
Michelle Part 4

Training Michelle – Day 3

I was sleeping soundly when something disturbed me. I couldn’t quite place the sounds, so I opened my eyes and looked next to me on the bed. Michelle and Susan were locked there in a passionate sixty-nine, attacking each others’ pussies. Susan was on top, with her head towards the foot of the bed, Michelle was on her back with her head near mine, but hidden by Susan’s leg. I raised up and looked into Michelle’s eyes. She grinned up at me. “Good morning Master.”

“Good morning yourself. Would you care to explain this, especially in light of last night’s discipline?”

Michelle paused in her assault on Susan’s pussy long enough to say, “We decided that we both wanted your cock, so first one to cum has to wait.” She went back to Susan’s pussy.

“And what makes either of you think you make the determination. Or for that matter that anyone is getting my cock this morning?”

Michelle looked at me and grabbed my erection. “I think someone will.” She grinned, “And we both want it inside us.” She lost the bet. I watched as her eyes rolled up and she screamed, “Oh god! Yes! Nooo!” And her hips bucked as she came into Susan’s mouth. She swore softly, “Damn.”

“It’s okay Slave, no one gets my cock this morning, I’ve got things to do.” I rolled out of bed. “You two get up and get showered.” I looked down at a very disappointed Michelle. “Show her what she needs to know of the rules while she’s staying here.”

“Yes Master.” Michelle said. Then, “Let’s get a shower together. There’s something I can help you with while we’re there.” She grabbed Susan’s hand and dragged her off the bed. They ran to the bathroom giggling.

I made coffee and poured some for myself and Michelle, then realized I didn’t know how or if Susan took hers. I just loaded a tray for the possibilities and took it to the bedroom. They were still in the shower so I shaved and got some other things done while they finished. They got out of the shower drying each other off and laughing. Michelle turned Susan around to face me and announced, “See Master? I fixed her up.”

I looked and saw that Susan’s strip of pubic hair was freshly shaved. Susan looked at Michelle and said, “I think she just wanted an excuse to stick her nose back in my pussy.” Then they both giggled again.

Michelle kissed her and said, “It’s the rule. But you’re right.” She stepped next to Susan. “See Master? Now we’re twins.”

I laughed and shook my head. “There’s coffee in the bedroom. You two are in charge of breakfast, I’ll be out shortly.” And I stepped into the shower and started it. I heard the hair dryer briefly, a lot of giggling, then silence when they left for the kitchen. While I got ready for the day they were apparently busy in the kitchen, I could smell something cooking.

I completed my morning toilette and slipped on a pair of shorts on my way to the kitchen. While I poured another cup of coffee, Susan said to Michelle, “Hey, what’s up with him dressed and we’re naked? That’s not fair.”

Michelle replied, “Sure it is. He’s the Master and we’re slaves. Besides, I happen to like naked. Don’t you?”

“I especially like you naked.” Susan answered.

I asked, “How soon until breakfast?”

They looked at each other, and Michelle answered, “About ten minutes.”

“Then I’m going to make a couple of private phone calls from my office. Knock when it’s ready.”

In unison they said, “Yes Master.” Then they both giggled. I went to my office shaking my head. I called my friend about a possible position for Susan. I explained a bit about my relationship with Michelle, also that I didn’t know Susan well, but that she seemed to be very nice and smart. I suggested that Susan might be open to a similar arrangement. He was very interested, he’d just gotten back on his feet after a messy, nasty divorce, but wasn’t seeing anyone regularly. I e-mailed him a copy of the contract between Michelle and I and made an appointment for the three of us to join him at his office that afternoon. I called Julie and arranged a private fitting for Susan and had just finished promising a full explanation of my situation with Michelle, when I heard a knock on the door.

It was Susan who called out, “Master? Breakfast is ready Sir.”

“Thank you, I’ll be right there.” Susan was waiting patiently by the door when I came out. I looked at her, and asked, “Was there something more you wanted?”

“Yes Sir. Master? I’m not sure what to call you or to say.” She stumbled for words. “Michelle has told me about your relationship and shown me her contract. And I, um, I.”

