
Lost Empie 5

“Shelby,” Derrick asked. “Were there many ships lost in this particular area?”

“Searching, according to all information I have on all ship movements and battles I would have to say no but I feel that Conner may have more information than I, at the present moment,” Shelby answered.

“Thank you Shelby I’ll take this information under advisement,” Derrick replied deep in thought he had to get all the ships synced up so that all the records were somewhat the same on all the ships. Sighing Derrick thought this damn hunt and peck he was having to do to get information was irritating the hell out of him. “Conner,” Derrick started.

“Yes Primary,” Conner replied.

“Were there many ships lost in this area besides you, 0004 your wing mate and 0001?” Derrick asked.

It was quiet for a short time, “No primary we were the only ships I have knowledge of here, as stated I lost my wing mate here along with 0001.” Conner almost whispered.

Hmmm so they did express feelings toward their wing, mates something to keep in mind for later Derrick thought.

“Shelby, I want a full scan done on the life/brain box, every scan you can do. Radiation, explosives, virus’s both written and physical, also any life forms hiding on or in. If there is damage to the case I want you to throw everything at it again. Something doesn’t feel right; remember I don’t want it on board under no means ’til we are completely sure it is safe.” Derrick ordered as stern as he could. He had a bad feeling about this the kind that could get them all killed if he wasn’t careful.

“Yes Derrick all scans going, to do the full battery of tests it will take at least two hours, may I at least provide energy to it?” Shelby asked.

“Not unless you can do it from a distance, I don’t like this Shelby everything about this feels wrong, I’m not sure but this almost feels like a false box.” Derrick replied, Shelby actually gasped then all was quiet for a while. Derrick had only started reading up on the brain boxes two days ago, going back to the records room he again immersed himself deep in the records finding a little more on the brain boxes. It was almost two hours later that Shelby alerted him she had completed the first group of tests. “Display the results here,” Derrick told Shelby.

As he started to go over the readings he was certainly glad he’d decided to read more on the boxes. Several of the readings made no sense opening up the library records he soon found out why.

Rising Derrick started running issuing orders, “IMT Shelby, bridge! All of you withdraw 100,000 kilometers, all shields to full, shift shield frequency to a higher modulation now!” He saw all of them bring up their shields then withdrew. “Conner, Zan lock on target and fire ’til you detect an overload then immediately retreat another 100,000 kilometers. Shelby, you and Lucy withdraw to that point I need you both taking readings.”

Almost in unison the four ships answered “Orders received Primary, retreating.”

“Starting scans,” both Lucy and Shelby stated.

“Now beginning bombardment, nothing yet Primary.” Zan and Conner told him.

“Primary detecting a build-up of energy within the case,” Lucy and Shelby informed him.

“Alright retreat to safety point, all shields to full keep scanning ’til the box explodes.” Derrick ordered, the Shelby hologram was staring at Derrick as if he’d lost his mind.

They had to only wait a few minutes after they were all at the 200,000 kilometer limit.

Suddenly there was a titanic explosion in front of them. Thankfully Derrick had recognized the danger and had the shields at a higher frequency. Shelby was staring at the readings; this had in fact been a type of high yield nuclear device. Again it appeared that Derrick had saved them all again plus the fact that they were armed with a little better understanding of the different dangers out here now.

All four Holograms were standing in front of Derrick as he went over what he’d learned explaining what the readings should be and what should be considered dangerous. “If you detect any of these readings when you scan a life box do not approach it, we all could have been destroyed today please remember, all these readings here, have to be right here, if not then something is wrong and can be determined by other readings.” Shelby was staring at Derrick with more pride then she’d ever felt. “Right now I want to concentrate on 0001, though I suspect he wasn’t the lead ship I feel he was very important with this experimental equipment he was carrying.”

Sighing Derrick went back to his heavy, light reading (only 800 pages this time) good thing he could read extremely fast, or he’d never get through all this plus it increased the amount he could go through at least four times greater. Derrick had almost finished all he was reading though this last section had him a little confused. Apparently two of the ships had been designated as the personality creators, thereby saving millions of programming hours. Huh. Derrick thought almost like a mother and fa… , Derrick remembered the looks the holograms had given Shelby when he’d been discussing upgrades to weapons and shields, was it possible?

It was a week later that Derrick began to stumble on records of the power sources of all the ships. His mouth dropped open if this was true then this was the most dangerous power source that could be used but how in the hell had they stabilized it? Damn it seemed the deeper he went the more confusing it got, hell and he thought the brain/life boxes had been confusing ’til he got to the last few pages.

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