Menage a quatre 4
Menage a quatre 4
Sex Story Author: | doz |
Sex Story Excerpt: | And yes I can afford it; I've saved quite a nest egg over the years, and I'v invested it well.” |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Group Sex |
This is a sequel to “Menage a quatre” “Menage a quatre 2” and “Menage a quatre 3”. I can’t insist that you read them first, but I think that this episode will only make sense if you do.
“I don’t get it.” my mum said as we sat around the lunch table on Saturday, finishing the last of our wine.
“What don’t you get, Cynthia?”
“Well, you’ve invited my son to become a member of your menage a quatre. In my opinion, after what I’ve seen of him with you three last night and today, he’d be mad if he didn’t accept. The four of you seem great together. But doesn’t ‘menage a quatre’ imply some sort of exclusivity? I’ve been having the best sex of my life with the four of you. Last night I had my first DP ever, with Ron in my cunt and Reg in my arse. Then I watched while Sandra and then Maria got the same treatment. I’m thrilled that you did, but how come you included me in your love making?”
“As far as I know,” Reg replied, “there are no established rules about how a menage a quatre should be conducted …”
“ and even if there are such rules, we don’t have to abide by them.”, Sandra chipped in, “We’ll make our own rules.”
“So what are your rules?”, mum wanted to know.
“That’s an interesting question, one that we haven’t discussed so far, We know that Ron has been fucking you at home. We don’t want to make a rule that would try to stop that.”
“And,” Maria added, “Ron and Sandra have been fucking during the day, at work. There’s no point in a rule that opposes that.”
“So,” Reg summed up, “I think that the only rule that would make sense for us would be ‘No secret sex’ i.e. ‘No going behind the others’ backs’. Since its no secret, you Cynthia and Ron can continue fucking, you Cynthia will be welcome here often, to fuck, Ron and Sandra can continue their lunch time fucks, and if Maria or I want to fuck someone else we just have to tell the others.”
Sandra added, “No! Not just tell us. I think that we should require you, Reg, or Maria, or any of us, to bring a new fuck buddy home to meet the family. Basically we’re a menage a quatre because the four of us live together and fuck each other regularly but we can be an open menage a quatre. Do you all agree?”
“Yes,” Maria replied, “when anyone brings a new fuck buddy home to meet us they’ll be expected to fuck, not just shake hands and say ‘How do you do?’”
“So, Ron,” Sandra asked, “you haven’t said much. Do you like our proposed new rule? Will you move in with us under that new rule?”
“Yes, I like that rule. I don’t want to give up fucking my mum, or Sandra at work. I think I’m ready to move in with the three of you. I’ll just sleep at home with mum occasionally – maybe once a week. Is that acceptable?”
In response Maria and Sandra both kissed me. The twinkle in their eyes gave me my answer. Reg reached across the table and shook my hand.
“Welcome to our family, Ron.”
“I have another question. Is that alright?”
“Of course, Cynthia. What is your question?’
“Well, do you two young women plan to have children? If you do, who will be the father or fathers?”
“Oh! Yes!”, Maria said, “I’d really love to have at least two children. We haven’t talked about it yet, probably because we can’t afford it yet.”
“Yes!”, Sandra said, “I’d like to try again, too. I was pregnant when Reg and I got married but I lost it. The doctors told me to wait before getting pregnant again, but I think that I’ve waited long enough. What do you two think, Reg, Ron?”
“I think”, Ron said, “that I’d love to be a father to a few kids. What about you Reg?”
“As much as I’d love to have kids running around us, I’m afraid that this discussion is premature. After all, Ron has agreed to move in with us, but he hasn’t actually moved in yet. Also, I’m not sure how Ron’s joining us affects our finances, but I suspect that we still can’t afford to start a family yet. Maybe if one or two of us get promotions we can start to think about kids.”
“Oh! Dear! Please accept my apologies. Of course it’s too soon to be starting a family, but I hope that it’s not too soon to be talking about it. I’m being selfish, of course, because I really want grandchildren before I’m too old to enjoy them. Since I want them so much I’m prepared to help make it affordable; if Sandra and Maria have to take time off work to look after new babies, I’ll contribute enough to make up their pay for as long as they are off work, and after they go back to work I’d like to mind their kids until they are ready to go to school, and again after school in the afternoons.”
“Wow!”, Sandra said, “That’s very generous, Cynthia. But that means that you would have to give up work to be our baby sitter. Can you afford to do that and make up our pay too?”
“It’s not really so very generous because I really want grandkids. I’ll consider any kids born to the four of you as my grandkids.
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