“Susan, just ask. I won’t be shocked and I won’t be upset.”

“Sir, do you think your friend would be my Master? I could be his slave and do everything just like in the contract.”

“Susan, I’ve just spoken with him on the phone and explained somewhat of what’s going on. I honestly don’t know you well, so you’re going to have to get something together to prove your academic record as well as sell him personally. Do you have a transcript?”

“Yes, at my apartment.”

“Then we’ll need to pick that up when we go out a little later. For now let’s enjoy that breakfast you two fixed.”

We ate and talked about my friend and his business and we learned quite a bit more about Susan. I had every reason to believe she was truthful and she had had a hard life, but come through it in good shape mentally and physically. She had moved out of her parents’ house after an abusive childhood and had been on her own since she was seventeen. She had funded her own education after completing high school with honors despite providing for herself. I was impressed by her knowledge and poise, and intelligence. I knew enough about her field of study to know that she had real knowledge of the subject. She could have faked it from self-study, but she’d have devoted quite a bit of time. Education and determination seemed to be the deciding factors. She wrapped up with, “So when Davey called yesterday I agreed to dinner with him. We both wanted to get laid, and I figured it could be worse, even if it could be better. When the two of you walked in I realized it could be a lot better, then Michelle responded to my flirting.” She paused for a sip of coffee. “The rest you know.”

Michelle leaned over and gave her a kiss. “I understand. My life hasn’t been quite as hard as yours, but then again, I got real lucky in the last year.” She smiled at me. “I found a gentle loving older man to teach me and take care of me. I was really lucky.”

Susan sighed, “I just wish I could be that lucky, even now.” Susan stopped and then exclaimed, “Shoot, I don’t have anything to wear except the dress I had on last night! And one of you has my panties.”

Michelle laughed and Susan glared at her. Michelle said, “Silly, we don’t wear underwear as slaves, last night Master made me wear something special to go out, but I’m usually required to wear exactly what I’ve got on right now under my dress. All you need is your dress and shoes, once we get to his friend’s office I bet you won’t even wear that for most of your interview.” Michelle leaned over and kissed Susan. “Besides, you looked terrific in that dress last night, I’m sure it’ll be better over naked, and you look delectable naked.” I watched lust light up Michelle’s eyes.

Susan saw it too. “And you look absolutely yummy sitting there like that, but I think your Master has other plans.”

“Yes, I do. We need to get going. We’ve got to stop at your apartment so you can get your transcript for my friend Tom to review, and I think there are some other things you should take. I’ve also made an appointment with my friend Julie to get a private showing for you so you can select some new underclothes for your role as Tom’s slave.”

“You’re assuming he’ll have me.” Susan said, looking doubtful.

“Why wouldn’t he?” Michelle asked. “If he’s a friend of Master’s he’ll probably jump at the chance.” She winked at me.

Susan shock her head. “I guess I’ve just become accustomed to not expecting much.”

“Well, maybe it’s time you expected more, and took a bit more positive initiative. We’ll help, and I’m betting Tom will help. I do know him, and I think you’re just what he needs, both in his office and at home.” I paused and glanced at Michelle. “On the off chance I misjudged one or both of you and Tom, we might make room for you here.”

Susan smiled at me. “I sure hope you’re right.”

“Susan.” I said sharply. “Approach this as positively as possible. You are a very beautiful young woman and very talented, in the bedroom and out. You’ve done extremely well working hard on your own without falling into the traps that so many young women like you fall into. That says a lot about your ethics and drive. High ethical standards follow directly from strong self-discipline and intelligence. Those things will be critical in your chosen career path, as well as in your relationship with Tom when he accepts you.”

Susan smiled. “The two of you have such confidence in me and you hardly know me. Thank you. I’ll do my best.”

Michelle looked into her eyes. “That smile will work wonders, and what it can’t do I know your body can.” I watched a hand sneak down to stroke Susan somewhere below. The girls kissed again and their hands were busy below my line of sight.

