Sex Story Author: | JohnJustJohn |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "Do you want to put your cock in my tight little asshole too?" she grinned as she stroked my rod. |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Female exhibitionist, Female/Female, Group Sex, Latina, Lesbian, Male / Females, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Romance, Threesome, True Story |
Me, My Girlfriend and Her Best Friend: Part Four – Day Two
I awoke to the sound of my mother yelling at me through the door. I had slept through my alarm and my friend Dan’s wedding was only three hours away.
I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The events of the previous evening flashed in my mind. I had gone to the rehearsal dinner alone. My ex Belinda had been there with her best friend Marcella. They were both insanely beautiful Latina women. Years before, the three of us had had several intimate encounters, so seeing the two of them together again after such a long time was bit jarring to say the least.
Belinda had been in a foul mood on account of her new boyfriend Bruce. After taking Belinda home, Marcella came back to my house and we ended up having sex in my front yard at 4am. We had had a lot to drink, but she told me that she was in love with me and that she had been for some time. She also told me that she was still in love with Belinda too… I wondered: “Had it been the alcohol talking?”
The plan was for me to pick up Marcella, then drive over to Belinda’s house and pick her up and the three of us would go to the wedding together, which meant I would have to face Marcella in less than two hours time. Then I would have less than fifteen minutes to figure out what the hell was going on before we arrived at Belinda’s house. I couldn’t muster an appetite so I skipped breakfast. I stood idly in the shower and stewed. Belinda was seeing someone else. She had moved on. Still, she had been my girlfriend for eight years. Would she be okay with the idea of Marcella and I getting together? Then there was Marcella to consider. Was she even serious about everything she had said? She had talked about being with me… Was she thinking about moving to Florida?.. Was she asking me to move back to Texas?.. I was confused.
I shaved and put on my rented tuxedo. I hugged my mother goodbye after posing for several photos at her insistence, then climbed into her SUV which I was borrowing during my stay and headed toward Marcella’s house.
I wanted the drive to last a lot longer than it did. I just knew deep down that things were going to be awkward. When I arrived at Marcella’s house, her mother complimented me on how nicely I cleaned up and invited me in to sit down while Marcella finished getting ready. After a few minutes, Marcella stepped into the living room.
I will never forget how she looked that day. She was wearing a tastefully low cut burgundy dress which complimented her golden skin beautifully. Her dark hair was up and several wide spirals hung at the sides of her face. Her make-up was soft and subtle. I felt my heart pick up it’s pace. She was absolutely stunning.
I rose to my feet as she glided into the room. There were a thousand things I could’ve said at that moment, but a single word escaped my lips. It floated from me the same way it would’ve come from a child seeing a waterfall or a rainbow for the first time. “Wow.”
Her mother laughed at me momentarily and Marcella smiled. “Thank you.”
We got into the SUV and began driving toward Belinda’s house. I had gone from nervous to terrified. Marcella smiled at me. “So, are you excited?”
“Excited isn’t the exact word I would use.” I smiled. I was trying to get a read on her. Her smile was genuine and everything seemed to be fine, still I couldn’t shake the strange feeling in my gut. We had had sex less than ten hours earlier and now we were both acting like nothing had happened. I had to know. I had to be sure. “Do you wanna hear something crazy?” I asked. She looked over to me. I suddenly started vomiting words like a volcano. “I barely slept last night because I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and I know that we were drinking and people say things and do things that they don’t really mean when they’re drinking, and I really hope that isn’t what happened last night because I think I’m in love with you, and if you were serious about trying be together, then I’m completely on board.”
There was a brief silence. I had laid it all out. I was exposed and vulnerable. Marcella lowered her head and smiled. She then slowly turned to me and looked up to meet my eyes. There was a hint of mischief in her gaze. “Do you wanna hear something crazy Johnny?”
“Okay.” I answered impatiently.
She turned back toward the road and her grin broadened. “If it hadn’t taken my sister two hours to do my hair and make-up, I would suck your cock right here, right now.” she smiled as she settled back into her seat. I could feel blood rushing to my groin at the mere thought of it. She had somehow managed to calm me down, answer all of my questions and give me an erection with one sentence. I glanced back at her. She was still smiling. So was I. “What?” she asked.
“Just wishing you weren’t wearing all that make-up.” I replied with red cheeks.
Neither of us said another word for the rest of the drive to Belinda’s house. We just sat and smiled.
