Sex Story Author: | wrpj7569 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "But I convinced myself that he really liked me. I was willing to... play around, but he just keeps getting |
Sex Story Category: | Boys/Teen Female |
Sex Story Tags: | Boys/Teen Female, Erotica, Fiction, Male / Older Female, Mature, Teen Male / Female, Virginity |
Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn’t grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison.
At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating.
When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to avoid them whenever possible. Girls always seemed to like him, so he was kind of charmed in that department, but it was a long time before he really learned to appreciate that fact. When he first began to notice that girls seemed more attracted to him than other boys, he was more interested in his own hobbies, and to be honest, he just wanted them to leave him alone.
Then came the dawn of puberty, and suddenly everything changed. Girls began to develop, and power of the female breast is actually quite amazing. There is nothing in this world that holds more facination for a hedrosexual teenage boy than boobs, and suddenly talking to girls took on an entirely new meaning.
Beau’s best friend since gradeschool was Mike Horner. Mike had a very appropriate last name, and most of the kids at school called him Horndog. He started playing football in Junior High because he wanted to be popular, and ended up being a star quarterback. An athlete with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a charming smile, he seemed certian he would be famous one day.
They were fourteen when they met Joey Hale. He had a dry, sarcastic humor that Beau and Mike both appreciated, but they actually took a big social risk when we first started hanging out with him. His family was poor, and he came from a broken home. He didn’t like talking about it, but his father and mother had both been abusive, and he’d been put into a foster home when he was fourteen.
Finding Joey was like finding the third Musketeer. He was a thin, wirey guy with long brown hair, and he had the nickname Dirty Joe almost instantly. Sure, his clothes were cheap, and it didn’t take long to figure out that he was poor, but that wasn’t how he earned his nickname.
English class was taught by a particularly uptight woman named Mrs. Moore, and noone really liked her very much. She was almost as smart as she was arrogant, and she was a complete hardass without even a hint of a sense of humor.
Beau thought that Mrs. Moore was actually very attractive, but in a very severe sort of way. Her long black hair was always pulled back into a tight ponytail that made her arched brows really stand out. She wore sharp black framed glasses, had peircing, cold blue eyes, and wore very conservitive dresses that were always dark colors. She was very rigid, quick to anger, and she just seemed like a particularly unhappy person.
She liked to quiz the class by firing out questions at random students, and she tried to include Joey on his first day. He just happened to be sitting right next to Beau, and they even spoke briefly before the bell rang.
He seemed like a nice enough guy.
“Joey.” He seemed startled when she pointed at him. “Tell me something about Hamlet.”
“William Shakespear wrote it,” he shrugged.
“If you know that much, you can give a little more than that,” she told him sourly. “You want to make an impression on your first day don’t you?”
Infamous last words.
“He boned his own mother,” Joey said bluntly.
There was a collective gasp from half the girls in the room, and then it was dead silence as the color drained from Mrs. Moore’s face. Her expression was so priceless, Beau had to look away to hide the grin that nearly split his face, but at least he managed to keep from laughing.
Mike looked like he was about to die, and he couldn’t stop snickering until Mrs. Moore shot him a look that promised that a fate worse than hell if he didn’t get ahold of himself.
Joey just stared at her defiantly.
“I don’t care what kind of filth is allowed in your home,” Mrs. Moore told him coldly. “That kind of language will not be tolerated in this classroom. You just bought yourself a week’s detention buster. Step lightly young man, you are on very thin ice.””
“Why don’t we go for two?” Joey asked casually. “I can’t tolerate your foul attitude, and I think you need to have the stick surgicaly removed from your ass.”
Mrs. Moore sputtered, and this time everyone was wise enough to remain utterly silent. Noone wanted to incur her wrath on themselves. If looks could have killed, Joey would have been splattered all over the wall,but he looked completely unrepentant.
“Go to the Principal’s Office,” Mrs. Moore’s voice trembled with barely contained anger. “Now!”
“You need to get laid,” Joey muttered as he started gathering his things.
“What!?” Mrs. Moore’s screech made several of them jump. “What did you say to me you dirty little heathen!?”
“I said get fucked!” Joey snarled loudly as he stood up. His desk was in the last row, and the door was at the back of the room. “Who knows, you might actually like it.”
