
Lucky Josh part 4

The story of Josh continues

Back at the table, Nyoto had rejoined them and all were watching intently.
“What’s a test of character?” asked Jonas in general.
Nyoto answered under her breath “a whipping.”
“A real whipping?” Jonas asked disturbed looking at his son on stage.
“As real as allowed by law” she answered “no skin may be broken but it will hurt.”
“I didn’t agree to this” Jonas said and was about to stand up.
“Relax” Ashley said “I know Ironshaft, he’s an expert, it will sting but no more than the poke he already got from Rose, I should know, he has whipped me before.”
To prove her point she showed her perfect skin on her back, no scar to be found.
Slightly more at ease, Jonas resumed his intend watch.
Megan cuddled a little closer to him, holding his hand beneath the table.

Like a predator circling its prey, Ironshaft walked around Josh and Henry.
Josh just kept his focus and tried to relax a bit more, hoping he was right about Rose.
Rose had moved Henry a bit closer to Josh so the both stood in line to the audience.
She deftly removed the leather top from Henry’s outfit and the shirt he wore beneath.
Some women in the crowd started screaming again when Henry was topless next to Josh.
“For each stroke of the whip, the price goes up by 5 thousand dollars” Rose whispered in the microphone “the first to yell out will lose the price.”
“Are we ready for the test of manhood, to separate the boys from the men?” she shouted to the crowd.
It went wild, the auction pit was over flown with women wanting to see the action up close.
The pathway in front of the stage filled up with spectators, all wanting to be as close as possible.
Josh could actually make faces out in the crowd despite the backlight, so close were they.

“Here we go” Ironshaft yelled and in quick repetition he lashed at both of them.
The crowd became even wilder, shouting and screaming.
When the first stripe of the whip hit him, Josh was surprised at the light touch of the sting.
It had hurt but not too badly.
Ironshaft kept his pace and soon both their prices were increased by another 100 thousand just by whip strokes alone.
At twenty seven lashes Josh really felt the pain and had to work hard not to show it.
When the whip came down for the thirtieth time, Henry shouted.
Thinking he had won, a small smile appeared on Josh’s face.
It disappeared instantly as the whip was now just aimed at him, twice the speed it stung so fast and so quick that Josh lost count until he also had to yell out.
Only then did he notice that the crowd had gone silent.
“Forty eight” Ironshaft said, respect obvious in his voice.

“I don’t know about you people” Rose said “but I am looking forward to meet this fine specimen in private.”
The bidding was finished but more than a few women tried to place bids on Josh.
With a end total of nearly half a million dollars, Josh was a very expensive price.
Ironshaft placed an ice pack on his back causing Josh to gasp again.
“Well done Josh, well done” Ironshaft whispered when securing the pack.
“Thank you all for a wonderful evening” Mistress Rose spoke to the crowd “I hope you enjoyed the show and congratulations to the winners of these two fine men.”
“I would like to thank them and the organizers on behalf of all the children for the proceeds, I have just been told that we passed the million mark tonight so an applause please.”
The crowd applauded with gusto and Josh smiled, pleased with the fact that he had helped a good cause.
He only hoped it would help him sleep later on as well, his back started to hurt more and the icepack helped but not by much.

Escorted by Rose and Ironshaft, Henry and Josh left the stage through the backside and after a small hallway into a relax lounge.
Henry shook Josh’s hand congratulating him and left the lounge with Ironshaft.
Josh sat down on the arm of a big chair, trying to relax his back.
“I knew I should have kept you” Rose smiled at him “there was something in Burt’s voice when he suggested you that make me take notice.”
Josh flashed her a smile and a naughty look.
Rose laughed hard saying “Oh, still looking for a good mistress and some punishment are you?”
“Not right now, I think even a feather would be painful on my back”
“Don’t worry, he really is that good, two maybe three days tops and the swelling and pain will be gone” Rose assured him sitting down in the chair Josh sat on the side of.
“I have taken the liberty of calling Samantha and told her to bring your party here, I hope you don’t mind?” she asked.
“Not at all, the thought of going into crowds is not sitting well with me right now.”
“I can understand, there are loads of horny women out there right now, wanting to play nurse with you” she said with a delicious sense of humor.
Josh worked hard not to laugh too hard, his back hurt still throbbing.

