Mom’s Dilemma
Mom’s Dilemma
Sex Story Author: | averagejoepornlover |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Ah wanna make her take ‘em off fer the kids. Thass the best part. It ain’t every day kids that |
Sex Story Category: | Coercion |
Sex Story Tags: | Coercion, Fantasm, Female / Girl, Humiliation, Incest, Male / Older Female, Non-consensual sex, Rape |
Jolene was at work when the phone call came. Her thirteen year old son, Donny, and three of his friends were due to be driven back home from summer camp by bus. The bus had, apparently, broken down and the camp director was calling her to ask that she drive up and take the boys home herself.
It was one thirty and the boys were due to be home by four. The drive to the camp was a four hour round trip. If she left immediately she wouldn’t be there until three thirty and, at best, would have the boys home by five thirty or six.
She was not dressed for a trip up to camp. If she were she would be wearing jeans, sneakers and a sweater. As it was, being called at the last minute from work, she had on a short knit skirt, high heel pumps and a blouse that revealed all too much of her sizeable breasts.
She wore these clothes to impress her new boss. She knew that her plump bottom and clearly visible panty line were attracting his attention, and today she had put on the thin blouse through which her nice, big nipples were clearly poking out.
Jolene was normally very modest but, now that all their jobs were in jeopardy, she hoped that looking sexy would help keep her employed.
At any rate, it was no outfit to wear around little boys, but there was no one else to pick them up. She asked her supervisor for the extra time off, explaining her problem, and was given permission to leave.
She went to the parking lot, got in her Chevy station wagon and pulled out to the attendant. He was a man of fifty five or so, a lecherous loser who enjoyed making obscene remarks to the more attractive female employees.
“Oh My, Jolene” he grinned, looking down at her “That’s quite a little skirtie you got on there. How’s about a little peek at your panties? C’mon. Just a little peek to see how nice. C’mon.”
“I’m not going to show you anything” Jolene said angrily “You’re a perverted old man and you should watch how you talk to the office girls.”
“Aaah, c’mon, Jolene” he grinned “Lemme see your undies. Just one nice peek and I won’t bother you any more. I just wanna see how they fit.”
Oh, you, you dirty man” Jolene chirped” You’re not going to see anything.”
Jolene drove off in a huff thinking how the company could employ a creep like that.
The drive to Camp Lakota took exactly two hours. When she arrived, a gaggle of about twenty boys and girls awaited pickup. Jolene spotted her son, Donny, standing with two other boys and a pretty little girl of about eleven, and pulled up to them.
“Hi, Mom’ Donny smiled “The bus broke down. Thanks for coming to get us. These are my friends Timmy, and Chuck and this is Mary-Ellen. They don’t live far from us.”
The boys and the little girl piled into the station wagon, Donny and Chuck in the front with her, Timmy and Mary-Ellen in the back.
To her embarrassment, Jolene saw that her thin, nippie-showing blouse was not lost on the boy called Chuck and she tugged down her skirt demurely to make sure he didn’t get to see anything else that little boys were always trying to see.
After driving twenty minutes, Donny and Timmy said they had to go to the bathroom. Spotting a rural country store, Jolene pulled up and they all got out for a pit-stop and to get some snacks. Jolene, Mary-Ellen and Chuck went into the store while Donny and Timmy headed for the bathroom. In the store were five men. The clerk, two oldsters playing checkers and two hillbilly types in overalls drinking beer.
“How can I help you li’l lady” the clerk said “We got fresh apple cider today and real maple candy.”
“Oh. No candy” Jolene said “Maybe just some potato chips and sodas.”
One of the hillbillies walked up to Jolene and she could smell the beer.
“Why, hello pretty lady” he grinned “Mah names Jude. You sure is a good lookin’ woman.”
“Uh…Thank…Thank you…”, Jolene said, trying to be polite.
“Why don’t you an’ the little girl come on over to the house with me and mah brother there so’s we kin have some fun with you. We’ll get your panties off an’ give it to both of you real good.”
Jolene could not believe the impertinence of this bumpkin. And the children had heard what he said. “How dare you” she snapped angrily “Get away from me.”
