Master! Master! THE SERIES
Master! Master! THE SERIES
Sex Story Author: | Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path |
Sex Story Excerpt: | XNXX?” Sonja and Chloe shook their heads. “No, what is it?” Sonja asked. Momo clicked it and |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, BDSM, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Female Domination, Female solo, Fiction, First Time, Group Sex, Hardcore, Humiliation, Interracial, Lactation, Lesbian, Male / Females, Male/Female, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Romance, Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome, Toys, Virginity |
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Part 1:
That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead of a fuzzy cat butt, I was looking at a large pair of womanly cheeks, peach-like, gleaming in the light of the sun. Between them, a lily-white starfish. Beneath that, the bottom of a pair of labia just barely in view, rubbing against the blanket, lips plump and smooth. Two long legs were spread, the knees on my shoulders. Just over the horizon of the cheeks, the base of the black tail, still sweeping back and forth like a pendulum.
I laid my head back, my mind somehow a raging storm of confusion and questions, yet simultaneously blank. My first thought was the obvious: this had to be a dream. I closed my eyes and scanned my brain for the usual signs of sleeping, such as the absence of memory within a dream, but my mind seemed to be functioning normally. I even remembered going to bed the previous night.
But maybe there really was a girl in my bed and I was just imagining the tail, or perhaps dreaming it. Nope, I was now fully awake. So, there is a naked girl in my bed and she has a tail. Actually, forget the tail for now. Who’s this girl? Did she break into my house? Is she a stalker? I’d like to think I’d know if I had a stalker, maybe get some crazy love letters or see someone rooting through my garbage. I’m a nice guy, I deserve a stalker. Maybe she’s it and she decided to take the plunge. She broke into my house, drugged me, and the tail I’m seeing is just a hallucination. It was time to face this intruder.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed the girl to the side and rolled out of bed. “Who the hell are you?!” I yelled, getting to my feet.
Now with some room, I was able to see this girl completely. She appeared 18 and was quite lovely, tall and slender, raven-haired with good-sized breasts and beautiful face. Aside from her long black locks, the only hair on her body was on her tail, still swishing, and… her ears. On top of her head were two cat ears, each as large as the palms of her hands. For a moment, I thought they were fake, but they looked as real as the rest of her and even twitched.
She didn’t really seem startled by me pushing her off or yelling. She simply rolled onto her back and stretched. “Master, Momo wants food,” she whined.
Her blunt words were like a slap in the face.
“Momo wants breakfast. Feed Momo.”
“Who are you?” I asked again as she continued to stretch.
Finally, she looked up at me and smiled, flashing a pair of gleaming feline eyes. “Momo is Momo.”
I slowly reached out to touch her head, feel her ears. She met me halfway, pressing her forehead against my hand and rubbing against it like a table corner. I felt the triangular ears poking out from her long hair, finding no seam or line to suggest they had been glued on or were fake in any way. The touching of her ears made her purr, a genuine cat purr, and it increased in volume as I moved down and felt the sides of her head. She lacked human ears, the sides of her head completely flat, save for a slight crease running up to join the edges of the cat ears. With my other hand, I felt her tail, as soft and bushy as the night before, but now bigger. I followed it to its base, just above her rear, and again found that it was perfectly merged with her body, protruding from right where the tailbone would be.
The more I touched her, the more she purred, and seeing the pleasure on this naked woman’s face as I caressed her was turning me on. I was already sporting a tent in my boxers, but this stranger didn’t seem to care, or even realize what it was.
“This is impossible,” I gasped, “you’re really Momo.”
“Momo is Momo, Master.”
“How is this happening?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Too hungry. Time for breakfast!”
I walked over to the window, looking up at the sky. No balls of fire were falling from the clouds, no black hole sending the raptured souls to Heaven, no signs that the world was coming to an end or experiencing some kind of shift in reality. Was this like that show ‘Wilfred’? Would she just appear as a normal cat to anyone else?
“Master! Master!”
I followed “Momo’s” impatient voice through the house and to the kitchen. My house was small, barely larger than a studio apartment, and just a rental, but it had a nice spot in the Maine suburbs and gave me a yard and peace and quiet. Apparently, some people had died in it, so that and the size made it affordable for someone just a few years out of college, but I doubted a few ghosts were capable of turning my cat into a woman.
Momo was standing by the cabinet where I kept her food, stark naked. Her tail curled and writhed as she waited for me to feed her. I retrieved a can of food but stopped, unsure if I was doing the right thing. Was Momo a cat or a person? She looked human, but she still had her ears and tail. Should I still give her cat food? I would just have to wait and see how she felt. I looked over and saw her by her food bowl, crouching and staring at me. I was also unsure of having her food on the floor, but she seemed unconcerned.
I opened up the can of mush and poured it out, with Momo immediately diving for the bowl and slurping it up. I couldn’t even see the bowl, her hair hung around it like a curtain. As she ate, my eyes moved back and forth across her naked body. Any man in my position would say he would immediately start having sex with this strange cat-girl hybrid. They’d change their tune if this situation actually happened to them. Her body was beautiful, but I was too stuffed with curiosity and anxiety to have any thoughts of sex. My pud was standing at attention, but my brain was elsewhere.
“Master, Momo is still hungry,” she said, having finished her food. How like a cat to speak in the third person.
“Well, you’re bigger now, so one can probably isn’t enough to fill you up.” I retrieved another can of food and crouched down beside her. “Here, see if you can open this up.”
I gave her the can, and following her first instinct, she began biting it like a chew toy, trying to break it open. I was about to stop her when I saw ingenuity spark in her eyes. Whether it was the memory of watching me do it or her new humanoid brain, she found the ring on the top of the can and pulled it up, managing to get it open. She didn’t even bother emptying it into her bowl, she simply ate the fishy pulp out of the can.
It wasn’t until she had downed a third can that she was finally full. With a pot of coffee brewing, I sat down in the living room, having yet to even start my day but already exhausted beyond measure. Momo wordlessly climbed onto the couch and into my lap like she always would, rolling around to find the perfect spot. She was relaxing but I was tenser than ever. Jesus Christ, what was I supposed to do? I got this weird creature in my house and no clue how to deal with it. Is Momo an actual person now? Is she going to stay like this forever? Is she going to transform into something else altogether? How the hell am I supposed to take care of her?
My coffee was soon ready and I was able to finally relax with some breakfast. Whether cat or human, Momo had her nose close to my cereal bowl as she always would, and I had to push her back. Once I had eaten, my mind started to clear. Momo settled back down, resting her head on my lap. If only she knew that there was nothing but the fabric of my boxers separating my erect manhood from her cheek. Sighing, I began to rub the top of her head, listening to her purr.
“Momo, what is the last thing you remember before waking up?”
“Climbing into Master’s bed and falling asleep.”
“And were you a cat when you did that?”
“Isn’t Momo a cat now?”
“Do you feel like a cat?”
“Not sure, feel different.”
“Well when you came into my bed, were you smaller? Or were you the size you are now?”
“And you fell asleep?”
“And when you woke up, you were big.”
“Did you feel anything when you were asleep?”
“How do you feel now?”
“Tired. Oh, right there, that’s the spot.”
My fingers had moved to the base of her ears, and she raised her head to get me to rub harder.
Well, not a lot of information there. I had no idea how this had happened or how to proceed. Should I tell someone about this? Who could possibly be trusted with this kind of information? I didn’t want me and Momo to end up in the tabloids or some government lab. Should I just keep her hidden and hope things will sort themselves out? At least I had today to figure this—
Oh fuck no. Please, no. My phone, my fucking phone, why did it have to ring today of all days? There’s only one person who could call me this early in the morning. Muttering curses, I answered.
“I need you to come in today,” my boss said. “There was a computing error last night and now everything is screwed up.”
“This is the THIRD time in the past month that you’ve called me in on my day off!”
“Yeah, well, that’s how the world works.”
“You know, they passed a law in France that makes it illegal for companies to harass their employees like this.”
“Well here in America, the law says that if you don’t get to your cubicle in the next thirty minutes, I can fire your ass. Don’t make me call again.”
My boss hung up before I could and I screamed the loudest “fuck” I could.
The sudden noise made Momo flinch and she looked up at me from the couch. “Master?”
“I… I need to go the office. Be good while I’m gone, don’t make a mess, and stay away from the windows. Don’t let anyone see you like this.”
She leaned over and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Nooooo, stay home and pet Momo. Momo wants to cuddle with Master.”
My heart skipped a beat. Jesus, that’s some powerful stuff. I didn’t know whether to pet her or throw her down and make love to her. I took a deep breath and made the correct choice. I rested my hand on the top of her head and rubbed her ears. “Sorry, but I got to go. If I don’t work, I can’t get food for you. Just be good and I’ll come back and play with you.”
“Ok, Momo will be good.”
With the clock ticking, I cleaned myself up, got dressed, and was ready to go back to the fucking office. Standing by the door, I took one last look at Momo. I had left her plenty of water and she knew how to get food from the pantry so she would hopefully be ok. She was sprawled out on the couch like she would always be, not a care in the world. The difference now was that she had a cute ass that I couldn’t help but stare at.
While I had originally cursed it, being back at work was helping me clear my head and served as a good distraction. I still had no idea what to do about Momo other than keep her inside as much as possible. If I bought her some clothes and a hat, maybe she could go outside. I still couldn’t believe what was going on, that in the course of one night, my cat had spontaneously transformed into a human. Well, mostly human. How was this possible? I tried googling phenomena such as this, but all I found was hentai. Speaking of which, I was faced with the unavoidable ethical dilemma: is it wrong to fuck my cat? Technically she was a person now, and she has the body of a grown woman, but could it still be counted as bestiality if she still has the ears and tail? Plus, there was her mental age. She had the body of a woman, but her brain was incredibly childish. Sure, she was smart enough to talk and open cans of food, but you could probably teach a parrot to do the same thing. Would sex mean taking advantage of her? This was a question that would take time to answer.
On my way home, I stopped off at the local Goodwill and picked up some shirts and sweatpants for her. I didn’t yet have the courage to get underwear. As I drove home, dread started to build. What if what I thought was Momo was actually some eccentric con artist that was really good with makeup? What if the mailman came by and saw Momo? What if she ended up chasing a fly and my house was a total wreck?!
I finally pulled into the driveway, finding no signs that cops or government scientists in HAZMAT suits had stopped by. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. From what I could tell, the house seemed fine. There was no damage that I could see, nothing appeared broken.
“Master…” she groaned. I found her in the kitchen, lying on the floor. “Master, Momo doesn’t feel so good…”
I rushed to her side, my mind immediately jumping to the worst-case scenario. Was she sick? Was this some weird side effect of her transformation? Who should I call, a doctor or a vet? It would have to be someone who could keep a secret…
It was then that I looked up to the counter and saw over half a dozen empty cans of cat food. My fear was replaced with annoyance. “Well of course you’re sick! You ate too much of that crap!”
In response, she raised her head and threw up on the floor. Ugh, this fucking cat, I swear to Christ. With one arm under her knees and the other against her back, I hoisted up the naked and groggy… whatever she was. I had always wanted to carry a girl in the princess hold, but not like this. Not like this.
I brought her to the den and laid her out on the couch. “From now on, you eat what I eat, understand? No more cat food, or at least just a little of it.”
“Masterrrrrrr, Momo doesn’t feel good!” she whined.
With Momo suffering from a stomachache, I picked a very simple meal for her, just a rotisserie chicken and plain rice. I set out two plates on my tiny bachelor dinner table with my humanoid cat watching me from the couch with wide eyes.
“Ok, from now on, I want you to eat like a person. And first things first, you have to wear clothes at the table.”
“Momo doesn’t like the sound of that,” she pouted.
“They’ll help you stay warm. It’s not like you have your fur anymore.”
“But it’s hot! Why does Momo have to wear clothes?”
‘Because having a naked girl walking around my house is a lot more stressful than one might think.’ “Because you’re a person now and you need to act like one.”
I pulled out one of the shirts that I had bought and brought it over to Momo. I managed to get it on her, but her expression told me that she was not enjoying it. I, on the other hand, was able to release my held breath once her tits were covered. Then came the sweatpants, which were much easier to put on her, though touching her bare legs sent a very powerful rush of blood to a particular area.
“Ok, how does that feel?”
Momo stood up and spun around as if chasing her tail. She blushed in frustration. “No! Momo hates this!”
‘You know, you were a lot easier to deal with when you were just a silent fur ball.’ I wanted to say it, but I bit my tongue. “Well I bought them for you so learn to deal with it.”
Instead of fighting back, Momo blushed and covered her mouth as if embarrassed. “Master got them… for Momo?”
Ok, that was pretty damn cute. Was this how she had always felt? When I bought her toys before, would she get all flustered like this?
“Look, it’s just during meals, then you can pull them off. Plus, I’ll put a hole in the back of the pants for your tail to stick though. You’re probably not comfortable with the waistband right under the base like that.”
She gave a bright smile. “‘Kay!”
I don’t know why I bothered putting out a knife and fork for her, she didn’t even acknowledge them. She had enough sense to imitate me and sit down before eating, but as soon as her butt touched the seat, she bowed her head and ate straight off her plate like an animal.
“You know, I’ll let it slip tonight, but tomorrow, I’m going to teach you how to use a knife and fork.”
“That’s dumb. This is easier.”
“It will make you look prettier.”
“Momo’s already perfect.”
Yep, she’s still a cat.
The moment her plate was clean, she sprung from her seat with a smile. “Yay! No clothes!”
She stripped down and my cock hardened at the sight of her bouncing breasts springing free of her shirt. Then she frolicked around the house leaving me to finish my dinner. By the time I was done, she was standing by the veranda door, looking anxiously outside and bouncing on her toes.
“Master, Momo wants to go out! Momo wants to go out!”
“It’s too bright, someone will see you.”
“But the yard is right there!”
“Listen, once it’s dark out, I’ll take you somewhere special.”
“Ok…” she huffed.
I took my seat on the couch and turned on the TV. As she always would, Momo crawled into my lap and settled herself down. Once again, the presence of a naked girl was more stressful than relaxing.
At around 9:30, I deemed it late enough to risk letting Momo out. However, with neighbors nearby and the yard in full view, I couldn’t let her wander around by the house. I would have to take her farther away.
“Ok, get your clothes on, we’re going for a ride.”
While a little while ago, she had seemed so eager to go outside, my words now terrified her. “A ride? You’re not taking Momo to the vet, are you?!”
Her fear gave me a laugh, one that I sorely needed after this stressful day. “No, I’m not taking you to the vet. I’m taking you somewhere where you can wander around with lots of room. Put your clothes on, and when we get there, you can take them off.”
With visions of shots and rectal thermometers making her growl, she put on her clothes. I checked outside to make sure the coast was clear and then brought her out to my car. I wanted to put the seatbelt on her, but with how tense she was, that restraint might tip her over the edge. We drove for a couple minutes with Momo continuing to growl, as this was the same route to the vet. Finally, I pulled in to the lot of the nearby park, a wide-open field surrounded by forest. There was no one else there; we had total freedom. It was summer, a beautiful night, more than warm enough for a certain cat girl to walk around naked.
I opened her door and she sprung out of the car, wary of any sign of an imminent checkup.
“It’s fine, it’s the park. You can take off your clothes if you like.”
She finally relaxed and undressed. I think by now, I was starting to get used to seeing her naked, though her ass still looked fantastic, toned to match her womanly body, yet plump enough to invite you in. It was a beautiful night, warm with a slight breeze, smelling of grass and pine needles. The birds and bugs were chirping and chiming, and I was left wondering why I hadn’t come here in so long.
First thing’s first, it was mosquito season, so I had to cover us both in bug spray. Momo hissed from the vile smell, but it was for her own good. I had a flashlight with me, and carrying her clothes under my arm, I started down the path. Momo followed me, having no trouble being barefoot, and soon she began to branch out, exploring the area around us. I kept my light on her as much as I could, not wanting to risk losing her in the dark. She crept along through the grass and underbrush like a predator, sniffing out anything that caught her fancy. She often moved on all fours, seeming unaffected by her new body. Her tail acted depending on her mood, standing up straight and curling when she was curious or hanging down low when she followed the scent of an animal. It seemed she had natural night vision, and often, she would look back at me and her feline eyes would catch the light. Walking through the woods at night and seeing a naked humanoid figure with a pale body, flickering tail, large ears, and eyes glowing like two cigarettes is frankly a lot more terrifying than cute.
To be honest, after the day I had had, the strangest thing about this was that I was walking my cat. If my dog had suddenly turned into a naked girl, bringing her here wouldn’t seem so weird. Soon enough, Momo and I circled back to the car and she put her clothes back on, blissfully fatigued. We returned home, but as soon as she stripped, I was able to see the effect of the walk.
“Jesus, you’re filthy. I thought cats were supposed to be clean animals. It looks like you rolled around on the ground.”
“Momo found some nice patches of warm soil. Momo will clean herself off.”
Just as she was a regular cat, she started licking herself, trying to wash away the dirt and grime. This wasn’t going to cut it; I was going to have to really bathe her. The question was if I would be able to control myself.
“Come on, let’s get you into the shower.”
Her ears perked up in confusion. “Huh? Shower?”
I brought her into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The loud hissing of the water made her jump back and hide behind me.
“Relax, it’s just water.” I wetted my hand and flicked some droplets at her, but that just made her more uncomfortable. Even with a new body, cats still didn’t like getting wet. “Momo, you’re going in there whether you like it or not.”
“No! Momo doesn’t want to!”
“If you don’t do it, I won’t let you on the furniture anymore.”
“Well… will Master do it with Momo?”
That was something I had been hoping to avoid. For God’s sake, Momo! I’m just a man! I don’t do well with temptation!
“I can’t, because then my clothes would get wet.”
She scowled at me. “Then take them off!”
Crap, she was smarter than I thought. It seemed like I would have to bite the bullet.
“Ok, fine, but you don’t get out until you’re clean.”
I took off my clothes, with Momo no longer being alone in the nude. But there was something she couldn’t help but notice.
“What’s that?” she asked, looking at my log, for truly, I had wood.
“Don’t mind that. Just… don’t.” And of course, being a cat, she swatted it like it was a toy mouse. “Don’t do that!” I barked, already suffering from blue balls.
I turned her around and pushed her into the shower. She fought against me, sticking to the nearby corner to avoid the water. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her straight into the spray. Shrieking from the downpour, she turned around and pounced on me, wrapping her arms and legs around me.
“Uh, Momo? Do you think you could climb off me?”
I was in a precarious position, with Momo’s slit resting on the shaft of my manhood and her melon breasts smooshed against my chest.
“No! Momo isn’t letting go!”
Stuck with the situation, I decided to make due and step into the full spray of the shower, pretty much dragging her down with me. She winced and tightened her hold, feeling the hot water pouring down on her, but once her body was completely soaked, she began to relax. While her arms remained locked around my neck, she released her legs and stepped down. But that just made the situation worse, as now my manhood was gripped in her thigh gap and the feeling was almost more than I could handle.
“Momo, I really need you to let go!”
I tried pushing her off but her arms remained firm. I could only manage to push her back a few inches before she would close the gap, with my manhood sliding back and forth across her labia. She continued to squirm, her every movement increasing the intensity of what I was feeling. I had enough self-control not to commit the taboo, but I had to act to relieve the pressure. Hoping Momo would forgive me, I began thrusting forward between her legs, rubbing my equipment against hers rather than actually penetrating her.
Momo began to blush, getting the same intense feelings as I was. “Master, what are you— oh! Master, that tickles!”
Her tail writhed and curled, her ears twitched nonstop, and she panted in arousal as we both approached climax. I achieved it first, a much-needed orgasm that sent semen shooting through the air and splattering the wall behind Momo. She hadn’t yet experienced her own orgasm, but her hold on me weakened enough for me to finally break free of her grip and separate the two of us. Selfish as it was, it would probably be better if Momo didn’t know what an orgasm was.
“Ok, first, let’s wash your hair. I don’t have any girl shampoo, but mine should work just fine.”
I poured a puddle of Head & Shoulders into my hand and then started rubbing it into her scalp. Her eyes closed and she immediately began purring with a smile on her face. The more I lathered her hair, the more pleasure she seemed to feel. In a way, it looked like she would collapse any moment, falling asleep like a child having her hair brushed. She especially loved it when I toyed with her ears, and I got a kick out of it as well. I turned her black hair into a pile of white foam and had her step out of the water.
“We’ll leave that to set for a couple minutes. Now it’s time to clean your body. See that white block right there? Take that and use it to wash yourself.”
She cocked her head to one side. “Huh?”
“Take it and rub against yourself. Think of it as like a tongue.”
She picked up the soap, surprised by how slippery it was. “Can Master do it?” she asked.
“You mean show you on myself?”
“No, can Master wash Momo?”
After that first orgasm, I had lost a lot of pressure, but a large twitch moved through my dick.
“It would be better if you did it.”
Her ears dropped and she looked back at the bar of soap. She began dabbing herself with the end, giving small sweeps with it like she was using a paintbrush. At the rate she was going, we would be in the shower all night.
“Ok, fine, but only this once. After this, you do it yourself.”
I took the bar of soap from her and began scrubbing her arms. When she was an actual cat, having her legs touched normally made her shy away, but now she was actually purring from it, and again when I washed her belly, always with my eyes on her soft skin. I avoided her pelvic region altogether, both front and back. I didn’t want to open that Pandora’s Box. But when I put down the bar of soap, her ears perked up.
“Master, you haven’t washed Momo here.”
She was pointing to her breasts, which were, in turn, pointing up at me. They were beautiful, large enough to bounce with every movement she made, with quarter-sized areolas and bright pink nipples. I desperately wanted to touch them, but it was for that reason that I had avoided them. But Momo wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“All right, turn around.” She turned her back to me and I soaped up my hands and took a deep breath. “Here we go.”
I reached around her and cupped her breasts. Her ears perked and a shiver crawled up her spine, but the sound she made was one of bliss. I began massaging the soft mountains, rolling them around in my hands and thoroughly lathering them. They fit in my palms perfectly, but no matter how hard I tried, they slipped out of my hands every time I squeezed. I couldn’t help but toy with her nipples, making her both purr and whimper from the sensation.
“Master…” she cooed as her tail twisted like a snake.
Her reaction wasn’t helping to calm my erection, which was now pressed against her ass. At last, I was able to pull myself away, but Momo wasn’t done yet. She turned to me, blushing and unable to look me in the eye.
“Master, while you were rubbing Momo’s chest, this part of felt weird,” she murmured, framing her slit with her hands. “Can you wash it too?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “No. That, you’ll have to do yoursel—”
Once again, she refused my refusal and threw herself at me. She clung to my arm, grinding against it with my hand between her legs. Instinctively I flexed my fingers, moving them across her labia. That was clearly what she wanted, as along with a purr, she released a continuous whine, soft and sweet, almost a wince. The look on her face was adorable beyond words, a form of anguish composed of pure ecstasy, cheeks flushed, eyes trembling, her tongue wetting her soft lips. My self-control was unable to reach my arm and I continued to pleasure her, stroking her lips with my soapy fingers, playing her like a piano. But as her voice continued to escalate, I knew I was playing with fire. If Momo achieved an orgasm because of me, it would screw up everything.
Thinking fast, I pulled her back into the water, interrupting her bliss with a pouring rinse. She hissed and pulled away, screwing her eyes shut to keep the shampoo out. I managed to get a hold of her and wash the soap out of her hair. I swept across her body, wanting to get her out of the shower as soon as possible. As soon as she was clean, I pulled her out and gave her a towel.
“Here, dry yourself off with this and go to bed. I’ll come out in a couple minutes.”
Once she left, I stepped back into the shower and turned it to the cold setting. I needed to get this swelling down before I had a heart attack.
More exhausted than I had been in a long time, I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at my bed like it was the love of my life. Momo was nowhere to be seen, probably passed out in the living room on the couch. Oh God, I just wanted to sleep. I went around the house, turning off all the lights, but I couldn’t find Momo, meaning there was only one place she could be. I returned to my bed and lifted the blankets, finding her curled up in the sheets. A big part of me wanted to kick her out, but when she looked up at me and smiled, I just couldn’t do it.
“Move over.”
She did as I told her and I climbed into bed. As soon as I was under the blanket, Momo grasped my arm and pressed herself against me. Great, so much for the cold shower.
“Today was really fun, wasn’t it, Master?”
“Yeah, I guess it was.” The day had been stressful beyond words, but sure, it was fun as well.
“Good, Momo loves Master. Goodnight.”
I smiled and rubbed her wet head, again making her purr. “And Master loves Momo,” I said.
Wearing her sweatpants and a t-shirt. Momo sat at my kitchen table with a bowl of cereal in front of her. She was clenching a spoon in her fist the way a child would, having a hard time getting the food to her mouth. She was not enjoying it in the least.
“Master, this is too hard. Can Momo please go back to eating on the floor without hands?”
“I’m having you do this because I want you to act like a person,” I said from the other side of the table.
“But Momo is a cat.”
I sighed. “Tell you what, once you master silverware, if you really want to, you can go back to eating out of your bowl.”
“Can Momo not wear clothes?”
“Fine, go ahead. But if I ever tell you to get dressed and eat at the table, you got to do what I say. Deal?”
Today was Sunday, a much needed day off. My boss hadn’t called me in yet, but I refused to answer him even if he tried. I needed a day to rest, some time to stay at home and figure things out. I had slept very well, considering I had a naked girl clinging to me like moss, but maybe it was because of her that the night zipped by.
But the problem came when I woke up. I was on my back with Momo pinning my arm, somehow keeping it bent so that my hand was cupping a warm breast. Hello, morning wood. She woke up as I began to stir and rolled over, telling me she was hungry. Her morning breath was atrocious, to say the least. Her mouth was completely unwashed and I could still smell all the cat food she had eaten the previous day. My mission was clear: I had to teach Momo to brush her teeth.
Once she had finished her breakfast and stripped free of her hated clothes, I brought her into the bathroom and sat her down.
“Master, what are we doing? Momo doesn’t have to take another shower, right?”
“Well considering that it’s summer, you’ll probably have to take one every night to wash off the sweat and bug spray from our walks. But right now, I’m going to teach you how to brush your teeth.”
“Brush my teeth?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen me do it before. You take a small brush and scrape it against your teeth. You need to do it twice a day or they’ll rot and I’ll have to yank them out.”
Her hair stood on end at the warning. Let’s face it, it’s not like I could take my transformed cat to the dentist. If anything happened to her teeth, I would have to take care of it the old-fashioned way, with a glass of whiskey and a pair of pliers. I had to hope it would never come to that.
“Will Master do it to Momo?”
I expected her to ask that.
“Only the first time so that you’ll know what it’s supposed to feel like. Afterwards, you do it yourself. Remember, twice a day.” Momo remained sitting on the floor and I retrieved an extra toothbrush and a half-filled tube of paste from the medicine cabinet behind my mirror. “You start by wetting the toothbrush in the sink, putting some toothpaste on it, and wetting it again.” I showed her how to do it and crouched down, putting one hand on the back of her neck in case she tried to pull away. “Then you go through every corner of your mouth, thoroughly scrubbing every surface of every tooth.”
I brought the brush to Momo’s lips and she nervously opened her mouth, having no idea what this would feel like. The moment I started brushing her teeth, a tremor ran through her. She squirmed with every touch of the bristles on the soft tissue of her gums and tongue and she gave a garbled whine. Her face was moving as much as her body, showing an almost pained expression but with her cheeks flushed as if in embarrassment. It took more and more effort for me to reach each tooth, the growing force I used making her react more and more, but I was always careful not to hurt her or agitate her gag reflex.
