
Making Her Hot Early

Almost the perfect scenario: Cute young niece wants time alone with her boyfriend . . .attracted to you as well . . . so you provide the safe location and instruction to make her want it even more . . . with fringe benefits along the way.

I’ll admit I am attracted to my niece. She’s a nice girl, maybe a little devious from time to time, but a cute kid…short, like her dad, with straight blonde hair that hangs a few inches below her shoulders. She hit that early pubescent growth-spurt several years ago, and while she’s still petite, I noticed pretty quickly afterwards that she had developed a damn nice ass for a girl her age. In addition to the obvious personality changes brought on by all those new hormones, I could see that puberty had indeed found its way to her and was really starting to give her body some cute little curves and definition.

A late starter . . .her boobs formed cute little bumps on her chest now; and she was starting to wear a bra. Her hips were starting to develop a little definition and of course that little ass poked out there quite nicely. I teased her about having a little junk-in-the-trunk, so to speak, but truth-be-told, I found myself taking some serious peeks whenever I got the chance. I admit that some younger girls (though mostly older than Abby) catch my eye from time to time, but I’ve always kept my cool. In any case, Abby’s ass probably catches the eyes of quite a few older men. It is full and round and fills up those tight little hip-hugger jeans she likes to wear. Almost every time I see it I just have to turn the other way and say, “Damn!” under my breath. But that’s beside the point, right now . . . let’s go back to the day I agreed to have her boyfriend over.

Abby had been wearing a hot little two-piece bikini that day and I’ll be damned if this twenty-nine year old widow didn’t find himself hard as a rock watching some kid that didn’t even have the suffix of ‘teen’ on her age frolic around mostly naked in the pool. What made the situation even worse was that Abby seemed like she had a little crush going on with me, and even with her boyfriend there, she seemed to be quite flirtatious – constantly swimming up to me and tugging at the back of my shorts – and insisting that we keep swimming between each other’s legs underwater. I noticed that she kept swimming up to me underwater and just stopping dead in front of me hovering there with her eyes covered in those little goggles. I didn’t think much about it until I grabbed them and put them on to see what was so good about wearing them (I always swim underwater with my eyes open with no problem); and strapped them on my head before making my submerged trek up to the cute little brat – then underneath her belly and through her widely spread legs. And then it hit me.

Instead of seeing a fleshy blur, I could see her bare skin – covered scantily by that damn little blue bikini bottom and glistening in a sunny, underwater sparkle – along with the flexed little muscles of her legs and extreme upper thighs…right up to those tight little strands of muscle that connect leg to pussy….in absolute, perfect clarity. And, with her head above water, it was a free look as there was no way she could see exactly where my eyes were pointing as I swam. It seemed a very convenient way to check someone’s body out without consequence – and I guessed that was exactly what she had been doing to me before. The very first pass up to and through her legs had quite an effect on me. I hadn’t even come up out of the water behind her when I felt my cock spring to life…the way it poked hard into my swimsuit was actually a bit painful.

I had to keep facing the other direction from her when I came up so that I could adjust myself to a more comfortable position. Regardless of my potentially embarrassing reaction, it was a game that I played over and over as the afternoon wore on. But that was over now and I had dropped her off and was alone with Michael on the way back to his house talking about sex. And then he said:

“Abby’s been acting kinda strange lately. I think she wants to…I haven’t asked her but she’s been acting real horny or something lately. Last week when we watched a movie at my house she kept grabbing my leg real close to my…uhh…” The boy laughed a little in embarrassment. “…my dick…and today in the pool she kept squeezing me up against the wall with her butt pushing into it. The last couple of times she did it, she rubbed it up and down.”

“Damn,” I blurted. I normally don’t cuss much around the kids but his story had thrown me for a loop. “So what did you do?”

“I had a boner big time. The last time when she came up to me and did it, I rubbed my hands on her hips…almost on her butt cheeks but more to the side. I’m lucky I didn’t shoot my load right there.”

If I had been drinking a drink I would have spit it all over my windshield. This was not a conversation I would have expected to have with this kid. He was normally pretty quiet…a handsome little guy with golden brown hair that was kinda long on top, sometimes hanging down in front of his eyes (I would make him get a haircut if he were my kid…but oh well) – and a nice tanned body. He was a small guy himself, but not skinny like I was at that age. He had those hard little muscle ridges and definition that used to piss skinny kids like me off. At least I filled out and could break him in half now, though . . . ha-ha. In any event, I could see how girls his age would think he was quite the cutie. He wasn’t the most athletic or coordinated kid though, interestingly. The boy was scared to go underwater for goodness sakes. Come to think of it…I had never seen him do anything besides walk around in the shallow end and lean against the wall. Oh well, that left all the underwater games with Abby to me…and that was just fine!

