
Lust From Space!

A family discovers a UFO buried under a lake and get more than they bargained for.

Lust From Space!
by BD

Day 1

Sara was angry with her parents. She was smart, one of the smartest people in her high school class, and in her mind she knew she shouldn’t be upset, and that the anger was just part of some teenage emotional misfire. But her parents knew she’d had a date planned for this weekend, and they’d brought her camping anyway. And since the summer had just begun, the plan was to stay a whole week. It wouldn’t be so bad, she thought, there was cell reception, but there was nothing. No bars. Even in the middle of the highest grassy clearing she could find, there was no signal. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, switching off her phone to save batteries. Sara was a senior Wilderness Girl, and had earned merits in hiking and survival skills, so her parents hadn’t been too worried when she stalked off, fuming, after spending ten minutes grumbling to herself and packing a daypack with food and equipment. Turning around, she started back toward the edge of the clearing, the way she came.

As Sara hiked back through the forest, she thought to herself that maybe this trip wouldn’t be so bad. Her little sister, Lucy, had come along. A couple years younger, Lucy was still a novice Wilderness Girl and part of Sara’s troop, so maybe they could get a head start on summer camp. Sara knew all the knots and could identify every plant and animal they might encounter, but Lucy had always been a better swimmer. Maybe, Sara thought, they could teach each other, and more importantly, Lucy could help her forget about the date she wasn’t going on. Had she not been dragged out here, she would have finally had sex for the first time and was horny as all get out. She needed the distraction or, she feared, she may never make it out of the woods alive.

The sun was still high in the sky, and Sara found it odd that she had almost arrived back at the campsite. She knew she’d taken the same route; she’d finally reached the small lake she’d passed on the way out, but there was something not quite right, as if she was moving very quickly or time was passing much more slowly. Looking straight up, Sara felt a sense of dread and wonder. The sun refused to move. To make sure she wasn’t imagining things, she looked at her shadow for a moment. No movement at all. Time was moving slower, or even standing still! Sara began to run. She’d watched enough TV to know that her rapid aging could cause a serious misunderstanding with her family. She picked up speed, her legs straining to cover ground. Branches whipped at her face as she careened through the forest, and just up ahead, she could see the lights of her family’s campfire.

Campfire?! As Sara hit the boundary of the time bubble, she rocketed into the night, causing her stomach to do cartwheels. For just a moment as she jerked through space and time, Sara thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, something blue and glowing.

She staggered and fell to her knees just outside the campsite, and as she reeled from the time dilation, her father came and stood over her. “Sara?” he said, kneeling down next to her. “We were beginning to worry. Where were you?”

Out came the story, almost all at once: the clearing, the lake, the sun and shadow. As she slowed, she noticed her father looking at her quizzically, and decided to leave out the glowing blue lights. “And then I saw your campfire,” she said, still gasping for air, her brandy-colored hair decorated with leaves and twigs, “and then I was here!”

“That sounds like quite an adventure you had,” her father, Don, said sounding as sincere as he could. He had become somewhat used to his tomboy daughter coming back to him with scrapes, bruises, grinning as if she’d found gold. It concerned him that she wasn’t smiling this time, but everyone gets scared once in a while, he told himself. She had probably just lost track of time and panicked.

As he helped her to her feet, she took comfort in his warmth and strength. Just approaching middle age, he still had the lean body of his army days, but had put on a little, comfortable padding. He ran his fingers through her hair and held her close. Like her father, Sara was typically calm and collected. Even when angry, she would never do anything blindly. Before his hair had turned salt-and-pepper, he’d had a head of smooth, straight brown hair, like hers. When he was fresh out of the army, he’d grown it out just barely long enough to tie it back, like hers was now, but when the kids were born, he kept it short, he joked, to avoid grasping hands.

“So what really happened?” Lucy asked, not at all concerned. Sara’s little sister, like their mother, was a little fire starter, always with a confrontational attitude that always seemed to ride the border between playful and malevolent. Also, like their mother, she had slightly curly blonde hair that hung loosely around her neck and shoulders.

“Oh, hush,” their mother, Maggie, said.

“Apparently, she did a little time traveling,” Don said, winking at Sara.

“I’ll say,” said Lucy. “You were gone for ages. Did you bring us back anything fun?”

Sara, still off kilter, headed for her and Lucy’s tent, grumbling, “I think I found a punch in the mouth, but I put it in my bag. I’ll go see if I can find it.”

Alone in the tent, Sara felt her senses begin to return to her. She clearly remembered the whole incident and thought she could figure out the location of the blue light she’d seen. Pulling a map from her bag, she found the spot she’d marked upon arrival as their campsite. Remembering the landscape and the position of the sun when she’d left angrily, she traced a ballpoint pen along the paper and found the small lake, and then the clearing where she’d tried to get a cell signal.

Five miles! No, she thought. Impossible. But there it was: a curving line from the campsite to the clearing. Figuring she must have run a more direct route back, ignoring thickets and inclines, she drew a straight line back from the spot where she’d noticed that time had stopped. She assumed that the bubble she’d been trapped in was circular, but knew that it extended at least to the clearing, so she drew a circle on the map with one edge just outside the camp and one edge cutting through the clearing. Smack dab in the center of that circle was a small island out in the middle of the lake, which just happened to be the direction she was looking when she saw the blue light. The trouble was, there was no island marked on the map, except the one she’d drawn in when she’d noticed the discrepancy earlier that day. This would be worth a look.

After dinner, Lucy ribbed Sara about her “flight of fantasy” until finally falling asleep mumbling, “Scaredy cat.” Sara thought more about how she would get out to the island, and then felt her eyelids get heavy. Just as she was drifting off, she heard the muffled sounds of sex coming from her parents’ tent. At first, she was repulsed, but soon it only served to remind her that she wasn’t getting any. The more she thought about that, the hornier she became. She’d shaved her pussy thoroughly for the date, and when she clenched her thighs together, she felt how smooth and wet she was, and little fireworks popped in her loins.

Fuck this trip, she thought. When she rolled over in frustration, she found herself spooning Lucy, her face pressed into the younger girl’s hair. Even more than before, her pussy tingled and started to burn, which troubled her. Everything just served to turn her on more, and the thought of grinding her aching pussy on her sister’s leg was starting to feel like a real possibility.

But, no, she told herself. I can’t. What’s wrong with me? The only way to distract herself from this madness was to take a walk, so quietly, she got dressed and began packing a bag, and then thought that while she was out, she might as well check out the island. There was a dock on the lake with public canoes. If she could get one down, she could row out to the island and take a quick peek. Just in case she got stuck, she brought a bag of trail mix, a road flare her parents didn’t know she had, and a spare set of batteries for the flashlight. In her pocket went the map.

As quietly as she could, Sara unzipped the tent, and for a moment, the sounds of sex from her parents’ tent ceased. She froze. When they continued, she walked softly to the edge of camp, waiting until she was well away before turning on her flashlight.

Soon after she left the camp, she noted that time had frozen again, but this time she had brought a wind-up pocket watch to keep track of time. To be back before dawn, she wound the clock for a four-hour countdown–more than enough time to get out there and back, assuming nothing went wrong. Still, she wanted as much time as possible to explore, so she began jogging down the path to the dock.

Why there was a dock with public canoes, she honestly couldn’t say. As far as she could tell, they were the only campers in ten miles of the water. Perhaps there was something about the bubble that kept people away, but why not her? She soon tired of listing all the possibilities and resigned herself to finding out when she reached the island.

Getting the canoe into the water was easier than she’d expected. These were some seriously fancy canoes, made out of the newest lightweight materials. They were much lighter than the clunky wood-and-fiberglass ones at the Wilderness Girl summer camp. And, as it turned out, the boat handled better and was faster than the ones at summer camp. Perhaps, though, the thrill of exploration was simply driving her on.

Or not. The closer she got to the island, the more she seemed wrapped in a sense of foreboding. Her skin prickled and she shivered, despite the warm summer night air. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, Sara thought, dragging her paddle in the water. She looked around. The night had turned the lake and inky black that didn’t seem to reflect the stars or moon. The only way she could see the island was by catching its silhouette against the curling arm of the Milky Way in the night sky. If she got lost or her tiny canoe flipped over, she may never be found. This thought chilled her even more than that of being lost in a time bubble.

Just as she made to turn the canoe around, perhaps by chance, the glowing blue light caught her eye and then disappeared again. It had definitely come from the island, and she could tell she was close. She strapped her flashlight to the front of the canoe and rowed on. When the flashlight beam met the edge of the island, she let the canoe drift until it slid firmly against the muddy shore. Hopping out and grabbing the light from the front, she dragged the canoe up onto land, letting it lay had hidden in the reeds. At first, the mud threatened to suck her hiking boots from her feet, but soon enough she was on solid ground, a thick row of trees ahead of her and the lake behind her.

Sara still couldn’t see where the blue glow had come from, but she was determined to find out. She pointed the flashlight into the thicket and headed in. To her shock, the tree line was only a few yards thick, after which it opened up into a clearing. A canopy of branches stretched overhead, hiding the focus of her attention: a perfect half-sphere of what appeared to be stone. She immediately noticed a series of round holes in the sides, all emanating a blue glow, and guessed that if there was something glowing inside, there must be a way in. She walked around the dome and found the only thing she could describe as an entrance. At ground level there was a square that let out a shaft of blue light. It was small, but it as she examined it more, it appeared that it was a large slot, like that on a piggy bank, only the rest of it was buried.