The longer I brushed her teeth, the more I noticed something. This was sexy as fuck! The way she was writhing, that look on her face, it was like she was using a high-powered vibrator for the first time in her life and couldn’t handle the sensations! Her breasts jiggled like water balloons and she was rubbing her thighs together as if she was taunting me. And the almost phallic object swirling around in her mouth while white liquid dripped from her lips, why was this making me so hard?! I had once again become painfully erect, inflicting onto Momo what looked like nothing short of sexual anguish.
A friend of mine once mentioned seeing something just like this in an anime. I had just ignored him, not being into that cartoon shit and unable to understand how dental hygiene could possibly be made sexy. Acting out that exact scene, I had to wonder what the fuck kind of anime was he watching?!
Finally, I pulled away the toothbrush and Momo spit out a mouthful of minty foam, letting the white liquid run down her chin and drip onto her breasts. I’ll be honest, I ejaculated a little when she did that. After waiting for my body to calm down, I got Momo to her feet and had her spit out the last of the foam into the sink. I then cleaned her off, again watching her breasts jiggle as I wiped them with a tissue. Momo stared at herself in the mirror, panting and blushing.
“So how was that? I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
“Momo… might need Master’s help. Can Master brush Momo’s teeth again tonight?”
“No… sorry. You, uh… you only get one. How about you go take a nap on the couch, I uh… need to take care of something in here.”
Just a few minutes after pushing Momo out of the bathroom, I opened the door, taking a grateful breath of air. My legs were shaky, my tank was empty, and my body was flushed with endorphins. Speaking of flushed, at least a shot glass’s worth of my little soldiers were on their way to a watery grave. Sorry, boys. I stepped into the living room and looked around, not seeing Momo. I found her soon enough at the veranda door… where I happened to keep her litter box. Seeing her squatting over the tiny sandbox, my mind seemingly went blank for a moment, as if to protect itself from the horrible realization that came just a second later.
I’m going to have to toilet-train my cat.
Well, it’s a good thing I rubbed one out beforehand, because I might not be able to look at her the same way for a while. I took another deep breath, trying to work up the courage I desperately needed.
“Momo, before you go in your box, can you come back into the bathroom, please? There’s one more thing I have to teach you.”
Momo was huddled on the couch in the fetal position, wearing clothes by choice for the first time. I expected no less. Showering with her had been easy compared to… *shudder* teaching her to use the toilet. Considering the way she had straddled my hand the previous night, teaching her to clean up the front was no problem. But when it came to the back, well, it was just like when the vet would take her temperature. She had hissed at me, refused to look at me, and even swatted at me a few times. The one brief moment we made eye contact, her face was flushed with rage and humiliation.
She didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. I gave her dinner on the floor the way she liked, but she wouldn’t eat it until I left the kitchen. She didn’t want to go to the park like she did the night before and I knew better than to push my luck with another shower. With Momo spending the night on my couch rather than in my bed, I was starting to get worried about our relationship. Hopefully things would be better in the morning.
I woke up with Momo once again on top of me, but like the morning before, we were both under the covers. She was using me like a mattress, her bare back against my chest and my manhood pressed against her ass, with nothing but the fabric of my boxers preventing penetration. This was a good sign. The fact that she had climbed into my bed last night showed that she had forgiven me for the toilet training. If the lessons stuck, we could put that chapter behind us
Since today was a workday, it was my alarm that woke me up. The harsh ringing made Momo stir and she slowly rolled over so that our chests were pressed together. She gave a wide yawn and blinked her sleepiness away.
“Good morning, Momo.”
“Mornin’, Master.”
“Ready for breakfast?”
She then sat up, straddling my lap, and with a yawn and stretch, her breasts were pushed out as if on display. This combined with my natural morning wood into something Momo could not ignore, as it was grinding against her the same way it had in the shower.
“Master, your thing is hard again.”
“Yeah, uh… just ignore it.”
Rather than do what I told her, Momo pulled down my boxers, showing my erection laid out on my stomach like a fallen log. She started batting it around with her hands, the way she would a toy. A wide smile crossed her face as she watched it bounce and swing from side to side.
“Momo, stop!”
Once again, she seemed not to hear me. She grabbed my dick with her hands and started rolling it in her grip. She was completely immersed in her new plaything, and I was unable to stop her, my strength failing as I received a handjob from my cat. My orgasm was almost immediate, a result of all the tension that had built up these past few days, regardless of the load I had emptied yesterday. The sight of semen on my stomach and the softening of my penis piqued Momo’s curiosity. She lowered her head, her nose twitching.
“Momo knows this smell. The trash bin next to Master’s bed always smells like it.”
Then, before I could stop her, she opened her mouth and licked up the white puddle on my stomach. Definitely a stroke of luck, Momo’s feline tongue didn’t stay with her when she transformed into a person. The sight of my semen on her tongue horrified me, but she rolled it around in her mouth and smiled.
Are you serious? She actually likes the taste of semen? It must be all the salt, I had heard somewhere that cats really like salt.
“Momo wants more!”
She again lowered her head, licking up every remaining drop like it was chocolate syrup, and of course, it led to her taking my penis in her mouth. It had been a long time since I received a blowjob, and of course, it felt amazing… for the first few seconds before she thought to bite down.
I cooked Momo’s breakfast, wincing in both pain and guilt, pain for the scrape I had received on my shaft from Momo’s teeth, and guilt that I had let my innocent little kitty give me a handjob and then suck me off. What kind of a person am I?! For fuck’s sake, she’s not some nymphomaniac that’s been around the block, she has no idea what any of this is! She may have the body of a woman, but her mind is like a little kid’s! This is borderline molestation!
But it was strange, though. Momo seemed to have no sexual instincts, or at least no instincts as to what sex meant. All animals knew how to have sex; it just came naturally, though not so for humans. Regular monkeys can automatically procreate, but humans need “the talk” or to take Sex Ed, or at least see some animals doing it to make the connection. Momo really was like a human child; she appeared to be discovering this all on her own, figuring out what was pleasurable without knowing the purpose or value. Weird, that certain human and feline traits would remain or be replaced.
That got me wondering as to what else she knew or didn’t know. She could speak, and seemed much more intelligent than in her feline form, not to mention that she seemed to understand many things. It wasn’t just like her cat brain had been scooped out of her skull and plopped into this new human vessel; there was clear psychological growth. Was she just repeating everything she had seen and heard from me and whatever TV shows I happened to be watching with her? Or did her knowledge come from somewhere else?
Momo was waiting by her food bowl, crouched down and staring at me. “Master!” she whined for the umpteenth time, no different from the constant meowing she used to do up until I gave her cat food.
“Settle down, it’s here.”
I bent down and tipped a frying pan over her bowl, pouring in some eggs and a couple sausages. Funny that she was eating better than me, considering that I was just having cereal. Momo dove down and began gobbling it up. I watched her as she ate, my eyes following every inch of her naked body, counting the bumps of her spine. Now that I thought about it, there was something sexy about a naked woman eating off the floor. I mean, technically, anything a woman does naked is sexy, but in this case, it made me think back to the BDSM porn videos I had watched. Add in the fact that she called me “Master”, and you had some good kink material.
My dick began to harden, making my scrape sting. I had to force my erection down with pure will so that the cut wouldn’t be stretched out. The scrape was slight, it would heal by the end of the day, but in that area, everything hurts with ten times the severity. What was I thinking? I couldn’t do that to her. She trusted me to care for her and I couldn’t take advantage of that trust. Besides, like I had said before, she clearly wasn’t mature enough for something like sex. I would have to ignore temptation and try to make sure her curiosity didn’t cost her innocence.
“Thank you for the food, Master,” she said, sitting up and licking the egg grease off her lips.
“I’m glad you liked it. Now, go wash your face and brush your teeth. I need to get ready for work.”
With Momo taken care of, I was able to get in a quick breakfast and shower. I was feeling much better than I had on Saturday, as I was now used to the situation. As long as Momo behaved, I had nothing to worry about.
“Momo, I’m off to work. Momo?”
I stood by the front door, expecting Momo to see me off. She wasn’t in the living room or kitchen. I found her back in bed, snuggled up in blankets. Yep, still just a cat. Smiling, I sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed her ears.
“I’ll see you later,” I said.
“Ok, bye-bye Master,” she yawned.
Hours passed, and finally, Momo opened her eyes. She had slept half the day away, but for some reason, she couldn’t stay asleep. As a cat, she normally spent most of her life sleeping, but this new human body didn’t function the same way. It also didn’t help that she was hungry. Giving a wide yawn, Momo got out of bed and went into the kitchen. There, she made herself a cat food sandwich, having learned the process of putting food between bread through observation.
Afterwards, nature called and she made her way to the bathroom. She would much rather simply use her litter box, but it had been made clear that she could only use the toilet from now on. She shuddered as she remembered the lesson. She loved being touched, especially between the legs, but not that other spot, never that spot. Hopefully, if she did it right, she wouldn’t have to be taught again. And of course, she was taught her to wash her hands afterward. Even she understood the reasoning behind that.
Now with all of her physical needs met, she decided to wander the house and look for anything interesting. She was glad to have hands, now able to actually pick up things and touch them, rather than just smell them. Most of the electronics made no sense to her, regardless of all the times she had seen them used. Soon enough, just looking around became boring and Momo lied down on the couch.
She had no idea what to do with herself. Maybe if she could go outside, she would feel better, but she wasn’t even allowed near the windows. She wished she could feel that familiar warm hand on her ears. And her tail. And her chest. And come to think of it, she really wanted to be touched in that other place, the one between her legs. In her first shower, she remembered that thing rubbing against her spot, and that felt really good,
Would it feel good if she rubbed it?
Bored and curious, she slid her hand down her flat belly and let her fingers find her slit. Just that initial touch was enough to make her purr, telling her that she was on to something good. She traced the petals of her virgin flower with her fingertips, feeling that gentle touch reverberate through her lower body. It was like a tickle, one that didn’t make her laugh but instead made her feel warm. She did this for a couple minutes, letting herself get used to the sensation. Her breath fluttering, she pushed it further and moved her finger between the lips, stroking the pink interior. She could feel herself becoming wet, her body reacting to the stimulation.
She thought back to what had been done to her in the shower and she slid her fingers into her velvet sleeve and stirred them, whining in bliss. She began moving them back and forth, her fingers sliding effortlessly through her. Her fluttering breaths became deep pants, with her muscles expanding and contracting and making her writhe and stretch.
She couldn’t help it; she needed more. She inserted her index finger as well, while her left hand struggled to find something to grab onto. At first, she clutched her shoulder, then her arm, but at last settled by grasping her breast. She experimentally gave her nipple a soft pinch and gasped, feeling as if a bolt of lightning was stretching between the soft nub and her slit. Her whole body was becoming tense and hyper, like Restless Leg Syndrome. She started arching her back and then curling up, her voice beginning to slip free between her frantic pants.
Waves of euphoria, indescribable to her innocent soul, submerged her body in a hot bath while billions of tiny massage therapists gave every muscle a deep rubdown. Her voice slipped free, a single moan echoing through the house, while she could feel drops of her arousal splattering against her palm. Soon, the bliss ended, and she was left gasping for air with her chest heaving. Looks like she found something to occupy her time.
I got out of my car and sighed in happiness. This had been a long day and work had been especially rough. I climbed up the front steps and unlocked my door, but stopped when a noise reached my ears. It sounded like a cat crying out, as if in a fight. My heartbeat skyrocketing in fear, I wrenched open the door and my jaw hung slack.
With the living room couch directly in line with the front door, I found myself staring at Momo’s peachy ass, raised in the air. Her tail had taken the shape of a question mark, flipping back and forth, and between her legs, her fingers were working frantically.
Her face pressed down against the couch, Momo cried out in happiness the way only a cat could, and from her pussy, a splash of clear fluid soaked her hand. I stood in shock, unable to believe what I had just seen. After everything I had been tempted with, why was I now forced to witness this? Did she even realize how hard she was making this for me?!
Noticing me standing there, Momo turned around and smiled, feeling no shame for what I had just seen her do. “Hi, Master! Momo had a fun day and learned a new trick! And look! Momo has been doing it so long that her fingers are wrinkly!”
I didn’t answer her. I couldn’t answer.
“Huh? Master? Is something wrong?”
Finally, I released a scream of frustration and sprinted past her, zooming into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. Just like Momo, I decided to have my own wank-athon.
Dear, my cat recently transformed into a human-feline hybrid and now she won’t stop masturbating. Please help.
I was tempted to put it online, I really was. After a long day of work, I had arrived home, hoping to have a peaceful evening. Instead, I found myself sitting on my couch, Momo’s head on my lap, and her hands busy. I had immediately told her to stop, but she would not obey. Having transformed into a person, her obedience was well beyond a normal cat’s, but she still only listened to about half the things I told her to do.
It had now almost become a game. I would tell her to stop flicking her bean, and for a few minutes, she would. Then she would slowly resume, seeing how long she could keep it going before I again told her to stop. Was she doing it just to annoy me?
“Momo, enough,” I said, taking a rolled-up newspaper and swatting her on the head.
“But it’s so much fun!”
“I don’t care, I don’t want you to do it around me. I don’t do it around you, do I?”
“Huh? You do it too?”
Oh crap.
A wide smile on her face, Momo rolled over and bolted up onto her hands and knees. “That’s great! Master and Momo can do it together! Momo can even help you and you can help Momo, just like when we were in the shower!”
“No! We absolutely cannot do it together!”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s wrong.”
Her ears drooped. “Why is it wrong?”
“Because you’re my cat. Men aren’t supposed to do that kind of thing with their cat. You may be bigger now, but it’s still wrong. Besides, you don’t understand what you’re doing or what you’re asking.”
She leaned forward, her hands on my thighs, the way she used to when I had a plate of food in my lap, but this time, her attention was focused on me, our faces inches apart.
“Then explain it so that Momo can understand. Momo just wants to play with Master.”
A part of me did want to explain it. A part of me did want to do those things with Momo. But there was a line that we could not cross, and if we did, we could never go back. Momo might not understand sex, but I knew she would never again see me the same way, nor would I see her. Momo was an innocent creature, a living miracle, and I didn’t want to corrupt her.
I placed my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back. “I’m going to get dinner started.”
Like her breakfast, Momo ate her dinner out of her food bowl on the floor, and afterward, we waited for it to get dark enough to go to the park. It was a quiet evening walk, Momo staying by my side rather than roaming around me. Walking my cat… that still stands out to me as being one of the weirdest aspects of this whole situation.
I soon began to wonder if Momo was mad at me and giving me the silent treatment. She walked next to me at the park but didn’t say anything, and at home, she had her head in my lap, but didn’t purr when I rubbed her ears. Later that night, I was in bed, reading the news on my phone. I heard Momo in the bathroom spit out a mouthful of foam. Good girl, brushing her teeth without asking. She came out of the bathroom, rubbing her wet hair with a towel to dry off from the shower she had just taken.
She circled to the other side of the bed and climbed under the covers, but didn’t cuddle up with me the way she usually would.
“Goodnight, Momo,” I said, hoping for some kind of response.
I looked at her back, enduring the silent seconds trudging by.
“Goodnight, Master,” she murmured before pulling the blanket over her head.
I woke up with a snort, feeling Momo lying on my chest. It was still dark out, but my eyes had adjusted. Momo sat up, straddling my lap with her eyes catching the dim light like gems.
“Momo? What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Momo wants to play with Master.”
I dropped my head back. How like a cat to suddenly want to run around the house at 3:00 in the morning.
“Momo, it’s too late for that. Go to sleep. We’ll play tomorrow.”
“Master doesn’t need to worry about Momo.”
My eyes, which I had closed in resignation, opened back up and I looked at her. “What?”
“Master doesn’t need to worry about Momo. Momo will be fine with whatever Master wants. Momo knows Master wants to play, but doesn’t know why he won’t. Momo wants Master to be happy.”
She then leaned down, her obsidian hair slipping across my chest like paint brushes, and her lips met mine. The kiss lasted only for a few moments before she sat back up.
“Where did you learn to do that?”
“Momo always watches TV with Master. Isn’t that something that people do when they love each other?”
She then grasped my hand and placed it on her breast. It felt so warm, almost like a giant ember, but felt as smooth and soft as a water balloon.
“Master, please touch Momo. And let Momo touch Master.” Her other hand fell to my boxers, and she pulled them away to reveal my erect cock. “Momo knows it feels good for Master when his thing is touched.” She then rubbed her slit, already wet with arousal. “And it feels really good when Master touches Momo here. There might be a way we can both feel really good.”
She raised herself up, still keeping one of my hands on her breast while using her free hand to stand my cock vertical. The head met her lips, about to enter her.
“Momo, stop. I’m your Master and I’m telling you to stop.”
“No, Momo is going to make Master feel good.”
I could have stopped her then, I should have stopped her then. With my free arm, I could have pushed her off me, but I didn’t. I simply released my held breath as Momo lowered herself down, allowing me to penetrate her.
She winced from the insertion and I could feel her virgin blood running down my balls.
“Damn it, that’s why I wanted you to stop. It hurts, doesn’t it?”
She stubbornly shook her head as stinging tears budded from her eyes. She raised herself back up and then dropped down, and this time, her eyelids fluttered from the feeling of my manhood inside her. She started to move, the soreness of her deflowering now disappearing. She smiled, getting the hang of what she was doing and bobbing on my cock. It had been a long time since I had been with a woman, and Momo’s valley felt spectacular, soft and warm, and oh so wet. I watched her bounce, her full breasts heaving every time she raised her body, her ears twitching with every stir of my cock, her tail writhing like a snake having a seizure. Rather than a moan, she was releasing a strange noise, that sort of feline cry you’d normally hear when they’re in a fight or getting manhandled at the vet, that sort of mix between a hiss and a meow.
“Master, this feels so good! Your thing is so deep inside Momo! It’s driving Momo crazy!”
She was getting more ravenous, shifting her bodyweight back and forth and changing position, riding me in every way she could think of. Well, it was too late to back out now. I might as well prove myself as her Master. I reached out and grabbed her by the ass, raising it in the air and giving me some room to maneuver. Harnessing the mattress springs beneath me, I began thrusting up like an oil drill, hammering Momo’s pussy (lol, “pussy”) as hard as I could. No longer being in control, Momo’s power drill whine increased in volume, but the look on her face told me she was in ecstasy. She leaned over, smiling like a stoner, eyes watering, happy as could be. I smiled as well and kissed her, taking the opportunity to teach her how to properly make out.
While I fucked her, our tongues danced between our joined lips, parting only for the brief milliseconds when her body would rise up off my cock. I kept my hands on her ass, maintaining a firm hold for me to control her. But the longer I gripped her cheeks, the more I began to ponder something. An idea forming, I released one hand and grasped Momo’s tail. In that instant, her whole body locked up. She normally liked it when I played with her tail, but not when I squeezed it. Not wanting to ruin our rhythm, I moved my hand along her tail, stroking it.
“M-Master…!” she whined.
I reached the end of her tail and began toying with it, rubbing the very tip between my fingers. The more I teased her, the more she trembled, her voice giving way.
“Masteeeeer! It’s not fair for you to touch Momo there! Momo’s tail is really sensitive! Momo’s gonna… gonna… ROOOOOOOWR!”
She sat up, clutching herself as she squirted like a fountain. I got soaked, but if anything, it turned me on even more. Besides, now I knew her best erogenous zone. With Momo’s strength drained by her orgasm, I decided it was time to switch positions. I grabbed her legs and sat myself up, sending Momo falling onto her back. With her legs in the air, I was now thrusting straight down, dropping my weight with each plunge.
Momo had lost her original confidence. Rather than looking like a ravenous beast, she looked like a shy maiden, hiding her mouth with her hands and blushing in embarrassment, but she was still giving that whine of pleasure, and I was ready to stop any time if she wanted me to. Damn, she was just too adorable. How the hell had I been able to resist her for so long? Her ears and tail made her seem fragile and mystical, but her body was perfect for fucking, basically the body of a porn star.
Soon enough, though, I could feel my end approaching. I had already masturbated several times since coming home, but I had been given enough time for my body to reload. All the muscles in my pelvis were tightening up and I was getting dizzy, just a little bit longer!
“Master! It’s happening again!”
Momo released another cry of euphoria, her voice acting like a starter’s pistol and letting me flood her womb with my seed. Man, am I glad I got her fixed. I pulled out of her and fell back, my body drained of both energy and semen. Momo sat up, smiling and purring. She crawled over and gave me a gentle kiss.
“That was so much fun! Will Master play with Momo again?”
“You bet I will. You’re my sweet little sex kitten.”
Momo then settled down on top of me and I pulled the covers over us. With our naked bodies pressed together, Momo’s purring was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.
Part 2:
“Didn’t I tell you I was feeling sick yesterday? What do you mean you don’t remember? I definitely remember telling you. Well look, I’m not coming in today. Whatever I ate, it’s coming out both ends. I’m glued to my toilet. What are you, nuts? I don’t even want to get in my car, let alone my cubicle. Yes, I swear it’s the truth. Ok, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I hung up the phone and Momo pounced on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and purring like a Ferrari.
“My boss bought it. We got the day to ourselves.”
“Yay! Momo wants to spend all day cuddling with Master!”
“The feeling is mutual,” I replied, rubbing her ears.
Whether or not Momo truly understood the implications and meaning of sex, she sure seemed more energetic than she would normally be in the morning. Perhaps she was aware of the honeymoon period of relationships. Wow, to think I’m in a sexual relationship with my cat. To anyone who didn’t know the situation, that would sound both incredibly depressing and horribly repulsive.
But while Momo said she wanted to cuddle, the growling of her stomach said otherwise. I too was starting to get hungry. I led her to the kitchen and prepared her breakfast, a bowl of dry cereal mixed with a can of cat food. I was still trying to figure out the best diet for Momo, and the cat food seemed nutritious enough, and she liked it. As Momo ate her breakfast on the floor, I made myself a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of coffee, decaf, as it wasn’t like I needed to be anywhere.
After brushing her teeth, Momo joined me on the couch, taking her rightful place with her head in my lap as I watched TV. As usual, she purred loudly with every touch, her ears twitching as I rubbed them between my fingers. Once I was finished with my oatmeal, I stroked Momo’s hair with one hand and held my coffee with the other, simply enjoying the serenity. But the longer I sat with her, the more aroused I became. My dick was growing, and Momo could feel it against the side of her face.
“Huh? Master, your thing is hard again. Does this mean you want to play?”
“Well maybe not play, but I could give you a special treat. Remember that white stuff from yesterday that you liked? If you put my thing in your mouth again, more will shoot out. But… don’t bite down like you did before. Just use your tongue and cheeks and suck on it.”
Eager to taste my salt, Momo removed my dick from my boxers and took it in her mouth. She did as I told her, keeping her teeth away from it and instead only the soft spots of her mouth. I rolled my head back and sighed, pacified by the wonderful sensation of oral. I continued to rub her ears as she worked, as if to thank her for her diligence. Her head was bobbing up and down, her tongue licking away my sweat as she tried to coax an orgasm out of me.
“Master, it’s not coming out.”
“It will, you just have to keep at it. But you’re doing a great job; it feels really good. How about I help you feel good? Let me get under you and I’ll lick you too.”
I lied down on the couch and Momo swung her leg over me, her smooth vulva right above my face. I licked my lips in anticipation and raised my head, slurping up her sweetness like my life depended on it. A deep shiver ran through Momo and she stopped blowing me to release a whimper of bliss.
“M-Master, it feels too good! Momo can’t hold on if you do that!”
“Just keep going and let’s try to finish together.”
I resumed licking her, giving equal amounts of effort to her lips and to her clitoris. She tasted delicious, sweeter than any other girl I had ever dated, and I could still smell the soap from the shower she took last night. Overwhelmed by pleasure, Momo tried to resume blowing me, but it was hard to tell who would outlast the other. She was taking my cock deeper and deeper into her throat, doing whatever she could to ignite an orgasm in me.
Soon enough, we both reached that amazing moment of a shared climax. I shot load after load of semen into Momo’s mouth, bucking my hips as I did so, and she showered me in a storm of her arousal, with me continuing to lick her through the downpour. Momo collapsed and we both waited to catch our breath. I was blissfully tired, the sleepiness from getting up early returning and mixing with the post-orgasm fatigue. The same was true for Momo, who also had a metabolism halfway between a human and cat.
“Come on, let’s take a nap.”
I got off the couch and scooped Momo up in my arms. Finally, I could carry a girl in the princess hold the way I had always wanted. I brought her into the bedroom and set her down, then went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I came back, I found Momo wrapped up in the sheets, eyelids dropping. She was trying to stay awake until I returned.
Smiling, I climbed into bed with her and got under the blankets. She curled up next to me, purring in indescribable happiness. It didn’t take long for us to fall asleep.
It was about noon when I finally woke up, my nap cozy and restful. Momo was still sound asleep, clinging to me like a life preserver. Her body was so warm that it was actually making me sweat, and oh so soft. I pulled the blanket aside to let us vent some body heat, and so that I could admire her nude form. Her breasts were round and pert, her stomach was as flat and smooth as a runway, she had the ass and thighs of a volleyball player, and her slit was like a ripe mango. To think, I had this sexy little vixen all to myself, my little secret.
I was starting to get aroused just by looking at her, even more when she rolled onto her back and put her body on display. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tease her a bit. I started by simply tracing my finger around her areolas, a light touch, but plenty to make her purr in her sleep. I felt the bumps around her nipples like I was reading brail, while the pink drops became erect. My lust growing, I leaned my head down and pinched one of her nipples with my lips. The sensation made her release a small whimper of pleasure, but still, she remained asleep.
I sucked on the pointing bulb, painting it with my tongue and running my tongue around it like I had my finger. There really are few sensations better than sucking on a nice pair of tits. While I worked her with my mouth, I sent my hand down, but instead of going straight for her gate of paradise, I continued to tease her with my fingertip, dragging it from side to side across her chest, then in a closing spiral around her navel.
“Master…” she murmured, though it seemed like she was still half asleep. Maybe she was even dreaming; the sensations of her body bleeding into her subconscious world.
I continued to move my hand down, finally reaching her plump lips. Again, I restrained myself to just a light tickle, brushing her curtains with my fingertip. I could feel her becoming wet, her juices dripping like condensing dew as her body prepared itself for insertion. I gave in to my impatience, spreading her lips and toying with the interior labia, while my thumb stimulated her clitoris.
“Master,” she gasped again, finally waking up.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. How does that feel?”
She stretched and smiled. “Good!”
I took my lips from her breasts and joined them with hers, now letting my tongue explore her mouth as my fingers went to the next level. I inserted my middle and ring finger, probing her insides while I continued to play her clitoris like a game controller. Her voice started to break free of our joined lips as the intensity of my fingering grew, and she instinctively grasped my steely manhood, almost for comfort. She worked it in her grip, unknowingly giving me a handjob, a fitting form of mechanical stimulation to match my actions. It almost became a contest, to see who would reach nirvana first, and as Momo figured out how to slide the skin of my shaft, her skill and efforts soon equaled mine.
After just a couple minutes, I ejaculated, laying some white threads on Momo’s stomach. Momo became curious as my tool softened and shrank, breaking our kiss and looking down to make sure she still had it in her grip. Still just a cat. She continued rubbing it, trying to get it back to its former glory, and with her efforts, it soon regained its rigidity.
“Ok, now it’s your turn to cum. Roll onto your side and raise your leg.”
