Money buys everything 2
Money buys everything 2
Sex Story Author: | tevinter |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She hesitated for a second, moving back her head and looking nervously towards the camera. Yes, they were having sex |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Non-consensual sex, Prostitution, Reluctance, Written By Women, Young |
The repetitive, rhythmic slapping of flesh against flesh could be heard in Carl’s bedroom. Over his king size bed, was a naked woman, Audrey, on all fours and with legs slight opened, bending over her arms while raising her ass to grant her Young lover better access to her intimacy. Her elbows were pinning the smooth fabric covering the bed while her hands, closed in fists, had a strong grip on the sheets.
Her eyes were closed and lips slightly apart, feeling all the sensations she was having that moment. The impact of hips against her ass, creating loud slapping sounds, forcing her body slightly forward and wiggling her hanging breasts each time that small and hard penis was forcefully shoved inside the soft folds of her wet pussy. That small cock felt like a slightly longer and thicker finger sliding furiously inside her, like a lover fingering her fast. But it wasn’t any of his fingers, since both of his small hands were holding her waist, pushing her back each time she was pulled forward, as if trying to impale her in his small stick.
Numbly, she opened her eyes, and saw an awed Carl right in front of her, holding a small video camera, recording what was happening. She looked straight at the lens, and despite her blushed face, covered with sweaty shame and misery, there was a hint of sexual arousal in her eyes, a sign that despite everything, she was enjoying the moment too.
Between her low, self-contained gasps, Audrey managed to regain some breath and whispered a couple words with her trembling, red lips.
“Happy now?”. She was looking directly at the lens, while Carl zoomed directly into her face, doing his best to keep her in frame, despite her back and forward movements, and Carl’s own hand trembling with excitement.
“Absolutely…”, he said, although there was no need to answer with words. The wide grin in his face, as well as the bulge in his robe, that he occasionally caressed with one of his hands, were proof enough.
He shifted the camera’s focus from the woman’s face towards her lover. That was a face Carl would never forget, the face of a boy in total bliss, having the time of his life. And the resemblance between the two lovers was so striking and amazing, it provided enough proof of the exact nature of what was happening.
Audrey slowly closed her eyes again, as if going back to a state of meditation, and looking tired, lowered her head, still being pushed and pulled, back and forward by strong slaps that moved wildly the cheeks of her round, luscious ass. It was pleasing her body, but tormenting her soul. She tried hard to steer her thoughts away from what she was doing, her wicked, naughty act. The identity of her young lover was troubling her. Despite her efforts, his loud moans didn’t allow her to escape reality of the awkward and surreal sexual experience she was having.
She knew that voice so well.
At least, he was obviously having a really good time. That knowledge brought some comfort to Audrey. None of them were supposed to be doing that, it was a huge sin, and yet, there she was, nude, leaning, opening her legs, and to add to her shame, her body was enjoying it too, as those occasional low moans escaping from her lips confirmed.
She couldn’t believe how fast and easy her current situation developed. Carl, the bastard, was an expert in manipulation. Everything worked exactly the way he wanted.
It all started several hours earlier, when Audrey entered Carl’s home, visibly shaking and nervous, standing in the middle of his living room and holding Alex, her beloved son’s hand
Three people in a room, but only two of them were aware of what was going to happen. The sight of a mother holding her boy’s hand, while he’s unaware of what the grownups were planning to with him was arousing Carl even more. The contrast between a hot, tall, fully and graciously developed woman near her small, juvenile son helped too, specially considering what was about to happen between them.
Carl loved specially the fact that near his mother, Alex’s face was near her bellybutton. He imagined the possibilities their height difference could provide.
Secretly, Audrey wished Carl would come to his senses and give up that absurd plan.
Waving his hand, Carl motioned mother and son to sit down on the sofa. Audrey tried to build up courage to refuse, and instead, leave that place, saving her soul and her son’s innocence. She failed, and sat down, still holding the boy’s hand.
Carl asked the boy if he knew why he was there. Carl explained he was about to have a lot of fun, and invited them over for a small trip around his mansion.
Alex had a vague idea something wasn’t quite right in that odd situation, but since his mother had brought him there, and mothers are supposed to protect their offspring and have only their best in mind, nothing could go wrong, isn’t it?