She got down on her hands and knees and measured herself next to the opening. It would be a squeeze, but she could fit. First, she slid her pack in, and once she felt it drop, she went in feet first. She got stuck, briefly, at her chest and shoulders, and cursed her breasts. She’d been a late bloomer, unlike her sister, and having curves was a relatively new thing. Sara loved having them in every situation other than squeezing into small places, which she seemed to do pretty frequently.

Inside, she was awestruck. The blue glow was coming from a small tree. Every part of it radiated energy, and she found herself both terrified and soothed. The longer she stared at it, though, the more comfortable she became. After her experience yesterday, this wasn’t such a huge leap forward. She started toward the glowing plant, but stopped short, some instinct told her not to touch it. Instead, she looked around the inside the dome and saw a hole in the ground larger than the entrance she’d just slipped through. Peering in, she saw that it looked to be part of a structure. There were ladder-like rungs leading down the hole, and beyond that, more glowing colors and a slight humming.

And then there was the smell coming from the hole, was a smell she could only associate with desire. It was slightly reminiscent of sex, but only very slightly. There were other words for the smell, too, but if she’d had to name them, they’d all be just out of reach. The only thing it triggered in her so far was the desire to explore. Wasting no more time, she shouldered her pack and climbed down the ladder.

What she saw when she reached the bottom was a wonderland of exotic plants that she knew could not possibly be from this world. There were vines, the veins in whose leaves glowed crimson. Another blue tree like the one above glowed blue against a wall. However alien the plants around her, she recognized that she was in a corridor of some kind, but it all seemed naturally built. There were no sharp edges or right angles.

Sara continued on, and while the feelings of desire and wonder continued, the sense of foreboding returned with a vengeance. She felt as if she was being watched, yet she saw no eyes. She also could have sworn she saw the plants move, and got the sense that she was being led somewhere, but she shook it off. Continuing on, she let herself become lost in the wondrous, glowing arboretum.

As she approached a junction, she checked her pocket watch in the glow of a hanging vegetable of some sort. She had a little under three hours left. Just in case she got lost on the way out, she gave herself another hour of exploration.

The corridor led naturally to an open doorway, but Sara found it odd that she couldn’t find an actual door. In the center of the large room on the other side was a tree covered in vines. Unlike nearly every plant in this place, the tree in this room did not glow, but in the light of all the others, it appeared to be damp with rain that could never have fallen. Leading up to it was a path lined with encroaching thorny bushes blooming with glowing roses. Sara passed through the doorway and started cautiously down the path. She took as much care as she could to avoid touching any of the thorny bushes, but about halfway to the tree she had to inch around a long stem with a luminescent ruby flower on the end, and a thorn snagged her wrist, leaving a light crimson scratch. A single bead of blood welled up, and out of habit, Sara put the scratch to her lips and sucked lightly.

Something about the situation worried her and she looked back to the doorway. It was gone, replaced by a thatching of thin vines. So, she was being led here. The thought scared her, but there was something about this room that increased her desire. She wanted to explore more, of course, but all her other desires were flooding back, and she found herself focused on her temporarily forgotten horniness once again. This time, the frustration was replaced by a focused lust, and she felt the wetness between her legs return. She also felt a crazy electricity in her belly that she knew was the desire for answers to this place.

Though she didn’t know how, exactly, she knew she was being manipulated. Her sister Lucy was, even though she was the younger sister, a master manipulator. She always had boys–and sometimes girls, Sara had noted with curiosity a few months back–wrapped around her fingers at school. As far as she could tell, Lucy had never done anything with a boy–or a girl–but seemed to derive joy simply from the power. Sara had long ago become nearly immune to the younger girl’s wiles, and had gained an almost sixth sense for manipulation, but in this case, she simply chose to give in. Turning back toward the tree, she saw that all of the thorny bushes now seemed to lean back away from the path, inviting her to press on further. With renewed drive, Sara approached the tree.

Under the canopy, a drop of liquid dripped from one of the vines onto her arm. It was warm, and when Sara went to wipe it off with her finger, she noticed that it was slippery and felt oddly familiar. She smelled it. Her eyes went wide. It was her! She was no stranger to the smell and taste of her own juices. After masturbating, she almost always spent a blissful few minutes smelling and tasting her own fingers. She tentatively licked at the tip of her finger. It really was her! Her sexual frustration returned. If she didn’t come soon, she felt as if she would lose her mind. But one last bit of curiosity had to be satisfied first.

Sara reached up and touched the vine, running her fingers along it to gather a little more of the juice. As she did, she felt it ripple just as she would feel the inside of her pussy ripple when she would orgasm. Her mind went to what she would do next. She imagined leaning against the tree and making herself cum, all the while smelling her own juices as they dripped from the vines. No longer able to withstand the lust, she dropped her pack, quickly threw off her boots and socks, and wriggled out of her shorts, skinning her damp panties over her legs. Just for extra measure, she lifted her shirt and bra off in nearly one motion, letting her pert breasts jiggle free. Then came the panic.

As soon as she was naked, as if the tree had been watching, two soft roots quickly wound themselves around her ankles. She hesitated a moment too long, and two vines dropped down lassoing each of her hands. The roots kept her planted, but the vines recoiled to the other side of the tree, pressing her face roughly into the trunk and causing her body to lean against it. Sara screamed as the unbridled lust she’d had was ripped away in an instant and replaced with terror. Her screams were also filled with anger toward herself. She should have known she was just food to these things. How else did they survive down here?

A vine dangled down and hung around her neck, cutting off her scream. This is it, she thought. And closed her eyes. And waited. After a skipped heartbeat or two, she opened them again and saw something odd. The dark green vine was coated in the juices that smelled like her, and the glowing plants in the room shimmered off of it in a psychedelic rainbow. Slowly, those reflections were replaced by real light coming from within the vine. As she watched, a hundred smaller, glowing green strands, each a new vine, sprouted from within the old one that now draped loosely around her shoulders. These new sprouts, the thickness of yarn began to wind gently around her torso, tickling her slightly with their tiny, fuzz-like hairs.

There were spots behind her ears, she’d discovered one night while making out with a boy from school, that drove her crazy when kissed. She shuddered as a few of the new sprouts wound their way to those spots as if they’d known exactly what she needed. Sara felt her body relax, and when it did, the vines crushing her against the tree loosened their pull, allowing her to breathe easier, but still remained firm.

A few more sprouts found their way to her breasts, wound themselves around her aching nipples, and began to pulse rhythmically. Bolts of pleasure shot into her chest and she gasped and relaxed against the tree trunk. More of these fuzzy tendrils found their way down to her belly, causing her to giggle slightly between heavy, pleasurable breaths. And the last group of them traveled down to her V, spread across her thighs and around to her shapely young butt.

For a few minutes, the tendrils teased her like this, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the attention. Suddenly she felt the tree trunk rubbing against her face. Was it getting taller? No. She was getting shorter. No, still. The roots around her ankles were spreading her legs. When they were open and Sara could feel the cool, humid air on her moist pussy lips, the tendrils around her V snaked around to her inner thighs, teasing her there until she was panting. Suddenly, but not unexpectedly, she felt a vine–a real one like the ones that bound her hands–drape down across her back, warm and slippery. It lowered itself down below her butt and then looped back up until the blunt tip of it was at her bellybutton, and then wound itself around her waist.

The vine took up slack and the curve of it settled between Sara’s now burning pussy lips. She wiggled her pussy against the vine and it slid smoothly against her clit. A warm blanket of pleasure enveloped her. This, she told herself. This is exactly what she needed. She ground harder against the thick vine, her moans becoming louder and louder until fireworks went off behind her eyes and she came, shuddering.

The vine between her legs loosened as it unwound from her waist. Sara, red faced and breathing heavily in ecstasy, smiled to herself as she remained bound to the tree. Well, she thought. She hadn’t lost her virginity, but this was had certainly been the next best thing. As she gathered herself and tried to pull away from the tree, the vines holding her wrists remained firm. She struggled slightly, but stopped and gasped when she found out why she hadn’t been released.

Sara felt the blunt end of the vine pressing against the opening to her exposed pussy, and for a second tried to wriggle out of the way. Apparently feeling this, the vine pressed a little harder. Even with its girth, the vine was so slick that it slipped right into her, the tip nestling right up against her hymen. “Ah!” Sara yelped. But the vine didn’t move back. Instead, it paused a moment and then pushed forward, breaking her hymen and filling her up. “Owww!” she hollered. The little tendrils around her breasts and thighs throbbed, bringing her pleasure back, and the vine buried in her pussy paused, allowing her to get used to the feeling. After she let out a moan of pleasure, the vine inside her began to pump in and out, slowly. At first, the pain remained, but after a minute, it transformed into pleasure.

Sara could feel the length of the vine inside her, its warmth and the tight, slickness of her young pussy combining to form wave after wave of ecstasy. “Oh, fuck,” she moaned, hoping the tree could hear her. “Oh, fuck! It’s so good!”

The vine’s pumping sped up, and Sara’s eyes rolled back in her head as she became lost in the moment. The length of the vine rubbed heavily against her clit as it pounded in and out of her. Soon, the stimulation on her breasts, behind her ears, and between her legs made her explode into an orgasm that she had never thought possible. She screamed, this time in uncontrollable lust, and came.

After a few moments, the vine slid out of her pussy and began slowly winding its way back into the tree. She found her hands and feet free, and collapsed into a panting heap against the trunk. As she regained her senses, she noticed something odd. Veins behind the bark of the tree had begun to glow, ever so dimly, like seams of gold. She wondered if she had been the cause. A grin crept across her face; there was only one way to find out. Unfortunately, she would have to find out another time. She reached for her pack and pulled out her pocket watch. Only one hour left before dawn.

