
MIchelle Part 1

Some time ago one of my youngest daughter’s friends made the comment that she found me “attractive”. Since she is very attractive herself, I pondered more than once on how and why we might have a relationship, and when she showed some pleasure in a couple of playful swats, well this series just sort of took off. Hope you enjoy it. It seems to be going places I didn’t expect, but I like it.


“Do you think I’m pretty?” My daughter’s friend Michelle asked one afternoon after school while she took a break from homework in our kitchen.

“Well, yes, you’re a very pretty girl, Michelle.” I told her. The truth was, since I’d lost my wife in a car crash some months before, I’d noticed Michelle, as much as any of my daughter’s friends. She was a very lovely girl, just under five tall, with big blue eyes, dark blonde hair, full lips, a cute little nose, and a well developed and nicely rounded body. But she was only seventeen, and one of my daughter’s best friends, so there was no way this was going further.

“I mean really pretty?” She asked again, “Not just like a cute little girl, but like a woman you might like to know better?”

“Michelle, you’re very pretty, and someday you’ll be a very beautiful woman, for someone near your own age.” I knew I had to nip this quickly.

“But I don’t like guys my own age, they’re so immature, and silly, and they don’t know what they’re doing.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. I was already afraid of where this might take me.

“Well, sexually, of course.” She told me. “And even worse, they just don’t know what to do to make me feel good, or anything. I bet you know a lot.”

“Michelle, all that might be true, but we’re not going there. I’ve had a lot of experience, but you need to find a teacher that you truly love and care about and that you can grow up with.” I explained.

“But what if the person I truly care about is older and experienced, shouldn’t he teach me?” She asked.

“Not if it’s me.” I said, “And more important, not if you’re not at least eighteen.”

“Well, at least tell me about what you like. Tell me some things you enjoy doing that might give me a place to start.” She asked.

I decided to start off easy with her, figuring Michelle didn’t have much experience, so I told her, “Well, I really love oral sex, both giving and getting it. For me it’s best when the woman swallows all my cum, and enjoys it. And of course when I’m giving her oral sex I want all her pussy hair shaved off so I can really stay with my face deep in her pussy without getting hair in my mouth, and she has to enjoy me doing it, and cum, and be vocal about it.”

“Wow!” She exclaimed. “I’ve given a couple of guys blow jobs, and it’s OK, they made me swallow, but I’m not sure I like it. And no one has ever gone down on me. I haven’t ever really had an orgasm with a boy ever before.”

“Well, you see. That’s part of experience. How many boys have you had sex with?” I asked.

“Well, without naming names, I’ve given blow jobs to three guys, and had actual sex with two of them” She explained.

“That’s all?” I asked. “How many times?”

“Well, about maybe, ten times total, not counting the blow jobs.”

“Ever try it with any girls?” I inquired.

“Well, once. With a friend of mine,” she blushed and ducked her head, “not Lizzy of course, we fingered each other’s pussy and rubbed each others tits, and rubbed our tits together, like that. You know?”

“So I take it your orgasms have been by masturbating?”

“Well, yeah. I really like that. It feels so good when I cum. I do it almost every day, sometimes more than once if I’m having a really bad day.”

From then on Michelle and I would continue our after school discussions, but I made it clear that nothing was going to happen, especially until she was eighteen. We discussed every variation of sex that I’d tried, and that was a lot. She got quite an education, regardless, even if second hand. Then one day she had an idea.

“So, would it be OK if I tried out some of the stuff you’ve told me about? I mean, like bring some guys over, or some girls, and try the stuff you’ve told me about so I can see if I enjoy the things you do? That way I’d get experience for when I’m eighteen and you can have sex with me.”

“Michelle, I never said I’d have sex with you, I just said it wasn’t even an open topic until you were eighteen. But yes, I know you can’t do much at home, so if you want to bring people here when I’m at work, and practice the things we’ve talked about, then feel free. Just stay out of the liquor cabinet and clean up after yourself.”

“Oh wow, thanks. I promise you’ll hardly know I was here, but I’ll get really good at the stuff you like, and I’ll get lots of practice. Did I tell you I’ve decided I do really like the taste of guy’s cum? I’ve been practicing that. Some of the guys say I give the best blow jobs they’ve ever had. And oh yeah, I shaved all my pussy hair smooth. Wanna see?”

