
Milk u Later

She rear end me – she had to pay

It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business. Sitting in my big SUV…….

“Wham! Crunch!!!” I felt my SUV roll through the intersection. I quickly moved my hand off the radio dial. It hurt. Along with my neck. I was getting a small headache. I looked around. Had I just been hit? What did that to me? I looked in the rear view mirror. I could see a small green minivan behind me. I could see some water/smoke coming from under the minivan. I quickly checked myself. Nothing felt bruised. I open my driver side door. I put one foot down. Then another. I was walking back to the green minivan. I turned my head to look at the back of my SUV. There was a small scratch. Nothing to bad. I guess I lucked out. I then turned my attention to what hit me.

Being almost 6ft 4 and full of muscles. I could be kind of intimidating. I was wearing a new blue pinstripe suit. I put my yellow tie back inside my sport coat. I looked down to see my black leather shoes were Ok. I then started to walk across the intersection. There were no other cars or people in the street. I looked around at the near by houses. No one had come out to see the accident. I then fixed my eyes on the windshield of the green minivan. There was some white liquid on the inside. It was dripping down from the glass, onto the steering wheel. I then ran to the driver side.

The driver side window was up. There was a white substance dripping on the inside of the window. Had the minivan airbag exploded into a million pieces. Who was inside? I couldn’t really see inside the minivan. I reached down to open the driver side door. My mouth dropped open. There was a very voluptuous woman behind the wheel. She was maybe 5ft 7inches tall. She had long platinum blonde hair down passed her shoulders. She was wearing a oversize man’s white button down shirt. She had half the button’s open. I could see a small white nursing bra trying to contain her huge breast. Her left nipple was out of the small worn out hole. Her nipple was huge. It was dark red and swollen. There were tiny pumps on her huge nipple. I could see a small amount of white milk on her nipple. Had she been breast feeding?

I looked down inside the minivan. She was wearing a long black skirt, down to her ankles. She was wearing simple black low cut shoes. I could not see a baby. I looked in the back seat. There were no child seat.

“Hello! Hello! Are you Ok? Miss….Hello!” I said. She was unconscious. I could see, she was still breathing. Her large breast moved against the steering wheel. Damn! She was big in all the right spots. I quickly ran around the passenger side. I open the door. She had a big black purse on the passenger seat. I looked down on the ground. Just on top of the floor mat. Was a small baby bottle. It was half full. Some small droplets of breast milk, dripped out the top. I could now smell breast milk in the minivan.

“Click! Suck! Click! Suck!” What was that? I leaned over the front seat. I looked on the floor of the back seat. I could see a small breast pump sitting there. It was still on. It was sucking air and spitting out milk in the back seat. My mouth fell open. I turned my head. I guess the woman driving. Was using her breast pump. She got distracted and ran into the back of my SUV. What the fuck? Was all I could think. I then reached down to grab the breast pump. I turned it off and put in my coat pocket. I looked around, outside the minivan. There was still nobody around.

I then fell back with my shoes, onto the street. I open her purse. I looked inside. There were two empty baby bottles, and one full bottle in her purse. I then pulled her wallet out. I looked at her driving license. “Emma Devine. She was 28. Married. Lived in Columbia MD.” I took a quick picture with my phone. I then pulled out a business card from her purse. She worked as a legal secretary for a small law firm near my job. I put her card inside my front pocket. I then took a few snap shots of her, the front seat, the back seat, and the accident scene. I really did not want her to get into trouble. I could see her rushing to get to work and making sure she had some breast milk for her baby at home.

I brought my phone to my ear. I called for an ambulance. I then called for two tow truck’s. Then I called a taxi. I then walked around the driver side. I button her white shirt back up. I left one button open from the top of her neck. She still squirted some milk on the front. I took some wet wipes from her purse. I cleaned off the steering wheel. I cleaned off the windshield and the rest of the interior. I picked up the baby bottle off the floor. I stuck the warm milk coated bottle inside my upper pocket. I could hear the ambulance getting closer. I then heard the door to the ambulance open. Two women EMT’s approached from the rear. “What do we have sir?” one girl said. “I’m not sure. She rear end my SUV, over there. I came back to help. She was unconscious.” I said. “Ok! She looks good. Mame! Can you hear us? said the EMT’s. I watched as the pulled her out of the front seat. Her huge breast were the first to fall out. Then her very nice round ass followed, onto the gurney.