“No offense lady” he grinned “But you sure do got a nice big ass an’ we sure would like to play with it. Bet those little boys would too. Bet they’d like to see those big, juicy tits you got there.”
“Why you, you big creep” Jolene snapped, blushing deeply, knowing the kids were listening to every word “There are children here. How can you talk like that. Leave me alone.”
Ahhh. Jeez lady. You think them boys don’t know what nookie is?” he smirked “Bet they’d like a peek down your panties to see some real poosie. How ‘bout that kids. How’d ya like to see her poosie?”
Totally outraged by the grinning bumpkin’s filthy comments. Jolene turned on her high heels and walked to the cash register. She had been humiliated in front of the children almost to the point of tears and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. She could see that Timmy and Mary-Ellen were embarrassed also, but the boy, Chuck, was smiling. No doubt the little brat was thinking about what the bumpkin had said and she hated him also.
“Ooooweee. Would you lookit that ass. Shakes like a bowl of Jello” The bumpkin called after her “How’d you like some of that, Lem?”
The one called Lem had a Cellular phone to his ear and just smiled. The clerk apologized for the man’s rude remarks, explaining that when the Riley’s got drunk they were out of control and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Jolene and the children got back in the car and drove off. So hurried was she, that Jolene didn’t notice that her short knit skirt had ridden up indecently high and the boy called Chuck was getting a nice peek at her panties. She tugged her skirt down, giving the boy an angry glance that was returned with a smirking grin.
Ten more minutes down the road they encountered a Detour sign pointing to the right. Jolene didn’t remember such a sign on the way up, but it blocked the road, leaving them no choice but to follow it.
They found themselves on a dirt road that soon narrowed to a lane, then to a path in the woods. Knowing something was terribly wrong, Jolene tried to make a U-turn but the path was too narrow. Suddenly, a man of about fifty, in overalls, emerged from the woods carrying a shotgun.
The man came up to the car and Jolene rolled down the window. “What y’all doin’ back here lady?” he said “This here is privite propity.”
“We…we got lost …” Jolene said nervously “There was a sign and…and we followed it.”
“Well, y’all is tresspassin’ on mah land” he said “Git outa that car.”
“But…but we didn’t know…” Jolene stammered “All…all we want to do is turn around…O.K.”
“Ah said git outa there, lady” he threatened, raising his shotgun and pointing it at Jolene “An’ ah mean now. All of ya. Git on out here.” Jolene and the children fearfully left the car and stood before the man.
“Damn” he said “Ah’m jest sick an tired of you city folks thinkin’ you can go anywhere ya want. Well, you’re gonna have ta pay up this time.”
Just then an old red pick-up truck rattled up behind the station wagon and stopped. Much to Jolene’s horror, the two men who stepped out were the same two brothers from the store.
“What ya got here Paw?” the one called Jude smiled “Some more trespassers? Why, heck. I seen these folks down at Dolph’s. An’ that li’l lady there was right unfriendly. Called me a creep.”
“That so?” the one with the shotgun said “Called you a creep, did she? Called you a creep, then she comes up here on our land.”
“Hey Paw”, the one called Lem grinned “Mebbe she come on back here to give them little boys some nookie. Thass what it looks like to me.”
“WHA…WHAT?” Jolene snapped, shocked at the lewd and impossible suggestion “Oh my god…How could you…How could you even think…Ooooh You…You…I was taking them home from camp. The boy over there is my son.”
“Hear that Paw?” Jude smirked “She was gonna give her kid some nookie too. How ‘bout that boys? Was she gonna give you a little poosie? Was she gonna take her undies off an’ do it for you nice-nice?”
“Ooooh don’t…Don’t talk like that…” Jolene stammered blushing deeply “We…we were just driving home…Please let us go and…and we’ll be on our way.”
“Sorry, li’l lady” Paw said “You done trespassed, called mah boy a creep an’ come on up here ta fuck them little boys. You gotta learn a lesson. Don’t she Jude?”
“Thass right Paw” Jude grinned “But if they wanna fuck, we should let ‘em. Why don’t we take ‘em on up to the house so’s we kin watch ‘em fuck. That oughta be fun.”
