Model Daughter
Model Daughter
Sex Story Author: | pregnantex |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Now look at me like I was your boyfriend, showing me yourself for the first time.” Sarah instantly took on |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest, Young |
It was the start of my daughter’s senior year, and I wanted to get her something as a reward for her 3.8 GPA. Sarah was not just a good student, she was turning into a beautiful woman. With her love of modeling shows and posting her pictures online, I thought that perhaps a meeting with a modeling agent or photographer would be something she might like.
But, her mother was not a fan of this. And, being divorced, there was little I could do. So, with her 18th birthday a few months away, I figured we could sneak it in. Then, if Sarah liked it, she would be 18 and able to make the decision herself.
When I told her about it, she was incredibly excited.
“Oh, dad! That would be so much fun.”
So, I let her investigate it and find someone she was happy with. After a couple hours on the internet, she found a photographer that not only took pictures, but included lessons on how to model and what to expect. She promised a portfolio after a 4 hour session. But, the cost was $1,500. A bit more than I expected.
But, Sarah was adamant. She had study the photographer’s online gallery and was determined that it was for her. So, making an appointment for a Saturday that Sarah would spend with me, I was pretty much locked in on the expense.
Sarah had spent the entire morning doing her makeup. When I was finally allowed to see her, she walked down the stairs in her favorite pair of tight blue jeans and black silky shirt that stopped just at the waistline of her pants.
She was stunning. At 5’10”, she had my height. But, she had her mom’s shape, with just the right amount of curves around her hip and a well-proportioned chest. I really had no idea what her sizes were, but they were incredibly sexy.
Her best feature, though, was her face. Despite having the body of a mature woman, she had an incredibly young, beautiful appearance. Long blonde hair, with deep blue eyes, and a soft, blemish free complexion. Almost the face of a 12 year old.
The studio was in downtown Chicago, part of the artistic district in Lincoln Park. We hopped into the car and made the drive down from Evanston. My ex-wife was getting ready for her school year as a psychologist, so she wouldn’t be hounding Sarah for her daytime activities.
As we pulled up, Sarah was beaming, but obviously nervous. I tried to get her to relax, and after a few breaths, we walked up to the lark brick studio and rang the bell.
Opening the door was a stunning older woman. She was probably in her mid-40’s, smiling and flashing a beautiful smile. She quickly introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Heidi, and you must be Sarah.”
Sarah shook her hand, beaming back.
“Yea, hi. It’s so nice to meet you.”
We walked inside and I was stunned at the size of the warehouse. Different style rooms blended into each other. A bedroom that looked out of the 1500’s blended into a dining room, which blended into a modern bathroom, which was next to a more modern bedroom. Racks of clothes were everywhere. Clearly, the place for a wide variety of photo shoots.
“So this must be your dad?” Heidi asked as we sat down on a couch.
“Yea, hi, I’m Peter.”
“Well, I’m glad you came to. It helps makes things more relaxed.”
Heidi turned to look at Sarah.
“Well, you’re even more gorgeous in person. I’m really excited. Why don’t you stand up and let me look at you.”
Quickly, I became uncomfortable. So many times I would take Sarah to the doctor, and just sit in the waiting room. Now, I was in the middle of the process of something I really didn’t understand or prepare myself for mentally. I had expected to just be sitting somewhere and waiting.
Sarah glanced at me with a nervous smile and stood up. She turned to look expectantly at Heidi.
“You are beautiful, but give me some posture! Stand up proud – push your chest out –accentuate your beauty!”
Sarah smiled slightly and pushed out her chest. Her silky fabric hung over her chest, showing me her true proportions. I was shocked at the size of her chest as it pushed against the sheer material.
“Oh, much better. You must always stand proud at your fullest height and let people see your beauty.”
With Sarah standing in front of us, Heidi turned to me.
“Since she is only 17, I need you to sign these papers for a release. Why don’t you go over them, and while you do, I’ll talk with Sarah and get some specifics from her.”
So, I sat down and began reading the agreement. And as I did, Heidi stood up and walked Sarah over to a desk. I could hear Heidi talk about “measurements” and “bras” and other girl items that got lost while I read. The agreement wasn’t much of anything, saying we had to approve any use of the pictures, so I quickly signed away approval of Heidi to photograph my daughter.
