Motel Week Ending 1
Motel Week Ending 1
Sex Story Author: | WildUntammedFluffy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | That did not go as I had planed but, it needed to be done." "I suppose," Newlyn agreed. Truthfully |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Fiction, First Time, Hardcore, Incest, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, Rape, Virginity, Voyeurism |
Please note the following story tags: Incest, Pregnant, Creampie, Consensual Sex, Rape, Non-Consensual Sex, Hardcore, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Young Teens, Male/Female, First Time.
“…of the total number of baryons predicted by Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as inferred from density fluctuations…” there was a knock at the door. Newlyn had been studding again. He did this when ever he could. It started about eighteen years ago as a cooping technique to deal with the pain of his greatest regret. As part of this he had next to no social life so, the knock at the door was a surprise to him. The only time any one ever knocked on his door was for mail but, Newlyn could not recall ordering anything recently. Newlyn put down the paper and went to the door. He recoiled at the sight and took a quick step backward.
“DAD!” Newlyn said as he tried to recover from his initial shook.
“Hello, Newlyn. It is good to see you again,” his father, Eric, said although, the remark did not match his cold expression. There was an underlying anger there Newlyn knew too well. His father likely could not careless if they ever saw each other again yet here he was.
“It has been a long time. You never call,” his dad continued.
“I..I have been busy,” Newlyn replied. Although he had been busy, it had nothing to do with why he had not spoken to his father since he graduated high school and moved out.
“May I come in?” Newlyn’s dad asked.
“Uh..sure,” said Newlyn as he opened the door for his father.
Newlyn’s father looked around the tiny apartment with a frown. The small apartment had only four rooms all of which could be seen from the front door. Directly across from the front door was the bed room. The door was open and his father could see straight in and see the bed. Next to it was a small safe that served as a nightstand with a lamp. Other then some bookshelves there was nothing more that could be seen from here. The kitchen was lightly furnished with a single small table and chair. The counters were clean and bare. The bathroom was closed so nothing was seen there. The rest of the apartment was the actually living space. This consisted of a couch, arm chair, and small coffee table. The table was currently covered with open books, notebooks, pencil, and paper including the one Newlyn had recently been reading. Across from the arm chair was a flat screen TV hooked up to a computer. Every bit of wall space available was occupied by a full bookshelf. Beyond the book shelves the place was practically empty.
“Still studying I see. Are you still in collage?” Newlyn’s father asked.
“Sort of,” replied Newlyn.
Newlyn’s dad raised an eyebrow at that. “How many PHDs do you have?” he continues.
“Four. Working on my fifth,” Newlyn said with no sense of accomplishment in his voice. He said it almost sadly.
“Your fifth?” said his dad with wonder. “I would hate to see how much you student loans are.”
“Actually I do not have any, when all mine time went to study or getting scholarships I was able to avoid loans completely,” Newlyn commented again without any pride in his efforts.
Newlyn’s father looked around the apartment once more and shook his head. “Your sister was right,” he said.
“Juliana?” Newlyn eyes widened in fear at the mention of his sister.
“Ya,” said his dad.
“What did she say?” Newlyn asked desperately.
Before answering his father just looked him in the eye and held his gaze. “The only reason I am here at all is because of her. I honestly think I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing you again but, she insisted we come. Said she needed this, said so did you,” he said this and let out a sigh. “After seeing this,” he made a dismissive gesture to the apartment, “I would have to agree with her.”
“Juliana is here,” whispered Newlyn in horror.
“Yes, as is your mother and the twins,” he let the last sentence hang. Newlyn did not seem capable of replying so he continued. “I have seen enough for now. Your mother should be here in a few minutes.”
With that he left. As he was leaving he looked back at his son and opened his moth to say something but seemed to think better of it and instead just looked at him for a moment before closing the door.
Newlyn was dumbfounded. For years he had been actively avoiding his family. The whole reason for his spars lifestyle and endless study was to divert his attention from his past. Now it was at his doorstep, literally.
He was rubbing his temples and had been standing for several minutes trying to process what was going on and had not moved since his father left when another knock was at the door. Hesitantly he opened the door to his mother, Stephanie.
“Hi, mom,” Newlyn said with a slight squeak in his voice showing how nervous he really was.
His mother said nothing and barged into the apartment her anger all too apparent. After looking around for a moment she turned her attention back to her son.
“So this is it huh? My worthless son lives in small apartment and spends his time reading? It’s more then you deserve,” she almost spat the last part out.
It was not unexpected. His mother had been hostile toward him ever since she found out what he did all those years ago. She was polite enough in public but if she was ever alone with Newlyn he could expect animosity in everything she did or said if she said anything at all. For his part Newlyn could not blame her and considered he deserved it himself. After nearly fourteen years though he had hoped it would be a bit better. It was better but not at first.
“How could you do something so terrible and then simply disappear as if nothing happened? Do you think it is something she would just forget? Something we would just forget? We had a happy family and then you ruined everything,” his mother ranted and her anger only grew as she went.
