
Lost Empire 45

Derrick in the past

0001 – Tempro                                  0403 – Johnathon                     
0003 – Conner- Thomas                      0667 – Marco – Brown                  
0097 – Ace – Zimmel                           0778 – Jan                    
0098 – Lucy                                       0798 – Celeste  –  Shelby (human)
0101 – Shelby (mother ship) – Derrick   0908 – Tara – Mara              
0125 – Lars                                        0999 – Zan                       
0200 – Ellen                                       1000 – Sherry –  Lucie (for the moment)                                     
0301 – Rodrick         

Derrick hi-tailed it out of there as fast as he could. Ok took care of that according to Tempro almost all of the future or his time was back to where it should be. Feeling the disc in his pack, he cursed he still had to get that one in Mary.
“A little more Sire!” Derrick heard Tempro say, Finally rounding a corner Derrick heard Tempro confirm. “Now commencing sire.” Then Derrick flashed out.
Back in the palace Gregor was still searching when he got a technology alert. Looking at his wrist comp. his eyes got large! IMT technology! So this cousin or whatever he was, had in his possession IMT technology huh? He had to contact his cousin as soon as possible. Something wasn’t sitting right with him about this mystery man.
On board Tempro, Derrick walked into the command deck. “I am afraid that the IMT beam was detected. It wasn’t as sophisticated as in our time but it still picked up a residual trail.” Tempro advised Derrick.
“Move us now!” Derrick ordered as Tempro moved the ship out of IMT range just in case. “Are you detecting any sign of chase or other scans?” Derrick asked.
“No Sire not at the moment. It appears that you have now set in motion the forming of the two sects. I am afraid though that without the last disc Mary ceased to function a hundred years before you became emperor. Almost all other factors are more where they should be. Also I am afraid that most of the habitable planets were destroyed from many of the weapons that were scavenged from the wreckage of the palace. I’m sorry sir.” A saddened Tempro told him.
“That’s about what I thought. There has to be a way to get it into her.” Derrick said as he sat going over all the precautions that he’d taken to do this last mission. Now he was going to have to find another way around the security and Gregor again! “You say there is no way to IMT right there in front of Mary?”
“No Sire. All parts of the main frame are shielded for almost everything. Also I am detecting added security for entering any new data into Mary.” Tempro told Derrick.
“Alright send me everything that you did before. I need to look over everything again. There has to be something that I have missed.” Derrick replied already in deep thought about the situation. “Also I need updates about Shelby.”
“Yes Sire, at present she is in almost full regen. I estimate she should be there a few more days. I’m sorry Sire beyond that I cannot say as the regen matrix plays hazard with the sensors.” Tempro advised Derrick.
“It’s alright Tempro just knowing that she is getting better is a big relief.” A sad Derrick said.
“Sire it wasn’t your fault. Anyone of us would have done the same for you. You treat us more as partners rather than tools to be used and discarded. It means far more to us than you think it does sire. Please know we all would do anything we could for you!” A serious Tempro told Derrick.
“Yes well that is comforting Tempro, still it tears me up inside when one of you is damaged or destroyed. As you said all of you are far more than just simple tools. In quite a lot of ways you are family to me. Now then, let me work on this problem I know I am missing something.” Derrick told Tempro as he went back to deep thought.
Lucie was on the edge of her seat, my god she thought the voice is growing so weak! “We have to go faster Sherry! The voice is so weak! I can barely hear it anymore!” Lucie suddenly cried.
“Yes Miss Hartwell, increasing speed now!” A moment later they stopped beyond the edge of the galaxy. “Now running scans attuned to the second standard the emperor gave us. As of yet I am not detecting anything.” Sherry turned toward Lucie seeing that the young woman was again staring straight ahead.
“I can barely hear it,” Lucie was whispering. “I can feel it so weak straight ahead!” Lucie suddenly said as Sherry started to advance forward. Sighing Lucie felt the voice, almost to a low whisper.
Even as they were moving forward a sudden alarm start to sound. “Miss Lucie! I am detecting it! Very close only a million miles!” Sherry shouted excited.
“Good! Remember Sherry, same protocol as before. We have to make sure they are safe for us before we bring them on board.” Lucie advised Sherry.
“Yes Miss Hartwell, now closing distance all scanners are at full. Now within a thousand miles, running full phase of dangerous explosive detection.” Sherry informed Lucie.
“Time to completion of scans?” Lucie asked.
“It shouldn’t take long Miss Lucie. First scan complete now running secondary scan.” Sherry said a moment later. Lucie nodded as she watched the readings that were coming in.

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