini-vacation. Tony, Wayne’s father, Kim, Krista’s sister, and Wayne’s little sister Marie, were in the second car somewhere behind them. They had taken both cars because Kim had to return home on Tuesday. Wayne, Krista, Tony and Marie were planning to leave the following Friday.
When they had started out earlier that morning, it had been sprinkling, but it had since turned into a steady rain. The rain had continued to intensify all morning, turning the drive into a real ordeal.
Stopping in Emoryville around twelve, they refueled and decided to have lunch. At the diner, Kim had talked Krista into letting her take little Marie for the last leg of the trip since they only had about an hour left to go. Although Marie was just a month old, they didn’t think being separated from her mother for an hour would hurt her. Anxious to get to the cabin, Wayne and Krista left before the others. They hadn’t seen their headlights since…
Glancing down at his watch, Wayne saw that an hour had passed since they’d left the diner.
“I think I see the turn off,” he said, slowing the car.”That’s it,” Krista confirmed as Wayne steered the car off the highway onto the narrow black-topped road.
“Be sure to stay on the road,” his mother cautioned him, watching him carefully guide the car down the narrow lane, “if we get stuck, we’ll never get out of this mud.”
“You got that right,” he chuckled nervously.
They crept down the road until they came to the rickety bridge that spanned a normally tame little stream. Stopping the car, Wayne got out and plodded through the rain over to the bridge and looked down. The stream, usually quiet and slow, was now a roaring river of deep, muddy water. Staring into the dark, swirling water below, he watched the surge of the water crash against the bridge’s supports. They looked rather fragile, but seemed to be withstanding the force of the river.
“What do you think?”
“What,” he jumped, not knowing his mother had walked up behind him.
“Do you think the bridge will hold?”
“Uh, I guess,” he muttered, “What do you think?”
“It looks okay to me,” she said, walking a few feet out onto the bridge and timidly jumping up and down, “it feels sturdy enough.”
“Okay, let’s try it,” he shouted over the noise of the churning water.
“God, I’m drenched,” his mother laughed tiredly as they got back into the car, “I can’t wait to get to the cabin and get a fire going.”
“Here goes,” Wayne said, putting the car into gear and slowly easing it onto the bridge.
The old bridge seemed to be holding its own as they slowly inched forward. The bridge was only about fifty feet across, but it took them two or three minutes to cautiously creep three-quarters of the way across it.
Then, all at once, without warning, they felt the bridge wobble and shift under them.
“Oh, God,” Krista screamed “It’s collapsing.”
As Wayne felt the first sickening lurch, he instantly slammed the accelerator to the floor. For one long, terrifying moment, it felt like the car and the bridge were both going to crash into the icy water below. But at the last moment, the tires grabbed hold of the worn wooden planks and shot the car toward the other side of the river to safety.
Neither of them could speak as the car roared across the final few feet toward the shore. Then, just as the front wheels touched solid ground, they felt the back end of the car stagger and slip sideways. Time seemed to stop. Holding their breath, they prayed until the car finally shot off the bridge and onto land. Then, just as the back tires cleared the bridge, the bridge went crashing down into the water behind them. Lady Luck must have been riding with them, Wayne thankfully thought.
Wayne slammed on the brakes, trying to keep the car from going off the road and into the mud. After skidding several feet, the car finally stopped only inches from the road’s shoulder.
Wayne sat unmoving, his fingers digging into the steering wheel for several moments. Finally, he looked over at his mother. She was as white as a sheet as she sat staring out into the rain pouring down on the hood of the car. At last she turned and looked over at him, smiling weakly.
“My God, that was close,” his mother gasped.
“You can say that again,” he said.
After a few minutes, when his hands had stopped shaking enough for him to open the car door, he pushed it open. Stepping out into the pouring rain once again, he slammed the door shut. Looking over, he saw his mother step out of the car on the other side.
Both of them wobbled back over to where only moments earlier the bridge had stood. Now there was nothing but a few broken, shattered pilings jutting up out of the cold, swirling water below. The twisted, broken supports were the only evidence that the bridge had once stood there.”
Another five seconds and we’d have been washed away,” he muttered, feeling his legs almost buckle under him, “God that was close.”
Neither of them spoke for several moments as the rain poured down on them. Numbly, they stared down into the dark, muddy water rushing past them.
“Uh-oh, here comes Tony and Marie,” his mother suddenly blurted out.”
Go get your cell phone and call them, quick!” Wayne yelled as he started waving his arms frantically, trying to get them to stop them before they drove off into the crevice that had once been a stream.
Krista turned and dashed through the rain to the car. Flinging the door open, she dove inside. Tearing open her purse, she jammed her hand inside and pulled out her phone.
Quickly jabbing the fast-dial key, she lifted it to her ear.
“Come on, damn it, answer it,” she muttered, staring out at the other car as it slowly approached the opposite side of the river.
“Yeah, Kim,” her sister finally said.
“Yes. Thank God you answered. The bridge is out.”
“Yeah, we saw Wayne waving his arms, so we slowed down.”
No one spoke for several moments as they all watched Wayne wearily trudge back to his car.
“Well, now what?” he asked, drenched as he slid in under the steering wheel.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, trying to think what to do.
It was obvious that Tony, Kim, and Marie were not going to cross the stream any time soon. They could easily turn around, go back to Emoryville and spend the night there. But Wayne and Krista were marooned. Thankfully, Krista thought, even though she was still nursing Marie, she had packed plenty of formula, which was with her little one. But with the bridge down and it still raining, she didn’t know how long she would be separated from her baby. She and Wayne had all the food, so they could go on up to the cabin and stay there until someone figured out a way to get them back across the river.
