
Massage While Sunbathing

Best to read Football Physical then Dry My Back as way of introduction

I spent the summer when I was twenty at home in Eastern Washington working six days a week in the feed and grain store in town. We lived outside of town on land that was farmed, but my mother leased it out to other farmers. She just enjoyed being way out in the country. Now Eastern Washington has very cold, windy winters and hot, dry summers. My job always saw me sweaty, dusty, grimey, and hot by mid-afternoon at quitting time. This day was no exeption.

When I got home I parked my old pickup in the back yard and headed up the back steps into the house. As you came in our back door there was a very short little hallway that led into the kitchen. Off of that little hallway before you came into the kitchen was what we called the mud room. It had the washer and dryer, a big double laundry sink, some shelves, and a simple shower. The shower was just a base on the floor with a drain and sides that extended up about ten inches, and old fashioned shower head fed by two faucets and pipe that were visible hanging on the wall, and a translucent shower curtain hanging from a square made of pipe hung on the ceiling. The mud room’s purpose was to let you clean the crud off of yourself before tracking it all thru the house.

I generally peeled off my dusty clothes and left them in by the washer before going into the house. Some days if I was particularly hot, I’d shower in the mud room when I came in and then just walk naked downstairs to my room in the finished basement. We were very casual about nudity in our house. At most, my older sisters would wear an an oversized sleep shirt when they were lounging around. We had no air conditioning back then and about the only concession I made to clothes in the house, in the summer anyway, was to pull on an old pair of gym shorts I had from high school days. It was a running joke in the house that the shorts, which were short and loose fitting did little to conceal anything since I wore them without benefit of underwear. So when I lounged around with my legs propped up on a chair, footstool, or whatever, the loose fitting legs of the shorts usually gaped open, exposing most everything to anyone interested in looking. But nobody really cared about it in our house. Nudity was just accepted as a normal thing.

When it was really hot it was fairly common for me to find Mom working naked or wearing only her panties as she worked around the house. Our house sat far off of the road and we had no neighbors within sight, so it didn’t really matter. Mom was a well built woman and though her body had thickened a bit with the years, she retained a very female shape with large breasts that hung down a good bit and large hips. She still had a waistline, larger than when she was young, but still there none the less. It was common for me to come home on hot days to see her vacuuming, sweeping, or doing other housework with her breasts swaying to and fro as she worked. When she was pushing and pulling the upright vacuum back and forth on the rugs it was particularly interesting to see how her breasts swung around with the exertion of her right arm and upper body. We usually had several fans on in the house and she would sometimes stand in front of one of them holding her breasts up so the air could blow underneath them and cool her off some. When I was younger I sometimes masturbated to mental images of Mom and those breasts swinging as she worked.

When I came in this hot afternoon, I kicked off my work boots, peeled off my dusty jeans, shirt, boxers, and undershirt and dropped them by the washer on the floor. Turning on the shower I adjusted in just enough hot water to knock the chill out of the shower spray, then stepped in, closing the shower curtain behind me. I had just finished soaping up my hair and scrubbing my face when I heard Mom calling “That you, Hut?” I rinsed the lather off of my head and face and turned to see her standing naked in the doorway of the mudroom watching me.

Now she could clearly see me thru the shower curtain, so I don’t know why she asked, but I answered “Yeah Mom, it’s me.”

As I was lathering up my washcloth she remained in the doorway and asked me how my day was. I told her that it was hot and dusty and then asked her if it was hot here at home.

She just said “Lord, yes it was plenty hot enough for me.”

As I scrubbed my body I saw her still standing there watching me, which didn’t bother me, but I said “Did you say something, Mom?”

She said “Oh no, I didn’t say anything. I was just admiring what a nice looking young man you’ve grown into, Hut. You don’t mind me staring at you, do you?”

I said “No, stare away, Mom.”

As I finished rinsing off, I turned off the water and pulled open the shower curtain. Mom reached up on the shelf, pulled down a towel and handed it to me. I stepped out of the shower base onto the mat on the floor and began to dry my hair. Then I stopped and told Mom “I think I’ll go out and air dry in the back yard. There’s a little bit of an afternoon breeze starting up.” With that I headed for the back door with my towel over my shoulder.

I heard Mom behind me say “That sounds like a real good idea” followed by the shower being turned on. Down the back steps and into the yard I walked, went to the side of the house and grabbed two loungers, one for me and one for Mom, set them up with the back down flat, laid my towel on one of them, then laid down on my stomach, tucking my penis down toward my feet underneath me. I heard the screen door open and slam shut, turned my face toward it and saw Mom coming down the steps, wet hair hanging down and a towel in her hand. She asked “You don’t mind if I come out, too, do you?”