Newlyn felt terrible as his mother screamed at him but, he knew it was all true. He was caught off guard when his mother’s mood changed though. Her boiling rage turned to tears.
“You ruined her,” she then said with tears. With tears streaming down her check she asked her son the first question she actually wanted a response to, “Do you know why I are here?”
Newlyn shook his head slowly, “No”.
“I am here because Juliana asked me here. She wants to put this behind her. Her and her damn therapist believe this is necessary. I do not agree with them but, I cannot deny I have not seen Juliana this happy for a long time,” Newlyn’s mother said this while she wiped her tears away.
Newlyn still had no idea what to say to any of this. Luckily his mother was not done yet.
“That damn therapist of hers is either certified genius or certifiably insane. I am not sure how she did it but Juliana has been doing better then ever. I would like to forget this whole thing and move on as well but, I do not think I ever could. Juliana however might be able to,” she said this clearly struggling with her inner emotions but somehow managed to remain calm.
With out another word she turned and left leaving Newlyn once again standing there trying to comprehend what had just happened. His mother had come in and gone form angry to tears to lenient in under two minutes and left. He had only been able to say three words before it was over. He was still trying to collect himself when there was a finial knock on the door.
Newlyn could hardly breathe as his trembling hand went to the door. Just as he feared Juliana was waiting for him on the other side. Before he had even thought about what he was doing he dropped to his knees and pleaded with his sister.
“I am so sorry, Juliana. I never meant to hurt you. It was the single biggest mistake of my life. Even if you never forgive me and hate me for ever I still love you and am so sorry,” Newlyn cried to his younger sister.
Juliana took a quick look around the apartment and then looked down at Newlyn. She gave him a sad smile as she stooped down herself and clasped his hand.
“You poor thing. You are just as miserable as I thought you would be,” she said sadly.
She raised herself and her brother while still holding his hand and asked, “Why did you do it?”
Newlyn was confused with his sister. She had actually taken his hand and smiled. She would never have done that before. It did not seem right so, he took his hands from his sister and turned away saying, “I don’t know. I was stupid. There has not been a day since that I have not regretted it.”
“Is that why you study so hard? Trying to forget about it in your books?” Juliana asked.
“Yes, I cannot forget it but, I do not have to think about it while I study,” Newlyn replied.
“It was devastating. Life has never been the same. Do you realize how much I hated you?” she asked again.
“No, probably more then anything in the world,” he replied. He was however somewhat hopeful with her word choice of ‘hated’ that was past tense. She was also speaking to him much more amiable then last time they were together.
Her eyes narrowed and her whole domineer went from pleasant to loathing as she said, “I could not have hated you more.” Newlyn cringed away from his sister but just as quickly she changed back to calm.
“Not any more though. I can honestly say I do not hate you,” she continued. “It has taken me a long time to get where I am and even longer for me to realize something else. Do you know what that might be?” she asked softly.
“No,” was all Newlyn could say.
She answered her own question, “I realized I was not the only one suffering. You have been hurting just as long as I have with one major difference. You were not the victim so, no one cared about you.”
Newlyn would have looked up to his sister at that moment if it were not for the fact that she was a tiny lady not even 5′ tall but he did meet her eyes.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Juliana answered, “I have an analogy not a great one but stay with me. When you are learning to ride a bike what happens when you fall? Someone is there to help you back up. You just happened to fall off your bike over the edge of a cliff and took me with you. There were people there to help me back up but no one cared about you since, it was your fault. You crashed into me after all. I brought every one here to help you back up.”
“Mom and dad both eluded to something like that. What do you mean, “help me back up,” he asked tentatively.
She held his gaze a moment before speaking, “My shrink first suggested it. When I told her how the only thing you ever did was study afterward. She said it could have been a form of penitence. I of course dismissed the idea thinking you were just ashamed and wanted to hide like a coward. Would say that is still partially true. The thing is later I really started thinking it could have been because of some kind of self inflicted punishment. That was when I first looked you up. When you graduated you did not tell any one where you were going nor did any one ask or care. So when I first found you again online I was angry all over again. You were featured on the collage webpage as brilliant man with PHDs involved in all kinds of research. You had ruined my life yet here you were living a great fulfilling one. I truly had a hard time letting go of my hate at that point. It was made worse by knowing how successful you were but I managed somehow years later. You know what happened then?”
Newlyn only shook his head.
She continued, “I looked you up again this time with out anger. I was trying to contact you I just did not know what I would do when I did. The more I found out about you though the more I came to understand things were not going so well for you. When I found out you were living in a shabby apartment building on the bad part of town I started to understand what was wrong. Look around this place. This is terrible for someone as successful as yourself. Why do you live like this? It is because you were and still are punishing yourself.”
She let out a sigh, “Well you should get ready.”
“Ready for what?” Newlyn asked.
“For dinner of course. We are all going to be there. You need to meet the twins,” she answered.
Newlyn figured there was more to this then that but thought he would ask the simple questions first. “Where are we going?” he asked.
“Do not know this is your town after all. Where would you recommend?” Juliana asked.
“I do not know any places actually. I do not get out much,” he answered ruefully.