When we arrived at Belinda’s, she was waiting for us in the living room. She too looked incredible. She was wearing her hair down. Her hair usually hung in wild natural curls, but she had straightened it for the wedding and it hung long past her shoulders. She wore a beige silk dress that was cut just above the knee showing off her tan muscular legs. We posed for some more photos for her mother and finally departed for the wedding.
Marcella sat in the back seat and Belinda sat beside me in the passenger seat. We all chatted about nothing important for a few minutes as I drove along. Then Belinda fished her cell phone out of her purse. She dialed a number and waited. Finally she said “Hey honey!” She was talking to her boyfriend Bruce. Marcella and I had already developed a low opinion of him. I glanced in the rear-view mirror and found Marcella’s reflection rolling her eyes. “I’m on my way to the wedding now, so my phone will probably be off for the next hour or so. Just wanted to let you know.” There was a break. “So far! It’s nice to be home again anyway.” Another break. “Okay baby. I’ll call you after. Love you! Bye.”
We arrived at the church a half hour before the wedding. Marcella and Belinda went inside and found some seats and I went to find Dan and the boys. I won’t bore you with the details, but the wedding was fine. I was in the wedding party, so I didn’t get to sit with the girls. Things didn’t pick up again until afterward.
The reception was in a different location about a half mile away from the church, so Belinda and Marcella hopped in the car with me. Belinda turned her phone back on and dialed Bruce. Marcella and I sat in silence as Belinda waited for an answer that never came. She left him a voice mail asking him to call her back just as we arrived at the reception hall.
The DJ was playing all the usual wedding reception favorites. The line for the bar was twice as long as the line for dinner. The whole gang was there and dressed to the nines. We all drank and laughed and talked about the old times and caught up more on what we had all been up to.
Time crept by.
The reception had been going on for over an hour. I was talking to Chuck about some new business idea he had when I saw Belinda pull her phone out of her purse and glance at the screen before dropping it back inside. She was sitting alone at a table near the doors. Marcella was out on the dance floor looking more alive than I had ever seen her. I then stared at Belinda for a moment. She looked so very sad.
The DJ put on some slower sentimental ballad that I wasn’t familiar with. I stood up from the table and walked over to Belinda and extended my hand. “May I?” I asked.
We stepped out onto the dance floor and I pulled her in close. I wrapped my arm around her waist and took her hand as we began to gently sway to the rhythm. “Everything alright?” I asked.
“Yeah.” she sighed. I could see the pain in her eyes. I hated seeing that more than I can describe. She was such a beautiful and gentle girl. I thought about what Marcella had said to me the night before. She had been right. When I looked into Belinda’s eyes, I knew I was still in love with her.
“I’m sorry for… whatever it is that’s got you down right now.” I smiled sympathetically.
“It’s okay.” she smiled back. Her soft features were magnetic.
I stared deep into her brown eyes as she stared into mine. There was a moment of obvious longing between us. “Why did we break up?” I asked with a shy grin.
She let go of my hand and threw both arms around my neck. “I can’t remember.” she smiled.
I pulled her closer and she rested her head on my shoulder. We lazily swayed together in silence for the rest of the song holding on tight to one another. The DJ then went on to play all of the club music of the day and everyone was eventually dancing. Belinda was at least able to forget about Bruce long enough to enjoy a few dances with Marcella and me. We bounced and shook, sweating and heaving into one another, fueled by alcohol and the desire to forget the trappings of our daily lives. The three of us stayed close and our breathing was low and hot. An intensity was rising between the three of us that had been lying dormant for years, and though we all felt it, none of us acknowledged it.
At 8pm, the reception finally came to an end. Dan and his new bride boarded a limo and headed out into their own future. We waved them away and stood on the curb, drunk and restless. I turned to Marcella and Belinda to see if they were ready to go home, but Belinda had already dialed Bruce on her phone again. She waited until it went to voice mail and was clearly frustrated when she canceled the call and dropped the phone back into her purse. I finally asked “So what do you guys feel like doing?”
Belinda made no effort to hide her hurt or her anger. “Let’s go get a drink somewhere that we can smoke.” Belinda hadn’t had a cigarette in almost a year. She was angry.