Gathering her clothes, she regarded the tree and all the surrounding plants as she got dressed. She noticed that some plants were dimmer than others, and wondered if all of them required the same “treatment,” if that was even what she had done for the tree. If so, she thought mischievously, she would need a good night’s sleep tonight.

Day 2

The trip back was uneventful, except that, for the hike back through the forest, she found walking to be a little awkward. Now that most of the pleasure had worn off, the pain of her broken hymen was returning, as well, with a slight throb, but she knew it wouldn’t last. Coming back into the camp would be interesting, too, because she was sure she smelled like sex, even if it was her own sex.

Luckily, the rest of the day went more or less without incident. Lucy and her father, Don, had an argument about how to cook bacon, and her mother had woken up looking as if she had the pox. In the first instance, Lucy not only managed to convince her father that her way of cooking bacon was the best way, but that his way, the old army way, was wrong because the army obviously wanted recruits to suffer in order to make them stronger. He admitted that maybe she had a point there, and agreed to let Lucy cook for the rest of the trip. Sara just shook her head and crunched down on an admittedly tasty piece of bacon. As for their mother, Maggie, a few mosquitoes had got trapped in the tent last night, and had gone to town on her. It was well known that mosquitoes never bit Don. It was also well known to Sara, but not to Lucy, what hickeys looked like. Maggie shot Sara a glance, but Sara stared off blankly, feigning ignorance.

“You seem different today,” her father said to her later in the day as she woke from a long nap in the hammock she’d brought.

“Different how?” she asked, yawning.

“I don’t know,” he cocked his head to the side. “Glowing.”

Oh shit! She looked at herself. Had there been some sort of side effect of being fucked silly by a tree? As far as she knew, it hadn’t come in her, if that was even possible. “Glowing?”

“Yeah, you know: radiant.”

“Oh, yeah. Radiant. Right. I guess I just got a good night’s sleep last night. The mountain air must be helping after all.” Sara desperately hoped he would write her blathering off as a side effect of just having woken from a nap.

“I’m glad,” he said, with a little bit of hope in his voice.

“Daddy,” Sara said, “I’m sorry I was angry yesterday. I just had a lot of expectations about staying back home, you know?”

“You mean you were hoping to have sex with the Forrester boy?” Don could be hopelessly forward sometimes. Sara’s stomach dropped an inch and a half.

“I guess?” she said, not looking at him. Lying to him rarely ever worked, and she hoped he’d just drop it with a simple truth.

“Oh, honey,” he said, hugging her. She was instantly glad she’d taken a dip in the lake to clean off after breakfast. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Daddy!” she stuck out her tongue in an ‘ick’ face. “That’s weird!”

But his face got serious. “Honey,” he said with a slight sigh. “I know I can be blunt, and I know that talking to your parents about this kind of thing can be … awkward. But I think we both know that you take as much after me as your sister takes after your mother.”

“Uh huh,” she said, wondering where this was going.

“I raised you like I would have raised any child, and your mother did the same with your sister,” he said. “You’ve still turned out to be a lovely, smart young woman.” He paused. “And very beautiful,” he added. “But you’ve got a lot of me in you. Er…” he rolled his eyes “… you know what I mean.”

She did. “I do.”

“So, what I’m saying is, that–“

She cut him off. “Similar minds think alike?”


“So you knew we were going to do it all along,” she asked, “and still brought me out here?”

“The way I figure it,” he said, shrugging, “is that if he’s worth it, he’ll still want you when you come back, even after disappointing him.”

“You’re beginning to sound like Lucy,” Sara said with a grin. “Or mom.”

He laughed big roaring laughs from his belly. It wasn’t a thing Sara saw often. Even Lucy and Maggie, across the camp, paused what they were doing and glanced over. “Ha! No, that’s just some old fashioned fatherly advice,” he said. ” But look, about your sister: I know, with you, you’ve simply become immune to her. I’ve always been good at following. I was a good soldier, but I never really led anyone in the army. Never had the desire. And look at your mother.” They looked, watching the woman play checkers with her younger daughter on a tree stump, teasing and trash talking the entire time. “She’s a force of nature.”

Sara nodded in concession. “She totally is.”

Don cleared his throat. “Not that she bosses me around or anything.”

“Of course not,” she smirked.

“And I know you two haven’t exactly been the closest mother and daughter,” he said, becoming slightly serious again. “But she loves you, too, at least as much as I do.”

“I know, daddy.”

“Good,” he said. “Good.”

“Daddy?” Sara asked.


“What was the point?”

He clicked his fingers. “Right. Of course. Um, it was that you can tell me anything.”

“OK,” she said.

“Right,” he said. “So I guess I’ll go see what we’ve got to make for dinner.”

“I thought Lucy was cooking,” Sara said as he walked away.

“We’ll see!” he called back, grinning.

That night, Don cooked an exquisite dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, fresh from the can. As they ate, he explained in great detail where he had obtained the white bread, cheddar cheese, and tomato soup. The hunt had been excruciating, taking all of ten minutes, in which time hardships had befallen the hunting party (Maggie got a paper cut on a coupon) and sacrifices were made to the gods to keep the weather at bay (Don had eaten a grape without paying for it). Lucy just rolled her eyes and sighed. Definitely not her father’s daughter.

But all through dinner and into the night, Sara kept catching Lucy staring at her. Lucy wasn’t one to fixate on something so obviously for so long, and it began to make Sara uncomfortable. Did she know something about what had happened to her? Just thinking about it again made her horny, and she fidgeted. After what seemed like hours of her sitting at the campfire, trying desperately not to think about sex, her parents announced that they were calling it a night.

In the tent with Lucy, Sara unpacked her daypack, and then re-packed it to make sure she had everything she would need during her next visit. She also laid out her clothes for the next day, picking items that would be easier to remove in a hurry, and conveniently leaving out panties.

Lucy yawned and declared that she was going to hit the hay, pulling her shirt over her head to replace it with the shirt she slept in. Sara glanced her sister’s small but shapely breasts and felt her loins tingle again. Damn it, she thought. Not this again. Trees yes, sister no, she told herself silently. Hell, she wasn’t even into girls. Except for the one she made out with on a dare one night during her freshman year of high school. That had actually been pretty nice. And then there was that time at home when…. No! Stop! Her mind cartwheeled as her desire flared up again. She lay down facing away from her sister and buried as much of her head in her pillow as she could. Thankfully, the day’s events had taken it out of her, and she quickly fell asleep.

Some time later, Sara awoke to Lucy shaking her gently. “Hey,” her sister whispered. “Sara.”

“I’m awake,” she groaned. “I’m awake. What is it?”

“Shhhh,” the younger girl hushed. “Where’d you go last night?”

“I didn’t go anywhere last night,” Sara said, evading.

“Liar.” Lucy paused. “Fine. Where’d you go early this morning?”

“I went to see if I was crazy or if there really was something out in the woods that stops time,” Sara said, hoping a little truth would satisfy.

“Ohhh,” whispered Lucy sarcastically. “And it took you four hours why? Sara,” she mocked, “were you just out there staring at the sun? It’s bad for your eyes, you know.”

“Look,” Sara said, becoming irritated.

“Shh!” Lucy hushed her again.

“Look,” Sara whispered. “I just took a walk, OK? I was supposed to go on a date … tonight, actually. Anyway, I was just frustrated and needed to take my mind off of things.”

“You needed to find a place to jerk off, you mean,” Lucy said. Sara was taken aback and Lucy must have sensed it. “I may be young, but I’m not an ignorant little baby,” the girl said, sounding genuinely hurt by the idea that Sara looked down on her.

Sara, sensing a mind game, avoided apologizing. “Girls don’t ‘jerk off,’ stupid,” she said, smirking.

“Well, I do,” Lucy spat in a hoarse whisper.

Sara was suddenly convinced that Lucy was being genuine. There was no way she would have admitted that to Sara otherwise.

“No,” Sara said. “That’s not what we call it. Boys ‘jerk off.'” Sara made little air quotes with her fingers.

“Well, Annie and Molly call it that,” Lucy said.

“Annie and Molly wouldn’t know a pussy from a hole in the ground,” Sara said. This time, it was Lucy’s turn to be taken aback. Thinking about sex, and now talking about it had loosened Sara’s mouth. Wow, she thought. Just like dear ol’ dad: no filter.

“And what about me?”

“What about you?”

“Do I know a pussy from a hole in the ground?” Lucy said, mockingly, but this time out of hurt feelings. Sara began to feel bad for her. Why would she have expected her little sister to know so much about sex? It wasn’t like they’d ever have talked about it before, always being somewhat at odds. Still, Sara wasn’t about to get trapped in apologies with her sister.

“I honestly don’t know,” Sara admitted.

“I put a finger in. Once,” Lucy said, awkwardly. There was a long silence.

“Then you’re doing fine,” Sara said. Part of her screamed not to, but she reached out and stroked her sister’s hair. It was so fine and smooth. Sara reached out and hugged Lucy to her. “I’m sorry if I made you feel stupid.” Oops!

“So is that what you were doing out there, just all by yourself?” Lucy asked, her head pressed against Sara’s shoulder.

“Eh, I don’t think we should talk about it, OK?” Sara said, trying to back out.

“I thought you were sorry!” Lucy whispered.

“So what if I am?”

“So tell me about it!”

“No way! Why would you want to know, anyway?”

“Because I want to know how to do it right!”

