Monster U.
Before you all ask I am still writing the other ones and will post when they are ready!
Author’s Note:
This story is, for the most part, written in the first person from the perspective of the main character, Jeff. However when the need arises to tell a part of the story, in which Jeff isn’t present, I will switch to third person, the narrator’s view. The narrator is still Jeff relating a part of the story that was relayed to him at a later time. Also there is no sex in this one but will be in following chapters.
Words between ‘ ‘ are thoughts. Ex.= ‘I want pizza!’
Monster U.
Hi people my name is Jeff, well actually it is Jeffrey Blackwell but we’ll just go with Jeff, and I am here to tell you monsters exist. Everything you’ve ever heard about things slithering in the dark from the Boogeyman to the Japanese Kitsune. Now I know you’re wondering if the monsters exist do the good guy angels, etc. They do, however they are not friendly nor are they all good but they are intensely beautiful. They are still monsters and like most of the hidden world they despise humanity. My advice, if you’re human and you meet any creature or being that you think shouldn’t exist and it doesn’t kill you outright, turn around and run away as fast as you can and forget you saw anything. The unseen world has been hidden for a long time and if you start blabbing about whatever it was that you saw ‘they’ will pay you a visit and you might just forget what you saw or you could vanish never to be seen again. The unseen world has its own governing body which is split into four parts. Every continent and the oceans have been split into ‘Sectors’ presiding over each of these areas is a lord. The lord is almost always the most powerful monster in the area due to the fact that you can take the job by killing the previous lord. These lords answer to a Regent who is responsible for maintaining the peace in a large chunk of sectors, all of North America for example. In turn these Regents answer to The Council, aka. The Council of Sin due to the fact that each is given the title of one of the seven deadly sins to replace their names. The seven council members rule the unseen world with an iron fist and are answerable to only one being in all of existence. The Demon King, he is the only being able to order the council to his will. The last Demon King, Zakir, died nearly a hundred years ago and the Council rules until another rises to the throne. There aren’t tons of requirements to be the Demon King but failure to succeed means death, even so many try every year. Alright now that you’ve got a little back story let’s get this story rolling.
It all started with an argument with my mother…
“You’re going,” my mother, Mercy, stated with determination. The witch, I’m not insulting her she really is a witch honest to god witch flying broom and everything, put her hands on her hips and glared at me. She thought that the pose was intimidating and I had never had the heart to tell her with her diminutive body, four foot eleven, it just made her look adorable.
“I am not,” I shot back with just as much determination and crossed my arms over my chest. She didn’t bat an eyelash but I am sure my pose with my much larger size, six feet even, was much more intimidating.
“As long as you live under my roof,” she began with that tired old line.
“Fine,” I said and she smiled misunderstanding me.
“I’ll move out by the end of the week,” I said and the smiled dropped off her face and was replaced with alarm instead.
“Sweetie, you have to go! Our family has been going for nearly a hundred generations, since the place was founded. You’re the descendent of the founder,” she changed her tone to pleading once she realized that threats wouldn’t work. The place she is talking about is Blackwell University, aka. Monster U., and is the place all good little monsters go after high School just before their powers jump to full power around nineteen years old.
“I am not going I don’t belong there! I am human,” I said holding my arms out as if to give her a better view of my humanity. My mother had married a human, a highly unusual choice, and been exiled from her clan when she refused to break it off with my father. There are five major witch clans, each founded way back when, but we’ll get into that later.
“Even if you are,” she said in a way making it sound like I was claiming I was master of the world,” you have to go.”
“Look even if I went, the main reason to go is to learn to control your abilities after they mature to full power. I don’t have any powers so going there is a waste of my time so I am not going,” I said with finality. She opened her mouth you argue further but a knock on the front door sounded and I took the chance to escape. Brandon stood on the other side of the door with a huge grin on his face when I opened the door. Brandon is a werewolf and my best friend, he and my mom make up the entirety of my family, or at least those I consider family.