He turned around to leave, but she just couldn’t resist having the last word. Some people just have a talent for making any situation worse.
“I should have known better than to expect more from the son of a prostitute,” she told him, just as he was reaching for the door.
Joey stopped cold, and Beau just knew that he was about to do something stupid. He turned with a wild look in his eyes, but he didn’t say a word. He just charged straight for her, and if Beau hadn’t jumped up and put himself in the way, he firmly believed that Joey would have choked the life out of her.
Luckily, Joey was quite a bit smaller than Beau, but when he saw his path was blocked, Beau could tell that he was still tempted to try going through him.
“Don’t man,” Beau held up his hands defensively. “You’re just making things worse.”
“FUCK!” He screamed as he turned, picked his desk up, and threw it against the wall. He was in no danger of hitting anyone, and though several girls cried out in fear, noone else moved from their seats. Then he suddenly grew silent and serious as he moved back to the door with his fists clenched tightly. Everyone was rivited, and even Mrs. Moore didn’t seem to have anything else to say as he hesitated at the door.
His eyes were dark and dangerous as he turned back and glared at Mrs Moore. “Don’t you ever say another word about my mother. You say what you want about me, or anything else for that matter, but you leave my mother out of it! I won’t say it again, to any of you!”
And with that he was gone, but definately not forgotten. He was suspended for six weeks, and he was removed from Mrs. Moore’s class for the rest of the year. When he came back, he had to see the school counciler everyday, and attend anger management classes once a week for six months.
Joey said that the worst part was having to make a formal apology to Mrs. Moore, when what he really wanted to do was stick his foot up her ass.
Beau knew that it might put a dent in his popularity to be friends with Joey, but he was actually a pretty likable guy. Sure, he had a temper, and a dirty mind, but what teenager doesn’t? Beau had wanted to tell off Mrs. Moore more than once himself, but he had never had the balls. Joey was funny, intensely loyal, and he definately had a truckload of balls.
The three of them were very different people, and perhaps even unlikely friends, but they all shared at least one major interest.
So many beautiful girls.
Beau had no trouble attracting them, He was tall, and athletic, with straw blonde hair, and a charming smile. Girls seemed to adore him, and many of them raved about his beautiful, baby-blue eyes. He could have had a date every night of the week, but it was all just an excercise in frustration. All the girls he knew were virgins, and the very idea of sex seemed to terrify most of them.
The summer they all turned fifteen, Mike’s parents decided to ship him off to camp, so Danny and Beau decided that they needed to go too. The place was called Camp Killian, but they called it, “Camp Nowhere.”
The place was quite literally in the middle of nowhere, but it was almost like there was something in the water. It became appearant quite quickly that the girls there seemed more playful and adventurous than the girls at their school, and Mike talked a rather plain girl into giving him a handjob behind the girl’s dorm on the very first day.
Afterward, Mike centered his attention on Amber, at least in part because he knew that Beau already had his eye on her. He was always a little too competitive, but she seemed to like him, so Beau defered to his friend.
He didn’t like it.
In fact it kind of pissed him off, but that was just what Mike was like. He was a petty, selfish person, and he didn’t have an abundance of respect for other people. The two of them were already starting to grow apart, but Beau wasn’t quite ready to give up on him just yet.
Some of the other girls called Amber fat, but they were just being jealous and vindictive. She was just a few months older than Beau, and she had the biggest boobs he’d ever seen. Those massive mams were the desire of every guy in the entire camp, and it made all the girls hate her.
That’s why they called her mean, hurtful names, and it stuck when one of the more creative ones started calling her “Boobzilla.” She absolutely hated that, but she had a knack for just letting things roll off her.
Beau actually thought that Amber’s biggest flaw was that she wasn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she was very sweet, and Beau liked her the moment he met her. She had long, dark auburn hair, and was heavier than most of the girls, but it was all boobs and booty.
Young boys can be thoughtless, but young girls can be creul. They pretty much left her alone and vunerable, and Mike was always so very charming when he wanted to be. Beau actually felt like he should warn her about Mike, but that would have been against the unspoken code that most guys share. Bros before hos and all that.