It was a nice surprise. Carl had carefully staged a very attractive scenario for a boy. Video-games, a incredibly huge HDTV and Home Theater, and several electronic toys of all kinds. Add to that the soccer field and huge pool in the back of his mansion. Carl even provided a soda dispenser, like the ones Alex saw in malls and airports.
In awe, the boy asked “Wow… is this all yours?”.
“Yes, it is”, he answered, almost laughing.
Still smiling, Carl looked at Audrey, the worried mother that followed them all the time.
“I have an idea, baby, why don’t you go to the kitchen and fix a snack for us?”
Understanding her boss wanted to be alone with her son, Audrey complied, intending to keep a distant look on both of them. She wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation, but she would see any inappropriate behavior.
Once alone, Carl explained the boy he really liked his mother and, since he could see Alex was a good boy, he was planning on inviting both of them to live with him. He lived there alone, and it meant that all that good stuff would eventually belong to Alex.
The boy was thrilled with such incredible prospect, living in a mansion and having all that nice stuff.
And to add to the boy’s excitement, Carl told him that place had magical properties. Alex frowned. He didn’t believe in magic anymore. He knew those magicians in TV were just playing tricks.
“Magical how?”
“Anything you wish inside this house, it becomes true. Like that genie inside the bottle tale, do you know it?”
Alex nodded, and inquired that, if he asked for a chopper, one would appear. Carl laughed, telling him that it wasn’t so simple, some steps were required first. But there was a simple thing the boy could try to prove that house was indeed magical.
“I’ll propose a test”, Carl added. “What if I told you that, right now, anything you asked your mother, she would agree? And, I mean ANY-thing!”
The boy’s eyes were suddenly wide.
Swimming in the deep waters of her memories, an exhausted and sweaty Audrey barely managed to hear Carl’s voice.
“Audrey, baby, he’s getting tired… you must try another position”, he said, still recording. Carl was directing them, carefully crafting an unusual and perverted homemade porn.
The boy’s rhythm was clearly faltering. Yet, his stamina was impressive. The camera registered 48 minutes of action so far, and despite his first signs of weariness, the boy clearly didn’t want to stop. Carl was very impressed and proud, he was a young stallion. There were so many possibilities…
Audrey, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as thrilled as Carl, for obvious reasons. She was tired and ashamed, and even knowing her young lover was having a good time, she wanted it to end soon and go home.
Feeling that small dick leaving her, and his hands letting her waist free, Audrey collapsed in the bed. It was a very intense experience, both physically and emotionally. Her whole body trembled, she had never felt such mixed feelings in her whole life, even considering those months whoring herself for Carl and his friends.
There was never any doubt in her mind that what was happening in that bedroom was wrong. But at the same time, it felt so good for everyone involved, specially her young lover. Rolling over the bed, Audrey could face him, and there was pure glee in his face, a smile that would never fade. He was sitting on his knees, looking back an forth to Carl and Audrey, barely able to contain his eagerness for the next step in that incredible adventure he was living. Agitated, he didn’t stop moving, and his glistening, young erection was still hard, pointing up, coated with Audrey’s sex juices.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough, young man?”, Audrey said while sitting in the bed, in a lotus position.
The boy quickly nodded negatively.
“Can I have… some more… please, please, please?”, he added, barely able to breath, while putting both palms together, in a begging stance.
“Of course you can”, Carl answered swiftly, before Audrey could say anything. “But now, I want you to kiss each other”
“Oka-ay!”, the boy shouted, moving near the exhausted woman.
“Audrey, lean on the back of the bed and spread your legs… let him nest between your thighs”
She looked at the camera with a faint smile. Then Carl moved the camera’s lens from her face towards her legs, registering her hesitantly opening them, closing in her carefully trimmed pussy, covered in a small patch of black pubic hair, seconds before the boy’s head, then his back hided it, as he positioned himself between her thighs, trying to put his arms around her waist as much as he could.
Then, he pecked her left cheek with a loud pop.
“Ok”, Carl laughed. The boy didn’t understand his request. “Now, I want you to kiss her again, but in her mouth”
“Okay!”, the boy answered, the moving his mouth towards her lips.
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