Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part III
Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part III
Sex Story Author: | Preverted1 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Talk about an unexpected shot from deep left-centre field! But I knew that I loved my sister just the way |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome |
Little Sister’s Dilemma – Chapter III
“Sarah, get the hell out of here!” Joanne screamed, “and stay the fuck out until I get dressed, or I’ll shove my hand up your ass and give you fucking haemorrhoids!”
Our sensuous little world of loving incest had been broached by my sister’s friend Sarah, and we had been caught in a most compromising position. My now-flaccid cock was still captured in my sister’s ass, and she had clamped her rectal muscles in an attempt to hold me there. The only thing between this steamy scene and Sarah’s prying eyes were the sleeping bags that we’d zipped together, giving us enough room for two naked bodies.
“Don’t threaten me, Joanne Houghton!” Sarah snapped back, her voice full of anger and malice. “You two have enough explaining to do as it is, and I’m not going anywhere until I get it.” The look of determination on Sarah’s face told me that we were in big trouble, and Joanne’s expression confirmed my worst fears. But Sarah was kind enough to give us some privacy, backing out of the tent’s doorway and letting the flap drop back into place, although she did leave the flap’s zipper undone.
“Jim, how the hell are we going to keep her from blabbing to everyone back home?” Joanne asked, her tone full of real concern. “The first people that’ll hear about us will be Mom and Dad, and we both know how well that’ll work out. Dad’ll cut your balls off, and Mom’s probably gonna glue my cunt shut! Geez, ya think her timing could have been any worse than this?” I almost expected my little sister to break out into tears, and the guilt that I felt for putting her into this compromised predicament wasn’t doing me any good, either. To say that we were scared shitless would be a bit of an understatement.
“Sis, everyone has their price. Whatever Sarah wants to keep her mouth shut, we’re gonna have to do. It’s as simple as that. The question is, what’s it gong to cost us to get that silence?” I put forth. “Maybe we can negotiate something?” I added, hoping against hope that Joanne’s friend had a bent for bickering.
“What she wants is sex,” my sister advanced, “but to what degree, I couldn’t tell you. Whether she’d settle for something relatively innocent, or whether she’d demand a full-blown orgy, we’ll have to find out. Dammit Jim, I’m scared! To lose everything we’ve found together because of Sarah’s big mouth is going to just kill me! I can’t lose you, big brother! I just can’t!”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere! Whatever happens, we’re in this together, and whatever it takes to protect my little sister, I’ll do it. You know that, and you know that I’ll risk everything I have, and everything I am, just to keep you safe, don’t you? So let’s go talk to Sarah, and find out what she wants in exchange for her silence” I suggested.
Joanne grabbed a cloth and cleaned herself off, then threw the rag at me, suggesting that I seriously consider following her lead. Inhaling deeply, I could see what she meant. I smelled of cum, both hers and mine, and it was bad enough to make a skunk consider another bottle of Chanel No. 5, especially if he was within a hundred feet of our tent.
As I cleaned myself up, Joanne struggled to pull on some suitable clothing in preparation for a confrontation with our uninvited guest. She was kind enough to wait for me to get dressed so that we could approach the enemy with a united front. I got the idea that Joanne’s strategy was based on the concept that the best defence is a strong offence. I was still working on the premise that if I couldn’t see the problem, it didn’t exist. Maybe one of these days, I’ll learn how to imitate an ostrich and stick my head in the sand. But once I was dressed, it was time to find out exactly what it would take to guarantee Sarah’s silence.
Sitting at the picnic table that was part of the campsite, Joanne and I sat on one side while Sarah sat on the other, the best seating arrangement for a negotiating conference. My sister tried to soften the tension of the meeting with some small talk, all the while holding my hand under the table. Sarah knew she had the upper hand, and wasn’t about to back down if she didn’t have to, but the whole conflict seemed to be stalling until one of us got to the meat of the problem. I bit the bullet and opened with the obvious blunt question.
“Okay, Sarah, you sort of have us over a barrel here. What we want is for you to keep what you know entirely to yourself. What do we have to do to get you to keep your mouth shut?” I couldn’t have made it any simpler than that, and I felt Joanne squeeze my hand as a signal that she hoped we could find something to offer her friend that would keep all of us relatively happy.
“Joanne knows exactly what I want – to see you two happy” Sarah came back. “I’ve had a thing for you since we were fourteen, Jim, but you’re Joanne’s guy now. Girls aren’t supposed to hit on other girl’s guys. Right, Jo?”
I couldn’t believe my ears! Sarah had us both between a rock and a hard place, and she was going to give up something that had been her fantasy for almost two years? There had to be a catch, because this was too easy. I could have it left well enough alone, and maybe I should have, but something was nagging at the back of my head.
“That’s it?” I wondered aloud. “No conditions, no negotiations, no blackmailing? As much as I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, Sarah, I’m having a hard time believing that you’d let us off the hook and just look the other way. What’s the catch?”
