Lost and Found_(2)
Lost and Found_(2)
Sex Story Author: | Robsam1991 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She wasn't as large as Charlotte, but she was large enough that I could see their voluptuous form. My eyes |
Sex Story Category: | Cum Swallowing |
Sex Story Tags: | Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Fantasm, Older Female / Males, Oral Sex, Romance, Threesome |
My mom was a thirty seven year old divorcee. My dad had dumped her over an airhead blonde he met on a business trip in Taiwan. Even I couldn’t believe that and my initial thought was ‘Geez, what an asshole’. With that said, you can quite guess my mom’s perspectives on marriage. Let’s just say she hadn’t quite gotten over the whole thing yet and was all bitter about the whole happy marriage life bullcrap, as she would usually put it.
What happens when you are thirty seven and doesn’t have a husband and your only son is a college student that only come back some of the weekends and holidays? Well, you get a hobby. Which she did. And that is organizing and planning the Divorced Women Come Together annual party. The DWCT was mom’s baby which she cared a lot about and took pride of. The event is one of the most sought event in the neighborhood, which kinda give you the idea just how many women are divorced right now. She would often wear the DWCT baseball cap like a badge of honor, as if she’s telling the world that she’s not one bit troubled by the divorce at all.
Since I am her son, I had to be there whenever the DWCT party hit town. I might have overstated a little when I say ‘hit’. The party didn’t really hit town. It is planned by divorced women for crying out loud. It was more like a morning mist, which washed over the neighborhood early in the morning, and then disappeared without a fuzz in the afternoon. You literally won’t even know it has happened. Still, you’d be surprised by the number of attendees that came to the party.
After being forced to attend the party for the third time, I had come to realize three things. First, most attendees are women in their thirties. Second, if the attendees didn’t have a vagina, they were usually toddlers who didn’t know any better to not come. Third, boys like me, eighteen and shit, don’t come to such parties, like ever. Which only highlight the awkwardness I had to endure every single time since the whole fucking room was filled to the brink with middle age women and screaming sniffling baboons the women brought with them.
Some of the women were bitter like mom and would come by and remind me not to cheat on my future wife like their husbands did to them. Some of the women were just a big pile of sobbing mess hoping to find some semblance of salvation in the party. Then there were the sex-famished cougars who would pounce on you if you so much as forgetting to unzip your pants. Needless to say, I had been ‘approached’ by said cougars one too many time for my own comfort. Don’t get me wrong. They were hot. But they were also around my mom’s age and there’s that too.
Today, as my never ending misfortune dictated, was the 4th DWCT party. I had driven all the way back from college to my mom’s house. When I arrived in the evening, there were canopies and tables being set on the front lawn of the house. There’s a banner that said ‘Who say you can’t have fun when you are divorced?’. I guess fun for single moms and fun for people like me are two entirely different thing.
“Hello sweetheart. You’re early today.” my mom cooed and wrapped her arms around my neck. “How have you been?”
“I’m good mom.” I gave her the usual response. “Are you drinking?” I smelled alcohol in her breath.
“Oh, I’m just enjoying a glass of wine with a couple of friends. You remember Melissa and Charlotte don’t you?” From her overly high pitched voice, I doubted that it was only just a glass she had consumed.
“Yeah, I know them.”
Melissa and Charlotte had been helping mom organizing DWCT since the 2nd party. They were always there in the party and would stay until late in the evening. Probably that was because both of them didn’t have any child, which free up their schedules quite considerably. The fact that these two were also the cougars that I just mentioned made me a little worried for being back.
“Come. Let’s get you sorted out.” my mom grabbed one of my luggage and began lifting it up the stairs. I followed her and as I did so, I passed the doorway to the dining room and saw the two women waving at me. I waved them back and rushed up to follow my mom.
After unpacking all my stuff, which wasn’t really that much, I went to take a quick shower. I put on a round neck t-shirt and a pair of khakis and then headed back down stairs to see if my mom needed any help.
“Oh hi darling.” my mom greeted gleefully. She’s obviously drunk. If her flushed face was not of any indication, the three empty wine bottles on the kitchen counter certainly were. With her was Charlotte and Melissa, each holding a glass of wine in their hand.
“Hi, mom.” I said awkwardly. “Hi Charlotte. Hi Melissa.”
“Hi Brandon.” the two women said almost in unison. Said would be an understatement. I felt like they had just flirted with me by sounding all breathy and sexy.