“Uh… Okay.” I smiled, shuffling through my mind for somewhere we could go. There were several bars nearby, but I could only imagine Belinda getting even more drunk and causing some kind of embarrassing scene she would later regret. I thought about my mom’s house, but I didn’t want my mother to see Belinda that way. I then remembered my dad’s house. He was in California on a business trip and always kept a large collection of wine on hand. “Do you wanna go to my dad’s house? He’s out of town on business and it’s just sitting there empty.”
“Can we smoke there?” Belinda asked.
“In the backyard, plus he’s got a shitload of wine we can drink.” I said. Marcella smiled.
Belinda did not.
With that, the three of us left the reception hall. We stopped at a convenient store and grabbed two packs of cigarettes and continued on to my father’s house.
I found the spare key he had hidden under a rock in the garden and we went inside. Belinda was pretty tipsy and headed straight to the back yard. Marcella followed her out and I went to look at my father’s wine collection. I filled up three glasses with something old and red and headed outside. The temperature had dropped significantly. It had to have been in the mid-fifties. Belinda was dropping her phone back into her purse again and saying “Mother Fucker!” when I handed Marcella a glass of wine.
“What?” Marcella asked, already knowing the answer.
“Bruce still isn’t answering his fucking phone!” Belinda whined. “Plus it’s fucking freezing out here!” she added as she lit a cigarette. She took a long deep draw from it. “Oh, shit that feels good.” she exhaled.
“Maybe he’s in a meeting or something.” Marcella chimed in.
“It’s 9:30 in Florida. Who has a meeting at 9:30 at night?” Belinda barked. Her mood had gone from bad to worse.
Marcella was determined to cheer her up. “He’s a club owner, right? Club owners have meetings this late, don’t they?”
“Not with Investors.” Belinda replied, taking a huge gulp of wine. “He’s probably meeting somebody though.”
Just as I sat down, Marcella clenched her body and rubbed her arms. “Are you almost done with that cigarette? It’s fucking cold out here.”
Writer’s note: Before I go on, I have to describe the yard that we were sitting in. It’s a pretty cool backyard. When you step out of the back door, if you turned right, you would see a 10 foot by 18 foot deck with four patio chairs, a table and a four person hot tub on the far side. This was where we were seated. Shooting off of the deck was a three foot wide walkway which led to 6 stairs, which led to a deck that overlooked an above-ground pool. On that deck was another set of chairs. Anyway, where were we?… Oh, yeah! So, Marcella was cold…
I could hear the hum of the water pump underneath the hot tub. I stood up and walked over to it. I lifted the vinyl lined Styrofoam shell that covered it just high enough to stick my fingers in the water. It was hot. “The hot tub is on. If we get in, we’ll be warm and you can still smoke.” I suggested.
Belinda looked up at me. She looked annoyed and drunk. She was actually starting to act really bitchy. “What are we gonna wear, one of your step mom’s swimsuits? She’s way bigger than we are.”
I looked back to her as I pulled the lid all the way off. “Just go in your underwear. It’s like a bathing suit right?” I really was trying to be helpful… Maybe a little manipulative… Sue me.
Belinda stubbed out her cigarette. “Johnny, these are formal dresses. I’m pretty sure neither one of us is wearing a bra.”
I stepped closer to where they were sitting. “Perfect.” I smiled.
Belinda finally let her guard down. She began laughing hysterically. “Same old Johnny. Still trying to see my titties.” she drunkenly smiled. Marcella sat back and grinned.
“I’m kidding. Look, I’ll go grab some of my dad’s old tee shirts. You can wear those, okay? That way, you can smoke as much as you want without all of us freezing our asses off.”
“Fine.” Belinda said, catching her breath. Marcella laughed and nodded her approval.
Belinda and Marcella followed me into my father’s bedroom. I fished out two dark colored tee shirts for them to wear and then left them alone. I took off my tuxedo jacket in the dining room and hung it on a chair at the table. I then removed my shirt, shoes, socks and pants. I debated on whether or not to take off my undershirt. Then I thought: “I’m a guy. What the fuck am I doing?” and took off the tee shirt. I was down to just my flannel boxers when the door to my father’s bedroom slowly opened and Belinda and Marcella stepped out wearing nothing but their panties and some old baggy tee shirts. (I was assuming they were wearing their panties, although I couldn’t actually see them. -JJJ) Both their hair and makeup were still mostly perfect and the stark contrast of that against my dad’s old worn out tee’s was almost comical. The shirts hung low and loose down to mid thigh on both of them yet they still managed to look incredibly sexy.