I replied “No, Mom. Why should I?”

She said “Oh, no reason, I guess.”

With our house so far back from the road and no neighbors within sight, our backyard was actually very private. My sisters, mother, and I had often laid out in the sun together naked back there. Mom laid down on her back on the lounger I’d set out for her. Her breasts sagged as much off the sides of her chest as any other direction when she laid on her back like that. She said “Hut, I forgot the baby oil. Can you go get it?”

I asked “Where is it?”

She said “There’s a bottle on the shelf in the mud room.” Now baby oil was almost a magic elixer to Mom. She used it to moisturize her skin, as suntan lotion, and I have no idea what else.

I said “Sure, Mom” as I pushed myself up off of the lounger. As I did, I felt my penis and heat loosened testicals swing down away from my body and saw Mom watching me. I walked past her to the house and returned with her magic oil.

She asked “Would you mind doing my back?”

I said “No, of course not” and she got up off the lounger, turned around, and lowered herself down on her stomach. As she did, those breasts hung well away from her body then after she laid down she raised up her shoulders to arrange them comfortably underneath her.

Her face was turned toward me and I went to the side of her lounger, drizzled some oil on her back, bent over, and began to rub it around. She turned her face up toward me as far as she could and said “You’re supposed to rub it in, Hut, not just push it around.” She looked at me bent over to reach down to her and said “You’ll ruin your back bending like that. Just sit on my legs”. I put my right leg across to straddle the lounger then carefully sat down on her upper thighs.

I asked “Is that OK?”

She said “Sure. Now the oil, please Hut.”

I said “OK, OK” and drizzled a pretty good amount on her back up between her shoulder blades and rubbed it around. Once I had it spread around fairly well I leaned way forward and began at her shoulders with a pretty firm massage. I had previously massaged her neck and shoulders many times, so I knew what she liked, but none of those times had included me naked sitting on her legs. While she had been naked sometimes, our previous sessions were always with her sitting or standing in front of me. As I massaged the oil in on her neck and shoulders I felt my penis engorging. It was basically laying right in her butt crack pointing up her back. Damn, she’d have to be feeling that.

I worked my way down her back massaging it and her sides as I went. As I did her sides I felt my finger tips running over the sides of her squashed breasts where they bulged out from under her. When I realized that, I spent extra time massaging her sides as I felt my penis get as hard as it could. I scooted down her legs to continue on the small of her back, then scooted a little further so I would have to lean further forward. I added more oil to her lower back and began to massage it in and when I leaned the furthest I could feel my penis rubbing on her thighs just above her knees. When I got to her butt I drizzled more oil back and forth across her cheeks before beginning to massage it in. With the amount of oil I’d layed across her some of it began to run down her crack so I made sure to chase in down with my fingertips. Each cheek got a deep massage with me kneading them like a big wad of bread dough until I was ready to move on to her thighs.

I began on her left thigh with oil drizzled up and down its length then both hands, shaping themselves around her thigh as I massaged it from top to bottom. After massaging down to her knee I returned to the top to get the sides of her thigh better. I made sure to let my fingertips lightly run over the area where her thigh melded with her butt numerous times. Then I did the same with her right thigh.

For her calves, I stood up and moved to the foot of the lounger where I stooped down and gave each one a good massage then stood up and said “OK, all done. How was that?”

She just said “Give me a minute.” I moved over and sat down on the side of my lounger facing her. The low lounger put me in a position almost like stooping down with my knees high and, with it still in a raging erection my penis was standing straight up near my abdomen between my spread out thighs. After a few moments, her head turned on the lounger facing me, she opened her eyes and said “That was wonderful. I feel like I can’t move.” I saw her eyes looking me up and down, pausing at my obvious erection each time they swept me. I turned and laid back down on my back on my lounger and closed my eyes in the afternoon sun and light breeze. I felt my erection fading and was almost asleep when I heard Mom say “Let me moisturize your back. You men never even make an attempt at taking care of your skin.” I began to protest but Mom cut me off with a simple “Turn over”. I knew it was futile to try to disagree so I got up off the lounger, turned around, and laid back down on my stomach, supporting myself with my arms as I got centered on the lounger. I could feel my heat distended testicals and my only partially engorged penis hanging down as I lowered myself, and after I was down flat, I reached under my abdomen and arranged my penis so it was under me pointing down at my feet.

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