Modern Mage – Introduction (Edited)
Modern Mage – Introduction (Edited)
Sex Story Author: | Wolf_Knight |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We were staying at a hunting cabin in the mountains. We had been there four nights when my life changed |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy |
This is my first story written and posted. I checked spelling and grammar but may have missed some things. This is based loosely in White Wolf Games old World of Darkness for my inspiration and is just a start or the many ideas I have to continue on with. There is no actual sex in this chapter but the ending sets up for the start of the next chapter. Please let me know what you think of the story as a whole and of the writing style as well. Please be constructive not just this sucked or it was great. Let me know what you actually think. Thank you
If I told you Mages truly existed you’d probably laugh at me or think I was crazy. You’d want to lock me up and throw away the key if I told you they are around us here and now, not just legends of the past. Mages do exist, and they are here in the world with us today. I should know, I’m one of them. Now when I say Mage I sure the first though to come into your mind is the Harry Potter novels and movies or the old cartoons where you have people in old laboratories surrounded by strangely labeled jars like eye of newt and bat wings. Where that kind of magic is in the world and there are a few hedge wizards among you mortals, that’s not true Magick. My name is Andrew and I’m going to give you a glimpse into the reality of a true Mage.
I wasn’t born a mage, like everyone else in the world I was born mortal and had a pretty average childhood. I grew up in a small tourist town at the Jersey shore. I did well in school, but I always got in trouble for being a dreamer so my grades weren’t the greatest. Like any other kid I dreamed of being everything from an astronaut to soldier, Knight of the Round Table to any other thing I could imagine. I was about 11 when I first started to notice weird things about the world around me. There were times I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to get home before dark and would therefore be grounded for a week and rushed to get home. Even though there was no way for me to get home in time I’d get in just in time. As a kid I just chalked it up to rushing and luck and forgot about it. Around the time I turned 13 my mind was becoming sharper than ever. I could read a book once and remember everything in it, and even understand college text books for classes my brothers and sister were having difficulty with.
I’m going to tell you a little about my family because it’s important that you understand a little more about me and them before I explain my Awakening. I came from a large family, my parents of course and 4 siblings. I had 2 brothers both older and 2 sisters, one older the other younger. At the time of my awakening my mother was a stay at home mom, she was one of the nicest people. She would help anyone who needed it however she could. My father was engineer with a government contractor. He never spoke of what he did at work, but you could tell he enjoyed it. My brother Matt and Jake were both in college. Matt was studying Medicine and Jake was working for a PHD in Computer Sciences. My older sister, Arica, was a senior in High School and one of the most popular girls. What set her apart is like our mother she was kind to everyone, and didn’t allow bullying or rudeness to people just because they were different. I was just past 16 and an avid reader, my favorite books were about time travel and other Sci-Fi themes. I was also a science geek, playing with Chemistry sets and learning anything I could get my hands on at that point. Then there was my younger sister, Jamie. I hated the idea of a younger brother or sister when my parents told us they were having another child. I was wrong about how I’d feel. Jaime was a living contradiction. She was a proper young lady when we went out to dinner or movies and a real tomboy when we were out playing in the woods or at the park. She was 8 when everything in my life changed forever.
Now that you have a short history about me and know some of what’s going on I’ll explain what an Awakening is and then we’ll get on with the story. For most people reality is what it is and they can’t do anything to change it. The truth about Reality is this, for the average person Reality is Consensual, meaning what the majority of the world believes is true. In the past people believed in Dragons and Wizards and Monsters. Nowadays most people don’t, science says they can’t exist so for the average person they don’t. Some mortals come to understand that there are more things in the world than science has explained. Some consider themselves lucky and others are haunted by the knowledge that they live in a world surrounded by monsters and knowing that they can do little except survive and pray the monsters don’t notice them. Mages learn of this greater reality, but they also learn that they have the power to change reality by force of will. Learning what you’re capable of as a Mage however comes after this Awakening. Every Mage reaches their awakening differently, for some it’s simply their mind coming to an epiphany realizing the greater truth of the world, for others it’s violent and mind shattering. I fell into the latter category.
It was 2 weeks after my 16th birthday when everything in my life change forever. It was the July 4th holiday and my family took a vacation together to celebrate my Birthday and the holiday together. Being that we lived in a tourist trap we left the area for the Holiday.
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