Curious and horny, Momo assumed the position, showing me her back while her tail writhed in anticipation. I closed the distance between us and penetrated her slit from behind, using my seed as lubricant. She shuddered and purred as she felt it enter her, looking back and giving me a sultry look of lustful hunger, surprising when compared to her normal air-headed self.
I started thrusting into her, once again using the mattress springs to help augment my movements while I groped her chest. She continued to purr, now with a moan on top of it. To be fucked and have her tits rubbed was almost too much for her, and I wasn’t giving her any time to rest. I rammed her as hard and fast as I could, each time slamming my lap against her rear end and momentarily feeling her furry tail flattened between us.
Wait, that gave me an idea. If her tail was an erogenous zone, then maybe there was one more. I got one arm under her back and the other under her raised knee. From there, I curled her body, buying me a few inches of height. With just enough room, I opened my mouth and started nibbling on one of her ears, covering my teeth with my lips to protect the delicate skin. The moment my lips enveloped the tip of her ear, Momo released a shrill yelp.
“M-Master! It’s not f-fair to do that! Momo can’t hold on any longer! Momo… ROOOOOWR!”
She gave her signature feline shriek and a colorless fountain pushed my manhood out of her, my sign that I had succeeded as a man. Hell, I didn’t even mind having to wipe up the floor. I pulled out of Momo and let her stretch out. She was gasping for air and blushing with watery eyes.
“Master, that’s cheating! Momo can’t make Master feel good if Master makes Momo feel good!”
I smiled and brushed her messy black hair out of her face. “Don’t worry, I feel good when you feel good. But if you want, I’ll save the ear nibbling for special occasions.”
After having sex, we had lunch and returned to the living room, curling up on the couch and watching TV. Once the evening came, I made dinner for the two of us, and we waited until it was dark before going out on our evening walk. Afterwards, it was back home for a little more lounging, sex, and then off to bed. In all honesty, it was one of the best and most relaxing days of my life, just dozing at home with the best cat in the world.
Weeks went by and Momo established our routine. Wake up, have sex, eat breakfast, I go back to work, come home, we lounge, eat dinner, go for a walk, have sex, and go to bed. While I was at work, Momo would spend the day lounging around, usually punctuated with masturbation. Quite often, I would come home to find her writhing on the couch or bed, frantically rubbing her clit and moaning as she approached her umpteenth climax, her naked body glistening with sweat and liquid arousal, just begging for me to penetrate her.
It was a wonderfully simple life, made blissful by the assurance of romantic company, always knowing that I had my eager sex kitten waiting at home for me. And of course, I tried to teach Momo how to be more human. She got more used to wearing clothes (but still avoided them whenever possible) and I taught her some skills on how to prepare simple meals like cereal and sandwiches and how to use the TV. Maybe soon I would even teach her to read.
“Huh? What?”
I raised my head and looked around the dark bedroom, trying to figure out what had woken me up. I thought it had been a noise, but I wasn’t sure. I looked to my clock; it was a quarter past 1:00. Momo was still sound asleep. Wait, it happened again. I heard the sound of banging and striking metal. Damn it. As I sat myself up, Momo finally stirred.
“Master? Momo’s too tired to play.”
“No, it’s not that. Something is rooting around in the trash outside, probably some raccoons. I’ll go scare them off.”
I pulled on a pair of pants and got a flashlight and a bat. I thought Momo would get up with me, but following her feline instincts, she chose to go back to sleep. I went outside and circled the house to the trashcans, following the sound of rummaging. I banged my bat against the side of the house and shined my light on the overturned bins.
“Hey! Get out of there!”
But out of the darkness, rather than a spot of gray, came a cloud of gold. A big yellow dog came out from behind the trashcans, dirty as sin but wagging its tail. It looked to be a golden doodle (half golden retriever, half poodle) and its hair was overgrown, nearly covering its eyes. It had a sweet face, looking gentle enough to carry a baby chick in its mouth without hurting it. I got down on one knee as it approached.
“Hey there, pup. What are you doing here?”
It met my outstretched hand and continued to wag its tail as I rubbed its ears. It had no collar and it looked like it had been sleeping in dirt for a while, plus it seemed skinnier than it should have been. A stray? Those were rare.
“Come on, let’s get you fed and cleaned off.”
I brought the dog inside and turned on the lights. Hearing the sound of claws on the wood floors, Momo peaked her head out of the bedroom and her hair stood on end. “What’s that?!”
“Relax, it’s a dog, perfectly harmless. Come say hello.” Momo shook her head in refusal. “Fine. I’m going to get this dog in the shower and clean him up. I want you to get a bowl and put in a few cans of cat food.”
“But that’s… MY food…”
“And I’ll get you more tomorrow. Just please do this.” I then placed my hand on the dog’s head and it started again wagging its tail. “Come on, follow me.” A nudge from me conveyed the message and I brought it into the bathroom.
I turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm. Like Momo, the loud hissing of the water made the doodle shy away, but I managed it pull it into the shower with me. The hot spray poured down upon it and it lowered its head as if ashamed. The water running off it looked almost like sewage, as there was a lot of filth to wash away.
I poured almost a quarter of a bottle of shampoo on creature’s back and began scrubbing it in, and finally it began to show a little joy. I rubbed it down from head to tail, mixing suds and dirt into a frothy brown mess. It took almost half an hour, half of that spent getting the shampoo in and the other half spent getting it out. Once it was as clean as could be, I turned off the shower and waited. My instincts were right, as the yellow hound shook itself off, but the spray never got past the shower curtain.
I led it outside and began rubbing it down with a towel, but with its long hair, there was a lot of water I needed to remove. The dog was now smiling and again wagging its tail, loving the firm pets and attention. It even dropped down and rolled onto its back, inviting me to rub its belly. I could help but notice something missing.
“Oh, so you’re a girl. Well aren’t you a pretty lass? Nice and clean.”
Several minutes and two more towels later, I finally stepped out of the bathroom with the dog in tow. She was still damp, but there was nothing I could do to get her any dryer except wait.
“Momo, you got the food ready?”
No answer. I stepped into the living room and found a bowl with some cat food set on the floor, with Momo hiding in the kitchen, a low growl in her throat. The freshened doodle rushed over to the food and gorged itself while I went over to Momo.
“Come on, say hello.”
“No! I don’t want to!” she said with a pout.
“Stop being such a brat! Come on, she’s harmless.”
I pulled Momo over to the dog, who had just finished her food and licked her bowl clean. Hopefully that was enough food for her. “Just hold out your hand and let her smell it.”
Momo nervously did as I told her and held out her hand. A happy ray of sunshine, the dog smelled her hand, finding Momo’s scent to be very interesting, a smell she didn’t understand. She closed in, trying to figure it out, but Momo got spooked and jumped behind me, hissing at the intruder.
“I still have work tomorrow, so let’s all go back to bed.”
“You’re going to let that thing in the bed with us?!”
“Relax, I’ll sleep in the middle. You can be on one side and she’ll be on the other.”
Still growling, Momo returned to the bedroom and hid herself under the sheets, staying as close to the edge of the of the mattress as she could. Ugh, such a drama queen.
“Come on, pup,” I said, turning off all the lights and following Momo.
The dog walked alongside me, happy as could be, and a single word from me got her up onto the bed. I took my place in the middle, a very affectionate dog on one side and very angry cat on the other.
“Say cheese!” Not understanding what I was saying but happy I was talking to her, the doodle continued to smile and wag her tail as I took her picture. “There. Now I’ll just make some “found dog” posters before I leave work and I’ll put them up tonight. Good thing we live in the suburbs, there are plenty of people around to see them.”
“So when will she be gone?” Momo asked with evident impatience, keeping her distance.
“I don’t know, could be a week, could be a month. We just have to hope that her owner happens to see a poster and calls. Otherwise, she’ll live with us.”
“Momo doesn’t want her here! Make her go away!”
I stormed over and gave Momo a flick to the forehead. “Enough of that! If I had found you out there last night, I would have taken you in. Until I know that she has a home, this dog isn’t going anywhere. Deal with it and stop being such a brat.” I then retrieved my keys and phone and made my way to the door. “Ok, I already let her outside to do her business. If she paws at the door, you can let her out. Just don’t go out with her and let her in if she comes back. Please, try to get along with her. If you can play nice, I’ll make a nice meaty dinner for you to tonight. Ok?”
Momo pouted and looked away, fighting the urge to continue rubbing the spot on her forehead. “Ok,” she mumbled.
I walked over and kissed her, a long embrace to warm her heart and cheer her up. “Good, I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”
It’s rather hard to focus on work when you’re worried about your pets. The dog would be fine, sure. At worst, she would maybe chew on something or take a dump on the floor. Momo was the real concern, my neurotic, bitchy cat. No, that’s not fair, she’s just jealous. Besides, it’s what to expect from a cat when a new dog shows up. I printed a stack of fliers saying I had found the doodle, enough to cover a wide area. Hopefully her owner wouldn’t be too far away. I then stopped off at the store to pick up food for the three of us and made my way home.
I could hear the dog barking as soon as I got out of my car, making me sick to my stomach. I rushed to the front door and opened it, expecting to see something terrible. Instead, I found only the doodle, standing at the door and wagging her tail. I knelt down and rubbed her head. “What a good watchdog you are.”
I looked around, not seeing any apparent damage to the house, nothing broken. Nor did I see Momo.
The bathroom door flung open and Momo pounced on me, crying hysterically. “Master, you’re home! It was so awful! This monster kept following Momo around the house and bullying Momo! She wouldn’t leave Momo alone! She was going to eat Momo!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake. Did you spend the entire day hidden in the bathroom?”
“Uh-huh!” she said with a sniffle.
“Momo, she’s saying she wants you to pet her. When you get into my lap or follow me around, what does it mean?”
“That Momo wants to cuddle with Master!”
“That’s right. And when the dog gets in your lap or follows you around, it means the same thing. Here, just try petting her.”
Momo at first refused, but with her hand in mine, I coaxed her into at least touching the dog’s head. The yellow pup didn’t react much, good or bad, as to be expected from such flimsy contact. I kept rubbing her with Momo’s hand, and eventually, she resumed wagging her tail. At last, Momo calmed down and rubbed the dog’s head on her own.
“See? Now that’s not so bad. She just wants love. Feel better?”
“Good. Now, how about a special treat? I was going to put these fliers up around the neighborhood. How about you come with me?”
Her ears perked up at the offer. “Does Momo have to wear clothes?”
“For this, yes. We’ll be out in the streets, not alone in the park. We just have to hide your ears and tail and get something on your feet.”
I got her to put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, deciding it would just be best to hide her tail in one of the pant legs. To cover her ears, I tied a bandana over her head and had her wear a pair of my old flip-flops. Frankly, the whole outfit made her look like a new recruit into a Latin street gang, but it would do.
“Ok, since we’ll be walking the streets, there might be other people around. If they try to talk to us or introduce themselves, just say “Hi, my name is Molly”, leave the rest of the talking to me, and I’ll try to get us out of it.”
“But Momo is Momo.”
“I know, but Molly sounds more human. You’re just pretending. We’ll put these fliers up around the neighborhood. Who knows, the dog might find her way back home if we go out looking. Are you ready?”
Momo looked at herself, as if judging her outfit. She curled her toes in the flip-flops and fidgeted with the bandana on her head, but finally nodded. She and the dog followed me outside, Momo relishing the feel of the sun after so much time. The dog quickly did her business in the front yard, with Momo flashing an angry gaze at me.
“Why does she get to do that outside? Shouldn’t she have to use the toilet like Momo?”
“First of all, you’re now a person. She’s not. Second of all, I’m not having sex with her. I need you to be clean.”
Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with my fucking cat.
We started off down the sidewalk, Momo on one side of me and the dog on the other. Both of them looked happy to be outside, Momo especially glad since her only outside exposure had been the park at night. The last time she had walked the streets like this, she had just been a regular cat. It was a lovely summer afternoon, the sun nearing the horizon but still offering hours of illuminated activity, and the warmth was welcomed. The air was rich with the smell of grass and flowers from the manicured lawns and gardens. Right about now, parents were coming home from work, seeing their kids, maybe taking their dogs to the local park. The slamming of car doors was echoing down the street. At every street lamp, we stopped and I taped up a flyer.
“So why don’t you like her?” I asked, making Momo pout.
“Momo doesn’t trust her. She’s just waiting for a chance to eat Momo and take Master.”
“Ah, so you’re jealous. You’re mad that you’re not getting all of Master’s attention, that there is another furry friend in the house.” Momo continued to pout. She was acting surprisingly human. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. “Don’t worry, she can never replace you. She’s just a cute airhead, a big pile of fur that wants to be petted and rubbed.”
“So is Momo!” she cried. That actually made me laugh a bit.
“But I can’t talk with her, I can’t rely on her, I can’t play with her in the special way we do.”
Finally, she smiled. “Momo loves Master.”
“And Master loves Momo. Now come on, let’s put the rest of these fliers up and get home. I promised you a big meaty dinner.”
Weeks passed and no one came for the dog. I never received a single phone call, and even posting online yielded no results. Either she had come from far away or nobody was looking for her, and I eventually came to realize that she was now mine. But on the plus side, Sonja (as I decided to call her) made herself right at home. I took her to the vet, got her all checked out and up to date on her vaccinations, and then dropped her off at a groomer to shave off all of that matted hair. Every day I would wake up, my dog snuggled up with me on one side and my cat-turned-human on the other. I would feed the two of them, go to work, come back, and then we’d take our evening walk. When we relaxed on the couch, I would sit in the middle with Momo’s head on one thigh and Sonja’s head on the other.
Sex with Momo unfortunately lost some of its frequency. We’d have to wait for Sonja to fall asleep in one room and then go into another. Otherwise, she would come up to us, thinking we were just wrestling and wanting to get involved. Not to mention that it’s awkward to fuck when your dog is on the other side of the mattress, watching you.
At least Momo and Sonja learned to get along. Momo still didn’t trust or like Sonja and kept her food bowl away from her, but when the dog came up to her, she would at least pat her head.
‘Oh no. Oh God, no. Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening again? What the fuck did I do to deserve this fate? God, if you’re up there, please realize how much stress you’re putting me under.’
These were the first thoughts that popped into my head when I woke up on that August morning. And what would make me think this? Why, a titty in my hand, of course. Without even opening my eyes, I knew it wasn’t Momo’s. Momo’s breasts were a good size, large enough for any man to be content, but the soft mountain I was trying to contain was beyond the yield of my fingers. It was like if you cut a melon in half and laid them side by side, you would have a perfect analog for Momo’s breasts. But these were like two whole melons. And of course, there was only one reason for a pair of colossal titties in my bed, as ridiculous a reason as it may be.
I opened my eyes, looking at a beautiful sleeping face. The young woman had sun-kissed skin, porcelain smooth, and long blonde hair. But even with my grogginess, I could see one large dog ear hanging down the side of her head, camouflaged with her hair. I sat up and gave her a full scan with my eyes. Her body type was just like Momo’s, just a bit taller and of course with cans that a man could happily suffocate under. But above her rear end, right where her tailbone would be, an actual tail, slightly curved, almost as long as her legs, and very fluffy.
Jesus Christ, my life is turning into The Hangover meets The Island of Doctor Moreau. Why did this happen again? How could this happen again? Do I have some crazy power that turns animals into sexy girls? If Sonja had been a male dog, would I have woken up next to a well-hung Aryan model from Abercrombie & Fitch? Or would he have lost his dick and gone XX?
At the very least, today was Sunday, so I had time to get things figured out. But if my boss called me, I would burn the office to the ground.
I tried to get out from under the covers and escape my bed, but before I could reach the floor, my movements woke Sonja. She yawned and gave a wide stretch from her fingers to her toes, then opened a pair of bright blue eyes. “Good morning, Master!”
The voice of a stranger made Momo bolt from her sleep. She sat up, looking at Sonja in horror and pointing at her. “What in the world is that?!”
“Mornin’, Momo!” Sonja said cheerfully.
“Momo, that’s Sonja. Apparently, whatever happened to you has now happened to her.”
Momo switched her gaze from me to Sonja, her hair standing on end. “No! It’s not fair!”
“Momo, I know this is a complicated time, but please calm down. Let’s all eat breakfast and figure this out.”
“Yay! Food!”
Sonja jumped off the bed and began doing a strange dance. She was moving her feet around in frantic little steps, shaking her butt, and wagging her tail. For a moment it just looked weird, then I realized that it’s the same exact dance that all dogs do when they’re really happy. It’s pretty damn cute.
I got out of bed and got dressed, but Momo didn’t move. On her face was a look of fury, sorrow, and panic. Regardless, as Sonja and I made our way to the kitchen, she inevitably followed. For Sonja, I gave her a bowl of dry dog food mixed with milk, and for Momo, I made her scrambled eggs. I just went with cereal. As usual, Momo ate far away from Sonja, but it was funny watching them eat. These two naked girls, both facedown with their faces buried in food bowls, kneeling in the exact same posture with their tails sprawled out behind them.
But watching them, the first obvious problem rose up: Money. I made good money at the insurance company I worked for, enough to pay the rent and keep Momo and I well fed. Hell, I was even able to afford the dog food for Sonja. But now Sonja had become a person, meaning three adult people on one man’s salary. If I pinched my pennies and cut down on expenses, I could probably stay just above breaking even. But that left me in a precarious situation. The moment my cash outflow exceeded my inflow, the clock would start ticking, a timer to see just how long I could make my savings last, and at my age, that wasn’t very much. If something happened to me or my car needed repairs, I would be up shit creek.
Then came the next problem: Sonja herself. The chances of someone discovering this… whatever the hell it is… had just doubled. Unlike Momo, Sonja was active and loud. Every day I came home, she would be barking at the door. What the hell would she do now when the mailman came? And it would be much harder to keep her inside. Momo was still like her original self: lazy and quiet, except for the rare times she would get a sudden jolt of energy and run back and forth through the house. Yep, even as a person, she had that cat trait. Sonja had more energy, and would probably be hyperactive.
Last was probably the biggest problem: how far was this going to go? I still had no fucking idea what was going on or what had caused this. Was this me? Did I have some weird magical power? So far, two animals had turned into people, meaning that there was no reason for me to expect it to stop now. Would I have to start avoiding animals for the rest of my life? Would it work on anything else? Hell, if I didn’t get my house sprayed for pests in the spring, was I going to end up with an army of insect babes marching from room to room in search of sugar? And what was the range? Were other pets in the neighborhood going to start changing?
The answer was simple, but the actual effort and procedure would be monumental: I was going to have to move. It was the only reasonable option. I would have to find a place that was secluded, away from other pets, and most importantly, people. A place with more room, where the girls could go outside freely, rather than being cooped up all day. And it was going to have to be affordable. Unless I got a raise or a higher-paying job, I would need a mortgage with the lowest possible rates. Anything above my current rent and I was screwed.
Oh, there was one more problem. I had given up expecting someone to retrieve Sonja, but now I had to hope no one came. What if someone showed up at my door, asked to see their dog, and this busty blonde with dog ears and tail pounced on them without clothes on? I’m not sure which would be worse, just trying to explain it or the three of us getting locked away in some government lab. I needed to get rid of all of those fliers I put up. But now that Sonja had turned into a person, I could ask her directly.
“I’m full! Thank you, Master!”
Even while looking at her, I hadn’t noticed Sonja finish her breakfast. She skipped over to me, the sunniest smile on her face, and started bouncing in front of me. I was mesmerized for a few moments, watching her breasts jiggle with each movement. Hello, morning wood. Looking up from her bowl, Momo saw the bulge in my pants and her ears drooped. A scowl on her face, she rushed over and embraced me, her breasts pressed against my chest while she gyrated her hips. “Momo’s full too. Thank you, Master.”
“Um… I’m glad. How about we all sit on the couch. There’s something I need to talk to you two about.” I took my place in the middle of the couch with the girls on either side of me, both with their hands on my thighs. Every time Sonja got close to me, Momo would get closer.
“Ok, to start, Sonja, do you realize that something has happened to you?”
She looked herself up and down, from her hands to her feet. “I think so. My body is weird. But now I can see better and I’m not hot all the time! And best of all, now I can talk to Master!”
“Well do you know exactly when you became like this? Did you feel anything when it happened?”
“No. I went to sleep last night and woke up like this.”
Just like Momo, so no hints as to this craziness. But on a side note, Sonja didn’t speak in the third person like Momo did. Did that have to do with their intelligence? Their personalities?
“Well I need to ask this: where did you live before you came here?”
Sonja’s happiness vanished in the blink of an eye, her tail becoming limp and her smile vanishing. She looked down, wringing her hands together. “A bad house.”
I now regretted asking her. But as uncomfortable as it made her, I had to make sure she hadn’t left behind any loose ends. “I’m sorry, what was bad about it?”
“People weren’t nice to me, and there wasn’t much food. I didn’t get to sleep inside very often, even during the cold nights. I didn’t have a name. They just called me “dog”, and they yelled a lot. I ran away, but they don’t care that I’m gone.”
Goddammit, this is like an ASPCA commercial! I felt sick to my stomach, not wanting to imagine what this poor girl had gone through, even as a puppy. Now I want to go on a fucking rampage and kill the shits she was stuck with! But then Sonja grasped my hand with both of hers and held it against her chest. It surprised me, such a human move.
“But then Master found me and took me in when I had no home! I never knew that it was possible to be so happy and have so much fun!” Shit, now there are ninjas in my house, chopping onions! Fucking heartstrings! Sonja threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, her cheek pressed to mine. “I looooooooooove Master!”
Gripping my arm, Momo tried to pull me away. “No! Master is Momo’s! Only Momo gets to play with Master!”
“But I want to play with Master too! I want to run and chase and roll around with Master! Let’s go to the park! Can we go to the park? Can we go to the park, Master? Come on, can we? Let’s go to the park!”
At least she didn’t understand what Momo meant by “play”.
I managed to pry them both off me. “Girls, settle down! Now listen, Sonja, things are going to have to change around here. Now that you’re no longer an ordinary dog, you’re going to have to learn all the things that I had to teach Momo.”
“I wanna learn! I’m ready to learn! Learn! Learn! Learn!” She then got up from the couch and ran to the veranda door, jumping up and down. “Let’s go outside and learn! I’m ready! Come on! Come on!”
Oh honey…
“Sonja, that’s the first thing. From now on, you can’t go out during the day. The reason why we go on our walks at night is because the park is empty, there’s no one around to see Momo. It’s the same for you now. From now on, no going outside except for evening walks.”
I could almost hear the sound of glass breaking, as once again, Sonja’s happiness was utterly erased. I almost expected her to start bawling.
“What? I can’t go outside anymore?! But I want to play and run around! I want to roll in the grass!”
“I’m sorry, but we absolutely can’t allow anyone to see you.”
“But what am I supposed to do when I need to pee? I really need to go!”
I covered my face with my hands and groaned. It was time once again.
“Come on, Sonja, follow me into the bathroom. I’m going to teach you to be an adult.”
Bless Sonja’s heart, she took it like a champ. Teaching her to sit down on the toilet to do her business was easy, just tell her to do it and it’s done. When I taught her to use toilet paper on the front, she blushed a bit and shivered, but no complaint, just like Momo. Unlike Momo, who hissed and swung at me, Sonja did her best to maintain a silent dignity when I taught her to use it on the back. Girls, you may hate me for this, but it’s for your own good. I don’t want to see you scooching across the rugs on your butts.
We stepped out of the bathroom and I rubbed her head, hoping that a bit of love would ease some of the awkwardness. While she didn’t look at me, a slight wiggle of her tail put me at ease. “Good girl, you were very brave. Tonight, I’ll teach you to brush your teeth, and don’t worry, Momo seemed to enjoy it.” The compliment made her smile and her tail wagged with more fervor. “Yes, you are a good girl. Now how about we relax on the couch?”
The three of us plopped down in front of the TV and sighed in happiness. Sonja curled up the way she usually would, now resting her head on my thigh. Momo, not to be outdone, tried to squeeze onto my lap. It took a few minutes for her and I to compromise on a good position, settling with her leaning her head on my shoulder, clutching my arm, and interlocking our legs just for that extra closeness. With one arm locked down and half my lap occupied, it was hard for me to use my laptop.
Since I had decided to move for the sake of the girls, I needed to find available properties near me, for sale or just rentals. My next house had to be isolated, preferably with trees for cover, and close enough to my job without the gas expenditure getting out of hand. It also had to be affordable, so I was searching under the same parameters as I did to get my current house: small, mediocre, and hopefully some people had died in it. Nothing dropped a house value better than death.
Sonja and Momo seemed to pay little to no attention to what was on TV. They were almost dozing, focusing just on the sensation of being close to me. In a way, it was the same for me. What man wouldn’t relish cuddling up with two beautiful naked girls? The longer we relaxed, the sleepier we became, our lack of exertion resonating with our early breakfast. It was something I was used to, for as a cat owner, I almost never got to sleep in. Momo’s stomach was my alarm clock (I mean back when she was a normal cat). Even on days off, she would wake me up to feed her, so I decided to simply have my breakfast with her, lounge on the couch for a bit, and wait for my tiredness to return and take a nap.
“Ok, girls, I think I’m going to head back to bed.”
“Yay! Sleep with Master!”
“Not without Momo!”
The two of them jumped off the couch and ran to the bedroom, Sonja with a smile of absentminded joy and Momo maintaining her scowl of competitive jealousy. They stopped when they reached the doorway and looked back at me.
“Master? Aren’t you coming?” Momo asked.
A smile on my face, I looked at the two naked beauties standing at my bedroom door, utterly mesmerized. The light of the midmorning sun was shining on their bare bodies, perfectly shaped for sex like the nymphs of Greek myths, their flawless skin looking soft as silk. Their ears and tails added to their mystery, their mysticism, and also highlighted the taboo of their very existence. I had already gotten to know Momo intimately, and it was inevitable that my relationship with Sonja would blossom in the same way. Had I defiled them or myself? But what I loved most of all was their faces, that pure, loving innocence, so beautiful, so adorably airheaded.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
“Ok, girls, close your eyes and pinch your noses.”
Sonja and Momo did as I told them, covering their faces so that I could lace them with bug spray. It was time for our evening walk, the first time for Sonja since becoming human. Once I was done, Sonja sniffed herself and grimaced.
“Masteeeeer! This is stinky!”
“Better stinky than itchy. Trust me, you don’t want to be covered in bug bites. You ready? Let’s go.”
Naked as a jaybird, or technically, a dog, Sonja pranced around the field as Momo and I walked the park path. Like Momo, she had no problem going barefoot and was as energetic as usual, inspecting each unusual scent and searching for anything interesting.
“See, now this isn’t so bad,” I said to Momo, walking beside me.
Momo scowled. “Momo doesn’t want her around Master.”
“Because you don’t want me to play with her the way I play with you?”
She turned to me. “Because Momo doesn’t want Master to like playing with Sonja more.”
I grasped her hand. “Momo, there is no one I like playing with more than you.”
Running over to us from the darkness of the nearby woods, Sonja appeared with a stick in her mouth and dropped it at my feet. “Master! Can you throw the stick?”
I smiled and picked it up, giving it a fair toss across the field.
“Yay!” Sonja exclaimed as she ran after it. I made sure to keep my flashlight pointed at the spot where it had landed so that she could find it. Retrieving the stick, she turned around and ran back, with me unable to resist watching her titties bounce.
“Momo! Come run with me!”
Momo clutched my arm. “Momo doesn’t run. Momo likes to walk next to Master.”
Sonja grabbed my other arm. “Then I’ll walk with me Master too!”
“You girls are just too much.”
“Shower time, girls,” I said as we returned home, stepping through the front door.
