Lost Hikers
Lost Hikers
Sex Story Author: | StoryGal96 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He wasn’t sure whether she’d stopped having sex or whether she’d just stopped telling him. While he personally hoped for |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Fiction, Hardcore, Male/Female, Males / Female, Oral Sex, Romance |
“And as I started coming down and stopped screaming, he pulled out, climbed up the bed on me and shoved it in my mouth. Oh, it was incredible! Within two pumps he started…”
Joshua clenched his fists, tried to block his hearing, and concentrated, yet again, on solely walking forward.
It had been her idea, of course.
He’d gotten the phone call first thing in the morning. He could remember it vividly.
The ringing had woken him up just after six in the morning. On a Saturday. He had planned on sleeping until noon and doing nothing the whole day. And then he had picked up the phone. Before he could get a word out, he heard the excited voice on the other end, though not awake enough to hear who it was. “Hey Joshua!”
In response he simply muttered the, “Hello,” he usually did whenever he answered his phone.
“Did I wake you?” She didn’t even wait for a response. “Sorry. I was just thinking, you wanna go hiking today? I’ve got this great story I have to tell you!”
By this point, Joshua had recognized her voice, and while not happy about being woken up so early, was much happier that it was her voice that had woken him up. It made him strangely happy that she had thought of him this early in the morning, and again, on a Saturday no less. Then he put together what she had just asked.
“You want to go hiking?” He was shocked.
There was a short pause. The voice that followed had lost the flair it had when she had first spoken. “Well, yeah. I mean, we always go out to my places, so I thought that we’d do one of your things.” There was a brief pause before she quietly whispered, “Unless you don’t want to.”
Joshua heard her sudden reluctance and wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip away. He quickly responded. “No, I’m definitely in. Where do you want to go?”
He wasn’t even sure if she knew any of the local spots. But before he could think much about it she responded, with her former giddiness back again, “Great! I’ll pick you up in a couple hours! I’ll pick a spot by then, okay?”
There was no time to think. He simply responded, “Okay.”
“Great!” she repeated, before continuing, “I’ll see you in a couple hours then!” He could hear her take a quick breath before finishing, “This’ll be so fun!”
She had hung up before he’d had a chance to respond.
The phone call had lasted all of about two minutes. Barely awake, Joshua sat staring at his clock for awhile, confused. He wanted to go back to sleep, if only for fifteen minutes more. Even if the sun wasn’t already coming up, just thinking about his short early morning phone call would have been enough to keep him awake, despite how much his body wanted the sleep. This whole ordeal was totally out of the blue. It had been a few weeks since he’d last spoken to her. Nothing bad had happened the last time they spoke, in fact it all seemed too normal. That made him even more confused as to why she seemed so excited to see him. Maybe he finally…
He sat up abruptly in his bed, swung his legs over the side and cut off his hopes before he even let them begin.
‘Not a chance,’ he thought to himself. ‘How many times have I thought that before? And always the same results – nothing. Nope. Not gonna happen.’
There was one thing for sure though. She was right that whenever they hung out they always went to, as she had just put it, her places. Clubs, bars, random parties. Occasionally they’d go bowling, and that was his favorite get-together with her, or rather the least bad place. At least bowling involved moving. All the other places were just standing around, or standing around and drinking. While he’d done that stuff in college, Joshua never really liked it. He was an outdoors type. He loved running outdoors, hunting, mountain climbing, spelunking, and – of course – hiking. He’d even taken up skydiving at one point many years ago, just because he liked the outdoors. While he enjoyed it for awhile, he eventually gave it up because it wasn’t as active as the other stuff.
But for her to want to do this! In the five-plus years he’d known her, he had convinced her to go hiking with him only twice before, and that had always required some urging. She seemed to like it both times, but didn’t seem that eager to do it again. This was the first time she had ever brought up the idea. And so suddenly!
The clock caught Joshua’s eyes, and he realized that he had spent more time thinking about the phone call than he had actually spent on the phone. He smiled to himself, looking forward to finding out what this was all about, knowing he’d find out soon enough. He stood up and started to get ready for the sudden hiking trip, thinking about his history with her the whole time.