I grabbed three oversized towels and the three of us ran from the back door to the hot tub and one by one, climbed in. I was the last one in, so I handed Belinda and Marcella their wine glasses and put Belinda’s cigarettes on the table nearby.
During the summer of 1999, we had all three had sex together a number of times and my dad’s backyard had been one of several places we had used when we experimented with each other. In fact, in that very same hot tub, Belinda and Marcella had had a blow job contest with yours truly acting as judge. A clear winner could never be crowned though. Too many variables. Either way, that memory popped into my mind and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I missed being young.
Belinda had finally lightened up a bit. She was smoking another cigarette and I had just returned with our third round of wine. She and Marcella were laughing at something they were talking about and I finally felt like the night was going to turn out okay. I leaned toward Belinda. “Can I get one of those cigarettes?” I asked.
“Sure.” Belinda smiled.
I grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. I hadn’t smoked in a few weeks. I hadn’t really quit at that point, but had cut back quite a lot. “Thanks.” I smiled.
We sat in the tub for another fifteen minutes or so, talking and laughing. I was genuinely happy that Belinda was having a good time. Belinda then leaned forward a bit. “Oh, my god it’s so hot in here. I’m actually sweating.”
“Me too.” Marcella agreed.
With that, Belinda rose up out of the water and sat down on the lip of the hot tub. The porch lights were bright and despite how dark the tee shirt was, I could very easily make out every curve of her beautiful body as the dark wet material clung to her form. The night air was cool and steam plumed from her body. The chill in the air quickly cooled the water soaked into the shirt and I happily watched as her nipples began to rise and push against the wet cloth. She threw her head back and let out a sigh of relief and I immediately registered movement in my boxers.
Immediately after that, Marcella rose up and joined her on the side of the tub and I watched the same transformation take place beneath her shirt as well.
I was dumb-founded. I had seen both of them naked, years before. Now they were both sitting in clinging wet tee shirts with their nipples at full attention. My imagination did the rest of the work and in moments, i was at full attention. Then Marcella looked down at me. “This feels so good Johnny. You should try it.”
I wasn’t sure what to say. I had only a moment to come up with a suitable response. The mood was very light and playful at that point, so I decided I would just be honest. “I have an enormous hard on right now.”
It was the right response. Both of them let out deep belly laughs as soon as the words left my mouth. I just smiled in response. They had to have known how hot they both looked. Either way, it kept the light mood of the night going and I was happy for that. They both slid back down into the water, still giggling. Belinda grabbed her wine glass and saw that it was empty. “I’m gonna get some more wine. Who needs a refill?”
Marcella and I simultaneously said “I do.” and Belinda rose up and collected our glasses.
Marcella watched Belinda over my shoulder as she slid the heavy glass door open and slipped inside. She immediately rose up out of the water and, to my surprise, she peeled the front of her wet tee shirt up away from her body exposing her glistening breasts. She then proceeded to lean over me, smothering me with her naked breasts. “Are you still hard?” she asked as she reached toward my crotch under the water.
“Fuck yes.” I said as she squeezed my cock outside of my boxers. She then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to my feet. I stood in the cold night air as she jerked the front of my boxers down. I was terrified that Belinda might walk out and see us. She wasn’t my girlfriend anymore, but it could still be devastating for her to see Marcella and I sneaking moments of intimacy behind her back.
Memories of making love with Marcella the night before flooded my mind and I found myself caring less and less about getting caught. Marcella reached up with her free hand and grabbed my cock. She urgently pulled it into her mouth and aggressively jerked and sucked me off. I couldn’t believe what was happening, and after about thirty seconds, Marcella finally pulled away and I slid back down into the warm water as she pulled the front of her shirt back down. Marcella then turned around and sat at my side. Above the surface, she was just sitting next to me about a foot away. Beneath the surface, her fingers wrapped around my swollen organ and began to gently glide up and down.
I was so wrapped up in the moment that it took me a while to realize that Belinda had been gone for a lot longer than she should’ve been. I knew that she could return at any second. Marcella continued to stroke my cock as she whispered “Do you wanna fuck me again tonight?”
“Yes.” I whispered.
“Tell me.” she hissed as she stroked me.
“Oh, god.” I sighed. “I wanna bend you over the edge of this hot tub and fuck you until you cum all over my cock.” I moaned as quietly as I could manage.
“Yeah?” she growled.
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