Sarah sat and stared at me for a minute before dropping the bombshell. She wanted to spend the weekend in our company, which to me was right in there with going hunting with a game warden in the off-season. The opportunity to be with my sister, alone, was beginning to evaporate quickly. My first reaction was to tell her to get lost, but Joanne’s squeeze on my hand got my attention instantly, and I kept my mouth shut.
“Tell you what, Sarah,” Jo began to negotiate, “how about we spend the day together, and see where it goes from there? You have nowhere to sleep, and we’re not about to stuff three people in that tent. It isn’t big enough for that many bodies anyway. Besides, there’s a reason why Jim and I are up here, and it sure isn’t to hold an open house.”
“Deal,” Sarah volunteered, “but I sure could use a coffee, right about now. That’s a long drive, and I got up kind of early to find out what you two were up to. My curiosity drove me nuts all night. You have to admit that a brother and sister going camping at this time of year is a little over the top. If it was my little brother and I, you’d be wondering too.”
Sarah’s little brother Kyle was barely thirteen, and probably as close to a nerd as I’d ever seen. Eventually he’d probably grow up to be a nice guy, but by the time he did, the three of us would be out of our parent’s houses and gone. The thought of Sarah and Kyle as lovers just wouldn’t gel in my mind anyway, and I could easily see Sarah’s point. In an effort to clear the fog in my brain, I got up and started a small fire while Joanne got the percolator ready to brew our morning “wake-me-up juice”, as my Dad referred to it. While I was busy building a tepee out of kindling, Sarah snuck over and squatted down beside me. It took a second for her presence to register, leaving me unsure of just what her intentions were. The discomfort of that uncertainty must have shown, because she opened the conversation in a subdued and almost whispered voice.
“Jim, you really love her, don’t you?” Sarah began. I told her the truth, admitting just how I felt without going into too much detail. “I have to admit that I’m a little jealous,” Sarah continued, “and I’d kill to have a guy like you for my own. But it feels good inside to see both of you so happy, and so much in love. Hell, Jim, just sitting at the table, I could feel it saturating the air! So, how did you two get to be this way? What happened that you two became lovers?”
I had no problem relating the tale, but not without Joanne present. After all, this was something that involved both of us, and leaving her out of the conversation seemed conspiratorial. I wasn’t ready to go there, and left the relating of the story until we were all sitting around the fire while nursing our first cups of coffee. Once seated, Joanne began relating the story, starting with that night that she and Sarah had spent exploring each other’s bodies. Poor Sarah showed her embarrassment at me knowing what had transpired. I tried to let her know that I understood, and had no real problems with what had happened. Once Joanne had explained how their sexual activities had been the catalyst to the changes in our relationship, I added any details I considered important that my sister missed. By the time we finished, Sarah’s face was a picture of awe, with more questions behind it than either of us were comfortable answering.
“So when I arrived here this morning, you two had just finished making love?” Sarah asked.
“Mmm hmm,” Joanne let her know, “and when you barged in, I was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of Jim’s cock deep inside me. You have no idea how close I came to scratching your eyes out! I think that if he wasn’t still in me, I probably would have, too. Geez, your timing couldn’t have been worse!” I was going to say that it could have been, especially if Sarah had arrived a few minutes earlier, but there was no point bringing that up. I let Sarah squirm with the knowledge that she’d almost ruined a moment of intimacy between my sister and I. Sarah’s expression indicated that my closed mouth was having the desired affect.
“How was I supposed to know?” Sarah tried to apologize. “I mean, how often does one come across a brother and sister making love, and out in the middle of nowhere, too? Shit, if I’d known why you’d escaped the city, I’d have . . . well, maybe left you alone? I mean, I might be a horny little bitch at times, but I do know when to make myself scarce!”
“Oh really?” I jibed at her. “Then how come you’re still here?” Sarah gave me a dirty look, and I thought for a minute that she was about to stomp off in a huff. And for some strange reason, I didn’t want to see her go, at least not in a bad mood.
“Oh relax, girl” I offered. “I have nothing against you, except maybe bad timing. You’re here now, so why don’t we all just have a good time and a friendly visit. There’s enough food that we can feed you for supper tonight, and you can either stay overnight, if you don’t mind sleeping in your car, or drive back to town after we eat. Just promise me that you’ll find somewhere to go when Joanne and I decide to make love this afternoon . . . and we probably will, too. God, but that girl can get me all worked up!” I got a knowing look for my confession, and an unspoken promise that if we wanted to be alone, Sarah would make sure we got the opportunity. “How about something to eat? We haven’t had breakfast yet, and I could use some food in my stomach, right about now” I added as I changed the conversation’s direction.