Joshua was 29 when he had first met her. His brother was a super-senior at his college and the frat he was a part of was celebrating him turning 23. When his brother had asked him to come to the party, despite having no urge to go, Joshua felt too bad to turn him down.
Sometime around two in the morning, his brother was, very drunkenly, led off to his bedroom by two very attractive young girls while his frat brothers cheered them on. Joshua just laughed and turned around. He had only had a few drinks, not really planning to get wasted. He wanted a place where he could just sit back for a bit and get some piece and quiet. There were a few chairs open around a table, but there was either some game or just some loud conversation going on around the table. He walked through another room where every seat was full. The next room had a bunch of people playing beer pong, but there was a small sofa off to one side of the room, occupied solely by a girl who looked like she was looking for a calm spot in the party too. Thinking nothing of it, he walked over to the open end of the sofa, put his elbows over the back, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort of the quiet as well as the cushions.
Unfortunately, his quiet was interrupted shortly after sitting down when he heard mumbled from beside him, “I’m not going to fuck you.”
Thinking he must have heard wrong, Joshua looked to his side. He saw the young girl sitting next to him staring at him. Looking confused, he asked, “What did you say?”
The girl, keeping her eyes on Joshua’s, simply repeated herself, though slightly more forcefully this time. “I’m not going to fuck you.”
The thought had not crossed Joshua’s mind until she stated it. He let his eyes look over the girl he had barely even noticed before. She was attractive. Not a knockout, but nothing to complain about. She had long light brown hair that easily went halfway down her back, even tied up as it was; hazel eyes; full, but not big, lips; and a long neck leading to a conservative shirt hiding what appeared to be B-cup breasts. She was definitely a bit on the skinny side, he guessed she’d be bony with her clothes off. She looked to have nothing in the way of hips, though it was hard to tell sitting as she was and with the slightly baggy jeans she had on. His mind immediately concluded she was a freshman.
After his brief glance over her, which took no more than a couple seconds, Joshua responded to her. “No offense, but I’m not looking to fuck you. I’d definitely consider you if I was in the mood, but I’m alright at the moment.”
The hostility in the girl’s eyes faded, and there was a hint of sadness in them. She simply responded, “Oh.”
Assuming the conversation was over, Joshua put his head back again and closed his eyes, trying to rest for a few minutes. However, not even a full minute passed before the girl asked, “Then why’d you come over here?”
Not bothering to look at her, Joshua let out a sigh and stated, “Look, it’s nothing personal. I just wanted a semi-quiet place to sit for a bit, okay?”
The girl again simply responded with an, “Oh.” Something about the ‘oh’ sounded off to Joshua, and he looked over to see the girl staring forward into the room, though at nothing in particular. He couldn’t place the look on her face. Worry maybe? Pain? Anger? Something was definitely off.
Joshua let out another sigh, then slowly leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and looked over at the girl. “Look, are you okay? Do you need something?”
The girl didn’t look at him, but muttered, “I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
There was a bit of a pause this time before she said, “Yeah.”
Joshua stared at her for a bit longer, but she didn’t make any motion like she was going to say anything. He began to lean back when she announced, “My friends are assholes.”
Joshua paused mid-lean-back, then leaned forward into the same position he had been before, and simply asked, “What?”
And that was all it took.
He listened as she went off about her life. Her friends had brought her to this party, against her wishes, so that she would fuck some guy in hopes of getting over her boyfriend of the past five months. He had dumped her the day before, shortly after they had sex for the first, and only, time. He had been a virgin, and when he found out she was not, he called her every synonym for ‘slut’ he could conjure and kicked her out of his room, not giving her time to put her clothes back on first. She had lost her virginity at fourteen and had fucked seven guys by the end of high school, and a couple more in her first few weeks of college (Joshua had been right, she was a freshman) before she had met her now-ex-boyfriend. She had liked the guy, but he was very religious and did not ever want to have sex with her, despite her repeated come-ons. When she finally talked him into it, he told her how good it was afterwards and told her for the first time that he loved her. Then he asked what it was like for her, found out she was not a virgin, and broke into tears, screaming at her until he threw her out of his room with her clothes in her arms.