“Okay ladies. We need to get a move on. Clear the table while I get dressed, then get your own shoes and dresses on.” I glanced at the clock. “Fifteen minutes, at the front door, ready to go, or there’ll be discipline later.”

Susan and Michelle smiled, then Susan cheerfully chimed, “Promises, Promises.” She wiggled her hips at me as she walked to the kitchen with Michelle. I shook my head. Tom was going to enjoy Susan.

As ordered, the girls were standing at the door as directed, when I walked out. We went directly to Julie’s shop, unfortunately we weren’t early enough for a repeat of the naked shopping that Michelle had done, but Julie did allow us to lock ourselves in the private back room. She looked at me harshly, “Another one? Isn’t one enough for an old guy like you?”

“Julie, I’d like you to meet Susan, Susan, my dear friend Julie. This is her store.” They shook hands, a bit coolly. “Susan is a friend of Michelle’s and we’re taking her over to meet Tom. She’s studying PP in school and needs a job and someone to help her out with some training.”

“Tom would be the one alright.” Julie smiled. “Okay, young lady, do you,” She emphasized the ‘you’ and looked at Michelle, “Know your correct bra size and hip measurement?”

Susan glanced at Michelle then replied, “Yes ma’am. 32B and 32.”

:Julie said, “That looks right. Do you have any favorite colors?”

“White and pink.”

“Let’s go pick out some things for you to try on.”

Susan started to follow, then held out her hand to Michelle, “Help me, please?”

They walked out hand in hand, and came back a little later with an arm load of garments, giggling between themselves. Julie looked at me, “She certainly has good taste.”

I smiled and Michelle chirped, “And she tastes good!”

Susan blushed and I snarled, “Slave!” Julie just laughed and shook her head.

Julie looked at Susan, and asked, “Have you ever worn this style of bra and or garter belts?”

“No ma’am.”

Julie glanced at me then at Susan, “Well then slip that dress and shoes off and I’ll show you how the first time.”

Susan nudged Michelle for an unzip, then Michelle nudged back for the same. I smiled and they slipped their dresses off together. Julie shook her head and smiled. “I refuse to be the only woman in the room dressed. Rich?” She stepped back up to me and I unzipped her dress. She stepped out of it.

“Okay, Susan, this is what these bars and things look like worn properly.” She selected a lovely pink lace garter belt from the stack and stepped up to Susan. “This is easy, you just wrap it around and clip it, then slide it around so the clip is in the back. The stockings are a bit trickier.” She opened a package and directed Susan to sit down. “They tend to be lighter weight than pantyhose, so you can’t just jerk them on. You have to roll them to start and unroll them up your legs. Like this.”

Susan watched closely as Julie pulled the first stocking into place. I saw a couple of finger brushes against Susan’s pussy and knew what was coming. Julie handed her the other stocking, “You try.” Julie watched carefully as Susan unrolled the stocking up her leg. “Very good, now stand.”

Julie didn’t move back, so Susan ended up straddling her, Julie’s nose almost in Susan’s cunt. Susan stepped back slightly and Julie smiled up at her. “Now, the stockings attach like this. One garter straight down the front of your thigh and the other straight down the outside, like this.”

When Julie finished one leg she had Susan do the other. Julie reached up and touched Susan’s pussy gently. “May I?” She glanced at me then looked into Susan’s eyes.

I said, “Of course, if Susan wants.”

Susan simply breathed, “Yes.”

Julie didn’t need any more invitation. She started licking Susan’s pussy, and her expertise showed quickly. Susan gripped Julie’s head and pulled her closer, Michelle stepped up behind Susan and cupped her tits. Susan took just minutes to squeal her delight and shudder through an orgasm that filled Julie’s mouth with sweet girl juice. Susan was trembling when she pushed back on Julie, she smiled down and said simply, “Thank you so much.”

Julie looked up into Susan’s eyes and replied, “My pleasure.” She looked at me, “We need to do this somewhere that I can enjoy it even more.”

“We can do that.” I replied, considering the possibilities.

Julie stood in front of Susan.

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