They wheeled her to the back of the ambulance. A minute later the tow truck guy pulled up. “Here’s my card. Tow this minivan and that SUV, over there. Back to your garage. Fix the damage. I’ll pay. Here my credit card. Call me when it’s done. Thanks!” I said. I reached into the passenger seat. I pulled out her purse. I pulled out another business card. I wrote on the back. “Call me. We can work this out. I have your minivan.” I then stuck the card inside her purse. I then started to walk toward the ambulance. I handed one of the EMT, the purse. I then called to see where my taxi was.

………Five minutes later, I was at work.

It was close to 2pm when my cell phone rang. I looked down at the number. I did not recognize it. “Hello! This Buck…How can I help you?” I said. “Mr. Kelly…this is Emma Divine. I’m the lady who rear ended you this morning on my way to work. I hope your alright.” she said. I smiled. “Oh! Nice! How are you? I’m as good as can be expected.” I said. I was lying. I was perfectly fine. “Oh! I’m good. Just a little light headed. Are you not feeling Ok?” she said. “I’m not sure. I feel some neck pain. Some back pain. My hands hurt. My doctor doing some test on me. I’m glad your fine. That was some crash this morning. I had to call off, from work.” I said. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I did not mean to crash into you. It just happened.” she said.

I smiled. I had to find out, if she admit to milking her big breast in the minivan. “What were you doing in the minivan, that cause the accident?” I said. “Mmmmm. I’m not sure. I woke up in an ambulance, on the way to the hospital. I found your card inside my purse. What happened to my green minivan?” she said. “I had your minivan towed to a service station up the road from house. They also towed my SUV. There was significant damage to both.” I said. “Did they tell you how bad it was? Did they give you an estimate or anything on both vehicles?” she said. I smiled. I knew there was minor damage. “No! There was some damage to your minivan. There was allot of damage to mind. I’m sure your insurance company will cover it.” I said.

There was a long pause. “Oh! I will have to call them. I hope my husband paid our last bill.” she said. “I hope so.” I said. “He forgets everything I tell him. I will have to talk to him when he gets home. I took a taxi from the hospital. They advised me to stay home for a few days. When do you think my van might be fixed?” she said. “I’m not sure. I will have to call them. I can do that after our call. You can’t remember what caused you to hit me. That is kinda of weird. Of course I did find you unconscious at the time. I had to lift you out of the mini van. In case anything happened. There was some smoke under the hood.” I said. I lied to her again. I was starting to feel horny. I kept picturing her milking her big breast, behind the wheel. “Thank you. The paramedics told me you were a big help. Please call the repair place and get back to me. Thanks Mr. Kelly.” said Emma Divine.

I hung up my cell phone. 5 minutes later my cell phone rang again. It was the repair place. “Hey Buck.. got both the mini van and your SUV fixed.” said the repair guy. “What’s the damage?” I said. “$156.69” he said. “Charge it my credit card. Thanks for your help. Also…. Can you tow my SUV to my house and tow the mini van to my work. There an extra $150 in it for you. Thanks once again. I appreciate it.” I said. I then hung up my phone.

About an 2 hours later:

I was eating my lunch. I picked up my cell phone. I dialed Emma Divine number. It rang it a few times before she picked up. “Hello! This is Emma..” she said. “Hi! Emma…Buck Kelly here. How are you?” I said. “Oh! Thanks Mr. Kelly for calling me back. I’m doing better. How are you?” she said. “I’m feeling better. I’m glad your feeling better.” I said. “Did you get in touch with the repair service for my van?” she said. “Yes! I got a hold of them. Are you sitting down?” I said. “Yes! Oh no….Is it bad?” she said. “Mmm.. Close to 3 thousand for my SUV and close to 2 thousand for your mini van….” I said. I almost snickered. “Wow! That is really bad. I just got off the phone with my insurance company, a few minutes ago. My husband forgot to pay the bill. I’m not covered for any of this. I don’t know what I am going to do. I even hate to tell my husband. He get so mad. This is my first accident ever. Now I’m sure he will never let me drive again. It took me ever to convince him to let me work and use the mini van. Oh dear me…..” she started to cry.