For Momo, this was routine. After a hot and sweaty day, followed by being sprayed with bug repellent, she would have hopped in the shower without me telling her. Now that Sonja had become a person, she had to do the same. Her ears dropped at the prospect.
“Aw, I hate showers.”
“Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad. Momo will go first, then I’ll go in with you and show you how it’s done.”
Hearing that, Momo grabbed Sonja and pushed her towards the bathroom. “Momo will show her how it’s done. Master doesn’t need to do it.”
In the bathroom, Momo turned on the water and waited for it to get hot before pulling Sonja in. Unable to resist, I pulled away the shower curtain, putting them on display while I sat down on the toilet to watch. Yeah, I know I’m a scumbag, but there’s no way I was going to miss this.
“Master?” Momo asked.
“Oh, uh, just making sure you don’t forget to teach her anything.
Sonja scrunched up when the water first touched her, just like she would as a dog, but became much more relaxed the longer it poured on her. Maybe it was because they were still animals at heart, but she was taking it much better than Momo had when I first washed her.
“So first, you’re going to shampoo your hair. You don’t want to do it every time you shower because that will damage it. Just every three days.”
Following my directions, Momo poured some shampoo onto her palm and then started rubbing it into Sonja’s scalp. The blonde beauty smiled and wagged her tail, relishing the feeling of someone playing with her hair and massaging her ears. I remember Momo reacting in the same way when I first bathed her.
“Now you’ll let that sit for a couple minutes. Momo, soap her down, and don’t forget to get yourself.”
Sonja stepped out of the water and Momo retrieved the bar of soap. Working diligently, she scrubbed the two of them down, leaving their bodies coated in a white film. I watched her with aroused focus, focusing on the bar of soap as it moved across their skin. I directed most of my intention when Momo soaped up her breasts, her pert cupcakes with gumdrop nipples, then Sonja’s, the two soft bowling balls on her chest, the nipples soft and smooth under the hot spray. Just watching those balloons shift and flatten with the presses of the soap was enough to drive me nuts.
“You know, Momo, the two of you will get really clean if you rub your bodies together. It will get you really sudsy.”
Momo wasn’t comfortable pressing her body against someone other than me, especially someone she considered a rival, but she didn’t understand what I was really getting at and decided to obey. The two women pressed their chests together and started rubbing, their breasts smooshed and kissing while their bellies slid across each other like two sheets of ice. The sensation was more intense than either of them expected and they began to pant, a noticeable blush crossing their faces as they continued to rub their tits together. Watching them, my whole body was shaking in arousal and I was even precumming a bit. I wanted to put my dick right between them, buried in their joined, soapy cleavages.
“Don’t forget between the legs, just like how I washed you,” I said. Momo looked at me. “Unless you want me to do it.”
Showing no hesitation, Momo thrust her hand down and started playing with Sonja’s pussy, lathering it with her soapy fingers. Sonja moaned from the sudden fondling, having never been touched in such a way before. It was impossible for her to even expect it and her mind didn’t know how to process what it meant. She didn’t know what was going on, all she knew was that she liked it. Her instincts told her that she was supposed to imitate what was happening, so acting without thought, she began working her own fingers between Momo’s legs, shocking the feline.
I watched in utter amazement, the two beauties fingering each other while their nipples kissed. They were panting and moaning, such a small space between their parted lips. It was almost a competition, Momo increasing the strength of her petting as if to get Sonja off her, while Sonja tried to keep up. Momo soon gave in, wrenching herself away from Sonja and jumping out of the shower. Still half-covered with soap, she straddled my lap, a look of lustful desperation in her eyes.
“Master, please, Momo is going to go crazy. Momo wants Master’s thing inside her.”
Already achingly erect, I managed to wrench my cock free from my pants and Momo settled herself on top of it. She moaned as it penetrated her, her pussy slippier than ever, both from her arousal and the soap on Sonja’s fingers. She began riding me with water splashing off her ears with each movement. Sonja watched us with deep curiosity, not understanding what Momo and I were doing but wanting to try it for herself. Leaning over, Momo ran her tongue through my mouth like I was an empty tuna can, while I savored her sweet taste and the feel of her womanhood on my cock. I had her ass in my grip, cradling the bodacious cheeks and using that leverage to help raise her up higher and drop her down harder, defiling her pussy until, at last, she cried out in euphoria.
Having achieved her orgasm, she was able to calm down. She gave me a silent kiss of gratitude and then returned to the shower, where Sonja was still very confused and very interested.
“I want to play with Master like that too!”
“No, only Momo and Master can do that. Let’s rinse off and go to bed.”
“Uh… girls? I need to get up. Girls?”
I was on my back, Momo on one side and Sonja on the other. My hands were between their legs, my arms were held in their embrace and between their tits, and their legs were wrapped around mine. My alarm was beeping but neither cat nor dog wanted to wake up. I tried pulling myself free, but they were holding onto me like their lives were depending on it, as if we were stuck out in a frozen wasteland and had to huddle together for warmth.
Their lips against my fingers, my first instinct was to try and fiddle with their pussies and force them awake. Without opening their eyes, the two girls started whimpering and humming in bliss, their faces turning red.
“Girls, come on, I need to get up.”
“Five more minutes,” Momo whined, starting to come to but wanting to stay asleep.
“It’s time for breakfast.”
Momo and Sonja bolted up with such speed that they almost bounced off the bed.
“Breakfast! Food! Food! Food! Food! Food! Food!”
“Master, Momo wants food!”
They then climbed off and ran into the kitchen, leaving me in the bed.
“Master! Come on and feed us!” they called from the kitchen.
Sometimes those two can be a pain in the ass.
I prepared breakfast for the girls and ate my own, getting myself ready to go off to work. I soon found myself at the front door, doing a mental check to make sure I had everything in order. Keys? Check. Wallet? Check. Phone? Check? Showered, shaved, and brushed teeth? Triple check. Food for the girls? Check. I looked over to them, sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Wait a sec, there was one thing I hadn’t yet gone over.
“Sonja, can you come over here for a second?”
Hearing her name, Sonja jumped off the couch and ran over. She reached me and crouched down with her tail wagging.
“Sonja, you how every time I come home, you start barking?”
“Of course! Because what if you’re not Master? What if you’re an intruder? I need to protect the house!”
“And I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, but you can’t do that anymore. You can’t make any noise, you can’t let anyone hear you or know that you’re here.”
Her tail stopped wagging. “But what if someone tries to break in?”
“That’s why I keep the doors and windows locked, so they can’t. And who would? The chance of someone choosing my house to break into is almost nonexistent. I mean, come on, why the hell would they pick this shack? This is one of the cheapest properties in the county, who could possibly think I have anything worth stealing?”
“What about your couch? Or your bed? Or your food?”
She’s a dog, of course she sees different values than I do.
“Trust me, no one is going to try to take that stuff. Listen, the only people who could possibly come by are the mailman or someone leaving Thai food fliers. No matter what happens, you aren’t to make any noise. I’ve already had this talk with Momo. If someone comes to the house, you go and hide in the bedroom and don’t make any noise.
So, what do you do if someone comes to the house?”
“Bark really loud to scare them off!”
I covered my face with my hand and sighed.
“No. You make no noise and hide in the bedroom. One more time, what do you do if someone comes to the house?”
“Tell them that this is Master’s home and that they need to get lost!”
Time for some tough love. I grabbed a newspaper from my coffee table, rolled it up, and smacked Sonja over the head. It didn’t actually hurt her, but she stared up at me in shock.
“You will do no such thing! You won’t make any noise and you won’t let anyone see you! Now answer me, what will you do if someone comes to the door?”
“Yell at them to go away!”
She winced as the rolled-up newspaper slapped the top of her head.
“I’m going to be late for work at this rate. Momo, I’ll leave this to you. Continue hitting her over the head until she gets it. If someone comes to the door, keep Sonja from making noise no matter what. Sonja, NO NOISE.”
I opened the door and stepped outside. As I walked to my car, I heard the whap of the newspaper. That pretty little idiot. Hopefully she’d figure it out before Momo would have to knock her out with a book.
“So, what did you want to talk to me about?”
I had just stepped into my boss’s office, trying to build up all the courage I had. I hoped to look nothing like the overweight balding man when I reached his age. I sat down on the other side of his desk and took a deep breath.
“I want a raise.”
“And I want to win the lottery. Which do you think is more likely to happen?”
“Let me rephrase: what do I need to do to get a raise?”
“Look, even if I wanted to give you a raise, there’s no room in the budget. For God’s sake, you’ve been here for three years. Do you really think you deserve a raise?”
“Come on, I work harder than anyone else here. Name one person who gets more done.”
“Like I said, there’s no room in the budget for anyone to get a raise. Where’s this coming from? Did you knock someone up?”
“Not exactly. Let’s just say that I have people to take care of and leave it at that.”
My boss leaned back in his chair. “Ok, I’ll tell you what. A regional manager position is opening up, meaning I may be able to move up the ladder. If I get the job, I’ll give you my office manager position. But I want you to show me that you deserve a promotion. The decision will be made in two weeks, so I suggest you work your ass off until then.”
I reached out to shake his hand. “Consider it done.”
It was another long day at the office, especially long actually. I had stayed late, doing everything I could possibly do to make myself busy. For these next two weeks, I had to go above and beyond as the model employee and show that I had what it took to run the office. I was completely exhausted and not looking forward to the coming days. I had even picked up some Thai food on the way home, not having any energy to cook.
But on the plus side, when I arrived home and slammed my car door shut, I didn’t hear any barking. Or whatever sound Sonja would now make. It seemed Momo had gotten through to her. I opened the door, seeing neither of them.
“I’m home!”
“MASTER!” Sonja bolted out of my bedroom and charged towards me. “MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER!MASTER!MASTER!MASTERMASTERMASTERMASTERMASTER!” She tackled me, nearly knocking me onto my ass, and held on tight, her tears soaking my shirt. “Master! You were gone so long! I didn’t think you would ever come back! It’s so late! Please don’t be away for so long ever again!”
“Aw, I’m sorry, Sonja. I had to stay late at the office. But where’s Momo?”
I looked to the doorway of my bedroom, seeing Momo, hiding with tears in her eyes. Like Sonja, she rushed over and embraced me, but instead of yammering her fears, she silently cried into my chest. I had two naked beauties, crying from their loneliness. I could do nothing but smile and hold them close.
“I’m sorry, girls. I’m so sorry. Don’t worry, I’ll always come home. I’d never leave you. Come on, let’s relax on the couch. I got us all dinner.”
They wouldn’t let go of me, so I had to walk the three of us over to the couch and sit us all down. We stayed there for a few minutes, the two of them with their faces buried in my chest as I held them in my arms. Is this how pets normally feel when we leave them alone for too long? Eventually, they calmed down and I was able to distribute the food. I didn’t know what they’d like, so I just ordered the most normal (and cheap) food I could, avoiding weird sauces and spices and focusing on meat and vegetables. Momo was downing shrimp like shots of tequila and Sonja was nibbling away at chicken on a stick.
“Now girls, for the next two weeks, I’m going to be coming home late. I’ll be working really hard at the office. But if my work pays off, I’ll be able to get something really good for us. So, I need the two of you to be patient, stay calm, and know that I’m coming back for you. Can you do that?”
“Yes,” said Sonja.
“Uh-huh,” said Momo.
“Good, now let’s finish eating and go for our walk.”
The next week was a nightmare, getting up extra early to be the first one at the office and staying late to be the last person to leave. I worked through lunch, took no breaks, and made sure that I accomplished every task that could be done. I tried to take more of an administrative role in the office, showing my boss that I could replace him as the manager. It takes more than work ethic to get a promotion; I had to show that I had the skills required for the job.
The girls hated my new schedule, waking them up earlier and not getting home until later. It was a long time to be away from them. When I did come home, I was exhausted, but still had to cook and take care of them. I also wasn’t getting laid. Momo realized she had made a mistake when having sex with me in front of Sonja. Now, instead of the moment being ruined, Momo was afraid of giving Sonja any ideas. And while I knew I was inevitably (and happily) going to end up balls-deep in Sonja, Momo was doing all in her power to prevent it, always getting between us and showing her possessive side.
But one thing that helped was that I bought us a bigger bed, king sized. The queen-sized bed I had before had been perfect for Momo and I, and had just enough room for Sonja when she was a dog, but then she transformed and we ended up packed like sardines on the mattress. Now with a new bed, we had enough room to stretch and move while we slept.
“The property offers three acres of wilderness with the closest neighbor being over a mile away,” said the real estate agent, speaking to me in front of the house.
I was out in the middle of the woods, facing a tiny cabin of 1000 square feet. It was just what I was looking for; deeply isolated with plenty of nature around, just what the girls needed, and the small size made it very affordable. If I got the office manager job, I would be able to afford a mortgage and buy it. But what was making me nervous was that no people had died in it, which to a normal guy would sound strange and horrific, but to me meant dollar signs.
“The cabin looks to be in great shape. Can you show me inside?”
“Of course,” the woman said.
She brought me up onto the front deck and unlocked the door, then led me inside. It took only a few seconds for me to look through it thanks to the size, and I’ll admit, I was impressed. The interior was in good condition, no watermarks or mold, and the kitchen didn’t look like it had been furnished with the defective discards from Ikea. The bathroom even had a tub, which would be great for sensual baths with the girls. The cabin had two floors, the first floor being a single room, a combined kitchen and living area with a tiny woodstove in the corner and a mudroom next to the door for coats and winter gear. There was a narrow flight of stairs against the side of the house going up to the one bedroom and bathroom, and a closet hidden underneath with a stacked washer and dryer and the water heater. The second floor, which would normally increase the cost, actually saved money by minimizing the horizontal space the house occupied. Outside, there was a propane tank and a shed for tools and firewood.
This place might sound a little small for three people, but we were all sleeping in the same bed and the girls didn’t take up much room, not to mention that all my possessions could be hauled with my car in one trip, minus the furniture, which would need a real moving truck. But probably one of the best perks was the distance from the office. It only added twenty minutes to my drive, a small sacrifice.
As long as the girls didn’t end up finding the Necronomicon, this place was perfect.
“This cabin looks brand new, what’s the story?”
“Well the man who built it was a real recluse, but he died in a car accident just after it was built, so with no next of kin, it fell to the bank.”
“Ok, so what’s the catch? Why is this place so affordable?”
The woman looked at me in confusion. A tiny cabin like this, would of course, have a low price tag, but considering I was only 26, she could understand why my sense of money wasn’t fully refined. But I knew there was something else.
“Well the isolation makes it rather undesirable, there’s nothing around and school buses don’t come out here. It also easily loses power in stormy weather.”
“I’ll just buy a generator. And I don’t need to worry about restaurants or schools.”
“So you’ll take it?”
“I’m waiting on a job opportunity and I’ll know in a week. If I get promoted, I’ll buy this place immediately.”
With a goal in my mind, the second week was easier to get through, and my boss certainly seemed happy. His chance for a promotion to the regional manager was almost guaranteed, and he had been giving me strong signals that I had proven myself capable to take over. That Friday, there was a farewell party at the office, and over cake, my boss thanked everyone for all their hard work and support, and named me his successor, which of course pissed off everyone older than me, which pretty much means everyone.
The following week, after making sure that everything was in order and my pay matched my expectations, I went to the bank and got a mortgage. Afterwards, I called the real estate agency and made a down payment on the cabin. Life was good.
“Where are we going? It’s too early for a walk,” said Momo, her nose pressed to the car window.
It was late in the morning on Saturday and I was driving with the girls. Momo was wearing a hoodie to cover her ears and Sonja had a knitted hat. I had expected them to complain about these clothes in the heat, but it seemed they were used to it from when they were furry animals. Plus, it helped that the two of them were wearing short shorts, showing off their smooth legs.
“It’s a surprise,” I said with a smile.
Momo turned to me with a look of horror. “Are you taking Momo to the vet? Momo doesn’t want a shot!”
“No, no, I’m not taking you to a vet. We’re going somewhere really great. Trust me.”
In the back seat, Sonja was happy and anxious, having missed being out in the sun and wondering where we were going. We drove for an hour, crossing to the other side of Augusta as we headed for the more rural areas. The long drive made the girls calm down, but as we reached the empty woods, they perked up, knowing that they would be let out of the car. Finally, we turned onto an unpaved driveway and drove up to the house.
I let the girls out of the car, the two of them as confused as could be.
“Master, where are we?” Sonja asked.
“We’re home.” From the way the girls looked at me, they might as well have had question marks hovering over their head. “I just bought this house. Tomorrow, we’re going to move all of our stuff and live out here, meaning that from now on, you girls can go in and out whenever you want, however you please.”
Ecstatic smiles crossed their pretty faces, the two of them happier than I had ever seen them.
“Really?!” Sonja squealed.
“Yep, these woods are yours to explore and play in, and there shouldn’t be anyone to bother you, so you can—”
I wasn’t able to finish the words, as with perfect synchronicity, they both pounced and knocked me to the ground.
I stood in my rental home, the interior completely barren of furniture and possessions. Out in front was a moving truck with a couple movers I had hired for help with big objects like the fridge and couch. Coughing out a black cloud, the truck started up and rolled out of my driveway. The truck was loaded and they were taking it to my new property. I told the movers I would follow them in a minute and to go without me.
With no one around, I went to my bedroom closet and opened the door. Hiding in the darkness were Momo and Sonja, wincing from the light but grateful for the rush of cool air into their stuffy coffin.
“Ok girls, let’s go.”
Dressed with their ears and tails hidden, I brought them outside and they climbed into the car. I took one last look at the rental home and then pulled out of the driveway. Hopefully, whatever weird phenomenon was at work here was due to the house. The girls seemed a little despondent to be leaving their home, but as we made the drive to our new house, their excitement levels perked up. Finally, they would be able to go outside freely again, now in a forest that offered safety and privacy. It was a cloudy day outside and unbearably humid, but hopefully it would rain in the evening and cool everything down. Once we reached the entrance to the long, unpaved driveway, I told the girls to go hide in the forest until the movers left, then drove up to the house to unload the truck.
It took just half an hour to unload everything and get the big pieces of furniture in place, such as the couch, bed, bureau, and assorted tables and chairs, as well as the fridge. All that was left was for me to decide where everything else went, but right now, all that I really wanted was a rest. I went up to the bedroom and threw myself down on the mattress, sweaty and exhausted. Not two minutes after I close my eyes do I hear someone come up the stairs.
I looked over to the door and saw Sonja, a big smile on her beautiful face.
“I love this house, Master! There is so much room outside! So much space to play in!”
I leaned my head back, my gaze returning to the ceiling. “I’m glad, that’s exactly why I got it. The house might be a little small, but it’s enough for the three of us.”
“I really want to play with Master.”
“Don’t worry, we will, I just want to relax for a bit.”
“But this is the only time Momo isn’t around. This is the only time I can play with Master.” A rush of blood went through me and I looked up at Sonja, who was now wagging her tail. Suddenly, all my fatigue seemed to vanish. “I want to play with Master the way Momo does. I want Master’s thing inside me.”
Such naughty words, but her smile was still so innocent.
“And I really want to play with you too. Take your clothes off and come over here, I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Sonja stripped down and pranced over to the bed. She sat next to me and I undressed, watching her eyes fall to my erection. Seeing the look on her face, I found myself wondering what she was feeling. Was she horny? Was she experiencing lust the way a normal human would? Or was this the same exact joy she would get by me taking her to the park? Either way, this was going to be a lot of fun for the both of us, and this time, I was ready to initiate everything.
“Do you want to touch it?”
Curious, Sonja reached out and began to caress it, having no idea what she was actually touching. The sensation of a new girl stroking my manhood sent shivers of euphoria through my body.
“Why does your thing get hard like that?”
“It happens when I’m excited, sort of like when your tail wags. I always get like this when I see you girls parade around without clothes. It’s because you’re so beautiful and sexy.”
“Master thinks I’m beautiful?” she asked happily. Of course “sexy” went over her head.
“Very, I’ve been wanting to play with you ever since you became like this.”
“Ok, so how do we play?”
“First things first.” I leaned forward and kissed her, just a small peck, followed by a longer union. When I leaned back, she appeared confused but not unsatisfied. “How was that?”
“That felt kind of good. I see you and Momo do it a lot.”
“It’s called a kiss. Come on, let’s do it some more.”
This time, she leaned in with me and we resumed our embrace. Her lips met mine, at first unmoving due to her inexperience, but soon becoming more active as she imitated me. Daring her to go farther, I sent my tongue into her mouth, and without hesitation, she countered. Kissing her was sweet, just like with Momo, almost sugary, with the slight hint of toothpaste from that morning. The longer we kissed, the more Sonja relaxed, with me soon able to push her onto her back.
Hovering over her, I reached down and cupped a warm breast. “You know what really excites me? These big beautiful tits of yours. I fell in love with them the moment I saw them.”
“Really? Why?”
“Men have been trying to figure that out since the dawn of time. Either way, they are very fun to play with.”
While I massaged one with my hand, I enjoyed the other with my tongue, first tracing it around her areolas, probing every little bump. Sonja’s breathing quickened from the intimate touch, and a soft whine even escaped her once my lips closed around her nipple. I sucked on it greedily while I pinched her other nipple with my hand. Her voice grew in volume the harder I worked, the soundtrack to weeks of tension finally being released. I played with her breasts for several minutes, thoroughly examining them with both mouth and hand, squeezing and manipulating the soft flesh the way I would a lump of clay. They were so incredible, like two giant stress relievers that I could play and fidget with for hours on end. But soon enough, I knew it was time to move on.
“Time for the next part. I need you to kneel on the floor.”
She eagerly did as I told her, getting down on her knees in front of me with her tail wagging behind her.
“Now, I want you to put my cock—that’s what you call it—in your mouth and suck on it.”
“Suck on it?”
“Pretend it’s covered in peanut butter and lick it off. But whatever you do, don’t let your teeth touch it. Just use your tongue and your cheeks.”
“Ok!” She leaned forward and started by first running her tongue up the shaft, nearly making me cum right then and there. “Yum! Master is salty!”
I suddenly had a flashback to my childhood dog, who loved to suck on dirty socks for the salty sweat.
“If you like salt, then keep licking, and something really salty will come out.”
Sonja resumed licking me, her tongue painting my manhood like a brush. It was actually a bit funny; she was licking me just like a dog would. If she were still an actual dog and I happened to be holding a popsicle in my lap, just the movements and tongue work would make it look almost exactly the same. Ok, bad thought, bad thought, retract. I pushed that imagery out of my head and told Sonja to try sucking on it now. Eager to play, she took it in her mouth, and then stopped moving, just continuing to let her tongue lather it. Some more words of advice got her to start bobbing her head and play with it more, using her cheeks and tongue to better stimulate it. I rolled my head back and groaned in bliss as I felt her massage my dick with her mouth, the watery warmth of her saliva and the softness of her tongue and cheeks. It was a truly heavenly experience. As she worked, I rubbed her ears the way I would with Momo, to sort of thank her for her efforts.
Soon enough, my eruption began to build. Before I could warn Sonja, a stream of semen sprayed from my cock and flooded her mouth. She fell back, coughing on my seed and as shocked as a puppy hit with a gust of air.
“Master, what is that?!” she asked, her dog instincts going into full fight-or-flight mode.
“It’s the salty stuff I told you about. Sorry I didn’t warn you.”
She rolled my cum around in her mouth, evidently having a hard time swallowing it but showing no signs as to disliking the taste. It was no surprise, considering that dogs will pretty much eat whatever you give them.
“So does that always happen?”
“Whenever you get me really excited, yeah.”
A big childish grin crossed her face and her tail started swatting the ground. “Again! Again!”
“Hold on, it doesn’t work like that. My guy needs some time to recharge. But come lie down on the bed and I’ll make you feel good.”
Once again, she climbed up onto the bed and I laid her out on her back before getting to my feet. Goddamn, she was so beautiful, so sexy, easily the most erotic body I had ever seen… minus the tail and ears. Aw, who am I kidding? The tail and ears just give a cuteness bonus! She looked at me with anticipation, possibly knowing what I was about to do, but unsure. I licked my lips and spread her legs, putting her pussy on display. Her excitement rose as she realized what was going to happen. She didn’t seem scared or nervous the way a normal virgin would be in this situation. If anything, she seemed anxious because she knew what she would experience would be completely overwhelming in its physical euphoria.
I lowered my head and took a moment to sample her aroma. Like me, there was the hint of sweat, but other than that, she was as clean and fresh as new bed sheets, with her sweet feminine scent driving me wild. I didn’t hesitate, I joined her lips with mine and started slurping up her pussy like I was carving away at a jawbreaker. Sonja’s moans of euphoria filled the cabin, just like when she and Momo had fingered each other in the shower. She didn’t know how to describe this feeling, it went beyond her ability to describe or define. I savored her flavor, the delicious womanly taste that made my blood boil. I’m not sure how other guys feel, but personally, I love going down on a girl as much as her going down on me.
“M-Master, s-something is hap-happening to me!”
“That’s called “cumming”, it’s what happened to me when I shot out all that white stuff. Just enjoy it.”
I increased my pleasure output, focusing my attention on her clit. That’s all it took to break her threshold. “Master, I’m cu-CUMMING—AROOOOOOOOOO!”
She then let loose a wolf-like howl, similar the feline “rowr” that Momo would release whenever she had an orgasm. There was an increase in her arousal, running from between her lips like condensation on glass. After licking up every drop of her lust, I sat up to let us both catch our breath.
“Master, that was incredible,” said Sonja, her face flushed.
“Yeah, I’ve been waiting to do that. Now, are you ready for the real playing? When I put my cock inside you?” She nodded. “Good. Now get up onto your hands and knees.”
A bit shaky from her orgasm, she rolled over and got on all fours, pointing her butt at me. My erection having returned to full power, I got behind her and got ready to deflower her. Of course I’m going to take her virginity in doggy-style, I would be crazy not to! Her tail got in the way a bit, but I was able to get into position.
“Ok Sonja, now the first time is going to hurt a bit, but after that, it’s smooth sailing. Do you want me to go slow and gentle, or should we just do it quick like ripping off a Band-Aid?”
“Quick,” she said, burying her face in the crook of her arm.
“Ok, take a deep breath.”
With my cock at her entrance point, I took my own advice and breathed deeply, then solidified my hands on her hips and thrust forward. I forced myself inside her in a single shove, deflowering her without anything to stop me. Sonja cried out and I stopped, letting her get accustomed to the sensation.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
“Master, it hurts!”
“Just relax and wait a second. It will feel better soon.”
I gave her some time to get used to my cock inside her and then pulled out, letting the blood from her hymen drip down onto the mattress. I waited another few moments and then forced myself inside her, making her yelp a second time. A few more thrusts and her voice began to change, the high-pitched cry turning into a deep moan, pain giving way to pleasure. Soon enough, I was able to start building a rhythm. With my hands on her hips, I was thrusting into her with growing speed and power, watching her perfect ass cheeks clap and ripple with every impact. Sonja raised herself up, moaning like an opera singer while her huge tits swung like chandeliers.
“Sonja, how does it feel?” I asked, trying to keep her tail out of my face.
“Master, it feels so good! Your cock feels so good inside me!”
I soon got up to my maximum speed, hammering her with everything I had. The whole house almost seemed to be rocking from the shifting of the bed as I slammed Sonja over and over again like a piston. The sound of her voice and flesh against flesh bounced off the walls.
So engrossed in physical pleasure, there was no way we could have known about Momo, standing in front of the house and looking at us through the bedroom window. There was no way we could have seen her tears or heard her footfalls as she turned around and ran.
Part 3:
“Momo! Momo!”