When he turned to look at her, he saw her staring at him, trying to figure him out.
Feeling too tired and spend, Josh simply said “fire away, ask your questions, it’s the least I can do after your trust in me with Nyoto.”
Rose stood up, helping Josh do the same and took him to the bar, helping him on a stool.
“Now lean on the bar, it will relax your back more.”
She took a stool and sat directly across him on the other side of the bar.
“How old are you really?” Rose asked pouring them a glass of juice.
“Seventeen” Josh answered meeting her eyes.
“You don’t look it.”
“I know, sometimes people even give me twenty-five.”
“Did you really just arrive yesterday in L.A.?”
“Yeah, I did” Josh answered nipping his juice.
“Well, in certain circles you’ll be the topic of hot conversations if not fantasies.”
“You certainly made an impression tonight Josh” Rose continued.
“Not in the least with me” she continued and undid her pony hood.
“Have you given any thought as to what you’ll be wanting as your prize?”
“Not really no, what is it exactly?” Josh answered trying to remember.
“You can make a special request to either me or Ironshaft, a really special request.”
“Like what?” Josh asked, not sure if he understood “like a night with you?”
“Think bigger Josh, much bigger” Rose grinned at him.
“I’ll get back to you on that” Josh said, his mind racing with ideas.
“You know, I think I know what makes you so attractive to us women” Rose said after leaning a bit back “you are very confident, almost arrogant but you temper it with innocence and honor, you are in shape but not overly trained, look dangerous but are a gentleman, basically you are a bad boy on the outside and a trustworthy man on the inside.”

Looking pleased with her analysis, she smiled at Josh waiting for him to comment.
“I guess so, the fact that I am independently wealthy helps as well I think” he said quietly.
“Only if money is on peoples mind Josh, you have made a huge impression on some of the wealthiest people in the States, do you think they care about your wallet? They assume you are rich simply because you are here, but I can understand that you might think so.”
“I suppose, I have never been to a party like this so I am a blank slate in the experience department” he grinned at her.
“Speaking of which, I think I know what I would like as an reward” Josh continued.
Rose smiled and waited for him to continue.
“I want you to be my private tutor in all areas of your specialty and love making in general.”
Rose was stunned into silence for a moment, smiled wickedly and said “You know, when I said think bigger I didn’t mean huge but” and she paused for a moment “you know what, why not.”
“You realize that you’ve asked for several years worth of training right?”
Josh nodded and said smiling “hopefully I am a quick study.”
“You just might be indeed” Rose said, hiding her delight at his request.

The door opened and Burt entered, followed by a lot of other people.
Josh turned and smiled at all the new comers seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces.
What surprised him the most was that Fergie was among them.
His father was the first to come to him, looking worried and proud at the same time.
“I am okay dad” he said “it looked worse than it felt I think.”
“You sure?” Jonas asked worried.
“Pretty sure yeah” Josh said trying to calm his dad.
Danni came to stand next to Jonas and said “Sorry to be so rude and intrude but I have a time sensitive reward for Josh.”
“A warrior princess whispered to a sweet table companion something about a certain famous pop star who promptly told me and we, that is Sarah and I, found it fitting to have you meet her as a reward for your participation in the auction.”
Josh just grinned, the pain in his back forgotten for a moment.
Fergie came to stand next to Danni and said “pleased to meet you Josh, you must be a real fan to take such a beating just to meet me.”
“I am” Josh said taking his time to really look her over.
She was dressed as Barbarella and really made the outfit work for her.
“Such dedication deserves a reward don’t you think Danni?” Fergie said smiling.
Danni nodded and took a step back, raising a camera phone to take a picture of them together.
Fergie moved in closer, laying her arms around his neck and moved in between his legs, all the way to the barstool.
“You smell of sweat and sex Josh” she whispered in his ear “I like it, a lot.”
She then faced him and kissed him, her tongue finding its way to his with a fierce force.
Josh pressed her body closer to his, feeling all her curves against his body.
He felt her smile when his cock got hard and she pressed just a bit harder with her pelvic bone against it.
After a full minute she let go saying “so this is what a five hundred thousand dollar kiss tastes like, I’d better write me another hit song so I can pay for more.”
The room burst into laughter and Josh quickly planted a gentle kiss on her lips saying “thank you” softly.
She mouthed you’re welcome to him and waved goodbye to all, speaking shortly with Danni.
When Fergie left, Josh took another look at who was in the lounge with them.

He saw Megan and Ashley talking, Burt kissing a petite Asian girl, Danni and Sarah watching him and his dad talking to Rose.
He was about to ask where Nyoto was when she entered with a cart filled with food and drinks.
When she saw him, she smiled and he smiled happily back.
Turning around to Rose, he asked “Is she still under my care?”
Rose grinned and told him he could have her for the weekend if he so wished.
“I owe you one” Josh whispered to Rose leaning over the bar.
“I plan to collect, soon” Rose whispered back.
They both smiled in anticipation of the collecting.
Josh moved from his barstool and walked towards Danni and Sarah.
Both women were still dressed in their glittery dresses and looked radiant.
“So Josh” Sarah said cheerfully “who from all the ladies here haven’t you had sex with yet?”

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