
Mommy, Show Me How!

Author: kcscout
Title: Mommy, Show Me How!
Summary: A single mom helps her 7 year-old son discover the joy of sex.
Themes: Fb, incest, young

I am a single mother, and I work a normal 40-hour week as an office
manager. While I’m certainly not “poor,” I do strive to be extra diligent
about doing a good job, and I work very hard for my money. Consequently, I
don’t really have time to waste in the dating scene. It’s not that I don’t
think about men or have romantic and even sexual thoughts – I do, of
course. It’s just that, until recently, that part of my life has not
really surfaced in the eight years since my last serious lover left.

We’d dated for a number of months in my last year in junior college, and
we just sort of let the relationship die when we graduated. He went off to
college, and I entered the unfulfilling wasteland of office work. But
shortly after I graduated and started working, I discovered that I was
pregnant. I did not seriously consider an abortion, having grown up in a
pretty solid evangelical Christian home. I knew I had made a terrible
mistake by allowing myself to get pregnant. Fortunately, my parents were
incredibly supportive and suprisingly non-judgmental, but they did kind of
press me to contact the father and try to get support from him. It was at
that time that I found out just how much of a jerk the guy really was. He,
of course, denied that the child was his. Furthermore, he accused me of
having had a one-night stand with someone. My parents thought about
getting a lawyer to file for paternal support, but I was so frustrated,
embarrased and upset with the whole thing that they eventually let it

So it was that my beautiful son, David, came into the world and into my
life. And for the past seven years, he has been my best little friend and
helper. I know from talking with some of my fellow workers just how
dreadful some little boys can be. But David is almost always a
well-behaved and respectful child. While he can be pretty shy around
strangers, he always seems pretty open and outgoing around me. That’s
probably why it seemed a little odd to me when his usual relaxed – even
playful – mood around me seemed to change to the quiet, shy mood he
generally reserved for strangers.

It was about two months ago when I first noticed the change in his
behavior. He and I had watched a little television, and then I turned off
the TV and we started in on his homework. After about an hour of
second-grade math and social studies work, he was getting a little silly –
giggling about almost anything. When he gets that way, I usually say
something to the effect of, “All right, little Tiger! Looks like somebody
is ready for their bath!” That’s usually followed by a few pleas to stay
awake. This time was no different, but I managed to get him to head off to
the bathroom, and within a few minutes, he had the tub filled and was
taking his bath. While he was in the bathroom, I changed into my night
shirt and slippers, then I headed into the kitchen to clean up the
evening’s dishes.

After about twenty minutes, I heard the drain gurgling, and shortly
thereafter he emerged from the bathroom – wrapped in a towel – and headed
toward his room to put on his night shirt and get ready for bed.

I finished loading the dishwasher and headed to my bedroom. When I got
there, there was David laying on my bed waiting for me to read him a Bible
story – something I try to do every night (but don’t always manage). His
giggles had dissipated, but he still seemed to be in his typically good
mood. I said, “Okay, Tiger, are you ready to finish the story about Queen
Esther?” He smiled his wonderful little smile and said, “Yep!” So, I got
his story Bible and laid down on the bed beside him.

As I read to him, he leaned in toward me and I casually stroked his hair.
That usually relaxes him – sometimes to the point that he just falls
asleep. I often just let him stay sleeping as I have plenty of room for
the two of us in my bed. But that night he stayed awake, and he even
seemed a little on edge. I finished reading to him and set the Bible
aside, and I continued stroking his head, thinking maybe he’d relax. He
did eventually stop his squirming, and he just laid against my side while
I stroked his hair. I thought he had fallen asleep, but he hadn’t. He was
just strangely quiet and looking down. I asked if everything was okay, and
he just nodded. I tried to think of what in the Bible story would have
upset him or made him seem so reserved, but I couldn’t think of anything.
I asked him if he was ready to head off to bed, and he nodded and got up
to leave. Normally he comes back around the other side of the bed and
gives me a kiss goodnight, but he just headed straight for his bedroom. I
was really suprised and a little worried, and I called out, “Hey! Don’t I
get a kiss?” He came running back into the bedroom to my side of the bed
and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then he turned to run back to his
room. I wanted to make him tell me what was wrong, but I thought I should
just let it go for now and see how he was in the morning.