As I put down the clipboard, I looked up to see Sarah slipper her bra out from under her shirt. The magic trick that all women know. I stared in disbelief, realizing that there wasn’t going to be any changing rooms for privacy. We were already private.
They came walking back Heidi gave me another clipboard. It had some basic information on it about Sarah, with some blank spaces. Sarah walked over, holding onto her bra.
“Just give that to your dad, honey. We need to get your measurements.”
Sarah, blushing, gave me the black bra. It was completely mesh, and as I held it against my hand, I could see my hand perfectly clearly through the other side. I never knew Sarah had such a bra, and as I began to think about what she looked like in it, knowing her nipples would be completely visible, I felt a twinge I didn’t expect.
Heidi pulled out a tape measure.
“Now Sarah, I want you to stand proud, just like you did before. And hold still.”
I was to the side of Sarah, and when she pushed out her chest, I stared in shocked amazement. Without her bra, her breasts kept their perfectly upright appearance as she pushed forward against the silky top. Their natural appearance was on full display, showing their bulge to the sides of her body. But, what was completely unreal was the tight outline of her nipples.
They stood like proud tulips on the end of small melons. Almost a breast on a breast. The puff and size went beyond any type of silver dollar nipple I had ever seen. Apparently Heidi had the exact same thoughts.
“Oh my gosh, Sarah, you have such a beautiful chest.”
Sarah looked down, blushing slightly. Heidi walked in front of her and, without warning, reached around Sarah’s back with her tape measure and brought it softly to the front, wanting to be as gentle as possible to ensure she gave Sarah the full measurement she deserved.
As she brought the tape to the front of Sarah’s chest, lightly resting her fingers on the front of Sarah’s soft nipples, Sarah shivered noticeably. Heidi moved her hands gently against Sarah’s chest, bringing the two ends of the tape together.
“Wow. 36 and ¾. We’ll call it 37. That is a nice size. Have you had your breasts done?”
Sarah laughed slightly as Heidi dropped her hands, simply saying “No.”
Heidi and I watched as Sarah’s nipples slowly transformed under the fabric from exceedingly puffy, to hard points pushing against the fabric. Sarah shuddered softly, feeling her chest tingle from the brief touch of Heidi.
“Natural. That’s a bonus. Make sure you check that box Peter, and write down 37.”
I looked at the paper and found the right space. I also noticed some of the other boxes to be filled out. “Waste size.” “Hip size. “ “Pubic hair color.” “Pubic hair shape.” “Special Moles.” “Complexion.” On and on. But, what amazed me most was the following: “Skin color around anus.”
I knew modes were under incredible scrutiny, but it was almost obscene. I looked up to see Heidi holding the tape measure around Sarah’s hips.
“Hold your shirt up a little honey.”
I stared in awe as Sarah exposed her pale, flat belly for Heidi.
“25. Nice proportion.”
Dragging the tape lower, she brought it together just in front of Sarah’s crotch, pushing into it. Sarah continued to hold the shirt up, almost tucking it under her breasts.
“33. Wonderful.” Heidi stood back, looking at Sarah with a big, beaming smile. “You are going to be very popular. You have the body of a woman, but the face of a child. The perfect combination.”
I filled in the last two numbers and gave the information sheet back to Heidi.
“Now, sit down, and let’s chat a bit.”
Sarah plopped down on the couch, her bra free chest swinging back and forth. I couldn’t help but stare. Luckily, Sarah was completely focused on Heidi.
“Now, the thing about being a model is this – you have to be completely relaxed with yourself. Your body. Your looks. Your clothes. Your photographer. It takes incredible confidence. Even though you are beautiful, you need to practice using your beauty. Being confident. And, that is what I am for. To get you completely comfortable, confident, and ready to be the hot, sexy model that advertisers want to use. “
Sarah just sat there, looking hard, listening, and not paying any attention to me.
“So, that is what we will do today. Get you uncomfortable, because right now, it doesn’t matter. But, by becoming uncomfortable now, you will become completely relaxed and comfortable later. Today, you are taking pictures for nobody but yourself. It is practice. And, like anything, the more you practice and get uncomfortable, the more confident you will become. Got it?”
Sarah was transfixed. “Yea. Sounds perfect.”
I just stared at Sarah’s chest, watching her transformed nipples sticking out sharply against her soft, silky top. My mind was forgetting who she was, instead taking in her intoxicating beauty.