Charlotte was a thirty three year old lawyer. She had a head of honey brown hair. She was about mom’s height, which was 5’6″ and had a really lean but curvy built. Her eyes were hazel, she had small lips and a sharp nose that made her look awfully like a model and undeniably sexy. That was until she began reciting from the constitution that you know this woman wasn’t just sex on legs and seriously not someone to be trifled with.
Melissa was a gardener in some sense. She basically went from one house to another beautifying the lawn with colorful flowers and other inanimate adoration. In fact, our little flower garden by the driveway was Melissa’s handiwork. While Charlotte could be seen as a sophisticated woman, Melissa was sort of the dutiful housewife type that would make sure the fridge is always stock and the laundry always done. The fact that she’s slightly shorter than both Charlotte and my mom made her all the more cute and harmless.
She had a dirty blond hair that was slightly bleached due to overexposure to sunlight. She had rosy cheeks and her face was adorned with bright blue eyes, cherubic lips and cute button nose. If she’s ten years younger, she would so totally be my type of girl.
“How much did you drink mom?” I asked. Mom wasn’t very good with alcohol. She usually passed out big time if she happened to drink one glass too many.
“Oh, just a couple of glasses.” my mom slurred.
“I see.” I said without buying it. She obviously had drunk at least a good bottle and a half. “Well, I think it’s bed time for you now mom.”
“Nonsense.” she let out this high-pitch and snorty laugh, a sign that she’s about to hit the bunk real soon. I had seen this many time during the first few months of the nasty divorce.
“Come on mom.” I said and lifted her up.
“I’m fine. I can walk myself.”
“No you can’t. Stop struggling.” I scolded as I slowly took her out of the dining room. “Sorry about this.” I said to the two women still sitting by the kitchen counter.
“It’s okay.” Melissa said with a smile.
“You go take care of your mom.” Charlotte added.
I took mum up the stairs and into her room. I placed her on the center of the bed, pulled out her shoes and then covered her body with the blanket. It’s obvious she didn’t shower and I knew if she ever missed one, her skin’s going to itch like a bitch the next morning. She was mumbling incoherently by the time I walked out with a moist towel. I gave her face and her neck a quick wipe, and I did her limbs as well. Then, I went back down stairs to the dining room.
“How’s your mom?” Melissa asked as soon as she saw me walking in.
“She’s completely out.” I sighed with a tiny pang of embarrassment.
“She did drink almost two bottle.” Charlotte informed as she stretched out lazily. My eyes instinctively fell on the two huge mounts and the tiny nubs poking out of the thin fabric of her blouse. I quickly forced my eyes back up to hers but it was too late as she was already smiling knowingly.
“Uhm. It’s kinda late. Do you ladies need a ride?” I offered. It wasn’t like the two of them could or should drive right now.
“Emm hmm…a ride would be nice.” Melissa cooed salaciously and I swallowed nervously. From the way she emphasized on the word ‘ride’ and the way her eyes fleetingly glanced at my crotch, I doubt she’s talking about the same kind of ride that I was thinking.
“Your mom has told us to stay here for the night.” Charlotte informed. “We brought a change of clothes for tonight’s sleepover and tomorrow’s event.”
“You have a place to sleep?” I asked. Other than the couch, the only place that they could both comfortably sleep in was my queen size bed.
“We thought we could just sleep on the couch.” Melissa sounded like she’s purring.
Being raised by a mom who dictated that men should always be chivalrous, I knew I hadn’t had much choice but to offer my bed. My mom surely wouldn’t like it if I told these two women to sleep on the couch.
“You should take my bed.” I said. “Mom would kill me if she sees you two sleeping on the couch.”
“Where will you sleep then?” Charlotte asked.
“On the couch. Don’t worry, I’ve done that many times.”
“Or you can sleep with us. We won’t want you to lose sleep because of us.” she offered. It all sounded like she’s being kind and all, but I knew she had ulterior intention.
I felt my cock grew hard in my pants as the image of me sleeping with two beautiful sex-deprived women formed in my head. I knew Charlotte and Melissa were cougars from the beginning and they had always made their advances on me quite bloody obvious. Only my mom could be so blissfully ignorant to see it. The only reason why they hadn’t gotten into my pants was because my body had never really responded to their advances before. Besides, they had never taken their advances to such blatant level. The wine had obviously loosen up some of their moral restraints.
“Thanks. But I’ll be fine sleeping on the couch.” I croaked pathetically.
“You sure?” Melissa asked with what I knew was feigned concern. If anything, she looked more like she was ready to tear of my clothes off.
“Yeah. If there’s nothing else, I will go up and prepare the bed for you two.”