“No Michelle, I don’t want to see. I’ll take your word for it.”

From then on Michelle got as much sexual experience as she could. She’d leave me notes about what she’d done each time she brought someone, or several someones to the house. Sort of a journal that I kept in a drawer in my home office. She described each experience as she ticked off a mental list of the things we’d talked about that I’ve enjoyed over the years. Threesomes, two guys with her, her and a couple, two girls. Oral sex, anal sex, double penetrations, Licking a cock clean after it had been used to fuck her, or someone else. Learning to eat pussy. Learning to cum and enjoy sex, whether it lasted minutes or hours. Then she went beyond. First three guys, then four. Then she added girls for her to satisfy while the guys fucked her. Then there was the day I came home and she was still there, with seven guys. I heard the noise from the spare bedroom. When I walked in Michelle was on all fours on the bed, one guy was fucking her from behind, almost ready to shoot into her, and one guy was fucking her mouth, also nearly cumming. The rest were standing around the bed, pulling on their cocks and cheering her on, and their buddies.

The guy in her mouth grunted and stiffened, and pushed his cock deep into her mouth and cried out, “Oh gawd! I’m cumming! Suck my cum down! Suck it all down!” And Michelle did. Every drop. When he finally pulled his limp dick from her mouth and flopped on the bed he just said, “Next.”

Meantime, the guy behind her was still pumping away. Michelle saw me standing there, but a huge orgasm shook her before she could say anything. They were both yelling and cumming together, slamming their hips together while he pumped every drop he could deep in her pussy. That was when I realized that Michelle’s knees were actually in big wet puddles of cum. There was cum trailing down her arms and legs, across her back, dripping from her nipples, and her chin. There even appeared to be stings of cum in her hair. She grinned up at me, “Wanna join in? There’s plenty for everyone!”

“No, Michelle, I will not join in. Enjoy yourself, all of you, and clean up when you’re finished.”

Sometime later I heard the guys leaving. Michelle came into my office wearing one of my old robes. It wasn’t tied, and her body was clearly visible, neatly shaved and streams of cum still trickling down her belly and her legs. She smelled as strongly of sex as anyone I’d ever been close to. She stood next to me and opened the robe for me to look.

“Do you think I’m getting enough experience for you?” She asked. “Would you like a taste? Or a smell?” She giggled. Then she slipped her hand between her legs and rubbed her fingers deep in her cunt. She moaned, then pulled them out covered in cum and put them in her mouth.

“Luscious! Want some?” She poked one finger my direction.

“No.” I told her. “You need to have some clothes on when we’re together. And you need to get a shower.”

“Oh, party pooper! Wanna help me shower?” she asked. Grinning from ear to ear.

“No. And No, again.” I barked. “Close the robe, go get a shower, by yourself, and get dressed. And I want you always dressed when we’re together.”

“Until I’m eighteen.”

“At least until you’re eighteen. And we won’t even discuss it unless you start to understand what the rules are.”

For the next few months we continued our discussions, but Michelle was always dressed, if not always properly, when I was around. One sunny, summer afternoon I was sitting at my desk, working on a project when Michelle walked in. “Hey, guess what I got today?”

“No clue.” I answered.

“This!” And she held out a new driver’s license.

“Nice picture.” I answered.

“Not that silly, look at the date.”

I knew without even looking what she wanted me to see, but I looked anyway, and I was right. “So, you’re eighteen now.. That’s very nice.”

“And you’re going to give me my best present ever, right now.”

“And that would be?” Thinking I might know the answer. By now she had moved around the desk next to me. She leaned over my chair, put one hand on the back rest, kissed me on the lips, and rubbed the other hand along my already hardening cock.

“You’re going to give me this.” She said it with some confidence. “I’ve waited long enough, and I know enough now, this is my cock, and I want it.” She licked around my ear, then trailed her tongue into my mouth searching for my tongue and drawing it to her.

How could I deny, I wanted her too. I stood up and started to pull my shirt off.

“No, I will undress you, then I’m going to give you a show.” She stated. “Then you’re going to give me this.” and she slid her hand along my cock again.

She undid my pants, slipped off my shirt, ran my pants and underwear down my legs and tugged my socks off too.

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