Mom had no idea
Mom had no idea
Sex Story Author: | crazytownfucker |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She looked refreshed and collected. Among my many talents, I was a very good cook. I had |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest |
Mom Had No Idea
I am in college and I barely meet my mother in person.
This summer I decided to give her a treat. She had been sounding quite down when I heard her last. I decided to call her on the phone.
“If you need a break,” I said into the phone, “Why don’t you come down here for the weekend?”
There was silence on the line for a long moment. I could almost hear my mom
considering my proposal and could visualize her biting her lower lip as she
mulled it over.
“Come on, mom,” I urged, “You need a vacation. I’ve got plenty of room and I’ve
got nothing planned for the weekend. Come down here and I promise you won’t have
to do a single ‘mom’ type thing all weekend.”
The sound of her laughter was sweet in my ear. I hadn’t heard her laugh much
“No ‘mom’ stuff, huh?” She mused.
“Nope. No cooking or cleaning or laundry.” I grinned, “I won’t even call you mom
while you’re here. Just drive down and you can relax all weekend.”
“Mmmm…” I heard her murmur, “That does sound nice, Pookie Bear, but what are
you going to call me if you don’t call me ‘mom?'”
I laughed, “Well, I could call you ‘Snookums’ or ‘Babydoll’ but I was leaning
more towards Julie.”
“You’re such a brat!” She giggled, “But you sure know how to flatter a lady.”
“I tell you what, mom,” I smiled, “You come here and I’ll treat you like
a princess. I’ll take you out for some fun. Dining and dancing and movies. I’ll
rub your feet and your back and just generally pamper you all weekend long.”
“If I do, do you promise you won’t run off and leave me alone if one of your
girlfriends beckons?” She demanded.
I laughed long and loud. “I think you’re confused. The course load I’m carrying
doesn’t leave time for girls.”
“Sure you don’t have time!” She giggled again, “I know better. I remember what
it was like when you were in high school. To paraphrase Mark Twain, we couldn’t
swing a dead cat without bonking a pretty girl in the noggin.”
“No really, mom,” I countered, “I haven’t even dated in months. I just don’t
have time.” I paused a moment and quickly added, “Of course, for you, I’ll make
an exception.”
I heard her draw a sharp breath and exhale slowly, “You’ll take me out on…on a
date, honey?”
Biting off my first instinctive response, I answered, “Well, we don’t have to
call it a date. I’ll just devote myself to you and treat you the way you deserve
to be treated, mom.”
“It sounds nice, darling,” She finally responded, “Let me think about it and
I’ll get back with you….”
“Alright, mom,” I grinned, confident it was already a done deal, “Just let me
know. For right now, I gotta hit the books.”
I could hear the smile in her voice, “Okay, sweetheart, goodnight. I love you.”
“Love you, too, mom, good night, hot stuff.” I whispered as I hung up the phone.
…Mom was on her way. She called me at 6 that evening just before she left
home. The way she drove, I estimated she’d get to my palce between 8 and 9.
I didn’t want her spending her break cleaning. So I
hurriedly gave my one bedroom apartment a thorough cleaning. I had always been
something of a neat freak, but compared to mom, I was a slob.
Running down to a grocery store, I picked up a six-pack of Heineken using my
fake ID and bought an assortment of the kinds of food I knew she enjoyed. Just
after 7:30, I jumped in the shower to take care of the problem that had been
impossible to control ever since her call. The thought of greeting mom with a
raging hard-on was enough to make me grimace. I could guess she would terminate
her visit before it began if she saw me sporting an erection.
An hour later, I was starting to get concerned. The roads were dry, as far as I
knew, and mom was more than cautious behind the wheel, but it was only 100 miles
or so from home to my palce. It shouldn’t have taken more than two hours.
I was standing on my balcony and debating whether I should jump in my car to see
if I could locate her, when her turquoise station wagon turned into my
visitor’s space. My relief was enormous.
Her smile was infectious as she smiled up at me through the open window of the
driver’s side door and I couldn’t help laughing excitedly as I waved to her.
“I’ll be down in a second to get your bags, pretty lady.” I grinned easily,
hoping she didn’t detect my nervousness.
“We have got to get your eyes checked, brat.” She called up to me as she exited
the vehicle and stretched, “Either that or we have to have your meds adjusted.”