Sure enough, the next morning, everything was fine! He was back to his
delightful little self, and all seemed right with the world. That night I
got distracted, and we weren’t able to read from the story Bible. David
just got his evening bath, and I tucked him in and headed off to bed.
Everything seemed fine.

The next night, when he came into my room after changing into his
nightshirt, he was anxious to hear another Bible story. I had changed into
my nightshirt and was ready for bed, so he plopped down on the bed right
next me, and I began reading. Everything seemed fine, and I began stroking
his hair. It was after about four or five minutes of my stroking his head
that I realized he’d become rather still. I glanced down to see whether
he’d fallen asleep, but he hadn’t; he seemed to be upset about something,
again. I continued reading and stroking his hair, as I didn’t want to make
him feel uncomfortable by confronting him about his mood changes. As I
read, I noticed a slight twitching beneath David’s night shirt. All of a
sudden it hit me. David was getting an erection. My little boy was
becoming aroused as I lay next to him stroking his hair! I was audibly
shaken and became so distracted that I stopped reading for a moment. Then
I realized I’d stopped caressing him. I didn’t want to make him feel
uncomfortable, so I feigned not being able to pronounce a name in the
story, and I returned to stroking his head.

So that’s why he had been acting strangely, I thought. No wonder he hadn’t
wanted to come over to my side of the bed to give me a kiss the other
night; he was too embarrased because he thought I might see his little
erection. I felt so ashamed that I had caused my little boy such anguish.
And I felt so sorry for him that I just wanted to hug him and caress him
all the more and reassure him that he had nothing to be embarrased about.

I didn’t know what to do next, so I just kept running my hand through his
hair and reading from the book. His little penis was now pulsing against
the thin material of his nightshirt, and it had to be obvious to him that
I was aware of what was happening. My mind was racing, but there was just
not anyway I could think of to broach the subject. I finally reached an
appropriate stopping point in the Bible story, so I set the book on the
nightstand, but I continued caressing David’s head and laid my head back
against the headboard. I thought if David saw that my head was not facing
toward him, he’d be less likely to feel embarassed and might relax and
even drift off into sleep. But the net effect seemed to be just the
opposite, as he began squirming a little bit and wriggling himself against
me. I realized that he was most likely getting even more excited and was
probably nearing a climax.

Oh, what an awkward mixture of feelings and emotions I was facing! I was
torn between feelings of shame and even guilt for sexually arousing my
little boy and, on another side, I felt a need to just continue caressing
him – almost feeling compelled to push him over the edge so that he’d have
a climax and be done with it. Then maybe he’d relax and fall asleep. I
loved my precious little boy so much, I just wanted to take away his
frustration. And so I decided to continue to caress David, and he
continued to squirm against me.

This went on for what seemed to be about two or three minutes – my
caressing and his wriggling – until finally he just sort of froze for a
moment and let out a little sigh. I continued caressing him for a while
longer, my strokes a little slower than before. I glanced sideways down to
where his little erection had been, and I saw that it was now just a small
bump beneath his night shirt.

I waited a little longer, and then I reached over and hugged him, gave him
a kiss on the top of his head, and said, “Well, little Tiger, I guess we’d
better get some sleep, huh?” He just sort of smiled and said, “Okay. I
love you, mommy!” I told him I loved him, too, and then I sent him off to
his room. I was so relieved that his normal, happy mood had returned.

The next night was almost a complete repeat of the night before. I started
to read and began caressing his head. Like clockwork, David’s little penis
began straining against the thin cotton material of his night shirt. Only
this time, David didn’t seem so embarrased. Nevertheless, when I realized
what was happening, I thought I should stop caressing him so as not to
contribute to his sexual arousal.

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