
Midtown Meat Mall (1 of 5)

It’s been 50 years since the “Great Illness” ended life as we know it on Earth. A last minute vaccine was able to save a few humans, but the losses were great. It was decided to make human meat an industry, and to breed and domesticate humans for consumption until crops were able to grow again. Unfortunately, it boomed, and grew to not only to provide sustenance, but also took over the needs of sport and entertainment to very depraved levels.

Chapter 1 – Danielle and Teddy’s First Trip to the Meat Mall

Danielle and Teddy were fraternal twins born to a wealthy family in Midtown. Their father, Mike, was a scientist who was credited with creation of many machines and techniques to make the human meat industry very successful. Their mother Brandi, stayed at home and raised the children, enjoying the riches amassed by her husband.

At the age of 18, young adults earned the rights to vote, drive, and enter the upper floors of the local meat mall. Prior to 18, children could only enter the first floor of the meat mall, which was just like a present day grocery store. Inside, families could pick up anything they needed from the butcher, deli, or pre-prepared meals.

On their 18th birthday, Mike and Brandi decided it would be best to take their children to the meat mall for their first time as a family. Waking their children up early, they rushed them to get ready to head to the mall. Both Danielle and Teddy were extremely excited to finally get to experience everything the meat mall had to offer. During the car ride Danielle was sure to embarrass her brother by pointing out his raging hard-on that was easily visible down his pant leg.

When they arrived at the mall, Mike made it a point to show the kids a monument they walked past many times, but never took the time to read. On it was engraved the names of 100 women. Each of these women, were picked to start the meat industry. Each was chosen based on their genetics to become the “seeds” of the meat industry. Thanks to their sacrifice, the human meat industry was a great success, and they were memorialized for all to remember them.

To the left of the monument was the entrance to the grocery store, where both Danielle and Teddy had accompanied their mother many times before. However, this time they were able to enter the revolving door to the right.

Upon entering, they were asked to show their identification for proof of age, then they were handed a bag and a locker number. Mike and Teddy headed to the male locker room, while Danielle and Brandi went to the female locker room. In the locker rooms, patrons are instructed to shower and must put on clothing that was provided to them to ensure everything stays sterile.

In the men’s locker room Mike and Teddy are given lockers next to each other. They take off their clothes, and as Teddy gets up to go to the shower, he turns and slams the locker door shut with his rock hard erection. Mike laughs and turns to check on his son, only to notice his gigantic penis. He’s is almost in awe as Teddy’s 11 inch long erection is bobbing back and forth after hitting the locker door. Mike asks if his son is alright, then both head to the showers. After showering, fortunately, Teddy’s erection had subsided, and they put on the supplied branded t-shirt and shorts they were provided.

In the women’s locker room Brandi and Danielle were also given lockers right next to each other. Danielle was very shy, and hesitant to undress. Especially sitting next to her mother. Brandi was very beautiful for a woman with two 18 year old children. She became a mother at a very young age, and was only 36 year old. She quickly started to undress lifting off her shirt to reveal her large C-Cup breasts. Amazingly they were as pert and perky today as they were when she herself was 18. She looked over at her daughter who was visibly nervous and encouraged her to undress. Danielle removed her top, and revealed her much smaller breasts, they were only a b-cup, but she had rock hard nipples that stood out as prominently as her brother’s erection. She then removed her dress and underwear and stood up to go to the shower. Brandi examined her daughter to ensure she completely shaved the night before. In order the keep the meat market sterile, all patrons must be clean shaven from the neck down to prevent contamination. Brandi approved as she could clearly see that her daughter properly shaved and cleaned her pubic area, then proceeded to head to the shower herself. After showering, the women put on the dresses they were provided and met up with the rest of their family in the lobby.

It was customary for all first timers of the meat mall were given a tour of the basement of the mall, which served as the meat processing plant. So Teddy and Danielle joined a tour guide, as well as 2 other young men and headed to the basement. Brandi and Mike went off to the café for some coffee while their children went on their tour.

Chapter 2 – Midtown Meat Mall Basement, Meat Processing Plant

As the elevator starting moving, the tour guide quickly explained that what they will see is very graphic, but necessary for them to understand the great sacrifices that were made to ensure the world had a large enough food supply to rebuild. She explained that it is completely understandable if anyone should feel sick and there are multiple bathrooms in case anyone felt the need to throw up.

They entered the basement, and it was a huge facility. It was an open area, much larger than the meat mall building you see from the street. The tour guide explained that the basement actually runs underneath the street to the warehouse next door, which contains the cages for all the cows.

Catwalks were high above the entire plant floor, so that tour groups and supervisors could get a good look at what was going on below them. The plant ran as a well-oiled machine, as everything was automated, and no people (other than the cows or bulls) were on the plant floor.

The tour guide led the 4 teens to the first station, the birthing station. There was a line of cows in a covered walkway, and each was noticeably pregnant. The nurse explained that these cows were about 8 months pregnant and will be given a drug to induce labor. They watched closely, as a cow was pushed forward through the walkway, and immediately sat down into a chair which had its leg strapped down and legs spread wide.