“Thank you, Brandon.” Charlotte and Melissa said together. Once I walked out of the dining room, I heard the two women giggled with one another. No doubt, relishing in the fact that my cock was hard under my pants and I didn’t put on any underwear.
It took me about ten minutes to put away the things that I didn’t wish for the two women to see. My collection of marvel comics was one of them. I shoved everything into a carton box and then slid it under my bed. I went to clear my table a little before taking out the air freshener and gave the room a little spray. Once that’s done, I picked up an extra pillow and blanket from the cabinet.
“Your bed is kind a big.” Melissa was already standing at the doorway. Her face was redder than I just saw her in the kitchen.
“Yeah.” I turned and look at the quasi queen size bed. Since I was much taller than average, which was about 6’4″, my mom had the bed custom made for me. I wasn’t even sure what size it really was but I knew my high school friend had all said it was big whenever they saw it.
“I’m sure all three of us can fit in.” she said coyly while nibbling on her lower lip.
“Yeah. But I think it won’t be right.” I forced a smile and skirted past her. As I did so, her hand ever so gently brushed against my semi hardened cock, which I knew she did it deliberately.
“I’m not so sure about that.” she leaned against the doorway and watched me retreated to the stairs. “It might feel right. Really right.”she cooed while her eyes kept staring at my crotch.
I ignored her and turned around as fast as possible. That’s when my hard body slammed against the lean frame of Charlotte.
“Whoa, watch it there big guy.” Charlotte teased as she looked up to my face. I was a head taller than her and something about her looking up at me made my stomach cringed weirdly.
“Sorry.” I croaked and shuffled past her through the narrow space of the stairs. And just like it with Melissa, Charlotte’s hand had gently brushed against my cock too and made me already hardened cock even harder. I knew I would have to jerk off later tonight to ease off the sexual tension.
Since I couldn’t masturbate right now, I knew I needed distractions to make the clock run faster. I switched on the television and turned to ESPN. While I didn’t particularly like football, or anything sporty for that matter, I knew that watching sports were something a man would do. I didn’t know who I was trying to proof that I was a man but I watched it anyway.
I didn’t know how long I had watched but I reckoned it had been long enough. My cock couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled my blanket over my body and inconspicuously rubbed my erection while I pretended to watch the television. I moved slowly so that if Charlotte and Melissa did come down, they would only see a young man watching the sports channel intently and not one that’s pleasuring himself.
Then, I let my mind wander into the erotic scene. Charlotte’s and Melissa’s naked forms materialized and they were doing dirty things to one another. In my perverted fantasy, the women asked me to join them and the two began lapping my hard cock. As the scene unfolded, I rubbed my cock harder and faster.
“What are you watching?” A feminine voice cooed from behind the couch. I froze and slowly pulled my hand out of my pants. I turned my head up and saw Melissa looking down on me. There’s a playful smile on her lips as though she knew what I was doing underneath the blanket.
“Football. It’s the Yankees against White Sox.” I read out from the score bar on the television display.
“Can we watch something else? I couldn’t sleep yet.”
“Yeah. Of course.” I swallowed, feeling the sexual tension building in the air. Melissa walked around the couch and when she revealed herself, I quickly turned my head back to the television.
“What’s the matter?” the woman asked coyly.
“Nothing.” I muttered while feeling my cheek blushing. The woman was wearing only a t-shirt and judging from the tiny nubs poking through the thin fabric, she wasn’t wearing a bra. My cock throbbed painfully with need of release.
She went to the coffee table where the remote control was and bent down to retrieve it. As she did so, the hem of her t-shirt was hiked up above her hips and I was instantly awarded with the full view of her bare butt and pussy. I must have lost my mind because the next thing I saw was Melissa’s worried face just a few inches from me.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah.” I croaked like Liam Neeson having a bloody sore throat.
“Okay. Now, scoot over big boy.” the dirty blonde said.
I moved my huge bulk and spared her a space to sit. I had kept my blanket on me as I did so since my cock was now as hard as the freaking Washington Monument.My pants were literally a tent right now.
“Give me some blanket.” she pulled one portion of the blanket over her slender, folded, legs. She then began to switch the channels one after another, stopping only for a second to check if it was the thing she wanted to see. Finally, she settled for a cartoon that involved a certain queen with icy issues.
I tried to pay attention to the movie at first but was quickly distracted by Melissa’s bare foot that kept rubbing along my calve. I looked at her but the woman had her eyes glued to the television. It was almost as if I was imagining things. But I knew I wasn’t.
I found myself shifting from the screen to Melissa’s breasts.
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