Heidi continued. “Right. So, if you were to be any model, who would you want to be.”
Sarah thought for a moment. Then, knowing the answer before it was asked, she responded. “Kate Upton.”
Heidi quickly stood up. “Absolutely. Then let’s look at some of her shots and get going.”
“Well, the top of the top. You certainly have her body type, and are probably just as beautiful. Why don’t we go to my desk and pull up some of her shots, and then we’ll find a place in here to re-create them. Dad, you just stay here.”
I watched the girls walk over to a computer and start to search images on the internet.
“Oh, I like this one.” Heidi chirped after a few minutes. “Why don’t you pick two, and I’ll pick two, and that will set up the shoot.”
Sarah browsed for a bit, and then made her decision. “This one… and that.”
Heidi clearly approved. “Those are perfect. Let’s print them, and use them as reference.”
As they waited on the prints, Heidi continued her model education.
“Now, you picked some pretty sexy, revealing shots. It is important to remember that, as a model, many things you have may come out during a shoot that certainly will never end up in print. But, to get the shot, many chances have to be taken. So, you should always get final approval of the shots in contracts, so that if you flash something you don’t want shown, that it stays out of the public eye. And, many times, photographers Photoshop the images so they don’t embarrass you.”
Sarah listened intently. “Yea, they talk about that on the top model show I watch.”
“Good.” Heidi continued. “Then you know that sometimes, you might feel exposed, but it is necessary to get the shot. Look at Kate here, in this shot you picked. She isn’t even wearing anything on the bed here, but Victoria’s Secret wants you to think she is, and this generates the beauty of the shot.”
I knew only too well what Heidi was talking about, and was beginning to wonder if this was something I wanted Sarah to be a part of. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was telling my daughter to pose in Playboy.
Heidi walked over to a makeshift runaway in the middle of the warehouse.
“Why don’t you come over here and practice your walk and some initial shots. Go to the end and just wait for me.”
Sarah climbed up onto the wooden runway and walked to the back. Heidi found a light switch and the warehouse went dark except for the bright lights on the runway. Grabbing a camera, she walked to the front.
“Now, just walk towards me.”
Sarah paused, adjusted herself mentally, straightened up, and walked.
I have seen many videos of models on the runway, and Sarah just fit right in. Here hips swayed back and forth, her chest was pushed forward, her back had a slight arch, and her head was perfectly still, looking forward. Her chest was swinging back and forth, in rhythm with her hips. From the angle I was at, her belly button was visible, like a small vagina.
Heidi was holding her camera on Sarah, capturing the moment. Sarah got to the end of the runway, and without any prodding, put a hand on her hip, spun around, and walked back. I watched her ass sway back and forth. My excitement was clearly evident as my hardness throbbed in my pants.
Sarah got to the end and stopped. “That was great Sarah. You’re a natural. But, this time, I want you to put some more movement in your shoulders, try not to be so stiff. And, when you get to the front, give me some poses.”
Sarah was clearly beaming and excited to be in the spotlight and to hear such approval. Once again pausing, she thrust up her chest, nipples poking there way forward, and began her walk again. This time, she began to purposefully move her shoulders in unison with her hips. This resulted in her chest swaying much more obscenely, hanging free without the constraints of a bra.
I couldn’t help but think I was watching soft porn live. Sarah was putting herself on display, learning what it meant to be a model and have men ogle your body. But, sitting in the dark, Sarah was oblivious to me. She was lost in her own little world.
When she got to the front of the catwalk, she bent forward, hands on her hips. Sarah’s chest sagged forward, showing deep cleavage. She brought her hands up to her shirt, pulling it tight against her sagging chest. Then, she stood up, mockingly running her hands over her chest.
“Great.” Heidi chimed in. “Pout your lips and look right at me, pretending to push your shirt up.”
I watched as my daughter didn’t miss a beat, well acquainted through years of sex on TV, advertising, internet, and movies. She knew what was expected, what was sexy and was ready for it. Sarah grabbed the bottom of her shirt, exposing her pale white stomach, and pushed the fabric into the swell of her breasts, hands in between them.
Sarah was exposing barely exposing the bottom of her chest. The round white globes of my daughter were barely visible, with Sarah leaning back, toying with Heidi. Heidi just kept pointing her camera.
