
Mating with Curley

Who could predict the thoughts in the mind of married women. Some women wonder what it might be like to fuck some certain guy while others go out of their way to do it. Gone are the days of the man being a serial cheat. These days it’s the women. And, for some women they even go outside the species.

Valerie Daniels wouldn’t have thought of herself as such when she married and had three little girls just as cute as their mother. Much like most wives she portrayed herself as having a boyfriend before she met her husband when the accurate count would have been that a couple of dozen young guys had fucked her. One thing Valerie knew for certain was that she liked to fuck.

Mark, her husband, had stalled out a few years ago in a marriage that was now at the ten year mark. After they had purchased a hobby farm 3 years earlier Mark had put all effort in his business and left Valerie to manage the farm and the three kids. Not that it was a big area. It was ten acres with a vegetable garden and space for some assorted pet livestock.

Not wanting to raise anything for slaughter it was either all females or all males. That were three male mini-goats, one for each daughter, two sheep, some chickens, and a pig the girls named Curley for his tail. The girls loved the little goats and Curley ended up being mostly Valerie’s buddy.

With her youngest now in school a half day boredom had set in. Valerie’s idea of motherhood and family wasn’t exactly expected to end up working in a garden and looking after assorted animals. They had a dog for a while, but he kept chasing and killing the chickens. Valerie’s main source of entertainment was watching Curley root around and grunting when he’d get his ears scratched.

Curley’s cuteness was almost gone as he had been with the family over a year and was now weighing over 200 pounds. Still he was more fun than chickens, mini-goats, and a couple of sheep.

It was idle curiosity when one rainy morning after the bus took the girls to school just before 8:00 A.M. Valerie was looking up facts about what kind of pig Curley might be. There on the internet page was a lot of information about pigs down to the detail of their reproduction habits.

Valerie focused on a drawing of a pig’s penis and testicles. Curley had not been fixed so he had developed a large set of balls. Except for a few quick glimpses she hadn’t seen much indication of how his penis functioned. She was awe struck about his penis and it’s twisted motion during sex. If struck her as funny that the girls had called him Curley because of his tail and it was his penis that was really twisted.

Not being a farm girl Valerie had no idea how farm animals worked, but right now it was a pig penis that had her interested. The website offered that a pig penis would be three quarters to and inch in diameter and made a corkscrew motion inside the sow as it filled her with sperm. At a length of a foot and a half to two and a half feet it is the largest in size to body proportion of animals.

Valerie shuddered. Think of a poor sow loaded up with a twisting penis two feet up inside her. She visualized Curley laying on his back like a man with his spiraling penis up in the air. Again she shuddered at the thought. Other tidbits stated that when the penis is planted deep in the sow the boar ejaculates up to thirty minutes. Also, the pig penis rotated in a left hand thread motion. During the thirty minute mount the boar may produce up to 500 ML of fluid.

The way Valerie shuddered at the thought this time was different. She imagined how that would feel compared to the teaspoon her husband put in her. The most cum she had ever had in her was from three guys fucking her and even though it leaked from her most of the next day it wasn’t really that much of an amount. Valerie had to know how much 500 ML of cum would be. Search: 500 ML = convert. Valerie gasp, 500 ML was slightly over a pint. She sucked in her breath and thought about how a pint of cum in her would feel.

“God! What a mess I’d be!”

Then she realized she was imagining herself flooded with pig cum. Again she shuddered. There was still more about it.

“The last part of the orgasm produced a gel like substance that would form a plug that held over five billion sperm inside the sow for up to three days. The sperm was by breeder’s standards say it is potent for well over 24 hours.”

Valerie then realized that she was so wrapped up in pig information that she almost missed going to school to pick up her youngest daughter from pre-school. She arrived only minutes before the little girl rushed through the rain to get into her mother’s car. Next with the child home and fed lunch Valerie got back to thinking about sex while the kid played in her room.

Weird urges had Valerie back on the internet. She finished the article on the website and went back to searching. The next results came up with results more like you’d expect from a site search. A grainy video popped up showing a woman fucking a pig. Valerie edged closer to the screen to try to see the details with no luck. A few more clicks didn’t get any better, but the idea that a boar would fuck a woman had her interest.

She read a couple of fictional stories and a couple of things from women fucking pigs that sounded made up. Then she clicked on a hit for a HD video of a woman taking on a pig. God, the woman was attractive and the action was in a controlled setup. The hog cock was clearly inside the woman and cum was pumped into her and then ran out in large amounts.