Without waiting for an answer, I set the griddle on the fire grate, and made us some bacon and eggs. I was hungrier than I thought, and so were both girls. We finished off a full pound of bacon, half a dozen eggs, toast, and another full pot of coffee. Sarah even offered to wash and dry all the dishes while my sister and I relaxed. Once she’d cleaned up, Sarah grabbed a chair and joined us, the restful tranquillity of the outdoors lulling us all into a trance-like state. Joanne and I sat beside each other, holding hands, and basking in the closeness of our love. Even Sarah accepted our togetherness, remaining outside that intimate circle that we’d defined by our proximity to each other.
Half an hour later, I suggested that we take a walk along one of the many trails that circled the lake. Joanne and I walked hand in hand, with Sarah finding herself a place on my other side. She really was looking to be accepted as a part of our sphere, to an aspect that I couldn’t ignore. While Joanne didn’t seem to mind her friend’s presence, she also wasn’t about to share her brother with anyone, and her grip on my hand got progressively tighter. I chuckled with the realization of that, squeezing back in an attempt to reassure her. When she leaned her head on my shoulder, I knew that I’d gotten my message across. We spent the next three hours walking that trail, finally arriving back at our campsite again.
“I’m fried” Sarah confessed. “Would you mind if I snuck into the tent and had a snooze?” she asked both of us.
“Sure, no problem,” Joanne told her, “but you might want to make sure that it’s dried out in the sleeping bag. We both came pretty hard, just before we were so rudely interrupted, and there might be a pool of juices in there.” Her tone wavered between being informative and of issuing a warning. “Oh, and no wearing your clothes if you crawl into the bag. I’m not going to bed tonight to find trail grit in my bed. If you use the sleeping bag, strip down to your bra and panties first.” Sarah gave my sister a strange look of incomprehension, then shrugged her shoulders a bit and made her way into the tent. It was a minute later that we heard her loud complaints.
“Geez, you guys! This sleeping bag’s got cum stains in it, and it’s soaking wet inside! I’ve got your juices smeared all over my panties!” Both of us had to giggle with the visualization of Sarah’s predicament. “Jo, have you got an extra pair of panties I can borrow? I can’t wear these ones home! My Mom would be asking what the hell I got on them, and I don’t think I want to have to explain that it’s you guy’s cum all over my . . . “ She left that part undefined, leaving me wondering just where on her panties she’d managed to get soaked with the still-wet mess we’d left behind.
“Yeah, I’ll dig you up a pair after you wake up” Joanne offered. Like me, my little sister had the same question as to the location on Sarah’s body the residue had collected. We smiled our curiosity to each other, then started to organize our campsite a bit better. Sarah would probably sleep for an hour or two, and we wanted to keep busy while she did. The activity would help keep our minds off of what we both really wanted to be doing, and with Sarah in the tent, that venue wasn’t going to be available. Somehow, we managed to find enough to occupy the better part of an hour, our desires being fanned by our inability to consummate our lust for each other. Finally, Joanne broke down and wrapped her arms around my neck when I least expected it.
“Jim, you have no idea how badly I want you right now. If the tent wasn’t occupied, I’d push you in there and ravish you until you filled my pussy with your cum! Damn that Sarah, anyway! Why’d she have to pick this weekend to be a fucking pest?” My sister’s frustration was obvious, and mine wasn’t much better hidden.
“Want to sneak off down that trail again, and find a secluded spot to make love?” I offered. “I spotted a small grassed clearing beside the lake’s edge that would be romantic as hell. It’s warm enough now that we should be fine, and we can lay on our clothes if it gets too cold.” I could see my sister wavering between accepting my suggestion and the impracticality of it. Her hormones finally won out, and we started off down the trail, while I tried to remember exactly where I’d seen that clearing. My memory wasn’t as bad as I feared, and when we finally found it, even Joanne was satisfied at its seclusion. I led the way in, moving off to one side so that we wouldn’t be visible from the trail. I found a place to sit, and Joanne joined me, curling up in my arms and pulling me to her lips with complete abandon. Her tongue sought my own, and I opened up to her without a moment’s hesitation.
As the heat of my sister’s loving washed over me, and her tongue explored every square inch of my mouth, I couldn’t resist running my hand up inside her shirt, cupping her breast and marvelling at the soft pliability of it, all while searching for her nipple through the fabric of her bra. Even as I touched her teat, it began to harden under my fingers, projecting itself from her areola a good quarter inch as it demanded as much of my attention as I could give it. Jo’s moan of pleasure further inspired me, and my other hand found its way to her back, softly luxuriating in the warm smoothness of her skin. As I held her tight, my sister increased the strength of her grip, and the pressure of her mouth on me, moaning and groaning in complete abandon at the rapture that she felt. I was her captive for several minutes, and every one of them felt like I had found a magic kingdom.
“Jim,” she murmured as she broke her lip-lock on me, “do you sometimes wish I had bigger boobs?” Whoa!
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