“Hey what’s-,” I began before pain lanced up my spine and all of my muscles clenched in protest. The sensation wasn’t something new, I suffered from these painful seizures from time to time, but it seemed to be worse than the last time.
“Jeff,” Brandon shouted in alarm and leapt forward to keep me from face planting on the floor. My mother hearing the distress in his voice hurried into the room and her gaze locked on me as I twitched in Brandon’s grip. He was much stronger than me, much stronger than any human for that matter, and easily kept me upright. As a child I was injured somehow, my mother would just change the subject when I asked how so I eventually stopped trying, and these flashes of agony were a reminder of that injury. There were no marks on my back but the pain came regardless, and I just clenched my teeth and bore it. Except for the last year it had just become something I had to deal with, it had intensified and almost always when it came it crippled me temporarily.
They laid me on the couch and my mother brushed her hand through my hair, tears in her pretty green eyes, and I writhed in pain for several minutes before it abated. When it was gone as just lay there panting and trying to recover from the episode.
“So you all packed and ready to head out for Monster U.,” Brandon asked as a way to fill the silence.
“I’m not going,” I replied my voiced strained and then sat up with a pained groan. My whole body ached as it usually did after one of my attacks. Brandon opened his mouth to say something, a surprised look on his face and he glance from my mother to me and decided to just stay quite. My mother didn’t say anything this time but she wore the same determined look she had on earlier and her silence worried me. She was a powerful witch and I was pretty much powerless against her if she decided to force me I wouldn’t be able to resist. I pushed the thought out of my mind preferring to believe that she would never do something like that; I should have listened to my instincts and made a run for as soon as she turned her back on me.
“Honey, I’m making your favorite, Pizza, tonight so if you’re going out be back tonight,” Mom said and I nodded. I rose unsteadily to my feet and once I was composed I motioned to Brandon and we headed out of the house, leaving my mother to her cooking. We hopped in his beat-up piece of crap of a car and we drove the 10 minute drive to the mall in silence. When we got there we got out and the mood lightened enough for Brandon to start talking again, he wisely didn’t ask about my mother or the monster school. We just walked aimlessly around the mall talking or Brandon flirting with every female we passed. He was a hopeless flirt, he wasn’t serious most of the time he just liked the women’s reactions to him. Age didn’t matter, from girls just old enough to talk and their mothers to toothless old grannies, he’d stop and flirt and I would either stand there and listen, amused as he spoke, or browse the shops on either side of the corridor. He had come close to getting into many fights when he flirted with some pricks wife or girlfriend, but he could exude and air of menace when he desired and they quickly backed down and fled with said female in tow.
We walked around the mall of several hours, Brandon flirting and actually receiving several girls’ numbers to which I just shook my head. One of them was even a hot mother with a daughter on her hip after that I decided it was time to head back. We walked out to his car and climbed back in, him talking animatedly about the MILF who just given him her number, and we pulled away. The ride home passed by in a flash, as he went on about everything he wanted to do to for, and with the hot mother and her large breasts. I just laughed at his outrageous claims, both of us knowing he would almost certainly never take her up on her offer. His parents would flip out and probably try to eat him, as his mother often threatened; if she found out he was actually involved in any way with a normal human. They only tolerated his friendship with me because my mother had threatened to turn them into rabbits and leave them that way when they began to give him grief for it.
Upon entering the house the mouthwatering smell of pizza hit us, and we stopped and inhaled deeply.
“Mom, we’re back,” I called.
“Go wash up dinner is ready,” she called back from the kitchen and we did as commanded quickly.
“It smells delicious Mom,” I said when I answered the kitchen and she handed me a plate to two slice of mushroom pizza that no pizzeria in the world could match. I was pretty certain she used some kind of magic to make it taste so much better than normal but I had once watched her make it and never saw a hint of her using her power. I took a big bite and the gooey extra cheese stretched between my mouth and the pizza in a strand as thick around as my pinky before I severed it with my teeth.