Sara couldn’t tell if that was the truth, but even in the haze of her horny mind, she decided it was better to leave it be. “No one told me how,” Sara said. “Practice enough and you’ll get it. Trust me.”

Lucy crossed her arms in defiance, pulling away from Sara. “If you don’t tell me what you did out there for four hours, I’ll tell daddy you went out. I’ll wake him up and tell him right now about how you were about to go out tonight, too.”

Sara felt like slapping her sister silly. They both knew they couldn’t lie to their father. The best thing Sara could hope for was his complete ignorance of the events in the underground structure. If he asked … well, she would have to make sure it never came to that. Anger combined with horniness had never been a good mixture with her, and after a second’s thought, Sara said, “Fine, fine, fine. I won’t tell you, but I’ll take you there and show you.”

“Eww!” Lucy made her ‘ick’ face. “You don’t have to show me!”

“Believe me,” Sara said, now very serious. “You have to see it to believe it.”

Lucy’s face betrayed her realization that there was something more to all this. “Fine,” she said, warily. “When do we go?”

Sara reached for her pack and pulled out the pocket watch. They would have somewhat more time than she did the previous night. She wound it for a six-hour countdown.

Since Sara knew the route, the trip to the dock went more quickly than it had before, with two exceptions. The first was that with her sister coming with her, exiting the camp quietly was a little harder than before because of the girl’s relative inexperience in the wilderness. Twigs snapped and leaves crunched under Lucy’s every step. The second was that Lucy nearly had a panic attack when they crossed into the time bubble. The physical sensation alone was a little jarring, but looking up to see a shooting star frozen in the sky could, even to someone who’d seen it before, be quite disconcerting.

Just after they’d crossed into the bubble, Sara had released the catch on the pocket watch, and it began ticking. Lucy looked at her, puzzled for a moment before she said, “So that’s how you made it back on time.” Sara had grinned, saying nothing.

When they reached the dock, the girls lifted the canoe off the rack and slid it into the water with barely a splash. Sara climbed forward and attached the flashlight to the bow once more. As they rowed out toward the island, Lucy peered down into the ink black water, just as Sara had done on her first trip out. The older girl could sense her sister’s trepidation and knew what she must be feeling. Now, though, after having been coerced into bringing her younger sister to a place that she regarded as especially hers, Sara took pleasure in Lucy’s fear and discomfort.

Soon, the illuminated edge of the island appeared before them and Lucy noticed the glint of blue light. “What is that?” she asked, clearly unsettled.

“It’s where we’re going,” Sara said. “You still want to know where I was last night, right?”

“I guess,” Lucy said. “I don’t know, actually.”

Any further thought she may have had on the matter quickly disappeared when the canoe ran up on the muddy shore. The muck was deep, so because she didn’t know how the smaller girl would fair, Sara hopped out and pulled the boat up farther into the reeds before motioning for Lucy to join her. Together they hid the boat in the reeds.

Sara took her sister by the hand and led her into the dense thicket lining the shore. When the two emerged, the younger girl took in a breath. “What is this place?” she asked.

Sara led her around to where the entrance was. The blue glow illuminated their faces, and Lucy’s eyes went wide. “Is this where you came to, uh,” the younger girl now paused, not quite so brazen, “… you know?”

“Not quite,” Sara smiled. “You sure you can handle this? You’re looking a little pale.”

Lucy regained her composure, even if it was a front. “Of course I can!” And then: “You go first.”

Sara chuckled and knelt at the square entrance, and dropped her daypack in followed by Lucy’s. Again, she went feet first, but this time, she angled her body so as not to snag her breasts on the stone walls. When she was in, she heard her sister calling to her. “Sara?” She decided not to answer for a second. “Sara?”

Sara jumped in front of the entrance. “Boo!”

The younger girl started, but kept herself from screaming. “Very funny, dork!”

“Come on in,” Sara said. “Feet first.” As she heard her sister inching through the entrance, Sara could already feel the effects of the glowing plants. The itch of desire resurfaced, and she became so lost in it that she almost didn’t notice that Lucy was too short and was going to fall into the dome. She reached out and caught her sister’s legs, feeling their smoothness against her skin When the girl was all the way through, Sara let her ease down through her arms. When the girls’ breasts collided, Sara resisted any and all temptations running wild in her brain.

Once Lucy’s feet were on the floor, she spent a good couple of minutes staring in bewilderment at the glowing blue tree in front of her. “It’s so pretty,” she said.

“It gets better,” Sara said, placing a hand on the small of the girl’s back and leading her toward the hole in the floor. Again, the smells and lights coming from the underground corridors made her loins itch. When she looked to see if her sister was experiencing the same sensations, She saw that the girl had a slight grin on her face and was breathing a little more heavily.

“Sara,” Lucy said. “I feel funny.”

“Funny how?” Sara was worried that maybe the effects of the plants were too strong for the younger, smaller girl. “Woozy?”

“No,” Lucy said, looking Sara in the eyes. She was clearly not drugged. “Just funny. Excited a little.”

Sara needed to get back down into the underground forest. This she knew. “It’s OK,” she said to her sister. “Wanna explore downstairs?”

“I feel like I need to,” Lucy said. “You feel the same way, don’t you?”


Sara went first again, and when she reached the bottom of the ladder, she felt a cooling sense of relief. She looked around at the glowing plants, marveling once more at their beauty. When Lucy reached her, they both stood for a while as Sara let the girl take in the view.

“Oh my god!” Lucy whispered, as if she was in a library. “How did you find out about this place?”

“It was when I was in the time bubble the first time,” Sara said. “I was running out, and I saw the blue light from one of the holes in the dome.”

“This place is amazing!” Lucy said, approaching a bush covered in chains of glowing orange spheres, her hand reaching out to it.

“Hey!” Sara called to her sharply. Lucy stopped on a dime and looked back. “Don’t touch anything. We don’t know what all these things are.”

Lucy’s hand shot back to her side. Bad memories of poison ivy the previous summer danced in her head. Just the thought of it almost made the younger girl itch. “Right,” she said.

For a while, Sara and Lucy walked through the corridors of what Sara was coming to understand as a system of halls and rooms, almost like an old library. Interesting, she thought, that Lucy had naturally assumed they were supposed to be quiet. And then she remembered the previous night.

As the vine in buried in her tight young pussy had rubbed against her clit on every thrust, she had screamed like a banshee as she came. Perhaps, she thought, the rules changed when the inhabitants fucked young humans. The memory made her head spin, and when she finally shook it off, she noticed that she could feel a single trickle of moisture running down the inside of her leg. She had put on slightly baggier shorts than the night before, and had skipped wearing panties, so there was nothing to stop the wetness. Fortunately, the dim light and her sister’s fixation on the multitude of alien plants around them let the moisture go unnoticed.

The path they took was, in Sara’s estimation, in the exact opposite direction than the way she’d walked before, but she got the sense again that they were being guided. Even Lucy felt it. “I feel like we’re being watched,” she said.

“Yeah,” Sara said, taking her sister by the hand and leading her further into the tunnels. “I know what you mean.”

“So are we?” Lucy asked. “You’ve been here before.”

“Not exactly,” Sara said, feeling a sense of deja vu.

“What does that mean?”

Sara stopped short and Lucy nearly bumped into her in the dim light. This was definitely the same doorway she had come to last night. Butterflies filled her stomach, but in the back of her mind she worried how her sister might react if what happened to her last night happened again. She felt her pussy become sopping wet thinking about it, but it was one thing to show her sister how she fingered herself, as she was sure Lucy had expected, and another thing entirely to have the younger girl watch as a tree fucked her silly. Still, she put one foot in front of the other and passed through the doorway, sister in tow.

“This is where you came last night,” Lucy said.

“Under the tree, yeah,” Sara said, bending the truth for just a few minutes more.

“How’d you get to the there?” The girls stood just inside the large chamber, vine-laced tree dimly glowing veins of gold before them in the center. Surrounding the tree, however, the ruby-glowing thorny bushes grew thick and wide, blocking the path that once led directly there.

“It wasn’t like this before,” Sara said. “Wait here.” Sara dropped Lucy’s hand and stepped forward to examine the bushes, trying to find a path through. When she approached, the bushes parted.

“Whoa!” Lucy cried. “That’s incredible!”

“That’s not the half of it,” Sara said, her mind trying to wrap itself around how all this was working. “Come on.” Sara continued forward, and the bushed parted in front of her, but as Lucy approached, they closed, blocking her path.

“Hey!” Lucy called. “What the hell!”

Sara turned and started back toward her sister. The bushes allowed her to pass. Halfway back, some idea that had been churning over and over finally clicked. The ruby flowers, the thorns. Sara looked at the spot where the thorn had snagged her wrist. When she reached the edge of the thicket where Lucy waited, the bushes ceased to part. “Give me your hand,” Sara said, extending hers to the outside of the thicket.

Lucy looked as if she was going to say something, but then simply reached out and took the offered hand. “Nothing’s happening,” she said.

“Not yet,” Sara said, gripping her sister’s hand hard. A wild look of fear flashed onto Lucy’s face as she realized what was about to happen, but she didn’t have time for words. Sara yanked and the smaller blonde girl came crashing through the thorny branches, collapsing in the dirt at her sister’s feet.

“Aaah! Ow!” Lucy yelled, tending to her scratched arm and legs. “Why’d you do that?”

“Look,” Sara said, gesturing toward the tree. A clear path lay between the girls and the tree. Sara showed her the nearly healed scratch on her wrist from the night before. “I think they need a sample of blood. Like a key or something.”

Lucy still seemed angry. “They?”

