Meat girl conclusion
Meat girl conclusion
Sex Story Author: | Katiesmith |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We have dogs you see and they will want some of her.” the woman asked. “Oh yes that's no |
Sex Story Category: | Cannibalism |
Sex Story Tags: | Cannibalism, Fantasm |
All Tracey could do was stand on display and await her fate. Voiceless and tied as tightly as could be she couldn’t think of a single thing she could do to escape the situation. Emily was the only person who really knew what was happening and she wasn’t around to help at all.
The ringing of a loud bell startled Tracey and she guessed it meant that the store was now open and sure enough within a few minutes customers started coming into the fresh meat section to browse and buy their dinner for that night.
Despite the fact that she was genuinely scared for her life Tracey once again couldn’t help but get turned on by the very fact of being displayed naked as pure meat and to her shame she once again knew that she was wet and that her nipples were as hard as ever, even the one with the horrid tag through it!
It seemed though that nobody was interested in buying a live girl, the few customers that did enter the department went straight to the cold meat counter and bought their sliced meat from Katie with hardly a look at the five naked girls on display a few feet away. Katie did seem to try and get one or two customers to look at the live girls but she seemed to get no real interest and Tracey was beginning to hope that she was as bad a sales girl as Emily had seemed to be!
Then an hour into the shop being open the worst thing possible happened to Tracey, someone she knew came in and recognised her! It was her neighbour Mr Johnson, an old man who Tracey disliked enormously. Ever since she could remember she had been wary of the creepy little man who always seemed to be looking at her as if undressing her, even from the earliest age. At several Christmas and birthday parties he had always managed to get a kiss from her even though she hated each one and on several occasions he had managed to squeeze her butt at the same time as kissing her! In short he was an odious little creep and now he was smiling and walking straight over to her!
“Tracey, Tracey, Tracey, I never thought I’d get to see you like this” he laughed. As he slowly looked her naked body up and down without the slightest sign of embarrassment.
If the ground could of opened up and swallowed her whole Tracey would of accepted it with gladness but all she could do was stand motionless and defenceless as her neighbour studied her naked body in all it’s glory.
“Your dad’s been asking where you are Tracey” he smiled, “so I guess it’s not him who’s got you here, what did you do, volunteer, you naughty girl” he smiled and on receiving no reply he laughed again, “ Oh yes you can’t speak can you, I heard they devoice meat girls”
She was close to tears but he didn’t seem to care at all as he suddenly grasped the nipple tag and turning it around he read it and laughed’
“Oh your the special of the day to, 75% off, that is a bargain, I only came in for a couple of breasts but at that price I might just have to buy you, that would be fun wouldn’t it Tracey, maybe I could give your dad some free titty burgers! “ he laughed.
Tracey squirmed as he released the tag but immediately started running his hands up and down Tracey’s body seeming to revel in it’s feel.
“Hum you have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this Tracey but even at 75% off I haven’t quite got enough money on me, I might come back later and see if your still here.” he grinned and with one final pinch of her left breast he walked off.
Tracey heaved a sigh of relief that he’d gone even though she knew she was still in a lot of trouble. Mr Johnson could well be true to his word and come back and buy her but at least he was gone for now.
Another hour passed and apart from a scrawny student giving her a few looks not much else happened until with a sudden sense of joy Tracey saw Emily approaching! Tracey couldn’t believe it and almost wet herself with excitement right there!
“Oh good your still here” Emily smiled, “I did wonder if I’d be to late but I had more important things to sort out.”
Tracey did wonder what was more important than saving her friend from being sold as titty burgers but then remembered Emily’s dad.
“Don’t worry I’m going to have a quick word with Mr Chambers and tell him what’s happened and he should be kind to me as my dad just died and hopefully he will let you go.”
If Tracey could of moved she would of kissed Emily right then but instead she just smiled and watched as Emily smiled back and then turned and headed behind the meat counter with a wave at Katie as she went.
Ten minutes later there was no sign of Emily or Mr Chambers and Tracey was on tenterhooks desperate to be out of there.
“Here she is mum, told you she’d still be here”
Tracey looked to her left and was immediately alarmed to see the teenage girl from yesterday standing there along with her mother.
“Yes good” the mother replied and Tracey saw Katie start to walk over to them, “Oh and look she’s even cheaper today, 75% off.” the girl laughed.
“Good morning Madam, can I help you?” Tracey heard Katie say as she reached them.
“Yes we came in yesterday and saw a different sales girl, we’re interested in buying this meat.” the woman replied pointing at Tracey.
“Very good choice Madam, she’s prime pussy meat.” Katie smiled.
“Yes I’m sure she is, the other sales girl said you would butcher her for us?” the woman asked.
“Oh yes we offer a full butchering service, she will be converted to all the best cuts in no time.”
Tracey couldn’t believe what was happening and was frantically looking at the door behind the meat counter desperate for Emily to come through it and rescue her from this danger but there was no sign of her!
“Good good, you can also mince up the unused bits?
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