Joshua didn’t say much, just supporting her when she needed it. For the most part he just listened as she vented and told him all of this in great detail. She proceeded to tell him how much she loved sex and didn’t think it was that big of a deal and couldn’t believe he’d freak out over it like that. She told Joshua how she had tried different kinds of sex with boys, and how she’d even tried hooking up with other girls, and always loved it, but her ex-boyfriend was the first boy she had slept with who she thought really liked her, not just for sex, and that made the sex better in some way, despite the fact that he had not been very good at it.
The girl’s rant continued on and on, even after Joshua unintentionally fell asleep against the back of the sofa. When the girl finally noticed, she finally stopped talking, and rather than being mad, she simply smiled. She kicked her shoes off and under the sofa, then pulled a blanket off the arm of the couch and laid it out over her as she curled up with her head on the arm of the chair and her feet just next to Joshua’s leg.
Joshua woke up the next morning with the girl’s legs spread out over his lap with the blanket covering them. He tried to move her legs without waking her, but the second he lifted them, she woke up. Not knowing what else to say, he said, “Good morning.” She smiled at him. When it became clear she wasn’t saying anything, he added, “Sorry, I tried not to wake you.”
The girl’s face changed slightly, giving a slight smirk. “You were going to leave without saying goodbye?”
Joshua wasn’t sure how to respond to the question. Luckily, he didn’t have to think too much as she twisted her body into a sitting position and started putting her shoes on. As she did that, Joshua looked around and noticed the spattering of drunkenly passed out people in that room and others. Remembering that the girl had come to the party with her friends and guessing they had probably left after seeing her sleeping on the couch with him, he felt obligated to ask if she needed a ride.
The girl just muttered in the affirmative as she continued putting her shoes on. As soon as they were on, she got up and followed Joshua out of the house and down the street a bit to his car.
He pulled up to her dorm a few minutes later. When the car was stopped, the girl didn’t move at first, or say anything. He realized he should probably say something. “Well, listen, good luck with everything. I hope it all works out.”
The girl finally turned to look at him, a questioning look on her face. “Hey,” she began, and paused before continuing, “Can I call you sometime?”
Joshua turned to look out the front windshield. He took a deep breath before responding.
“Listen, you’re a good girl, and I’m sorry if I led you on in any way, but I don’t think us seeing each other would be a good idea. I’m 29, you’re 18. You should find someone your own age. That being said, I really do hope everything works out for you. You really do seem like a good person.”
The girl gave him an iffy smile. “Well, can I call just to talk? We don’t have to do,” she paused before changing directions, “We don’t have to have anything more. But you’re great to talk to. You obviously don’t have to come see me, but even if I could just call you, that would be great.”
Joshua looked at the girl’s smile, and couldn’t help but smile back. “I guess there’s no harm in that. But listen, don’t fall for me, cause I won’t be coming for you.”
The girl’s smile suddenly covered her face. “I think I can handle that.” And with that, she grabbed a pen off the dashboard, and wrote down Joshua’s number on her palm as he recited it to her.
When she was done she put the pen back and started to open the door, then turned to look at Joshua again in a slightly confused look. “One more thing.” Joshua just raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. She then continued, “What’s your name?”
It suddenly hit Joshua that they had not introduced themselves last night, distracted as they were by the girl’s stories. He let out a quick laugh, then responded, “I guess that would help, wouldn’t it? It’s Joshua.”
The girl then leaned forward a tiny bit towards him and reached her hand to his. Not shaking it, just momentarily holding it. “Hi Joshua, I’m Lisa.”
The touch had been unexpected, and sent a strange jolt through Joshua’s body. Before he could say anything in response though, Lisa had gotten out of the car and was walking towards her dorm. He watched until she was inside, noting she never looked back. Then he shook his head, ignoring the whole scene, and took off towards home.
‘Yeah,’ Joshua thought to himself as he packed his backpack for the hiking trip. ‘That’s how it started alright. I regret saying some of those things now though.’
And that was the truth.