Sonja and I were wandering around the property, calling out her name. It was getting dark and she still hadn’t come, and every minute that passed was making me more worried. Had she gotten lost? Had she eaten something poisonous? Had she tripped and sprained her ankle? Had people found her and taken her?
“Master, over here!”
I followed Sonja’s voice to the front of the house, where she was crouched down, her noise to the ground.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Momo was here, I can smell her.” She then began to crawl, keeping her head down and moving along the driveway. “She went this way, towards the road.”
From where Momo had stood, I turned to the house and could see into the bedroom. She must have seen us and run off. Good thing Sonja was originally a dog; she may not have been a bloodhound, but her nose must be hundred times stronger than mine. “Can we follow her?”
“Yeah! Come on, Master!”
She started running towards the road with me chasing after her. I wanted to get into my car and follow Momo’s trail that way, but I knew Sonja wouldn’t be able to pick up the scent. We would have to go on foot. We reached the road and Sonja paused, moving from side to side with her nose low.
“That way!”
She pointed down the road and we both started running, hoping that we were moving faster than Momo was. Minutes passed, my low stamina soon taking effect. I wasn’t fat, but I spent all my time on either on the couch or in the office, and after moving all my stuff and having sex with Sonja, what little strength I had had been used up. Regardless, I pushed myself to keep up with Sonja, running ahead of me with her fluffy blonde tail bouncing. Every kilometer or so, Sonja would stop and smell the ground, making sure that we hadn’t skipped over any place where Momo might have turned and gone the woods. She was moving consistently alongside the road, but no matter how far we ran, it seemed like there was no change to it. The woods on either side stayed the same without any sign of the growing distance.
I was just glad that no cars passed by us. This area wasn’t between anything important and I was the only person for miles around. I had to hope that no one did come down this road before we started chasing Momo. Hopefully she was still wearing her clothes, and anyone driving by would be going too fast to see her tail. I just had to keep on hoping, but that hope was running out. The sun eventually set, but with the cloudy overhang, we lost the light before it even reached the horizon. Miles from home, the mosquitoes biting us, we were forced to the slow down. Even Sonja’s canine energy reserves and fit body couldn’t maintain such a pace. Soon enough, the last stroke came, a drop falling from the sky and landing on my nose. I looked up as the summer storm began, a slowly building deluge. On one hand, the rain was welcome, cooling us down and quenching our thirst, but on the other hand, it was a whole new problem.
Kneeling on the ground, Sonja turned to me with a worried expression. “I can’t follow Momo’s scent, the rain is washing it away. Master, what do we do?”
“We keep going. I don’t care if I have to follow this road until sunrise, I’m going to find Momo.”
Sonja looked at me and smiled. “Right!”
We continued moving, trying to return to our original pace. Summer storms in Maine are beautiful but fierce, with warm winds pushing everything over and thunderous downpours drowning the land with grape-sized raindrops. The gales made us struggle to keep our balance and so much rain hit our faces that it was like we were staring down the nozzle of a garden hose.
“Master, I think I see her!”
I looked ahead, past Sonja, and saw something dark on the side of the road. “Please let it be her.”
We rushed over, finding Momo sitting on the side of the road, hugging her knees to her chest, her hood pulled over her face. I crouched down and pulled back her hood. “Momo, what are you doing here?!”
She gave me one look and pulled her hood back over her head. “Go away!”
“Momo, do you have any idea how worried we were about you?”
“Why do you care?”
I paused, flabbergasted (yes, flabbergasted) that she really didn’t understand. “Because I love you, you furry little idiot.”
She looked up at me, her face wet, but with tears or rain, I couldn’t tell. “Master loves Sonja. Momo saw you two.”
“Yes, I love Sonja, but I love you just as much. How could I not love you? You’re like family to me.”
“But Master likes playing with Sonja more! Momo knows Master likes her big boobs!”
Goddammit, why must she make me laugh at such a tense moment?
“Ok, you’re right, she’s got a big pair of rockin’ tits, but yours are great as well. Momo, if I didn’t love you, would I really have come running all the way down here after you? Come home with me.”
“No! Master and Sonja can go without Momo! Momo will be fine!”
At that, tearful Sonja threw her arms around Momo and held her close. “But I looooooooooove Momo!” Held to Sonja’s chest, the look on Momo’s face was one of shock. “Don’t leave, Momo! I don’t want you to go!” Sonja wailed.
“See? Sonja loves you too, just like I do. All this time, you’ve thought of her as a rival or even just an annoyance, but she’s loved you from the day you two met.” I then wrapped my arms around them, sandwiching Momo between Sonja and I. “And I love you too. Momo, no matter where you go, you’ll never find anyone who loves you as much as we do. Weird as it may be, the three of us are family, and that tiny cabin is our home. Please, don’t leave us.”
Momo began to tremble, and over the pouring rain, I could hear her cry. We stayed there like that for several minutes, Sonja and I shielding Momo from the spray, letting her cry it all out. Finally, the rain began to lessen and so did Momo’s sniffles. She soon stopped and we all stood up, cold and wet, but happy. Exhausted from the long day, we began the trek back home, the girls on either side of me, my arms over their shoulders. It took over two hours to walk what we had run, the forest road so dark that we almost passed by the entrance to the driveway.
Stepping inside, we shed our soaked clothes, sighing in relief. Wordlessly, Momo and Sonja went to the kitchen, each grabbing a can of cat food and dog food respectively. Looking half dead with exhaustion, they opened the cans and ate the meaty mush inside with their fingers. I was certainly in the same boat, only having enough strength to pour myself a bowl of cereal. They finished eating before I did and went upstairs to brush their teeth and go to bed. I finished soon afterward and left my bowl in the kitchen sink. Heading upstairs, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, my red toothbrush next to a pink one smelling like mint and cat food and a yellow one smelling like mint and dog food.
More exhausted than I had been in a long time, I stepped into the bedroom, desperate to fall asleep, but stopped. In the center of the bed were Momo and Sonja, their naked bodies interlaced and their foreheads pressed together, sleeping soundly. It was such a sweet sight, I almost didn’t want to disturb them. But of course, I climbed into the bed and pushed them over so I too could get under the covers.
“Sonja, you left the door open again!”
It had been a quiet Sunday afternoon, when without warning, Sonja saw a squirrel outside and rocketed through the door to chase after it. Closing my laptop, I sighed and got up to find her. She was outside, jumping up and down next to a nearby tree and yelling at the squirrel.
“Who are you?! What are you doing at my house?!” Her tail then dropped. “Please come down! I want to run around and play!”
“Sonja, come over here and close this door!”
“But Master, there’s a squirrel! He looks tasty! I want to lick him!”
“Leave the squirrel alone! You left the door open! Now come over here and close it!” Sonja trotted over with a pout and closed the door. I patted her head, making her feel better. “Listen, I’m glad you can go out whenever you want, it’s why I bought this place. But you have to remember to close the door every time. When the door is left open, mosquitos can get in, and since you’re always naked, they’ll eat you alive. Not to mention that winter will be coming and we’ll need to keep the heat in. Got it?”
“Yes, Master.”
I wanted to believe her, I really did, but we had had this conversation almost six times already. Tomorrow, I was planning on going to the hardware store and seeing if they had any springs or mechanisms I could use to have the door shut automatically.
“Good, now do you want to come back inside or stay out here?”
“I’ll come in.”
I let her back in and we returned to the living room, where a movie was playing on the TV. Actually, it can’t really be called a living “room”, more like the living quadrant. We took our usual positions on the couch, me in the middle with the girls on either side. Momo had taken advantage of us leaving the couch and stretched out, showing her true cat nature. A few pats on the thigh got her to move and we sat down.
“Master,” asked Sonja, “since I couldn’t lick the squirrel, can I lick your cock instead?”
I couldn’t help but grin. “Of course, baby, anytime.”
I removed my manhood from its denim prison and stood it upright, letting Sonja crawl over and take it in her mouth. Her head started bobbing and I groaned in bliss. As she worked, I rubbed her ears to thank her. Beside us, Momo watched with slight interest, but not the jealousy she had before. In the weeks since I deflowered Sonja, the relationship between the three of us had greatly improved. Momo no longer tried to keep us apart and didn’t seem to mind sharing me. I had made it clear that I loved her just as much as I loved Sonja and that I would always keep her with me, and every day, I proved that. I always gave the two of them plenty of attention, letting the sexual barriers become more fluid. Sometimes she would still get jealous, though, especially when it came to “playing”. I would pull out of Sonja and Momo would demand I fuck her next. But on the plus side, her relationship with Sonja was definitely better. They started being affectionate with each other, Momo aloof but open and Sonja a limitless geyser of love. They were even starting to close the distance in the bedroom.
All in all, everything was going great. With this new place, I no longer had to worry about the girls being discovered. They finally had the freedom they wanted, often spending as much time outside as inside. I had fully settled into my manager position at work and was enjoying the big new paycheck, giving me enough money to take care of the girls and pay the mortgage.
Now my thoughts were starting to drift to the long term. How long could I keep this hidden? What would happen to them if I died? Without me to look after them, they could starve to death, or someone could snatch them up, either held in captivity by some pervert or spend the rest of their lives in a lab somewhere. Women typically outlived men, so I would need to figure out a way for them to be safe in their old age after I was gone. Maybe we could move to some remote village in a developing nation, where we would be worshipped as gods or something, somewhere that no one from the outside world would ever find them.
That also brought up the issue of their lifespans. Did they age like humans or animals? Sonja had experienced two winters before meeting me, making her almost three years old, but in dog years, that could put her in her late teens or early twenties, which certainly matched her appearance. Did that mean she would only live another ten more years? Was it the same for Momo?
Also complicating matters was the fact that they didn’t appear to experience menstrual cycles. When Momo first turned into a human, I’ll admit, the idea of her having a human period was definitely an unsavory thought, especially since she was always naked, but no such thing had happened so far, for either of them. I had looked up menstrual cycles for both cats and dogs, but Momo and Sonja never showed any symptoms, meaning that they likely weren’t ovulating. That was certainly a blessing for me, as pregnancy would open up a whole new can of worms. I had originally operated under the assumption that Momo was still spayed from when she was a regular cat, but I had doubts that the same was true for Sonja, considering the kind of home she came from. Perhaps her previous owners did it simply to avoid having more dogs. Hopefully, the two of them were sterile in their humanoid forms, sort of like how animal hybrids like mules and ligers can be born but they themselves can’t reproduce.
Maybe it was about time to try teaching them life skills so that they wouldn’t always have to rely on me. I had tried before, making Momo more humanlike, but it didn’t quite stick. Maybe if I taught them skills rather than rules, it would work this time.
“Master, can Momo have a turn?” the feline asked, sitting up and leaning over.
“Sonja?” I asked.
The blonde beauty sat up, wiping the saliva from her lips and grinning. “‘Kay!”
Momo then crouched down and began sucking me off, lapping up Sonja’s spit without any kind of hesitation. There’s just something wonderful about pulling your dick from one girl’s mouth and then sticking it in another. Like with Sonja, I rubbed Momo’s ears as she worked, making her purr and her tail curl. After a minute, she gave it up so that Sonja could have another turn. She started slurping on it with gusto, as if Momo’s saliva added an extra deliciousness to it. Again and again, they switched the job between them, the turns growing shorter and shorter, as well as the girls working harder and harder, even using their hands. They were really trying to coax an orgasm out of me, perhaps even trying to see who could get it first. My lap was becoming a wet and sloppy mess, but that is just proof of the heaven I had reached.
“Girls, I’m about to cum.”
Momo and Sonja closed in, pushing against each other to win their gooey prize. Pulled free from their mouths, my cock released a white geyser, splattering on their faces. With their salty dessert having missed their mouths, they simply sat up and licked it off each other’s faces. Considering their animal personalities, it was quite expected and innocent, but of course sexy as hell at the same time.
“Ok girls, when this movie is done, we’re going to try something new.”
They both looked at me with curious excitement.
“A new kind of playing?” Sonja asked with her tail wagging.
“No, I’m going to teach you both how to read and write. It will help you understand things and let me trust you with tasks.”
Momo’s ears dropped. “This isn’t going to be like eating with a fork, is it? Momo likes having her bowl on the floor.”
“No, no, it won’t be like that. Think of it as a good way to pass the time when I’m at work. It’s an important skill to have.”
Once the movie was done, I brought the girls into the kitchen and sat them down at the table. Gathering some pencils and paper, I started out by writing out the alphabet and showing it to them.
“See these? These are letters. When you put them in order, they form words and can be used to save messages and information.”
Momo made some small swipes at the paper, daring the letters to show this amazing ability I had mentioned. Sonja just smiled and wagged her tail, dumb as a rock.
“Each letter has a name, which helps tell you what it sounds like.” I put my finger on the paper and moved it down the line. “Their names are A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Say those with me.”
I read through the list again, saying each letter and having the girls repeat me before I moved onto the next. We did this almost a dozen times, making sure they had the names memorized. Then I started picking letters at random and having the girls give the names. It took a bit of time, but they soon figured them out.
“Ok, now, how about I show you how to spell your names? Momo, look at these letters and try to guess which ones are used. Sound it out.”
I slid the paper over to her and she squinted at the letters. “Hmm… oh… mmm… oh.” She looked through the list, trying to remember their names. “Is it… M-O-M-O?”
“That’s right! Very good!”
I wrote her name down at the bottom of the paper. She stared at it, her eyes full of wonder and her ears twitching. “Momo is Momo,” she whispered.
“Me next! Me next!” Sonja exclaimed.
“Your name is a bit harder and the letters sound different. Try and guess the first three letters, the “Son” part.”
I gave her the sheet and she looked through it. It took her a moment, I could see her mouthing her name over and over again. “S-O-N!”
“Very good, your full name is S-O-N-J-A.” I wrote her name down and she held up the paper proudly. “I’m Sonja!” she announced.
“That’s right. Now, I’m sorry to do this, but I have to complicate things further. I told you that each letter has a name that hints to its sound, but not all letters sound like their name. Some can even have two sounds.” You could almost see smoke coming out of their ears. It was impressive enough that they had gotten this far in one sitting. “Actually, how about we go for a quick walk, let you two air out?”
Sonja jumped up and rocketed outside, the idea of a walk making her drunk with happiness. Momo followed at her own pace, just glad to have a break. We set out into the woods, taking a path we had figured out since moving in. As usual, Momo and Sonja were naked, enjoying the summer air and sunlight. They didn’t even mind being barefoot, walking on sticks and leaves as if they were wearing hiking boots. Right now, they were happy, but soon they would be begging for the clothes they hated so much. A part of me eagerly awaited the satisfaction of seeing them have to suck it up and face the cold with pants and sweaters. Though I would certainly miss seeing those bouncy titties 24/7.
“So why does Momo need to read?” the feline asked, walking alongside me as Sonja orbited around us.
“Well, I’m sure you get bored waiting for me to come home. If I could get books for you, you could read them during the day. I could get you books about cats.”
Her ears twitched at the idea. “Hmmm, Momo isn’t sure. Momo is busy during the day.”
“Playing with yourself all day doesn’t count as being busy.” She looked at me as if I had just spoken in gibberish. “Besides, I’d like it if you and Sonja could start helping around at home. You know, I could leave you a list of things to do during the day. Maybe I could teach you two how to cook so you could make dinner.”
Momo groaned. “That sounds like a lot of work.”
“And that’s why I’m asking you for help, because I can’t do it all myself.” I wrapped my hand around hers and kissed her forehead. “We’re family after all.”
“Hmmm, it’s not fair when Master asks like that. Ok…”
“Good, then let’s head back. Sonja, ready to go?”
Sonja was down on all fours, trying to fit her head into a hollow space under a tree. “Just a second!”
As hilarious as it was to see her bare ass sticking out with her tail standing like a lightning rod, I had to pull her away to spare whatever poor creature she was bothering.
“Ok, so what are the letters of the alphabet?” I asked, having returned with the girls to the kitchen.
“A B C D E G I J K N M O P Q R S T U V Z!” they chanted.
“Close, but not quite right. Now, for the sounds of the letters.” I went back through the list, sounding out each letter and having them repeat it. We did this over and over again, drilling the alphabet into their skulls.
Afterwards, to give them another break, I simply had them point things out or pick words and I would spell them. I would put sentences together using the simplest words I could and have them read them out. They were certainly fast learners; I couldn’t remember how long it took me to learn to read when I was a kid but they had definitely swept past me. But once again, when it seemed like smoke was going to start pouring from their ears, I stopped.
“Ok, girls, now how would you like to help me prepare dinner? We’re having meatloaf tonight.”
Their tails stood on end and they jumped from their seats, wanting to do whatever they could to help hasten the arrival of dinner. After turning on the oven, I brought them over to the kitchen counter, where I had already set out the meat upon returning from hour walk. By now, it had hopefully warmed up.
“This time, the two of you will be making it, I’ll just give you instructions. First, take all the meat out of their packages and put them in a big metal bowl. You can find it in the cupboard above the fridge.”
Momo retrieved the bowl while Sonja tried to tear open the meat packages. Luckily the cat came over with the sense to use scissors. Ground beef, pork, and turkey were dumped into the bowl, the girls staring at them with their mouths watering.
“Oh, I almost forgot. The two of you need to wash your hands since you’re going to be touching the meat.”
They obeyed, ready to sell their souls if it meant getting close to all that raw meat. While they washed their hands, I got out some eggs and a small bowl.
“Now I’m going to show you how to crack open an egg. You take an egg, tap it against the edge of a bowl to create a line of cracks, and then you gingerly pull it open.” They had seen me use eggs plenty of time before, but this time they got in close and paid attention. They tensed as the eggshell fractured, as if they were watching a horror movie, and then gasped when the gooey insides poured out into the bowl. They were so amazed by something so simple, it made them look even more adorable than usual. I poured my egg in with the meat and gave the girls their turn.
Given her egg, Momo brought her face as close to the small bowl as possible and began making small taps on the shell, as if trying to speak in Morse code. Wanting to get this done before dying of old age, I clutched her hand in mine and helped her break it open. I then gave the bowl and an egg to Sonja, hoping that she would do a little better. Squealing in joy, she crammed the egg in her mouth and began chewing on it with goop running down her chin. Honestly, I had been expecting her to just smash the egg into the bowl and make a mess.
I pushed her over to the sink. “No! No! You spit it out! I’m not paying for any Salmonella treatments!”
Sonja pouted and gave in, regurgitating a slimy, fragmented mess into the drain. We would have to try this again some other time, maybe for scrambled eggs.
“At least now we can get to the main part. You’ve put all the meat together and added an egg. Now you have to mix it up with your hands. Both of you reach in there and start mashing it up with your fingers. I think it’s something you might enjoy. But don’t eat any of it!”
Sonja and Momo started mixing the meat together like toddlers with Play-Dough. I could see their mouths watering as they worked, their predatory instincts telling them to dig in. Anytime they tried to eat some of the meat, I would tap them on the head with a wooden spoon. Maybe this was a little cruel, but learning to do these things was for their own good. I added some ground garlic to the mix and then had them shape it into a loaf. After dropping it onto a glass pan, I pushed in some lumps of mozzarella and then put it in the oven.
“Good work, girls! I’m very proud of you! You’ve just made your first meatloaf. Before long, you’ll be able to do it without me here.”
My praise made Sonja wag their tail and Momo purr, though that might have been the smell of the meatloaf cooking.
I’ll never get tired of it, never get tired of watching them eat. Crouched down on all fours, completely naked, their faces buried in their food bowls, their heads bobbing while they chewed… it’s just such a strange and entertaining sight. Momo no longer kept her distance from Sonja, now letting her canine counterpart eat right next to her. Every few mouthfuls, one of them would move to the water bowl between them and take a drink. I was sitting at the table, eating my own dinner and watching them. It was mesmerizing.
That next morning, as I was making breakfast for the girls, an idea came to me. While they were eating, I brought my laptop into the kitchen and set it on the table with the charger hooked up, as well as gathering the pencils and paper from yesterday. Going to YouTube, I looked up ‘learning to read and write’ and found a channel with a full playlist of lessons. I set the playlist to autoplay and repeat and started the first lesson, pausing it at the beginning. Once the girls had eaten and I had gone through my morning routine, I showed them the computer.
“Girls, pay attention, because I have a task for you. While I’m at work, I want you to watch these lessons and do whatever they tell you to do. This will be your homework.” I had never let them use my computer before, so they looked at it with unease and confusion. I had already disabled the sleep function, so it would stay on this page all day. “You can pause it and start it anytime you want, so feel free to take breaks, but I want you to get as much of it done as possible. See? Just do this.” I pressed the space bar, showing them how to start and stop the video. “And if you do this for me, I promise you a big reward.”
They both perked up at the sound of a reward, standing on their toes with their ears and tails erect. “A big reward!” they squealed.
“That’s right. Now, I’m off to work.”
On cue, they each stepped forward and gave me a long kiss, full of love. Love and tongue.
After going back to bed and napping for a while, Momo and Sonja took their seats in the kitchen, the computer in front of them. It took Momo a second to remember which key I had pressed, but she got the first lesson going. It was a woman in a classroom with a whiteboard behind her. She gave an introduction, an overview of what she would be teaching, and then began the basics. Thanks to my lessons, the first video was little more than a recap.
The girls did I as I told them, following the instructions of the video and writing everything down. Their penmanship couldn’t really be called that, as they held their pencils in their fists like children, leaving their letters scrawled. After the first half hour, Momo set her head down on the table.
“Momo’s tired,” she grumbled.
“Come on! Master will give us a big reward if we do this!” said Sonja, trying to get her back up.
“Master also said we could take breaks. Let’s take a break.”
Sonja wanted to argue, but she did want to go outside.
“Ok, we’ll rest for a while.”
Sonja paused the video and then zoomed outside to frolic in the woods. Momo was nearly knocked out of her chair by the blonde beauty rocketing past her. After, of course, closing the door behind Sonja, Momo went upstairs for a catnap. She entered the bedroom and wormed her way under the blankets, purring as she relished being enveloped in her master’s scent.
An hour passed, Sonja eventually returning inside. Already knowing where Momo was, she went upstairs and found the feline tossing and turning in bed, her hand between her legs and her face flushed. Sonja was used to seeing Momo do this, it was how she spent much of her day, but the longer she watched, the more curious she became.
“Is it really that fun?” she asked.
“Uh-huh,” Momo replied, rolling over onto her knees, ass in the air and face in the pillow, fingering herself like she was digging for the last tic-tac in the pack.
“Can I try?”
Momo didn’t reply, too engrossed in her own pleasure.
Taking that as a yes, Sonja jumped onto the bed, nearly bouncing Momo off and onto the floor. The cat scowled at her in annoyance. “Just use your fingers to tickle yourself and imagine it’s Master.”
Sonja watched Momo pleasure herself, studying the movement of her fingers. Deciding to just wing it, she tried it on her own, running her fingers across her lips. She shivered from the sensation, her mind flashing back to the last time “playtime”. She thought back to what it felt like to have body stimulated, played with, the intimate touching and caressing. She began to pant, her fingers becoming more ordered in their movements, especially once she found her clitoris. Lying side by side, Momo on the right and Sonja on their left. The two girls moved like mirror images, their hands vibrating between their legs while their breasts jiggled from every movement of their bodies. Their voices reached the same pitch while the same redness in Momo’s face spread to Sonja.
As she writhed and twisted, a thought popped into Sonja’s head. She had felt this exact kind of simulation before, back when she and Momo had first showered together. Maybe they could do it again. She reached out and jammed her right hand under Momo’s, playing with her slit the way she had her own.
“What are you doing?!” Momo hissed, feeling Sonja’s fingers penetrate her.
“It’s just like the shower! I’ll do you and you do me!”
Momo growled but gave in, resting her left hand between Sonja’s legs and stirring her sleeve with her fingers. A new level of intensity had been reached, the girls moaning louder than before as they played with each other. Having someone else touch them in this way magnified the sensations, so much so that they were bucking their hips and stretching. They rubbed each other’s clits like it was a race to induce an orgasm.
“Ah! I’m cumming! AROOOOOOOOOOO” Sonja howled.
She spread her legs wide, screaming in bliss as she came again and again, soaking Momo’s hand. It took several seconds for her to settle, at which point she rolled onto her side, snuggling up against Momo, her right breast pressed to Momo’s left. She changed hands, now rubbing Momo’s clit with her left, able to get much more control and elbowroom. Momo moaned and cried, overwhelmed with the strength of Sonja’s rubbing and the sensation of their nipples kissing.
“ROOOOOOOOWR!” she hollered, experiencing her own orgasm and drenching Sonja’s fingers.
After a couple minutes to catch their breath, they got up and returned downstairs to continue their lessons.
“Girls! I’m home!”
“MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER! MASTER!” Sonja hollered, rushing over to me and wrapping her arms around me. Momo came a few moments later, much calmer than Sonja but showing just as much affection. There’s nothing like two beautiful naked women welcoming you home after a long day at work. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hug them back because I was carrying two big plastic bags.
“Yes, yes, I missed you too. Now, have you girls been good today? Did you get a lot done?”
“Yes, we did! We did a ton!” said Sonja.
From the table, she grabbed several sheets of writing exercises, showing that the girls had been busy. Their penmanship was still sloppy and childish, but in a cute way.
“Good girls! I’m very proud of you!”
I checked on my laptop, seeing how far they had gotten in the playlist. They hadn’t done as much as I had hoped, but considering their intelligence and that I wasn’t here, they had made realistic progress. I set the bags down on the table and the girls stared in interest, remembering that I had promised them a reward. I poured out the bags, sending out packs of crayons, markers, colored pencils, and a few other arts and crafts materials. I didn’t get paints or glue, simply because I couldn’t yet trust them not to make a mess.
“Master, what are these?” Momo asked, picking up a carton of colored modeling clays.
“These are for you. I actually should have gotten these a while ago. I bet you girls are probably bored out of your minds while I’m at work. Well, now you can make pictures, you can draw statues and figurines, and I’ll get you more stuff later so that you can make whatever you want.” The girls didn’t quite understand. “Here, let me show you.” I grabbed a piece of paper and a few markers. It was just a quick doodle and more cartoonish than I would have liked, but I drew a picture of Momo and Sonja. “See?”
They stared at it like it was the Holy Grail.
“Master, that’s so good! How did you do that?!” Sonja exclaimed.
“I’ll show you in a bit. For now, I just want to relax on the couch with my girls.”
We retreated to the living room where I took my place in the middle of the couch, snuggled up between two naked babes. We watched the evening news, me on my laptop, the Momo and Sonja butting their heads against me so that I would pet them, the three of us just enjoying the serenity. I soon had to give up on using my computer and simply gave the girls what they wanted, but in the way I wanted. I was working my fingers between Momo’s legs, making her purr, and massaging Sonja’s melon-like breasts, making her whimper. As usual, I got hard pretty quickly and they immediately noticed, fighting over who would get to suck me off first.
Sonja won the argument and sprung my rod free, only to immediately imprison it in the soft confines of her mouth. After a few minutes, Momo took over and managed to get the drop on Sonja. Instead of blowing me, she swung her leg over my lap and settled on it, using Sonja’s saliva as lubricant to slide me into her. Momo started to bounce on my lap, moaning as I kissed her breasts. Every day spent in my office was a day spent waiting to come home to play with my girls. Every few minutes while sitting at my desk, my mind would drift back to the wonderful sensation of penetrating them, of stirring myself in their wet cunts, of making them moan and cry out. Now, I was where I belonged. Life was good.
After the news, I brought the girls back into the kitchen and showed them how to use everything I had gotten them. I showed them how to properly hold pencils and markers and drilled into their minds that the caps always had to be put on when not in use. As I prepared dinner, Sonja and Momo were seated at the dinner table, doodling with big grins on their faces and markers flying.