Sara stroked one of the glowing ruby flowers. Lucy’s anger immediately evaporated as she watched the delicate luminescent petals ripple under her sister’s touch. There was something about it that made her feel a little hot and funny, like she did when she needed to play with herself. As Lucy reached out to stroke the petals, Sara dug into her daypack and pulled out a small piece of cloth and wiped the tiny beads blood from her sister’s scratches. “Sorry,” Sara said. “I’m still figuring this place out.”

Sara helped her sister to her feet, and they continued down the cleared path, Lucy running her hands over glowing ruby petals as they went. Sara noticed that her sister seemed to shiver each time her fingers stroked another flower. When they reached the tree, Lucy noticed the dampness of the vines. Before Sara could say anything, Lucy reached up and touched the first one she could reach. She would have said something, but Sara wanted to see what kind of reaction her sister would have. As the younger girl brought her now damp fingers to her nose, her eyes went wide. “It smells like me,” she said, warily. “I mean, down there. My–“

“Pussy?” Sara finished. She dropped her pack in the dirt and started unbuttoning her shirt.

“Sara, what’re you doing!?” Lucy asked, flustered.

“I thought you wanted to know how I did what I did,” Sara said, pulling off her shirt and unhooking her bra. She found that the lust she’d known the night before had been a pale shadow of the passion she was feeling now. Nothing would stop her from being satisfied, not even the prying eyes of her younger sister.

“I did,” Lucy said. “I mean I do.”

Sara turned to stuff her shirt and bra into her pack, and while she was at it she pulled off her boots and let her loose shorts fall over her hips, exposing her bare ass and pussy to the cool air. She knew that any moment, she would feel the grasp of roots and vines. She turned back to her young sister to explain that she was about to witness something really strange, and not to worry, but when she did, Lucy was removing the last of her socks. “What’re you doing?!” Sara gasped.

“I’m feeling really hot, and I need to play with myself,” Lucy said. Honestly, the wooziness she’d been feeling was rapidly turning into full-blown desire. “If you’re going to show me, I can just copy you, right?”

Sara stared at her naked little sister, her small firm breasts and her smooth skin, and felt a dozen different thoughts screaming at her. Before she could say or do anything more, two soft roots popped from the dirt and wound themselves around Lucy’s ankles. Panic struck, and the girl bent down to try and free herself. “Sara!” the younger sister cried. “Help me!”

Sara found herself frozen in place, trapped between the desire to free her sister from what was sure to be a rough deflowering and the lust that made her want to watch. She watched the blonde girl’s fingers pry at the roots to no avail until two more roots quickly took the girl’s wrists. Off balance, Lucy fell forward on to her hands and knees and the roots pinned her there. “S-sara,” her little sister pleaded. “What’s going on?”

Sara couldn’t rightly, say. The vines in the tree made no move toward the girl, who simply remained pinned. “I don’t know,” Sara said. “This is different from last night.” But as helpful as she wanted to be, the older sister’s lust could not be overcome. She went and knelt by her sister, whose eyes, wide with fear and uncertainty, reflected the myriad glowing colors in the room.

“Tell you what,” Sara said, running her fingers sensually through her sister’s hair. “While you’re stuck there, I’ll show you what I did last night, OK?”

“OK.” Lucy swallowed some of the terror back, and desire quickly filled its place. “But Sara?”

“Yeah, sweetie?”

“Could you run your hands through my hair again? It felt kinda nice.”

Sara felt boundaries breaking down in her mind, and he strangest part about it was that despite all of the alien influence on her lust, she knew that she was the only one breaking down the boundaries. “Of course,” she said, and, kneeling in front of her sister, ran her fingers deep into the girl’s hair, feeling her scalp prickle at the touch.

“Mmmm,” Lucy sighed, tilting her head back. “Again?”

When Lucy spoke, Sara felt her warm breath on her breasts, and it made her dizzy. Sara ran her fingers through the girl’s hair again, and when she was done, she dragged her fingertips back over her sister’s shoulders, flipped her hands over, and continued down the girl’s chest until her hands gently cupped the two small breasts that hung there. “Uh,” Lucy said, clearly starting to feel the lust and pleasure of this place, but not as far gone as her sister. “Uh, Sara. You shouldn’t do that. It’s wrong.”

“You don’t sound convinced,” Sara said with a mischievous smile. She lightly pinched her sister’s nipples, causing the younger girl to let out a breath.

“Oh!” was all Lucy could say.

Sara stood up suddenly grinning. “Something to think about,” she said, taking a few steps back. When she did, two roots wound around her ankles. Lucy gasped as a vine drooped from the tree, looping around her big sister’s body. The vine began to tighten, sliding smoothly up Sara’s body and catching under her arms. It pulled higher, raising her arms, and once the loop was past her head, it tightened, around her wrists, binding her hands above her head. The two roots then moved in the dirt, spreading Sara’s legs. Lucy could now see clearly how wet her sister had become.

Sara felt the cool air against her exposed pussy and shivered with pleasure. She saw her sister watching her and for a moment became a little self-conscious. As the vine binding her hands pulled her arms taught above her head, she saw another vine drop loosely from the tree above Lucy. The younger girl started when its blunt tip touched the middle of her back, and Sara wondered what would come next.

As the tree had done to Sara the previous night, the vine on Lucy’s back sprouted a hundred smaller glowing versions of itself that began to spread over the girl’s body. “Oh, god!” Lucy whimpered, squirming. Bound as she was on her hands and knees, she couldn’t see what was going on. “What’s happening?”

“Don’t worry,” Sara cooed, watching the tiny sprouts wind their way around her sister’s developing curves. She noticed that the little tendrils were heading for different spots on the bound blonde girl than they had on her. The first group went up the back of Lucy’s neck and into her hair. “Eek!” Lucy blurted in surprise when she felt them there, but turned it into a pleasured “Ahh…” as they apparently worked a kind of magic that Sara’s fingers could not. A second group of tendrils wound down her arms nestling in the crook of her elbows and on the soft inside of her wrists. Sara saw the girl’s arms twitch as the teasing plants caused her muscles to nearly fail her. “Oh!” the girl moaned.

Sara thought that that place on Lucy must be like the spots behind her own ears. As if the plants were reading her thoughts, she felt a sprouting mass across her back. Wow, she thought. She had been so lost watching her sister get teased by these little tendrils that she hadn’t even noticed the vines around her own body.

Lucy’s neck had relaxed so much from the wonderful feelings she was getting on her neck and scalp that her head hung loosely between her shoulders. The tendrils that had been massaging her there suddenly tightened, pulling her head up by her hair. “Ah!” Lucy cried. But she paid the discomfort no mind when she saw the miniature vines creep over her older sister. So that’s what that feeling was, she thought. Lucy watched as the tendrils wormed their way behind Sara’s ears, and saw the older girl heave an ecstatic breath. More wound around Sara’s stomach, and when they reached her breasts, they wound gently around her nipples. Lucy saw her sister’s knees buckle, but the vines binding her hands held her up. The sight of her sister in the throes of so much pleasure started to make the younger girl jealous, but she wouldn’t have to wait long.

As the tendrils continued to tease and stimulate her, Sara saw that Lucy was being forced to watch. And as Sara looked her sister lustily in the eyes, the tendrils continued their exploration of the younger’s body, climbing down to her belly and to her little pert breasts, where they wound much more tightly than they had on Sara. The girl squealed as the tendrils squeezed her sensitive nipples. “Aah! Aaaah!” the girl cried. Sara worried through the waves of pleasure that her sister was in pain, but a dopey smile crept across the younger girl’s face. As the tendrils crawled over Lucy’s butt and down the backs of her thighs, Sara saw the girl’s eyes roll back in her head. Once all of the tiny vines had found their spots and settled into teasing the girl, Lucy’s eyes finally readjusted, focusing on Sara.

A thick vine from the tree dropped down below Sara’s knees, wrapping itself around her leg and winding its way up her thigh. Lucy watched this and panted as her own tendrils teased her breasts and thighs. When the vine reached Sara’s wet pussy, it paused. “Come on,” she pleaded, her head tilted back in erotic frustration. Lucy took in a sharp breath as she watched the vine press against the entrance to her sister’s pussy. As it popped in, Lucy watched inch after girthy inch of it disappear into the older girl.

“Oh, god,” both of them said at once. In Sara’s case, it was from the pleasure of feeling the vine fill her tight wet pussy again. For Lucy, it was the realization that this was what had happened last night. The thought of it made her incredibly horny, a sensation she had just been getting used to, but it also made her realize that her sister was no longer a virgin and that, by the end of the night, she may not be, either. That thought, too, brought on a mix of emotions, both erotic and troubling, but they were but a drop in the ocean of pleasure wasting over her.

Sara felt the vine begin to pump in and out of her, rubbing tightly against her clit on every thrust. Again, her knees buckled, but she remained upright, hanging for a moment from her bound hands. “Oh, fuck!” Sara cried as the vine sped up. “Oh, fuck me! Fuck meeee!” She could feel the thick vine filling and leaving her burning pussy again and again, and her words became moans.

Lucy saw the thick vine stretching her sister’s bare snatch, pumping in and out furiously, and combined with the teasing and stimulation from the tendrils on her own body, she felt ready to explode in lust and jealousy. “Oh, shit, I’m coming!” Sara squealed suddenly. “Coming, coming! Oh fuck!” Lucy watched her sister’s body convulse in ecstasy. The pumping of the vine slowed in time with Sara’s convulsions. When it finally popped out of her, Sara hung on the vine that bound her hands, twitching.

