
Lost Empire 7

Derrick jerked awake as the proximity alarm began to wail, “Shelby report!” Derrick shouted.

“I am reading multiple ships heading in this general direction,” she reported.

“Configuration,” I shouted as I ran to the bridge.

“I am reading at least four; first class Ranger ships, closing on our location.” Shelby replied.

Damn it! First class? Plus there was the fact that there were 4 of them? They weren’t playing this time these were the finest ships they had. Heavily armored, heavily laden with weapons, if the EIG ships were to engage the ranger ships right now they might have a chance to defeat them though Shelby was almost at full capacity.

“Status of all re-gen,” Derrick asked as he began to pull up readings.

“At present, I am now hyper-drive capable, I estimate another 47 hours, 33 minutes ’til I am trans-warp capable. I also estimate I have the highest light shield ability now at 60%.” Shelby reported.

“Conner,” Derrick asked.

“I now have all weapons available though, not at full power it will take another 4 days 23 hours ’til I have full power to weapons. I estimate another 23 hours 32 minutes ’til I am trans-warp capable, though hyper-drive will still remain off-line. I am happy to say I do have sub-light engines and I have 55% light shield.” Conner said.

“Lucy,” Derrick asked turning his attention to the other female ship.

“Yes Primary, I will require another 3 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes ’til I am hyper-drive and trans-warp-drive capable,” Lucy sadly said. “I am also sub-light capable, and am 55% light-shield capable.”

“Zan any change in your condition?” Derrick asked.

“I am afraid not Primary, both my reactors and generators are only 40% repaired, I require another day to have partial sub-light engines. The rest of my engines will take the full 6 days to re-grow. I am glad to report that I now have 25% light-shield though for these Rangers that, I fear, will be ineffective,” Zan replied.

“Alright, it appears that we are a hell of a lot better off than we were when we got here yesterday. Shelby I will need you to extend your light shield over Zan, I realize it won’t afford much cover but it might throw them off long enough to get Conner’s trans-warp online.” Derrick stated.

“Primary,” started Conner, “I foresee another problem. With the loss of my reactors I won’t have enough power to take more than two.”

“Shit,” Derrick cursed, “I forgot to factor in the power constraints! We can do this if it comes to that, Conner you’d take 0001 and Zan. Shelby would be able to use her hyper-drive more effectively with two ships less to tow. I want you to go over everything Shelby I want you ready if and when the time comes for all of us to run.”

“Yes Derrick, I am already running a full diagnostic on all systems that would be affected. I am also running one on all other systems to make sure there is nothing else wrong.” Shelby said as the program started to detect anything that might be wrong.

“Good, remember all of you, I DO NOT want you firing on them, as I said before they are about the only law enforcement besides us. Though of course we are still un-sanctioned, and will be for short time.” Derrick stated.

“Time…,” Derrick began.

“I estimate at their present speed, they should reach our position in 1 day, 1 hour, 29 minutes, 39 seconds,” Shelby reported.

“How effective…,” Derrick began again.

“With their trans-warp being non-operational, Lucy and Conner are at present not being detected by the Rangers. I have extended my light-shield over 0001 and Zan; unfortunately it has reduced the effectiveness of it to a mere 35%. At this range we are no more than a strong anomaly that under the code of the Rangers that you provided for me they have to investigate. I estimate another 12 hours ’til they are close enough to detect that we are NOT an anomaly.” Shelby stated.

“You really have to stop doing that, I like to speak, you need to let me at least finish what I am saying Shelby,” Derrick scolded the A.I.

“I will attempt to try Derrick, but it is far more efficient to give you the answer before you ask.” Shelby said sweetly.

“It may be, but I find it irritating.” Derrick said.

The hologram of Shelby lowered her head almost whispering, though she had a small smile, “Yes Derrick I will endeavor to remember this.”

Derrick smirked now he knew that the freeing up of the program was working, the A.I.’s didn’t have to remember anything, not with their banks of memory. Derrick had just sat in the command chair when a sudden idea hit him.

“Conner,” Derrick asked, “if you were to release a small amount of Critela particles into your generator during re-gen, wouldn’t it cause a 67% increase in re-gen?”

“Hmmm analyzing, I am estimating a 66.375% increase in re-gen. Under those conditions, I also estimate that my Trans-warp would be 100% repaired in 12 hours, 26 minutes, 23 seconds. More than well within the time constraints that we are presently facing.” Came an excited Conner’s voice.

“Make it so, also monitor the flow and amount of Critela, do not let them fall below 23.3, or above 23.5 micrograms per millimeter.” Derrick recited seeing the formula in his head.

“Yes Primary, at present re-gen has already increased 50% and slowly rising.” Conner reported.

“Good, keep within those levels and you should be fine, though I am afraid you have to closely watch them, as Critela can become unstable at times.” Derrick ordered.

“Yes Primary, I will constantly monitor them ’til completion.” Conner again replied excited.

The hologram of Shelby was smiling proudly, she’d never heard of this procedure that Derrick had Conner using.

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