“Master! Master! Look what Momo drew!”
She rushed over to me, holding up a crudely drawn picture of the three of us on the couch. Funny thing though, she drew her and Sonja as a dog and a cat. It looked like it had been made by a first-grader, but I still loved it.
“Very good, very good! It’s beautiful! I’m hanging it right up on the fridge!”
I rubbed her head to congratulate her, relishing the sound of her purring.
After having dinner, the girls watched as I reached into one of the bags of art supplies and pulled out a label maker.
“What’s that?” asked Sonja.
“This is to help you learn to read,” I said as I cut away the plastic packaging.
After failing to get it working and having the swallow my pride and read the directions, I started printing off labels for everything in the kitchen. They soon started following me around the room, reading off things as soon as I tagged them.
“Cab-i-nets…” said Momo, opening and closing the overhead door over and over.
“Close, it’s ‘cabinets’.”
“Refri-ger-a-tor…” said Sonja, wagging her tail in front of the stainless-steel box.
“Refrigerator,” I said.
“K-nife,” Momo mumbled, examining the cutlery.
“Nope, just knife. The k is silent.”
“Ap-plee,” said Sonja, a piece of fruit in her hands.
“Nope, it’s pronounced app-el, just like table.”
“Lig-ht…” Momo said, squinting at the light switch.
“Light,” I replied.
“Why are these words so weird?”
“Oh honey, it’s because English is stupid. It’s a horribly conceived language that mooches off of other languages for bits of spelling and grammar.”
Then with a smile on my face, I printed off a small label and stuck it to Sonja’s forehead. As expected, she frantically started spinning around, her eyes rolling all the way back as she tried to read what it said.
“What’s it say?! What’s it say?!”
Momo came by and read it. “Dog.”
“That’s correct,” I said. I then put a label on her own forehead.
“Sat,” said Sonja.
“No, she’s a cat. In this case, c sounds like k.” Then, on a roll, I printed off more and more labels and stuck them on their bodies, naming all of their parts for them. “And now, onwards through the rest of the house.”
After taking showers to wash off the sweat of the day (and those labels), the three of us made our way to the bedroom.
Momo was laid out on the bed, stunningly beautiful. She blushed as I held myself over her, blowing on her bare skin to tease her. Between breaths, I would lean down and kiss her body, dotting her naked form at random points. Climbing up onto the bed, I let my lips join hers. She spread her legs, inviting me, and I answered by plunging into her. She moaned as I explored her deepest recesses, often breaking our kiss to let her voice echo through the house. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her tail twisting like a corkscrew. The strength and speed of my movements grew with the passing time, the whole bed soon rocking back and forth as I thrust into her. Her breasts jiggled with each impact, her nipples skating across my chest.
Beside us lay Sonja, playing with herself as she watched us, desperate for her turn. What could it be called, the anticipation she was experiencing? She did not understand sex the way normal humans did, did not have a lifetime of experience in the modern age to define it in cultural terms and her apply her own moral values. To anyone watching this, her behavior could be considered naughty, to say the least, depraved, but in truth, it was purely innocent. In many ways, lust was almost animalistic, the desire to mate being so basic and overwhelming that it directly opposed human logic and reason, but it was still so different for Sonja, who pretty much was an animal. To her, it was innocent enjoyment and excitement, the movements of her fingers in her slit about as naughty as the tossing and turning of a sleepless child on Christmas Eve. To her, it really was simple playing.
Leaving Momo thoroughly satisfied, I moved over to Sonja. She too received me on her back as I slid into her, still slick from Momo. Now it was Momo’s turn to watch us, her fingers tentatively probing her flower as Sonja and I sucked on each other’s tongues. I ended our kiss as my speed increased, instead deciding to play dirty. I lowered my head to her side and started nibbling on her right ear. It was much easier to do with Sonja than Momo, since her canine ears hung down rather than stood.
“Oh Master!” Sonja cried out, the added stimulation driving her over the edge. Whether cat or dog, nibbling the ear was always a winning move. For some reason, their ears just became a hundred times more sensitive during sex.
After a couple minutes, I pulled out of her, sitting up to catch my breath. Loudly purring, Momo crawled over and sniffed my manhood. I’m sure I could probably make a cat and fish smell joke, but that would be in bad taste. Showing none of the hesitation or concern that a normal girl might feel in this situation, she opened her mouth and began blowing me, cleaning me of Sonja’s essence.
“Good girl,” I hummed, rubbing her ears.
She looked up and purred, then turned around and pointed her ass at me, something that would have greatly annoyed me if she were still a normal cat, and while Sonja won in the breast department, Momo certainly had the cutest ass you had ever seen, heart-shaped and luscious. I leaned over and kissed her cheeks, something that confused her but still made her feel good.
Then, I got up behind her and mounted her like an animal, making her moan in happiness. Gripping her by the hips, I began rocking back and forth, thrusting into her as hard and fast as I could. Momo’s voice became a continuous feline whine, a sound that I had long-since learned was a sign that I was on the right track. With ripples moving through her ass from each thrust, her tail seemed to curl and scrunch up, while her beautiful face made an expression almost similar to crying, but was really a reaction of sexual bliss. As I slammed into her again and again, Sonja came up from behind me. She was on her knees like I was, wagging her tail to try and get my attention. I once again started kissing her, freeing up one hand from Momo’s hips to squeeze her breasts.
“Master! Momo is cumming! Momo is… ROWR!”
Momo released her signature cry, signaling that she had just climaxed. I fell back, exhausted but still erect. Seeing an opportunity, Sonja got in between Momo and I and took her turn to suck me off, slurping up the taste of Momo. I closed my eyes and relished the sensation, letting Sonja work hard to satisfy me while I regained my strength. After a couple minutes, she sat up and moved onto my lap, letting me spear her through. She gasped as I penetrated her and then started to rock back and forth, using me to stir her up like a whisk.
While Sonja bounced on my lap, Momo crawled over and kissed me. After licking each corner of my mouth, she hefted her breasts in my face, telling me where she wanted attention. I smiled and let her smother me, sucking on her nipples while she purred above me. I moved back and forth between her breasts, pulling on her areolas with my lips and running my tongue across her skin to sample her body’s flavor. Her purring increased in volume the longer and harder I played with her, soon prompting her to hold herself up with only one arm so that she could use her free hand to play with herself.
Seeking greater stimulation, she swung her leg over my head and lowered herself onto my face, straddling me with her back to Sonja. She grinded her lips against me, moaning as I licked her honeypot. Behind her, Sonja was bouncing on my cock like my lap was a trampoline, her giant tits heaving and her facing blushing as she cried out in bliss. I was in absolute nirvana, having one beautiful girl sitting on my face and letting me gorge myself on her sweet nectar, and another riding my manhood like it was rodeo bull.
“Girls, I’m going to finish. Move off me.”
They did as I told them and I instructed Sonja to lie down on her back. Expecting me to again fuck her in the missionary position, she was surprised when I got on my knees over her, my cock between her breasts. She blushed as I squished them against my manhood and began to thrust, sliding between them with the liquid from her pussy acting as lubricant. I’ll be honest, it was almost better than regular sex. It was a different kind of softness, the resilient bounciness of her tits drawing out a kind of instinct in me, almost sadistic, where I wanted to slap them around with my dick. It was sort of like holding a balloon and having that evil desire to pop it.
Sonja didn’t understand what I was doing, but it felt great, the stimulation of her breasts and the sensation of my dick charging between them like a battering ram. It excited her in a way she didn’t quite understand, a perplexing desire that sent shivers of bliss up her spine, even more refined than when we had been playing normally just seconds ago. She had her eyes on the head, shooting from her cleavage to touch her chin and then receding, and was using her hands to help hold her breasts together so that my member was completely enveloped.
Momo watched us with wide eyes, wondering if her assets were large enough to do that kind of thing. She wanted to play like that too, this new kind of playing that felt… almost naughty.
A grunt from me told Sonja to open her mouth, letting her catch a stream of semen on her tongue. I moved off her, shooting out more white ropes onto her chest. With me out of the way, Momo crawled over and lowered her head. She licked my cum off of Sonja’s tits, easily one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. I couldn’t help but laugh, drawing the girls’ attention.
“I swear I’ll never get used to this.”
“Master! Master! Look at what I made!” said Sonja, greeting me at the door as I returned home the next day. In her hand was a small tree, made of green and brown clay from the packs I had bought.
“Oh, very nice. We can put it in the oven so it will harden.” My praise and a pat on the head made her giggle and wag her tail. I looked at the kitchen table and saw many more clay figures, shaped into trees, people, animals, and houses. All of the clay had been used up, giving her a tiny village. “My, you’ve been busy today. Where’s Momo?”
Sonja led me into the living room, where Momo was lying on her stomach on the floor, crayons and pictures scattered around her, her tail bobbing as she drew on a piece of paper. Seeing me, she got up and scurried over, holding out her newest creation. “Momo drew Master!”
I took the drawing and gazed at it like a proud parent. Little by little, her skills were improving.
I pulled her in and kissed her cheek. “Good girl, very nice work.” In reply, she buried her face in my neck and purred.
As we did every day, we plopped down onto the couch, me breathing deeply in the bliss that work was over and I could relax. “So, girls, how did your lessons go today?”
Momo twisted around onto her back, her head in my lap. “Good, we did the work that the lady told us to.”
“And are you getting it?”
“Good, then soon I can start getting you books. I already need to get you more clay.”
Unable to resist, I tickled her belly, and her hands clamped around my arm like a bear trap. Once a cat, always a cat. I looked out the window into the woods. It was now September, and while the leaves were still green, that wouldn’t last much longer.
“Now that I think about it, I need to get you two a lot more stuff. You’re going to need clothes for when it gets cold. We’re going to need to get wood for fires. This will be our first winter together like this. I should also probably get you two some toys.”
At that, Sonja slammed herself against me. “TOOOOOYS!” she cheered.
The weekend came, and I decided it was time for us to get some work done and prepare for winter. I had already ordered the girls more clothes and some shoes online, and they stood before me on a warm Saturday morning, dressed and… willing. Sonja was eager to do whatever I told her, but Momo was slouched over and had her eyes closed as if I had pulled her out of bed just moments ago.
“Masteeeeeeer! It’s too early! Momo wants to go back to beeeeeed!”
“I know it is, but better we do it now than in the afternoon when it’s too hot. I’m not asking you for much. We’ll do what we can for now and then relax. Now, I want the two of you to search the forest for dry sticks and tree branches. I don’t want to spend even a penny on heating oil if I don’t have to. Look for stuff that is dry and not rotten, namely stuff that isn’t on the ground. I also want you to collect birch bark, that peeling stuff on the white trees, like paper. We’ll use all that for kindling. Get as much as you can and stack it in the tool shed.
Also, keep your eyes peeled for any dead trees, hopefully not too rotten. I’m going down to the hardware store to get some tools. Luckily, the guys who built this place left a few things in the shed, but not enough. When I come back, I’ll start cutting down the dead trees. We’ll stop at lunch. Ok, let’s get to work.”
“Yay!” Sonja hollered, running off into the woods to complete her task, her fluffy tail poking out through the hole in her shorts and wagging as she moved. Momo grumbled and trudged after her.
Watching them, I couldn’t help but feel glad that I had grown up in a rural area. I wasn’t a survivalist or farmer or any stuff like that, but I at least knew how to split wood and maintain a house.
Sonja rushed through the woods, eyes swerving and nose twitching as she searched for firewood. Behind her was Momo, carrying most of what was found like a pack mule. For once, she was glad to be wearing a shirt. All of these dry branches and sticks were rough on her skin.
“This is perfect!” Sonja hollered, picking up a stick that looked no different from any of the others she had found. She gave it to Momo and grabbed another stick ten feet away, exactly the same. “This one is even better!”
Every time they filled up their arms with wood, they would carry it back to the house and load it into the tool shed. Momo at least had the sense to try and stack it properly to minimize the space used. In an old trash bin left by the builders, they stashed all the birch bark they could find.
I returned an hour later, bringing with me several new tools from the hardware store in the nearby town. Among them were a log-splitting axe and the cheapest chainsaw I could find. Both girls were dirty, Sonja as happy as could be and Momo still grumpy.
“How have you girls been?” I asked.
“Good! We got lots of sticks!”
“Thank you, that’ll help keep us warm this winter. Now, can you girls show me to any dead trees? Momo, you can go inside if you want.” Now both girls were smiling.
I fueled up the chainsaw and followed Sonja into the woods. She pranced around me, overjoyed for the two of us to be together on such a beautiful day. Many of trees she showed me were pretty punky but would still burn ok, just not quite as hot. Most of them were in pretty good shape, still hard and dried out from the summer sun.
We arrived at the first tree and I gave Sonja a pair of safety goggles and told her to stand back while I put on my own. This wasn’t my first time using a chainsaw, but it always made it nervous.
“Ok, this is going to be really loud. Just keep your distance, and whatever you do, don’t stand under the tree once it begins to fall.”
I started up the chainsaw, making Sonja wince and cover her floppy dog ears. The motor roared and whined as the chain met the side of the tree, sending up clouds of sawdust and wood chips. Two slow cuts sent the tree falling, busting through the canopy of its healthy brethren and shaking the woods upon its landing. I then went down the line, cutting it up into sections to be split. Our house had a woodstove in the living room, but it was pretty small, fitting for our little cabin. It may be possible to simply heat the house with only the sticks the girls had found, but I wanted something with a little more girth. I just had to make sure they could fit.
With the tree diced up, I began chopping up the sections with the axe, first setting them onto the stump and then making a few heavy swings. Damn it, I had forgotten how much I hated splitting wood. It always takes ten times more energy than you think, a lot of which is wasted on bad swings. But I had Sonja with me, watching in awe as I worked. Who knows? Maybe I was even turning her on.
By the time I had finished chopping the wood, the afternoon had already started and the September heat was sapping my strength and leaving me drenched in sweat. I had hoped to get a few more trees done, but there was always tomorrow. Compared to the girls, I had gotten barely anything done. Oh well, once we reached fall, I would be much more productive.
“All right, we’ll haul this wood back to the shed some other time. Let’s head back and relax.”
Sonja pranced through the woods with me behind her, still trying to figure out if we would have enough wood for the winter. Winters in Maine were rough, and I only wanted to use gas heating to keep the pipes from freezing. We would have to keep the stove going almost nonstop. But once we got back home, I put those thoughts away with my tools and followed Sonja inside. The first thing we did was drink like racehorses. I should probably get some water bottles.
I looked into the living room and saw Momo sound asleep on the couch. Since coming in, she had stripped down and taken a shower, but her hair was almost dry from the heat.
“Come on,” I said to Sonja, “let’s get cleaned up.”
I settled into the tub, sighing in relief. The bathwater was just over lukewarm, cool enough to not add on to the summer heat, but hot enough to still feel amazing. On my left side, the shower wall was a large window letting in the natural light, but was made of blurred glass so on the off chance someone was outside, they couldn’t see anyone who might be in the bathroom. On my right was Sonja, eager for her chance in the water.
“Come on in, the water feels great.”
“I don’t know if there is enough room for me,” she said, moving her gaze from one end of the tub to the other.
“Sure there is, just pretend I’m a couch.”
Getting the idea, she smiled and stripped down. Regardless of all the collected hours I had watched her walk around naked, the release of her breasts still made me rock hard in an instant. She turned around and backed herself into the tub, lowering herself on top of me. Her tail batted my face a couple times, but she managed to get it out of the way and settled herself into the water. She hummed in bliss as her body was submerged and fell back against me, my manhood nestled in her butt. It was an amazing feeling, our naked bodies pressed together but not in the way as if we were having sex. Her skin was smooth, and her body was so soft yet so toned. It would have been perfect if not for her tail pressed against my inner thigh.
“This feels really good!”
“It really does. I’ve always wanted to take a bath with a girl like this.”
“Has Master been with other girls besides me and Momo?”
“Yeah, a few, but they were all normal humans.”
“Did you play with them?”
I laughed. “Yeah, we played.”
“Well why aren’t they here now?”
“Things didn’t work out. It happens with people. We would get along for a while but eventually get sick of each other.”
“Is Master gonna get sick of me?”
I wrapped my arms around her. “Of course not. I could never get sick of you. But you really need to learn to close the goddamn door when you go outside.”
She giggled. “Ok, Master!”
“Now that I have you here in this tub, it’s impossible for me not to play around with these…” My hands cupped her breasts, making her ears perk.
“It feels really good when you rub them!”
“I’m glad. They’re so big and soft, I can’t resist squeezing them like this.”
I began playing around with them the way I usually would, now using the bathwater as a lubricant to let my hands slide across them. The longer I groped her, the more excited she became, an aroused pant passing her tongue as she licked her lips.
“And I know it feels even better when I touch you here.”
I moved one hand down, sliding my fingers between her legs. She automatically spread them, inviting me in. My fingers slipped into her pussy effortlessly, the plump lips softer than latex. She began to whimper and her cheeks turned red as I played with her, her body soon writhing in bliss. In a strange way, it was almost better than regular sex, not physically of course, but the sense of smug satisfaction that came from knowing I could drive her wild with such simple touching. Then, to push it even further, I started nibbling on her ears, making her climax almost immediately and sending her canine howl through the house.
As soon as her body settled, Sonja turned around and straddled my lap, letting my cock drive up into her. She started gyrating her hips, while behind her, her wagging tail splashed water everywhere. While my cock stirred her pussy, I leaned forward and kissed her breasts, putting extra attention into her pointing nipples. Just pulling on them with my lips was enough to make her gasp. I looked up at her and our lips met, as well as our tongues. We licked the insides of each other’s mouths, all while I had my hands on her ass, shifting her around like a joystick while I whisked her cunt like pancake batter.
My “patience” was already diminished from the time spent simply lying with her in the tub and fingering her, and I came sooner than I would have liked, flooding her with my seed. Sonja dismounted me and I moved out of the water, sitting up on the edge of the tub. As if excited by the flaccidity, Sonja buried her head in my lap with my limp noodle rolling around in her soft mouth. I groaned as I felt her lick up the semen, as well as suck out any rounds that had not been fired. As always, I rubbed her head as she blew me and watched her wagging tail.
“Master!” I looked over at the door, seeing Momo, clutching her stomach. “Momo’s hungry!” she whined.
Sonja leaned back with a thread of saliva bridged between my cock and her lower lip. “Master, I want food too!” she whined. She had been in full sex mode just seconds ago and had now returned to being an animal. Oh well, I wasn’t one to judge, especially with how my stomach was growling.
“Ok girls, let’s go have lunch.”
We started earlier the next day, wanting to beat the heat as much as we could. I set out with my axe and chainsaw, feeling very rugged and manly, with the girls leading me to dead trees. I’d cut them down and chop them up, all while the girls continued searching for dry sticks. We were filthy with sweat and dirt by the time morning turned to noon, with piles of wood scattered through the forest. We stopped for the day and returned home.
“Ok, girls,” I said, standing in the kitchen and making them sandwiches, “this week, I want you to go back and collect the wood I just cut up. Stack it up in the shed, but leave enough room for tools. Any extra wood we have can be stacked up on the porch.”
Momo, of course, whined at the prospect of more work, but Sonja was as happy as could be.
September turned to October, and my home became an island in a sea of autumn leaves. It was beautiful beyond words, being able to wake up and come home while gazing upon waves of yellow, orange, and red. With the start of fall, the weather started getting colder, though just at night. The girls insisted on remaining naked, simply waiting for the late morning before finally rising out of bed and going outside. I started testing out the woodstove, making fires in the morning and evening to keep away the chill. It took only a few pieces to heat the whole house, a very good sign that our wood supply would last the winter.
One afternoon, I found myself just standing on the front porch, looking out on the leaves covering my yard. It was actually something I was not used to, both my childhood home and my rental house not surrounded by trees, at least anything but pine, birch, and swamp maple. I hadn’t really paid much attention to the lawn since coming here, too focused on other things or simply not seeing the point in getting nitpicky, though something was nagging at me to rake the leaves.
Maybe in the spring, I could start a vegetable garden to help cushion our food expenses, as well as teach the girls responsibility. I could gather up all the leaves into a compost pile. I had promised myself I would get as much done as possible once the weather cooled down, so I might as well keep myself busy.
The weekend arrived, and I bought three cheap rakes. The girls and I were once again standing in front of the house, me facing them like a staff sergeant examining two new recruits. As usual, they were naked, Sonja smiling with her never-ending reservoir of canine joy, and Momo scowling from the knowledge that she was going to have to exert effort.
“Girls, today, we are going to rake the yard. We are going to gather all of the leaves into one big pile. This is going to be an ongoing project, we’ll do it every weekend until the leaves stop falling.”
“Masteeeeer, Momo doesn’t want to do thaaaaaat.”
When she was still a cat, she would whine with that same tone whenever she was hungry.
“Momo, this is important. We’re going to grow plants in the summer and these leaves will help. Besides, when we’re done today, I’ll show you something really fun to do. It won’t take long. Now, when you’re raking, I want the two of you to avoid any spots with animal crap. Your noses are way better than mine, so just watch out and ignore any leaves that are dirty.”
I handed them the rakes and we started working, scattering around the house to take care of different areas. Momo was silent as she raked, her feline laziness slowing all of her movements. Sonja, of course, was having the time of her life, even singing some kind of gibberish. The leaves had just started to fall, but there were so many trees around my house that I was almost wading through the downed foliage. Regardless, we got it done, grouping all the small piles together into one giant pile, about the size of the woodshed.
“Good work, girls. We’ll take a break and then start stuffing the leaves into trash bags for compost. But before we do that, we can play for a bit.”
“Momo prefers to play inside.”
“Not that kind of play. Just watch.”
I walked to the end of the yard, turned around, and sprinted past the girls before jumping into the leaf pile. I was swallowed up, sinking into an ocean of orange leaves, every breath more autumn-y than a white girl with a pumpkin spice latte and UGG boots. Man, I haven’t done that since I was a little kid. The nostalgia was overwhelming. Good thing I had asked the girls to avoid raking any leaves near animal crap.
The girls were screaming in terror, thinking I had vanished from the universe. Once again, they proved that they were still animals. I poked my head out of the pile and looked at them as if from a hot tub.
“Come on in.”
They looked at me in uncertainty. Were Sonja still a golden doodle, she would probably be circling the pile and barking at it to let me go.
“Girls, it’s just a pile of leaves. Run over and jump in.”
They looked at each other, still unsure of what to do. Sonja managed to gather her courage, starting a cautious run to my position. Buck naked with tits bouncing, she charged across the lawn and jumped, disappearing into the pile just as I had. She stayed submerged for a few seconds then burst up, throwing leaves into the air.
She then dove back down, writhing and twisting in the pile like a husky savoring the last pile of snow in spring.
“See, Momo? We’re having fun. Come and join us.”
Momo gingerly strode over, taking her time. Still a cat at heart, she leaned over the pile as much as she could without touching it, her nose twitching as she sniffed the leaves. She began petting the leaves as if looking for something, the same way a cat would check a surface before jumping on it. Deciding to give her a little push (or technically a pull), I grabbed her hand and sent her falling into the pile.
Swallowed up by the leaves, she let loose a cry of shock and flailed her limbs as if she was drowning. I reached into the foliage, wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her into the surface, her hair filled with debris. “You’re such a drama queen.”
She wrangled herself out of my embrace and crawled over to the side, trying to find someplace comfortable. We were a good two feet off the ground, sitting on this leafy mattress, and the uneven platform and poor footing did not agree with her. Beside us, Sonja jumped out of the pile and ran to the end of the yard. Turning around, she sprinted back and leaped into the pile, cheering in happiness with a big goofy grin on her face. Diving under the leaves, she surfaced on the other side and repeated the run. Momo finally found an even spot in the pile and curled up, trying to keep warm in the sun.
“Are you sure you don’t want to play like Sonja?” I asked.
Momo rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. “Nah.”
Seeing her lying there in the leaves, completely naked with the sun shining on her breasts, I was starting to get aroused. If Momo wasn’t in the mood for fun, I would just have to get her in the mood. I reached out and started playing with her labia, making her squirm. She wouldn’t be able to fall asleep if I kept this up. I toyed with the plump lips, pinching them between my fingers or just tickling them with soft strokes. She began to moan and roll from side to side, neither resisting nor going along with it. Once the stimulation made her wet, I was able to slip my fingers inside her. She spread her legs, at last getting into the mood. I continued fingering her, palm facing upwards, simply brushing up on the fundamentals. Her pussy greedily enveloped my fingers, as if trying to bite them off, her soft insides just begging for further stimulation. Her moans grew in volume and I knew she was ready.
I unzipped my pants and whipped out my cock, then grabbed Momo by the ankles and pulled her over to me. She finally opened her eyes as I forced myself inside her. She released a shrill whine of bliss as I began to move, diving into her confines with deep strokes. Her legs were in the air, her toes curled, and her breasts were jiggling with every movement. I didn’t bother trying to hold myself back and simply emptied everything I had into her. Momo purred as she felt me flood her pussy with my seed, and I pulled out, leaving her with a foamy creampie.
As I returned my snake to its den, Sonja dove into the leaves for the umpteenth time. “Hey, Sonja.”
Her head perked up. “Master?”
A big smile on my face, I grabbed a handful of leaves and threw them at her. Hit with a leafy bukkake, Sonja laughed and retaliated, gathering up a pile of leaves and throwing them at me. She missed, hitting Momo instead. Of course, Momo shot back, hurling a bundle at Sonja, who managed to hit me with her second shot. Back and forth, we engaged in our leaf battle, enjoying the rest of the day.
As the sun began to set, we hurried with the second part of the composting. We gathered all the leaves together and stuffed them into black trash bags, perforated to let air and moisture through. After adding some water and shovelfuls of dirt to provide the microorganisms, we tied up the bags and left them in a nice sunny spot to cook. Next week we would repeat the whole process, and hopefully, we would have plenty of good fertilizer by next summer.
It was an average morning; I was getting ready for work, Momo was dozing on the couch after eating her breakfast, and Sonja had gone out, her restlessness trumping the cold.
As I was filling up my travel mug, the door swung open and Sonja rushed in. “MASTER! MASTER!”
“What is it? Did you find another squirrel?”
“No, there’s someone in the shed!”
Part 4:
I knew what I was going to find on the other side of that door, but I still didn’t have the guts to open it. Sonja had just come into the kitchen saying that there was someone in the shed, and considering the strange phenomena that had been happening to me lately, the circumstances of this stranger’s presence were obvious. But I knew I had to face this new trial. Behind me were Momo and Sonja, Momo’s ears twitching from her curiosity and Sonja growling and fighting her instincts to bark and yell.
I opened the door of the shed and my palms met my face. “Goddammit, this isn’t funny anymore!”
Crouching in the back of the shed, surrounded by overturned firewood, was a small girl, drop-dead beautiful. With short white hair and waxy skin, she almost looked like a ghost. On the sides of her head were two fuzzy ears like satellite dishes, and wrapped around her ankles was a tail like a length of rope. She was shivering with teary eyes, cowering at the sight of me, a scrawny little thing. From the look of her, she was (or technically had been) a mouse living in the shed. She transformed last night under the woodpile, knocking it over.
“Are you… Master?” she whimpered, covering her mouth with her hands as if to chew her nails.
Great, now I have a kid to take care of. Looks like I won’t be “playing” with the new girl.
“Yeah, I guess I am,” I said with a sigh.
I took a step towards her and she squealed in terror. “Please don’t hurt me!”