When the roots binding Sara’s feet released her, and the vine she hung from lowered her to her knees and unbound her wrists, Lucy wondered if she was still bound because the same thing was about to happen to her. Anticipating a ravaging, the girl tensed up.

Sara, panting on her hands and knees, raised her head and noticed that her little sister was still bound. The tendril seemed to be working their best, but the girl was tense. Sara crawled over to her, noticing with amusement that with the glowing green tendrils wound into her blonde hair, she looked kind of like Medusa. A very, horny, flushed Medusa. “Why hasn’t it let me go?” Lucy asked, nervousness just barely penetrating her heavy breathing.

“I don’t know,” Sara said. She traced a finger down the length of a tendril on the girl’s shoulder and felt an almost electric sensation in her fingertip. Lucy shuddered. “Like that?”

“God, yes!” said Lucy, surprised. Somehow the connection amplified the pleasure she got not just from the one tendril, but from all of them. “Do it again!”

This time, Sara traced the tendril down from her shoulder and to the girl’s breast, following the spiral all the way to the nipple. Lucy moaned wordlessly, arching her back up and then down as the sensation sent bolts of pleasure arcing through her body. “Ah!” the girl cried. “Ha!” Sara took her other hand and placed it on her sister’s other breast, causing the girl to buck. No longer able to make sounds, Lucy was reduced to breathy gasps as her older sister helped the plant pleasure her. Her head still held back, she couldn’t see what was going on under her, but did have an excellent view of her sister’s larger pert breasts. She felt her pussy become sopping wet, and an irresistible itch began to form in her belly.

As Sara played with her sister’s breasts, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on her breast. She looked down and saw Lucy’s tongue reach out and flick her nipple. Jeez, she thought, her sister must be completely horny. Sara leaned forward, pressing her breast to Lucy’s mouth, causing the both girls to moan. Lucy’s tongue ran circles around the older girl’s nipple, and Sara felt sparks, gripping her sister’s firm breasts a little harder.

The lust cascaded into a fever pitch when Sara noticed a vine dangle down behind her sister. It wasn’t as thick as the one that had just fucked Sara, but it was plenty big enough, the older girl saw. Lucy made a hesitant sound when two more root popped from the ground, grasped her knees, and spread her legs apart. When the vine wound itself around Lucy’s waist, the she tried to shift and look back, but Sara helped the tendrils keep the girl’s head still and shoved her other breast into her open mouth. The vine tightened and Lucy’s pussy lips parted as she straddled it. “Mmmf!” she groaned into Sara’s breast, when she felt the slickness of it against her little clit. Lucy shifted, trying to free herself of the vine between her legs, but the more she did, the more the “Mmmf!” became “Mmmm!”

Lucy had begun to grind against the vine, and her tongue resumed its circles around her big sister’s nipple. The sensation was incredible, much better than her fingers had been. She felt a rising tension in her body and ground against the vine harder. Lucy had never been able to make herself come before, but now she was about to know what it felt like. Just before the girl was about to come, the vine instantly went slack. Lucy whimpered.

Sara saw the vine wind itself further around Lucy’s waist and drape its blunt tip between her legs. Lucy took her mouth from her sister’s breast and the girls’ eyes met. Sara wished she could see what was happening, but she knew everything when her sister’s eyes went wide. “Oh, god,” the girl groaned, clearly dealing with the girth. “It’s in me.”

“All the way?” Sara asked.

“I don’t think so,” Lucy said. Sara immediately bent and kissed her sister more passionately than she had kissed any boy. Lucy had just begun to return the kiss, when the vine plunged all the way into her. She screamed into her sister’s mouth, and Sara’s fingertips traced gentle little circles around the girl’s nipples, hoping that it would ease the pain. “It hurts!” Lucy cried.

“I know, Lucky,” Sara said, calling her by the name she used on the rare occasions that they got along.

The vine pulled back and gently pushed forward again. “Ah!” Lucy groaned again. Now, rhythmically, but still way more gently than it had ever been with Sara, the vine slowly began to pump in and out of Lucy’s tight little pussy. “Ow, ow, ow,” the girl groaned for a while until finally Lucy moaned, “Oh, oh, oh.” The vine stretched her pussy, and now Sara’s little sister knew the feeling of her taut little clit sliding against the length of an intruding vine. “Oh, god. God damn!”

“Good?” Sara said, smiling at her sister, hopefully.

“Great!” the girl said, her face flushed. Sara kissed her again, and this time Lucy kissed back just as passionately. The girls’ tongues met and swirled around each other in an erotic dance. Soon, both were moaning as the vine sped up its pumping.

After such a long tease, Lucy couldn’t last very long, and pulled her mouth from her sister’s as she began to come, screaming incoherently. Her body rocked and shook as ecstasy overcame her. The vine kept pumping into her until she began making guttural, grunting noises, and then slowed.

As the vine’s fucking of her little sister wound down and the tendrils began to recede from her body, Sara held her. The girl looked worn out, and once the roots released her arms and legs, Sara looked for a place they could rest that wasn’t in the dirt. Just next to the tree trunk was a thatched blanket of the same kind of tendrils that had teased them. Sara helped her sister up, and then the two girls staggered to the improvised blanket.

It was strong, but soft, and although the tiny, fuzzy hairs on the tendrils tickled slightly, the girls found it was perhaps he most comfortable thing they’d ever laid on. Sara lay on her back, Lucy on her side, cuddling up close.

“That was incredible!” Lucy murmured into her sister’s neck.

“You said it, Lucky,” Sara said, wrapping her arm around her sister and stroking her back.

“Where did all this come from?”

“I wish I knew,” Sara said, “but I’m not sure it’s from around here. Earth, I mean.”

“No kidding,” her sister said, bringing an arm to rest limply on Sara’s belly. “Did you notice that the tree seems brighter?”

Sara honestly hadn’t paid attention, but when she looked, she noticed that the veins of glowing gold in the tree’s trunk and branches had gotten brighter since the last time. Again, gears in her head turned and clicked. “I have a theory about that,” she said.

“‘I have a theory about that,'” her sister said in her best Nutty Professor voice. “You’re such a nerd!” Normally, this would have been an insult, but this time Lucy giggled and kissed her on the cheek. “So what’s your theory, professor?”

Sara stared up into the branches and vines, thinking. “I think that blue tree in the dome is like a beacon or something,” she began. “Like an SOS or something.”

“SOS?” Lucy asked, clearly not her father’s daughter. “Like ‘sexy older sister’?”

“You think I’m sexy?” Sara turned her head toward her sister.

“I do now,” Lucy said, kissing Sara deeply. When they parted, she said, with lightning speed, “I mean, I think I maybe always had a crush. I don’t know. It’s weird. You’re my sister, you know? And that feels, I dunno, wrong somehow. But I can’t help it.”

“Wow,” Sara said.

“Right?” Lucy said, eyebrows raised. “I mean, you clearly feel the same way about me, too. That’s why you brought me here, right?” Sara hesitated a little too long. “Right?” Lucy asked, a little more hopefully.

“I think so,” Sara said. “I mean, last night, when I saw you changing,” Sara turned on her side, facing her sister, and traced a finger over the girl’s breast. Lucy drew in a breath. “I mean, I’ve seen you naked a million times, but holy cow, you know? And honestly, you were being kind of a brat, and I thought that I’d teach you a lesson.”

“You wanted to punish me by giving me the best fucking orgasm I may ever have?” Lucy looked incredulous.

“Look,” Sara said, “I’m not the best when it comes to dealing with people.”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Sara,” she said seriously. “You thought it was going to be rough, and you wanted it to hurt.”

“I,” Sara began, feeling ashamed. “I did.” She started drawing away from her sister, but the younger girl grabbed her hand and put it back on her breast. Lucy looked into her eyes.

“I don’t care,” the girl said. “I was being a brat. Unlike you, I am good with people. I always figured if I could get you to what I want, like I can with everyone else, I’d at least have you close. And,” she added, smiling, “it wasn’t that rough, after all. At least not with me.”

“Yeah, that’s odd,” Sara said. “That was part of my theory.”

“Oh, here we go again!” Lucy said, grinning.

“I think that somehow this place knows what we want,” Sara said.

“Ooh!” Lucy said, grasping her sister by the shoulder. “I want a million bucks!”

“Sexually, I mean,” Sara said. “You were right. The tree is getting brighter. I think this place is powered by sexual energy, or something.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Lucy said. “As much sense as anything else here.” She looked up at the tree, whose veins glowed noticeably brighter than when they had entered. “But I’m not sure.”

“Why not?” Sara asked, noticing that Lucy’s fingers had begun running sensually down her back.

“If this place knows what we want,” Lucy started, her fingertips moving down to trace to contour of Sara’s butt, “how come it had to seduce us? I mean, you felt it, too, right?”

“Yeah,” Sara admitted, pinching her sister’s nipple lightly and rolling it between her fingers. “I don’t know. But do you ever think we’d ever be together like this without a little push?”

Lucy’s hand moved up, brushing over Sara’s breast. When it reached the older girl’s shoulder, Lucy pushed and Sara rolled onto her back. “Like that?” she asked, getting up off her side and straddling her sister’s waist.

Sara ran her hands over Lucy’s smooth, creamy thighs, and drank in the girl’s body with her eyes. “Definitely like that,” she said, smiling.

“But,” Lucy said, “you like it, right? I mean, you’re not doing all of this just because this place tells you to, right?”

“Lucky Lucy,” Sara, said, reaching up, grabbing her younger sister by the hair that fell down around her shoulders, and gently pulling her down until they were face to face. “I love it. And I love you.”