I scampered down the flight of stairs in my slippers and met her at the back of
her car. We stared at each other for a brief moment before I swept her into my
arms in an animated bear hug and spun her around.
“My God I missed you, mom!” I exclaimed as we frantically clutched at each
other, “It seems like it’s been an eternity.”
Her laughter rang in my head as she kissed my cheeks and chin repeatedly and
panted, “Take it easy, honey, it hasn’t been that long.”
I drew back and grinned sheepishly down at her. She was blushing furiously. Her
hair was a little tousled and she had a mixed scent of sweat and coffee and
Doublemint gum. She was beautiful and I worshiped her. A light danced in her
eyes that conveyed her own happiness.
Setting her bags by the front door, I watched her survey my apartment. The
furnishings would never make Better Homes and Gardens, but they were more than
serviceable for a college freshman. A threadbare couch occupied most of one
wall. A worn Lazy Boy was canted slightly off to the side. In between a stereo
that sat unceremoniously upon three milk crates, a beat up coffee table perched
precariously on three legs and a stack of books.
The other side of the living area was occupied by the only piece of furniture I
had laid out real money for — a roll top desk and an office chair I had picked
up at a yard sale.
Mom didn’t offer an opinion immediately as she wandered through the hovel of an
apartment, though I watched a small smile creep across her face when she
recognized the rodents’ finger paintings.
“I can’t say that this is the most palatial of accommodations I’ve ever seen,”
She intoned dryly as she walked through the small kitchenette that was complete
with Formica table and counter tops, an avocado green refrigerator and a lemon
yellow gas range. The wall paper looked remarkably similar to some of Katie’s
paintings. “But for a young man out on his own for the first time, I suppose
it’ll do.”
“Glad you approve, mom.” I laughed, “I only pay $75 a month and I have my own
washer and dryer so I’m not complaining. A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do.
In case you hadn’t noticed, my last name isn’t Rockefeller.”
Mom giggled as she walked back into the living area. “No, I guess not. Johnson
is a good name, despite what your Father has done to it, but money doesn’t fall
out of the trees when we shake them.”
I smiled at her and felt myself relaxing. This was mom. My comfort zone. My
happy place. This was the one person whom I treasured most in the whole world. I
loved her. I worshiped her goodness and her simple grace and her gentle good
humor. I absolutely adored her.
“No,” I crinkled my forehead, “But I’m getting by with the scholarship and
work-study and my part-time job. I’m not rolling in the lettuce, but I haven’t
signed up for food stamps yet, either.”
Mom walked over to where I stood in the entry way, such that it was, and slid
her arm around my waist.
“You’ve got magic in you, honey. No matter what, you’re always going to wind up
on your feet.” She said matter-of-factly.
I started to say something but mom interrupted, running a hand over my biceps
appreciatively, “Wow, it looks as though someone has been working out.”
“Every other day, mom. Religiously.” I grinned sheepishly, “It really helps me
Mom leaned back and ran her hands over my chest and shoulders, “Well, it sure
looks like it is working. Now do you suppose a lady can get a shower around
here, I stink like yesterday’s garbage.”
She always had a way of making me laugh. She yelled when I pinched her bottom
and pointed her towards the torture chamber that doubled as a bathroom.
“It’s a little late to go out tonight, pretty lady,” I said, ducking her playful
swat, “Why don’t I cook up something while you get cleaned up and we can listen
to music before bed?”
“Sounds good, Honey,” She responded with a laugh, “But if you keep calling me
that it’s going to go to my head and I’m going to get all flustered.”
“That’s the idea, mom.” I grinned and added, “There are clean towels in the
cabinet over the toilet. I’m thinking either burgers or steaks”
She scooped up one of her bags and smiled tiredly, “A burger sounds nice,
honey. Don’t go to any trouble for little ol’ me.”
“Don’t be silly, mom.” I tried to sound noncommittal, “You’re my guest this
weekend and your wish is my command.”
“Thank you, Jim,” She whispered as she kicked off her shoes and made her way to
the bathroom, “You have no idea how much I think I’ve needed this.”
“I’ll scrub your back if you want.” I suggested half-sincerely and held my
breath and waited for the backlash.
Mom glanced back at me over her shoulder and shook her head in derision, “I’ll
just bet you would, too.”
She had no idea……
After showering, mom dried off and donned my cotton pajamas over a sensible bra
and panties and emerged from the bathroom a new woman.
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