I stopped, shocked by her cry. This was certainly new. With Momo and Sonja, I had gotten to know both of them as animals before they transformed, meaning that they loved me before they became people. But this new girl, I had never met her before. Perhaps she had seen me come into the shed while she was living in here, but that was it. I was going to have to build up a relationship with her from scratch. Not to mention this added credence to my theory that the girls actually acquired knowledge of human vocabulary rather than remembering it from past exposure.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. Just let me get a look at you.”
“Who are you?!” Sonja yelled. “What are you doing in our shed?!”
“Sonja, Momo, go wait inside!” I couldn’t let the two of them crowd the new girl. They refused to leave so I was forced to herd them back to the house and toss them inside.
I returned to the shed, the girl still cowering in the corner.
“Relax,” I said, “I just want to check you out.”
I slowly approached her, my arm outstretched. With every step I took, her shivering increased and she tried harder and harder to burrow into the corner and hide from me. At last, I rested my hand on the top of her head, and I felt her tension begin to wane. I ruffled her hair, the way I would Momo or Sonja, and she soon became calm, though she remained curled up in a ball.
“See? No one is gonna hurt you. Now let me see that pretty face of yours.”
She looked up at me, her face like a doll’s. She was beautiful, but something didn’t quite look right. I then did a quick check of her body, finding dirt and signs of slight frostbite from after she transformed.
“Aren’t you a little cutie? Come on, let’s bring you inside, get you something to eat, and get you clean and warm.”
I scooped her up in the princess hold, her small body even lighter than it looked. She didn’t resist me picking her up, but she grabbed her tail and clung to it. I carried her outside, letting the sunlight shine on her. I could see Momo and Sonja in the windows, watching us like wolves eyeing a wounded deer. I opened the door and Sonja rushed over, sniffing her the way only a dog would. Suddenly swarmed by the blonde beauty, the new girl squealed in fear and buried her face in my chest. Momo, on the other hand, kept her distance, but the twitching of her ears and look on her face told me that she was very curious.
“Both of you get back! Scram!”
I kind of had to kick them a little to get them to back off, sending them scurrying back to the couch to watch us. I brought the girl into the kitchen and sat her down in one of the chairs. Now with proper lighting, I was able to get a better look at her and confirm the strangeness of her body (beyond her ears and tail of course). She wasn’t a little girl; she was a woman, well, college student age, but just tiny. I don’t mean that she was stocky and scrunched up like a midget (I know I should say little person, but there aren’t any around, so fuck it, I’ll say midget), I mean her body was perfectly proportionated, but it was as if all her atoms were closer together than they would be for normal people. The bone structure of her hips, face, shoulders and the rest of her body belonged to a girl on the tail-end of puberty. She was like the tiny woman that Moe dated in that episode of The Simpsons. Her flat chest and shy mannerisms just made her look like a child from a distance. Quite simply, she was “mousy”, pun very much intended.
It made sense in a weird way, her appearance at least. Since she was such a small animal before, it would be strange if she wasn’t also small in her human form. After all, Sonja, formerly a dog, was taller than Momo, formerly a cat. It certainly explained her flat chest. She was also at the same developmental stage as Momo and Sonja, comparable to a nineteen or twenty-year-old. Maybe the age of the human form was based on the lifespan of the animal form. If, as a golden doodle, Sonja could live to be fourteen, then were she seven years old when she transformed, she might have the body of a forty or fifty-year-old. Or maybe whatever weird magic was causing this simply transformed the girls into human bodies at peak sexiness.
Anyway, since she wasn’t actually a kid, I seemed I might be able to play with her after all.
“Let me get you something to eat.”
Considering what she had originally been, and the fact that she had just transformed, I went with something simple, a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk. As I worked, all three girls watched me, the mouse from her chair, now pulling her feet up and hugging her knees to her chin, and the cat and dog from the living room, their heads poking up from above the back of the couch. I set down the food and drink in front of her and took the nearby seat.
“Here you go. You eat the sandwich with your hands, and for the milk, you pick up the glass and bring it to your lips to drink.”
Her eyes moved from me to the sandwich, the look of fear on her face still sharp. She snatched up the sandwich and sniffed it. Liking the smell, she started to nibble on it with rapid, tiny bites, the way a rodent would. As she ate, I pulled out my phone and called the office. As the manager, it was no big deal for me to be late, and as long as someone covered for me, there were even times when I could take the day off. It would be better not to skip the whole day, so I just called my assistant and told her I would be in later.
I turned off my phone as the girl began trying to pick up the cup. She clearly was still getting used to her new body. I helped her out and clasped her hands around the cup, her pale face turning red as my hands overlapped hers, and then I helped her bring it to her mouth. Both Momo and Sonja had seen me do things like this before they transformed, so it was easy for them to do it when they first turned.
Even with my help, some milk trickled from her mouth. I got a paper towel and wiped the drops off her chest, suddenly finding myself aroused. Normally, small boobs aren’t that great. I mean, of course, boobs are boobs, but Momo and Sonja had spoiled me. But strangely, the fact that her body was so small actually made her flat chest very sexy. I wanted to tickle her little pink points and made her shiver. In fact, everything about her was turning me on. Her shyness and innocence made me almost want to dominate her a little bit. She was very… how do I say this… she was very… molestable? No, that sounds too creepy.
I waited for her to finish eating before I spoke to her. “It’s good, isn’t it?” She nodded, but still looked fearful. “Tell me, do you have a name?”
“A name?”
“You know, something I can call you? My name is—”
“Master!” Sonja yipped. “Can we come see her now?”
“Not yet. I’ll wait until she’s comfortable, then you can come over.” I turned back to the girl. “Anyway, they call me ‘Master’. You said that too, didn’t you?” She nodded again. “So, you can call me that if you want. Do you have a name?”
Unlike Momo and Sonja, I had not given this girl a name, no one had. Would she come up with one herself?
“No, I don’t,” she murmured, looking away as if ashamed. I almost expected her to start crying.
“OK, then I’ll give you a name. From now on, your name is… Chloe, a cute name for a cute girl.” I patted her head and she looked at me.
“That’s right. Now, once you finish your sandwich, I’ll give you a bath.”
“A bath?”
“It’s like sitting in a big puddle of hot water. It must have been freezing out there last night. You’ve got some signs of mild frostbite. A nice bath will help you heal and get you all cleaned up.”
In all honesty, I was very much looking forward to giving her a bath, but as my thoughts continued on down that line and expanded into greater things, I realized an inherent danger: I had no idea whether or not Chloe could get pregnant. Momo and Sonja had both been spayed when they were animals (at least there was a good chance that Sonja had been spayed, but I couldn’t be sure), and as such, had never shown any symptoms of a menstrual cycle. There were only two possibilities: either Chloe could end up pregnant if we “play together”, or she was sterile in this form and I didn’t have to worry.
Until I knew which it was, I had only three courses of action. The first was that I simply use a condom, but frankly, I’m just not that kind of guy. If I can’t do it raw dog, I don’t really see a point in doing it at all, especially if it’s my first time with this new girl. The second was to try and get her onto some kind of contraceptive, but I had no idea how to even get it and I didn’t want to risk giving Chloe medications that could be dangerous. The third was the most painful but ultimately the best choice: wait one month before having sex with her. If she didn’t have a menstrual cycle in that time, then it meant she and the girls were all naturally sterile, or at least that she didn’t operate on the same cycle as normal human women. Besides, it was far too early for me to play with her. I needed to build up a trust between us.
“Ok girls, you can come in now.”
Sonja immediately rushed in, smelling Chloe just like before with her tail wagging. The albino pygmy gave a pathetic whimper as Sonja prodded her with her nose. Momo came in much more slowly.
“These two are Momo and Sonja. They’re just like you.”
“I’m Sonja!” the doodle cheered.
Momo didn’t reply and simply huddled behind me. Was she feeling jealous like when Sonja transformed? No, it didn’t seem that way. She also didn’t seem afraid.
“Are you going to play with her, Master?” she asked.
It was not the question that surprised me. I had expected her to ask that after everything with Sonja. It was the way she asked, very casual, that surprised me. I looked back at her and realized that her tail was swaying and there was a soft purr in her throat.
“Play?” Chloe asked, once again tense. Was it something painful?
“Playing with Master is a lot of fun!” said Sonja. “We do it all the time! It feels amazing!”
“Hold on, girls. Let’s take it slow. You both were with me a long time before I played with you. I’m going to wait for Chloe to become comfortable with me. Now, let’s move this conversation upstairs. Chloe? Can you walk?”
Being addressed, Chloe’s first instinct was to release a terrified squeal and cover her head with her hands. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“Chloe, it’s ok, you haven’t done anything wrong. Just tell me, can you stand up?”
She looked up at me with big, tearful eyes, and nodded. “Uh-huh.” She then got to her feet, her hands clasped in front of her.
“Good girl. Now come on, let’s go upstairs.”
I led her up to the bedroom with Sonja and Momo following, and sat her down at the foot of the bed. I then went into the bathroom and turned on the bath faucet, filling the tub with hot water. I came back out, finding her still sitting on the bed, but with Sonja pressed next to her, happy as could be. Meanwhile, Momo was lying across the pillows by the headboard. Not only was she still keeping her distance, her tail was continuing to flick and coil and she had a curious gleam in her eyes.
“From now on, you’ll be living in the house with us and sleeping in bed with us. It’s certainly a lot nicer than that shed you’ve been staying in.”
Though now that I thought about it, I wasn’t sure there was enough room. We slept on a king-sized bed, which, while large, was at its limit comfortably accommodating three people, all of which liked to stretch and roll while they slept. With Chloe also squeezing in there, we might end up packed like sardines, just like before. Maybe if we dropped the mattress onto the floor and added some couch cushions as an extension…?
Those thoughts were pushed aside when Chloe got down on the floor and crawled under the bed. Her head poked out and she looked at me. “Can I stay under here?” she asked, but her shaky voice made even that simple question sound pathetic.
“Well, I meant that you would sleep ON the bed.”
“I’m sorry!” she cried out, grasping her ears and pulling them down, looking like she was expecting someone to hit her.
I sighed. “You really like it under there?”
She nodded. “I feel safe.”
“Ok, I just thought it would be more comfortable for you in the bed. I suppose we can make a little nest for you under there with blankets and pillows. Just know that you’re always welcome up top.”
For the first time, she smiled.
In a few minutes, the tub was full and I brought Chloe into the bathroom, though I had to lock the door behind us to keep Sonja and Momo from following us inside. I beckoned Chloe to the tub. “Go ahead, the water is perfect. Just climb in and enjoy yourself.”
Clutching herself and shivering, Chloe walked over and first sniffed the water. She batted it around with her fingers, gauging the temperature, and then dipped her right foot in, one tiny toe at a time. She gave a tiny squeak and lowered herself into it, her breathing deepening as the water enveloped her. At first, she simply huddled in the middle of the sub, clutching her knees to her chest, but with some coaxing, I got her to lie back and stretch.
I sat down on the toilet. “There, see? Isn’t that nice?” She nodded. “Good, now, can you tell me the last thing you remember before waking up like this?”
“I was in my burrow in the shed and I was about to fall asleep. I was tiny. Then I woke up and I was big. My burrow was ruined and I was cold. Then Sonja came.”
“You don’t remember the actual transformation?”
She shook her head. There was nothing she could tell me to answer my confusion. The only thing I was now certain of was that origin was me, rather than my old house, but that was a huge problem. Chloe was proof that it was more than just pets that could transform, and the range and time needed for it to happen was variable. Minus the times when I went into the shed, Chloe and I had never been in any kind of proximity until now, and I hadn’t lived in this house for very long. It seems that coming out to the woods was a bad idea. Were squirrels and birds gonna start changing?
Perhaps I should move again, someplace where there aren’t animals, but where? Any desert that can’t even sustain lizards would be too inhospitable for us. Maybe I could move to a tiny island? No, because there are still animals there, crabs and mussels and everything else. It would be a major pain in the ass if I woke up to find a mermaid washed up on shore. Maybe northern Alaska or the Arctic? But then how would I provide for the girls? Perhaps if it was isolated enough to be away from the wildlife but not be too far from people and employment, maybe I could work on an oil rig? But I’m not sure I have what it takes for a job like that. I may be a Mainer, but I don’t have antifreeze for blood. I’m just an office guy. Plus, it would be hard to imagine the girls being happy when surrounded by ice 24/7.
Either way, I couldn’t move now. All my finances were tied up in this place and I now had another mouth to feed. I’m the lone breadwinner of a family of four and it would take a long time to get another job at the same financial level. At the very least, with Chloe’s size, she hopefully wouldn’t eat as much as Momo and Sonja, but we would certainly need to get that vegetable garden going. Hell, it might be a good idea to go to the government or the scientific community. I had worked hard to avoid exposure, but maybe we would be treated like celebrities, our needs taken care of in exchange for the chance to study us.
But enough about that, it was time to indulge my inner-scumbag. I may not be able to “play” with Chloe, but I could still have a little fun.
“I’m not sure how you’d keep yourself clean out in the wild, or if you even bothered, but now that you’re a person, you need to learn to bathe. Since you’ll probably want to stay naked most of the time, you’re going to inevitably get dirty and sweaty. So, you’re going to need to shower every couple of days. I’ll show you how. First things first, get your hair nice and wet.” Chloe began splashing herself. “No, I mean lower your head into the water.”
She had a strong look of uncertainty, and I could understand why. Like Momo and Sonja, she not only had huge ears (the largest of the three of them), but huge ear canals. Every time the girls took a shower or bath, it would take them several minutes to get the water out of their ears.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. The girls will show you how to get the water out of your ears.”
With that encouragement, she slipped farther into the tub, letting it come up to her chin and then leaning her head back. She scrunched her face up as she felt the water flood her ears, and after a moment, she sat back up and leaned her head from side to side to drain them.
“Good girl. Now I’ll apply the shampoo. This stuff is to keep your hair clean, but don’t use it every day or it will dry your hair out.”
After taking off my dress shirt and undershirt, I retrieved the nearby bottle and poured some onto her scalp. I began working it into her hair and Chloe seemed to go limp. Her head was drooping, almost looking like a cobra under the spell of a snake charmer. Just like with Sonja and Momo, rubbing her head calmed her down. Her slender shoulders jittered as I rubbed her elephant-like ears, but from the small noises she was making, I could tell that she was enjoying it.
“Ok, we’ll let that sink in while I wash the rest of you. Come sit up on the edge of the tub and I’ll get you nice and soapy.”
Chloe didn’t understand but did as I told her. She sat her cute little butt down on the end of the tub with her back to me. It’s amazing how something so simple as a girl’s bare back can be so arousing. The line of her spine, the flexing of her muscles, the tenseness of her shoulders as if from embarrassment. I might not be able to last a full month with this girl around.
I got the bar of soap and began rubbing it on her arms, making her shiver from the feel of my hands on her naked body. I then did her legs and her inner thighs, followed by her stomach. I was saving the best spots for last. I soaped up my hands and leaned against her, her back pressed to my chest. She shivered from the sensation and began to whimper as started working on her breasts. They were certainly small, just A-cups, but considering the size of her body, that just made them cute. I ran my palm and fingers across them, toying with her little pink areolas.
“Master!” she whimpered.
She covered her mouth with her hand, chewing on her finger as her nipples became erect. I knew this felt good for her, she simply was not used to these sensations. I began gently tugging on her nipples, trying to draw out the tiny squeaks she was working so hard to contain. I couldn’t help myself, I started running kisses up her shoulder and neck, savoring the taste of her soft skin.
“That feels good, doesn’t it?” I whispered in her ear.
She squeaked in reply. “I’m feeling… tingly… down there,” she said, rubbing her thighs together.
“Oh, that just means I needed to wash that spot. Spread your legs for me.”
After wiping some excess suds off her petite breasts, I moved my hand down. At first, she had her legs spread, but the closer I got, the more she began to retract them, afraid of these new, strange sensations. I managed to worm my fingers between her thighs and reach her virgin slit. The lips were so plump and smooth, like two soft plums, they were just begging to be toyed with. It was too soon to actually start fingering Chloe, but I could just play with the entrance. I slid my fingers between the lips, squeezed them to make them puff, and tickled them, all while Chloe whined and squeaked.
“Master, this feels really weird!”
“Don’t worry, Chloe, just go along with it.”
I continued like that for another minute, using one hand to toy with her nipples and using the other hand to tickle her labia. I couldn’t bring her to climax with this low level of stimulation, but once I stopped, I could tell it had drained much of her stamina. I finished by washing her back and then scrubbing her under the water to get off the soap and shampoo.
I finally got her out of the tub, clean as could be, and wrapped her in towels. “Now, since you just ate and had milk, I need to brush your teeth. This is something you’ll need to do twice a day every day. It’ll keep your breath fresh and stop your teeth from rotting.”
I sat her down on the floor and retrieved the toothpaste and new toothbrush from the medicine cabinet. With the brush wet and ready, I kneeled in front of Chloe. She was clutching herself and shivering, unable to make eye contact. This was concerning. Had I been too rough with her?
“Eeek! I’m sorry!” she squealed.
“Sorry? For what? Honey, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just wanted to ask if you were ok. How are you feeling?”
She began squirming, rubbing her thighs together. “It felt weird when you touched me here.”
“I’m sorry. That’s a game I play with the girls. I guess it’s too early for me to play with you like that. Don’t worry, I won’t do that again until you’re ready. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
“Master… It felt kind of good.”
“I thought it would. I’m glad. You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s sorry.” I ruffled her hair and she again gave me a tiny smile, with her pale face now flushed. “You have such a cute smile. Before I brush your teeth, I should dry you off. Look down and hold your breath.”
I got another towel and wrapped it around her head and rubbed her the way I would when drying off a dog, using both the towel and the air to dry her hair. But I was also careful, long-since learning how sensitive these girls’ ears are. She kept her face down and tried to endure it with a silent composition, but she couldn’t stop herself from emitting tiny squeaks. Once her hair was dry, I helped her get the water out of her ears, each passing minute making her give tiny mouse yawns.
“Are you feeling sleepy?” She nodded. “Then let’s brush your teeth and then you can take a nice nap.” I lifted her chin and brushed my thumb across her lips. “Ok, open up.”
She opened her mouth and I gingerly started brushing her teeth. She reacted the same way that Momo and Sonja reacted when I first brushed their teeth. The sensation of the bristles scraping against the soft tissue of her gums and tongue sent electricity through her nerves, and the fact that it was being done to her rather than doing it to herself intensified the feeling since she had no control over it. To them, the weirdness of the sensation was almost similar to a rectal thermometer. Her reaction was cute, to say the least, panting with watery eyes, as if she had been tied up and was being tormented by a vibrator.
Once finished, she spat out a mouthful of foam into the sink and rinsed. “Now, let me smell your breath.” She exhaled and I smelled nothing but mint. “Perfect. Good girl. Now, let’s get you into bed.” I brought her into the bedroom, where of course, Momo and Sonja were waiting. “Girls, unless you’re here for a nap, scram.”
“I wanna nap! I wanna nap with Chloe!” said Sonja, jumping up and down and clapping.
“Momo?” I looked at the feline, lying across the bed, tail flicking as if she was swatting flies.
“Momo wants to sleep with her too.”
“Good. Chloe?”
“I’m sorry!”
“No, Chloe, I was just going to say that you should sleep in the middle. I know you said you’d sleep under the bed, but it would probably be better if you slept on top this time. Ok girls, under the covers.”
Chloe got into the middle of the bed and huddled under the covers, holding them up to hide her mouth. Momo and Sonja crawled into the bed on her left and right sides, their naked bodies disappearing under the covers. Chloe was so small compared to them, her head at the same level as their bountiful breasts. The three of them were cute beyond words, a trio of naked animal-eared girls, looking cozier than a guinea pig sleeping in a wool sock.
I sat down on the edge of the bed and took turns rubbing their heads, making each of them smile. “You girls are just too much. Momo, Sonja, you be nice to Chloe, take care of her. When the three of you wake up for lunch, make her something to eat. Chloe, if you need anything, just ask them. I’ll be a little late coming home, I need to get some stuff for Chloe.” I then leaned forward to Momo and whispered in her ear. “Also, if you can teach her to use the toilet, I will be eternally grateful and bring you three a reward.” I then kissed them each on the forehead as they laid their heads on their pillows, snug as a bug in a rug. “I’ll see you tonight. Bye, girls.”
“Bye, Master,” they all said as I tucked them in.
A few hours later, Chloe woke up to a strange sensation. She was being embraced and felt fingertips brushing against her skin. It was Momo, spooning against her, one of her nipples poking Chloe’s ear. There was a purr in her throat as she dragged her fingers across Chloe’s soft stomach, making the girl shiver from the sensation of being touched. Momo continued to purr, the movements of her hand becoming more and more intentional, as if searching for Chloe’s most ticklish spots. Then she began to drift downward, her hand disappearing between the girl’s slender thighs. Hanging out over the edge of the bed, Momo’s tail curled as she began toying with Chloe’s slit. The feeling of Momo’s fingers probing such a sensitive place was drawing tiny squeaks from Chloe, unable to work up the courage to stop her. Lacking any sense of sexuality or the cultural values that humans applied to their genitals, the discomfort Chloe felt was due simply to her uneasiness of being touched by someone she didn’t know. The same reaction would be drawn were Momo tickling her feet or playing with her hair, though they wouldn’t make her blush and pant the way she was now.
Momo leaned in closer to Chloe, the feline’s excited breath being felt on the top of her head. Any time Chloe tried to move away, Momo would pull her closer and increase the intensity of her fondling. Soon enough, she even started to slip her fingers inside Chloe, making her whimper. That soft whine awoke Sonja, and the moment her eyes opened, she popped out of bed with a smile on her face, ready to enjoy the day.
“I want to go run around outside! Chloe, come run with me!”
Momo sat up, removing her moist fingers from Chloe’s pussy and acting like nothing had happened. “Master said we had to make her something to eat and teach her to use the toilet.”
“I’ll make the food, you teach her.”
“Momo wants to make the food. You teach her.”
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
Momo yawned and nodded. With Chloe watching them like they were two titans about to bare-knuckle box, Momo and Sonja held out their fists and shook them.
“One, two, three, shoot!”
Momo threw rock with her thumb up, while Sonja did some kind of sideways paper with her fingers spread. It should be mentioned that neither of them had any idea how to play this game. They simply saw it on TV and thought that that was how disputes were settled.
“Momo wins,” the feline said. She was just guessing, but Sonja didn’t know any better and conceded.
“Ok! Chloe, come with me to the bathroom!”
In the kitchen, Momo poured a can of wet cat food into her bowl, some dog food with milk into Sonja’s bowl, and set out a third bowl on the floor with some dry cereal. She had no idea what else to give Chloe. The dog and mouse came downstairs, Sonja chipper as usual, but Chloe now walking with her butt clenched. Getting her labia tickled by Momo had been pleasurable (at least physically), but Sonja teaching her how to use toilet paper was traumatizing. At least she wasn’t taking it personally.
She watched as Sonja and Momo kneeled down on the floor like sphinxes and buried their faces in their food bowls. Chloe followed their lead, taking the same position. Truth be told, she preferred this method to sitting at the table. The sound of slurping and crunching filled the kitchen.
“Done!” said Sonja after a few minutes, sitting up with milk running down her chin. “Chloe, let’s play outside!”
Chloe had just enough time to finish the last of her cereal before Sonja grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the front door. She managed to break free of Sonja’s grip and remained on the porch, but Sonja didn’t seem to mind and simply pranced around the yard, singing to herself while her ears flopped and melons jiggled like dashboard bobble heads on a dirt road. Even in October, she could run around naked and be perfectly fine, though it took her a while to realize that Chloe wasn’t actually with her.
“Come on, Chloe! Let’s run!”
Chloe pulled on her ears, trying to hide her face while her frightful shivers returned. “But there are no leaves on the trees! The birds will see me and I’ll get eaten!”
Even after transforming, her instincts wouldn’t let her forget what life was like in the lower tier of the food chain. Sonja lacked such instincts.
“I wanna eat a bird! I’ll chase the birds!”
Sonja ran over and picked up Chloe, hoisting her over her shoulder. She dashed around the house, Chloe squealing in terror with her cute little butt in the air. Back inside, Momo was doodling with crayons, humming to herself with her ears twitching.
Momo was waiting by the door when I arrived home. “Master, look what Momo made!”
She held out a picture of our strange little family, including Chloe. The childlike skill just made it that much cuter.
“Aw, I love it! Did you girls have a nice day?”
Momo nodded. “Yeah, it was fun.”
“I’m glad. Where’s Sonja and Chloe?”
“Taking a nap. They both ran around a lot.”
I walked into the den, finding Sonja stretched out on the couch. I patted her head and her tail began to wag.
“Hi Master!” she said with a yawn.
“Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?”
“Good, hungry.” She then rolled onto her back. “Feed me and rub my tum-tum!” A quick belly scratch left her groaning in happiness.
Before going to check in on Chloe, I got some firewood from the shed and built up a flame from the embers in the stove. In minutes, it was pumping heat through the house. I then went upstairs, where Chloe was under the bed, wrapped in a blanket. I climbed under the bed with her and rubbed one of her ears, slowly stirring her.
“Hey, Chloe.”
Seeing me, her eyes went wide and she blushed. “I’m sorry!” she automatically squealed before covering her face with the blanket.
“Chloe, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just came up to see how you were doing.” She slowly pulled back the blanket, letting me see her teary eyes. “Did you have a nice day?”
“I guess. Sonja made me run around with her outside for a while. I was afraid the birds would get me.”
“Yeah, she loves to run and play, and unfortunately, Momo doesn’t quite share her interest. I guess she was hoping you would be a more active playmate. But other than that, how was it? Were Sonja and Momo nice to you?” She nodded. “Good. Do you want to come downstairs? In the evening, we watch the news on the couch together and then I make dinner. Come join us.”
She followed me downstairs, where Momo and Sonja were already waiting for us, sitting at the ends of the couch in their sovereign territories. The question now was where would Chloe sit? There was enough room for the four of us to sit on the couch, but she would be beside me, meaning that either the cat or the dog were going to end up on the far edge of the galaxy. I took my place in the middle of the couch, leaving the decision to her. But instead of sitting on the couch, she plopped herself down on the floor, leaning against my legs.
The news came on and we all relaxed. Both Momo and Sonja curled up into balls with their heads resting on my thighs. I tickled their chins and their ears, making Sonja wag her tail and Momo purr. Sometimes I would move my hands down and massage their breasts, relishing the feel of the bodacious dumplings in my grip. Down below, I had my legs wrapped around Chloe like a seat belt, keeping her warm and covered. She was looking in the direction of the TV, but I wasn’t sure if she was actually watching or just drawn to the light and noise. Even if she understood English, anything she was hearing now must have been gibberish. I was starting to understand her little squeaks, differentiating between when they meant happiness or discomfort. When I played with her hair or tickled her ears, the squeaks would be high pitched, meaning she was enjoying it. The squeaks from that morning had been deeper with a slight whine to them.
I was certainly happy. I was still full of questions as to this strange phenomenon and I was worried about the future, but there were few moments in my life that were better than getting to relax on my couch in my own house, cuddling with my three girls. The news was on, I had a cozy fire in the stove, and soon I would make a nice dinner for the four of us. It was bliss.
Once the news ended, I went into the kitchen and prepared dinner. It was a simple beef stew, hopefully enough to leave us all full. With the addition of Chloe, I would now have to prepare larger meals. If I was careful with the pricing, I could keep the expenses low, but I would need to continue teaching the girls how to take care of themselves. I noticed that a third food bowl had been set out for Chloe on the floor next to Sonja’s and Momo’s, probably from when they made her lunch. I filled up each bowl with stew and set out a second water bowl between Momo and Chloe.