“Please stop it…Stop it…” Jolene protested on the verge of tears “How can you even think that. They’re just little boys…One is my son…Stop it…Please…”
“You hear that Paw” Lem chuckled “She was gonna pull down her panties an’ do it with her own kid. Oh yeah. I wanna watch that.”
Jolene broke down in tears while Donny and the other boys stood silently. Little Mary-Ellen had begun to weep also.
“C’mon, all of ya. Git on up to the house” Paw said, waving the shotgun “Y’all are gonna put on a little show fer us.”
“Thass right Paw” Jude grinned “Let’s make ‘em show us what they was gonna do back here. Oooweee. This sure is gonna be fun.”
Tears of humiliation ran down Jolene’s cheeks at having been talked to in such a fashion in front of her thirteen year old son and his friends. She knew the hillbillies could not possibly believe she had intended to do such things with boys of their age and couldn’t possibly mean what they said. No one could be that perverted. They were just trying to scare them. Jolene prayed that they would be let go shortly without any further humiliation.
“Hey Lem” she heard Judes’ voice behind her “Lookit that. Y’all kin see her panties right through that skirt she’s wearin’. Ain’t that nice?”
Jolene winced at the comment and wanted to reprimand the filthy bumpkin, but thought better of it. Suddenly, she felt the back of her skirt being lifted and quickly reached to hold it down.
“Stop that…Don’t do that…” she snapped, turning to see Jude grinning lewdly.
“Hey, Lem” he said to his brother “Almost got to see right on up there. A little bit higher an’ we woulda seen her undies. Ooo-La-La.”
“Damn. Ah sure would like to see her underpants” Lem smiled “Ah bet she got real purty ones on. That li’l girlie looks kinda cute too”
“Don’t you have any decency?” Jolene blushed “Can’t you see there are children here. Ooooo you…you beasts…”
To her dismay, Jolene realized that the young boys had seen the bumpkin try to get her skirt up for a peek and hoped they hadn’t seen too much.
“Hear that Lem” Jude snickered “She done called us beasts an’ she’s the one brought these kids on back here to strip her undies for ‘em an’ suck their dicks.”
“Stop that…Stop saying that…” Jolene squeaked “Where did you get such a terrible idea? Don’t say that any more.”
“C’mon there lady” Lem smirked “What kinda outfit is that to wear aroun’ little boys. Jess lookit you with them panties showin’ through your skirt an’ your big nippies poppin’ right on out there. You think that don’t make these kids want a little somethin’?”
“Oooooh you…you animals. You’re nothing but animals to think such things” Jolene whinnied “Don’t say those things in front of the boys.”
Jolene and the children were taken through the woods to a large, but ramshackle, house. Standing on the rickety porch were two young boys, twins it seemed, of about twelve and a little girl of about ten.
“Hey Paw” one of the boys said “You got us some trespassers again? We gonna have some fun with ’em?”
“Well they’s sure gonna have to pay fer comin’ on our land” Paw answered “Ah don’t ‘spect they got much money so they’s gonna hafta put on a little show fer us.”
“What…what do you mean a little show…” Jolene stammered, refusing to believe that anyone could be perverted enough to make her do things in front of her own son “You…you don’t mean…You don’t actually expect that I…I would ever…”
“Ah sure do li’l lady” he menaced, raising his gun “That li’l girlie too. An’ this shotgun here is gonna get you in the mood.”
Jolene was horrified at the thought that she and little Mary-Ellen might actually be raped by Jude and Lem. Raped while her own thirteen-year-old son, his friends and the other children watched.
“Please…can’t…can’t you just let us go…” she whimpered “We didn’t mean to trespass…It was a mistake…Please…”
“Zeke. You an’ Deke go on in the house” Paw said to the twins “An’ Dolly, you get us some beers. Jude, you and Lem take these kids to the parlor. Ah think ah gotta explain things to Mom here.”
When all of them were inside, Paw turned to Jolene.
“Ah don’t think you unnerstan’ li’l lady” he said “If’n you don’t do what your told ah’m gonna take mah shotgun an’ blow your haid off. Then ah’m gonna blow your kids haid off. You got mah meanin’?”