Joey, on the other hand, fell maddly in love with a sexy little punk girl named, Eve. She had a bob of bright blue hair, and she seemed happy to torture him all summer. He was pretty much her bitch, and he followed her around like a puppy, at her beck and call at all hours of the day.
Beau had to admit that he saw the appeal. Eve was pretty hot, but he couldn’t have put up with her crap the way Joey did. She was really kind of a bitch, and she almost never smiled at all.
Joey said that they shared a connection, and he would always refer to her his first love.
Beau thought he was crazy.
Beau took his time and ended up focused on noone in particular. The woman he really wanted to go after was with Mike, and the only other woman there he was interested in was a camp counciler in her early twenties.
Samantha was a drop-dead knockout with silky black hair and a dazzling smile. She was even nice to boot, the perfect package, but of course she already had a boyfriend her own age. He was one of the other councilers, and Beau thought he was a dick, but it made her seem unattainable.
Beau ended up spending most of his time with Tracy, who was actually a friend of Eve’s. Kind of plain and thin as a rail, she was pretty much a tomboy, and their friendship was forged over their mutual love of comic books. Beau actually liked her, and found her attractive enough, but he saw the truth right away even if the others were too blind to see it.
The way Tracy looked at Eve made it obvious that Beau wasn’t exactly her type, but that certianly didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends. The six of them became a sort of strange, mis-matched clique, and things got kind of crazy before the summer ended.
Camp Nowhere was on a small lake with an island in it’s center, and there was literally nothing else but woods for miles around. The closest thing was a small gas station/convience store that was called Tully’s. To drive there was like five or six miles, but it was more like a three if you were willing to hike through the woods.
Eve convinced Joey to rob it.
He woke Beau and Mike at 3AM, and they helped him hide the stash he and Eve had dragged back on a makeshift liter. They had to take three canoes to ferry all the cases of beer and bottles of booze, and they barely made it back before the morning wake up call.
Of course the two “master” criminals had left a distinct trail the whole way back to the camp, so it wasn’t long before the cops showed up. Forutnately, they had treated the alcohol like buried treasure, and they never found anything. They questioned everyone in the camp, more than once, but everyone played dumb, and after a few weeks the heat finally died down.
Things pretty much went back to normal, and it wasn’t long before they decided that it was time for a little private party. The six of them snuck out as soon as the lights went out, stole three canoes, and paddled out to the island. They dug the booze up out of the sand, and proceded to get completely ripped.
None of them were experienced drinkers and it didn’t take much. A few beers and the girls were lit, than suddenly everyone split off into pairs.
Joey and Eve were dry-humping each other every chance they got, but Eve never let it get much farther than that. And Mike had told Beau that he was sure that tonight was the night. Amber had let him feel her up under the shirt last time, and he seemed certian that she was ready to go all the way.
Beau only drank enough to catch a good buzz, but Tracy got so hammered she passed out not long after everyone else went off in search of some privacy. He was alone, and very bored for awhile, but then Mike came stomping back far earlier than he had expected.
He seemed… satisfied as he grabbed a beer and drained it, and that was when Amber came shuffling in. She was trying hard to control herself, but Beau could see that she had been crying, and he went from bored to pissed off in about two seconds flat.
“What the hell happened?” He demanded of Mike when Amber just sat down and refused to look at either of them.
“What’s your problem?” Mike scowled at him.
“What happened between you to?” Beau asked her as much as Mike, but his gaze narrowed on Mike when she remained silent. “What the fuck did you do? Why is she crying?”
“It’s over between the two of us,” Mike told him bluntly. “She’s not going to put out, and I have better things to do with my time.”
Beau looked at Amber, tears streaming down her face, and he reacted on pure impulse. The next thing he knew, Mike was on his ass with a bloody nose, and his hand was trobbing from the impact with Mike’s face.
“What the fuck did you do that for!?” Mike demanded angrily.
“Because you deserved it,” Beau growled. “Appologize to her for being a dick.”
“Fuck you, and fuck this,” Mike snarled as stalked off toward the canoes. “I’m out of here.”
Things were kind of awkward at first as they waited for Joey and Eve, but a few more drinks and Amber began to losen up. He had to prod her gently, offering her a sympathetic ear to bend, but she eventually told him what happened.
“I knew he was just after one thing,” she told told him quietly.
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