“Girls! Time to eat!”
They rushed in, almost sliding across the floor if not for their bare feet. Sonja was first, a big happy comet, jumping and wagging her tail. Then came Momo, dainty and elegant, looking like some kind of elf from a fantasy book. Last was Chloe, her tiny steps not making any noise and a look of uncertainty on her face, like a little kid on the first day of school, looking for her class.
They all assumed the positions, arranged by size with Sonja at one end and Chloe at the other, but everything from their postures to their movements was perfectly synchronized. It was a relief to see Chloe enjoying her food. Considering that she had originally been a mouse, I was curious to see how well she would handle meat. I filled up a bowl of my own with stew and sat at the table, watching them eat. It was honestly better than television. Seeing three beautiful, naked girls eating on the floor like this was hilarious, sexy, and adorable, all at the same time. I was fairly tempted to crouch down over them and run kisses up their backs.
But breaking the serenity, I saw Momo remove her face from her own bowl and shift to Chloe’s. Chloe gave a tiny squeak of fear and surrendered like France. Momo had never done this before, at least never done it to Sonja.
“Hey! Momo! Cut that out! That’s not your food!” Hearing me yell scared her back to her bowl, but I was still angry. When the three of them were done, I stood over Momo. “I don’t ever want to see you doing that again, got it?”
Momo, kneeling on the floor, nodded. “Got it,” she said softly, her face downcast.
“Now apologize to Chloe.”
She turned to the mouse. “Momo is sorry for eating your food.”
Chloe blushed, apparently more embarrassed than Momo was. “It’s ok! It’s ok! I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, Chloe, you did nothing wrong. From now on, if Momo tries to eat your food, I want you to take the water bowl and dump it on her head. Sonja, if you see Momo do it, splash her too.”
“Got it!”
“Ok, now we can move on. Since you girls have been so good, and to celebrate Chloe joining our little family, I got something special for the four of us. All of you sit at the table.”
They took their seats, wondering what I was going to give them. I set out plates and glasses of milk, then from the fridge, I pulled out a small marble cake. I would have gotten chocolate, but with Sonja still being part dog, I didn’t want to risk it. The girls knew it was food, they could tell that much from the fact that I had hidden it in the fridge, and while they didn’t know what kind of food it was, they definitely liked the smell. I set it out in the middle of the table with a lit birthday candle in the middle. I suppose, in a way, this could be called Chloe’s birthday.
“I’m sorry!” she squealed.
Was she going to apologize every time someone addressed her?
“I was just going to say welcome to our home. Now, you have the honors. Go ahead and blow out the candle.”
Chloe leaned forward and gave a tiny puff of air, almost like a sneeze, but it was just enough to blow out the flame. I congratulated her with a loving head pat and then went about cutting the cake. I divided it into quarters and gave each of the girls a piece. I hadn’t really bothered with teaching Sonja how to use a fork and Chloe had just gotten here, so I simply let the three of them eat with their hands.
Momo perked up from the first taste, her ears nearly flapping and her tail standing erect.
“This is so good!” Sonja exclaimed, already with cake smeared across her face.
The brightest smile I had yet seen on her doll face, Chloe gave a squeal of happiness as she took a bite.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the three of them, getting more joy out of watching them eat the cake than eating it myself, though it was delicious. They finished by licking the cake and frosting off their fingers and washed it down with the milk I had set out.
“Can we have more?” Momo asked, her face as messy as Sonja’s.
“No, that was for a special occasion. But don’t worry, there will be other times when I will get you sweets. Now, Chloe, I got some clothes for you on the way home. I want you to try them on to see if they fit.”
“The things I’m wearing. The three of you wash your faces and we’ll move back to the couch.”
Momo moved over to me. “Can Master… wash Momo’s face?”
“I’m pretty sure you can do it yourself.”
“Not like this.”
She then leaned forward and kissed me, her tongue slipping past my lips and running along my gums, searching for bits of cake and frosting yet to be swallowed. Understanding what she meant, I returned the affection, licking every corner of her mouth as well.
“I want to do that too!” said Sonja.
She rushed over from the other end of the table and I started kissing me as well. Chloe watched us, unsure of what we were doing.
I couldn’t help but laugh when Sonja finally pulled away. “That just cleans your lips, not your faces.”
I then started licking her cheeks as if I myself were a dog. She giggled and wagged her tail at the feel of my tongue. I didn’t really clean the cake off her face, so much as thin the mess. I did the same to Momo, making her purr, especially when my tongue met her lips. Once they were both done, I looked over to Chloe. She was shifting in her seat, her head hanging low as if someone had just tickled her neck. She still didn’t understand what the three of us were doing, but she was feeling a little bit left out.
“Can Master… please clean my face as well?”
I smiled and held out my hand to her. “Come here.”
She moved onto my lap and I licked her cheeks as I had Momo and Sonja. Her eyes were screwed shut but her squeaks told me she was enjoying it. Once I was done, she looked at me and I finished by joining my lips with hers. I didn’t bother trying to French it up, as even this gentle meet seemed enough to leave her reeling. She obviously didn’t understand what I had just done, but she was blushing.
“That’s called a kiss. You do it to someone you love.” My words made her reddening face deepen in hue. “Ok girls, now wash your faces for real. Chloe, we still need to check out those clothes I got you.”
The girls cleaned their faces in the sink and then followed me back to the couch, where I had a large bag from GoodWill. Most of the clothes they sold were second-hand, but luckily all underwear was donated directly from retailers and never worn.
I started by handing her a pair of panties. “Here, put these on.”
She, of course, put them on over her head, thinking that the leg holes were for her ears. Both Momo and Sonja had made that same mistake when I had them wear panties for the first time. In retrospect, I should have known by now to word it better and not leave it so vague, but this was too cute and funny for me to let this opportunity slip by. I wanted to take a picture just for myself, but I fought against it and told her how to properly wear them. It was strange, but when wearing only a pair of panties, she somehow managed to look even cuter. I then had her try on some sweatpants and jeans, then shirts, socks, and a hoodie.
“How does that feel?”
She looked at herself, toying with the string of her hoodie. “It’s nice. I feel nice and warm. But I still like being naked.”
“That’s fine, these are just for when you get cold or we have to go somewhere. Otherwise, you can be naked as long as you want.”
After she undressed, we watched a little more TV and then decided to call it a night. We headed upstairs, and I laughed as I watched the three of them brush their teeth at the same time. While they brushed, I took several blankets and pillows I had bought on the way home and set up a nest for Chloe under the bed. Once the girls were done with the bathroom, I went in to brush my teeth and they got all cozy.
I came out, seeing Momo and Sonja on either side of the bed, and Chloe down below, wrapped up in blankets. It was such a beautiful sight that I almost didn’t want to intrude. Whatever was going on was stressful, confusing, and oftentimes expensive, but I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I was so happy. I didn’t want any more girls to show up, but if they did, I would love them all the same.
Tired from a long day, I turned off the lights and climbed into bed between Sonja and Momo. “Goodnight, girls.”
“Goodnight, Master,” they all replied, with Chloe’s voice echoing from down below. I set my head back on my pillow, pulled Sonja and Momo in close, and drifted to sleep.
The days were getting colder, and the girls, no matter how stubborn they were, caved in and started wearing clothes. It was certainly a loss, no longer being able to watch Momo and Sonja’s melons bounce freely with every movement, but seeing them in yoga pants gave an added allure. I would keep a fire burning in the stove almost nonstop, starting it in the morning and then rekindling it when I got home and before bed. But for that luxury, gathering firewood became a continuous chore for the girls. I wanted to preserve our stocks until winter and there was no way in hell I would use any heating oil, so every day, they would go out into the forest and search for wood to burn.
Chloe settled in to her new life, a smile on her face every day, shy and fragile, but a smile nonetheless. Whenever someone called out to her, she would instinctively apologize, even though we kept telling her that she had done nothing wrong. We chalked it up simply to a personality quirk due to her former species, like Momo talking in third person or Sonja’s airheaded hyperactivity.
With the arrival of the weekend, I resumed teaching the Momo and Sonja how to read. I even fulfilled my promise and got them several children’s and picture books from the local library. I hadn’t given Chloe her first lesson, but she sat with us when I helped Momo and Sonja read Dr. Seuss. Hopefully this would give her some insight into what she would be doing. The four of us were on the couch, I with a book, Momo on my left and Sonja on my right, with Chloe lying across Sonja’s lap.
“Do you like green eggs and ham?” Momo asked. “I do not like them, Sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham.”
“Very good! Not too long ago, you would have had to sound out each word. Sonja?”
She leaned over to read the next passage. “Would you like them her or ter? I would not like them her or ter.”
“Close. When there’s an e at the end, it’s a hard vowel. Here. And when t and h are next to each other, they make a thhh sound, like a hiss.”
She stuck her tongue out at me and hissed, harder than I had, and I hissed right back. It went on like this for a few seconds, she and I have a hissing fight before I finally laughed and kissed her on the forehead.
Moving farther over Sonja’s lap, Chloe looked at the pages. “I would not like them eer. I do not like green eggs and ham.”
I was surprised, then slightly disappointed, and then a bit proud. I had thought at first that she had actually read the passage, then realized she was simply guessing what it said based on the repetition of the words (hence, why she left out the “anywh” in “anywhere” and assumed the vowel rule applied), and was then impressed by the intellect it would take to actually get that far.
I ruffled her hair, prompting her to close her eyes and give tiny squeaks of joy, albeit with her face looking like she was actually being tickled against her will. “Nice try, but you aren’t ready for this stuff yet. And for the record, it’s “anywhere”. In this case, the vowel rule doesn’t apply, like in “there”. But it was a good attempt though.”
“Master, can we have green eggs and ham? I’m getting hungry,” said Sonja.
“Well I can’t make them green, but I do have some ham steaks I can fry up, and I’ll add some eggs if you girls want. I’ll make them for dinner. But for now, if you’re hungry, go eat some fruits and vegetables. I want to make sure you girls get enough vitamins.”
Sonja went to the kitchen to fetch an apple and then returned, allowing us to resume reading. We continued on through the book, then through the rest of the stack I had gotten from the library. Sonja and Momo took turns reading passages, and all throughout, I was giving Chloe small lessons. I was skipping over the introduction to the alphabet and simply showing her important words. Surprisingly enough, she understood it better than I had expected, figuring out the sounds associated with each letter and learning to assemble words.
The sun was setting by the time we finished, but we still had an hour or so of light. “Come on, girls, let’s go for a walk.”
We took our established route through the woods, already worn into the underbrush from the pressing of bare feet and sneakers. Both Momo and Chloe clung to my arms while Sonja orbited around us, prancing and bobbing with a big grin on her face. Leaves were falling around us like rain, our Maine autumn approaching the point where beautiful turned to dreary. One such leaf fell on Momo’s head and she stopped, letting go of my arm. Chloe and I took a few more steps and then looked back when we realized she wasn’t following us. Momo was standing still, her eyes nearly rolling all the way back into her head as she stared at the leaf stuck to her hair. Her ears were flicking like crazy, and she started to blow air upwards, trying to get it off. I finally pulled it off and she shook her head as if awoken from a trance.
“I wonder what it will be like, spending our first winter here,” I said, looking at the leaf, red as a watermelon jolly rancher.
“What’s winter?” Chloe asked, her hold on my arm tightening. “Is it scary?”
“Oh, that’s right, this is probably your first winter. No, it’s not scary. Winter is a time of year when it gets very cold, and the rain that we would normally get freezes, and falls as specks of ice, sort of like the frost on the windows each morning. That’s why I’ve been so focused on gathering firewood, because we’re going to need a lot to stay warm through the winter.”
“Momo doesn’t like winter,” my cat pouted, “the snow always makes my paws hurt.”
“That’s what boots and gloves are for. What about you, Sonja, do you like wint—”
I stopped myself as soon as I realized my mistake. Before I took her in, Sonja had been abused and neglected, and probably spent most of her winter nights sleeping out in the cold. That same thought went through her mind, as for the briefest moment, her smile faded, but then it was relit and she skipped over to me with her tail wagging.
“I don’t like being stuck out in the cold, but I love playing in the snow! I love jumping and prancing and swimming through it! And now I can go inside after I’m done playing! I can’t wait!”
I pulled myself free of Momo and Chloe and wrapped my arms around Sonja, holding her close.
♫ In the arms of the angels… ♫ dun dun dun… ♫ That’s pretty much all the words I know from that song.
After returning home, I decided to try to teach Chloe a little bit more about reading. I introduced her to the alphabet, which she managed to memorize with surprising ease, much faster than Sonja and Momo. I had the girls help me with dinner, teaching them to fry up ham steaks and eggs (I hadn’t forgotten my promise). After eating, we returned to the living room to watch some TV, then headed upstairs.
Momo groaned in happiness as she bounced on my cock, letting it stir up her pussy like a whisk. Her beautiful face was blushing, her pert breasts jiggling with every movement she made. “Master, your cock feels so good in Momo!” she cried. She was leaning back, looking down her chest at me. However, we couldn’t make eye contact, as Sonja was sitting on my face.
Sonja whimpered and moaned, feeling my tongue penetrate her. She gyrated her hips, a natural instinct when the sensations became too much for her. It didn’t help that I was also stroking her tail, sending lightning bolts up her spine that threatened to decimate her sanity with each passing moment.
Sitting on the floor was Chloe, understandably incapable of sleeping under the bed with both the mattress springs and the girls crying out. She looked like she was watching a horror movie, an expression of terror on her face, but with it, curiosity and even a seed of arousal. She had no idea what was going on, what the girls and I were doing. I had simply told her we were playing, after all, that’s what it was to Momo and Sonja. But to Chloe, this was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Since she had transformed, her animalistic instincts for reproduction had disappeared. In their place was the potential to develop a human sense of sexuality. Like both Momo and Sonja, she lacked the lifetime of interaction and socialization that gave humans an understanding and perception of sex and intimate relationships.
What she saw here was a physical act; it’s purpose completely unknown, its origin and significance a mystery. From the way Momo and Sonja were acting, she equated it to their reactions when I would play with their ears and tails, but so much more intense. Shy and fearful by nature, it scared Chloe, especially the looks on their faces and the noises they were making. Were they in pain? She certainly couldn’t imagine being penetrated like Momo not hurting.
Sonja released her signature howl, announcing she had just climaxed and letting me drink her nectar. Panting like, well, a dog, she fell off to the side, spread out across the bed. With Sonja out of the way, Momo leaned over and joined her lips with mine, letting her tongue explore my mouth. I cupped her rear end with both hands and started bucking my hips, now able to actually move rather than simply let her ride me.
Momo broke our kiss and wrapped her arms around my head, pressing my face to her chest and she whined. “Master, you’re being too rough! Momo can’t take it!” I didn’t ease up, I continued ramming her until she climaxed, at which point I emptied myself into her.
She collapsed on top of me and my deflating manhood was unplugged from her sleeve, letting my overflowing semen trickle out of her. She still had her arms around me, and we simply looked at each other and panted in each other’s faces. Once we had caught our breath, we resumed kissing.
By now, Sonja had regained her stamina. “Master, can I have a turn now?”
“Sure, but I’ll need some help getting hard again.”
A wide smile on her face, she moved over to me and took my placid member in her mouth. She sucked it gluttonously, slurping off the taste of my semen and Momo’s pussy, all while coaxing it back to full attention. Once it was ready for her, she maneuvered herself onto my lap, her back to me with her legs tucked under mine so that they wouldn’t get in the way. She backed herself up like a truck, her full moon ass pressed to my lap with my cock between her cheeks. It took a little work from the two of us, but I was able to guide my cock into her pussy, aiming it just low enough for it to slide into her. A blissful grin on her face, she began rocking back and forth, first leaning her body forward and then sending her ass crashing against my lap, each time relishing the feeling of my cock drilling into her while her breasts clapped together like two tetherballs.
With Sonja taken care of, I turned my attention back to Momo, eager to receive my affection. I held her close and we began making out, our tongues searching for some new spot to probe. I moved one hand south, slipping it between her legs. She purred as my fingers entered her, stirring my seed in her cunt like cake batter. Feeling ravenous, I pulled my lips from her and instead wrapped them around one of her nipples, while the arm I had under her to hold her, I used to reach around and start tweaking her other nipple.
Momo leaned her head back, covering her mouth with her hand as she whined and moaned. She would have liked to kiss me a little longer, but this was certainly euphoric as well, the feeling of fingers massaging her pussy from the inside while one nipple was played with and the other sucked. Her legs never stopped squirming, clamping together with my hand between them as if to both keep me out and lock me in, all while her sweet voice cooed in my ear. Her nipple was like a cholate chip, and every pull of my lips made her squeal, every lap of my tongue made her purr.
“M-Master, Momo’s gonna cum!” she whimpered.
At the same time, Sonja’s moans were reaching that signature pitch, her tail standing erect as she threw herself against me. I came just before she did, filling her with semen as she howled like a wolf. She collapsed, her face pressed to the bed with her butt sticking in the air, a string of cum connecting my P to her V like a spider web. Momo came just seconds later, her chest heaving from the excitement. I removed my fingers from her slit, varnished with seed and nectar, and held them over her face. Her lids lowered with fatigue, she simply opened her mouth like a Roman emperor being fed grapes. That said, as I swirled my fingers around her mouth, she became livelier, at least with her tongue, slurping up the two liquids with relish.
Once she was done, I kissed her on the nose, drawing a tiny purr. “You’re such a good girl. Sonja, how are you feeling?”
She got back up on all fours and stretched, first leaning forward and then back, letting me see my handiwork. “Really good, Master! That was so much fun!”
“Well it was certainly fun for me too. Ok, you girls go clean up and then it’s time to sleep.”
“’Kay!” they both said, prancing to the bathroom.
I sat up and retrieved some tissues from the box on the nightstand. As I cleaned off my pole, I looked over to Chloe. She was huddled in the corner, sniffling in fear. Crap, I had screwed up. I had decided to wait a few days before letting her see us have sex, but clearly, that wasn’t enough time.
I crouched down in front of her. “Are you ok, sweetie?”
She looked at my limp noodle as if it was a weapon. “Are you going to play with me like that?”
“Not until we’ve gotten to know each other better. I’ve been with those two for a while, so there is plenty of trust between us. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to be comfortable with it, and if you never want to do it, that’s fine with me.”
She spread her legs, showing me her wet lips. “Watching you made me like this. I feel really weird down there.”
I smiled and patted her head. “Looks like you might want to try it soon, but take your time.” She gained a smile of her own. “Good girl. Now, give me a kiss and let’s go to sleep.”
She leaned over and gave me a tiny peck on the lips. I ruffled her hair again, making her giggle and she crawled under the bed. Momo and Sonja returned from the bathroom and jumped into bed. They showed surprising energy, considering how much I had worn them out with my awesome manliness and sexual skills.
“Goodnight, girls.”
“Goodnight, Master!” they all cheered.
The next morning found me rushing to get out of the house. So many lost seconds had now added up to minutes that I didn’t have. Even the office manager had to come to work on time (at least mostly). However, I had enough time to set up my laptop so that the girls could continue their reading lessons. Chloe would now be taking part so I left Momo and Sonja with the job of helping tutor her. They were upstairs, having gone back to bed.
“Girls!” I hollered, “I set up my laptop. You can start your lessons after lunch! I’ll see you later!”
As I closed the door behind me, silence returned to the house. Upstairs, Sonja lay curled up in bed, sound asleep, but below, there was plenty of activity. Having crawled under the bed, Momo was once again spooning with Chloe, purring as she worked her fingers between the pipsqueak’s legs. This had become a habit of Momo’s. When Chloe was alone or everyone was asleep, Momo would pin her down and toy with her like this. The more Chloe reacted, the longer Momo worked her. Chloe whimpered and squirmed, overwhelmed with the feelings radiating from her pussy. The three girls still lacked a sense of sexuality, so to Chloe, it was like her feet being tickled against her will.
As had been done to her, Momo got an idea and closed her lips around the edge of Chloe’s ear. The nibbling sensation was too much for Chloe to bear, further enhancing the bubbling warmth between her legs.
“Something is happening! I’m—EEEEEEEEEEEK!”
A shrill squeal was released, its pitch high enough to wake up Sonja. She bolted onto all fours, her hair a mess. “HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!” she barked, acting on instinct. Then, just as suddenly, she collapsed back onto the mattress and fell asleep.
Under the bed, Momo continued toying with Chloe, but even rubbing her clit drew little response. It seemed the orgasm had sapped her strength. Now bored, Momo shrugged and climbed back onto the bed, pulling the blankets over herself so that she could nap.
Hours later, the girls all woke up, craving an early lunch. The fire in the stove was still burning strong and the house was warm, so they didn’t bother to get dressed. They moved downstairs and raided the fridge, glad to find some leftover ham steaks and eggs from the night before. Luckily, they had been taught how to use the microwave. After eating, they settled down at the dinner table and brought my laptop out of sleep mode.
“Why does Master want us to know how to read?” Chloe asked.
“He said that it would help us entertain ourselves if we could read books,” said Sonja. “Wasn’t it fun reading those picture books yesterday?”
Chloe nodded and the first video was started, a woman speaking to the viewer from in front of a dry erase board. “Is that the same woman from the TV shows? How did she get into the computer? Did she climb inside when we weren’t looking?”
“Master says that they are all different people, but Momo can’t tell the difference.”
The lessons began and Chloe worked diligently to perform all of the instructed exercises, holding a crayon in her tiny fist with her face inches from the paper. Momo and Sonja did them as well, for even though they had already seen these videos before, they could certainly use a refresher. Two hours passed before they all decided it was time for a break. But as Sonja reached out to hit the space bar and pause the video playing, a squirrel caught her attention outside and her hand slipped, pushing the wrong button. The window closed, showing the desktop. All three girls squealed in terror. To them, they might as well have dropped a brick on the screen.
“Did we break it? Did we break Master’s thing?” Chloe cried.
“He’ll be mad at us if he sees it like this! He wanted us to do the lessons and now we can’t do the lessons and he wanted us to do the lessons!” said Sonja, gripping her head as if afraid of it falling off her shoulders.
“Momo doesn’t want to make Master upset!”
“Momo! You have to fix this!” Sonja exclaimed.
The feline turned to her, looking as if she had just been slapped in the face. “Momo doesn’t know how to fix this!”
“You’ve been with Master the longest! You’ve seen him use it more than any of us!”
“Please fix it, Momo!” Chloe begged.
“Ok! Ok! Momo will try!”
She took Chloe’s place in the middle and pulled the laptop over to her. It’s true, she had seen this thing used for countless hours, but she had never paid any actual attention. She looked at the desktop, seeing folders and icons, some of them with words she recognized, but none of them looking like they had anything to do with the reading lessons.
“What does Master normally do on this thing?” Chloe asked.
“Well, when he wants to do something, he brings this pointy thing down… by touching this spot here.” She dragged her finger across the trackpad, moving the cursor. There was a time when upon seeing that cursor moving across the screen, Momo would be tempted to swat at it like it was a fluttering moth. Technically, it was still that time, but she managed to resist her instincts and bring the cursor down to the bottom. The dock automatically sprung up, making all the girls tense and move back. This was uncharted territory for them.
“Then what does he do?” Chloe asked.
“Master picks one of these things and taps it.” Momo’s eyes fell to the Chrome icon, round and colorful, just begging to be played with. She inched the cursor over to the icon, and after several confusing taps, managed to click it.
“Look, it’s bouncing!” said Sonja with her tail going wild.
A new window was brought up and Momo nodded. “Ok, this is starting to look familiar.”
Sonja leaned forward, resting her giant breasts on top of Momo’s head. Normally Momo would shy away at the feeling of having her ears crushed, but she was too focused on what was going on.
“Oh yeah, I remember seeing this. What’s that big word? Goo…gle? Is that how it’s pronounced? Goo-gle?” Sonja asked.
“Maybe it’s called Google,” said Chloe.
“Yeah, Momo heard Master use that word before.”
“But what’s a Google? Is it something you eat?”
“Momo has seen Master use this. He puts in words and it does something.” Momo looked at the keyboard. There were so many buttons, but the fact that she recognized the letters helped her stay calm. “What should Momo put in?”
“Try ‘read’,” said Chloe.
Momo clicked on the search bar and typed the four letters, all with just her index finger. They stared, waiting for something to happen.
“What now? Momo doesn’t know what to do next.”
“What’s that word there? Se-arch? Does that mean anything?” asked Sonja.
“Maybe it’s actually saying ‘search’. Trying clicking it.”
Momo clicked on it and the search results were brought up, but they didn’t see what they were looking for.
“Nothing,” Momo grumbled.
“Try ‘how to read’, maybe that’ll do it,” said Chloe.
Momo typed it in, but did not know how to put in spaces. Luckily Google had her back and did it for her. Another list was brought up, but the outcome was the same.
“Is there any way to move down? I think I’ve seen Master move down before.”
“Momo thinks Master does… this?” It took some more fiddling, but she managed to figure out how to scroll down. There, at the bottom of the page, was the YouTube video.
“There it is!” exclaimed Chloe.
Momo clicked on it and they were brought back to the start of the playlist that had been set up for them. The girls jumped up and cheered, having avoided disaster.
Momo suddenly stopped. “Do you realize what this means? We know how to use Master’s computer! Imagine what else we can do with it!”
“But Master will be mad if we mess around with it!” said Chloe.
“Or he’ll be proud of what we can do! Maybe if we impress Master, we’ll get another cake!” Both Sonja and Chloe licked their lips. There was no way they could ignore such a possibility. They all sat back down, trembling with excitement.
“What should we do first?” asked Chloe.
“Let’s go back to Google,” said Sonja.
“This might send us back,” Momo said, moving the cursor up to the arrow in the corner. She clicked on it and they were brought back to the results page. All three girls gasped in awe at their incredible technological prowess. “What should we do now? Should we put in another word?”
“Let me try! Let me try!” Sonja reached over Momo’s head and scrolled up to the search bar. There, she typed in ‘dog’. On the side of the results page was a cluster of images. “Oh! There are pictures!” Jumping up and down in excitement, she clicked on the pictures and squealed in happiness. The first picture was of a golden retriever puppy. “That’s me! That’s what I used to look like!”
Momo helped her move through the pictures, staring in awe.
Chloe was the same way, unable to believe there were so many animals in the world. After all, the world to her was nothing more than the property. “My turn!” she said.
Chloe went back to the main page and she typed in “mouse”, then went and checked the images to the side. She stared in shock, unable to believe that was her original form. While she looked through the pictures, a hungry expression crossed Momo’s face. Momo of course then took her turn, looking up pictures of cats, which of course brought up many more results. Her reaction was much more low-key, but considering that cats were solitary creatures, that wasn’t very surprising.
For the next half-hour, they continued looking up random words and subjects. Even while literate (at least mostly), they didn’t bother clicking on any links or results and simply entertained themselves with pictures. But what they couldn’t understand was why looking up ‘play’ and ‘playing’ brought up none of the pictures they had been expecting. Eventually, though, they got bored with simply looking at pictures.
“What should we do now?” Momo asked.
“Well what does Master normally do?” asked Chloe in return.
“There are those words at the top of the screen, I think he usually does something with them. Let’s see what they do,” said Sonja.
Momo moved the cursor up to the bookmarks bar and started clicking them one at a time. She recognized several pages, at least having seen them before, but none of them caught her interest. Then, in one of the folders, she saw something that she remembered seeing frequent visitations to, back before she had transformed.
“Does this mean anything to you?
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