She discussed their alternatives with Tony for several minutes. Since it was already one o’clock in the afternoon, he finally agreed that he, Kim, and Marie would return to Emoryville and check in with the Sheriff to let him know that Wayne and Krista were stranded. They’d spend the night and get back to her later and let her know what kind of plan he and the Sheriff could come up with.
Closing her cell phone, she explained what was happening to Wayne. Agreeing with her, Wayne looked into the rear view mirror and watched anxiously as Tony slowly, carefully, backed away from the roaring water. It seemed to take hours, but finally his father’s car backed out onto the highway and disappeared into the torrential rain.
“Well, Kemosabe, I guess we’re on our own,” Krista grinned tensely.
“I guess so,” he replied, slowly shifting into low and letting out on the clutch pedal.
At last they stopped in front of the cabin and both sat watching the rain beat down on the hood of his car. The drive to the cabin had seemed to take hours because Wayne hadn’t gone above five miles an hour, but to their immense relief, they’d finally arrived.
As they stared out into the downpour, it seemed like the rain was getting even heavier.
“Do you know how long a cubit is?” Wayne laughed wearily.
“Nope, but we may need to find out if it keeps up like this much longer,” his mother replied.
“Well, I sure don’t want to start looking for animals by the pair in this downpour,” he grinned.
“Especially when I already have a pair that are beginning to ache,” she sighed.
“Pardon?” he said, not believing what he had heard.
“Don’t be such a prude,” she chided him good-naturedly. “It’s been almost five hours since I nursed Marie and my breasts are getting a little full and sore.”
“MOTHER,” he sputtered, turning bright red, “you’re embarrassing me.”
“Okay, Mr. Prude,” she laughed, opening her door. “Let’s get this car unloaded.
“Wayne stepped out into the rain, grateful for anything that would hide his crimson face. His face was so hot, he thought he could feel steam rising from it… He couldn’t believe his mother said what she had said. After all, she was his mother and he hadn’t been prepared for her suggestive remark. Stopping for a moment, he stood in the pouring rain thinking about her breasts. The thought of her breasts, big and swollen, full of a mother’s milk sent a jolt of excitement tearing into his brain. Shuddering, he looked up and let the cold wetness of the rain splash into his face, hoping it would wash away his impure thoughts.
At last, he looked over and saw his mother impatiently standing by the rear of the car. Shamefully, he rushed around, unlocked, and threw open the trunk. They both grabbed as much as they could and sloshed over to the cabin. Depositing his load under the protection of the porch, he splashed back to the car while his mother unlocked the cabin.
After the first load, he made his mother stay inside while he trudged back and forth unloading the car. It took him ten minutes to off-load everything they had brought, but at least it kept his mind off what his mother had said for a little while.
As he unloaded, his mother sorted their belongings in piles. Making the last trip inside, he closed the door behind him and dropped the last few items on the table.
“Here, here is your suitcase,” his mother told him, handing him his bag. “You hurry up and change into something dry before you catch cold. Then you can start a fire while I change.”
He kicked off his muddy boots and plodded through the hall in his wet socks to the single bathroom in the cabin. Closing the door behind him, he quickly stripped down and toweled off the rainwater. He felt like he had just taken a frigid shower that, thankfully, kept his thoughts off his mother and her tits. But now, looking at himself in the mirror, his thoughts suddenly went back to his mother. What would she look like naked, he frantically asked himself. He wished he could be on the other side of the mirror, invisible, when she came in to undress. He couldn’t believe how big her breasts had gotten since she had Marie.
Blushing with shame, he couldn’t stop his cock from slowly swelling. Angry with himself for thinking such nasty thoughts, he dried his hair and pulled out a pair of loose shorts and a sweater. A weird combination, he thought, but after he got the fire going, he knew how warm the small cabin would be.
The cabin only had four real rooms. Two bedrooms, a bathroom and a combination den, kitchen, living room. The big rock fireplace would have the whole cabin warm in little more than an hour, if he remembered correctly.
Stepping out of the bathroom, he saw that his mother was waiting impatiently for him to finish.
“It’s about time,” she remarked, striding purposefully toward the bathroom. “I thought you’d had died in there.””You look like a drowned rat,” he laughed as she walked by him, her wet hair plastered to her head and her clothes still dripping.
But even drenched and bedraggled from wading around in the rain, she was still cute. Cute. The word seemed to be made for her, he thought, as he went about starting the fire. Yes, she was pretty, but not a raving beauty. Cute. Yes, that was her. But very cute. And her figure, now svelte and shapely after the pregnancy, looked great for her age.
Then, scolding himself for thinking about his mother in such a way, he set about getting the fire going.
He could hear the shower running as he struggled to start the fire. Why would she need a shower, he wondered? She had already had one in the pouring rain. Losing his train of thought, he suddenly found himself wondering what she looked like, standing under the water without a stitch of clothes on. He thought about sneaking over and peeking through the keyhole, but decided against it and went back to starting the fire.
Thankfully, he and his dad had brought in a week’s supply of wood the last time they had been at the cabin. If they hadn’t, he would never have gotten a fire going. As he nursed the tiny tendrils of flame, they finally began to lick at the wood and soon the fire was blazing away. Squatting in front of the fire, he poked at it as his thoughts returned to his mother. He had heard other boy’s talking about pregnant women and women with babies at school. They said that their breasts got gigantic and all full of milk. They even said that if a woman didn’t have a baby to suck on her tits, they would get painful and have all kinds of problems.
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