“Oh please…Please don’t do this…” Jolene whimpered “I…I’ll get you money… Anything…Please don’t do this…”
“Hell, li’l lady. We don’t want your money” Paw said “What we want is ta watch you strip yore undies an’ show us them big titties an’ that nice poosie of yourn. Bet them young boys would like ta get a look too.”
“Oh you…you wouldn’t make me do that “Jolene pleaded “I…I’ll do anything… anything…but not in front of the boys…Please…Not in front of the boys…”
“Heck lady” he chuckled “Thass the whole fun of it. You gettin stripped nice an’nakey so’s them kids can have a good look-see. Ah bet that boy of yourn would sure like watchin’ his Mom take ‘em off for everybody.”
“Oh…You can’t be serious…You can’t really mean you would make me…make me…take off my…my…”
“Now get in the house, lady” he snapped “An’ quit squawkin’”
Jolene was taken into the parlor where everyone stood waiting, Jude and Lem with bottles of beer in their hands.
“O.K., sonny-boy” Paw said pointing at Donny “You an’ yer friends sit over there an’ watch us have some fun with yer Mom.”
“Hey Paw” one of the twins said “Kin we look up her skirtie? Kin we feel her up?”
“Yeah Paw”, the other one said, “We wanna see her undies an’ give her a feel.”
“Wah sure boys” Paw said “Git on down there an’ have yourselves a peek. Ah don’ think the li’l lady would mind lettin’ y’all have a look-see up there.”
“Wha…What?” Jolene piped, still not fully accepting her situation “You can’t …You can’t possibly think I would let…let them. They’re just little boys…little boys…I…I…”
“Now y’all just simmer down there li’l lady” Paw said, holding up the shotgun “If’n mah boys want a look-see up that skirtie of yours, they’s gonna have it.”
Jolene instinctively clasped her skirt around her thighs as the twelve year old twins scooted down to lie on their backs and look upwards.
“Go on now, li’l lady” Paw said “Git yer hands away so’s mah boys kin look on up there an’ see somethin’ nice.”
With the shotgun pointing directly at her, Jolene gave a squeal of absolute humiliation and took her hands away. These nasty little boys were actually going to look up her skirt. There was nothing she could do about it and she shuddered knowing that her son and his friends were watching her embarrassment.
“Oh Jeez. Lookie that” one of the twins said, peering upwards “Ah kin see her panties.”
“Oooweeee. She sure does got nice undie-pants” the other said “Nice pink ones, an’ they sure do fit good over her poosie.”
“Go on, li’l lady” Paw said “Spread them legs a little so’s the boys kin see everythin’ real good.”
Whimpering and blushing deeply, Jolene had no choice but to part her legs so the little boys could enjoy a better view up between her thighs.
“Damn. Lookie that nice panty-pie she got there” the one called Deke smiled as he gazed up between her legs “Bet she got a real nice poosie.”
“Oh don’t…Don’t do this…Please don’t do this…”, Jolene whimpered “They’re only little boys…Please don’t do this…Please…”
“Heck, Paw” Lem grinned “Mom here sure does squawk a lot. An’ we ain’t even got down ta business yet.”
“Thass O.K.” Paw said “She can squawk all she wants. It ain’t gonna help her none.”
“Hey Paw” young Deke said “Kin we give her a feelie up there? Kin we play with her panties?”
“Yeah Paw” Zeke piped “We wanna tickle her panties. Kin we?”
“Oh please…Don’t…Don’t let them do that…” Jolene sobbed “You wouldn’t let them do that…They’re…They’re only little boys…Please don’t let them do that…”
“Lady. If’n mah boys wants ta tickle yer undie-pants, they’s gonna tickle yer undie-pants” Paw said “Now you jess spread them legs a li’l wider so’s they kin play aroun’ an have some fun up there.”
“Please take my son out of the room…Please…” Jolene whimpered “Don’t do this to me in front of my son…I…I beg you…Please…”
“Ah said spread them legs, lady” Paw barked, raising the shotgun “Ah don’t wanna hafta tell you again.”