“I guess sixteen is about right for that reaction. Anyway, you think she knew what she was doing?”

“Uhh, definitely”, he laughed. “I was hard as a rock and she was rubbing up against it…so there’s no way she couldn’t feel that.”

“Damn”, this time I said to myself, under my breath. “Well, I know what you’re gonna be doing when you get home.” I looked over at the boy and his face was a little red, but he laughed in acknowledgement that he would be indeed be partaking in a little ‘handiwork’ at the first opportunity. I immediately got a vision of the little bastard standing there in the shower jerking away at his adolescent stiffy as he fantasized about fucking Abby’s little pussy. And again, I’ll be damned if I didn’t find myself suddenly turned on.

“I tell you what. If it looks like you’re gonna be doing this stuff with her anytime soon, let me know. I can help you out.”

“I never really get a chance to be alone with her. Except for like today when we came to your house,” he said. Now it was my eyes that grew a little. Wait a minute…no way. Well…damn. The more I thought about it the hornier I got. I found myself getting turned on by the notion of watching these kids go at it there at my place. I thought I should probably be disturbed by the thought, but my cock was hardening more and more just thinking about it.

“Okay, look, here’s the deal. If you promise to let me get things lined up… and oh, yeah…under all circumstances, absolutely don’t tell a soul, ever…then I’ll see what I can do to get things moving with her . . . in a few days here at my house.”

“Okay. Dang! You’re awesome. I won’t say anything. I promise”, he assured me. With that, we had found ourselves suddenly pulling into his driveway. I gave him a little grin and told him to ‘have fun’ just before he shut the door and headed up the stairs of his front porch. As I pulled away and started driving down the road, I began to think about what I had proposed and immediately wondered if I had set myself up for a bad situation.

I waffled back and forth a little, but in the end, the vision of Abby’s hot little bare ass bouncing up and down on the handsome boy’s hard-on won me over. I had to laugh a little at the fact that I sensed a little jealousy in myself at this little goober nailing that hot piece of tween ass instead of me…and the fact that he’d get laid when he was freaking sixteen years old when I didn’t get a piece ’till I was twenty.

Whoa! Did I just catch myself feeling jealous because it would be him instead of me? Yep…that’s right. Well, so it was. In fact, I must admit that after I made it home, I wasted little time in hopping in bed and jerking off to the vision of the two naked little twerps fucking like rabbits…and I came like a geyser.

Getting Things Ready

That Friday night, it worked out that Abby came and spent the night at my place. It was a practice that happened with regularity before Annie died; and they continued allowing her to do so after Annie’s death to keep me from getting lonely, I guess. I hadn’t exactly made my way back to having much of an exciting social life…I just didn’t have the drive for it. But I really enjoyed my time with Abby. We’d stay up late playing games and just hanging out. Plus, she did seem to have that little crush on me and I ate it up. She seemed to flirt with me more and more and I was right there with her. And, then there was the fact, of course, that she had this pajama outfit she wore that consisted of short little black shorts with ‘Angel’ across the ass and a little black and pink tank-top that showcased her developing little body nicely.

She had gotten it last Christmas and wore it the first time she visited me – even in the dead of winter. I teased her about wearing something so skimpy in wintertime but she said she liked it…and well…I didn’t mind the glimpses of leg I got, even if it was the legs of a girl less than half my age. I mean, hell, since Annie’s accident, this was the most skin I got to see. To tell the truth, I really hadn’t even thought much of it until now. And here she was – here to stay with me until I took her back home Saturday evening. I had decided to put out some feelers on what she might be up for with Michael, whom I had invited over to swim and hang out the next day.

That night, we did the usual; getting a bite to eat and then coming back home to hang out and play games. I considered bringing up the idea of playing a little truth-or-dare to see if I could coax some ‘truth’ out of her, but the more I thought about it the more I worried about the game getting tangled up in a bunch of stupid ‘dares’, so I came up with a game of just ‘truth’ that involved poker hands. Each time someone lost, the other person got to ask them a question to which they had to tell the truth. I gave myself a mental pat on the back at such a good idea in the spur of the moment, and waited until Abby got into one of her devious, flirty little girl moods she seemed to work into as the nights wore on. She seemed to like the idea with even a touch of excitement about her; and I gave myself a little mental ‘cha-ching’ and a high-five for my successful endeavor.

We got started. She knew how to play poker because I had taught her long ago and it was one of the games we played sometimes on her visits. When it comes to games of luck, though, I’m not so lucky; and she indeed beat me the first two hands. The first question was some inane inquiry about cheating on a test or something, but she fell into the trap a little more on her second one.