“God, I want to do that! I want my pussy full of pig seed.”

She watched the video maybe a dozen times. Her fingers had gone to her crotch early in the first viewing. It had been a couple of weeks since she and her husband had more than “Wham Bam!” sex. Valerie had drenched herself while getting off several times watching the pig cum in the woman.

With the youngest asleep on the couch the only thing to interrupt Valerie was when the bus dropped off the other two at the end of the lane. Time to be a Mom again. Valerie fed all three a snack before they rushed out to play with the animals. The only one not to get their attention was poor old Curley although Valerie had her own ideas for the grunting pig the next morning.

It was a fitful night for Valerie and her thoughts about her plan for Curley as well as fitful during the time playing with the girls, preparing dinner, and spending the evening with them and her husband. The TV was on and she was sitting with her husband and a lap full of kids, but her mind was on another kind of sex other than the usual man/woman.

All during that time she wondered if the pig would have a natural attraction or even any idea about sex with the pretty young mother of three. Valerie hoped that pussy was pussy to Curley and that she could somehow come up with a way to couple with him. Going to bed wasn’t any easier as her husband wanted sex and she quickly removed that idea from his head. She hadn’t done anything to turn him on. Perhaps he could feel her anticipation of getting a cunt full of pig cum and thought it was for him. Anyway, with the thoughts of him fucking her deflected Valerie laid on her side with her back to him. He was probably trying to figure out what he did to piss her off when all it was his wife wasn’t thinking about human dick.

With her husband soundly asleep Valerie’s fingers went to her clit, soon to dip between her swollen cunt lips. She had never thought of Curley as a sex partner until reading about the wondrous things his cock could do to her. It wasn’t unusual for her to finger herself to a quiet orgasm before drifting off to sleep. For that matter it was not unusual for her to give her clit a quick workout any time of day.

Valerie knew she might be a little oversexed. Now, by considering interspecies fucking with Curley she knew she was putting herself beyond oversexed.

Finally! A beautiful morning. Her husband had gone to work and Valerie and just walked to the bus with her kids. Waving to the bus driver they gave each other a look that can be attributed only to a man and a woman that had been fucking each other. It had been a couple of weeks since Dale had sneaked through the woods to bury his cock in her and leave her full of seed. That only happened after a phone call when his wife was going to be away for a few hours.

Valerie was considered a good and faithful wife who attended church every Sunday with her husband and three little girls. No one would ever guess that in her ten years of marriage that the handsome bus driver was only one of several dozen men to sample her charms. She especially enjoyed sex with a high risk of being caught in a situation as much as the few times she carried on long term affairs like with Dale and his nice dick.

Valerie walked towards the small barn at a steady pace. The chickens scattered, the goats and sheep ignored her, but there was Curley grunting his happiness to see her. She opened the barn door only to watch the pig scoot in before her like he knew something special was about to happen. Valerie scratched his ears and patted him on the back. Among all the grunts she reached down under him. A few grasps around the end of is sheath coached the tip of his penis into her hand.

Now what should she do? Curley seemed to know what to do next. Valerie was his friend, like a mother to him. A little more of his penis wriggled into her hand.

“This may be easier than I thought,” Valerie smiled.

Except that the women in the movie had a cage to get under to protect her from the pig’s weight. Valerie had no such device. She went naked below the waist leaving her shirt and a light jacket on to protect her from his coarse bristle-like hair. Surely she could brace herself to hold up as much as Curley’s almost 200 pound weight that he would put on her.

The pig startled her by instantly going behind her and snorting at her crotch.

“Nice positioning, Curley. Any idea what to do next? Maybe we can learn together, Sweetie Pie.” She laughed.

The answer came quickly. Curley rose onto his hind legs and placed his front legs gently on his mistress’s back. Then the swirling pig penis started flitting around her pussy opening, several times coming near entry as his warmth and wetness jabbed and poked all around her behind.

There was a lot of grunting from the both of them as the twisting tip found the opening. Several flicks around her insides, left hand motion as advertised. A quick thrust from the triumphant pig and the firm penis went further in than anything had ever gone into the sexy wife and mother.

All the motion as the the spiraling pig cock searched for more depth made Valerie cum hard. As she quickly discovered Curley had started to cum inside her. No longer a thrust motion, Curley was up against her ass with his dick turning gently as he pumped his seed into this willing sow.

The slow rhythm fuck was taking the young wife and mother to unimaginable places. The pulsing and gently prodding pig dick was tangled up in her vagina searching for a way into her womb.

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