Danielle had a feeling she was being watched, and quickly turned to the boys in the group. She giggled a little as she looked down at the growing bulges in their shorts. She knew they had been checking her out. As she looked back at the birthing area, a large arm pressed down on the cow just below its breasts, and started pushing. Quickly a rush of liquid shot out of the cow’s pussy, as its water broke. And then the bar continues to push until the baby dropped into a waiting bath container. The tour guide explained that the cow felt no pain, as the drug it was administered had a very strong muscle relaxant in it, and the feeling would be not more painful than taking a pee.

Another machine quickly replaced the metal arm, and sewed the vagina back shut on the cow, while the baby was cleaned and scanned. The tour guide explained that the baby is being checked for defects, and if they are males. She explained that they only wanted to produce the best meat possible, and very few bulls were needed. If a baby is male or defective, it is sent to the veal processor, otherwise the babies are sent to incubators to continue to grow. The tour guide explains that as the calves grow, they will have be administered a shock to their brain that will kill off important functions. At that point, the baby is no longer considered to be of human origin, but instead a marked for consumption.

The tour guide shuffles the group to the next area, where cows are being milked. Danielle gets a quick rush of warmth in her body, as one of the young men in the group accidently brushes his now very visible erection along her butt. She acted like she didn’t notice, but was really intrigued by the hardness that grazed on her.

At the milk processing station another line of cows were filed in a line with their breasts pushed forward through a gap between metal bars. A machine placed vacuum tubes on the nipples of each, sucking out the milk contained inside. The tour guide explained the cows had been given hormones that cause their breasts to grow very large and constantly produce milk. The amount of milk needed was very high, as it is needed to feed the growing calves as well as be sold in the supermarket.

Danielle once again felt the hard penis of the boy next to her brush against her leg, this time thinking he was messing with her, she reached down and grabbed his it and started to shake. She yelled at him, “Can you keep this thing off me!” The boy, like everyone in the group was still a virgin, and did not have much control of himself and almost came, if it wasn’t for the quick thinking of tour guide. The tour guide yelled at Danielle; and simply reminded the boys in the group of their duty to society. Now that they are of age, their orgasms are very precious. They must save all their semen for impregnating cows, unless are trying to start a family.

The other boys laugh at Danielle as she gets angry for being yelled at. And she turns a bright red with anger. As they move onto the next station the two other boys mess with Danielle smacking her butt, and reaching under her skirt and quickly rubbing their hand on her young hairless pussy. She wanted to fight back, but is afraid of getting yelled at again. Teddy, completely focused on the tour, doesn’t notice anything going on with his sister.

The tour guide leads them to the meat processing area, and warns the group that this is part of the tour where what they will see gets a little more graphic, and shows them where the bathrooms are located in case they feel the need to vomit.

They come to the bull processing area, the tour guide explains that while most of the meat from the plant comes from cows, there’s still a demand for bull meat. Danielle was fully aware of this, as one of her favorite meals was cock sausage and peppers. The group watched intently as a hook descended, and pierced the back of the bull. It was then lifted up in the air, and quickly run past a saw that cut the head cleanly from the body of the bull. The bull continued to move down the line, as a clamp came up and surrounded its penis, then with a quick yank down, the entire penis and scrotum were removed from the body. Danielle chuckled as the boys in the group cringed a little imagining that was them instead.

Next, the bulls had a blade quickly slice deeply from their neck down to where their penis used to be. This caused all of the guts to fall out of the carcass and into a waiting container. Finally, the bull carcass went behind a plastic lined curtain to another room that was not visible. The tour guide explained that since the rest of the bull meat is less desirable, it would be ground up and made into deli meats and hot dogs. The process is quite messy, so it is done behind closed doors.

The tour group moved on to the final area of the processing plant, and by far the largest. The area was filled cows of all sorts of disassembly, on a production line that was quick and efficient. Like the bulls, the cows were lined up entering the facility. A hook grabbed them in the back, then quickly their heads were sawn off, and the chests sliced open to clean out their organs. At this point, however, the carcasses were placed on a moving conveyor, where machines expertly carved the cows up. First the pussy filets were removed, then the breasts, wings, legs, and rump steaks. By the time the carcass had made its way to the end, it was nothing more than bones and very little unwanted meat.

Between the sight of the bulls being processed and now the cows, the two boys in the group couldn’t contain themselves and scampered in to the bathroom. Danielle, however, was able to stomach everything she was seeing, and found herself becoming quite aroused by it. She felt flush for a moment and let out a moan. Her brother quickly looked over at her to make sure she was ok, when he noticed her nipples poking hard through her dress. He then looked further down and noticed a couple of wet streaks of pussy juice flowing down her leg.

Danielle look back at her brother who quickly turned away to not be noticed. She too looked down and noticed her brother had a raging hard-on. His shorts were barely able to contain his gigantic member. Danielle became even more excited. Teddy had tricked her into touching his penis before, but it was a prank and only for a split second. She knew he had a very large penis, but didn’t know how large. She shyly went into one of the bathrooms and cleaned up so that no one else would notice her excitement.

When everyone returned from the bathrooms, the tour guide informed them this was the end of tour.

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