“So good,” Brandon moaned, after taking a seat beside the one I now occupied. Mom smiled at us before she turned to the sink and began cleaning the dishes occasionally looking over her shoulder at us. I finished my first slice and I was halfway through the second before dizziness washed over me, followed swiftly by tiredness. I set the pizza down in confusion and Brandon looked over in surprise, once I picked up a slice of my Mom’s pizza it never got put back down. That last thing I remembered was his lips moving but I didn’t hear whatever he said because I slipped into a deep sleep.
That brings us to the present and I am currently groggy and pissed off but I know exactly what happened to me. I already know what I’ll see before I open my eyes and I squeeze them shut hoping that if I don’t look it will all go away. That maybe I fell and hit my head and that my mother didn’t just fucking drugged me and put me on a bus to my idea of a living hell. That hope is shattered however when the bus hits a pot hole and my head bounces off the window pane it is resting on. I groan but the dizziness and lethargy are rapidly fading and my anger and the feeling of betrayal is growing to replace it. I open my eyes and look around, and the bus is pretty nice with plush seats and a bathroom at the back. The bus is packed with teens headed for the school and is quite noisy as they try to speak over each other. Outside the window it is pitch black as the bus travels through dimensional walls to reach the school, which only reachable by this bus. With a sigh I lean my head back against the window and resign myself to the fact that until the holiday trip home I will be stuck at the school, doesn’t mean I have to go along with it like a good little peon though. Brandon is in the seat next to me snoring away and I decide to let him sleep, and it is only then that I notice the foil wrapped plate in my lap. I lift the foil off and the smell of freshly baked peanut butter cookies wafts out from inside. The smell is mouthwatering but I haven’t forgotten what happened that last time I ate my mother’s cooking, and I am just about to close it when a pretty face pokes up above the seat in front of me.
“Are those peanut butter,” she asked hopefully and gives me puppy dog eyes. I smile and nod at her before handing her the entire plate of cookies.
“Here you go just share with anyone else who wants one,” I tell her and she grins at me before sitting back down. I am pretty sure these aren’t drugged since there would be no purpose since I am already on the bus and I watch as everyone around who heard me say share holds out a hand for the cookies. Pretty soon they are gone and the girl’s head pops back above the seat.
“Here this was on the bottom of the plate, under the cookies,” she says and hands me an envelope with my name scrawled across the front in my mother’s neat handwriting. Seeing it makes me both sad and furious at the same time and I crumple the note into a ball and jam it into my pocket. The girl watches in silence before offering me another smile and then sits back down and I settle in to fume in silence for the rest of the ride. As the bus trundles on the hum of engine and sway eventually lulls me into a half-sleep but I wake the instant the bus stops and look out the windows. We are park in front of a building with white marble Greek columns like you could find on most colleges and everything looks pretty normal. Everyone stands and begins gathering their stuff and trying to get off the bus. I wake Brandon and then lean back waiting for the majority of the others to exit not wanting to get caught in the crush of bodies. When the bus is mostly empty Brandon and I stand and he grabs two bags from the overhead luggage rack and hands me one and I follow him off the bus.
“Your other luggage will be taken to your rooms,” the bus driver says to us as we step off the bus then he re boarders and drives around the side of the building down a small road barely big enough to accommodate the bus. The building is so wide from our position we can’t see anything passed it and behind us is only the road we drove in on and forest for as far as I can see.
“Did you eat all of those cookies already,” Brandon asked with a whine.
“No,” I reply shortly. He must still be half asleep because he misses the obvious clue to drop the subject in my tone.
“I bet you did,” he says.
“Actually I didn’t eat any of them, I gave the entire plate away,” I replied. His brain must have finally clicked on because the teasing tone drops from his voice but he still doesn’t let it drop.
“Did you get the letter,” he asks and I nod.
“Well what did it say,” he asks irritating me. I pulled the crumpled note from my pocket and thrust it at him, and he takes it his eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you read it,” he asks.
“Because I don’t care what it says,” I reply through gritted teeth.
“You know she loves you right,” he asks softly staring down at the balled letter with a sad look.
“She has a funny way of showing it,” I shoot back and begin following the others as they head inside but he grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop.
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