Heidi paused. “Now, when I say hold, then that means I want you to hold the pose until I say OK. Got it?”
Sarah stopped, stood up, and dropped her shirt. “Yea, got it.”
“Good. Now, put your hands on your hips and lean forward as far as you can, head up, looking right at me with your sexiest face.”
My daughter must have practiced this pose for years. Her eyes sparkled, pouted her lips, and leaned forward, running her tongue over her upper lip. Sarah’s teenage breasts fell forward in her shirt, hanging down in what looked like two footballs hanging from her chest. I was shocked at her voluptuous beauty. Her nipples were stayed well hidden, but that was about it with her large v neck holding almost nothing in place.
“Now, grab your shirt and push.”
Sarah ran her hands up her stomach and slowly pushed her shirt up to the underside of her breasts, bent over in her tight, low cut jeans.
“Push it up higher, and use your arms to cover yourself.”
A classic pose, but on my 17 year old, it was shameful. Sarah put her arms together and slowly pushed the fabric over her chest. All I could see were elbows and arms, but knowing she was exposed increased my excitement. I could see the sides of her breasts squeezing out to her side.
“Now, slowly straighten up.”
Still squeezing her chest, Sarah stood up, following directions perfectly.
“Let your hands run back down to your hips.”
Sarah completed the move, dragging her shirt back across her chest, once again concealing it. I guess the show wasn’t going to be everything I was hoping it would turn into, and was embarrassed at my disappointment. But, apparently, things were only just starting.
“Now, grab the cleavage of your shirt and pull.”
There was plenty of stretch in Sarah’s shirt, so she easily began to open up her cleavage. The full roundness of her teenage breasts, apparently size 37, started coming into view. They were firm, pert, and horizontal. Sarah dragged the fabric just to the point of her nipples and then stopped.
“Pull as low as it can go.”
Sarah paused, knowing what this would mean. But, her pause was slight, and with a final pull, Sarah’s breasts popped out and were hanging freely for Heidi to photograph in all their beauty.
The first thing I noticed was the sheer size and darkness of her nipples. I had seen faint traces over the years, but until you actually see something, you are never quite sure what to expect. Sarah’s nipples were a dark brown, in the shape of a large tulip bulb. They were back to their puffy state, fluffed out a good 2 inches not only in diameter, but in height. They were almost chiseled onto her chest.
Heidi clearly noticed too. “Wow, you have gorgeous breasts.”
Sarah blushed, but kept moving the shirt, pulling it down, letting herself be exposed. Without direction, she bent forward, letting the true size and sag of her chest stand out. Her little girl face did not match the womanly treasures she was putting on display. The contrast was incredible.
“Put your hands behind your back and hold that.”
Sarah let herself hang forward, putting her arms behind her back as directed. Although her body tried to stay still, her tits kept swinging back and forth, like pendulums. I sat in disbelief at the situation I was watching. If her mom knew what was going on, I’d be shot.
“Great. Now, stand up, but leave your shirt where it is at.”
Chest completely exposed, but completely unconcerned, Sarah stood up. Her chest swelled across her black shirt, standing out in stark contrast to the black sheen.
Heidi looked at her approvingly. “Now, unzip the front of your jeans.”
Sarah’s eyes crinkled, thinking that she was pretty much done with the shot. And, she had clearly reached the end of her comfort zone. Heidi could instantly tell.
“This is about making you uncomfortable, like we talked about. This is for you. If you can’t, or don’t want to break through it, then fine. But, you need to decide.”
Reminded of the purpose, but also remembering I was in the room, Sarah peered into the darkness where she thought I was sitting. She was slightly red and embarrassed.
“You need to forget about the people around you when modeling. There will always be people. You have to focus on yourself, and me.”
Tits hanging free, my 17 year old daughter made the decision. She reached down to the front of her pants and unzipped them. They stayed closed, revealing nothing.
“Now, spread the jeans open.”
With trepidation, Sarah grabbed either side of the zipper on her pants and spread them open in a V.
Heidi and I were rewarded with an erotic view of Sarah’s silky black mesh panties, with small strings holding the front in place. But, what was more intoxicating to me was the pubic hair exploding out of the top of her panties. Sarah clearly was not a shaver, and it looked like she never even trimmed her bush. I sat up, wanting a better look.
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