She had kept her word and called him, about a week after that first incident. Then a week after that. And a week after that. Soon they were talking to each other every week and knew everything about the other’s life. Despite his initial reluctance, Joshua eventually agreed to go meet her out with her friends some six months later. Then they were seeing each other once or twice a month, beyond their regular phone calls. He learned all about her, all of her little quirks. She loved pop music but didn’t like to admit to it. She found the necks of T-shirts too constricting, so she always cut a little V in them right above her chest – usually enough to just show a hint of cleavage, sometimes a little lower. She was a compulsive bathroom cleaner – the rest of her place could be dirty, but she needed a clean bathroom. Her favorite snack was cucumber – she would take out a whole cucumber and a knife and cut off slices and pop them in her mouth. She also told him all about her experiences, sexual and otherwise, through college. Joshua had to admit, the girl was out there. He got to hear her stories about Anal sex, two guys at once, choking on some guy’s cum (unintentionally), everything. He learned her likes and dislikes. She loved being penetrated – in any hole as deep as possible. She hated guys shooting their loads in her mouth – it just seemed weird to her. She greatly enjoyed the right kind of foreplay with her nipples – light nibbling and pulling, maybe the occasional sucking, no biting. She hated rough sex – anything rough was a turn off, it showed no fun, and thus she usually couldn’t get off. And, true to her word, she didn’t fall for Joshua. She treated him like a best friend, and he treated her the same.
It had been weird for their friends at first. Lisa’s friends found it strange to have a guy some eleven years older than them out with them. Joshua’s friends found it strange in the opposite way. Eventually, they all just got used to it. They would alternate going out with each other’s group of friends, occasionally just going out as the two of them. Joshua even had a two year long relationship at one point and his girlfriend immediately clicked with Lisa and the two began hanging out a lot. Unfortunately, that girlfriend had her job transferred to a site several hours away. They tried the long distance relationship thing, but it didn’t work out for either of them. They do, however, remain on good terms, call each other every now and then, but they haven’t seen each other since breaking it off.
His feelings toward Lisa changed shortly after that. It was on their second hiking trip (the first had involved Joshua’s now-ex also). The two of them just hiked and shared stories, and Joshua suddenly realized how much he enjoyed being with Lisa. They just got along so well. It didn’t help that she had developed since she was 18. Her boobs had grown another cup size (he knew not only from observations, but because she had told him), her hips had filled in and she put on enough weight that she didn’t look freakishly skinny anymore, but not overweight either. She looked normal, and between the weight and her hips, her ass had gone from a nonexistent entity to one of the hottest he’d ever seen. Not big enough to stick out too much, but enough to grab if the opportunity ever arose. Between her looks and his feelings, Joshua wasn’t sure what he thought, so he didn’t say anything at the time.
A couple weeks later, just after her 21st birthday, they had been out at a bar, and she had been talking about how badly she needed to get laid, looking around the room for candidates. Without thinking, Joshua spilled out, “If no one else fits the bill, I could fill in for the night.”
She had turned to stare at him. After an awkward pause, she replied, “I think that would violate our agreement.”
“What agreement?”
“That we wouldn’t fall for each other.”
“Who said anything about falling for each other? This would just be sex between friends.” He regretted it the moment the words came out. He didn’t just want sex, he wanted a relationship. He already had fallen for her, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship with sex.” She paused for a moment. “It would make things awkward.”
He didn’t know why, but he blurted out in response, “And it doesn’t make it awkward knowing that I want to fuck you?”
The comment didn’t even faze her though. She responded, “I kinda figured you wanted to fuck me for awhile now. I can deal with that. I know a lot of guys that want to fuck me and I get along with them. But when we actually do fuck, it ruins things.”
And that was it.
Joshua changed the topic by pointing to a new guy that walked in the bar, asking her if he was a candidate for her that night. And everything went back to normal and they didn’t talk about it again. She eventually found a guy to fuck that night, and told Joshua all about it the next week when she called him. He found that he didn’t enjoy her sex story as much as he usually did. In fact, he flat out disliked it. But he didn’t want to say anything for fear of making things awkward. He thought it might just be that one story, because he had wanted to be with her that time, but he found the same distaste for all of her sex stories after that. He was grateful when they stopped coming about six, seven months ago. She had gotten a new job, worked a lot, and stopped telling him about her sex life. They still talked about other things, and got along even better than they ever had before.
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