Lucy gave her a mischievous smile. “Then you’re going to love this.” With that, Lucy grabbed her big sister’s wrists and pinned them above her head. Before Sara understood the exactly what was going on, two roots had snaked out from between the weave of tendrils and bound her wrists. As Lucy pulled away, another root wrapped around Sara’s waist. Two more popped through the glowing blanket and bound her knees. “Actually,” Lucy added, matter-of-factly, “I think I’m going to enjoy this more. You’re all mine.”

The younger girl took in the sight of Sara’s bound body for a few moments, savoring the sight of her helpless sister. It made her incredibly horny to think of what she might do next. The possibilities seemed endless.

“You really do like having power,” Sara said, not struggling against her binds, knowing there was no point. “Don’t you?” Sara had hoped that the two of them might explore each other’s bodies gently as lovers, but there was no question that that was not going to happen. Lucy gave her a questioning look, stood up, and went to find her daypack. Not understanding what question Lucy had asked herself, Sara continued as Lucy returned with something hidden in her clenched hand. “I’d always wondered what you got out of having everyone wrapped around your fingers.”

Kneeling beside Sara, the younger girl put a hand on the inside of her sister’s thigh and, with the roots’ help, spread the older girl’s legs. Lucy cupped her sister’s pussy in her hand and felt the heat–and increasing moisture, she noticed–emanating from it. “I never wanted anyone wrapped around my fingers,” she said. “Only you.” With that, she plunged two fingers deep into her sister’s pussy, feeling the warm, slick tightness. God, she thought. This was going to be fun.

Feeling her sister’s fingers suddenly inside her, Sara jumped with surprise and pleasure, throwing her head back. “Ah–!” she cried, for a split second before Lucy’s hand clapped over her mouth, filling it with something soft. Sara recognized the smell of it: Lucy’s panties. A small, strong tendril looped over her mouth to keep it in place.

“Now hush,” Lucy said, kissing her on the lower lip. “You’re such a screamer.” Lucy wiggled her fingers in her sister’s pussy, feeling it twitch.

“Mmmmf!” Sara said through the wad of cotton.

“You like that?” Lucy asked, devilishly. With out waiting for a reply, she straddled her sister’s thigh, keeping her fingers firmly planted in the older girl’s pussy. Lucy stretched herself down over Sara’s body until her mouth met a nipple and her itching pussy ground against her sister’s smooth, toned thigh. She licked, sucked, and teased Sara’s breast, fingering her all the while, and the older sister moaned through her gag. Lucy’s breath became ragged as she ground her little clit against Sara’s increasingly wet thigh.

By the time Lucy switched to Sara’s other breast, both girls were moaning and breathing heavily. Suddenly, Lucy lifted her head from Sara’s chest and took her fingers from her sister’s drooling pussy, and said, “I need more.”

Sara was reeling from the sudden absence of pleasure, but snapped back to the moment when her sister yanked the panties from her mouth and replaced it with her tight little pussy. The girl had a little hair between her legs, but it was more like a fine blonde fuzz. Straddling Sara’s face as she was, her pussy open and exposed to the older girl’s mouth, it didn’t really matter.

Sara didn’t need a moment to think about it. If Lucy wanted her big sister to eat her pussy, Sara was happy to oblige. She’d never even thought about going down on a girl before now, but she did what she thought she herself would want. Sara started kissing and nibbling the spread-open lips and licked up and down the length of girl’s tight sex. Lucy moaned and rocked back and forth a little. Sara stood her tongue up straight and let her little sister do some of the work. She then flicked the girl’s hard little clit, and Lucy went bananas. “Oh, fuck!” the girl cried out. “Do it again!” Sara flicked Lucy’s clit again, and the girl cried out in pleasure. Now, Sara’s tongue made circles around her sister’s clit, and the younger girl grabbed her head and pulled it into her twitching pussy. Sara sucked on the girl’s button, and Lucy went rigid. When Sara added her tongue, she felt her sister’s pussy convulse. “Aaaaah!” Lucy cried as she came, body bucking and shaking. And then the girl went limp, falling sideways off of Sara’s face into a twitching, panting heap.

“So … good …” Lucy moaned, flat on her back, staring up into the tree branches.

“Oh, it’s about to get better,” Sara said, now free of the roots.

“Huh?” Lucy asked, but in her dazed state, she didn’t have time to react. Four vines had already come down out of the tree and wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and now they yanked her into the air, shaking her out of her stupor. The vines contracted until taut, pulling her arms and legs wide, and the girl whimpered in discomfort. Sara stood in front of her.

“So,” Sara said. “When you’re in charge, your big sister doesn’t get to come. Is that it?”

“No, I–” Lucy started, but Sara put her index finger over the girl’s lips.

“It’s OK,” Sara said, dragging her fingertip slowly down the middle of her little sister’s body, causing the bound girl to take in a ragged breath. “We’re both new to this, and you, my sexy little sister….” Sara paused, leaning in, sucking Lucy’s lower lip, and pulling back until, when she let go, it snapped back against the younger girl’s teeth. “You are the younger. How could you have known?” Sara’s finger tracked down Lucy’s body until it paused just above the girl’s wide open legs.

Lucy had never seen her sister like this before. Sara, even though she was older by four years, had always been a follower, much like their father. If she could sum her older sister up in one word, it would be “meek.” Or, at least, it would have been. Now, she wasn’t so sure. All the previous pleasure they had experienced together–all the previous confessions of love and attraction–all the newly found comfort she had begun to have around Sara seemed to disappear. The vines held her tight to the point of discomfort, but unlike her sister, she still struggled against them. “I’m sorry,” she said, and then blurted out in one rapid torrent of words, “I thought you were just going to teach me how to jerk off right and then we ended up down here and you helped me pop my cherry and you said you loved me and then I just got carried away I was so horny!”

Sara tsk-tsked. “I told you: girls don’t ‘jerk off,'” she said. “You see? How am I supposed to teach you anything if you can’t even remember that?”

“I’ll learn!” Lucy pleaded. “I promise! Please .…” The younger girl paused, resigning her self to her sister’s ministrations. “Please, teach me.”

“Teach you what?” Sara said, inching her finger closer to her sister’s exposed pussy. The girl squirmed. Fucked for the first time and then eaten out by her older sister: her little clit must be extra sensitive, Sara thought.

“Teach me to finger myself right,” Lucy said.

“Mmm,” Sara said, pretending to mull the idea over. “Nah.”

“But–” Lucy started, and was immediately cut off when Sara ran her finger over her clit. “Ah!”

“Honestly,” Sara said, disapprovingly. “No one can teach you how to get yourself off. Only you can figure out the best way.”

“But–” again Lucy’s objection ceased when Sara plunged her finger in to her tight little pussy. “Oh!”

“What I’m going to teach you, my little Lucky Lucy,” Sara said, slipping a second finger into the girl’s slick snatch, “is how I like to be fucked. You were oh, so gentle with me, and I’ve noticed that’s how you like it. So now it’s my turn. Brace yourself.”

The vines binding Lucy hauled her through the air, ripping Sara’s fingers from her little pussy and bound her, back first, against the tree trunk. Two vines, one for each girl, descended from the canopy and sprouted the glowing tendrils that sought out the pleasure spots over each of their bodies. Another vine descended, as thick as the one that had fucked Sara senseless earlier, and began winding its way down Lucy’s body. Sara, snapping out of the moment for a second, worried that it might be too big for the girl, but when the vine extended itself for her to hold, her lust took over again.

Holding the thick, blunt end of the vine, Sara leaned in and took her little sister’s nipple into her mouth. Lucy gasped and then squealed when Sara bit down lightly with her teeth. Rolling the nipple around with her tongue for a minute, Sara again bit down. “Ah! Aah!” Lucy hollered.

“Time to help me cum,” Sara said, spreading her own legs, and the vines released Lucy from the tree, flipped her upside down, and pulled her back against the trunk. The younger girl’s head hung between Sara’s legs. The tendrils on Lucy’s body helped prop her head up, forcing her mouth onto the older girl’s hot pussy.

At first, nothing happened, but after a moment, Sara felt nibbling and licking on her smooth pussy lips. “Oh, fuck, baby!” she moaned, her knees nearly buckling. In response, the nibbling increased, and every time Lucy’s tongue streaked across her big sister’s pussy lips, Sara felt herself get wetter and wetter.

Sara, realizing she was still holding the blunt end of the vine, and had her sister’s little pussy pinned right in front of her, took the vine and began rubbing its slippery juices up and down Lucy’s slit. The licking and nibbling stopped. “Don’t stop, baby!” Sara said, pressing her snatch down on the girl’s mouth. As Sara began to rub the vine harder against Lucy’s sensitive little clit, the girl continued to slurp at her big sister’s pussy. “Lick my clit, Lucky!” Sara moaned, and Lucy found her sister’s clit and flicked it with her tongue, just as Sara had done to her. “Ah!” she cried.

Sara couldn’t stand seeing her sister’s pussy empty any longer, and pressed the blunt end of the vine against Lucy’s well-lubricated opening. “Mmmf!” Lucy groaned into her sister’s sex, but Sara kept pushing. “MMMF!” the girl’s muffled groan grew louder. Finally, the vine popped into the blonde girl’s tight little pussy, and Sara could see that it was stretched to the maximum. “Mmmm!” the girl moaned, flicking Sara’s clit again.