“Do you ever look at girls’ butts?” Hoping the conversation would turn this way but still a little embarrassed, I gave my honest answer. “Yeah. I guess so,” I laughed.

“You GUESS so?” she said with a cute, drawn out up speak as she glared at me with narrowed eyes and a clever grin.

“Well, yeah…I do look at girls’ butts . . . sometimes”. Then I dealt another hand. This time, I drew two-pair and came out on top.

“Do you ever look at boys’ butts?” It was pretty much an innocent, juvenile turnaround of her own question, but I needed to start by just returning her volleys for now.

“Yeah, I guess so”, she giggled, mimicking my previous response. We shared a good laugh at our embarrassing admissions, and then it was back to the game. I shuffled ’em up and dealt ’em. Wouldn’t you know it…damn, she won again.

“Do you sleep in your underwear?” she laughed. This one was a bit more embarrassing to answer. “Uh…not really”. We both started laughing.

“Not really?” she pressed, once again drawing out the words in her own little style I found so cute. I was a bit red in the face now.

“Just my birthday suit”, I exclaimed. I wasn’t sure if she would know what that meant, but she did. And again, we got a good laugh. She won the next couple of hands and all her questions were of a similar nature. Finally, I felt ready to pounce with my agenda and sure enough, I won the next hand.

“Have you ever made out with Michael?”

“Noooo”, she said. “We’ve never really been by ourselves.”

“Do you want to?” I asked.

“Hey…that’s two questions!” she whined. And so we played on, our questions to one another becoming more and more sexual in nature each time. First, I learned that she would like to make out with him. Not long after that, I found out that she was actually pretty curious about sex. It seems as if it had become somewhat of a recurring topic among her friends. None of them had done it yet, but they were all apparently pretty intrigued by the things going on with their bodies and their feelings towards boys. I asked her if she ever got horny around Michael and she responded with a devious little grin.

“Sooooommetiimmeess…” she said with a little grin that was both shy and devious at the same time. “And sometimes not around him.” That last part piqued my interest a little. It seemed like there was a little info she might be interested in sharing with me if I played the little game, but it was getting late and I needed to get to the point as I was planning on making things happen the next afternoon if I were to get the green light from her tonight. So I left well enough alone at that point and we continued our game. Next chance I got, I asked her if she would make out with him if I got the couple some time alone. She responded with a “yeah” and an excited, inquisitive little grin as if she knew I might be willing to help her out. Finally, I felt like I had set her up for the big finale, and as soon as I won another hand, I made my move.

“Would you do more than just make out with him if you had the chance?” She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything just yet. “Would you have sex with him?” There it was! Bam! I had worked my plan and dropped the big bomb. It was only a matter of watching and waiting eagerly to see if I scored a direct hit. Strangely enough, it didn’t faze me one bit that what had been such an innocent…okay, ‘mostly innocent’…relationship had taken such a naughty change in direction. But my heart was pounding as I awaited her response and there was no turning back now.

Her initial response didn’t involve a single word. She just raised both of her eyebrows and looked me right in the eye with a little smile that I translated to mean she would be interested…but perhaps needed a little convincing.

“It just so happens that I’ve called Michael’s mom and asked her if he’d like to come swim with us tomorrow”, I told her. She raised her chin a little and continued her intent, silent, inquisitive stare that seemed to urge me to continue on.

“If you were interested in such an opportunity, I could help you out. But you’d have to promise to never tell anyone or I could get in a lot of trouble.” I saw Abby bite her bottom lip in sexy little fashion as she listened to my proposition.

“Just say the word…” And at that point I sat and waited. It didn’t take long at all.

“Okay”, was all she said, still with the same sexy little grin. My body turned hot all over and I was almost sure she could see my heart pounding through my chest. I went on to prod her a little more just to make sure she really wanted to go through with it and had no reservations, even telling her to signal me at any point if she became uncomfortable with the situation and I would halt things immediately. She agreed to that and I could tell she was a little bit excited about what tomorrow may bring…I know I was. In fact, as I sent her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready for bed, my eyes locked on those tight, smooth little legs and pert round ass; and it was all I could do not to follow her into the bathroom and bend her over the counter right there. Needless to say, after she retired to her room for the night, not a minute passed ’till I was pounding my meat in bed until I came in gushes all over my stomach. I cleaned up and tried my best to get some sleep; still trying to mentally go through the details of the next day.

The Plan Unfolds

Saturday morning started with the blinding light of the morning sun pouring through my bedroom window.

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