Juliana raised an eyebrow, “I should have guessed.” She took out her phone and found a place and told Newlyn they would be meeting there in an hour.
Before she departed Newlyn had one finial question he need to know. “Do they, do the twins know about any of this?” he asked.
She held his gaze as she answered, “No, but they should after tonight.” With that she left.
Newlyn took his time getting ready trying to drag it out as long as possible. It did not help at all though. He was still nervous when he arrived. He was the last there and not at all surprised. The rest of the family had already found a table outside and were currently the only ones outside. Newlyn met the twins Eric and Stephanie for the first time since he had graduated. They sure had grown. Eric defiantly resembled himself and Stephanie looked just like Juliana if she had been taller and kept her hair shorter. The twins were excited to see Newlyn after all they had not seen him since they were young and they hardly knew him. The rest of the family was polite and cordial but, Newlyn was well aware of the underlying tension. He was pleased to see the twins again but felt more awkwardly out of place then anything else.
Juliana was the most enthusiastic of them and seemed to drive most of the discussion. Her chipper attitude helped and Newlyn found himself almost enjoying time with his family again. They filled him in on the last few years while enjoying one another’s company. Turns out Eric and Stephanie would be graduating high school that year. They were even considering applying to the same collage he went to.
Things started to get a bit serious as the evening winded down though. The questions got progressively more difficult to answer without revealing anything. Such as why he never visited or called. Why he had four PHDs without ever telling them. Why had he just disappeared. He tried to dodge the questions unsuccessfully when Eric had enough.
“Enough of this. What happened between you two?” Eric asked of Juliana and Newlyn.
“Ya, we are not stupid. We know something happened between you two,” added Stephanie.
Juliana and Newlyn looked at each other silently asking who should go first.
Juliana turned to the twins and asked, “Do you know where you got your names?”
“Of course, we were named after mom and dad,” said Stephanie.
“Ya, because we were twins they thought it just made sense. We have heard the story many times,” said Eric.
“I am afraid that is only partially true,” answered Juliana. “You are actually named after your grandparents,” she continued.
“No we aren’t neither of our grandparents are named Eric or Stephanie,” remarked Stephanie.
Juliana let out a small sigh and a half hearted smile, “Actually they are and you only have one grandma and one grandpa.”
There was silence as the twins processed this. Their bewildered faces looked around their family. Rubbing his temples Eric finally said something, “Wait what? That does not make any sense.”
Keeping his gaze down Newlyn decided he had better clear it up for them though he hated to do so. “It happened a long time ago, before you were born. Has any one ever told you about the time the power pole fell on the house?”
“Ya, we have even seen pictures of that. We were not even alive yet. What does that have to do with anything?” asked Stephanie.
Newlyn continued his story. This was something he had not ever told any one but, he guessed they already knew when it happened. “Well we were forced into a motel for a week while they fixed the house. That is when I made the biggest mistake of my life.” He paused here hoping that would be enough but, the silence that followed implored him to continue.
“I took advantage of my sister, of your mother, of Juliana,” Newlyn said this holding back tears. “I raped her while she slept. She did not even know. Then she got pregnant. It was all my fault.”
There was silence as the twins looked around confused. No one would met their gaze and kept their eyes down. After what seemed like ages Stephanie crossed her arms and shifted uncomfortably before asking, “so you are our real parents?”
Juliana now spoke up again looking at her own parents as she spoke, “Yes, Newlyn is your father and I am your mother.”
Newlyn’s mother, Stephanie, put her hand on her granddaughter’s shoulder and added, “we wanted to tell you but, it was not our place to let you know.”
Juliana’s father add his own comment, “No more secrets now. I hope it is better this way.”
No one spoke until the waitress appeared with the check. Newlyn took it without hesitation and put $200 cash on in it. Way more then was needed but, he could afford it and wanted to leave. With the bill more then paid for he got up to leave.
As he stood Juliana called to him, “wait don’t go yet.”
Newlyn looked around the somber table before replying, “and ruin someone else’s life? No, I have done enough damage for a life time. I am sorry.” With that he left.
Newlyn was reading again. It was not doing any good though. He had read the same page possibly six times already and had no idea what he was reading. He just could not shake the evening off. He had not had emotions this strong for years and forgot how difficult it was to put them out of mind. Frustrated he started at the top of the page once more when there was that awful sound of a knock at the door.
He knew who it would be before he even opened the door. Just as he expected it was Juliana.
“Some how I figured you had more in mind then simply revealing the twins true linage tonight,” Newlyn commented to his sister.
“Of course, I told you I was here for you didn’t I?” she told him. After a pause she asked, “May I come in?”
Newlyn ponded the question for a moment but had no reason not to let his sister in. After all he figured he owed her a lot more then that. He stood aside and gestured for Juliana to enter. She entered and took a seat on the couch. Newlyn knew from that she must have a lot on her mind. He did not feel like talking right now but, the very fact that his sister was willing to talk to him at all was a good sign. He took a deep breathe while he closed the door and took a seat.
Juliana started, “I am sorry about what happened tonight.
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