Encouraged, Sara drove a few more inches of the thick vine into her sister, filling the girl up. Lucy just moaned and began sucking lightly on Sara’s clit. Sara knew that between fucking her sister’s pussy and having her own eaten out, she wasn’t going to last long. Lost in lust, Sara began pumping the thick vine in and out of the girl’s tight hole, watching as it rubbed against Lucy’s little clit. Faster and faster she pumped, and faster and faster her little sister’s tongue played with her clit while sucking on it harder and harder. In seconds, both girls erupted into simultaneous orgasm. Lucy squealed wordlessly into Sara’s dripping snatch, and Sara pulled the vine from her sister and lapped at the twitching pussy until it stopped.

Slowly, Sara stepped back from the tree and looked down at her sister’s red face. Pussy juice and saliva ran down the girl’s chin and cheeks, and had soaked into her hair. The vines slowly turned Lucy right side up and released her, and Sara braced the girl as her legs nearly gave way.

“So,” Sara said, beaming at her disheveled sister, “what did we learn?”

Lucy, still a bit disoriented, studied her Sara’s face for a moment. The cruel disciplinarian was gone, and her loving sister had returned. It had all been an act! “That my sister likes it kind of rough,” she said.

“And what else?”

“That you come really hard?”

“Close,” said Sara, hugging Lucy to her. “That you can make me come really hard.”

“Well, I just followed what you did,” the blonde girl said. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Neither had I,” Sara said, smiling a sideways smile.

“It looks like we both learned something,” Lucy said.

“Mmm,” Sara said, running her hands down her sister’s back. “I think I learned more.”


“Well, you already knew it, but I just figured it out today.”

“What is it?”

“That both of us have an incredibly sexy sister,” Sara said cupping her sister’s butt in her hands. Lucy leaped up and wrapped her legs around Sara’s waist, kissing her deeply. Sara, with Lucy attached, backed her sister against the trunk of the tree, and for what seemed like an eternity, they kissed again and again.

Day 3

As it turned out, Sara and Lucy’s passion had burned so fast that when Sara checked her pocket watch, she saw that they had two hours to burn before they needed to be back. They leisurely got dressed, Lucy foregoing her panties, now a damp wad, and wandered the corridors for an hour. As they walked, holding hands, the girls pointed out various plants that seemed curious. Some seemed to have very specific shapes, for very specific purposes, not all of which the sisters could decipher. Others seemed odd, only because they were dimly glowing. The girls knew what might bring them back to their brilliance, but were too spent and sore to try–for now. Using the skills she’d learned from the Wilderness Girls and from her father, Sara had begun making a map of the underground structure, and as they went, she taught Lucy as much as she could. They both knew that before this night, neither of them would have seriously asked the other for anything, but now, spending the time together made them not so secretly happy.

As long as they weren’t horny, they discovered, the plants didn’t try to guide them, which allowed them to get some pretty good measurements. They even marked on their new map where dim plants were, just in case. Climbing out of the hole, into the dome, and then out of the dome, the girls made their way back to the canoe in the predawn light. When they’d rowed halfway to shore, Sara, string into the sky, signaled to Lucy and they stopped the boat. Lucy knew what her sister was going to say, and said it first: “I thought time was supposed to be frozen.”

Lucy pondered the situation a bit more. “I wonder,” she said, trailing off.

“Hey,” Lucy said. Even with her newfound love for her sister, she didn’t have the patience to wait for Sara to come to some epiphany. “You wanna take a dip?”

“I don’t know,” Sara said, still half lost in thought.

“Hey,” Lucy said, snapping her sister back to reality. “You just spent the last few hours teaching me. Why don’t I teach you a few things? We both know I’m a better swimmer.”

Sara agreed, and the girls stripped off their clothes and carefully climbed overboard, leaving their belongings in the boat. With the sky beginning to brighten, the water had begun to turn from ink black to midnight blue to almost clear. They figured that there was ten feet of visibility underwater. Sara wasn’t a horrible swimmer; she had passed the merit pin test, and could tread water for an hour and swim a mile without stopping, but Lucy was better. Their mother, Maggie, had always teased that she was part seal. Practically from the day she was born, before she could even walk, Lucy was perfectly at home in the water. And now that she was developing into a fine young woman, she could swim twice as long, dive twice as deep, and do it all twice as fast as anyone in her family. Don had encouraged her to join the swim team, but Lucy said no. To her, swimming was all just fun, and “giving her talent structure,” as their father had said, would have taken the joy out of it.

“How do you do that?” Sara asked, when her sister dove under and popped back up seemingly instantly about ten yards away.

“Easy,” Lucy said. “It’s all rhythm and waves. Like dancing, a little.” Sara was an expert at climbing trees, running up mountains, and finding her way when she was lost. To the tomboy older sister, dancing hadn’t really been a priority. Lucy saw the blank expression in her sister’s eyes. “Right…” she said, “well, um, oh! I know.” Lucy reached below and cupped her hand over her Sara’s pussy. For a second, the older girl stopped kicking and began to sink. When Lucy slipped a finger into her, she was still so sensitive from earlier that her body convulsed like a whip in order to get away from the stimulation. Sara nearly popped all the way out of the water. “See?” Lucy asked, as her sister sputtered. “Did you feel that motion?”

Sara made the motion again, with the same result. “How am I supposed to do that a bunch of times in a row?” she asked.

“Well,” Lucy said, “it’s a bunch of smaller versions of that. Just make sure to do them one right after another.” As Lucy coached, Sara tried again and again, eventually moving away from the jerky, orgasmic whipping, and into a smoother, ribbon-like fluttering. By the time she had begun to tire herself out, she had begun feeling far more comfortable in the water than she ever had. Of course, she would never be as smooth or fast as her sister.

When she came up for air after her last jaunt, she was instantly aware of the silence around her. Around her, the only disturbances in the glassy water were the boat and her own wake. Lucy was gone. “Lucy?” Sara called. “Lucy?” Nothing. Sara swam to the other side of the boat. No one on the other side. Panic started to set in. She looked down, but couldn’t see past ten feet below her. She began treading water furiously, trying to bring more of her body above the surface so she could see farther. Again, nothing. Sara’s breathing had become rapid and ragged from fear and worry, but she forced herself to become quiet and still in the hopes of hearing something, anything that would give her a clue. Nothing.

Suddenly, Sara was yanked under, just barely gasping in a breath before the water surrounded her. Down she went until she was about ten feet under. When she looked down, she saw Lucy’s face grinning back at her. She tried to slap that face, but only ended up spinning herself around. Lucy swam to meet her again, and planted a kiss on her lips. The burning in Sara’s lungs disappeared for a second. Lucy motioned downward with a finger. Sara looked down and saw only the dark bottom of the lake, some ten murky feet below. She shrugged her shoulders. Lucy motioned her downward, and Sara pointed at her lungs and mouth. Lucy nodded, but made a pinching gesture for “just a little bit.” Sara let herself sink farther until the bottom came more into focus. When she’d a had a moment to evaluate, Lucy waved her up, and the girls surfaced, Sara sucking in air and sputtering.

“That’s…” Sara began still gasping for air, “that’s … that’s the same stuff the walls in the caverns are built from.”

“Notice anything else?” Lucy asked. Sara shook her head. “Nothing growing on it.”

“So?” Sara was still disoriented and had trouble putting it together.

“It’s new,” Lucy said. “Aside from the mud and whatever, it’s smooth, I’ve been in swimming pools with dirtier bottoms.”

“Huh,” said Sara. “I wonder.”

Lucy splashed her playfully in the face. “Wonder somewhere else, nerd,” she teased. “We need to get back.”

The girls swam the boat the rest of the way to shore and got dressed on the dock. As they hiked back through the woods, Lucy wrung out her blonde hair and asked, “How are we going to do this for the next few days and not get caught?”

“Very, very carefully,” Sara said, stopping. She looked her sister in the eyes and caressed her cheeks, saying, “Lucky, you and I figured out that we’re hot for each other.”

“Putting it lightly,” Lucy said, smiling.

Sara smiled back. “But, babe,” she said, “we had to get over a serious taboo to do it.”

“It probably helps that we can’t get each other pregnant, too,” said Lucy.

“Sure,” said Sara. “Point is: I don’t think mom and dad would be thrilled to find out, you know?”

“Yeah,” Lucy said. “I know. So, what, we just keep sneaking out at night? When are we going to sleep?”

“During the day, I guess,” Sara said.

“Sara,” Lucy said, taking her sister’s hand from her cheek and holding it. “What happens when dad asks why you’re tired? You know we can’t lie to him. He’s got that weird sixth sense.”

“I don’t know,” Sara admitted. “But I’ll think of something.”

Fortunately, they didn’t have to think of anything right away. When they got back, their parents’ tent was still zipped up. The girls snuck back into their own tent, stripped off their clothes again, and got under the blankets together, falling asleep almost as soon as their heads hit their pillows.

Around noon, they woke. Sara thought it odd that their parent hadn’t woken them for breakfast, but was just happy to have slept. When they crawled out of their tent, they saw that their parents’ tent was still zipped. Lucy looked at Sara, grinning. “I heard them going at it the other night,” she whispered. “Maybe they had a long night last night, too.”

“Maybe,” Sara said, unconvinced. Her father was an early riser no matter the situation. At the very least, he would have started the campfire to get some water for coffee boiling. The ashes from the previous evening were cold. Lucy saw Sara stirring the ashes with a stick and knew what her sister was thinking.

“Just in case they are naked,” Lucy said, pulling a coin from her pants pocket, “let’s flip to see who opens the tent. I call heads.” She flipped it into the air, caught it. Heads. “Oh, well,” she sighed. Lucy approached the tent, grabbed the zipper, and took a deep breath. Unzipping the flap halfway, the younger girl poked her head in.

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