I started to feel bad. “Mrs. Divine. I’m sure there something I can do to help. How about if I pay for the damage. We also don’t tell your husband. I’m sure we can come up with a payment plan, to repay me. What do you for a living?” I said. “I work as a Stenographer, at the county court house. I do that part time. I also work at a law practice in town. I type there briefs for them.” she said. I smiled. “Sounds nice. Are you going to be home tomorrow then?” I said. She paused. “Yes! I will be home. My husband going to his Mom house for the day.” she said. “Ok! Great…. I’ll swing by with your minivan and we can talk face to face. You don’t have any plans for Saturday? I know it’s last minute. I should be able to cancel mine. How does that sound?” I said. “That sound nice. What should I tell my husband about the minivan tonight. He might get suspicious.” said Emma. “Tell him you left it at work. You got a ride from a girl friend at work.” I said. “Ok! I’ll text you my address. How does 11am sound? Mr. Kelly.” said Emma. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great night. Don’t worry…Everything will work out.” I said.

I drove Emma minivan to my house. I left her milk pump and bottles on the passenger seat. I put a small white towel over them. I then parked the mini van in my garage. It was hard not playing with myself, when I got home. All I could do was think of Emma big curves and those big milk producing breast. I took two cold showers before I went to bed. The next morning I woke up early. Got in a good workout before I took another cold shower. I shaved all around my cock, and balls. I then put on some dark jeans, a white button down shirt and some low cut white tennis shoes. I left my underwear and socks in my dresser. It was close to 10am when I left my house with her mini van.

It took me about forty minutes to get to Columbia Md. I then found Emma Divine house. It was at the end of small street. There were no cars parked outside. I saw a small driveway, leading to a big garage. I parked it just in front of the garage. I reached over to pick up the breast pump and bottles. I wrap them in the small white hand towel. I then opened the driver side door. I closed the door gently. I walked to the front of the house. “Knock! Knock!” I knocked on the big green door.

A few seconds passed. It was exactly 11am. The big gold door knob turned. Then the green door opened. “Hello! You must be Mr. Kelly. Very nice to meet you. I’m Emma Divine. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” she said. My mouth fell open. Emma was standing just inside the door. She was wearing some very tight faded blue jeans. There were no pockets on her jeans. She had a dark brown blouse, that was button all the way to the top. It was tucked inside her old 80’s retro jeans. She tried to hide her large breast. But I had seen them yesterday, in her minivan. She was wearing long brown tear drop earrings in her small ear lopes. She had on her wedding ring, and two gold rings on her other hand. Her finger nails were painted a dark brown, with white tips on the end. I could smell her sexy sweet perfume. She was wearing simple white flip flops. Her toe nails were not painted. She had a big smile. She looked me up and down in her door way as she leaned out to look at her minivan.

“Would you like to see your van? I think they did a great job.” I said. “Yes! I hated to lie to my husband last night, before we went to bed. I’m glad you got it repaired for me. It looks great from here. Thank you Mr. Kelly. It’s my only transportation to and from work.” she said. I heard the front door close, as she walked passed me. My head turned. My eyes followed her big ass, in her tight jeans. She walked around the back of the mini van. She then walked to driver side. I walked around the front of the minivan. She opened the back door first. She looked around. She then looked inside the driver side. She looked around. She was looking for something. Maybe she was looking for her breast pump and bottles. “Looks very good. Let me come see the front.” she said. She walked around the front of the minivan. I still had the small towel under my arm pit.

“They fixed the lights, the bumper, the grill and the hood. Just over two grand. My Suv had just about the same damage. But the cost was close to three grand.” I said. “Wow! Who new car repairs could be so much. I’m so sorry this happened. I did not mean to do it. Did you see anything in the minivan or maybe the repair service found? I’m missing a few items.” said Emma. “Yes! Car repairs are expensive. No! Not that I am aware of. They would have said something to me.” I said. “It’s getting hot out here. Would you like to come inside Mr. Kelly. So we can talk. I need to pay you back for the repairs and everything you’ve done so far for me.” said Emma. I smiled as I followed her back to her front door. I could hear her flip flops on the cement side walk.

I opened her front door for her. “Thank you!” said Emma. I smiled. I then walked behind her toward her living room.

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