“Oh No…Noooo…” Jolene sobbed, spreading her legs nicely, further exposing her most private panty-covered pussy to the hateful little boys “You’re terrible… Terrible…How can you do this…How can you do this…Oh Nooooo…”
Both of the twins slipped their nasty little hands under Jolene’s skirt and up between her spread thighs and began to eagerly tickle and feel the snug crotchband of her nylon panties.
“Oh Jeez. Ah kin feel her poosie. Ah kin feel it right through her undie-pants” Zeke said excitedly.
“Heck, Yeah” Deke added “She sure got one nice poosie in them undies of hers. Oh Yeah. Them panties feel real nice.”
Tears of absolute humiliation ran down Jolene’s cheeks as the awful little boys played up under her skirt. This had to be a nightmare. This could not actually be happening. Nasty little boys playing with her panties while her own son watched. It was too impossible to be true. In a minute she would wake up and all this would be over. It was just a dream. It had to be.
“Hey Paw” the one called Jude said “Y’all always let Zeke an’ Deke play with poosie first. Jess like that schoolteacher’s wife last month, an’ them cute li’l Girl Scouts month afore that. Me an’ Lem always gits ta play with poosie last.”
“What y’all worried about, boy?” Paw said, sitting down in a big chair “You know yore gonna git some of that nice nookie over there. You is all gonna git some. Jess relax.”
Jolene suddenly realized that they were not the first. That these awful hillbillies had done this before. Perhaps lots of times. And to little girls too. That “Detour” sign. They had put that there themselves. They had been trapped. That’s why Lem was on the phone when they left the store. He was calling to set the trap for them. This was no accident. What hope was there now?
“How ‘bout that kid?” Jude grinned at Donnie “Looks like yer Mom’s getting her poosie tickled. Oh yeah. She’s getting her poosie tickled real good.”
“Now, Jude” Paw said “After Zeke an’ Deke have their feelie, you an’ Lem kin have yourn. Y’all kin play with the li’l girlie too”
“Hey Paw” Deke said “Kin I squeeze her titties? She got nice big ones. I wanna squeeze ‘em up for her.”
“Yeah Paw” Zeke chimed in “I wanna squeeze ‘em too. I wanna take ‘em out an’ play with ‘em an’ tweak them big nippies of hers.”
“Now, boys” Paw smiled “Don’t be takin’ her titties out jess yet. Thass fer the strip show she’s gonna give us. But y’all kin squeeze ‘em up through her blouse.”
The little boys stood and Jolene winced as each took a big tittie, gave it a squeeze and tickled each nippie through her thin blouse. She could not bring herself to look in Donny’s direction and see him watching his mother’s shame.
“Hey Paw” Lem grinned “Mebbe them boys over there would like ta see a little somethin’. What say we git her skirtie up an’ give ‘em a little look-see?”
“Hell, Yeah” Paw smiled back “Thass a good idea. Ah bet them kids ain’t never seen a real strip show afore. Get Mom ta do a little undressin’ fer ‘em. Bet they’d like ta watch her take ‘em off.”
“Oh…Oh No…” Jolene squeaked “Don’t make me do that…Please don’t make me do that…Oh No…Please…”
“Awww. C’mon Mom” Jude grinned “A little strip show fer the boys ain’t gonna hurt you none. Go on. Give them kids a treat an’ peel on down fer ‘em.”
“Please…Please…Not in front of my son…Please…” Jolene sobbed “Take them out of the room and I’ll…I’ll do it for you…But not in front of my son and the boys… Please…”
“What you sayin’, lady?” Jude leered “You sayin’ if’n we take them boys outa here yer gonna strip on down an’ git nakey fer us?”
“Y…Yes…I…I’ll do it…” Jolene sobbed desperately “But not in front of the boys. Please take them away…Please…”
“You gonna take off yer undie-pants all the way an’ mebbe do a little dance fer us?”
“Oh please…Whatever you want…” she cried “But not in front of the boys. Don’t make me do it in front of the boys…”
“What you think, Paw?” Jude said, “She’s gonna strip her undies an’ dance nakey fer us if’n we take them boys away.”
“Hell No” Paw said “Thass no fun.
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